Tasin GEMIL | Babes-Bolyai University (original) (raw)
Books by Tasin GEMIL
Un Tatar din Romania, 2024
The title in English : 'A Tatar from Romania'. With the subtitle 'Memories, confessions, testimo... more The title in English : 'A Tatar from Romania'. With the subtitle 'Memories, confessions, testimonies, evaluations of a historian, former deputy, and ambassador', the volume, an engaging and well-documented study about Tatars, is a condensed version the earlier work "On the Roads of History" from 2019. Reduced from almost 1200 pages to 558, this new edition omits certain sections while adding new subchapters and updating the narrative with recent events and revised interpretations. The book has been well-received by both Tatar and Romanian readers, who find it captivating and akin to a literary work. Despite initial doubts and the high costs associated with a new edition, the support from his hometown's cultural association and local government encouraged Tasin Gemil to proceed, resulting in a significant interest and distribution, both domestically and internationally.
TĂTARII ÎN ISTORIOGRAFIA UNIVERSALĂ/The Tatars in World Historiography, 2023
Ilustrație coperta I: Coroana imperială a hanilor tătari (tadj), păstrată în Turnul Süyüm Bike di... more Ilustrație coperta I: Coroana imperială a hanilor tătari (tadj), păstrată în Turnul Süyüm Bike din Kazan (reconstituire) /The Imperial Crown of the Tatar Khans (tadj), preserved in the Süyüm Bike Tower in Kazan (reconstitution) (Photo: Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie, Tom 5, nr. 4, Kazan, 2017). Ilustrație coperta II: Coroana imperială a țarilor ruși (Kazanskaja shapka),
Tătarii. Relații cu otomani și români. 2nd edition, 2022
The print run for the present volume was relatively small, which would possibly explain its rapid... more The print run for the present volume was relatively small, which would possibly explain its rapid disappearance from the shelves of the few libraries nationwide that had agreed to hold it. Now, clamour is rising for its reprint. As could be expected, the greatest demand was then and continues to come from Dobrogea, primarily from Constanța and Medgidia, where the majority of Tatars in Romania are located. It is
extremely gratifying that the Dobrogean Tatars are paying attention to their own national history. Moreover, the work has also elicited interest in other areas of Romania outside the established Tatar homelands, including from highly prestigious academic institutions. The volume was also very well received abroad – not only in Crimea, the Republic of Tatarstan and in Turkey, but also in Western countries where the
‘Tatar Question’ is beginning to concern ever wider circles: not merely historians, sociologists, political scientists etc. but also a public ever eager to discover the truth laying beyond cliché and subjective opinion.
Relațiile româno-turce în perioada modernă / Romanian-Turkish connections in modern times, 2022
The papers included in this book are the result of the scientific research of established or aspi... more The papers included in this book are the result of the scientific
research of established or aspiring historians from prestigious academic
centres in Cluj‐Napoca and Bucharest. The papers were presented at the
“Research on the Romanian‐Turkish Relations Between 1878‐2018”
Conference organised on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of
diplomatic relations between the two states. The Conference was held
on September 25th, 2018 at the Bucharest offices of the Institute of
Advanced Studies for Levant Culture and Civilisation (ISACCL), in
cooperation with the Institute of Turkology at the Babeș‐Bolyai
University of Cluj‐Napoca, with the support of the Turkish Embassy in
Romania and the Bucharest branch of the Turkish Agency for
Cooperation and Coordination (TIKA).
Although prepared for an anniversary conference, these papers
make for sound scientific inquiry and match the professional prestige of
their authors. They contribute with new information and novel views to
enable a better understanding of the history of Romanian‐Turkish
relations during the period of reference.
