Beatriz Martín Gascón | Universidad de Córdoba (original) (raw)
Papers by Beatriz Martín Gascón
Martín-Gascón, B. (2020). La ciencia sin divulgación y sin aplicación práctica se queda huérfana. Opinion article in Aula Magna journal, 13th October 2020, 2020
Cuando decidí mandar mi propuesta al Certamen "Cuéntame tu tesis 2020" allá por el mes de marzo, ... more Cuando decidí mandar mi propuesta al Certamen "Cuéntame tu tesis 2020" allá por el mes de marzo, en pleno confinamiento, se juntaron mis ganas de salir de mi zona de confort y los nervios que esto suele conllevar. Cuando unos meses más tarde recibí el correo donde me notificaban que había quedado finalista, me invadió entonces cierto miedo escénico, pero, sobre todo, se apoderaron de mí unas ganas tremendas de contar. Nos pasamos la vida contando. Contamos experiencias, contamos anécdotas… Contamos y nos encanta que nos cuenten. Vi así la oportunidad ideal de contar algo que ocupa el 80% de mis días y que, aún así, no es fácil de contar. Contar la ciencia y ponerla al alcance de la mano no es tarea fácil. Contar un proyecto científico en el que invertimos 4 años de nuestra vida en solo 3 minutos todavía lo complica un poquito más. Sin embargo, gracias a este Certamen, me permití pararme un tiempo a pensar en el qué, el cómo y el por qué de lo que estudio y a
Martín-Gascón, B. (2021). Constructions with verbs of affection in ELE: The void of the cognitive approach in textbooks. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language &Literature, 14(1), 1-26., 2021
This study addresses the issue of the teaching-learning process of emotions with reverse psych-ve... more This study addresses the issue of the teaching-learning process of emotions with reverse psych-verb con-structions (e.g., me gusta ‘that pleases me’) in the Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE in the native lan-guage acronym) classroom. In these constructions, an external object or event (the Stimulus) is felt to act on an Experiencer in order to engender within him or her a particular mental event (e.g., a feeling of pleasure). We further examine this type of constructions in 10 ELE textbooks in an attempt to elucidate their treat-ment and departing from the hypothesis that their grammatical explanation does not contemplate com-municative-cognitive aspects. Results from a qualita-tive analysis show an overall communicative treat-ment of these linguistic forms, yet a formalist, unsys-tematic and cognitively poor one as well, which would partly account for ELE learners’ difficulties in acquiring these constructions. Results point to the need to advocate the union of the communicative and cognitive approaches in order to master these gram-matical elements and reach effective communication.
Los términos "feminista" y "feminazi" conforman un Modelo Cognitivo Idealizado (MCI), resultante ... more Los términos "feminista" y "feminazi" conforman un Modelo Cognitivo Idealizado (MCI), resultante de un proceso de idealización de la realidad en que vivimos. Esta estructura cognitiva emerge de rasgos experienciales destacados sobre el feminismo y el sexismo, compartidos por hablantes de una misma comunidad lingüística. El presente estudio, enmarcado dentro de la Lingüística Cognitiva y la Lingüística Computacional, busca examinar las distintas áreas conceptuales que comportan el MCI de estas dos nociones que epitomizan el discurso feminista y antifeminista. Para ello, partimos de una herramienta de procesamiento, análisis y almacenamiento de datos de Twitter que permitió analizar tweets compilados durante 329 días en Estados Unidos y España. El resultado de un análisis cognitivo basado en la identificación de MCIs, Metonimias y Metáforas Conceptuales posibilitó la categorización de las áreas cognitivas activadas con ambos términos en el corpus español y estadounidense. Así, destacaron principalmente 3 MCIs: aspectos negativos, activismo y aspectos positivos, que se correspondían con el esquema cognitivo ORIGEN-CAMINO-META, respectivamente. Asimismo, los resultados mostraron una estructura cognitiva muy similar en el discurso articulado en torno a las palabras "feminista" y "feminazi" en ambas lenguas, lo que devela un interés por parte de ciertos colectivos por deslegitimizar el discurso antihegemónico y transformador del feminismo. Abstract "Feminst" and "Feminazi" pertain to an Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM), which results from a process of idealization of our reality. This cognitive structure emerges from salient experiential patterns shared by speakers from the same linguistic community. The present study, within the field of Cognitive Linguistics and Computational Linguistics aims at examining the conceptual areas that form the ICM of these two concepts that epitomize feminist and antifeminist discourse. In order to do so, we departed from a processing and analysis tool that collected data from Twitter and allowed to examine tweets compiled during a period of 329 days in the USA and Spain. Results from a cognitive analysis based on the identification of ICMs, Conceptual Metonymies and Metaphors allowed for the categorization of the cognitive areas activated with both terms in the Spanish and American corpora. 3 ICMs were found: that of negative aspects, that of activism, and that of positive aspects, the three of them pertaining to the SOURCE-PATH-GOAL image schema. Furthermore, findings showed a similar cognitive structure in the discourse with the words "feminist" and "feminazi" in both languages, which indicates an interest from certain groups in delegitimizing the antihegemonic and transformative feminist discourse.
