suhairi heri | State Islamic University of Sumatera Utara Meda (original) (raw)

Papers by suhairi heri

Research paper thumbnail of Homeschooling

Homeschooling is an alternative education system for children other than in school. Where now sta... more Homeschooling is an alternative education system for children other than in school. Where now starting to grow in Indonesia and legitimate existence and guaranteed Act. Homeschooling start becoming the people's choice as an alternative method of education for several reasons, including because of the wishes of the people (parents) for more flexibility in educating children, providing educational system more friendly to the development of children, and ensure that the child's learning process can be carried out to the fullest, as avoid acts of violence against children and the education system which resulted in a mass of
under- explored potential to the fullest. Education at home is not a new thing. Before there was a modern education system (schools) as known at this time, home-based education carried out, as well as in Islamic education, the Prophet is the originator of the homeschooling education. Pendidikanya process performed by the Prophet in Arqam ibn Arqam house that has produced students who have extraordinary abilities. Then the students of the companions of the Prophet in the future, tabi' - tabi'in, many who become experts in various fields of science, technology, astronomy, Islamic philosophy delivers to the golden gate.
Key Words : Homeschooling, Sekolah, Orangtua, Anak.

Research paper thumbnail of moral Rsouning

There is a difference of moral reasoning among boys and girls of high intellectual students perce... more There is a difference of moral reasoning among boys and girls of high intellectual students perceived from authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting styles it is suggested that educators should develop suitable teaching strategy which may enhance the high intellectual children positive developmental
aspects by avoiding sex stereotypes; encouraging to be independent and tak a risk; and guiding in problem solving. It is suggested too that parents of high intellectual children should avoid different parenting between boys and girls and help them to make moral decision properly so the can avoid social adapting
Key Words : Moral Penalaran-High Style-mahasiswa Parenting Intelektual.

Research paper thumbnail of  SEKOLAH


Dengan perkembangan zaman di dunia pendidikan yang ters berubah dengan signifikan sehingga banyak... more Dengan perkembangan zaman di dunia pendidikan yang ters berubah dengan signifikan sehingga banyak merubah pola pikir pendidik, dari pola pikir yang awam dan kaku menjadi lebih modren. Di dalam undang-undang No 20 tahun 2003 pasal 1 dinyatakan bahwa pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat bangsa dan negara. sedngkan menurut Trianto pendidikan adalah salah satu bentuk perwujudan kebudayaan manusia yang dinamis dan syarat perkembangan (Trianto, 2010) . dari pandangan di atas dapatlah kita ketahui bahwa pendidikan itu pada hakikatnya mengembangkan potensi-potensi manusia kearah yang lebih yang baik, baik dari segi pengetahuan, keahlian dan juga nilai-nilai pada dirinya.

Research paper thumbnail of DIMENSI PENGEMBANGAN DIRI BERNUANSA ISLAMI DALAM KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah)

Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum... more Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum.The aim of Self development that give chance to all student to increase and to express their selves commensurate with their necessity, talent, interest. Self development activity was guided by counselor, teacher, or educator did in extracurricular activity. Self development activity was done through a counseling service with self trouble and social live, learn, and with named KTSP, curriculum structure covers three components, there are : (1) subject of study (2) local capacity self development. PENDAHULUAN Dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan Indonesia, pemerintah terus berupaya melakukan berbagai reformasi dalam bidang pendidikan, di antaranya adalah dengan dikeluarkannya Permendiknas No. 22 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dan Permendiknas No. 23 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Selanjutnya, untuk mengatur pelaksanaan peraturan tersebut dikeluarkan pula Permendiknas No 24 tahun 2006. Dari ketiga peraturan tersebut memuat beberapa hal penting di antaranya bahwa satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah mengembangkan dan menetapkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, yang kemudian dipopulerkan dengan istilah KTSP. Di dalam KTSP, struktur kurikulum yang dikembangkan mencakup tiga komponen yaitu: (1) mata pelajaran; (2) muatan lokal dan (3) pengembangan diri.Komponen pengembangan diri merupakan komponen yang relatif baru dan berlaku untuk dikembangkan pada semua jenjang pendidikan. LANDASAN 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Pasal 1 butir 6 yang mengemukakan bahwa konselor adalah pendidik, Pasal 3 bahwa pendidikan nasional bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi siswa, dan Pasal 4 ayat (4) bahwa pendidikan diselenggarakan dengan memberi keteladanan, membangun kemauan, dan mengembangkan kreativitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, dan Pasal 12 Ayat (1b) yang menyatakan bahwa setiap siswa pada setiap satuan pendidikan berhak mendapatkan pelayanan pendidikan sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan kemampuannya. 2. PP. No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Pasal 5 -Pasal 18 tentang standar isi untuk satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah.


