Agata Wlodarczyk | University of Gdansk (original) (raw)

Peer revieved papers by Agata Wlodarczyk

Research paper thumbnail of An Overview of the Commercial Publication of Japanese Boys’ Love (BL) Manga in Poland

Mechademia, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Te wstrętne yaoice – fandomowa niechęć wobec mang yaoi oraz ich fanek

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Research paper thumbnail of Azjatycki serialowy gender bender i gender confusion

Artykuł zawiera omówienie japońskich i koreańskich seriali popularnych, określanych mianem gender... more Artykuł zawiera omówienie japońskich i koreańskich seriali popularnych, określanych mianem gender bender oraz gender confusion. Autorka bada, w jaki sposób te pojęcia, oznaczające chwilową zmianę płci głównej bohaterki, są wykorzystywane, a także jak funkcjonują w pojęciowym systemie Zachodu. Analizuje również romansowe narracje tychże seriali, zastanawiając się nad zaletami podobnego motywu, i porusza kwestię faktycznego wyginania płci bądź jej braku w omawianych produkcjach.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural differences: Polish fandom of Welcome to Night Vale

Welcome to Night Vale (2012–) is an intertextual podcast in the tradition of popular horror and w... more Welcome to Night Vale (2012–) is an intertextual podcast in the tradition of popular horror and weird tales. Listeners are meant to be part of a (fictional) community, listening to the radio in the small desert town of Night Vale in the Southwestern United States, although neither the state nor the exact time are specified. We follow the host of the program, Cecil Palmer, as he describes the town's community life, although the events presented in the show are far from normal. The first episode was published online June 15, 2012, with no marketing to accompany the event. Many had first heard about Welcome to Night Vale through fan art available via social media, including Tumblr,, blog communities, Facebook groups, and deviantArt. Although the production is available in English only, it has a Polish fandom. We describe the difference in perception of this popular text based on differences in the cultural background and literary knowledge of the listeners. We also attend to fan practices such as fan art surrounding Welcome to Night Vale because their content correlates with the creator's culture of origin, as well as the issue of funding the free podcast among fans from different countries and different economies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ realny czy wyobrażony? Fanowskie poczucie wpływu na seriale "Sherlock" i "Nie z tego świata"

Seriale w kontekście kulturowym: gatunki, konwergencja, recepcja

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Research paper thumbnail of Miejskie Piekło i Raj w książce Margaret Atwood "Rok Potopu" / The Hell and Heaven of the city in Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood

Cities are civilization, though they were created as means to keep people safe from outside threa... more Cities are civilization, though they were created as means to keep people safe from outside threats, that is why they were surrounded by walls or other kind of fences. However in modern times they resemble labyrinths in which people feel lost and unsafe. In Margaret Atwood's novel The Year of the Flood the author had portrayed an anonymous metropolis ruled by a corporate police force and divided into smaller enclaves of the wealthy corporate workers and plebsopolises, of the poor and outlawed live. Both spheres of the metropolis resemble hell for its inhabitants, though from different reasons. People leaving in corporate complexes are tools to be used and discarded when no longer useful or expendable, those living in plebspolises have to fight to survive the harsh environment, to not get caught, sold or used as unwilling organ donors. One of the main characters, Toby, had to descend to plebsopolis in order to survive. She had suffered a sexual abuse from her boss's hands until an unexpected rescue from God Gardener's hands. Ren, the second main character, had been brought up among the Gardener's until her mother had taken her back to one of the complexes. The transition from plebospolis into the complex is the most visible in the architecture of the buildings and amount of security. In a deteriorating metropolis a paradise can be found on the roofs of the abandoned building, where God Gardener's gardens bloom. Ren found a new paradise in a sex club, where she worked as an exclusive trapeze dancer and prostitute. The city's ecosystem had been destroyed when the metropolis began to grow, the moment it reach the critical point, the human induced Flood had come to wipe out the human race and to re-establish the homoeostasis of the world. One more time reminding people of the importance of social bonds and importance of lives. The city was slowly engulfed by plants and as such one more time incorporated into the natural cycle of living.

Rok Potopu Margaret Atwood jest powieścią gatunkowo eklektyczną, balansującą na granicy wielu prozatorskich trendów, najbardziej skłaniającą się ku fantastyce miejskiej, dystopii i apokalipsie. Świat przedstawiony ogranicza się do przestrzeni miejskiej, podzielonej na plebsopolie i enklawy zamieszkane jedynie przez wyższe klasy pracowników korporacyjnych. To właśnie korporacje sprawiły, że wszelkie demokratyczne rządy przestały mieć sens, a władzę i wpływy nad wszystkim zdobył KorpuSOKorp. W tak dystopicznym świecie Atwood wykreowała przeciwwagę – niewielką sektę Bożych Ogrodników, którzy wyrzekają się wszelkich dóbr technologicznych na rzecz powrotu ku naturze. Zasiedlają opuszczone budynki, na ich dachach tworzą kwitnące ogrody pełne warzyw, owoców, ziół oraz grzybów.
W utworach fantastycznych wykreowane przestrzenie zyskują swoje własne znaczenia, stanowią dopełnienie opowiadanej historii, jeśli same się nią nie stają. Podzielone na piekło i raj miasta Roku Potopu przedstawiają czytelnikowi dwie główne bohaterki – Toby oraz Ren. Przekraczają nieostre granice obu światów w swojej życiowej podróży, obnażając mechanizmy działania obu części miast, bardzo często prezentując niepokojące obrazy.
Artykuł prześledzi związki pomiędzy miejską architekturą a prezentowanym w powieści ekologicznym odczytaniem nauki chrześcijańskiej. Sprawdzi, czy dystopiczna urbanizacja może stać się manifestem nawołującym do radykalnego zwrotu ku ekologii i wegetarianizmu. Przyjrzy się również losom głównych bohaterek, których życia stanowią dwie możliwe drogi Ogrodniczek odłączonych od wspólnoty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fan fiction – literacka rewolucja fanowska. Próba charakterystyki zjawiska  / Fan fiction - a literary revolution of fans: a preliminary description

