Dr. OMAR O JABAK | University of Applied Science and Technology (original) (raw)

Papers by Dr. OMAR O JABAK

Research paper thumbnail of مراجعة جمهورية الآداب العربية الإسلام والتنوير الأوروبي

"يستعرض المؤلف تاريخ الآداب والعلوم العربية الغني وتأثيرها الكبير على الحياة الفكرية في أوروبا اب... more "يستعرض المؤلف تاريخ الآداب والعلوم العربية الغني وتأثيرها الكبير على الحياة الفكرية في أوروبا ابتداءً من عصر النهضة وصولاً إلى عصر التنوير. ويركّز الكتاب بشكل خاص على كيفية نقل العلوم والآداب العربية إلى الغرب من خلال ترجمتها إلى اللاتينية وغيرها من اللغات الأوروبية، ويبرز دور المستشرقين الأوروبيين الذين عكفوا على جمع المخطوطات العربية ودراستها؛ مما ساعد على سد الفجوة بين الشرق والغرب، وساهم أيضًا في تنويع النماذج الفكرية الأوروبية وتطويرها. ويذكر المؤلف تطور الاهتمام في دراسة اللغة العربية في أوروبا مما أدى إلى إنشاء مراكز وكراسي للغة العربية في الجامعات الكبرى، وتأليف معاجم للغة العربية وكتب في قواعد اللغة العربية أيضًا."

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Errors Made by a Sample of Omani Students in Translating English News Headlines into Arabic

Canadian journal of language and literature studies, 2023

The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students ... more The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students in translating English news headlines into Arabic. The study employed one data collection tool which was a short translation test which included 15 English news headlines. The test was administered to 45 third-year students at the Department of Foreign Languages at University of Nizwa in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The examination of the data showed that the errors made by the students were mainly lexical and syntactic, abbreviations, cities and proper adjectives. The rationale for such errors was that the students were unfamiliar with journalistic vocabulary, syntax, abbreviations and transliteration of English cities and proper adjectives. As these errors proved to be serious, the researcher suggested carrying out some large-scale studies to confirm the findings of the study, challenge them or shed more light on other aspects of the topic of the present study.

Research paper thumbnail of On Your 18th Birthday

This is a short poem for my daughter's birthday

Research paper thumbnail of ثورة الذكاء الاصطناعي ونظرية المؤامرة

لا يمكن لعاقل أن يُنكر الفوائد العملية للثورة التكنولوجية وتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي الهائلة والمف... more لا يمكن لعاقل أن يُنكر الفوائد العملية للثورة التكنولوجية وتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي الهائلة والمفيدة في مختلف المجالات والميادين، إلا أننا يجب نكون حذرين من المحتوى الذي تقدمه بعض هذه التطبيقات والبرامج لأننا أصبحنا نستمد جلّ معلوماتنا من العالم الافتراضي وتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي، فهناك كمٌّ كبيرٌ من المحتوى الرقمي والمعلومات المتداولة يحتاج إلى الرقابة والتمحيص الدقيق لاحتوائه على مغالطات كثيرة لا تشوّه الحقائق فحسب، بل تحوّرها وتقلبها في بعض الأحيان رأسًا على عقب. ولا ندري ماذا يخبئ لنا مبرمجو الذكاء الاصطناعي من اختراعات وتطبيقات تهدد وجودنا على هذا الكوكب بعد أن أخذ بعضها بطرح برامج وتطبيقات تنتحل أي شخصية بالصوت والصورة يصعب تمييزها عن الشخصية الحقيقية تستخدم لأغراض الابتزاز المالي والأخلاقي، وقد اشتكى بعض المشاهير منها بعدما ظهرت فيديوهات مقلّدة لهم باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي! من خلال التجربة الشخصية مع نماذج مختلفة عن المحتوى المقدّم في العالم الافتراضي وتطبيقات التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة بالإضافة إلى روبوت "تشات جي بي تي" وبرامج انتحال الشخصية يمكنني القول إنّنا مقبلون على حقبة جديدة تنذر بكوارث لم تعهد البشرية مثيلاً لها!

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Errors Made by a Sample of Omani Students in Translating English News Headlines into Arabic

The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students ... more The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students in translating English news headlines into Arabic. The study employed one data collection tool which was a short translation test which included 15 English news headlines. The test was administered to 45 third-year students at the Department of Foreign Languages at University of Nizwa in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The examination of the data showed that the errors made by the students were mainly lexical and syntactic, abbreviations, cities and proper adjectives. The rationale for such errors was that the students were unfamiliar with journalistic vocabulary, syntax, abbreviations and transliteration of English cities and proper adjectives. As these errors proved to be serious, the researcher suggested carrying out some large-scale studies to confirm the findings of the study, challenge them or shed more light on other aspects of the topic of the present study.