Decreasing character today can to strengthen that very important to introduce a character educati... more Decreasing character today can to strengthen that very important to introduce a character education in every education activity. Character is a grades or a norm that aim to improve good relation and harmony between God and human, and also between one people and another people. The aim of character education is to make everyone has good character, good act,to having good custom to base on Islamic teaching.


Controlling for the guidance and counseling aim to give a self development facility, and a school... more Controlling for the guidance and counseling aim to give a self development facility, and a school counselor's skill to increase a counselor's competence and to increase to be responsibility in counseling and make a program guidance service. Getting that the purpose a school controller for the guidance and counseling can use some approximation there are to do assessment, to prevention, to motivate, and to give reinforcement for knowing an advantages from the program and implementation from guidance and counseling in the school had achieved and knew a progress and weakness, and had preventative steps to avoided deviation because to prevented is better than repaired.

Research paper thumbnail of KONSELING BERDASARKAN AL QUR’AN

This article is to connect counseling process with Islam teaching by diging counseling base based... more This article is to connect counseling process with Islam teaching by diging counseling base based on Al-Qur'an. Where intrinsically man is biological creature, person, social, and religion creature. Intrinsically also man divided to two factions namely faction of healthy person and faction of indisposed person. faction of Healthy person is person capable to arrange x'self in its(the relationship with ownself, others, area, and God. faction of Indisposed person is person which unable to arrange x'self in its(the relationship with ownself, others, area, and God in the end having estuary at assorted of problems.


Rules of fiqh is a baseline or foundation that is still Kully or general, which can be applied to... more Rules of fiqh is a baseline or foundation that is still Kully or general, which can be applied to the parts. Rule fiqh grow in writing, although the seeds had been there since the prophet was alive, fiqh scholars agree that the rules of fiqh earliest found is in the 2nd century H. by scholars of fiqh as a separate discipline rules of fiqh emerged in the 4th century H are scattered in several schools of fiqh. Abu al-Hanafi Dibasi of life around the 3rd century and the beginning of the 4th century the first scholars who have collected a total of 17 rules rule, and then Abu Sa'id al-Harawi of the Shafi'i scholars take note of Abu Tahir al-Dabusi. Among them are al-Kaida Khamsatul al-Kubrah. Approximately one hundred years later came a scholar Imam Abu Hasan al-Kharkhi, which then adds rules to 37 rules. The rules concerning relevant in the field of ibadhah enough, as the authors of the rules mentioned in the text of this paper. PENDAHULUAN Untuk memahami makna qaidah secara kongkrit, dapat kita lihat dua sisi, yaitu, secara lughawi (etimologi) dan secara itilahi (terminologi). Secara etimologi (bahasa) kaidah adalah azas, yaitu dasar dan fondasi atas sesuatu, sedangkan secara terminologi (istilah) ada beberapa rumusan yang dikemukakan oleh para ulama, diantaranya: Imam Taj al-Din al-Subki: Sesuatu perkara hukum yang bersifat kully (Umum atau menyeluruh) yang dapat diterapkan pada seluruh juz'i (satuannya/bagian-bagiannya) untuk mengetahui dan memahami hukum-hukumnya (Taj al-Din, 2006). Imam Mustafha al-Zarqa':