"Fan fiction as a literary practice, or literary genre, has grown exponentially since the widespr... more "Fan fiction as a literary practice, or literary genre, has grown exponentially since the widespread of the Internet. Fan fiction is defined as literary spin off of culture texts wrote by fans to their favorite TV shows, books, movies or games. The article tries to characterize fan fiction in correspondence to its unique background combining both audiovisual and literary practices. It tries to identify if fan fiction is a contemporary literary practice or is it a continuation of a much larger and more historical process. Additionally the article looks at fan fiction from Barthes's perspective, that makes fan fiction an evidence of his theory that texts are constantly re-read. John Fiske's culture economy explains further why fans mostly work on texts coming from the popular culture. The article also aims to place the fan fiction phenomenon in the area of culture studies' interests. And that is why fan fictions are compared to fan videos, two different types of fannish practice that are sometimes examined as the same.
Fan fiction has rooted deeply into fans' lives, and thus has developed a certain system of distribution and editorship. Before the age of Internet they had been printed in zines and circled only between people that knew each other, nowadays such stories are published in the Internet. The lack of pre-print editing had created a system of beta-readers who check the written texts. The initial secrecy of fan fiction circulation was based on fear of legal persecution, thus the history of legal struggles and authors' stances are described."

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Research paper thumbnail of Podróż przez galaktyki, czas i płeć. Transgresje ról społeczno-kulturowych w Doktorze Who. / Journey through  galaxy, time  and gender. Gender transgressions in Doctor Who (In Polish)

Z szerszej perspektywy: Gender

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Papers by Agata Wlodarczyk

Research paper thumbnail of Bending Gender in Japanese Arts: Queering Girls Culture, Takarazuka Revue and Boys’ Love Manga

Ambiguous Selves: Contesting Gender Binaries in Literature, Film and the Media, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Transnationalism, Localization, and Translation in European Fandom

by Nicolle Lamerichs, Anne Kustritz, Javier Lozano Delmar, Melanie Bourdaa, Justyna Janik, Joanna Płaszewska, Piotr Sterczewski, Pia Sundqvist, Vera Cuntz-Leng, Abby Waysdorf, Eleonora Benecchi, Marta Tyminska, Agata Wlodarczyk, and Bethan Jones

Transformative Works and Cultures, 2015

Guest Edited Issue Table of Contents Editorial: "Fan studies as global media and audience stu... more Guest Edited Issue

Table of Contents
Editorial: "Fan studies as global media and audience studies," by Anne Kustritz

"Antifan activism as a response to MTV's The Valleys," by Bethan Jones

"Springsteen fans, #bruceleeds, and the tweeting of locality," by Bill Wolff

"Representation of American versus non-American fans in Baillie Walsh's Springsteen & I," by Maryn Claire Wilkinson

"Cultural differences: Polish fandom of Welcome to Night Vale," by Agata Włodarczyk, Marta Tyminska

"Online Italian fandoms of American TV shows," by Eleonora Benecchi

"The creation of football slash fan fiction," by Abby Waysdorf

"Fandom: The classroom of the future," by Paul J. Booth

"Watching Dallas again 1: Doing retro audience research," by Amanda Gilroy

"Watching Dallas again 2: Locating viewing pleasures—An audience study of the new Dallas," by Raquel L. Raj, Mabel Wale, Joscha-Nicolai Spoellmink, Arelis Dania, Amanda Gilroy

"Watching Dallas again 3: Reassessing Ien Ang's Watching Dallas," by Toon Heesakkers, Ward van Hoof, Anne Jager, Amanda Gilroy

"A brief history of fan fiction in Germany," by Vera Cuntz-Leng, Jacqueline Meintzinger

"A connected country: Sweden—Fertile ground for digital fandoms," by Christina Olin-Scheller, Pia Sundqvist

"Finding Poland: Negotiating the local and the global and the semiperipheral identity of Polish SF&F fandom," by Joanna Kucharska, Piotr Sterczewski, Bartłomiej Schweiger, Joanna Płaszewska, Justyna Janik

"Case study of French and Spanish fan reception of Game of Thrones," by Mélanie Bourdaa, Javier Lozano Delmar

"Slash fandom, sociability, and sexual politics in Putin's Russia," by Sudha Rajagopalan

"Online games, social narratives, by Esther MacCallum-Stewart," by Nicolle Lamerichs

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Research paper thumbnail of Fifty Years of British Time Travel in a Blue Box. BBC's Doctor Who and its Fans

One of the longest running British TV series is due to have its 50th anniversary on November 23,... more One of the longest running British TV series is due to have its 50th anniversary on November 23, 2013. The show has become an icon of British culture both domestically and internationally. It was designed as a countermeasure to audiences shifting towards private TV broadcasters – a show that was both entertaining and educational for younger audience. Through time the Doctor was portrayed by eleven different actors, bringing something new or fresh to the series and evoking different reactions from the show's fans. His companions, who are depicted as necessary for the hero to remain sane, change with every season or two. The change can be observed not only in the Doctor's image or behaviour, but also in the fans’ reactions and the mean age of the viewers. As a show that has gained a transnational fandom, who, despite not living in Great Britain, still enjoy the show, Doctor Who has been re-read and re-written countless times by its highly attuned and show-educated fans. The article examines the change in the development of the hero and fans’ reading during those 50 years.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fantasy mages - authentic identities. Forming a mature identity in Mercedes Lackey's Magic’s Pawn

""Fantasy books offer worlds filled with magic and wonders, usually distracting readers from the ... more ""Fantasy books offer worlds filled with magic and wonders, usually distracting readers from the character’s psychological makeup. Mercedes Lackey’s Magic’s Pawn book offers a different approach, where the world and magic compliment the main hero, Vanyel’s, maturing and entering adulthood.
Being forced by his father to become someone he was not, Vanyel’s rebellion and emotional suffering made cold and distant. It took a forced journey to the capital and finding his first lover to make the main hero capable of shaping his own self-identity. The identity that later on shattered, when all of what he hold dear was taken away by his lover’s suicidal death. Mourning and at a loss, Vanyel once again was forced to redefine both who he was and who he wanted to become. This essay analyzes the forming are reforming of Vanyel’s Ashkevron identity was formed, how he reacted to the constant imposition of identity, how finding a lover helped him find his own path, and at the end – how the tragedy of a loss did not defeat the main hero of the story, but shaped him to become a Herald-Mage.""

