Sylvi Stenersen Hovdenak | University of Oslo (original) (raw)

Papers by Sylvi Stenersen Hovdenak

Research paper thumbnail of Fronesis som kunnskapsform i legeutdanningen

UNIPED, Nov 3, 2016

of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be reg... more of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalised approach in medical education. Its use can be understood as seeking to fill a void in understanding professional work. Professional practice is more than technical application. Another important aspect is how phronesis can be expressed in medical education, and in this respect data from an ongoing study at the University of Tromsoe, The Arctic University of Norway, is presented. The study program is being revised, and some of the students' perspectives on phronesis in medical education are reported and analysed. Future opportunities and challenges when including the concept of phronesis in designing education are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Fronesis: veien til profesjonell lærerutdanning?

UNIPED, Jun 12, 2017

In this paper, we discuss what characterises a professional teacher education. Currently, interna... more In this paper, we discuss what characterises a professional teacher education. Currently, international research on professionally oriented education problematises and discusses the relationship between the three Aristotelian forms of knowledge: episteme, techne and phronesis. In this paper, we discuss the integration between these three forms of knowledge and emphasise the phronetic dimension-understood as practical wisdom. This form of knowledge is currently seen as the answer to an increasingly instrumental rationalism, expanding in professionally oriented educations. The empirical data highlight the forms of knowledge students in teacher education see as important in the development of their professionalism. We also discuss how phronesis is recognised and integrated in different learning arenas, and discuss the significance of the auditorium as well as the seminars as arenas necessary for the development of a professionalism oriented towards phronesis. Furthermore, we discuss how phronesis can be attended to in the schools during teaching practice. Finally, we ask the question of how teacher education can promote a phronetic form of knowledge to a larger degree, and communicate the importance of an integrated professionalism to teacher education students and the teachers of the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Elever som verdensborgere

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, Jul 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Professionalism and Curricular Change - the Tension between Governance, Control and Professionalism in School

Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, Apr 11, 2016

Through looking at the process of Norwegian curricular change from the 1990's reforms till today,... more Through looking at the process of Norwegian curricular change from the 1990's reforms till today, we discuss how the different curricula in different ways affect the possibilities teachers have to act as professional agents in the classroom. Using Bernstein's concept of the pedagogical discourse and how knowledge produced at the micro level, the level of pedagogical research and practice, we discuss how knowledge gets transformed and recontextualised as it becomes part of the curriculum, the 'official field' in Bernstein's terms, and instead acts as mechanisms for controlling the teachers' practices. In this paper we argue that curricular change affects the teachers' potential for professional and autonomous action in the classroom. Furthermore, we point to the implications this has for teacher education, and the need for giving the students the competency to transcend and critically act and reflect on the implications the curricula have for their future teacher professionalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Et kritisk blikk på Reform 97 og dens grunnlagstenkning

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, Jul 2, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Profesjonalitet i legeutdanningen: Om kunnskapskoder, praktiske synteser og koherens – en analyse av studieplanen for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet

UNIPED, Sep 18, 2015

Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tro... more Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet. Vi spør i hvilken grad og på hvilken måte den nye studieplanen ivaretar profesjonalitet. Praktiske synteser og koherens samt kunnskapskoder og kunnskapsformer danner et begrepsmessig utgangspunkt for analysen. Søkelyset rettes mot ulike kunnskapskoder der en integrasjonsorientert kunnskapskode blir fremhevet. Denne koden stimulerer til meningsfulle sammenhenger mellom ulike laeringsarenaer. Evalueringen av revisjonsprosessen som blant annet bygger på en kvalitativ undersøkelse blant legestudenter, viser at studieplanens hovedprinsipper om fagintegrering, problemorientering, praksisorientering og studentorientering synes å vaere ivaretatt. Funnene sammenlignes med legestudenters opplevelse av den tidligere studieplanen der viktige forskjeller blir påvist.

