Romina I Fucà | Università Degli Studi Di Verona (original) (raw)

Videos by Romina I Fucà

Thanks to Dr. Chiara BUCCINI and ARACNE TV yesterday 23 February 2022 we have recorded a presenta... more Thanks to Dr. Chiara BUCCINI and ARACNE TV yesterday 23 February 2022 we have recorded a presentation related to Niklas LUHMANN and the "Theory of Systems." We have enhanced the role of this German Contemporary Sociologist of Law has revolutioned both the international communication systems and the way to frame societal issues in the context of a growing organizational complexity.

#law #communication #complexity #NiklasLuhmann #systemsthinking #Sociology of Law #emergencymanagement #resiliencetraining #buildingcommunities #sustainabledevelopmentgoals.


Books by Romina I Fucà

Research paper thumbnail of Pagine da 2019 397 interno 12 Risks Management and Open Spaces R. Fuca

Gestione dei rischi e spazi aperti , 2019

In determining whether a public space is safe, people usually consider both its dimension and nat... more In determining whether a public space is safe, people usually consider both its dimension and natural character. A key determinant is how the presence of other people occurs. We will consider this aspect can be mitigated by some design measures, in particular: a. lines of sight; b. prospects; and c. their permeability.

Research paper thumbnail of First Name: Romina Last Name: Fucà


Since the 2000s, she has researched totalitarianism in the postwar period. She has gradually deve... more Since the 2000s, she has researched totalitarianism in the postwar period. She has gradually developed insights into probability and conditionalities in subjective preferences, with philosophical approaches to decision-making in human affairs when it is strongly vulnerable to and at the same time boosted by uncertainties. Between 2017 and 2018, she published three online sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, "Curbanismo," "Modeling e decision-making," and "L'evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle Emergenze". Her latest online book is "Schengen and the cross-border operations in Europe. Security systems and the EU borders," published in December 2019.

Research paper thumbnail of DICTIONNAIRE en

Guide for beginners in Power Plant, 2015

This is a guide for engineers, conceived with a specific cut on systems theory. It dates to my li... more This is a guide for engineers, conceived with a specific cut on systems theory. It dates to my living experience in a Power Plant with Enel Research Group in 2014-15

Research paper thumbnail of Schengen e il cross-border nell'Unione Europea. Sistemi di cooperazione territoriale e di sicurezza

Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. Fro... more Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. From the 2000s she has researched on the effects of totalitarianism in the post-war period. Since years she is interested in environmental and urban issues with a systemic perspective stemming mainly from the numerous works of Niklas Luhmann, both in German and in English. In 2017 and 2018, she has published three sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, "Curbanismo," "Modeling e decision-making," and "L’evoluzione dell’urbanesimo nelle Emergenze". Recently (December 2019), she has researched on migration's issues in Europe, and analyzed different security fields in the world, especially with regard to the new arrivals, with the aim at explaining the general fears our community as a whole is experiencing because of the global economic crisis. "Schengen and the cross-border operations in Europe. Security systems and the borders," is her latest book published by Aracne Editrice in Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Schengen e il cross-border nell'Unione europea

Schengen e il cross-border nell'Unione europea, 2019

Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati ... more Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati membri, gli attori e le parti interessate dell'Unione Europea, al fine di conoscere meglio e, per quanto possibile, rafforzare i sistemi territoriali e di sicurezza nell'area Schengen attraverso la tutela di diritti individuali che siano civili, politici, economici, sociali, culturali, sia in grado di gestire in modo maturo le sfide della migrazione e le potenziali minacce future alle frontiere europee.

Research paper thumbnail of Schengen e il cross–border nell’Unione Europea. Sistemi territoriali e di sicurezza

Schengen e il cross–border nell’Unione Europea, 2019

Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati ... more Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati membri, gli attori e le parti interessate dell’Unione Europea, al fine di conoscere meglio e, per quanto possibile, rafforzare i sistemi territoriali e di sicurezza nell’area Schengen. Lo spazio Schengen, attivo dagli anni 1990, viene analizzato con lo scopo di filtrare le prospettive chiave della natura territoriale con cui l’Unione si confronta spesso in questi ultimi anni, non solo per gli aspetti critici che caratterizzano la sua complessità transfrontaliera, ma anche e soprattutto per i meccanismi decisionali che interagiscono con i cittadini. Una crescente frammentazione sembra scaturire da fenomeni come l’intolleranza nei confronti delle diversità, tanto da rendere necessario evidenziare come il legame tra sicurezza interna ed esterna, attraverso la tutela di diritti individuali che siano civili, politici, economici, sociali, culturali, sia in grado di gestire in modo maturo le sfide della migrazione e le potenziali minacce future alle frontiere europee.

Research paper thumbnail of International Cooperation R. FUCA

Schengen e il cross–border nell’Unione Europea, 2019

The book boosts the interests of international cooperation, in particular of the Worldwide Commun... more The book boosts the interests of international cooperation, in particular of the Worldwide Community with the EU Member States, and among the actors and stakeholders of the European Union, in order to learn more and, as far as possible, to strengthen the territorial and security systems in the Schengen area. The key perspectives of the territorial nature facing the Union arise from phenomena such as the EU's cross-border complexity, the decision-making mechanisms that interact with citizens, the increasing fragmentation of public institutions and the resulting intolerance towards cohesive communities, in order to make it necessary to highlight the link between internal and external security, through the protection of individual rights which are civil, social, cultural and thus capable of managing the challenges of migration and the future threats at the European borders.

Le livre défend les intérêts de la coopération internationale, en particulier de la Communauté mondiale avec les États membres de l'UE, et parmi les acteurs et parties prenantes de l'Union européenne, afin d'en savoir plus et, dans la mesure du possible, de renforcer les systèmes territoriaux et la sécurité dans l'espace Schengen. Les perspectives clés de la nature territoriale de l'Union découlent de phénomènes tels que la complexité transfrontalière de l'UE, les mécanismes décisionnels qui interagissent avec les citoyens, la fragmentation croissante des institutions publiques et l'intolérance qui en résulte pour des communautés cohésives, afin de rendre mettre en évidence le lien entre sécurité intérieure et extérieure, à travers la protection des droits individuels qui soient civils, sociaux, culturels et, donc, capables de gérer les défis de la migration et les menaces futures aux frontières européennes.