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[Research paper thumbnail of Ornamentowy wszechświat zaułka Middak (Nadżib Mahfuz, Hamida z zaułka Middak) / Ornamented alley of Middak (Naguib Mahfouz, Midaq Alley) [in Polish]](

Afryka - fragment po fragmencie, Nov 19, 2011

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Conference Presentations by Agata Wlodarczyk

Research paper thumbnail of Crocheting Superheroes – The Community and The Joy of Sharing

Crocheting and knitting, as an internet meme stats, a post-apocalyptic survival skill, but in ter... more Crocheting and knitting, as an internet meme stats, a post-apocalyptic survival skill, but in terms of contemporary lives and fan activities this particular skill can provide fans with handmade goods that are by nature unique among many available factory produced merchandise. Most commonly made, shared, sold or requested are crocheted plushies called amigurumi. They are not hard to make, since they require simple crocheting techniques, sewing and optionally – glue. Fans wanting to create an amigurumi can use multiple resources created by broader community of crochetters – video tutorials, descriptions, chats, Facebook groups, multiple pages and blogs offer help for those who seek it. As a result one can create crocheted plushies of favored characters or a remix of different ones – a Bunny-Deadpool or Bunny-Batman, mini-Iron Man, or Cthulhu-Pikachu. Most of the chrochetters are not members of just one fandom, which is often seen in their works, which can include Marvel and DC superheroes, as well as anime characters and/or TV show-associated symbols or merchandise.
Presentation will concentrate on the gift economy – in terms of sharing patterns, helping with problems, inspirations and remixes of meanings that can be observed in some of the works. It will also talk about the crocheting as a possible income for fans and its implications in participation in fandoms and possible problems with trademark holders.

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Research paper thumbnail of Magia po cywilizacji w najnowszej produkcji MTV "The Shannara Chronicles"

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Research paper thumbnail of Transgressing The Real World in Ilona Andrews' novels

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Research paper thumbnail of Archive Of Our Own - cyfrowa księga fan fiction

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Research paper thumbnail of The curious case of post-humans in Young Adult literature

Young adult novels (YA) are considered to be the most popular contemporary literary genre. The co... more Young adult novels (YA) are considered to be the most popular contemporary literary genre. The commercial success of both novels and their film adaptations suggest that YA titles are those that are and will rule the bestseller lists. Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games series, Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth or The Lunar Chronicles written by Melissa Meyer are the most recognisable examples of this trend.

Great variety of those stories are set in more or less distant, often dystopian future. In those narratives main characters, mostly heroines, are designed to be special, different than others and as the story follows - being the ones that save the day. Those narratives often hint their connection to science fiction genre - for example the worlds are aftermaths of world wars, the technology at the characters disposal is yet unattainable today. And yet the science fiction of young adult novels differs significantly from the classic, hard science fiction novels.

The presentation aim is to analyse how the heros in the young adult novels are constructed and how those literary constructions transgress the norms of the normal, with heroines becoming a mixture of human and the machine. The most important question in the presentations will seek an answer to - is the young adult science fiction the real science fiction or if it should belong to a different category altogether. It will also analyse more closely how the world is set - in terms of the urban maps, importance of technology as well as the probability of such worlds. The relation between post-human creations and gender will be touched upon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tumblr as Cultural Texts Interpretation Hub

Presented during the Parallel International Conferences: Scholars as Fictionists, or On-/Off-Camp... more Presented during the Parallel International Conferences: Scholars as Fictionists, or On-/Off-Campus Creative Writing and 'Pictures from an Institution': Academy Across Time and Media; Gdańsk October, 1st-4th, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Te wstrętne yaoice – fandomowa niechęć wobec mang yaoi oraz ich fanek

Prezentacja poruszy kwestię negatywnych, pełnych poczucia wstrętu i niechęci reakcji czytelników ... more Prezentacja poruszy kwestię negatywnych, pełnych poczucia wstrętu i niechęci reakcji czytelników i czytelniczek mang na obecność w ofercie wydawniczej tytułów boys’ love (yaoi), czyli mang rysowanych przez kobiety dla kobiet o męskiej, homoseksualnej miłości. Od 2012 roku na polskim rynku funkcjonuje wydawnictwo Kotori, specjalizującego się właśnie w yaoi. Dotychczas czytelniczki boys’ love ulubione mangi czytały w Internecie lub ściągały zagraniczne wydania, pozostając poza nawiasem głównego fandomu, ignorowane przez wydawnictwa, wyśmiewane na konwentach, uważane za dziwne, „nienormalne”. Powstanie i sukces Kotori sprawiły, że wiodące wydawnictwa również przygotowały ofertę dla tych klientek. Wystąpienie przeanalizuje główne zarzuty i żale stałych czytelników tychże wydawnictw umieszczane na Facebooku przy okazji ogłoszenia nowych tytułów. W czasie prezentacji zostaną poruszone możliwe interpretacje podobnej niechęci oraz wstrętu kierowanego pod adresem czytelniczek, gatunku oraz wydawnictw.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Overview of the Commercial Publication of Japanese Boys’ Love (BL) Manga in Poland

Mechademia, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Te wstrętne yaoice – fandomowa niechęć wobec mang yaoi oraz ich fanek