Research paper thumbnail of Lærerutdanning og lærerprofesjonalitet i spenningsfeltet mellom ulike kunnskapsformer

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, Apr 29, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting professional development in medical education: perspectives from the Norwegian medical school in Tromsoe

Society, health and vulnerability, 2018

In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional d... more In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional development have been increasingly focused. The article problematizes and discusses these concepts in relation to the Aristotelian concepts of episteme, techne and phronesis. Phronesis as a form of knowledge is of fundamental importance regarding professionalism and professional development, and can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalist understanding of medical education. The article reports from an ongoing qualitative study following the revision of the study programme in medicine at the

Research paper thumbnail of Profesjonalitet i legeutdanningen: Om kunnskapskoder, praktiske synteser og koherens – en analyse av studieplanen for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet

Uniped, 2015

Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tro... more Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet. Vi spør i hvilken grad og på hvilken måte den nye studieplanen ivaretar profesjonalitet. Praktiske synteser og koherens samt kunnskapskoder og kunnskapsformer danner et begrepsmessig utgangspunkt for analysen. Søkelyset rettes mot ulike kunnskapskoder der en integrasjonsorientert kunnskapskode blir fremhevet. Denne koden stimulerer til meningsfulle sammenhenger mellom ulike laeringsarenaer. Evalueringen av revisjonsprosessen som blant annet bygger på en kvalitativ undersøkelse blant legestudenter, viser at studieplanens hovedprinsipper om fagintegrering, problemorientering, praksisorientering og studentorientering synes å vaere ivaretatt. Funnene sammenlignes med legestudenters opplevelse av den tidligere studieplanen der viktige forskjeller blir påvist.

Research paper thumbnail of Lærerutdanning og lærerprofesjonalitet i spenningsfeltet mellom ulike kunnskapsformer

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Utdanningspolitikk, forskning og kunnskapsformer - Globale og nasjonale tilnærminger

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Elever som verdensborgere

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Et kritisk blikk på Reform 97 og dens grunnlagstenkning

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Faglig og personlig støtte: Om betydningen av en god relasjon mellom lærer og elev sett fra elevens ståsted

Fag lig og per son lig støt te: Om be tyd nin gen av en god re la sjon mel lom lae rer og elev se... more Fag lig og per son lig støt te: Om be tyd nin gen av en god re la sjon mel lom lae rer og elev sett fra ele vens stå sted Anne Kris tin Bø og Syl vi Ste ner sen Hov de nak Uni ver si te tet i Oslo I ar tik ke len drøf ter vi hva som kjen ne teg ner en god re la sjon mel lom lae rer og elev, vur dert fra ele ve nes stå sted, og den betyd ning den ne re la sjo nen har for ele ve nes hold nin ger til sko lefa ge ne. Be gre pe ne fag lig og per son lig støt te står sen tralt i ana lysen. Fag lig støt te drei er seg først og fremst om hjelp til sko le fagli ge spørs mål. Per son lig støt te hand ler om at ele ve ne fø ler seg verd satt, om å bli møtt med re spekt og bli rett fer dig be hand let. Ar tik ke len er ba sert på funn fra pro sjek tet «Kunn skaps pro duksjon og iden ti tets kon struk sjon-sko len som del av uli ke ungdom mers opp vekst mil jø», In sti tutt for lae rer ut dan ning og skole forsk ning, Uni ver si te tet i Oslo, og byg ger på in ter vju er med 18 ele ver i ti en de klas se ved to ung doms sko ler i Oslo.

Research paper thumbnail of The Practically Wise Medical Teacher: Medical Education at the University of Tromsø â A Norwegian Case

Health science journal, 2019

This article addresses the issue of teaching quality in medical education and investigates what c... more This article addresses the issue of teaching quality in medical education and investigates what characterizes a professionally competent or practically wise medical teacher through the use of longitudinal data from interviews with 40 medical students. In discussing the findings, Aristotle’s concepts of episteme, techne and phronesis, and theoretical perspectives on professionalism and quality in teaching are applied. The findings highlight that one is either a practically wise medical teacher or a technical medical teacher. The practically wise medical teacher typically focuses on reflection, experience, participation, formative assessment and discussion in an atmosphere of good relations, which stimulate teaching and learning. The technical medical teacher, on the contrary, knows very little about the students and treats them as onlookers in clinical settings. The analysis results indicate that being a practically wise medical teacher requires a perception of what characterizes pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Education reforms and the construction of identities at a macro and micro level – The Norwegian case

Nordic Studies in Education, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Students’ Sense of Coherence in Medical Education Using Transformative Learning Activities

Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 2020

Objective: Transformative learning theory offers medical educators a particularly relevant insigh... more Objective: Transformative learning theory offers medical educators a particularly relevant insight into student learning. Transformative learning involves critically reflecting on assumptions and actions using empirical research methods and participating in a continuing discourse to validate the best reflective judgement and act according to new insights. The purpose of this paper is to investigate medical students' experiences with transformative learning activities and empirically and theoretically explain how these activities contribute to their understanding of the interplay between theoretical knowledge and professional practice, thereby creating a sense of coherence in medical education. Methods: This paper analyzes the data from interviews with 40 medical students derived from a qualitative longitudinal research project in Norway from 2012 through 2018. Results: Students characterize linking theoretical knowledge with professional practice, experiencing authentic placement situations with real patients, and discussing and critically reflecting on cases and professional practice with experienced doctors as learning activities that transformed their understanding of professional practice. These transformative learning activities influenced students' perceptions of educational content and demands as being comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful, which are the core components of "sensing coherence" in professional education. Moreover, experiencing a lack of knowledge in either case-based learning on campus or when meeting patients in clinical placements motivates students to pursue further theoretical studies. Conclusion: Medical education includes rich opportunities to use transformative learning activities both on campus and at clinical placement sites, but it is not given that these types of learning activities are present in the teaching offered at all the various learning sites; thus, enhanced awareness of why and how to promote transformative learning is required among medical educators.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Curricular Change: A Case of the Norwegian Medical School in Tromsoe

Health Science Journal, 2018

In this qualitative study, we aimed at exploring a curriculum development process that took place... more In this qualitative study, we aimed at exploring a curriculum development process that took place at the Medical School of the University of Tromsoe during a period of seven years. We applied the literature on organizational change in order to understand the curriculum development process. Our findings show that this process can be seen as a strategic organizational change, in which strategic actors act as sense makers for the rest of the organization. Our study contributes to the literature on the curriculum development process by emphasizing the role of organizational actors and strategies used in order to bring about the desired curriculum change. One important implication of our study is the strategic dimension of curricular change, which emphasizes an important but poorly understood aspect of the curriculum development process. One limitation of this study is that we focused mainly on the initial stages in the process.

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting professional development in medical education: perspectives from the Norwegian medical school in Tromsoe

Society, Health & Vulnerability, 2018

In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional d... more In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional development have been increasingly focused. The article problematizes and discusses these concepts in relation to the Aristotelian concepts of episteme, techne and phronesis. Phronesis as a form of knowledge is of fundamental importance regarding professionalism and professional development, and can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalist understanding of medical education. The article reports from an ongoing qualitative study following the revision of the study programme in medicine at the

Research paper thumbnail of Fronesis som kunnskapsform i legeutdanningen

Uniped, 2016

of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be reg... more of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalised approach in medical education. Its use can be understood as seeking to fill a void in understanding professional work. Professional practice is more than technical application. Another important aspect is how phronesis can be expressed in medical education, and in this respect data from an ongoing study at the University of Tromsoe, The Arctic University of Norway, is presented. The study program is being revised, and some of the students' perspectives on phronesis in medical education are reported and analysed. Future opportunities and challenges when including the concept of phronesis in designing education are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Fronesis som kunnskapsform i legeutdanningen

UNIPED, Nov 3, 2016

of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be reg... more of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalised approach in medical education. Its use can be understood as seeking to fill a void in understanding professional work. Professional practice is more than technical application. Another important aspect is how phronesis can be expressed in medical education, and in this respect data from an ongoing study at the University of Tromsoe, The Arctic University of Norway, is presented. The study program is being revised, and some of the students' perspectives on phronesis in medical education are reported and analysed. Future opportunities and challenges when including the concept of phronesis in designing education are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Fronesis: veien til profesjonell lærerutdanning?

UNIPED, Jun 12, 2017

In this paper, we discuss what characterises a professional teacher education. Currently, interna... more In this paper, we discuss what characterises a professional teacher education. Currently, international research on professionally oriented education problematises and discusses the relationship between the three Aristotelian forms of knowledge: episteme, techne and phronesis. In this paper, we discuss the integration between these three forms of knowledge and emphasise the phronetic dimension-understood as practical wisdom. This form of knowledge is currently seen as the answer to an increasingly instrumental rationalism, expanding in professionally oriented educations. The empirical data highlight the forms of knowledge students in teacher education see as important in the development of their professionalism. We also discuss how phronesis is recognised and integrated in different learning arenas, and discuss the significance of the auditorium as well as the seminars as arenas necessary for the development of a professionalism oriented towards phronesis. Furthermore, we discuss how phronesis can be attended to in the schools during teaching practice. Finally, we ask the question of how teacher education can promote a phronetic form of knowledge to a larger degree, and communicate the importance of an integrated professionalism to teacher education students and the teachers of the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Elever som verdensborgere