Research paper thumbnail of التضخم الأكاديمي وحمّى الشهادات العليا

مجلة فكر العدد 39, 2023

شهدت السنوات العشر الأخيرة حُمّى من نوع آخر؛ ألا وهي حُمّى الشهادات العليا على وجه التحديد. ونتيج... more شهدت السنوات العشر الأخيرة حُمّى من نوع آخر؛ ألا وهي حُمّى الشهادات العليا على وجه التحديد. ونتيجة لذلك، أصبح التنافس على أشدّه ليس فقط بين "طالبي الشهادات العليا" وحسب، بل بين مؤسسات التعليم العالي العام والخاصّ، وقد لا نبالغ إذا قلنا على مستوى العالم أجمع! ما الذي حدث حتى أصبح القاصي والداني، المؤهّل وغير المؤهّل، الذكر والأنثى، الغني والفقير، الكبير والأصغر سنًا يسعى وراء التحصيل الأكاديمي العالي من شهادة ماجستير ودكتوراه؟

Research paper thumbnail of Fifty-1.PDF

1/4, 2023

A personal poem on becoming 50 years old.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrastive Analysis of Two English Translations of an Old Arabic Poem

Journal of Translation and Language Studies, 2023

The present study aimed to provide a contrastive analysis of two English translations of the famo... more The present study aimed to provide a contrastive analysis of two English translations of the famous Arabic poem known in English as "Let days do what they will" by Mohammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i. The two English translations were produced by two different translation scholars in the language pair Arabic and English. The analysis focused on how the translators dealt with the most important features of poetry when translating the Arabic poem into English. Such features included form, meaning, sound and imagery. The findings revealed some similarities and differences in both translations with reference to the above-mentioned features. It is recommended that more research be conducted on either Arabic-English translation of poetry or English-Arabic translation of poetry as this kind of research seems to be relatively scarce.

Research paper thumbnail of كيف نصور أنفسنا نحن العرب والمسلمين وكيف يصورنا العالم

لا بد أن نُقرّ بأنّ فهمنا لأنفسنا فهمًا صحيحًا يقود بالضرورة إلى تصوير أنفسنا للعالم الخارجي تصوي... more لا بد أن نُقرّ بأنّ فهمنا لأنفسنا فهمًا صحيحًا يقود بالضرورة إلى تصوير أنفسنا للعالم الخارجي تصويرًا صحيحًا أيضًا. والإنسان عبارة عن مجموعِ القيم والأفكار والتخيّلات التي يمتلكها، والتي يكتسبها من الوسط المحيط الذي يعيش فيه، ويتفاعل معه ويتأثر به ويؤثر به أيضًا.

Research paper thumbnail of الأخلاق كل لا يتجزأ

Research paper thumbnail of Proposed Taxonomy of Strategies for Translating English Proverbs into Arabic

Journal of Translation and Language Studies, 2022

The present study aimed to provide a proposed taxonomy of strategies for translating English prov... more The present study aimed to provide a proposed taxonomy of strategies for translating English proverbs into Arabic. The proposed taxonomy classified the strategies for the Arabic translation of English proverbs into five, depending on the form and meaning of proverbs and the availability of equivalent proverbs in Arabic. The strategies are an exact match between English and Arabic proverbs, a match except for key culture-specific and environment-specific words, a complete mismatch in form with intact meaning, equivalent lines of Arabic poetry to some English proverbs and literal translation with or without an explanation. The taxonomy was applied to a sample of English proverbs with their Arabic equivalents per the classification of translation strategies suggested in this study.

Research paper thumbnail of ترجمة قصيدة كريستوفر مارلو The Passionate Lover to His Love by Christopher Marlowe

This is an Arabic translation of Christopher Marlowe's famous poem "The Passionate Lover to His L... more This is an Arabic translation of Christopher Marlowe's famous poem "The Passionate Lover to His Lover".

Research paper thumbnail of The Difficulty of Translating Collocations from Arabic into English Encountered by a Sample of Arab Students

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016

The present study aimed at exploring the difficulty that was encountered by a sample of Saudi und... more The present study aimed at exploring the difficulty that was encountered by a sample of Saudi undergraduate students when they translated collocations from Arabic into English. The researchers attempted to identify the reasons behind such a difficulty and find practical solutions to this difficulty. They followed an experimental descriptive method in the study. They also designed a quiz on collocations and administered it to the students as part of the requirements of a course the students were taking at that time. The quiz was given to 50 Saudi undergraduate students at the Department of English at Teachers College of King Saud University in the second semester of the academic year 20015. The quiz consisted of 15 Arabic sentences which apparently included collocations. The research data and findings revealed that the majority of the students could not translate collocations correctly because they adopted literal translation, used bilingual dictionaries and had very little knowledge of the concept of collocations in both languages. To help Arab students overcome this enormous difficulty, the researchers offered some recommendations and suggestions at the end of their study.

Research paper thumbnail of Syntactic Translation Strategies for Retaining Parallelism in the Arabic Translation of Moby Dick

Issues in Language Studies, 2016

The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parall... more The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parallelism in the Arabic translation of the novel of “Moby Dick”. Analysis is conducted on two sets of data taken from the English novel “Moby Dick” written by Melville in 1851 and its Arabic translation ‘Mūbī Dīk’ by ʻAbbās (1980). This qualitative research is guided by Chesterman’s (1997) syntactic strategy model, and contrastive analysis (CA) is also performed. The contrastive analysis is carried out using a coding procedure based on themes and taxonomies in the acquired data constructed by the researchers. The result shows that, based on Chesterman’s (1997) model, the translator of the above-mentioned novel employed three strategies, namely, literal translation, clause structure change and transposition to maintain parallelism in the Arabic translation of the English novel.

Research paper thumbnail of How to Make the Most of the Mother Tongue in an English Language Class?