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Research paper thumbnail of Azjatycki serialowy gender bender i gender confusion

Artykuł zawiera omówienie japońskich i koreańskich seriali popularnych, określanych mianem gender... more Artykuł zawiera omówienie japońskich i koreańskich seriali popularnych, określanych mianem gender bender oraz gender confusion. Autorka bada, w jaki sposób te pojęcia, oznaczające chwilową zmianę płci głównej bohaterki, są wykorzystywane, a także jak funkcjonują w pojęciowym systemie Zachodu. Analizuje również romansowe narracje tychże seriali, zastanawiając się nad zaletami podobnego motywu, i porusza kwestię faktycznego wyginania płci bądź jej braku w omawianych produkcjach.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural differences: Polish fandom of Welcome to Night Vale

Welcome to Night Vale (2012–) is an intertextual podcast in the tradition of popular horror and w... more Welcome to Night Vale (2012–) is an intertextual podcast in the tradition of popular horror and weird tales. Listeners are meant to be part of a (fictional) community, listening to the radio in the small desert town of Night Vale in the Southwestern United States, although neither the state nor the exact time are specified. We follow the host of the program, Cecil Palmer, as he describes the town's community life, although the events presented in the show are far from normal. The first episode was published online June 15, 2012, with no marketing to accompany the event. Many had first heard about Welcome to Night Vale through fan art available via social media, including Tumblr,, blog communities, Facebook groups, and deviantArt. Although the production is available in English only, it has a Polish fandom. We describe the difference in perception of this popular text based on differences in the cultural background and literary knowledge of the listeners. We also attend to fan practices such as fan art surrounding Welcome to Night Vale because their content correlates with the creator's culture of origin, as well as the issue of funding the free podcast among fans from different countries and different economies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ realny czy wyobrażony? Fanowskie poczucie wpływu na seriale "Sherlock" i "Nie z tego świata"

Seriale w kontekście kulturowym: gatunki, konwergencja, recepcja

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Research paper thumbnail of Miejskie Piekło i Raj w książce Margaret Atwood "Rok Potopu" / The Hell and Heaven of the city in Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood

Cities are civilization, though they were created as means to keep people safe from outside threa... more Cities are civilization, though they were created as means to keep people safe from outside threats, that is why they were surrounded by walls or other kind of fences. However in modern times they resemble labyrinths in which people feel lost and unsafe. In Margaret Atwood's novel The Year of the Flood the author had portrayed an anonymous metropolis ruled by a corporate police force and divided into smaller enclaves of the wealthy corporate workers and plebsopolises, of the poor and outlawed live. Both spheres of the metropolis resemble hell for its inhabitants, though from different reasons. People leaving in corporate complexes are tools to be used and discarded when no longer useful or expendable, those living in plebspolises have to fight to survive the harsh environment, to not get caught, sold or used as unwilling organ donors. One of the main characters, Toby, had to descend to plebsopolis in order to survive. She had suffered a sexual abuse from her boss's hands until an unexpected rescue from God Gardener's hands. Ren, the second main character, had been brought up among the Gardener's until her mother had taken her back to one of the complexes. The transition from plebospolis into the complex is the most visible in the architecture of the buildings and amount of security. In a deteriorating metropolis a paradise can be found on the roofs of the abandoned building, where God Gardener's gardens bloom. Ren found a new paradise in a sex club, where she worked as an exclusive trapeze dancer and prostitute. The city's ecosystem had been destroyed when the metropolis began to grow, the moment it reach the critical point, the human induced Flood had come to wipe out the human race and to re-establish the homoeostasis of the world. One more time reminding people of the importance of social bonds and importance of lives. The city was slowly engulfed by plants and as such one more time incorporated into the natural cycle of living.

Rok Potopu Margaret Atwood jest powieścią gatunkowo eklektyczną, balansującą na granicy wielu prozatorskich trendów, najbardziej skłaniającą się ku fantastyce miejskiej, dystopii i apokalipsie. Świat przedstawiony ogranicza się do przestrzeni miejskiej, podzielonej na plebsopolie i enklawy zamieszkane jedynie przez wyższe klasy pracowników korporacyjnych. To właśnie korporacje sprawiły, że wszelkie demokratyczne rządy przestały mieć sens, a władzę i wpływy nad wszystkim zdobył KorpuSOKorp. W tak dystopicznym świecie Atwood wykreowała przeciwwagę – niewielką sektę Bożych Ogrodników, którzy wyrzekają się wszelkich dóbr technologicznych na rzecz powrotu ku naturze. Zasiedlają opuszczone budynki, na ich dachach tworzą kwitnące ogrody pełne warzyw, owoców, ziół oraz grzybów.
W utworach fantastycznych wykreowane przestrzenie zyskują swoje własne znaczenia, stanowią dopełnienie opowiadanej historii, jeśli same się nią nie stają. Podzielone na piekło i raj miasta Roku Potopu przedstawiają czytelnikowi dwie główne bohaterki – Toby oraz Ren. Przekraczają nieostre granice obu światów w swojej życiowej podróży, obnażając mechanizmy działania obu części miast, bardzo często prezentując niepokojące obrazy.
Artykuł prześledzi związki pomiędzy miejską architekturą a prezentowanym w powieści ekologicznym odczytaniem nauki chrześcijańskiej. Sprawdzi, czy dystopiczna urbanizacja może stać się manifestem nawołującym do radykalnego zwrotu ku ekologii i wegetarianizmu. Przyjrzy się również losom głównych bohaterek, których życia stanowią dwie możliwe drogi Ogrodniczek odłączonych od wspólnoty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fan fiction – literacka rewolucja fanowska. Próba charakterystyki zjawiska  / Fan fiction - a literary revolution of fans: a preliminary description