 La 'struttura' e il 'mutamento' nella sociologia (slide 3)  La 'Scuola Ecologica' di E.W. Burg... more  La 'struttura' e il 'mutamento' nella sociologia (slide 3)  La 'Scuola Ecologica' di E.W. Burgess e R.E. Park a Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (slide 4)  Il modello di M.R. Davie a New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. (slide 5-7)  L'edilizia abitativa pubblica Pruitt-Igoe a St. Louis, Missouri (slide 8-9) e Cabrini Green a Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (slide 11)  La sovrappopolazione a Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong (slide 12-13)  Il comportamento antisociale nei grattacieli 'Red Road' a Balornock e a Paisley Millarston, Glasgow, Scozia (slide XX e XX)  Oscar Newman e la teoria della 'difendibilità degli spazi' (slide 10)  La varietà etnica in Hilbrow Johannesburg, Sud Africa (slide 14)  Le Vele a Scampia e la teoria delle 'finestre rotte' di Philip Zimbardo (slide 15) 2. DISORGANIZZAZIONE URBANA  La 'disfunzione' e la 'disorganizzazione' nella sociologia (slide 19)

Research paper thumbnail of La costruzione del rischio RFUCA

Modelling e Decision Making, 2017

Esistono parecchi programmi in grado di supportare la decisione degli attori sociali: i Decision ... more Esistono parecchi programmi in grado di supportare la decisione degli attori sociali: i Decision Making Support Systems (DMSS), un compendio di decisioni strategiche calcolate algebricamente per simulare architetture spaziali, parametrizzare pressioni economiche in sistemi di trasporto di passeggeri e beni, in generale fare previsioni sperimentali. Il loro funzionamento prevede (i) l'organizzazione di parametri problematici, accedendo di solito a database ed estraendo i dati di decisione, (ii) la strutturazione del problema di decisione, accedendo alla base modello, recuperando il modello di decisione appropriato, ed operazionalizzando (unendovi parametri organizzati) il modello di decisione; (iii) la simulazione di politiche ed eventi, utilizzando il modello di decisione operazionalizzato per svolgere le computazioni necessarie per simulare risultati da alternative specifiche-all'utilizzatore e poi identificare l'alternativa (o le alternative) che incontrano meglio il criterio (o i criteri) di decisione tra quelli testati; e (iv) la scoperta della migliore soluzione al problema, accedendo alla base modello, recuperando il metodo di soluzione appropriato, e utilizzando metodo recuperato per determinare sistematicamente l'alternativa (od alternative), tra tutte le alternative possibili, che meglio soddisfano il criterio (o criteri) di decisione.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitolo IV

L'Evoluzione dell'urbanesimo delle emergenze, 2018

La Convenzione sulle armi chimiche (Chemical Weapons Convention – CWC) è stata adottata dalla Con... more La Convenzione sulle armi chimiche (Chemical Weapons Convention – CWC) è stata adottata dalla Conferenza sul disarmo a Ginevra il 3 settembre 1992. La CWC consente la verifica rigorosa del rispetto da parte degli Stati parti. Il CWC è il primo accordo di disarmo negoziato nell’ambito di un quadro multilaterale che prevede l’eliminazione di un’intera categoria di armi di distruzione di massa nell’ambito di un sistema di controllo internazionale universalmente applicato.
A seguito dell’entrata in vigore della CWC del 29 aprile 1997, è
stata formalmente istituita l’Organizzazione per la proibizione delle
armi chimiche (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons – OPCW).

Research paper thumbnail of Modelli e reddito pensionistici

L'Evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle emergenze, 2018

È noto sin dai primi del XIX secolo come la Grande Trasformazione della società industriale (Pola... more È noto sin dai primi del XIX secolo come la Grande Trasformazione della società industriale (Polanyi, 1960 ca.) abbia comportato da un lato principi di liberalismo economico e laissez-faire che hanno permesso mercati liberi e flessibili, dall'altro abbia aumentato l'attenzione sulla sicurezza dell'impiego e le possibili misure contro la pre-carietà sia di aziende che di lavoratori. Sono aumentati i numeri delle lavoratrici femminili, e diminuiti-almeno apparentemente-quelli dei lavori minorili. In mezzo a decenni di volatilità ed instabilità dei mercati, con grandi fluttuazioni di decennio in decennio, si è presa coscienza di come spesso le classi di lavoratori siano inefficienti nel garantirsi entrate sufficienti a garantire il proprio benessere generale. Ineguaglianza e insicurezza possono quindi esacerbare mobilità dei redditi e quantità di lavori mal pagati che impediscono qualunque ascesa socio-economica. L'assicurazione di indennizzo per i lavoratori (Workers Compensation Insurance) è uno dei piani assicurativi necessari per gli imprenditori che devono acquistare per la protezione dei propri dipendenti. Ad es., la maggior parte degli imprenditori edilizi e altre attività di costruzione sono considerate ad alto rischio per le compagnie assicurative. Le imprese con dipendenti a rischio quali «riparatori di tetti, car-pentieri e operatori di attrezzature e non soltanto» sono vulnerabili in quanto le lesioni subite in tali ambienti di lavoro sono generalmente più gravi e potenzialmente catastrofiche per i dipendenti (NIOSH, 2002).

Research paper thumbnail of Capitolo IV 'CPTED at the crossroads'

L'evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle emergenze, 2019

Il senso di comunità nell'urbanesimo sta nel processo di selezione e scelta tra alternative dispo... more Il senso di comunità nell'urbanesimo sta nel processo di selezione e scelta tra alternative disponibili che Herbert Gans individuò tra i primi come costruzione della comunità. Nel caso di Levittown preso in considerazione dall'Autore in The Levittowners (1967), egli scoprì che quando sorgevano e si risolvevano conflitti, i residenti iniziavano a stabilire le linee-guida di una comunità. Gans suggerì quindi di esaminare i "conflitti" piuttosto che gli "elementi comuni" dei proprietari per osservare questo processo in azione: Il processo attraverso cui questo risultato comunitario viene acquisito è guidato dal conflitto. Una comunità moderna non è come una cultura popolare, in cui congruenza tra la comunità e la sua popolazione viene ottenuta tramite un consenso diffuso riguardo comportamento e valori. A Levittown la congruenza è molto meno perfetta, ed è prodotta dagli sforzi di potere che sono costantemente risolti tramite compromessi in modo che istituzioni ed organizzazioni pos-sano funzionare in maniera ordinata.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitolo II 'Cosa si intende con egualmente possibile?'

L'evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle emergenze, 2018

È noto che la teoria della probabilità si basa su "incertezze", anzi ne è proprio una misura nume... more È noto che la teoria della probabilità si basa su "incertezze", anzi ne è proprio una misura numerica. Sulla base del riscontro di un evento, siamo propensi a credere che quell'evento (od uno simile) avrà una maggiore probabilità di evenienza. Cerchiamo a quel punto di assegnare misure numeriche all'incertezza. I problemi principali nella teoria della probabilità sono legati alle sequenze: è vero che se avrà piovuto circa il 30% dei giorni scorsi, c'è una probabilità di circa il 0.30 che piova anche domani, ma non è detto che non esca il sole. Pertanto, come notato da Barnett (2009), e richiamandoci alla teoria di von Mises degli anni 1920, in una prospettiva classica la probabilità non è mai oggettiva, bensì solamente una struttura matematica del concetto base di calcolo della frequenza. Noi facciamo inferenze probabili per quello che sosteniamo validità oggettiva, ma passiamo da piena fiducia in un'affermazione ad una parziale in un'altra, e sosteniamo che questa procedura è ogget-tivamente giusta, tanto che se un altro uomo in circostanze similari intrattenesse un differente grado di fiducia, egli sbaglierebbe nel farlo. Keynes negli anni 1950 illustra questo supponendo che tra ogni due affermazioni, prese come premessa e conclusione, esiste solo e soltanto una relazione di un certo tipo chiamata "relazione di proba-bilità"; e che se, in ciascun caso dato, la relazione è quella di grado a, a partire da piena fiducia nella premessa, dovremmo, se fossimo razionali, procedere ad una fiducia di grado a nella conclusione.

Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni e istruzione europea

Research paper thumbnail of Diplômes d’école ou d’université en France

Research paper thumbnail of Un terzo di una nazione - Edith Elmer Wood

Research paper thumbnail of Decision–making come procedura

Research paper thumbnail of Ordine pubblico: emergenza e deroghe

Research paper thumbnail of Security Governance Counter Terrorism

Thanks to Dr. Chiara BUCCINI and ARACNE TV yesterday 23 February 2022 we have recorded a presenta... more Thanks to Dr. Chiara BUCCINI and ARACNE TV yesterday 23 February 2022 we have recorded a presentation related to Niklas LUHMANN and the "Theory of Systems." We have enhanced the role of this German Contemporary Sociologist of Law has revolutioned both the international communication systems and the way to frame societal issues in the context of a growing organizational complexity.

#law #communication #complexity #NiklasLuhmann #systemsthinking #Sociology of Law #emergencymanagement #resiliencetraining #buildingcommunities #sustainabledevelopmentgoals.


Research paper thumbnail of Pagine da 2019 397 interno 12 Risks Management and Open Spaces R. Fuca

Gestione dei rischi e spazi aperti , 2019

In determining whether a public space is safe, people usually consider both its dimension and nat... more In determining whether a public space is safe, people usually consider both its dimension and natural character. A key determinant is how the presence of other people occurs. We will consider this aspect can be mitigated by some design measures, in particular: a. lines of sight; b. prospects; and c. their permeability.

Research paper thumbnail of First Name: Romina Last Name: Fucà


Since the 2000s, she has researched totalitarianism in the postwar period. She has gradually deve... more Since the 2000s, she has researched totalitarianism in the postwar period. She has gradually developed insights into probability and conditionalities in subjective preferences, with philosophical approaches to decision-making in human affairs when it is strongly vulnerable to and at the same time boosted by uncertainties. Between 2017 and 2018, she published three online sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, "Curbanismo," "Modeling e decision-making," and "L'evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle Emergenze". Her latest online book is "Schengen and the cross-border operations in Europe. Security systems and the EU borders," published in December 2019.

Research paper thumbnail of DICTIONNAIRE en

Guide for beginners in Power Plant, 2015

This is a guide for engineers, conceived with a specific cut on systems theory. It dates to my li... more This is a guide for engineers, conceived with a specific cut on systems theory. It dates to my living experience in a Power Plant with Enel Research Group in 2014-15

Research paper thumbnail of Schengen e il cross-border nell'Unione Europea. Sistemi di cooperazione territoriale e di sicurezza

Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. Fro... more Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. From the 2000s she has researched on the effects of totalitarianism in the post-war period. Since years she is interested in environmental and urban issues with a systemic perspective stemming mainly from the numerous works of Niklas Luhmann, both in German and in English. In 2017 and 2018, she has published three sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, "Curbanismo," "Modeling e decision-making," and "L’evoluzione dell’urbanesimo nelle Emergenze". Recently (December 2019), she has researched on migration's issues in Europe, and analyzed different security fields in the world, especially with regard to the new arrivals, with the aim at explaining the general fears our community as a whole is experiencing because of the global economic crisis. "Schengen and the cross-border operations in Europe. Security systems and the borders," is her latest book published by Aracne Editrice in Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Schengen e il cross-border nell'Unione europea

Schengen e il cross-border nell'Unione europea, 2019

Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati ... more Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati membri, gli attori e le parti interessate dell'Unione Europea, al fine di conoscere meglio e, per quanto possibile, rafforzare i sistemi territoriali e di sicurezza nell'area Schengen attraverso la tutela di diritti individuali che siano civili, politici, economici, sociali, culturali, sia in grado di gestire in modo maturo le sfide della migrazione e le potenziali minacce future alle frontiere europee.

Research paper thumbnail of Schengen e il cross–border nell’Unione Europea. Sistemi territoriali e di sicurezza

Schengen e il cross–border nell’Unione Europea, 2019

Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati ... more Il volume promuove gli interessi della cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con gli Stati membri, gli attori e le parti interessate dell’Unione Europea, al fine di conoscere meglio e, per quanto possibile, rafforzare i sistemi territoriali e di sicurezza nell’area Schengen. Lo spazio Schengen, attivo dagli anni 1990, viene analizzato con lo scopo di filtrare le prospettive chiave della natura territoriale con cui l’Unione si confronta spesso in questi ultimi anni, non solo per gli aspetti critici che caratterizzano la sua complessità transfrontaliera, ma anche e soprattutto per i meccanismi decisionali che interagiscono con i cittadini. Una crescente frammentazione sembra scaturire da fenomeni come l’intolleranza nei confronti delle diversità, tanto da rendere necessario evidenziare come il legame tra sicurezza interna ed esterna, attraverso la tutela di diritti individuali che siano civili, politici, economici, sociali, culturali, sia in grado di gestire in modo maturo le sfide della migrazione e le potenziali minacce future alle frontiere europee.

Research paper thumbnail of International Cooperation R. FUCA

Schengen e il cross–border nell’Unione Europea, 2019

The book boosts the interests of international cooperation, in particular of the Worldwide Commun... more The book boosts the interests of international cooperation, in particular of the Worldwide Community with the EU Member States, and among the actors and stakeholders of the European Union, in order to learn more and, as far as possible, to strengthen the territorial and security systems in the Schengen area. The key perspectives of the territorial nature facing the Union arise from phenomena such as the EU's cross-border complexity, the decision-making mechanisms that interact with citizens, the increasing fragmentation of public institutions and the resulting intolerance towards cohesive communities, in order to make it necessary to highlight the link between internal and external security, through the protection of individual rights which are civil, social, cultural and thus capable of managing the challenges of migration and the future threats at the European borders.

Le livre défend les intérêts de la coopération internationale, en particulier de la Communauté mondiale avec les États membres de l'UE, et parmi les acteurs et parties prenantes de l'Union européenne, afin d'en savoir plus et, dans la mesure du possible, de renforcer les systèmes territoriaux et la sécurité dans l'espace Schengen. Les perspectives clés de la nature territoriale de l'Union découlent de phénomènes tels que la complexité transfrontalière de l'UE, les mécanismes décisionnels qui interagissent avec les citoyens, la fragmentation croissante des institutions publiques et l'intolérance qui en résulte pour des communautés cohésives, afin de rendre mettre en évidence le lien entre sécurité intérieure et extérieure, à travers la protection des droits individuels qui soient civils, sociaux, culturels et, donc, capables de gérer les défis de la migration et les menaces futures aux frontières européennes.