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, Jul 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Professionalism and Curricular Change - the Tension between Governance, Control and Professionalism in School

Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, Apr 11, 2016

Through looking at the process of Norwegian curricular change from the 1990's reforms till today,... more Through looking at the process of Norwegian curricular change from the 1990's reforms till today, we discuss how the different curricula in different ways affect the possibilities teachers have to act as professional agents in the classroom. Using Bernstein's concept of the pedagogical discourse and how knowledge produced at the micro level, the level of pedagogical research and practice, we discuss how knowledge gets transformed and recontextualised as it becomes part of the curriculum, the 'official field' in Bernstein's terms, and instead acts as mechanisms for controlling the teachers' practices. In this paper we argue that curricular change affects the teachers' potential for professional and autonomous action in the classroom. Furthermore, we point to the implications this has for teacher education, and the need for giving the students the competency to transcend and critically act and reflect on the implications the curricula have for their future teacher professionalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Et kritisk blikk på Reform 97 og dens grunnlagstenkning

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, Jul 2, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Profesjonalitet i legeutdanningen: Om kunnskapskoder, praktiske synteser og koherens – en analyse av studieplanen for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet

UNIPED, Sep 18, 2015

Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tro... more Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet. Vi spør i hvilken grad og på hvilken måte den nye studieplanen ivaretar profesjonalitet. Praktiske synteser og koherens samt kunnskapskoder og kunnskapsformer danner et begrepsmessig utgangspunkt for analysen. Søkelyset rettes mot ulike kunnskapskoder der en integrasjonsorientert kunnskapskode blir fremhevet. Denne koden stimulerer til meningsfulle sammenhenger mellom ulike laeringsarenaer. Evalueringen av revisjonsprosessen som blant annet bygger på en kvalitativ undersøkelse blant legestudenter, viser at studieplanens hovedprinsipper om fagintegrering, problemorientering, praksisorientering og studentorientering synes å vaere ivaretatt. Funnene sammenlignes med legestudenters opplevelse av den tidligere studieplanen der viktige forskjeller blir påvist.

Research paper thumbnail of Lærerutdanning og lærerprofesjonalitet i spenningsfeltet mellom ulike kunnskapsformer

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, Apr 29, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting professional development in medical education: perspectives from the Norwegian medical school in Tromsoe

Society, health and vulnerability, 2018

In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional d... more In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional development have been increasingly focused. The article problematizes and discusses these concepts in relation to the Aristotelian concepts of episteme, techne and phronesis. Phronesis as a form of knowledge is of fundamental importance regarding professionalism and professional development, and can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalist understanding of medical education. The article reports from an ongoing qualitative study following the revision of the study programme in medicine at the

Research paper thumbnail of Profesjonalitet i legeutdanningen: Om kunnskapskoder, praktiske synteser og koherens – en analyse av studieplanen for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet

Uniped, 2015

Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tro... more Artikkelen analyserer revidert studieplan for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet. Vi spør i hvilken grad og på hvilken måte den nye studieplanen ivaretar profesjonalitet. Praktiske synteser og koherens samt kunnskapskoder og kunnskapsformer danner et begrepsmessig utgangspunkt for analysen. Søkelyset rettes mot ulike kunnskapskoder der en integrasjonsorientert kunnskapskode blir fremhevet. Denne koden stimulerer til meningsfulle sammenhenger mellom ulike laeringsarenaer. Evalueringen av revisjonsprosessen som blant annet bygger på en kvalitativ undersøkelse blant legestudenter, viser at studieplanens hovedprinsipper om fagintegrering, problemorientering, praksisorientering og studentorientering synes å vaere ivaretatt. Funnene sammenlignes med legestudenters opplevelse av den tidligere studieplanen der viktige forskjeller blir påvist.