Tătarii. Relații cu otomani și români, 2021
This volume constitutes an important step on the long and extremely difficult road towards elabor... more This volume constitutes an important step on the long and extremely difficult road towards elaborating a real history of the Tatars. It consists of papers presented or published, throughout the years, in various scientific and cultural publications or at prestigious scientific reunions; most were given in Romanian, others in Turkish, English or French. A few will be included in two languages, depending on their significance and the breadth of the topic under discussion: some in Romanian and English, others in Romanian and Turkish. All included works were revised and updated to take into account the most recent scientific discoveries occurring in the field; many were rewritten in their entirety and thus markedly differ from their original publication, constituting, in effect, new scientific treatises altogether, consistent with contemporary academic requirements regarding documentation and scientific evaluation.
Pe drumurile istoriei, 2019
"This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular... more "This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular genre of writing. The memories are the apanage of individual recollection, whereas the stories pertain to the collective memory. Consequently, there ensues the preconception that reconstituting the frescoes of the past with the craftsmanship of the
historian is superior to the narration of certain episodes lived.[...] Tasin Gemil reveals himself here as a historian, researcher, professor, participant in the political life, diplomat, institutional leader, coordinator, etc., but His Excellency remains first and foremost a Man amongst men, participant in the creation and writing of the contemporary Romanian history." Ioan-Aurel Pop
Pe drumurile istoriei, 2019
"This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular... more "This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular genre of writing. The memories are the apanage of individual recollection, whereas the stories pertain to the collective memory. Consequently, there ensues the preconception that reconstituting the frescoes of the past with the craftsmanship of the historian is superior to the narration of certain episodes lived.[...] Tasin Gemil reveals himself here as a historian, researcher, professor, participant in the political life, diplomat, institutional leader, coordinator, etc., but His Excellency remains first and foremost a Man amongst men, participant in the creation and writing of the contemporary Romanian history." Ioan-Aurel Pop
Prezentu] volum cuprinde 236 de documente turcesti inedite, culese din arhivele de la Istanbul, B... more Prezentu] volum cuprinde 236 de documente turcesti inedite, culese din arhivele de la Istanbul, Budapesta, Istoricii ncstri din toate timpurile au fost constienti de valoarea deosebita a vechilor izvoare documentare turcesti pentru cunoasterea terneinica a trecutului rornanesc, in primul rind in raport cu fenomenul otoman*. Dar in afar a unor contributii sporadice 1, istoriografia noastra a fast, practic, lips ita multa vreme de mijloacele de utilizare a bogatelor si pretioaselor fonduri de documente si manuscrise pastrate atit in arhive~i biblioteci din tara, cit si in cele de peste hotare, mai eu seama in Turcia.
Index ISBN 978-973-45-0577-7 94(498:560)''13/15''
Editor by Tasin GEMIL
Studia et Documenta Turcologica, 2018
Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World The issue of our journal “Studia et Documenta Turcol... more Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World
The issue of our journal “Studia et Documenta Turcologica” is a special edition, thematically inscribed in the area of interests of the Institute of Turkology of Babeş-Bolyai University. This was also the rationale behind
including two issues in this volume, namely no. 5 and 6/2017–2018.
As one could notice, this volume is thematically and structurally no different from the previous issues of our publication. The only difference is that the number of pages is higher and that the volume was prepared by our colleague, Prof.Dr. Stoica Lascu, of the Ovidius University in Constanța, already known for his research in this field (see Contemporary Research in Turkology and Eurasian Studies. A Festschrift
in Honor of Professor Tasin Gemil on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, eds. Stoica Lascu and Melek Fetisleam, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 2013).
Studia et Documenta Turcologica, 2018
Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World This collection is an important addition to our schol... more Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World
This collection is an important addition to our scholarly literature. The editor, Dr. Stoica Lascu, invited several scholars from various countries and disciplines, who offered his well-documented and original research on topics related mostly to Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Eastern Europe. The emphasis is on focal topics concerning the history and culture of those areas, often throwing light on contemporary issues.
Practically all the papers respond to lacunae in our knowledge, achieving this successfully. I have no doubt that this volume will be read with curiosity and interest by both experts and general readers and I congratulate the editor and contributors.
We owe all of them a debt of gratitude.