Interview to Marianna Bolognesi. Metaphor. RaAM Newsletter., 2020
Signos ELE, 2021
La presente propuesta didáctica está pensada para aprendientes de ELE de nivel C1 y C2 y ofrece u... more La presente propuesta didáctica está pensada para aprendientes de ELE de nivel C1 y C2 y ofrece un amplio número de actividades que pretenden integrar las cuatro destrezas: la comprensión auditiva y escrita y la expresión oral y escrita, así como desarrollar el componente sociocultural en el alumnado. Así, el análisis realizado permitirá, por un lado, identificar expresiones idiomáticas del español y conocer algunas costumbres españolas y, por otro, entender en mayor profundidad el movimiento surrealista, observar su impronta en el film Tristana de Luis Buñuel y acercarnos al universo de este cineasta calandino para comprender su visión del mundo.
Edunovatic, 2020
La situación social y educativa actual derivada de la crisis sanitaria provocada por el Covid19 h... more La situación social y educativa actual derivada de la crisis sanitaria provocada por el Covid19 ha supuesto el cierre físico de universidades y ha potenciado la reinvención de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje por parte de docentes y aprendientes de lenguas extranjeras (LE). Como resultado, la interacción y la creatividad, ambas enormemente afectadas, deben repensarse y plantearse como objetivos prioritarios de todo docente de LE. Para fomentar la implicación, la autonomía y la imaginación del aprendiente dentro y fuera del aula virtual, planteamos una propuesta pedagógica que persigue como objetivo concienciar al estudiante universitario de español lengua extranjera (ELE) de la necesidad de explotar la comprensión y expresión del lenguaje figurado, ya que, sin el desarrollo de la competencia metafórica, este no podrá comprender en su totalidad a un interlocutor nativo ni será capaz de expresarse de manera eficaz en español. Así, enmarcada dentro del paradigma comunicativo-cognitivo, la secuenciación busca potenciar la implicación del aprendiente de ELE, así como desarrollar su competencia metafórica, mediante la metodología de Flipped Classroom o aula invertida a través de la plataforma Microsoft Teams. Palabras clave: Covid19, ELE, competencia metafórica, Flipped Classroom, Microsoft Teams.
Dykinson, 2020
The use of the information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) has led to new avenue... more The use of the information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) has led to new avenues of interaction between learners, teachers and the didactic material. In the last decades, ICT have acquired a significant role in the teaching-learning process, allowing progress in both the teachers and the students' side, enhancing stimulation, motivation and information richness and manipulation. Their ubiquity and ergonomics make them vital elements in the present situation derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, with schools and universities following a remote and hybrid teaching-learning model. With the infusion of educational ICTs and internet access into classrooms, foreign language (FL) teachers must become aware of the importance of conceptual iconicity and visuals for their course content, this being in line with the internet-forward culture that characterizes modern times.
With regard to this technological revolution and the pandemic’s social impact, social networks allow students more than ever to connect and interact with other peers, teachers, friends, family and the world, in general. Instagram, with more than 1 billion monthly active users, has ranked third after Facebook (with 2 billion) and YouTube (with 1.9 billion) in terms of the most popular social media network. According to results from Sprout Social (2020), younger adults feel more attracted to Instagram than to Facebook, this resulting in a high number of users of 18-29 years old (64%). Students' interactions in social networking sites include not only written-text forms, but also still and moving image in the form of emojis, memes and GIFs (graphic interchange format). These latter, used to describe and comment on events in real life, not only enrich online interactions but are also susceptible to open interpretation, which renders their study and implementation in the FL instructional setting a rather challenging and engaging task.