This research aims at identifying and analyzing the advantages of using the mother tongue of stud... more This research aims at identifying and analyzing the advantages of using the mother tongue of students who learn English as a second language. Despite the fact that many second language teachers are averse to using students' native language in an English class where English is learned and taught as a second language, there are some valuable advantages to the use of students first language in teaching English as a second language. Some of these advantages include the comparison of the linguistic systems of both student’s native language and English. Moreover, teachers can also draw on some culture-bound elements of English such as proverbs, idioms, collocations and metaphor which they can compare to their equivalent counterparts in students mother tongue. The researcher supplies some examples of these culture-specific items in both English and Arabic since the mother tongue of the students whom he has been teaching is Arabic. The researcher uses the introspective and retrospective research as well as qualitative research in the form of a questionnaire as the research methodology for this study because there is data taken from the courses and students the researcher has been teaching at the Department of English of Teachers College in King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, mainly Principles of Text-linguistics and Translation, Debate and Discussion (1, 2) and Reading (1,2,3) since 2009. The data is then analyzed qualitatively to suit the purposes of the study. The study arrived at some practical findings pertaining to the use of student’s native language in English classes. The researcher then wraps up the study with some recommendations for future research in this area or other areas related to this field.

Research paper thumbnail of No home, no rose

Research paper thumbnail of Addition With Reference to the Arabic Translation of "The Sniper"

The present study aimed to highlight addition as a translation strategy adopted by literary trans... more The present study aimed to highlight addition as a translation strategy adopted by literary translators. It also aimed to examine addition with reference to an Arabic translation of the short story "The Sniper" written by O'Flaherty (1923). The researchers adopted the translation-by-addition strategy proposed by Dickins et al (2017) as the theoretical framework for their study. They also conducted a contrastive analysis and developed a taxonomy of types of addition which were identified as per the analysis. The findings revealed that the Arabic translation exhibited numerous examples of addition some of which did not change the meaning, some slightly changed the meaning and others changed the meaning. Based on the findings, the researchers recommend that further research be done on addition as a translation strategy followed by literary and non-literary translators to confirm or challenge the findings of this study.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrastive Analysis of Arabic-English Translation of Legal Texts

The present study aims to provide a contrastive analysis of Arabic-English translation of ten leg... more The present study aims to provide a contrastive analysis of Arabic-English translation of ten legal texts with an eye to evaluating the accuracy of the translation. The researcher collected the data from El-Farahaty's (2015) Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation. A contrastive analysis was developed to assess the accuracy of the translation of the legal texts selected. The examination of the source legal texts and the translations provided either by the authoress of the book herself or the sources from which she collected them revealed serious errors such as overtranslation, omission of translating important words in the source texts, wrong choice of equivalents in the target language, gloss translation, punctuation mistakes in the target texts and grammatical mistakes in the target texts. Further research on the assessment of Arabic-English translation of legal texts is required to encourage professional legal translators and scholars to approach legal translation more professionally and responsibly.

Research paper thumbnail of Syntactic Translation Strategies for Retaining Parallelism in the Arabic Translation of Moby Dick 44 SYNTACTIC TRANSLATION STRATEGIES FOR RETAINING PARALLELISM IN THE ARABIC TRANSLATION OF MOBY DICK Syntactic Translation Strategies for Retaining Parallelism in the Arabic Translation of Moby Dick 45

The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parall... more The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parallelism in the Arabic translation of the novel of "Moby Dick". Analysis is conducted on two sets of data taken from the English novel "Moby Dick" written by Melville in 1851 and its Arabic translation 'Mūbī Dīk' by ʻAbbās (1980). This qualitative research is guided by Chesterman's (1997) syntactic strategy model, and contrastive analysis (CA) is also performed. The contrastive analysis is carried out using a coding procedure based on themes and taxonomies in the acquired data constructed by the researchers. The result shows that, based on Chesterman's (1997) model, the translator of the above-mentioned novel employed three strategies, namely, literal translation, clause structure change and transposition to maintain parallelism in the Arabic translation of the English novel.

Research paper thumbnail of إدارة الغضب للجميع عشر استراتيجيات مثبتة ومفيدة للسيطرة على الغضب والعيش بسعادة أكبر

مجلف فكرالثقافية, 2022

يقع الكتاب في 255 صفحة متوسطة الحجم، ويتألف من مقدمة وثلاثة عشر فصلاً، ويعالج موضوعًا مهمًا جدًا ... more يقع الكتاب في 255 صفحة متوسطة الحجم، ويتألف من مقدمة وثلاثة عشر فصلاً، ويعالج موضوعًا مهمًا جدًا لكل الناس على اختلاف ألسنتهم وألوانهم وانتمائهم وجنسهم وأعمارهم؛ هو الغضب وكيفية السيطرة عليه. ويستعرض المؤلفان قصصًا حقيقية لأناس يعانون من نوبات غضب شديدة لتوضيح بعض المفاهيم والأفكار المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع والإستراتيجيات المقترحة والتمارين الموصى بها للتغلّب على الغضب.