Jacob M. LANDAU,
Professor Emeritus
The Hebrew University
Jerusalem, Israel
Un Tatar din Romania, 2024
The title in English : 'A Tatar from Romania'. With the subtitle 'Memories, confessions, testimo... more The title in English : 'A Tatar from Romania'. With the subtitle 'Memories, confessions, testimonies, evaluations of a historian, former deputy, and ambassador', the volume, an engaging and well-documented study about Tatars, is a condensed version the earlier work "On the Roads of History" from 2019. Reduced from almost 1200 pages to 558, this new edition omits certain sections while adding new subchapters and updating the narrative with recent events and revised interpretations. The book has been well-received by both Tatar and Romanian readers, who find it captivating and akin to a literary work. Despite initial doubts and the high costs associated with a new edition, the support from his hometown's cultural association and local government encouraged Tasin Gemil to proceed, resulting in a significant interest and distribution, both domestically and internationally.
TĂTARII ÎN ISTORIOGRAFIA UNIVERSALĂ/The Tatars in World Historiography, 2023
Ilustrație coperta I: Coroana imperială a hanilor tătari (tadj), păstrată în Turnul Süyüm Bike di... more Ilustrație coperta I: Coroana imperială a hanilor tătari (tadj), păstrată în Turnul Süyüm Bike din Kazan (reconstituire) /The Imperial Crown of the Tatar Khans (tadj), preserved in the Süyüm Bike Tower in Kazan (reconstitution) (Photo: Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie, Tom 5, nr. 4, Kazan, 2017). Ilustrație coperta II: Coroana imperială a țarilor ruși (Kazanskaja shapka),
Tătarii. Relații cu otomani și români. 2nd edition, 2022
The print run for the present volume was relatively small, which would possibly explain its rapid... more The print run for the present volume was relatively small, which would possibly explain its rapid disappearance from the shelves of the few libraries nationwide that had agreed to hold it. Now, clamour is rising for its reprint. As could be expected, the greatest demand was then and continues to come from Dobrogea, primarily from Constanța and Medgidia, where the majority of Tatars in Romania are located. It is
extremely gratifying that the Dobrogean Tatars are paying attention to their own national history. Moreover, the work has also elicited interest in other areas of Romania outside the established Tatar homelands, including from highly prestigious academic institutions. The volume was also very well received abroad – not only in Crimea, the Republic of Tatarstan and in Turkey, but also in Western countries where the
‘Tatar Question’ is beginning to concern ever wider circles: not merely historians, sociologists, political scientists etc. but also a public ever eager to discover the truth laying beyond cliché and subjective opinion.
Relațiile româno-turce în perioada modernă / Romanian-Turkish connections in modern times, 2022
The papers included in this book are the result of the scientific research of established or aspi... more The papers included in this book are the result of the scientific
research of established or aspiring historians from prestigious academic
centres in Cluj‐Napoca and Bucharest. The papers were presented at the
“Research on the Romanian‐Turkish Relations Between 1878‐2018”
Conference organised on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of
diplomatic relations between the two states. The Conference was held
on September 25th, 2018 at the Bucharest offices of the Institute of
Advanced Studies for Levant Culture and Civilisation (ISACCL), in
cooperation with the Institute of Turkology at the Babeș‐Bolyai
University of Cluj‐Napoca, with the support of the Turkish Embassy in
Romania and the Bucharest branch of the Turkish Agency for
Cooperation and Coordination (TIKA).
Although prepared for an anniversary conference, these papers
make for sound scientific inquiry and match the professional prestige of
their authors. They contribute with new information and novel views to
enable a better understanding of the history of Romanian‐Turkish
relations during the period of reference.
Tătarii. Relații cu otomani și români, 2021
This volume constitutes an important step on the long and extremely difficult road towards elabor... more This volume constitutes an important step on the long and extremely difficult road towards elaborating a real history of the Tatars. It consists of papers presented or published, throughout the years, in various scientific and cultural publications or at prestigious scientific reunions; most were given in Romanian, others in Turkish, English or French. A few will be included in two languages, depending on their significance and the breadth of the topic under discussion: some in Romanian and English, others in Romanian and Turkish. All included works were revised and updated to take into account the most recent scientific discoveries occurring in the field; many were rewritten in their entirety and thus markedly differ from their original publication, constituting, in effect, new scientific treatises altogether, consistent with contemporary academic requirements regarding documentation and scientific evaluation.