Research paper thumbnail of RESPON KEPALA MADRASAH

Faculty IAIN Sumatera Utara for the school/madrasah in Sumatera Utara province can get a good res... more Faculty IAIN Sumatera Utara for the school/madrasah in Sumatera Utara province can get a good respons from the education institution where they have duty as a teacher of Arabic. This is the important thing improved by skill and competence from Arabic department alumnus appropriated with government regulation. Some of competence is one of the important needed to alumnus Arabic department from Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Sumatera Utara. Some of the competence are : pedagogy competence that show a good quality with 85%, personality competence that show a good quality with 90%, social competence that show a good quality with 85%, and professional competence that show a good quality with 80%. PENDAHULUAN Alumni Program Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Sumatera Utara adalah orangorang yang dipersiapkan untuk mampu mengabdi dan mengajar di lembaga pendidikan formal khususnya (sekolah dan madrasah) dan lembaga non formal pada umumnya dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Pada umumnya guru Bahasa Arab yang notabene alumni Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Sumatera Utara, kurang memiliki pengalaman dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Padahal guru-guru Bahasa Arab sebagai sumber daya manusia yang ada di sekolah maupun di madrasah mempunyai peranan yang sangat menentukan terhadap keberhasilan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, karena guru adalah pengelola pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) bagi para siswa. Agar pelaksanaan KBM ini berjalan dengan efektif dan evisien sesuai dengan

Research paper thumbnail of PERAN KOMUNIKASI YUDISI

The Judicial Commission is a independent governmental departments, established by reformation dem... more The Judicial Commission is a independent governmental departments, established by reformation demanding and used for judicature departments. The function of Judicial Commision is used for propose election a noble judge and monitored a noble judge and a judge of judicature departments in the all judicature environment under the Supreme Court, and judge of Constitution Court as written on Indonesia's constitution 1945. The controlling was carried out under Judicial Commision include preventive controlling until repressive controlling to take care and maintain honorable, sublimity, status, and attitude of a judge. Existence of Judicial Commission have to held important role and strategic for create clean and dignified Judicial Commision. The aimed of Judicial Commission for created independent, neutral, competent, transparent, judicature departments, and to uphold justice and truth value, and to build dignity law, protection law, certainty and justice law.

Research paper thumbnail of PEMBUATAN TANIN DARI BUAH PINANG

Pinang is a plant familiared in Indonesia for long time ago, and we can get pinang easily and che... more Pinang is a plant familiared in Indonesia for long time ago, and we can get pinang easily and cheaper now. In Indonesia, pinang used for sirih ingredients, and also exported to abroad. Usually, a fresh pinang (tannin's womb in pinang fruit) can use to skin industry, textile, drink industry, pharmacy. Extraction tannin from pinang fruit maked by dissolve pinang to alcohol.

Research paper thumbnail of KOMUNIKASI MANAJEMEN KONFLIK

Without a good communisation it will cause a conflict, where conflict can occur interpersonal and... more Without a good communisation it will cause a conflict, where conflict can occur interpersonal and group. Interpersonal conflicts and groups can provide benefits to organizations and individuals during the conflict can be overcome with good, nor vice versa certain conflicts can be detrimental if the parties could not be finished properly. All conflicts in the organization could be solved if communication can run well".

Research paper thumbnail of IPA MUDAH MELALUI MEDIA

The visualization is a process of changing a concept to become a picture to be broadcasted in a t... more The visualization is a process of changing a concept to become a picture to be broadcasted in a television. The visualization is one of the important instrument in dynamic process and abstract concept of biological study. The visualization is expression of idea in the form of picture, map, graphs, etc. Picture showed visual representation from the concrete and abstract object. While the animation showed a frame order so every frame looked as a changed from before the frame. The animation can illustrate transfer phases from one process so the animation can help the students to understand the complex and dynamic of biological process. This writing discussed about the picture and the animation as the visualization in biological study.


Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum... more Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum.The aim of Self development that give chance to all student to increase and to express their selves commensurate with their necessity, talent, interest. Self development activity was guided by counselor, teacher, or educator did in extracurricular activity. Self development activity was done through a counseling service with self trouble and social live, learn, and increase student's career. The unit of elementary school and high school was populared with named KTSP, curriculum structure covers three components, there are : (1) subject of study (2) local capacity self development. PENDAHULUAN Dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan Indonesia, pemerintah terus berupaya melakukan berbagai reformasi dalam bidang pendidikan, di antaranya adalah dengan dikeluarkannya Permendiknas No. 22 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dan Permendiknas No. 23 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Selanjutnya, untuk mengatur pelaksanaan peraturan tersebut dikeluarkan pula Permendiknas No 24 tahun 2006. Dari ketiga peraturan tersebut memuat beberapa hal penting di antaranya bahwa satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah mengembangkan dan menetapkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, yang kemudian dipopulerkan dengan istilah KTSP. Di dalam KTSP, struktur kurikulum yang dikembangkan mencakup tiga komponen yaitu: (1) mata pelajaran; (2) muatan lokal dan (3) pengembangan diri.Komponen pengembangan diri merupakan komponen yang relatif baru dan berlaku untuk dikembangkan pada semua jenjang pendidikan. LANDASAN 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Pasal 1 butir 6 yang mengemukakan bahwa konselor adalah pendidik, Pasal 3 bahwa pendidikan nasional bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi siswa, dan Pasal 4 ayat (4) bahwa pendidikan diselenggarakan dengan memberi keteladanan, membangun kemauan, dan mengembangkan kreativitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, dan Pasal 12 Ayat (1b) yang menyatakan bahwa setiap siswa pada setiap satuan pendidikan berhak mendapatkan pelayanan pendidikan sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan kemampuannya. 2. PP. No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Pasal 5 -Pasal 18 tentang standar isi untuk satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah.