Research paper thumbnail of مراجعة جمهورية الآداب العربية الإسلام والتنوير الأوروبي

"يستعرض المؤلف تاريخ الآداب والعلوم العربية الغني وتأثيرها الكبير على الحياة الفكرية في أوروبا اب... more "يستعرض المؤلف تاريخ الآداب والعلوم العربية الغني وتأثيرها الكبير على الحياة الفكرية في أوروبا ابتداءً من عصر النهضة وصولاً إلى عصر التنوير. ويركّز الكتاب بشكل خاص على كيفية نقل العلوم والآداب العربية إلى الغرب من خلال ترجمتها إلى اللاتينية وغيرها من اللغات الأوروبية، ويبرز دور المستشرقين الأوروبيين الذين عكفوا على جمع المخطوطات العربية ودراستها؛ مما ساعد على سد الفجوة بين الشرق والغرب، وساهم أيضًا في تنويع النماذج الفكرية الأوروبية وتطويرها. ويذكر المؤلف تطور الاهتمام في دراسة اللغة العربية في أوروبا مما أدى إلى إنشاء مراكز وكراسي للغة العربية في الجامعات الكبرى، وتأليف معاجم للغة العربية وكتب في قواعد اللغة العربية أيضًا."

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Errors Made by a Sample of Omani Students in Translating English News Headlines into Arabic

Canadian journal of language and literature studies, 2023

The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students ... more The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students in translating English news headlines into Arabic. The study employed one data collection tool which was a short translation test which included 15 English news headlines. The test was administered to 45 third-year students at the Department of Foreign Languages at University of Nizwa in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The examination of the data showed that the errors made by the students were mainly lexical and syntactic, abbreviations, cities and proper adjectives. The rationale for such errors was that the students were unfamiliar with journalistic vocabulary, syntax, abbreviations and transliteration of English cities and proper adjectives. As these errors proved to be serious, the researcher suggested carrying out some large-scale studies to confirm the findings of the study, challenge them or shed more light on other aspects of the topic of the present study.

Research paper thumbnail of On Your 18th Birthday

This is a short poem for my daughter's birthday

Research paper thumbnail of ثورة الذكاء الاصطناعي ونظرية المؤامرة

لا يمكن لعاقل أن يُنكر الفوائد العملية للثورة التكنولوجية وتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي الهائلة والمف... more لا يمكن لعاقل أن يُنكر الفوائد العملية للثورة التكنولوجية وتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي الهائلة والمفيدة في مختلف المجالات والميادين، إلا أننا يجب نكون حذرين من المحتوى الذي تقدمه بعض هذه التطبيقات والبرامج لأننا أصبحنا نستمد جلّ معلوماتنا من العالم الافتراضي وتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي، فهناك كمٌّ كبيرٌ من المحتوى الرقمي والمعلومات المتداولة يحتاج إلى الرقابة والتمحيص الدقيق لاحتوائه على مغالطات كثيرة لا تشوّه الحقائق فحسب، بل تحوّرها وتقلبها في بعض الأحيان رأسًا على عقب. ولا ندري ماذا يخبئ لنا مبرمجو الذكاء الاصطناعي من اختراعات وتطبيقات تهدد وجودنا على هذا الكوكب بعد أن أخذ بعضها بطرح برامج وتطبيقات تنتحل أي شخصية بالصوت والصورة يصعب تمييزها عن الشخصية الحقيقية تستخدم لأغراض الابتزاز المالي والأخلاقي، وقد اشتكى بعض المشاهير منها بعدما ظهرت فيديوهات مقلّدة لهم باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي! من خلال التجربة الشخصية مع نماذج مختلفة عن المحتوى المقدّم في العالم الافتراضي وتطبيقات التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة بالإضافة إلى روبوت "تشات جي بي تي" وبرامج انتحال الشخصية يمكنني القول إنّنا مقبلون على حقبة جديدة تنذر بكوارث لم تعهد البشرية مثيلاً لها!

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Errors Made by a Sample of Omani Students in Translating English News Headlines into Arabic

The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students ... more The present study aimed at analyzing the errors made by a sample of Omani undergraduate students in translating English news headlines into Arabic. The study employed one data collection tool which was a short translation test which included 15 English news headlines. The test was administered to 45 third-year students at the Department of Foreign Languages at University of Nizwa in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The examination of the data showed that the errors made by the students were mainly lexical and syntactic, abbreviations, cities and proper adjectives. The rationale for such errors was that the students were unfamiliar with journalistic vocabulary, syntax, abbreviations and transliteration of English cities and proper adjectives. As these errors proved to be serious, the researcher suggested carrying out some large-scale studies to confirm the findings of the study, challenge them or shed more light on other aspects of the topic of the present study.

Research paper thumbnail of التضخم الأكاديمي وحمّى الشهادات العليا

مجلة فكر العدد 39, 2023

شهدت السنوات العشر الأخيرة حُمّى من نوع آخر؛ ألا وهي حُمّى الشهادات العليا على وجه التحديد. ونتيج... more شهدت السنوات العشر الأخيرة حُمّى من نوع آخر؛ ألا وهي حُمّى الشهادات العليا على وجه التحديد. ونتيجة لذلك، أصبح التنافس على أشدّه ليس فقط بين "طالبي الشهادات العليا" وحسب، بل بين مؤسسات التعليم العالي العام والخاصّ، وقد لا نبالغ إذا قلنا على مستوى العالم أجمع! ما الذي حدث حتى أصبح القاصي والداني، المؤهّل وغير المؤهّل، الذكر والأنثى، الغني والفقير، الكبير والأصغر سنًا يسعى وراء التحصيل الأكاديمي العالي من شهادة ماجستير ودكتوراه؟