Pe drumurile istoriei, 2019
"This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular... more "This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular genre of writing. The memories are the apanage of individual recollection, whereas the stories pertain to the collective memory. Consequently, there ensues the preconception that reconstituting the frescoes of the past with the craftsmanship of the
historian is superior to the narration of certain episodes lived.[...] Tasin Gemil reveals himself here as a historian, researcher, professor, participant in the political life, diplomat, institutional leader, coordinator, etc., but His Excellency remains first and foremost a Man amongst men, participant in the creation and writing of the contemporary Romanian history." Ioan-Aurel Pop
Pe drumurile istoriei, 2019
"This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular... more "This book – full of savour and hence fascinating – hardly meets the requirements of a particular genre of writing. The memories are the apanage of individual recollection, whereas the stories pertain to the collective memory. Consequently, there ensues the preconception that reconstituting the frescoes of the past with the craftsmanship of the historian is superior to the narration of certain episodes lived.[...] Tasin Gemil reveals himself here as a historian, researcher, professor, participant in the political life, diplomat, institutional leader, coordinator, etc., but His Excellency remains first and foremost a Man amongst men, participant in the creation and writing of the contemporary Romanian history." Ioan-Aurel Pop
Prezentu] volum cuprinde 236 de documente turcesti inedite, culese din arhivele de la Istanbul, B... more Prezentu] volum cuprinde 236 de documente turcesti inedite, culese din arhivele de la Istanbul, Budapesta, Istoricii ncstri din toate timpurile au fost constienti de valoarea deosebita a vechilor izvoare documentare turcesti pentru cunoasterea terneinica a trecutului rornanesc, in primul rind in raport cu fenomenul otoman*. Dar in afar a unor contributii sporadice 1, istoriografia noastra a fast, practic, lips ita multa vreme de mijloacele de utilizare a bogatelor si pretioaselor fonduri de documente si manuscrise pastrate atit in arhive~i biblioteci din tara, cit si in cele de peste hotare, mai eu seama in Turcia.
Index ISBN 978-973-45-0577-7 94(498:560)''13/15''
Studia et Documenta Turcologica, 2018
Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World The issue of our journal “Studia et Documenta Turcol... more Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World
The issue of our journal “Studia et Documenta Turcologica” is a special edition, thematically inscribed in the area of interests of the Institute of Turkology of Babeş-Bolyai University. This was also the rationale behind
including two issues in this volume, namely no. 5 and 6/2017–2018.
As one could notice, this volume is thematically and structurally no different from the previous issues of our publication. The only difference is that the number of pages is higher and that the volume was prepared by our colleague, Prof.Dr. Stoica Lascu, of the Ovidius University in Constanța, already known for his research in this field (see Contemporary Research in Turkology and Eurasian Studies. A Festschrift
in Honor of Professor Tasin Gemil on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, eds. Stoica Lascu and Melek Fetisleam, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 2013).
Studia et Documenta Turcologica, 2018
Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World This collection is an important addition to our schol... more Special Issue. Research on the Turkic World
This collection is an important addition to our scholarly literature. The editor, Dr. Stoica Lascu, invited several scholars from various countries and disciplines, who offered his well-documented and original research on topics related mostly to Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Eastern Europe. The emphasis is on focal topics concerning the history and culture of those areas, often throwing light on contemporary issues.
Practically all the papers respond to lacunae in our knowledge, achieving this successfully. I have no doubt that this volume will be read with curiosity and interest by both experts and general readers and I congratulate the editor and contributors.
We owe all of them a debt of gratitude.
Jacob M. LANDAU,
Professor Emeritus
The Hebrew University
Jerusalem, Israel
Formulările şi prezentarea materialului nu reprezintă întotdeauna poziția Editurii Top Form.