"Fan fiction as a literary practice, or literary genre, has grown exponentially since the widespr... more "Fan fiction as a literary practice, or literary genre, has grown exponentially since the widespread of the Internet. Fan fiction is defined as literary spin off of culture texts wrote by fans to their favorite TV shows, books, movies or games. The article tries to characterize fan fiction in correspondence to its unique background combining both audiovisual and literary practices. It tries to identify if fan fiction is a contemporary literary practice or is it a continuation of a much larger and more historical process. Additionally the article looks at fan fiction from Barthes's perspective, that makes fan fiction an evidence of his theory that texts are constantly re-read. John Fiske's culture economy explains further why fans mostly work on texts coming from the popular culture. The article also aims to place the fan fiction phenomenon in the area of culture studies' interests. And that is why fan fictions are compared to fan videos, two different types of fannish practice that are sometimes examined as the same.
Fan fiction has rooted deeply into fans' lives, and thus has developed a certain system of distribution and editorship. Before the age of Internet they had been printed in zines and circled only between people that knew each other, nowadays such stories are published in the Internet. The lack of pre-print editing had created a system of beta-readers who check the written texts. The initial secrecy of fan fiction circulation was based on fear of legal persecution, thus the history of legal struggles and authors' stances are described."

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Research paper thumbnail of Podróż przez galaktyki, czas i płeć. Transgresje ról społeczno-kulturowych w Doktorze Who. / Journey through  galaxy, time  and gender. Gender transgressions in Doctor Who (In Polish)

Z szerszej perspektywy: Gender

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Research paper thumbnail of Bending Gender in Japanese Arts: Queering Girls Culture, Takarazuka Revue and Boys’ Love Manga

Ambiguous Selves: Contesting Gender Binaries in Literature, Film and the Media, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Transnationalism, Localization, and Translation in European Fandom

by Nicolle Lamerichs, Anne Kustritz, Javier Lozano Delmar, Melanie Bourdaa, Justyna Janik, Joanna Płaszewska, Piotr Sterczewski, Pia Sundqvist, Vera Cuntz-Leng, Abby Waysdorf, Eleonora Benecchi, Marta Tyminska, Agata Wlodarczyk, and Bethan Jones

Transformative Works and Cultures, 2015

Guest Edited Issue Table of Contents Editorial: "Fan studies as global media and audience stu... more Guest Edited Issue

Table of Contents
Editorial: "Fan studies as global media and audience studies," by Anne Kustritz

"Antifan activism as a response to MTV's The Valleys," by Bethan Jones

"Springsteen fans, #bruceleeds, and the tweeting of locality," by Bill Wolff

"Representation of American versus non-American fans in Baillie Walsh's Springsteen & I," by Maryn Claire Wilkinson

"Cultural differences: Polish fandom of Welcome to Night Vale," by Agata Włodarczyk, Marta Tyminska

"Online Italian fandoms of American TV shows," by Eleonora Benecchi

"The creation of football slash fan fiction," by Abby Waysdorf

"Fandom: The classroom of the future," by Paul J. Booth

"Watching Dallas again 1: Doing retro audience research," by Amanda Gilroy

"Watching Dallas again 2: Locating viewing pleasures—An audience study of the new Dallas," by Raquel L. Raj, Mabel Wale, Joscha-Nicolai Spoellmink, Arelis Dania, Amanda Gilroy

"Watching Dallas again 3: Reassessing Ien Ang's Watching Dallas," by Toon Heesakkers, Ward van Hoof, Anne Jager, Amanda Gilroy

"A brief history of fan fiction in Germany," by Vera Cuntz-Leng, Jacqueline Meintzinger

"A connected country: Sweden—Fertile ground for digital fandoms," by Christina Olin-Scheller, Pia Sundqvist

"Finding Poland: Negotiating the local and the global and the semiperipheral identity of Polish SF&F fandom," by Joanna Kucharska, Piotr Sterczewski, Bartłomiej Schweiger, Joanna Płaszewska, Justyna Janik

"Case study of French and Spanish fan reception of Game of Thrones," by Mélanie Bourdaa, Javier Lozano Delmar

"Slash fandom, sociability, and sexual politics in Putin's Russia," by Sudha Rajagopalan

"Online games, social narratives, by Esther MacCallum-Stewart," by Nicolle Lamerichs

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Research paper thumbnail of Fifty Years of British Time Travel in a Blue Box. BBC's Doctor Who and its Fans

One of the longest running British TV series is due to have its 50th anniversary on November 23,... more One of the longest running British TV series is due to have its 50th anniversary on November 23, 2013. The show has become an icon of British culture both domestically and internationally. It was designed as a countermeasure to audiences shifting towards private TV broadcasters – a show that was both entertaining and educational for younger audience. Through time the Doctor was portrayed by eleven different actors, bringing something new or fresh to the series and evoking different reactions from the show's fans. His companions, who are depicted as necessary for the hero to remain sane, change with every season or two. The change can be observed not only in the Doctor's image or behaviour, but also in the fans’ reactions and the mean age of the viewers. As a show that has gained a transnational fandom, who, despite not living in Great Britain, still enjoy the show, Doctor Who has been re-read and re-written countless times by its highly attuned and show-educated fans. The article examines the change in the development of the hero and fans’ reading during those 50 years.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fantasy mages - authentic identities. Forming a mature identity in Mercedes Lackey's Magic’s Pawn

""Fantasy books offer worlds filled with magic and wonders, usually distracting readers from the ... more ""Fantasy books offer worlds filled with magic and wonders, usually distracting readers from the character’s psychological makeup. Mercedes Lackey’s Magic’s Pawn book offers a different approach, where the world and magic compliment the main hero, Vanyel’s, maturing and entering adulthood.
Being forced by his father to become someone he was not, Vanyel’s rebellion and emotional suffering made cold and distant. It took a forced journey to the capital and finding his first lover to make the main hero capable of shaping his own self-identity. The identity that later on shattered, when all of what he hold dear was taken away by his lover’s suicidal death. Mourning and at a loss, Vanyel once again was forced to redefine both who he was and who he wanted to become. This essay analyzes the forming are reforming of Vanyel’s Ashkevron identity was formed, how he reacted to the constant imposition of identity, how finding a lover helped him find his own path, and at the end – how the tragedy of a loss did not defeat the main hero of the story, but shaped him to become a Herald-Mage.""