This chapter, departing from a cognitivist perspective to language didactics, focuses on the role of metaphors present in GIFs (a multimodal text) as a pedagogical tool in the teaching of two basic emotions (happiness and sadness) in the Spanish as a foreign language (ELE in the native language acronym) remote classroom. To do so, research concerning metaphors and emotions in the context of cognitive linguistics is first reviewed. A pedagogical proposal addressing complex linguistic expressions to convey happiness and sadness is then presented using Instagram as an online pedagogical tool and GIFs as a didactic resource to exploit metaphorical competence. To our knowledge, no study to date has yet considered Instagram as a medium to enhance ELE learners’ engagement and communicative competence when learning emotion metaphors. It is therefore expected that this cognitive-based proposal will be implemented in the ELE classroom as well as will serve as a basis for future material creation focusing on other linguistic aspects.
Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo, 2018
English as a foreign language (EFL) oral production is influenced by the native language of the l... more English as a foreign language (EFL) oral production is influenced by the native language of the learners. This cross-linguistic influence (CLI) can be evidenced in Spanish native speakers by the use of cognates and borrowings, among others. Yet, little is known about the individual and contextual variables that contribute to their usage. This study lies within the area of CLI in foreign language learners and the research questions revolve around aspects such as the amount and types of CLI in EFL learners' oral production, and predictors such as the effect of age, type and amount of exposure, and proficiency on the amount of CLI.
Martín-Gascón, B. (2018). Cross-linguistic Influence in Spanish-speaking Learners of English as a Foreign Language: A Cross-sectional Analysis of an oral production corpus. Aplicaciones de la Lingüística de corpus al estudio de lenguas modernas, eds. M. Gómez-Martínez, M. C. Moral del Hoyo & J. T. Williams Camus, (pp. 47-75). Santander: Real Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo.
Books by Beatriz Martín Gascón
Springer, 2019
The development and growth of social networks evidence human creativity via the use of figurative... more The development and growth of social networks evidence human creativity via the use of figurative language including irony. Recent studies on modeling irony and irony detection in social media have looked at it from a traditional perspective and have focused primarily on developing natural language processing systems, thus ignoring the mental processes the participants experience during ironic speech acts. As a result, irony has been misinterpreted and mixed by the experimental literature with other disparate phenomena, such as jokes, understatements or banter. On the other hand, scholars from the field of Cognitive Linguistics have studied the cognitive processes operating in the creation of ironic remarks. With regard to this, Ruiz de Mendoza's [9] development of the echoic account focuses on ironic discourse and categorizes verbal irony. Yet, no study to date has explored ironical phraseology in terms of cognitive modeling based on bigdata. This study, therefore, aims to examine how Spanish-speakers conceptualize and express irony in Twitter. Results revealed that irony was frequently misconceived and, as a consequence, additional cues such as explicit ironic hashtags prevented readers from interpreting the message literally, especially in explicit-echoic ironic cases. A more frequent interaction between text-hashtag as compared to text-emoji was also evinced for all potentially ironic linguistic signs. It is expected that our findings contribute to research on Spanish as a foreign language (ELE in the native-language acronym) teaching by enhancing the intercultural sensitivity in the learner, as well as to the field of computational linguistics in adding feature types.
Article in journal by Beatriz Martín Gascón
Studia Linguistica, 2022
Constructionist approaches to language have often viewed metaphors and metonymies either as motiv... more Constructionist approaches to language have often viewed metaphors and metonymies either as motivating factors or constraints on lexicalconstructional integration (Goldberg 1995, 2006; the Lexical-Constructional Model: Butler & Gonzalvez 2014, Gonzalvez 2020, Ruiz de Mendoza & Mairal 2008, Ruiz de Mendoza & Galera 2014). In a similar spirit, the present article provides a detailed study of the role of metaphor in the analysis of the Spanish resultative change-of-state construction “ponerse (‘put CL’) + adjective” by examining a list of metaphorical motion constructions of this kind, which are frequent in everyday language when describing temporary arousal states. By paying special attention to constraints in its lexical and constructional structure, we aim to examine whether the metaphor A CHANGE OF TEMPORARY STATE IS A
CHANGE OF TEMPORARY LOCATION is attested in this type of construction in the Spanish language (i.e., whether it plays a role and, if so, of what kind). It is presumed that the metaphors under analysis in connection to “ponerse + adjective” constructions systematically motivate the meaning of this change-ofstate verb in Spanish when coappearing with an evaluative adjective, as long as the fact that the latter profiles a normally temporary (short duration) arousal state.