Erdem (Ankara), 1986
Bu bildiri V. Uluslararası Türkoloji Kongresi (İstanbul, Eylül 1985) için hazırlanmıştı. Fakat, m... more Bu bildiri V. Uluslararası Türkoloji Kongresi (İstanbul, Eylül 1985) için hazırlanmıştı. Fakat, müellifin K ongre'ye gelemediğinden dolayı, tebliğ okun mamıştır.
The American Historical Review, Feb 1, 1981
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 1986
Bu bildiri V. Uluslararası Türkoloji Kongresi (İstanbul, Eylül 1985) için hazırlanmıştı. Fakat, m... more Bu bildiri V. Uluslararası Türkoloji Kongresi (İstanbul, Eylül 1985) için hazırlanmıştı. Fakat, müellifin K ongre'ye gelemediğinden dolayı, tebliğ okun mamıştır.
The Russian (including Soviet) historiography has been trying for a long time to eliminate the “T... more The Russian (including Soviet) historiography has been trying for a long time to eliminate the “Tatars” from Russian history. In fact, the Russian historians are unwilling to admit that the Tatars and the states they had formed dominated Russia for almost 300 years (13th-15th centuries). Moreover, nationalist Russian historians deny the real and significant contribution of the Tatars in the formation and development of the Russian state centred on the Grand Duchy of Moscow. For hundreds of years – and still today – Russia has been propagating a negative image of the Tatars with the subsequent aim of justifying the systemic invasion of the territories that once belonged to the Tatars.
The chief preoccupation of the Russian historiography is related to the imperial legitimacy, a highly relevant issue for Russia. The Russian rulers have adopted the tile of ‘tsar’ (emperor) in 1547, when Ivan the Terrible ascended to the Muscovite throne. The Russian politics focused on the conquest and destruction of the Tatar states, first the Tatar khanate of Kazan in 1552, then the other Tatars khanates (Astrakhan, Kasim, Siberia, Nogay, and, eventually, Crimea). These politics were dictated by the wish of the self-proclaimed Russian emperor to legitimize his new position in the world and in history. The only imperial justification that the Russian tsars could make was with the inheritance of the great empire of the Golden Horde (1242-1502). To this view, the Russian tsars prioritised the conquest of the abovementioned Tatar states that remained of the Golden Horde so as to present themselves as the upholders of this empire. The Russian tsars appropriated imperial titles and symbols of the Golden Horde, being constantly preoccupied with the recognition of their imperial power by the whole world. Thus, the Eurasia project was put into practice, designed precisely on the immense area once belonging to the Golden Horde. But, as the Golden Horde was a state of Turk-Islamic (Tatar) essence, it did not formally correspond to the plans and pretentions of the pravoslavnic Russian empire. Hence, the obsessive desire to remove the Tatars from history and to mystify the substance of the Golden Horde.
Nowadays, with the naïve or biased support of foreign, namely Western, historians, there are attempts to break the organic ties of the Tatar people with the greatest state in its history – the Golden Horde. In many recent works, including under the aegis of renowned publishing houses in the U.S.A., the Mongol appellative is used instead of the Tatar name, even for the khanates that were heirs of the Golden Horde. There is a clear attempt to remove Tatars from history.
This study starts from two volumes recently published in the U.S.A. and present the historical and current resources of this new campaign directed against the Tatars, whose historical lands were abducted also by Russia.
Magazin Istoric, Jul 2014
Încheiem aici incursiunea în istoria Crimeii în vremea când a fost stãpânitã de tãtari (Magazin i... more Încheiem aici incursiunea în istoria Crimeii în vremea când a fost stãpânitã de tãtari (Magazin istoric, nr. 5, 6/2014). La 8 aprilie 1783, þarina Ecaterina a II-a proclama anexarea peninsulei, ceea ce marca sfârºitul Hanatului Crimeii; nu ºi al istoriei tãtarilor de acolo.
Magazin Istoric, Jun 2014
Magazin Istoric, May 2014
Dialogue with the journalists of the SINTEZA Magazine