Wakaf is donation for religious purpose. The aim of wakaf is to necessity and general benefit, wh... more Wakaf is donation for religious purpose. The aim of wakaf is to necessity and general benefit, where in it talks about piety and social welfare.In Islam knowed wakaf for specific group is intimate family, and the name is wakaf ahli. The aim of wakaf ahli is to protect family's destiny. In Islamic law concept, someone who has possessions and wants to give one part of his possessions, its better look and give to his intimate family. If they need help, so wakaf is better gived to them who need the help. PENDAHULUAN Dalam sebuah hadis Rasulullah saw disebutkan ; : ) ( Bila seseorang meninggal dunia, putuslah amalnya kecuali tiga perkara; sedekah jariah atau ilmu yang dimanfaatkan atau anak soleh yang mendoakannya (H.R. Muslim).

SUHAIRI by suhairi heri

Research paper thumbnail of BID'AH ITU SESAT

Saya pernah mendengar hadits Rasulullah Muhammad SAW "Kullu bidatun dholallah (semua bid'ah itu s... more Saya pernah mendengar hadits Rasulullah Muhammad SAW "Kullu bidatun dholallah (semua bid'ah itu sesat) Tetapi saya dengar dari ustaz kampung bahwa bid'ah itu ada dua yaitu bid'ah dholalah dan Hasanah. Bagaimana sebenarnya yang betul?

Research paper thumbnail of Homeschooling

Homeschooling is an alternative education system for children other than in school. Where now sta... more Homeschooling is an alternative education system for children other than in school. Where now starting to grow in Indonesia and legitimate existence and guaranteed Act. Homeschooling start becoming the people's choice as an alternative method of education for several reasons, including because of the wishes of the people (parents) for more flexibility in educating children, providing educational system more friendly to the development of children, and ensure that the child's learning process can be carried out to the fullest, as avoid acts of violence against children and the education system which resulted in a mass of
under- explored potential to the fullest. Education at home is not a new thing. Before there was a modern education system (schools) as known at this time, home-based education carried out, as well as in Islamic education, the Prophet is the originator of the homeschooling education. Pendidikanya process performed by the Prophet in Arqam ibn Arqam house that has produced students who have extraordinary abilities. Then the students of the companions of the Prophet in the future, tabi' - tabi'in, many who become experts in various fields of science, technology, astronomy, Islamic philosophy delivers to the golden gate.
Key Words : Homeschooling, Sekolah, Orangtua, Anak.

Research paper thumbnail of moral Rsouning

There is a difference of moral reasoning among boys and girls of high intellectual students perce... more There is a difference of moral reasoning among boys and girls of high intellectual students perceived from authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting styles it is suggested that educators should develop suitable teaching strategy which may enhance the high intellectual children positive developmental
aspects by avoiding sex stereotypes; encouraging to be independent and tak a risk; and guiding in problem solving. It is suggested too that parents of high intellectual children should avoid different parenting between boys and girls and help them to make moral decision properly so the can avoid social adapting
Key Words : Moral Penalaran-High Style-mahasiswa Parenting Intelektual.