RLA Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada, 2020
Las Gramáticas Cognitiva y Operativa como enfoques centrados en la enseñanza de len-guas defiende... more Las Gramáticas Cognitiva y Operativa como enfoques centrados en la enseñanza de len-guas defienden el imperturbable vínculo forma-significado y le confieren así a la gramática el valor semántico que merece. Sin embargo, su aplicación en el aula de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE) no ha visto explotado todo su potencial. En este sentido, resulta útil abordar las dificultades que presentan los aprendientes de ELE en la correcta asimilación de cláusulas Experimentador-Objeto con verbos psicológicos. A esta complicación se suma el enfoque tradicional y descriptivo adoptado en los manuales. Por ello, este estudio busca examinar desde la perspectiva de estos enfoques el tratamiento de estas estructuras en 10 manuales de gran impacto correspondientes a los niveles A1, A2 y B1 (sumando así un total de 36 manuales y 70 unidades) y estudiar cómo se ajustan al inventario de emociones del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC). Los resultados corroboran la hipótesis de que los verbos psicológicos se presentan escasa y asistemáticamente en el PCIC y en los manuales, y evidencian cierta disparidad entre los contenidos por niveles que el PCIC detalla. Partiendo de las limitaciones presentes en los manuales, se propone la base de un material que incorpora el modelo operacional y los roles semántico-referenciales de Expe-rimentador y Estímulo. Palabras clave: Gramática Cognitiva, cláusulas Experimentador-Objeto, manuales de ELE. 1 Esta investigación se circunscribe en el marco del apoyo pre-doctoral FPU del Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Nº FPU17/04542
Martín-Gascón, B. (2020). La ciencia sin divulgación y sin aplicación práctica se queda huérfana. Opinion article in Aula Magna journal, 13th October 2020, 2020
Cuando decidí mandar mi propuesta al Certamen "Cuéntame tu tesis 2020" allá por el mes de marzo, ... more Cuando decidí mandar mi propuesta al Certamen "Cuéntame tu tesis 2020" allá por el mes de marzo, en pleno confinamiento, se juntaron mis ganas de salir de mi zona de confort y los nervios que esto suele conllevar. Cuando unos meses más tarde recibí el correo donde me notificaban que había quedado finalista, me invadió entonces cierto miedo escénico, pero, sobre todo, se apoderaron de mí unas ganas tremendas de contar. Nos pasamos la vida contando. Contamos experiencias, contamos anécdotas… Contamos y nos encanta que nos cuenten. Vi así la oportunidad ideal de contar algo que ocupa el 80% de mis días y que, aún así, no es fácil de contar. Contar la ciencia y ponerla al alcance de la mano no es tarea fácil. Contar un proyecto científico en el que invertimos 4 años de nuestra vida en solo 3 minutos todavía lo complica un poquito más. Sin embargo, gracias a este Certamen, me permití pararme un tiempo a pensar en el qué, el cómo y el por qué de lo que estudio y a
Martín-Gascón, B. (2021). Constructions with verbs of affection in ELE: The void of the cognitive approach in textbooks. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language &Literature, 14(1), 1-26., 2021
This study addresses the issue of the teaching-learning process of emotions with reverse psych-ve... more This study addresses the issue of the teaching-learning process of emotions with reverse psych-verb con-structions (e.g., me gusta ‘that pleases me’) in the Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE in the native lan-guage acronym) classroom. In these constructions, an external object or event (the Stimulus) is felt to act on an Experiencer in order to engender within him or her a particular mental event (e.g., a feeling of pleasure). We further examine this type of constructions in 10 ELE textbooks in an attempt to elucidate their treat-ment and departing from the hypothesis that their grammatical explanation does not contemplate com-municative-cognitive aspects. Results from a qualita-tive analysis show an overall communicative treat-ment of these linguistic forms, yet a formalist, unsys-tematic and cognitively poor one as well, which would partly account for ELE learners’ difficulties in acquiring these constructions. Results point to the need to advocate the union of the communicative and cognitive approaches in order to master these gram-matical elements and reach effective communication.