Research paper thumbnail of Fifty-1.PDF

1/4, 2023

A personal poem on becoming 50 years old.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrastive Analysis of Two English Translations of an Old Arabic Poem

Journal of Translation and Language Studies, 2023

The present study aimed to provide a contrastive analysis of two English translations of the famo... more The present study aimed to provide a contrastive analysis of two English translations of the famous Arabic poem known in English as "Let days do what they will" by Mohammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i. The two English translations were produced by two different translation scholars in the language pair Arabic and English. The analysis focused on how the translators dealt with the most important features of poetry when translating the Arabic poem into English. Such features included form, meaning, sound and imagery. The findings revealed some similarities and differences in both translations with reference to the above-mentioned features. It is recommended that more research be conducted on either Arabic-English translation of poetry or English-Arabic translation of poetry as this kind of research seems to be relatively scarce.

Research paper thumbnail of كيف نصور أنفسنا نحن العرب والمسلمين وكيف يصورنا العالم

لا بد أن نُقرّ بأنّ فهمنا لأنفسنا فهمًا صحيحًا يقود بالضرورة إلى تصوير أنفسنا للعالم الخارجي تصوي... more لا بد أن نُقرّ بأنّ فهمنا لأنفسنا فهمًا صحيحًا يقود بالضرورة إلى تصوير أنفسنا للعالم الخارجي تصويرًا صحيحًا أيضًا. والإنسان عبارة عن مجموعِ القيم والأفكار والتخيّلات التي يمتلكها، والتي يكتسبها من الوسط المحيط الذي يعيش فيه، ويتفاعل معه ويتأثر به ويؤثر به أيضًا.

Research paper thumbnail of الأخلاق كل لا يتجزأ

Research paper thumbnail of Proposed Taxonomy of Strategies for Translating English Proverbs into Arabic

Journal of Translation and Language Studies, 2022

The present study aimed to provide a proposed taxonomy of strategies for translating English prov... more The present study aimed to provide a proposed taxonomy of strategies for translating English proverbs into Arabic. The proposed taxonomy classified the strategies for the Arabic translation of English proverbs into five, depending on the form and meaning of proverbs and the availability of equivalent proverbs in Arabic. The strategies are an exact match between English and Arabic proverbs, a match except for key culture-specific and environment-specific words, a complete mismatch in form with intact meaning, equivalent lines of Arabic poetry to some English proverbs and literal translation with or without an explanation. The taxonomy was applied to a sample of English proverbs with their Arabic equivalents per the classification of translation strategies suggested in this study.

Research paper thumbnail of ترجمة قصيدة كريستوفر مارلو The Passionate Lover to His Love by Christopher Marlowe

This is an Arabic translation of Christopher Marlowe's famous poem "The Passionate Lover to His L... more This is an Arabic translation of Christopher Marlowe's famous poem "The Passionate Lover to His Lover".

Research paper thumbnail of The Difficulty of Translating Collocations from Arabic into English Encountered by a Sample of Arab Students

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016

The present study aimed at exploring the difficulty that was encountered by a sample of Saudi und... more The present study aimed at exploring the difficulty that was encountered by a sample of Saudi undergraduate students when they translated collocations from Arabic into English. The researchers attempted to identify the reasons behind such a difficulty and find practical solutions to this difficulty. They followed an experimental descriptive method in the study. They also designed a quiz on collocations and administered it to the students as part of the requirements of a course the students were taking at that time. The quiz was given to 50 Saudi undergraduate students at the Department of English at Teachers College of King Saud University in the second semester of the academic year 20015. The quiz consisted of 15 Arabic sentences which apparently included collocations. The research data and findings revealed that the majority of the students could not translate collocations correctly because they adopted literal translation, used bilingual dictionaries and had very little knowledge of the concept of collocations in both languages. To help Arab students overcome this enormous difficulty, the researchers offered some recommendations and suggestions at the end of their study.

Research paper thumbnail of Syntactic Translation Strategies for Retaining Parallelism in the Arabic Translation of Moby Dick

Issues in Language Studies, 2016

The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parall... more The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parallelism in the Arabic translation of the novel of “Moby Dick”. Analysis is conducted on two sets of data taken from the English novel “Moby Dick” written by Melville in 1851 and its Arabic translation ‘Mūbī Dīk’ by ʻAbbās (1980). This qualitative research is guided by Chesterman’s (1997) syntactic strategy model, and contrastive analysis (CA) is also performed. The contrastive analysis is carried out using a coding procedure based on themes and taxonomies in the acquired data constructed by the researchers. The result shows that, based on Chesterman’s (1997) model, the translator of the above-mentioned novel employed three strategies, namely, literal translation, clause structure change and transposition to maintain parallelism in the Arabic translation of the English novel.

Research paper thumbnail of How to Make the Most of the Mother Tongue in an English Language Class?