 La 'struttura' e il 'mutamento' nella sociologia (slide 3)  La 'Scuola Ecologica' di E.W. Burg... more  La 'struttura' e il 'mutamento' nella sociologia (slide 3)  La 'Scuola Ecologica' di E.W. Burgess e R.E. Park a Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (slide 4)  Il modello di M.R. Davie a New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. (slide 5-7)  L'edilizia abitativa pubblica Pruitt-Igoe a St. Louis, Missouri (slide 8-9) e Cabrini Green a Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (slide 11)  La sovrappopolazione a Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong (slide 12-13)  Il comportamento antisociale nei grattacieli 'Red Road' a Balornock e a Paisley Millarston, Glasgow, Scozia (slide XX e XX)  Oscar Newman e la teoria della 'difendibilità degli spazi' (slide 10)  La varietà etnica in Hilbrow Johannesburg, Sud Africa (slide 14)  Le Vele a Scampia e la teoria delle 'finestre rotte' di Philip Zimbardo (slide 15) 2. DISORGANIZZAZIONE URBANA  La 'disfunzione' e la 'disorganizzazione' nella sociologia (slide 19)

Research paper thumbnail of La costruzione del rischio RFUCA

Modelling e Decision Making, 2017

Esistono parecchi programmi in grado di supportare la decisione degli attori sociali: i Decision ... more Esistono parecchi programmi in grado di supportare la decisione degli attori sociali: i Decision Making Support Systems (DMSS), un compendio di decisioni strategiche calcolate algebricamente per simulare architetture spaziali, parametrizzare pressioni economiche in sistemi di trasporto di passeggeri e beni, in generale fare previsioni sperimentali. Il loro funzionamento prevede (i) l'organizzazione di parametri problematici, accedendo di solito a database ed estraendo i dati di decisione, (ii) la strutturazione del problema di decisione, accedendo alla base modello, recuperando il modello di decisione appropriato, ed operazionalizzando (unendovi parametri organizzati) il modello di decisione; (iii) la simulazione di politiche ed eventi, utilizzando il modello di decisione operazionalizzato per svolgere le computazioni necessarie per simulare risultati da alternative specifiche-all'utilizzatore e poi identificare l'alternativa (o le alternative) che incontrano meglio il criterio (o i criteri) di decisione tra quelli testati; e (iv) la scoperta della migliore soluzione al problema, accedendo alla base modello, recuperando il metodo di soluzione appropriato, e utilizzando metodo recuperato per determinare sistematicamente l'alternativa (od alternative), tra tutte le alternative possibili, che meglio soddisfano il criterio (o criteri) di decisione.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitolo IV

L'Evoluzione dell'urbanesimo delle emergenze, 2018

La Convenzione sulle armi chimiche (Chemical Weapons Convention – CWC) è stata adottata dalla Con... more La Convenzione sulle armi chimiche (Chemical Weapons Convention – CWC) è stata adottata dalla Conferenza sul disarmo a Ginevra il 3 settembre 1992. La CWC consente la verifica rigorosa del rispetto da parte degli Stati parti. Il CWC è il primo accordo di disarmo negoziato nell’ambito di un quadro multilaterale che prevede l’eliminazione di un’intera categoria di armi di distruzione di massa nell’ambito di un sistema di controllo internazionale universalmente applicato.
A seguito dell’entrata in vigore della CWC del 29 aprile 1997, è
stata formalmente istituita l’Organizzazione per la proibizione delle
armi chimiche (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons – OPCW).

Research paper thumbnail of Modelli e reddito pensionistici

L'Evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle emergenze, 2018

È noto sin dai primi del XIX secolo come la Grande Trasformazione della società industriale (Pola... more È noto sin dai primi del XIX secolo come la Grande Trasformazione della società industriale (Polanyi, 1960 ca.) abbia comportato da un lato principi di liberalismo economico e laissez-faire che hanno permesso mercati liberi e flessibili, dall'altro abbia aumentato l'attenzione sulla sicurezza dell'impiego e le possibili misure contro la pre-carietà sia di aziende che di lavoratori. Sono aumentati i numeri delle lavoratrici femminili, e diminuiti-almeno apparentemente-quelli dei lavori minorili. In mezzo a decenni di volatilità ed instabilità dei mercati, con grandi fluttuazioni di decennio in decennio, si è presa coscienza di come spesso le classi di lavoratori siano inefficienti nel garantirsi entrate sufficienti a garantire il proprio benessere generale. Ineguaglianza e insicurezza possono quindi esacerbare mobilità dei redditi e quantità di lavori mal pagati che impediscono qualunque ascesa socio-economica. L'assicurazione di indennizzo per i lavoratori (Workers Compensation Insurance) è uno dei piani assicurativi necessari per gli imprenditori che devono acquistare per la protezione dei propri dipendenti. Ad es., la maggior parte degli imprenditori edilizi e altre attività di costruzione sono considerate ad alto rischio per le compagnie assicurative. Le imprese con dipendenti a rischio quali «riparatori di tetti, car-pentieri e operatori di attrezzature e non soltanto» sono vulnerabili in quanto le lesioni subite in tali ambienti di lavoro sono generalmente più gravi e potenzialmente catastrofiche per i dipendenti (NIOSH, 2002).

Research paper thumbnail of Capitolo IV 'CPTED at the crossroads'

L'evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle emergenze, 2019

Il senso di comunità nell'urbanesimo sta nel processo di selezione e scelta tra alternative dispo... more Il senso di comunità nell'urbanesimo sta nel processo di selezione e scelta tra alternative disponibili che Herbert Gans individuò tra i primi come costruzione della comunità. Nel caso di Levittown preso in considerazione dall'Autore in The Levittowners (1967), egli scoprì che quando sorgevano e si risolvevano conflitti, i residenti iniziavano a stabilire le linee-guida di una comunità. Gans suggerì quindi di esaminare i "conflitti" piuttosto che gli "elementi comuni" dei proprietari per osservare questo processo in azione: Il processo attraverso cui questo risultato comunitario viene acquisito è guidato dal conflitto. Una comunità moderna non è come una cultura popolare, in cui congruenza tra la comunità e la sua popolazione viene ottenuta tramite un consenso diffuso riguardo comportamento e valori. A Levittown la congruenza è molto meno perfetta, ed è prodotta dagli sforzi di potere che sono costantemente risolti tramite compromessi in modo che istituzioni ed organizzazioni pos-sano funzionare in maniera ordinata.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitolo II 'Cosa si intende con egualmente possibile?'

L'evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle emergenze, 2018

È noto che la teoria della probabilità si basa su "incertezze", anzi ne è proprio una misura nume... more È noto che la teoria della probabilità si basa su "incertezze", anzi ne è proprio una misura numerica. Sulla base del riscontro di un evento, siamo propensi a credere che quell'evento (od uno simile) avrà una maggiore probabilità di evenienza. Cerchiamo a quel punto di assegnare misure numeriche all'incertezza. I problemi principali nella teoria della probabilità sono legati alle sequenze: è vero che se avrà piovuto circa il 30% dei giorni scorsi, c'è una probabilità di circa il 0.30 che piova anche domani, ma non è detto che non esca il sole. Pertanto, come notato da Barnett (2009), e richiamandoci alla teoria di von Mises degli anni 1920, in una prospettiva classica la probabilità non è mai oggettiva, bensì solamente una struttura matematica del concetto base di calcolo della frequenza. Noi facciamo inferenze probabili per quello che sosteniamo validità oggettiva, ma passiamo da piena fiducia in un'affermazione ad una parziale in un'altra, e sosteniamo che questa procedura è ogget-tivamente giusta, tanto che se un altro uomo in circostanze similari intrattenesse un differente grado di fiducia, egli sbaglierebbe nel farlo. Keynes negli anni 1950 illustra questo supponendo che tra ogni due affermazioni, prese come premessa e conclusione, esiste solo e soltanto una relazione di un certo tipo chiamata "relazione di proba-bilità"; e che se, in ciascun caso dato, la relazione è quella di grado a, a partire da piena fiducia nella premessa, dovremmo, se fossimo razionali, procedere ad una fiducia di grado a nella conclusione.

Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni e istruzione europea

Research paper thumbnail of Diplômes d’école ou d’université en France

Research paper thumbnail of Un terzo di una nazione - Edith Elmer Wood

Research paper thumbnail of Decision–making come procedura

Research paper thumbnail of Ordine pubblico: emergenza e deroghe

Research paper thumbnail of Security Governance Counter Terrorism

Research paper thumbnail of Cover plus index_book RFUCA_2018.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Decision Making Education

Decision Making Education in 2021, 2021

This product represents my interests in decision making and choice analysis tools. It is a compre... more This product represents my interests in decision making and choice analysis tools. It is a comprehensive syllabus with several strands to deepen our knowledge on choice and subjective probability. Topics are divided into sections with added videos and supplementary materials furnished by third parties.

Research paper thumbnail of URBANA ppt WorkInP


 "Noi abbiamo bisogno di comunità locali più forti e di una migliore qualità di vita. Strade in ... more  "Noi abbiamo bisogno di comunità locali più forti e di una migliore qualità di vita. Strade in cui i genitori si sentono sicuri di lasciare camminare i loro bambini verso scuola. Dove le persone vogliono utilizzare i parchi. Dove graffiti, vandalismo, sporcizia e abbandono non sono tollerati. Dove l'ambiente in cui viviamo è in grado di trasmettere più che di alienare un senso di comunità locale e di responsabilità reciproca." (Tony Blair, Primo Ministro della Gran Bretagna, Croydon, 2001). PROCEDURA  La procedura di riqualificazione dei siti deve prevedere qualche forma di prevenzione del crimine tramite progettazione ambientale 220 CPTED RIQUALIFICAZIONE

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria ecologica e crimine

Research paper thumbnail of Space is the Machine

L'intelligibilità è una proprietà difficile in un sistema urbano. Dal momento che, per definizion... more L'intelligibilità è una proprietà difficile in un sistema urbano. Dal momento che, per definizione, lo spazio urbano a livello del suolo non può essere visto e vissuto tutto in una volta, ma richiede che l'osservatore si muova intorno al sistema costruendosi un quadro pezzo per pezzo, si potrebbe sospettare che l'intelligibilità ha qualcosa a che fare con il modo in cui un'immagine dell'intero sistema urbano può essere costruito dalle sue parti, e più specificamente, spostandosi da una parte all'altra.

Research paper thumbnail of ROMINA FUCA

Vita: Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in "Systems theory" from the University of Macerata, Ital... more Vita: Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in "Systems theory" from the University of Macerata, Italy. From the 2000s she has researched on totalitarianism in the postwar period. Since years she is interested in organization and urban issues with a systemic perspective stemming mainly from the numerous works of Niklas Luhmann, both in German and in English. In 2017 and 2018, she has published three sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, "Curbanismo," "Modeling e decision-making," and "L'evoluzione dell'urbanesimo nelle Emergenze".

Research paper thumbnail of Urban change

Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. Fro... more Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. From the 2000s she has researched on the effects of totalitarianism in the post-war period. Since years she is interested in environmental and urban issues with a systemic perspective stemming mainly from the numerous works of Niklas Luhmann, both in German and in English. In 2017 and 2018, she has published three sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, "Curbanismo," "Modeling e decision-making," and "L’evoluzione dell’urbanesimo nelle Emergenze". Recently (December 2019), she has researched on migration's issues in Europe, and analyzed different security fields in the world, especially with regard to the new arrivals, with the aim at explaining the general fears our community as a whole is experiencing because of the global economic crisis.

Research paper thumbnail of L A C U R V A D E L C R I M I N E N E L L ' U R B A N E S I M O

Curbanismo, 2017

L’aumento della popolazione nelle prime dieci città americane nella prima metà del 1900
L’ipotesi di Canter & Larkin sulla criminologia ambientale (2008)

Research paper thumbnail of Hammarkullen

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Evaluating Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Principles in Educational Institutions: Occupant Insights

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Ancient Houses in Ben Tre City: A Multifaceted Approach to Preserve Artistic Architectural Heritage and Boost Local Tourism

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Sustainable Development In Southeast Asia: Lessons, Partnerships, and English

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "“Examining GITAM (Deemed to be University) and Osmania Universities in Hyderabad for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design measures”: A foundation towards a safe CPTED exterior campus model

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design — Enhancing Safety and Livability in Maqboolpura, Amritsar: An Adaptive Approach to Crime Prevention in Informal Settlements

This article focuses on liveability initiatives in Maqboolpura, Punjab region, India, with the ai... more This article focuses on liveability initiatives in Maqboolpura, Punjab region, India, with the aim of reducing crime in informal settlements. Section 1. Introduction is a summary of descriptive data on informal settings in Indian cities, particularly in Amritsar district of Punjab, which has a population of 10,370 in an area of 1.29 km 2. The authors bring up common features of CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) to highlight how the surroundings of Maqboolpura could be considered filthy and less liveable compared to other settlements in the area. "The poor quality of buildings" and "the lack of public spaces is seen by the authors as the main objective for the demand to create new living conditions in these informal settlements with the aim of making them capable of reducing crime and the feeling of insecurity associated with it. Figure 6 is a kind of child's drawing that perfectly explains that science has only cold meaning if we are not accustomed to the challenge and the possibility of showing things as they are, without masks and/or scientific manipulation filters. The authors therefore wish to show that habitability is a middle term among human needs and values, on the one hand, and on the other hand, a list of important human social constructions such as i. health care, ii. education, iii. spatial urban planning, etc. which models the environment, the distribution of establishments and the function of buildings. Maqboolpura is unfortunately described as a filthy space, filled with deprived areas, where people face enormous challenges in integrating into the rest of the socioeconomic sphere. Some investigations reported there have used i. primary surveys, ii. content analysis, and iii. land use analysis drawings with the aim of, among other things, detecting patterns of activity. The points considered at stake in safety and security are illustrated in the photographs in Figure 12. Information on how people feel in Maqboolpura is given in the section Perception of safety and security among residents of Maqboolpura. A proposal for redevelopment of this Indian zone is also presented in Figures 14 and 15.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Navigating Urban Housing Dynamics: Exploring the Interplay Between Real Estate Development and Housing Demand in Post-1991 Ethiopia

Research paper thumbnail of Navigating Organization Dynamics: The Real-World Example of Condominium Life in Sicily During the COVID-19 Era in Late 2022-2023