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[Research paper thumbnail of Ornamentowy wszechświat zaułka Middak (Nadżib Mahfuz, Hamida z zaułka Middak) / Ornamented alley of Middak (Naguib Mahfouz, Midaq Alley) [in Polish]](

Afryka - fragment po fragmencie, Nov 19, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Crocheting Superheroes – The Community and The Joy of Sharing

Crocheting and knitting, as an internet meme stats, a post-apocalyptic survival skill, but in ter... more Crocheting and knitting, as an internet meme stats, a post-apocalyptic survival skill, but in terms of contemporary lives and fan activities this particular skill can provide fans with handmade goods that are by nature unique among many available factory produced merchandise. Most commonly made, shared, sold or requested are crocheted plushies called amigurumi. They are not hard to make, since they require simple crocheting techniques, sewing and optionally – glue. Fans wanting to create an amigurumi can use multiple resources created by broader community of crochetters – video tutorials, descriptions, chats, Facebook groups, multiple pages and blogs offer help for those who seek it. As a result one can create crocheted plushies of favored characters or a remix of different ones – a Bunny-Deadpool or Bunny-Batman, mini-Iron Man, or Cthulhu-Pikachu. Most of the chrochetters are not members of just one fandom, which is often seen in their works, which can include Marvel and DC superheroes, as well as anime characters and/or TV show-associated symbols or merchandise.
Presentation will concentrate on the gift economy – in terms of sharing patterns, helping with problems, inspirations and remixes of meanings that can be observed in some of the works. It will also talk about the crocheting as a possible income for fans and its implications in participation in fandoms and possible problems with trademark holders.

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Research paper thumbnail of Magia po cywilizacji w najnowszej produkcji MTV "The Shannara Chronicles"

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Research paper thumbnail of Transgressing The Real World in Ilona Andrews' novels

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Research paper thumbnail of Archive Of Our Own - cyfrowa księga fan fiction

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Research paper thumbnail of The curious case of post-humans in Young Adult literature

Young adult novels (YA) are considered to be the most popular contemporary literary genre. The co... more Young adult novels (YA) are considered to be the most popular contemporary literary genre. The commercial success of both novels and their film adaptations suggest that YA titles are those that are and will rule the bestseller lists. Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games series, Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth or The Lunar Chronicles written by Melissa Meyer are the most recognisable examples of this trend.

Great variety of those stories are set in more or less distant, often dystopian future. In those narratives main characters, mostly heroines, are designed to be special, different than others and as the story follows - being the ones that save the day. Those narratives often hint their connection to science fiction genre - for example the worlds are aftermaths of world wars, the technology at the characters disposal is yet unattainable today. And yet the science fiction of young adult novels differs significantly from the classic, hard science fiction novels.

The presentation aim is to analyse how the heros in the young adult novels are constructed and how those literary constructions transgress the norms of the normal, with heroines becoming a mixture of human and the machine. The most important question in the presentations will seek an answer to - is the young adult science fiction the real science fiction or if it should belong to a different category altogether. It will also analyse more closely how the world is set - in terms of the urban maps, importance of technology as well as the probability of such worlds. The relation between post-human creations and gender will be touched upon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tumblr as Cultural Texts Interpretation Hub

Presented during the Parallel International Conferences: Scholars as Fictionists, or On-/Off-Camp... more Presented during the Parallel International Conferences: Scholars as Fictionists, or On-/Off-Campus Creative Writing and 'Pictures from an Institution': Academy Across Time and Media; Gdańsk October, 1st-4th, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Te wstrętne yaoice – fandomowa niechęć wobec mang yaoi oraz ich fanek

Prezentacja poruszy kwestię negatywnych, pełnych poczucia wstrętu i niechęci reakcji czytelników ... more Prezentacja poruszy kwestię negatywnych, pełnych poczucia wstrętu i niechęci reakcji czytelników i czytelniczek mang na obecność w ofercie wydawniczej tytułów boys’ love (yaoi), czyli mang rysowanych przez kobiety dla kobiet o męskiej, homoseksualnej miłości. Od 2012 roku na polskim rynku funkcjonuje wydawnictwo Kotori, specjalizującego się właśnie w yaoi. Dotychczas czytelniczki boys’ love ulubione mangi czytały w Internecie lub ściągały zagraniczne wydania, pozostając poza nawiasem głównego fandomu, ignorowane przez wydawnictwa, wyśmiewane na konwentach, uważane za dziwne, „nienormalne”. Powstanie i sukces Kotori sprawiły, że wiodące wydawnictwa również przygotowały ofertę dla tych klientek. Wystąpienie przeanalizuje główne zarzuty i żale stałych czytelników tychże wydawnictw umieszczane na Facebooku przy okazji ogłoszenia nowych tytułów. W czasie prezentacji zostaną poruszone możliwe interpretacje podobnej niechęci oraz wstrętu kierowanego pod adresem czytelniczek, gatunku oraz wydawnictw.

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Research paper thumbnail of Azjatycki gender bender i gender confusion

Pośród niezwykle bogatej oferty seriali (tak zwanych dram) japońskich oraz koreańskich pojawiają ... more Pośród niezwykle bogatej oferty seriali (tak zwanych dram) japońskich oraz koreańskich pojawiają się dwa, dość niespotykane podgatunki romansowych narracji, a mianowicie gender bender oraz gender confusion. W pierwszym przypadku główne bohaterki podają się za mężczyzn lub chłopców, aby osiągnąć swoje fabularne cele. W drugim – z jakichś powodów główna bohaterka zostaje wzięta za chłopaka czy mężczyznę przez innych bohaterów i z różnych przyczyn nie może wyprowadzić ich z błędu.