This research aims at identifying and analyzing the advantages of using the mother tongue of stud... more This research aims at identifying and analyzing the advantages of using the mother tongue of students who learn English as a second language. Despite the fact that many second language teachers are averse to using students' native language in an English class where English is learned and taught as a second language, there are some valuable advantages to the use of students first language in teaching English as a second language. Some of these advantages include the comparison of the linguistic systems of both student’s native language and English. Moreover, teachers can also draw on some culture-bound elements of English such as proverbs, idioms, collocations and metaphor which they can compare to their equivalent counterparts in students mother tongue. The researcher supplies some examples of these culture-specific items in both English and Arabic since the mother tongue of the students whom he has been teaching is Arabic. The researcher uses the introspective and retrospective research as well as qualitative research in the form of a questionnaire as the research methodology for this study because there is data taken from the courses and students the researcher has been teaching at the Department of English of Teachers College in King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, mainly Principles of Text-linguistics and Translation, Debate and Discussion (1, 2) and Reading (1,2,3) since 2009. The data is then analyzed qualitatively to suit the purposes of the study. The study arrived at some practical findings pertaining to the use of student’s native language in English classes. The researcher then wraps up the study with some recommendations for future research in this area or other areas related to this field.

Research paper thumbnail of No home, no rose

Research paper thumbnail of Addition With Reference to the Arabic Translation of "The Sniper"

The present study aimed to highlight addition as a translation strategy adopted by literary trans... more The present study aimed to highlight addition as a translation strategy adopted by literary translators. It also aimed to examine addition with reference to an Arabic translation of the short story "The Sniper" written by O'Flaherty (1923). The researchers adopted the translation-by-addition strategy proposed by Dickins et al (2017) as the theoretical framework for their study. They also conducted a contrastive analysis and developed a taxonomy of types of addition which were identified as per the analysis. The findings revealed that the Arabic translation exhibited numerous examples of addition some of which did not change the meaning, some slightly changed the meaning and others changed the meaning. Based on the findings, the researchers recommend that further research be done on addition as a translation strategy followed by literary and non-literary translators to confirm or challenge the findings of this study.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrastive Analysis of Arabic-English Translation of Legal Texts

The present study aims to provide a contrastive analysis of Arabic-English translation of ten leg... more The present study aims to provide a contrastive analysis of Arabic-English translation of ten legal texts with an eye to evaluating the accuracy of the translation. The researcher collected the data from El-Farahaty's (2015) Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation. A contrastive analysis was developed to assess the accuracy of the translation of the legal texts selected. The examination of the source legal texts and the translations provided either by the authoress of the book herself or the sources from which she collected them revealed serious errors such as overtranslation, omission of translating important words in the source texts, wrong choice of equivalents in the target language, gloss translation, punctuation mistakes in the target texts and grammatical mistakes in the target texts. Further research on the assessment of Arabic-English translation of legal texts is required to encourage professional legal translators and scholars to approach legal translation more professionally and responsibly.

Research paper thumbnail of Syntactic Translation Strategies for Retaining Parallelism in the Arabic Translation of Moby Dick 44 SYNTACTIC TRANSLATION STRATEGIES FOR RETAINING PARALLELISM IN THE ARABIC TRANSLATION OF MOBY DICK Syntactic Translation Strategies for Retaining Parallelism in the Arabic Translation of Moby Dick 45

The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parall... more The present study examines strategies for translating parallelism and factors in retaining parallelism in the Arabic translation of the novel of "Moby Dick". Analysis is conducted on two sets of data taken from the English novel "Moby Dick" written by Melville in 1851 and its Arabic translation 'Mūbī Dīk' by ʻAbbās (1980). This qualitative research is guided by Chesterman's (1997) syntactic strategy model, and contrastive analysis (CA) is also performed. The contrastive analysis is carried out using a coding procedure based on themes and taxonomies in the acquired data constructed by the researchers. The result shows that, based on Chesterman's (1997) model, the translator of the above-mentioned novel employed three strategies, namely, literal translation, clause structure change and transposition to maintain parallelism in the Arabic translation of the English novel.

Research paper thumbnail of إدارة الغضب للجميع عشر استراتيجيات مثبتة ومفيدة للسيطرة على الغضب والعيش بسعادة أكبر

مجلف فكرالثقافية, 2022

يقع الكتاب في 255 صفحة متوسطة الحجم، ويتألف من مقدمة وثلاثة عشر فصلاً، ويعالج موضوعًا مهمًا جدًا ... more يقع الكتاب في 255 صفحة متوسطة الحجم، ويتألف من مقدمة وثلاثة عشر فصلاً، ويعالج موضوعًا مهمًا جدًا لكل الناس على اختلاف ألسنتهم وألوانهم وانتمائهم وجنسهم وأعمارهم؛ هو الغضب وكيفية السيطرة عليه. ويستعرض المؤلفان قصصًا حقيقية لأناس يعانون من نوبات غضب شديدة لتوضيح بعض المفاهيم والأفكار المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع والإستراتيجيات المقترحة والتمارين الموصى بها للتغلّب على الغضب.

Research paper thumbnail of English-Arabic Idioms Dictionary 2 nd Edition 2024

Second Edition , 2024

This short dictionary which includes the basic idioms learners need to communicate in English eff... more This short dictionary which includes the basic idioms learners need to communicate in English effectively is but a little contribution and is, in no way, a substitute for a monolingual idioms dictionary. As such, its target readership is students specializing in English at Arab universities and other English learners who try to improve their conversation skills. As everyone may be aware, idioms should be treated differently from other vocabulary items because their meaning does not depend on the meaning of their individual words. Accordingly, both students and other English learners are advised to memorize them literally and use them as appropriately as possible. The appendices at the end of the dictionary provide English learners with some other cultural aspects of English such as idiomatic comparisons, sounds mad by objects, animal cries and typical groups, idioms with proper nouns and two-word verbs which can hardly be found in one reference.