Los términos "feminista" y "feminazi" conforman un Modelo Cognitivo Idealizado (MCI), resultante ... more Los términos "feminista" y "feminazi" conforman un Modelo Cognitivo Idealizado (MCI), resultante de un proceso de idealización de la realidad en que vivimos. Esta estructura cognitiva emerge de rasgos experienciales destacados sobre el feminismo y el sexismo, compartidos por hablantes de una misma comunidad lingüística. El presente estudio, enmarcado dentro de la Lingüística Cognitiva y la Lingüística Computacional, busca examinar las distintas áreas conceptuales que comportan el MCI de estas dos nociones que epitomizan el discurso feminista y antifeminista. Para ello, partimos de una herramienta de procesamiento, análisis y almacenamiento de datos de Twitter que permitió analizar tweets compilados durante 329 días en Estados Unidos y España. El resultado de un análisis cognitivo basado en la identificación de MCIs, Metonimias y Metáforas Conceptuales posibilitó la categorización de las áreas cognitivas activadas con ambos términos en el corpus español y estadounidense. Así, destacaron principalmente 3 MCIs: aspectos negativos, activismo y aspectos positivos, que se correspondían con el esquema cognitivo ORIGEN-CAMINO-META, respectivamente. Asimismo, los resultados mostraron una estructura cognitiva muy similar en el discurso articulado en torno a las palabras "feminista" y "feminazi" en ambas lenguas, lo que devela un interés por parte de ciertos colectivos por deslegitimizar el discurso antihegemónico y transformador del feminismo. Abstract "Feminst" and "Feminazi" pertain to an Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM), which results from a process of idealization of our reality. This cognitive structure emerges from salient experiential patterns shared by speakers from the same linguistic community. The present study, within the field of Cognitive Linguistics and Computational Linguistics aims at examining the conceptual areas that form the ICM of these two concepts that epitomize feminist and antifeminist discourse. In order to do so, we departed from a processing and analysis tool that collected data from Twitter and allowed to examine tweets compiled during a period of 329 days in the USA and Spain. Results from a cognitive analysis based on the identification of ICMs, Conceptual Metonymies and Metaphors allowed for the categorization of the cognitive areas activated with both terms in the Spanish and American corpora. 3 ICMs were found: that of negative aspects, that of activism, and that of positive aspects, the three of them pertaining to the SOURCE-PATH-GOAL image schema. Furthermore, findings showed a similar cognitive structure in the discourse with the words "feminist" and "feminazi" in both languages, which indicates an interest from certain groups in delegitimizing the antihegemonic and transformative feminist discourse.
Interview to Marianna Bolognesi. Metaphor. RaAM Newsletter., 2020
Signos ELE, 2021
La presente propuesta didáctica está pensada para aprendientes de ELE de nivel C1 y C2 y ofrece u... more La presente propuesta didáctica está pensada para aprendientes de ELE de nivel C1 y C2 y ofrece un amplio número de actividades que pretenden integrar las cuatro destrezas: la comprensión auditiva y escrita y la expresión oral y escrita, así como desarrollar el componente sociocultural en el alumnado. Así, el análisis realizado permitirá, por un lado, identificar expresiones idiomáticas del español y conocer algunas costumbres españolas y, por otro, entender en mayor profundidad el movimiento surrealista, observar su impronta en el film Tristana de Luis Buñuel y acercarnos al universo de este cineasta calandino para comprender su visión del mundo.