Japońskie oraz koreańskie dramy są niezwykle popularne w krajach zachodnich, w tym wiele fanek je oglądających deklaruje zamiłowanie wobec obu podgatunków. Wystąpienie porówna role, jaką spełnia podobna narracja w kulturze popularnej w Japonii/Korei oraz w krajach Zachodnich. Poszuka również odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego właściwie podobne historie okazują się być popularne, pomimo niechęci do przekraczania norm genderowych tak w Azji, jak i w Europie.

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Research paper thumbnail of When a Ship Becomes a Hero - the Case of "Serenity" from Joss Whedon's "Firefly" (2002)

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Research paper thumbnail of Mecha as a Weapon. Living Organisms and the Future of Humanity in "Neon Genesis Evangelion"

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Research paper thumbnail of Jestem fanką! To straszne! Stereotypowy oraz naukowy wizerunek fana i jego konsekwencje

Naukowcy fan studies w swoich artykułach oraz książkach ścierają się ze stereotypowym wizerunkiem... more Naukowcy fan studies w swoich artykułach oraz książkach ścierają się ze stereotypowym wizerunkiem fanki – szalonej, niebezpiecznej. W swoich tekstach prezentują fanów jako produktywnych czy wykształconych. Na płaszczyźnie naukowej rozpoczęła się praca nad odzyskaniem dobrego wizerunku fanów, dlatego też w tych tekstach sporadycznie pojawiają się wzmianki o mroczniejszych aspektach fanowskiej działalności. Dopiero znaczący rozwój refleksji nad zjawiskami fandomu sprawił, że współcześni autorzy i autorki opisują fandomy bardziej kompleksowo, nie zamykając oczu na te aspekty fandomów, które były odpowiedzialne za wytworzenie utrwalonych stereotypów.
Wystąpienie poruszy kwestie związane z ewolucją wizerunku fanów w opracowaniach naukowych, a także świadomości społecznej. Znaczący akcent zostanie położony również na konsekwencje współistnienia dwóch wizji fanostwa na tożsamość samego fana.

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Research paper thumbnail of The differentiated picture of conventions: fanmade, nonprofit conventions in Poland

In the countries that are the core for mainstream popular culture conventions are big events gath... more In the countries that are the core for mainstream popular culture conventions are big events gathering approximately 10 000 people at ease. There are companies dedicated solely to organizing such events, securing guest stars, maintaining order and smooth workings of the conventions. However, in countries that exist on the outskirts of those core countries conventions are different. They are organized by non-profit societies made up by fans and as a rule they are solely non-profit. The lack of founding is one of the main factors that shape the whole events, making them less commercial and more community-oriented.

The paper will examine the differences between the USA/UK professional big event conventions and their domestic equivalents in Poland in terms of attendance, organization, guest appearances and character. It will also look closer at fan needs and possible frustrations with the domestic kind of conventions and their knowledge how the mainstream countries are organizing their own conventions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Love, sex and crime in Jane Seville's "Zero at the Bone"

The LGBT literature is a still developing genre, and because of that many publicized books repres... more The LGBT literature is a still developing genre, and because of that many publicized books represent an average writing and plot structures. Some of those have just one aim – to create a more or less coherent setting for sex scenes, others strive to create a plausible literature of artistic value. Jane Seville's début book “Zero at the Bone” falls into the latter category. The author created her story using various genres – crime fiction, thriller, romance and even erotica, connecting them with skill.

Seville's book represents a narrative that is still under-represented in the mainstream literature. Apart from the homosexual sexual identity of the main characters, the story itself is more focused on the internal struggle of both characters. Their past, hopes and fears are in fact the main focus of the story rather than the crime plot itself. Moreover, the story is perfectly balanced between the crime and romance plots, placing it apart from LGBT romances that only use the crime or detective plots as a means to present and describe the sex scenes.

The presentation will analyse the sexual and criminal plots of “Zero at the Bone”. Furthermore, it will look closer at a LGBT narrative of Seville's book that is being formed in the non-mainstream literature that balances action required by the crime narratives with romantic dynamics of characters relationships. It will also compare the book with other examples of the LGBT crime fiction, for example Josh Lanyon's “Adrien English Mysteries” series or J. L. Langley's “Sci-Regency” series.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ fanów na seriale: Supernatural i Sherlock

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Research paper thumbnail of Być fanem w Polsce

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Research paper thumbnail of The Still Present Fan Shaming

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Research paper thumbnail of Is there a “fan identity”?

The notion of self and identity is one of the most important concepts for an individual, for it i... more The notion of self and identity is one of the most important concepts for an individual, for it is often referred to as guide line in behaviour or life planning. Erikson’s model describes developmental change in terms of crisis, including the crisis of identity, only positive resolution of the crisis will enable the individual to gain another step in hers or his development. The concept of ‘self’ is one of the most important aspects of identity, the knowledge of ‘who I am’. Markus and Nurius (1986) proposed that an individual posses more than one ‘self’, or rather that the structure of it resembles amoeba – that the self expresses different characteristics depending on context, reflecting the most desirable or the most suitable aspects of the self. Psychologists usually divide identities in two main groups: individual and group identities. The two stay in constant process of negotiating which priorities are more important – mine or the groups’. Many fans, while describing themselves in various fandom-related contexts, often state to what fandom they belong to. The proposed paper will analyse, with the help of empirical study, if the notion of being a fan of a particular culture text is significant enough to form a the „fan self” and if so, what are the most important characteristics that form it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wyrwa w czasie i przestrzeni. Płciowe transgresje w serialu Torchwood