International journal of economic behavior and organization, Jun 13, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, especially in shared living environments.... more The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, especially in shared living environments. This study explores the behavior of 39 residents, aged 17 to 91, in a Sicilian condominium, focusing on adherence to socio-juridical mandates and sanitation protocols in communal spaces post-2020 pandemic. The research builds on a previous study that examined the impact of COVID-19 during the first wave, considering factors such as meeting cancellations, social distancing, and mask mandates. The objective is to understand how these factors influenced collective decision-making during and after the pandemic and to assess the alignment of individual actions with collective goals. The present quantitative analysis investigates the trade-offs in collective decision-making, emphasizing the role of shared responsibility in mitigating risks and fostering cooperation. This study underscores the importance of condominium administrators and legal support in promoting cooperative dynamics and socio-juridical precautions for economic resilience. Metrics such as β** (ratio of individual benefit to community benefit) and θ ** (ratio of individual self-interest) are introduced to quantify their impact on decision-making processes and societal norms. Finally, this research highlights the significance of coordinated efforts and the need for effective socio-juridical frameworks to enhance communal living and ensure collective well-being during crises.

Research paper thumbnail of Navigating Organization Dynamics: The Real-World Example of Condominium Life in Sicily During the COVID-19 Era in Late 2022-2023

International Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, especially in shared living environments.... more The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, especially in shared living environments. This study explores the behavior of 39 residents, aged 17 to 91, in a Sicilian condominium, focusing on adherence to socio-juridical mandates and sanitation protocols in communal spaces post-2020 pandemic. The research builds on a previous study that examined the impact of COVID-19 during the first wave, considering factors such as meeting cancellations, social distancing, and mask mandates. The objective is to understand how these factors influenced collective decision-making during and after the pandemic and to assess the alignment of individual actions with collective goals. The present quantitative analysis investigates the trade-offs in collective decision-making, emphasizing the role of shared responsibility in mitigating risks and fostering cooperation. This study underscores the importance of condominium administrators and legal support in promoting cooperative dynamics and socio-juridical precautions for economic resilience. Metrics such as β** (ratio of individual benefit to community benefit) and θ ** (ratio of individual self-interest) are introduced to quantify their impact on decision-making processes and societal norms. Finally, this research highlights the significance of coordinated efforts and the need for effective socio-juridical frameworks to enhance communal living and ensure collective well-being during crises.

Research paper thumbnail of The Sustainable Material Culture (SMC): A Review

We confidently approach current issues in Green Finance (GF) from the perspective of an internati... more We confidently approach current issues in Green Finance (GF) from the perspective of an international organization, where the first author has previous experience as a support assistant. In fact, the economy of the EU (European Union) is deeply involved in the changing needs related to the dramatic consequences of climate change and environmental degradation, which has placed the needs of a more sustainable economy at the top of the international agenda. The environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects are marginally addressed to arouse a major interest in questions raised by green financial products which require long-term profit expectations, and which above all contain a margin of risk that is difficult to calculate in the landscape of traditional financial instruments. Through a careful approach akin to artificial intelligence research methods, we attempt to “materialize” at least the most visible clues of this fashionable economic shift through what we call SMC (sustainab...

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Study of environment-behavior in three types of the urban context of Tehran — Comparative analysis of the Chizar, Narmak, and Khazane neighborhoods’ context using survey and space syntax methods

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design — Enhancing Safety and Livability in Maqboolpura, Amritsar: An Adaptive Approach to Crime Prevention in Informal Settlements

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Examining the Comparative Effect of the Built Environment on Crime Prevention in Plotted Development, Especially for Women’s Safety at Both Hot and Cold Spots

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Drug-Free School Locality through Crime Prevention Strategies – The Case of Kerala

Research paper thumbnail of Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Social Sciences in 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "The Impact of Urban Design in minimizing Women’s Fear of Crime

This article focuses on crimes against women (CAW) in India in 2021, highlighting how environment... more This article focuses on crimes against women (CAW) in India in 2021, highlighting how environmental conditions significantly contribute to increased risk for women. The article mentions the findings by India's National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) and by the BBC, this latter showing that in 2021 crimes against women in India reached their peak with other than 400,000 cases in 6 years from 2016 with an increase of 26.35% over the period (see Rising crimes against

Research paper thumbnail of Replies to MDPI Editing Team

Correspondence, 2020

Line 2: I have not deleted comments and left replies in track changes modality. Line 10: about af... more Line 2: I have not deleted comments and left replies in track changes modality. Line 10: about affiliations I have exchanged with MDPI Sustainability and just modified the Correspondence with both my email addresses (personal or academic). Lines 146-150: I have redone Figure 1 because of the cursors I do not see in my .doc file and then cannot modify, and changed as per your request the color of Y7. I have deleted the old figure to avoid a doubling of it (and therefore your comment has been deleted). I have added a comment of mine about these minor changes. Lines 196-202: Footnote moving is confirmed. Thank you. Lines 221-222: Footnote moving is confirmed. Thank you. Line 245, Table 1.: I have added (random walks). First time this acronym appears in a Table as per suggestion.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of a Condominium’s Association in Adapting, Complying, and Self-Reducing Anxiety in Response to COVID-19 Precautionary Measures

Frontiers in Law

Our article is part of a micro-inquiry into the small reality of co-ownership to formulate hypoth... more Our article is part of a micro-inquiry into the small reality of co-ownership to formulate hypotheses on the evaluation of behaviors (non-pharmaceutical precautionary measures) in addition to pharmaceutical actions put in place by the authorities against future pandemics. Our article takes its first steps in the fact that one of the most common ways to fight the COVID-19 virus is to avoid close contact between people. Indeed, our condominium meetings have been canceled at the first COVID-19 vague (in late February 2020), and social distancing as well as the use of masks and hand sanitizer in the concierge are measures still adopted at the end of 2022. External people (parents, visitors in general, and patients from the three health offices housed in the condominium) have been reduced, and certain businesses, such as bed and breakfasts, which were operating until 2019, had been closed following the first vague of COVID-19 pandemics. The general condominium association has been centra...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning Intention in Brazilian University Students: Self-Legitimation of Independence and the Search for Entrepreneurial Culture

Studies on entrepreneurship, structural change and industrial dynamics, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of CuRbanIsME: A Photographic Self-Analysis to Evaluate the Likelihood of the Occurrence of Predatory Crimes in Downtown Hamburg

Sustainability, 2020

In this study, a triangulation of (a) spatial data, (b) self-awareness, and (c) behavioral self-a... more In this study, a triangulation of (a) spatial data, (b) self-awareness, and (c) behavioral self-analysis seeks to provide an explanation from an innovative perspective for the likelihood of the occurrence of predatory crimes in the city center. This study does not examine the circumstances in which criminal acts occur. Instead, it focuses on a broader concept that combines both the configurational factors and the behavioral interconnections in which criminal acts occur. We orient the occurrence probability of crime towards appropriate objectives in the presence or absence of attractors/detractors, with interesting variation in the behavior of the acting subject—in our case, a random walker (also called the Random Movement–displacement Agent, or RDMA, in the text), which is the key variable that triggers the occurrence probability of predatory crimes. The relationship between spatial and/or behavioral observations and the probability of the crimes that may result from such observatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Undecidability and the Evolution of Ideas in an Emergency Event: An Example of How to Systemically Test Organizational Effectiveness (OE) in University Groups

Education Sciences, 2020

The location of this research is the university, through which we are progressively channeled int... more The location of this research is the university, through which we are progressively channeled into a seemingly insoluble Gordian knot. What is our participation in the university and what cultural and human commitments inform this participation? More trivially, what rights and duties does the individual acquire or lose within his or her academic identities? Our main target was finding an ideal organizational practice to examine, such as an emergency event. What strategy can the university adopt? Can it realign its distortions and retain its resources? How and in what ways? What information is needed for this purpose? Which actors are relevant in this process? A systemic survey model is, therefore, presented to analyze data obtained from a sample of 200 respondents from various academic groups, including students, professors, administrative staff, and other stakeholders. Quotas were used for the primary challenge posed by the pictures representing dimensions according to a systemic s...