Edunovatic, 2020
La situación social y educativa actual derivada de la crisis sanitaria provocada por el Covid19 h... more La situación social y educativa actual derivada de la crisis sanitaria provocada por el Covid19 ha supuesto el cierre físico de universidades y ha potenciado la reinvención de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje por parte de docentes y aprendientes de lenguas extranjeras (LE). Como resultado, la interacción y la creatividad, ambas enormemente afectadas, deben repensarse y plantearse como objetivos prioritarios de todo docente de LE. Para fomentar la implicación, la autonomía y la imaginación del aprendiente dentro y fuera del aula virtual, planteamos una propuesta pedagógica que persigue como objetivo concienciar al estudiante universitario de español lengua extranjera (ELE) de la necesidad de explotar la comprensión y expresión del lenguaje figurado, ya que, sin el desarrollo de la competencia metafórica, este no podrá comprender en su totalidad a un interlocutor nativo ni será capaz de expresarse de manera eficaz en español. Así, enmarcada dentro del paradigma comunicativo-cognitivo, la secuenciación busca potenciar la implicación del aprendiente de ELE, así como desarrollar su competencia metafórica, mediante la metodología de Flipped Classroom o aula invertida a través de la plataforma Microsoft Teams. Palabras clave: Covid19, ELE, competencia metafórica, Flipped Classroom, Microsoft Teams.
Dykinson, 2020
The use of the information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) has led to new avenue... more The use of the information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) has led to new avenues of interaction between learners, teachers and the didactic material. In the last decades, ICT have acquired a significant role in the teaching-learning process, allowing progress in both the teachers and the students' side, enhancing stimulation, motivation and information richness and manipulation. Their ubiquity and ergonomics make them vital elements in the present situation derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, with schools and universities following a remote and hybrid teaching-learning model. With the infusion of educational ICTs and internet access into classrooms, foreign language (FL) teachers must become aware of the importance of conceptual iconicity and visuals for their course content, this being in line with the internet-forward culture that characterizes modern times.
With regard to this technological revolution and the pandemic’s social impact, social networks allow students more than ever to connect and interact with other peers, teachers, friends, family and the world, in general. Instagram, with more than 1 billion monthly active users, has ranked third after Facebook (with 2 billion) and YouTube (with 1.9 billion) in terms of the most popular social media network. According to results from Sprout Social (2020), younger adults feel more attracted to Instagram than to Facebook, this resulting in a high number of users of 18-29 years old (64%). Students' interactions in social networking sites include not only written-text forms, but also still and moving image in the form of emojis, memes and GIFs (graphic interchange format). These latter, used to describe and comment on events in real life, not only enrich online interactions but are also susceptible to open interpretation, which renders their study and implementation in the FL instructional setting a rather challenging and engaging task.
This chapter, departing from a cognitivist perspective to language didactics, focuses on the role of metaphors present in GIFs (a multimodal text) as a pedagogical tool in the teaching of two basic emotions (happiness and sadness) in the Spanish as a foreign language (ELE in the native language acronym) remote classroom. To do so, research concerning metaphors and emotions in the context of cognitive linguistics is first reviewed. A pedagogical proposal addressing complex linguistic expressions to convey happiness and sadness is then presented using Instagram as an online pedagogical tool and GIFs as a didactic resource to exploit metaphorical competence. To our knowledge, no study to date has yet considered Instagram as a medium to enhance ELE learners’ engagement and communicative competence when learning emotion metaphors. It is therefore expected that this cognitive-based proposal will be implemented in the ELE classroom as well as will serve as a basis for future material creation focusing on other linguistic aspects.
Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo, 2018
English as a foreign language (EFL) oral production is influenced by the native language of the l... more English as a foreign language (EFL) oral production is influenced by the native language of the learners. This cross-linguistic influence (CLI) can be evidenced in Spanish native speakers by the use of cognates and borrowings, among others. Yet, little is known about the individual and contextual variables that contribute to their usage. This study lies within the area of CLI in foreign language learners and the research questions revolve around aspects such as the amount and types of CLI in EFL learners' oral production, and predictors such as the effect of age, type and amount of exposure, and proficiency on the amount of CLI.
Martín-Gascón, B. (2018). Cross-linguistic Influence in Spanish-speaking Learners of English as a Foreign Language: A Cross-sectional Analysis of an oral production corpus. Aplicaciones de la Lingüística de corpus al estudio de lenguas modernas, eds. M. Gómez-Martínez, M. C. Moral del Hoyo & J. T. Williams Camus, (pp. 47-75). Santander: Real Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo.