Research paper thumbnail of  SEKOLAH


Dengan perkembangan zaman di dunia pendidikan yang ters berubah dengan signifikan sehingga banyak... more Dengan perkembangan zaman di dunia pendidikan yang ters berubah dengan signifikan sehingga banyak merubah pola pikir pendidik, dari pola pikir yang awam dan kaku menjadi lebih modren. Di dalam undang-undang No 20 tahun 2003 pasal 1 dinyatakan bahwa pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat bangsa dan negara. sedngkan menurut Trianto pendidikan adalah salah satu bentuk perwujudan kebudayaan manusia yang dinamis dan syarat perkembangan (Trianto, 2010) . dari pandangan di atas dapatlah kita ketahui bahwa pendidikan itu pada hakikatnya mengembangkan potensi-potensi manusia kearah yang lebih yang baik, baik dari segi pengetahuan, keahlian dan juga nilai-nilai pada dirinya.

Research paper thumbnail of DIMENSI PENGEMBANGAN DIRI BERNUANSA ISLAMI DALAM KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah)

Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum... more Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum.The aim of Self development that give chance to all student to increase and to express their selves commensurate with their necessity, talent, interest. Self development activity was guided by counselor, teacher, or educator did in extracurricular activity. Self development activity was done through a counseling service with self trouble and social live, learn, and with named KTSP, curriculum structure covers three components, there are : (1) subject of study (2) local capacity self development. PENDAHULUAN Dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan Indonesia, pemerintah terus berupaya melakukan berbagai reformasi dalam bidang pendidikan, di antaranya adalah dengan dikeluarkannya Permendiknas No. 22 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dan Permendiknas No. 23 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Selanjutnya, untuk mengatur pelaksanaan peraturan tersebut dikeluarkan pula Permendiknas No 24 tahun 2006. Dari ketiga peraturan tersebut memuat beberapa hal penting di antaranya bahwa satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah mengembangkan dan menetapkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, yang kemudian dipopulerkan dengan istilah KTSP. Di dalam KTSP, struktur kurikulum yang dikembangkan mencakup tiga komponen yaitu: (1) mata pelajaran; (2) muatan lokal dan (3) pengembangan diri.Komponen pengembangan diri merupakan komponen yang relatif baru dan berlaku untuk dikembangkan pada semua jenjang pendidikan. LANDASAN 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Pasal 1 butir 6 yang mengemukakan bahwa konselor adalah pendidik, Pasal 3 bahwa pendidikan nasional bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi siswa, dan Pasal 4 ayat (4) bahwa pendidikan diselenggarakan dengan memberi keteladanan, membangun kemauan, dan mengembangkan kreativitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, dan Pasal 12 Ayat (1b) yang menyatakan bahwa setiap siswa pada setiap satuan pendidikan berhak mendapatkan pelayanan pendidikan sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan kemampuannya. 2. PP. No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Pasal 5 -Pasal 18 tentang standar isi untuk satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah.


Decreasing character today can to strengthen that very important to introduce a character educati... more Decreasing character today can to strengthen that very important to introduce a character education in every education activity. Character is a grades or a norm that aim to improve good relation and harmony between God and human, and also between one people and another people. The aim of character education is to make everyone has good character, good act,to having good custom to base on Islamic teaching.


Controlling for the guidance and counseling aim to give a self development facility, and a school... more Controlling for the guidance and counseling aim to give a self development facility, and a school counselor's skill to increase a counselor's competence and to increase to be responsibility in counseling and make a program guidance service. Getting that the purpose a school controller for the guidance and counseling can use some approximation there are to do assessment, to prevention, to motivate, and to give reinforcement for knowing an advantages from the program and implementation from guidance and counseling in the school had achieved and knew a progress and weakness, and had preventative steps to avoided deviation because to prevented is better than repaired.

Research paper thumbnail of KONSELING BERDASARKAN AL QUR’AN

This article is to connect counseling process with Islam teaching by diging counseling base based... more This article is to connect counseling process with Islam teaching by diging counseling base based on Al-Qur'an. Where intrinsically man is biological creature, person, social, and religion creature. Intrinsically also man divided to two factions namely faction of healthy person and faction of indisposed person. faction of Healthy person is person capable to arrange x'self in its(the relationship with ownself, others, area, and God. faction of Indisposed person is person which unable to arrange x'self in its(the relationship with ownself, others, area, and God in the end having estuary at assorted of problems.