Research paper thumbnail of Disorganizzazione sociale v. controlli informali

Curbanismo, 2017

Spazialità, offensori e localizzazione del crimine. Questo approccio richiama il significato dell... more Spazialità, offensori e localizzazione del crimine. Questo approccio richiama il significato della "società espositiva", definita da Bernard Harcourt, il quale tra i primi ha identificato i segreti «non solo come condizioni temporanee di occultazione che possono, e devono talvolta, essere indiscriminatamente esposti, ma anche come siti dell'agenzia nella quale la promessa di emancipazione si interrompe sul diritto al segreto ritenuto come il diritto di non rispondere e di non appartenere» Secondo Kornhauser (1978), Bursik (1988), e Sampson e Groves (1989), il concetto di "disorganizzazione sociale" può essere definito come «l'incapacità di una struttura comunitaria a realizzare i valori comuni dei suoi residenti e a mantenere efficaci controlli sociali». Le dimensioni strutturali dell'organizzazione sociale comunitaria includono sia la prevalenza come anche l'interdipendenza di reti sociali in una comunità, e l'ampiezza di supervisione collettiva che la comunità dirige verso problemi locali. Organizzazione sociale in tal modo è considerata una funzione sia di network informali (ad es., la densità di relazioni parentali locali, legami intergenerazionali, e controllo reciproco) che di istituzioni formali (ad es., la densità organizzativa e la partecipazione sociale come anche la stabilità istituzionale). Quindi il radicamento di alti tassi di crimini in alcuni quartieri sa-rebbe riflesso non tanto in certi "tipi di persone", bensì in una forza collettiva, caratteristica di una comunità stessa: in maniera simile al modello Durkheimiano osservato nel I capitolo, il crimine sarebbe considerato un "fatto sociale" collettivo più che individuale. Anche se alcuni fattori di "isolamento sociale" come è nel caso di alcune etnie possono contribuire alla formazione e cristallizzazione di comportamenti cultu-rali ghettizzati, quali una forte enfasi su sessualità e alcolismo, i fattori 28 EHRR 483).

Research paper thumbnail of DR. ROMINA FUCA'

Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. Fro... more Dr. Romina Fucà holds a doctorate in “Systems theory” from the University of Macerata, Italy. From the 2000s she has researched on totalitarianism in the post-war period. Since years she is interested in organizational and urban issues with a systemic perspective stemming mainly from the numerous works of Niklas Luhmann, both in German and in English. In 2017 and 2018, she has published three sociological works with Aracne Editrice in Rome, "Curbanismo," "Modeling e decision-making," and "L’evoluzione dell’urbanesimo nelle Emergenze". "Schengen and the cross-border operations in Europe. Security systems and the borders," is her latest book published by Aracne Editrice in Rome. Since 2019 she is official reviewer in the Board of "Sustainability" (¬¬ty/submission¬_reviewers) and of “Education Sciences” at MDPI Institute (htt¬ps¬://¬w¬¬tion/¬¬sub¬mis-sion_re¬vie¬wers) with the Web of Science Researcher ID O–5395–2019 (ORCID 0000–0001–9546–1253). Since June, 24, 2020 she has been nominated Visiting Lecturer in “Business Management” at the School of Economics and Management, University of Verona, 37129 Verona, Italy. Previously, she was an effective employee in large administrative compartments such as the European Investment Bank (2005-2006), Angelini Holding in Rome (2006) and the ENEL-GE Power Turbogas (2014-2015) in Sicily.

Research paper thumbnail of Romina Fucà Curriculum Vitae

Romina Fucà Curriculum Vitae

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Study of environment-behavior in three types of the urban context of Tehran — Comparative analysis of the Chizar, Narmak, and Khazane neighborhoods’ context using survey and space syntax methods"

Review of: "Study of environment-behavior in three types of the urban context of Tehran — Comparative analysis of the Chizar, Narmak, and Khazane neighborhoods’ context using survey and space syntax methods", 2023

Environment-behavior studies are among the important theoretical fields in environmental design s... more Environment-behavior studies are among the important theoretical fields in environmental design sciences. The concepts of territory, behavioral setting, and environmental affordance are essential and reliable in examining the relationship between humans and the environment, especially in the space of a residential neighborhood. The primary purpose of this study is to search for common physical attributes in three types of residential contexts that affect the daily behavior of residents. Also, a system of attributes with a significant correlation between the results of studies in these two areas can lead to constructing a design assistance software. This paper applies a survey method and space syntax analysis to study three types of contexts: organic (historical), orthogonal (modern) with a combination of urban squares, and orthogonal combined with hierarchical passages. The survey study includes field observation and questionnaire techniques. Besides, software analysis is carried out using Depthmap10. The scale of the study area in each context is home-based space. The results are represented as values from each method and correlation tables. There is also a system of attributes with correlations between the results of the questionnaire and the analysis for each of three contexts and a system for common correlations in all three contexts. The system is set up as a matrix which represents the most important and influential attributes and spatial properties that are predictable through software analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Navigating Urban Housing Dynamics: Exploring the Interplay Between Real Estate Development and Housing Demand in Post-1991 Ethiopia"

Review of: "Navigating Urban Housing Dynamics: Exploring the Interplay Between Real Estate Development and Housing Demand in Post-1991 Ethiopia", 2023

The article focuses on the interaction between real estate development and housing demand in metr... more The article focuses on the interaction between real estate development and housing demand in metropolitan areas of Ethiopia, particularly Addis Ababa. The period that interests us is that of post-1991 Ethiopia. The urban land rental system is highlighted, raising a critical issue regarding the inconsistency and unpredictability of access to land for housing development despite policy interventions. The housing situation in the metropolitan region of Ethiopia, especially Addis Ababa, is effectively illustrated by highlighting the growing demand for housing due to various factors including urbanization and impulsive relocations.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Study of environment-behavior in three types of the urban context of Tehran -Comparative analysis of the Chizar, Narmak, and Khazane neighborhoods' context using survey and space syntax methods"

Review of: "Study of environment-behavior in three types of the urban context of Tehran — Comparative analysis of the Chizar, Narmak, and Khazane neighborhoods’ context using survey and space syntax methods", 2023