Research paper thumbnail of ترجمة عربية لمسرحية موت بائع متجول

This is an Arabic translation of Arthur Miller's play "Death of a Salesman".

Research paper thumbnail of الأمثال السورية الشعبية

تمثّل الأمثال والحكم مخزوناً ثقافياً ثريّاً يجسّد أفكار الشعوب ومعتقداتها التي تشمل مختلف نواحي ا... more تمثّل الأمثال والحكم مخزوناً ثقافياً ثريّاً يجسّد أفكار الشعوب ومعتقداتها التي تشمل مختلف نواحي الحياة. وهناك نوعان من الأمثال في اللغة العربية: أمثال عربية فصيحة تتنوّع مصادرها (بعضها جاء من القرآن الكريم وبعضها من الأحاديث النبوية الموروثة وبعضها من الشعر العربي القديم وبعضها الآخر متوارث) وأمثال شعبية عامّيّة تنفرد بهل كل دولة عربية أو منطقة عربية عن غيرها من الدول والمناطق العربية الأخرى، ومتداولة باللغة العربية العامّيّة وقد تنتشر بلهجات عامّيّة مختلفة أيضاً. هذا النوع من الحكم والأمثال والأقوال الشعبية المأثورة يعدّ إرثاً محكياً، وقد يندر توثيقه في الكتب؛ لأّن الكتب بمفهومها العامّ مكتوبة بلغة فصيحة وليست عامّيّة؛ لذلك ارتأيتُ جمع هذه الأمثال الشعبية في كتاب تفادياً لضياعها فكما نعلم "كلّ علم ليس في قرطاس ضاع".

Research paper thumbnail of ترجمة عربية لمسرحية دوقة مالفي

ترجمة عربية لمسرحية "جوقة مالفي" الشهيرة.

Research paper thumbnail of مسرحيات من طيبة اليونانية

ترجمة عربية لمسرحيات من طيبة اليونانية, 2018

ترجمة عربية لمأساة الملك أوديب قي الثلاثية المشهورة "مسرحيات من طيبة اليونانية".

Research paper thumbnail of مائة خطأ وخطأ في الترجمة واستخدام اللغة الإنجليزية One Hundred and One Errors in Translation and English Usage

First Edition , 2022

The booklet is a collection of the most common errors in translation and English usage. The erro... more The booklet is a collection of the most common errors in translation and English usage. The errors have been collected from Arab students' oral and written performance.

Research paper thumbnail of ترجمة عربية لمسرحية الدكتور فوستوس

الدكتور فوستوس, 2007

ترجمة عربية لمأساة الدكتور فوستوس

Research paper thumbnail of كيف تكون باحثاً: دليل إستراتيجي للنجاح الأكاديمي

King Saud University Press, 2020

ترجمة عربية محكمة علمياً لكتاب How to be a researcher: A strategic guide for academic success by ... more ترجمة عربية محكمة علمياً لكتاب
How to be a researcher: A strategic guide for academic success by Jonathan Evans

Research paper thumbnail of كتاب ألف باء الترجمة - نسخة إلكترونية

ألف باء الترجمة, 2020

كتاب ألف باء الترجمة حقيبة تدريبية للترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة الإنجليزية وبالعكس. يعرض ال... more كتاب ألف باء الترجمة حقيبة تدريبية للترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة الإنجليزية وبالعكس. يعرض الكتاب قواعد الترجمة من اللغة الإنجليزية إلى اللغة العربية بطريقة مبسّطة تناسب طلاب الترجمة ومتعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية. ويسلّط الكتاب الضوء على بعض أخطاء الترجمة بين اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية، و يقدّم نماذج عن الترجمة العامة والترجمة شبه التخصصية والترجمة التخصصية في اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.
وهناك مجموعة كبيرة من الأفعال الاصطلاحية في اللغة الإنجليزية مترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، مع أمثلة تظهر كيفية استخدامها في السياقات الاصطلاحية. وهناك مجموعة كبيرة ايضاً من الحِكم والأمثال مترجمة من اللغة الإنجليزية إلى اللغة العربية بالإضافة إلى ملحقات في نهاية الكتاب قلّ وجودها في كتب تعليم الترجمة. وهناك المزيد والمزيد مما هو ممتع ومفيد.

Research paper thumbnail of كتاب ألف مثل ومثل إنجليزي مترجم إلى اللغة العربية

One Thousand and One English Proverbs Translated into Arabic, 2020

This is a compilation of the most common proverbs in English translated into Arabic.

Research paper thumbnail of مسرحية يهودي مالطا مترجمة إلى اللغة العربية

هذه ترجمة عربية لمسرحية يهودي مالطا للمسرحي البريطاني كرستوفر مارلو

Research paper thumbnail of Translation Difficulties

Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012

The present study aims at identifying and analyzing the most common problems which face Arab stud... more The present study aims at identifying and analyzing the most common problems which face Arab students when they translate from their native language into English. Most Arab students who specialize in English find translation from Arabic into English much more difficult than translation from English into Arabic because they are more familiar with the various linguistic and cultural aspects of their mother tongue than those of a foreign language.