Springer, 2019
The development and growth of social networks evidence human creativity via the use of figurative... more The development and growth of social networks evidence human creativity via the use of figurative language including irony. Recent studies on modeling irony and irony detection in social media have looked at it from a traditional perspective and have focused primarily on developing natural language processing systems, thus ignoring the mental processes the participants experience during ironic speech acts. As a result, irony has been misinterpreted and mixed by the experimental literature with other disparate phenomena, such as jokes, understatements or banter. On the other hand, scholars from the field of Cognitive Linguistics have studied the cognitive processes operating in the creation of ironic remarks. With regard to this, Ruiz de Mendoza's [9] development of the echoic account focuses on ironic discourse and categorizes verbal irony. Yet, no study to date has explored ironical phraseology in terms of cognitive modeling based on bigdata. This study, therefore, aims to examine how Spanish-speakers conceptualize and express irony in Twitter. Results revealed that irony was frequently misconceived and, as a consequence, additional cues such as explicit ironic hashtags prevented readers from interpreting the message literally, especially in explicit-echoic ironic cases. A more frequent interaction between text-hashtag as compared to text-emoji was also evinced for all potentially ironic linguistic signs. It is expected that our findings contribute to research on Spanish as a foreign language (ELE in the native-language acronym) teaching by enhancing the intercultural sensitivity in the learner, as well as to the field of computational linguistics in adding feature types.
Studia Linguistica, 2022
Constructionist approaches to language have often viewed metaphors and metonymies either as motiv... more Constructionist approaches to language have often viewed metaphors and metonymies either as motivating factors or constraints on lexicalconstructional integration (Goldberg 1995, 2006; the Lexical-Constructional Model: Butler & Gonzalvez 2014, Gonzalvez 2020, Ruiz de Mendoza & Mairal 2008, Ruiz de Mendoza & Galera 2014). In a similar spirit, the present article provides a detailed study of the role of metaphor in the analysis of the Spanish resultative change-of-state construction “ponerse (‘put CL’) + adjective” by examining a list of metaphorical motion constructions of this kind, which are frequent in everyday language when describing temporary arousal states. By paying special attention to constraints in its lexical and constructional structure, we aim to examine whether the metaphor A CHANGE OF TEMPORARY STATE IS A
CHANGE OF TEMPORARY LOCATION is attested in this type of construction in the Spanish language (i.e., whether it plays a role and, if so, of what kind). It is presumed that the metaphors under analysis in connection to “ponerse + adjective” constructions systematically motivate the meaning of this change-ofstate verb in Spanish when coappearing with an evaluative adjective, as long as the fact that the latter profiles a normally temporary (short duration) arousal state.
RLA Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada, 2020
Las Gramáticas Cognitiva y Operativa como enfoques centrados en la enseñanza de len-guas defiende... more Las Gramáticas Cognitiva y Operativa como enfoques centrados en la enseñanza de len-guas defienden el imperturbable vínculo forma-significado y le confieren así a la gramática el valor semántico que merece. Sin embargo, su aplicación en el aula de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE) no ha visto explotado todo su potencial. En este sentido, resulta útil abordar las dificultades que presentan los aprendientes de ELE en la correcta asimilación de cláusulas Experimentador-Objeto con verbos psicológicos. A esta complicación se suma el enfoque tradicional y descriptivo adoptado en los manuales. Por ello, este estudio busca examinar desde la perspectiva de estos enfoques el tratamiento de estas estructuras en 10 manuales de gran impacto correspondientes a los niveles A1, A2 y B1 (sumando así un total de 36 manuales y 70 unidades) y estudiar cómo se ajustan al inventario de emociones del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC). Los resultados corroboran la hipótesis de que los verbos psicológicos se presentan escasa y asistemáticamente en el PCIC y en los manuales, y evidencian cierta disparidad entre los contenidos por niveles que el PCIC detalla. Partiendo de las limitaciones presentes en los manuales, se propone la base de un material que incorpora el modelo operacional y los roles semántico-referenciales de Expe-rimentador y Estímulo. Palabras clave: Gramática Cognitiva, cláusulas Experimentador-Objeto, manuales de ELE. 1 Esta investigación se circunscribe en el marco del apoyo pre-doctoral FPU del Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Nº FPU17/04542