Space syntax theory by Hillier & Hanson in early 1980s is presented as a synthesis between two ap... more Space syntax theory by Hillier & Hanson in early 1980s is presented as a synthesis between two approaches, benefiting from both micro and macro domains. Space syntax is applied to investigate common physical attributes shaping human behaviours in three residential contexts in Tehran, Iran. Examples of space syntax methods are presented. The authors highlight that i. spatial configuration, ii. spatial cognition, and iii. observation methods are key in all these reported examples. In their Section 2. Research method, authors employ a 14-day survey using space syntax, including a questionnaire with sections on general descriptive features and various aspects related to sociality, territory, activities,
behavioural settings, and affordances. “Affordances” refer to possible actions that an actor can readily perceive in space, a term coined in James J. Gibson 1966’s Theory of perceptual learning (TPL). Space syntax is done using UCL Depthmap 10 software, through axial analysis and visibility graphs methods performed in the studied area of Teheran.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Examining the Comparative Effect of the Built Environment on Crime Prevention in Plotted Development, Especially for Women's Safety at Both Hot and Cold Spots"

Examining the Comparative Effect of the Built Environment on Crime Prevention in Plotted Development, Especially for Women's Safety at Both Hot and Cold Spots, 2023

The authors proceed in a colloquial style emphasizing the need to increase the application of CPT... more The authors proceed in a colloquial style emphasizing the need to increase the application of CPTED principles, the crime prevention according to environmental design (such as activity enhancement, maintenance and line of sight of environments, see: Widya Putra, D., Salim, W.A., and Indradjati P.N. [2023]) and to investigate the effect of the built environment on crime prevention in the Indian context. From there, the authors analyze the impact of buildings on women’s safety, particularly in public spaces. The authors collected addresses of places already qualified by the CPTED
foundations as “hot spots”. They also used secondary data on criminal and demographic records from India's National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). In particular, the 2011 census and the F.I.R. (first information report) regarding the department of Uttar Pradesh. In addition, they made a comparison with the interest generated by these subjects by the
I.P.C. (Indian Penal Code) of Gomti Nagar, an area of the Indian city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design -Enhancing Safety and Livability in Maqboolpura, Amritsar: An Adaptive Approach to Crime Prevention in Informal Settlements"

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design -Enhancing Safety and Livability in Maqboolpura, Amritsar: An Adaptive Approach to Crime Prevention in Informal Settlements, 2023

This article focuses on liveability initiatives in Maqboolpura, Punjab region, India, with the ai... more This article focuses on liveability initiatives in Maqboolpura, Punjab region, India, with the aim of reducing crime in informal settlements. Section 1. Introduction is a summary of descriptive data on informal settings in Indian cities, particularly in Amritsar district of Punjab, which has a population of 10,370 in an area of 1.29 km 2. The authors bring up common features of CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) to highlight how the surroundings of Maqboolpura could be considered filthy and less liveable compared to other settlements in the area. "The poor quality of buildings" and "the lack of public spaces is seen by the authors as the main objective for the demand to create new living conditions in these informal settlements with the aim of making them capable of reducing crime and the feeling of insecurity associated with it. Figure 6 is a kind of child's drawing that perfectly explains that science has only cold meaning if we are not accustomed to the challenge and the possibility of showing things as they are, without masks and/or scientific manipulation filters. The authors therefore wish to show that habitability is a middle term among human needs and values, on the one hand, and on the other hand, a list of important human social constructions such as i. health care, ii. education, iii. spatial urban planning, etc. which models the environment, the distribution of establishments and the function of buildings. Maqboolpura is unfortunately described as a filthy space, filled with deprived areas, where people face enormous challenges in integrating into the rest of the socioeconomic sphere. Some investigations reported there have used i. primary surveys, ii. content analysis, and iii. land use analysis drawings with the aim of, among other things, detecting patterns of activity. The points considered at stake in safety and security are illustrated in the photographs in Figure 12. Information on how people feel in Maqboolpura is given in the section Perception of safety and security among residents of Maqboolpura. A proposal for redevelopment of this Indian zone is also presented in Figures 14 and 15.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Drug-Free School Locality through Crime Prevention Strategies -The Case of Kerala"

Drug-Free School Locality through Crime Prevention Strategies -The Case of Kerala, 2023

Several environmental factors can potentially contribute to drug use and related incidents in urb... more Several environmental factors can potentially contribute to drug use and related incidents in urban areas, including Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), the capital city of Kerala, India: Urbanization and Population Density, which can lead to social and economic disparities, increased population density, and limited access to opportunities. Availability and Accessibility to drugs due to higher population density, transportation networks, and economic activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Dr. Romina FUCA' titles and appointments

MDPI is a publisher of open access, international, academic journals. We rely on active researche... more MDPI is a publisher of open access, international, academic journals. We rely on active researchers, highly qualified in their field to provide review reports and support the editorial process. The criteria for selection of reviewers include: holding a doctoral degree or having an equivalent amount of research experience; a national or international reputation in the relevant field; and having made a significant contribution to the field, evidenced by peer-reviewed publications.

Research paper thumbnail of MDPI Reviews Romina Fuca

Research paper thumbnail of Undecidability and the Evolution of Ideas in an Emergency Event: An Example of How to Systemically Test Organizational Effectiveness (OE) in University Groups

The location of this research is the university, through which we are progressively channeled int... more The location of this research is the university, through which we are progressively channeled into a seemingly insoluble Gordian knot. What is our participation in the university and what cultural and human commitments inform this participation? More trivially, what rights and duties does the individual acquire or lose within his or her academic identities? Our main target was finding an ideal organizational practice to examine, such as an emergency event. What strategy can the university adopt? Can it realign its distortions and retain its resources? How and in what ways? What information is needed for this purpose? Which actors are relevant in this process? A systemic survey model is, therefore, presented to analyze data obtained from a sample of 200 respondents from various academic groups, including students, professors, administrative staff, and other stakeholders. Quotas were used for the primary challenge posed by the pictures representing dimensions according to a systemic schema of organizational effectiveness (OE). Respondents were then asked to judge the dimensions and pictures against their personal capacity for intellectual identity, functionalism, and materialism. During the test, the participants were expected to develop their capacity to approach phenomenal consciousness and the search for its neural correlates, thereby becoming familiar with the high-order demands and challenges posed by the current information available to them. A nine-item interval behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) was used to develop a systemic matrix that could show the participants' collective OE when an emergency event occurs at the university. This study aims to stimulate a broader investigation into the preparation of programs and plans that should be a priority today in the context of sustainability in educational institutions, thereby setting useful thresholds on decision-making paths. To develop the collective model, a matrix generated by each respondents' dimensional modal values (DMVs) in the test and the overall samples' modal values (OMMVs) were used. Borrowing from Luce's theory of probability, we analyzed the similarity of the OE university matrix from the results in descending order, restricting our attention to modal values which were chosen for the test and demonstrate how the learning model was formulated to assume that each group with evolved behavior could respond adaptively to a conditional function thanks to its permanence in a university environment.