Research paper thumbnail of Blessings in Disguise

Lulu, 2022

A collection of poems

Research paper thumbnail of كيف تتحدث ليستمع إليك أطفالك العدد

كيف تتحدّث ليستمع إليك أطفالك، وكيف تستمع ليتحدّث إليك أطفالك, 2024

يعدّ كتاب "كيف تتحدّث ليستمع إليك أطفالك، وكيف تستمع ليتحدّث إليك أطفالك" دليلاً إرشاديًا مختصرًا... more يعدّ كتاب "كيف تتحدّث ليستمع إليك أطفالك، وكيف تستمع ليتحدّث إليك أطفالك" دليلاً إرشاديًا مختصرًا للوالدين في كيفية التعامل مع أطفالهم من خلال الحديث معهم والاستماع إليهم. يقدّم الكتاب عشرة نصائح سهلة وعملية تجعل الحديث مع الأطفال والاستماع إليهم ممتعًا ومثمرًا في آن واحد

Research paper thumbnail of مجلة فكر الثقافية - مراجعة كتاب «نداء الشجاعة»

مجلة الفكر, 2023

هذا الكتاب واحد من أربعة كتب في هذه السلسلة تتحدّث عن فضائل أتْباع المدرسة الرواقية “stoicism” ال... more هذا الكتاب واحد من أربعة كتب في هذه السلسلة تتحدّث عن فضائل أتْباع المدرسة الرواقية “stoicism” المتمثلة في الشجاعة والعفّة والعدل والحكمة. وتعدّ الشجاعة في مقدمة هذه الفضائل لأهميتها بالنسبة للثلاثة الأخرى؛ فبدونها تغدو الفضائل الأخرى غير ممكنة ومستحيلة. فما هي الشجاعة التي يعنيها المؤلف في كتابه هذا؟

Research paper thumbnail of ضد الانتخابات: دفاعاً عن الديمقراطية

Fikr, 2020

" تتطرق هذه المراجعة إلى منهج المؤلف الجديد في حلّ أزمة تمثيل الشعوب. لقد كتب ديفيد فان ريبروك، ا... more " تتطرق هذه المراجعة إلى منهج المؤلف الجديد في حلّ أزمة تمثيل الشعوب. لقد كتب ديفيد فان ريبروك، المفكّر البلجيكي، تاريخًا رائعًا لجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية. ويكرر في أحدث كتاب له بعنوان "ضدّ الانتخابات: دفاعًا عن الديمقراطية" بعضًا من أفكار "مير" المتعلقة بضعف الروابط بين الأحزاب والناخبين. والحل من وجهة نظره هو بالرجوع إلى الاختيار بالقرعة؛ بمعنى اختيار المسؤولين من خلال سحب القُرعة. ولا يعتقد ريبروك أنّ المشكلة في الديمقراطية بقدر ماهي في "ديمقراطية التمثيل الانتخابي" و "المتعصبين الانتخابيين".

Research paper thumbnail of حواري مع مجلة إشراقة عن الترجمة ودورها

العرب مطالبون بترجمة الأعمال الأدبية والعلمية العربية إلى اللغات الحيّة هناك قصور لدى دور النشر ا... more العرب مطالبون بترجمة الأعمال الأدبية والعلمية العربية إلى اللغات الحيّة هناك قصور لدى دور النشر الخاصّة في تنويع مشاريع الترجمة الجانب المادي هو أكبر عائق يواجه مشاريع الترجمة

Research paper thumbnail of حوار مع مجلة إشراقة -جامعة نزوى

مجلة إشراقة, 2022

العرب مطالبون بترجمة الأعمال الأدبية والعلمية العربية إلى اللغات الحيّة هناك قصور لدى دور النشر ... more العرب مطالبون بترجمة الأعمال الأدبية والعلمية العربية إلى اللغات الحيّة

هناك قصور لدى دور النشر الخاصّة في تنويع مشاريع الترجمة

الجانب المادي هو أكبر عائق يواجه مشاريع الترجمة

Research paper thumbnail of When Time Freezes

Research paper thumbnail of Difficulties in learning present tenses: The case of the University of Nizwa Foundation Students

The present study aimed to investigate the difficulty in learning present tenses encountered by a... more The present study aimed to investigate the difficulty in learning present tenses encountered by a sample of Omani foundation students and the possible reasons for this difficulty. The present study employed one data collection tool which was a short test on the present tenses given to a random sample of 20 Omani foundation female students at the Foundation Institute of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nizwa in the first semester of the academic year 2021. The students made errors of misformation, misordering, omission and addition. As this difficulty proved to be serious, the researcher suggested carrying out some large-scale studies at other Omani and Arab universities to either confirm its findings or add other insights into the aspects of the present tense in the English language.

Research paper thumbnail of Syria Reborn

Poetrysoup.com , 2024

This poem is about the liberation of Syria from the murderous regime, Assad's diabolical regime, ... more This poem is about the liberation of Syria from the murderous regime, Assad's diabolical regime, which took place on 8/12/2024. https://www.poetrysoup.com/poem/syria_reborn_1692567

Research paper thumbnail of Me and a Tomcat

This is my latest poem on my wonderful experience with a tomcat that I saw outside my office and ... more This is my latest poem on my wonderful experience with a tomcat that I saw outside my office and then became close ....