Rules of fiqh is a baseline or foundation that is still Kully or general, which can be applied to... more Rules of fiqh is a baseline or foundation that is still Kully or general, which can be applied to the parts. Rule fiqh grow in writing, although the seeds had been there since the prophet was alive, fiqh scholars agree that the rules of fiqh earliest found is in the 2nd century H. by scholars of fiqh as a separate discipline rules of fiqh emerged in the 4th century H are scattered in several schools of fiqh. Abu al-Hanafi Dibasi of life around the 3rd century and the beginning of the 4th century the first scholars who have collected a total of 17 rules rule, and then Abu Sa'id al-Harawi of the Shafi'i scholars take note of Abu Tahir al-Dabusi. Among them are al-Kaida Khamsatul al-Kubrah. Approximately one hundred years later came a scholar Imam Abu Hasan al-Kharkhi, which then adds rules to 37 rules. The rules concerning relevant in the field of ibadhah enough, as the authors of the rules mentioned in the text of this paper. PENDAHULUAN Untuk memahami makna qaidah secara kongkrit, dapat kita lihat dua sisi, yaitu, secara lughawi (etimologi) dan secara itilahi (terminologi). Secara etimologi (bahasa) kaidah adalah azas, yaitu dasar dan fondasi atas sesuatu, sedangkan secara terminologi (istilah) ada beberapa rumusan yang dikemukakan oleh para ulama, diantaranya: Imam Taj al-Din al-Subki: Sesuatu perkara hukum yang bersifat kully (Umum atau menyeluruh) yang dapat diterapkan pada seluruh juz'i (satuannya/bagian-bagiannya) untuk mengetahui dan memahami hukum-hukumnya (Taj al-Din, 2006). Imam Mustafha al-Zarqa':

Research paper thumbnail of RESPON KEPALA MADRASAH

Faculty IAIN Sumatera Utara for the school/madrasah in Sumatera Utara province can get a good res... more Faculty IAIN Sumatera Utara for the school/madrasah in Sumatera Utara province can get a good respons from the education institution where they have duty as a teacher of Arabic. This is the important thing improved by skill and competence from Arabic department alumnus appropriated with government regulation. Some of competence is one of the important needed to alumnus Arabic department from Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Sumatera Utara. Some of the competence are : pedagogy competence that show a good quality with 85%, personality competence that show a good quality with 90%, social competence that show a good quality with 85%, and professional competence that show a good quality with 80%. PENDAHULUAN Alumni Program Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Sumatera Utara adalah orangorang yang dipersiapkan untuk mampu mengabdi dan mengajar di lembaga pendidikan formal khususnya (sekolah dan madrasah) dan lembaga non formal pada umumnya dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Pada umumnya guru Bahasa Arab yang notabene alumni Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Sumatera Utara, kurang memiliki pengalaman dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Padahal guru-guru Bahasa Arab sebagai sumber daya manusia yang ada di sekolah maupun di madrasah mempunyai peranan yang sangat menentukan terhadap keberhasilan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, karena guru adalah pengelola pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) bagi para siswa. Agar pelaksanaan KBM ini berjalan dengan efektif dan evisien sesuai dengan

Research paper thumbnail of PERAN KOMUNIKASI YUDISI

The Judicial Commission is a independent governmental departments, established by reformation dem... more The Judicial Commission is a independent governmental departments, established by reformation demanding and used for judicature departments. The function of Judicial Commision is used for propose election a noble judge and monitored a noble judge and a judge of judicature departments in the all judicature environment under the Supreme Court, and judge of Constitution Court as written on Indonesia's constitution 1945. The controlling was carried out under Judicial Commision include preventive controlling until repressive controlling to take care and maintain honorable, sublimity, status, and attitude of a judge. Existence of Judicial Commission have to held important role and strategic for create clean and dignified Judicial Commision. The aimed of Judicial Commission for created independent, neutral, competent, transparent, judicature departments, and to uphold justice and truth value, and to build dignity law, protection law, certainty and justice law.

Research paper thumbnail of PEMBUATAN TANIN DARI BUAH PINANG

Pinang is a plant familiared in Indonesia for long time ago, and we can get pinang easily and che... more Pinang is a plant familiared in Indonesia for long time ago, and we can get pinang easily and cheaper now. In Indonesia, pinang used for sirih ingredients, and also exported to abroad. Usually, a fresh pinang (tannin's womb in pinang fruit) can use to skin industry, textile, drink industry, pharmacy. Extraction tannin from pinang fruit maked by dissolve pinang to alcohol.