Nie ma chyba dzisiaj bardziej poczytnego tekstu kultury niż serial. Ta forma rozrywki jest obecna... more Nie ma chyba dzisiaj bardziej poczytnego tekstu kultury niż serial. Ta forma rozrywki jest obecna codziennie, dzięki wielości kanałów telewizyjnych i nowym, cyfrowym technologiom oraz rozwojowi Internetu. Właśnie to ostatnie medium przyczyniło się do spopularyzowania różnorakich tytułów na świecie z pominięciem oficjalnych struktur licencyjnych. Jednym z takich seriali jest uniwersum Doktora Who, wraz z towarzyszącymi mu spin-offami, w tym Torchwood.
Kontynuujący przygody kapitana Jacka Harknessa Torchwood, emitowany w wieczornych godzinach otworzył przed producentami możliwość wprowadzenia nowych wątków do familijnego charakteru wszechświata Doktora. Tajna, rządowa organizacja, dla której pracują główni bohaterowie, ma za zadanie zajmować się istotami, które przenikają do ich rzeczywistości przez Wyrwę w czasie i przestrzeni. Protagoniści, pod wodzą Jacka, walcząc z Innymi, powoli sami przeistaczają się w Innych. Podjęta przez nich praca sprawia, że muszą stawić czoła sytuacjom, które zmuszają ich do przepracowania własnych postaw i poglądów względem świata. Pełnione przez nich dotychczas role genderowe, zaczynają ich ograniczać, a nieuniknione wyrwanie się z ich objęć, zwykle odbywające się na gruncie nowych doświadczeń erotycznych, prowadzi do przedefiniowania własnych tożsamości.

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Research paper thumbnail of  Yaoi and shounen-ai manga as ways of liberating emotions and sexual desires

"In last fifteen years the interest in Japanese comic, manga, has become a really visible force, ... more "In last fifteen years the interest in Japanese comic, manga, has become a really visible force, the medium gaining more and more fans around the world. Thanks to the Internet many had gained access to the titles that otherwise they would either have to wait for or never read them at all. Two of the manga generes are especially popular – yaoi and shounen-ai manga. They describe male homosexual love stories, either in the very imaginative ways, like shounen-ai, or in a more explicit and graphic way, like yaoi. Both are created by female artists and created for girls.
The fact, that female readers demand those titles to be published is, in fact, a really interesting phenomenon in Western cultures. Scholars specializing in Japanese culture have established that for Japanese teenage girls those type of manga help them cope with strictly patriarchal society and the demands they have to meet. But those titles had long crossed the boundaries of Japan and are published and read by girls and women all around the world. Both yaoi and shounen-ai mangas are similar to the more Western practices of slash fiction and slash fan fiction, but, in fact, the Japanese comic describe a different kind of male types than those found in slash. They are also read for the reader's pleasure and created to give the more imaginary and visual sexual stimuli. By reading the comics created in a different cultural settings those texts can gain new meanings and loose the old ones. Nevertheless, in Western cultures, shounen-ai and yaoi are often encouraging it's female readers to embrace their own emotions and sexual desires. They, in a way, re-educate Western female readers to seek and like a different kind of characters – not only male, since the “males” can be read metaphorically. "

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Research paper thumbnail of Mangowy rynek w polsce. Po nitce do kłębka czy od nasiona do drzewa, czyli jak dotarliśmy do tego miejsca, w którym jesteśmy (awaiting publication)

KKK, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Wychowanie do nienasycenia. Kolekcjonerskie fascynacje dzieci

Kwartalnik Artystyczny BLIZA, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Szkolne zawody na światowym poziomie i ratowanie świata po godzinach. Japońska szkoła w zwierciadle komiksu

Kwartalnik Artystyczny BLIZA, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Ołtarzyk fanowskich świętości

Kwartalnik Artystyczny BLIZA nr 2 (23) 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of SZATAN MA WIELKIE OCZY? O istotności kontekstu w komiksie japońskim

Kwartalnik Artystyczny BLIZA nr 2 (29) 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Działalność fanowska na uniwersytecie i uniwersytet w działalności fanowskiej

Kwartalnik Artystyczny BLIZA nr 1 (22) 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Fanfikowe nie/tabu. Niegdysiejsze i dzisiejsze wstydliwe praktyki fanów

Kwartalnik Artystyczny BLIZA nr 2 (26) 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Kto ma prawo decydować o androidach?

Kwartalnik Artystyczny Bliza Nr 1 (31) / 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Mangowe fascynacje - fakty i mity

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Research paper thumbnail of J-pop i K-pop. Azjatyckie boysbandy porywają Europę

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Research paper thumbnail of Filmowe lęki przed kontrolą, czyli nowe wcielenia Wielkiego Brata

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Research paper thumbnail of Manga yaoi dla średniozaawansowanych

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Research paper thumbnail of Dlaczego ta manga jest taka dziwna?

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Research paper thumbnail of Co i jak opowiadają mangi shoujo?

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Research paper thumbnail of Wizerunki współczesnych wilkołaków w literaturze

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[Research paper thumbnail of Psychologia międzykulturowa [Cross-cultural psychology]](

Prezentacja współtworzona i współprezentowana z Martą Tymińską podczas festiwalu Made in Azja - M... more Prezentacja współtworzona i współprezentowana z Martą Tymińską podczas festiwalu Made in Azja - Made in Japonia (Uniwersytet Gdański, 22-25.05.2014). Celem prezentacji było pokazanie różnorodnych aspektów komunikacji międzykulturowej. / Presentation co-created and co-presented with Marta Tymińska during festival Made in Asia - Made in Japan (University of Gdańsk, 22-25.05.2014). The aim of the presentation was to show the various aspects of cross-cultural communication.

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Research paper thumbnail of K-Pop, J-Pop i J-Rock - wstęp wstępu

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Research paper thumbnail of Niecodzienna manga dla kobiet – czym jest yaoi?

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Research paper thumbnail of Recenzja książki Fandom. Fanowskie modele odbioru Aldony Kobus (awaiting publication)

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