Research paper thumbnail of KOMUNIKASI MANAJEMEN KONFLIK

Without a good communisation it will cause a conflict, where conflict can occur interpersonal and... more Without a good communisation it will cause a conflict, where conflict can occur interpersonal and group. Interpersonal conflicts and groups can provide benefits to organizations and individuals during the conflict can be overcome with good, nor vice versa certain conflicts can be detrimental if the parties could not be finished properly. All conflicts in the organization could be solved if communication can run well".

Research paper thumbnail of IPA MUDAH MELALUI MEDIA

The visualization is a process of changing a concept to become a picture to be broadcasted in a t... more The visualization is a process of changing a concept to become a picture to be broadcasted in a television. The visualization is one of the important instrument in dynamic process and abstract concept of biological study. The visualization is expression of idea in the form of picture, map, graphs, etc. Picture showed visual representation from the concrete and abstract object. While the animation showed a frame order so every frame looked as a changed from before the frame. The animation can illustrate transfer phases from one process so the animation can help the students to understand the complex and dynamic of biological process. This writing discussed about the picture and the animation as the visualization in biological study.


Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum... more Self development is an education activity outside from subject of study part of school curriculum.The aim of Self development that give chance to all student to increase and to express their selves commensurate with their necessity, talent, interest. Self development activity was guided by counselor, teacher, or educator did in extracurricular activity. Self development activity was done through a counseling service with self trouble and social live, learn, and increase student's career. The unit of elementary school and high school was populared with named KTSP, curriculum structure covers three components, there are : (1) subject of study (2) local capacity self development. PENDAHULUAN Dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan Indonesia, pemerintah terus berupaya melakukan berbagai reformasi dalam bidang pendidikan, di antaranya adalah dengan dikeluarkannya Permendiknas No. 22 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dan Permendiknas No. 23 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Selanjutnya, untuk mengatur pelaksanaan peraturan tersebut dikeluarkan pula Permendiknas No 24 tahun 2006. Dari ketiga peraturan tersebut memuat beberapa hal penting di antaranya bahwa satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah mengembangkan dan menetapkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, yang kemudian dipopulerkan dengan istilah KTSP. Di dalam KTSP, struktur kurikulum yang dikembangkan mencakup tiga komponen yaitu: (1) mata pelajaran; (2) muatan lokal dan (3) pengembangan diri.Komponen pengembangan diri merupakan komponen yang relatif baru dan berlaku untuk dikembangkan pada semua jenjang pendidikan. LANDASAN 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Pasal 1 butir 6 yang mengemukakan bahwa konselor adalah pendidik, Pasal 3 bahwa pendidikan nasional bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi siswa, dan Pasal 4 ayat (4) bahwa pendidikan diselenggarakan dengan memberi keteladanan, membangun kemauan, dan mengembangkan kreativitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, dan Pasal 12 Ayat (1b) yang menyatakan bahwa setiap siswa pada setiap satuan pendidikan berhak mendapatkan pelayanan pendidikan sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan kemampuannya. 2. PP. No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Pasal 5 -Pasal 18 tentang standar isi untuk satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah.



Wakaf is donation for religious purpose. The aim of wakaf is to necessity and general benefit, wh... more Wakaf is donation for religious purpose. The aim of wakaf is to necessity and general benefit, where in it talks about piety and social welfare.In Islam knowed wakaf for specific group is intimate family, and the name is wakaf ahli. The aim of wakaf ahli is to protect family's destiny. In Islamic law concept, someone who has possessions and wants to give one part of his possessions, its better look and give to his intimate family. If they need help, so wakaf is better gived to them who need the help. PENDAHULUAN Dalam sebuah hadis Rasulullah saw disebutkan ; : ) ( Bila seseorang meninggal dunia, putuslah amalnya kecuali tiga perkara; sedekah jariah atau ilmu yang dimanfaatkan atau anak soleh yang mendoakannya (H.R. Muslim).

Research paper thumbnail of BID'AH ITU SESAT

Saya pernah mendengar hadits Rasulullah Muhammad SAW "Kullu bidatun dholallah (semua bid'ah itu s... more Saya pernah mendengar hadits Rasulullah Muhammad SAW "Kullu bidatun dholallah (semua bid'ah itu sesat) Tetapi saya dengar dari ustaz kampung bahwa bid'ah itu ada dua yaitu bid'ah dholalah dan Hasanah. Bagaimana sebenarnya yang betul?