Research paper thumbnail of Lærerutdanning og lærerprofesjonalitet i spenningsfeltet mellom ulike kunnskapsformer

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Utdanningspolitikk, forskning og kunnskapsformer - Globale og nasjonale tilnærminger

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Elever som verdensborgere

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Et kritisk blikk på Reform 97 og dens grunnlagstenkning

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Faglig og personlig støtte: Om betydningen av en god relasjon mellom lærer og elev sett fra elevens ståsted

Fag lig og per son lig støt te: Om be tyd nin gen av en god re la sjon mel lom lae rer og elev se... more Fag lig og per son lig støt te: Om be tyd nin gen av en god re la sjon mel lom lae rer og elev sett fra ele vens stå sted Anne Kris tin Bø og Syl vi Ste ner sen Hov de nak Uni ver si te tet i Oslo I ar tik ke len drøf ter vi hva som kjen ne teg ner en god re la sjon mel lom lae rer og elev, vur dert fra ele ve nes stå sted, og den betyd ning den ne re la sjo nen har for ele ve nes hold nin ger til sko lefa ge ne. Be gre pe ne fag lig og per son lig støt te står sen tralt i ana lysen. Fag lig støt te drei er seg først og fremst om hjelp til sko le fagli ge spørs mål. Per son lig støt te hand ler om at ele ve ne fø ler seg verd satt, om å bli møtt med re spekt og bli rett fer dig be hand let. Ar tik ke len er ba sert på funn fra pro sjek tet «Kunn skaps pro duksjon og iden ti tets kon struk sjon-sko len som del av uli ke ungdom mers opp vekst mil jø», In sti tutt for lae rer ut dan ning og skole forsk ning, Uni ver si te tet i Oslo, og byg ger på in ter vju er med 18 ele ver i ti en de klas se ved to ung doms sko ler i Oslo.

Research paper thumbnail of The Practically Wise Medical Teacher: Medical Education at the University of Tromsø â A Norwegian Case

Health science journal, 2019

This article addresses the issue of teaching quality in medical education and investigates what c... more This article addresses the issue of teaching quality in medical education and investigates what characterizes a professionally competent or practically wise medical teacher through the use of longitudinal data from interviews with 40 medical students. In discussing the findings, Aristotle’s concepts of episteme, techne and phronesis, and theoretical perspectives on professionalism and quality in teaching are applied. The findings highlight that one is either a practically wise medical teacher or a technical medical teacher. The practically wise medical teacher typically focuses on reflection, experience, participation, formative assessment and discussion in an atmosphere of good relations, which stimulate teaching and learning. The technical medical teacher, on the contrary, knows very little about the students and treats them as onlookers in clinical settings. The analysis results indicate that being a practically wise medical teacher requires a perception of what characterizes pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Education reforms and the construction of identities at a macro and micro level – The Norwegian case

Nordic Studies in Education, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Students’ Sense of Coherence in Medical Education Using Transformative Learning Activities

Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 2020

Objective: Transformative learning theory offers medical educators a particularly relevant insigh... more Objective: Transformative learning theory offers medical educators a particularly relevant insight into student learning. Transformative learning involves critically reflecting on assumptions and actions using empirical research methods and participating in a continuing discourse to validate the best reflective judgement and act according to new insights. The purpose of this paper is to investigate medical students' experiences with transformative learning activities and empirically and theoretically explain how these activities contribute to their understanding of the interplay between theoretical knowledge and professional practice, thereby creating a sense of coherence in medical education. Methods: This paper analyzes the data from interviews with 40 medical students derived from a qualitative longitudinal research project in Norway from 2012 through 2018. Results: Students characterize linking theoretical knowledge with professional practice, experiencing authentic placement situations with real patients, and discussing and critically reflecting on cases and professional practice with experienced doctors as learning activities that transformed their understanding of professional practice. These transformative learning activities influenced students' perceptions of educational content and demands as being comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful, which are the core components of "sensing coherence" in professional education. Moreover, experiencing a lack of knowledge in either case-based learning on campus or when meeting patients in clinical placements motivates students to pursue further theoretical studies. Conclusion: Medical education includes rich opportunities to use transformative learning activities both on campus and at clinical placement sites, but it is not given that these types of learning activities are present in the teaching offered at all the various learning sites; thus, enhanced awareness of why and how to promote transformative learning is required among medical educators.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Curricular Change: A Case of the Norwegian Medical School in Tromsoe

Health Science Journal, 2018

In this qualitative study, we aimed at exploring a curriculum development process that took place... more In this qualitative study, we aimed at exploring a curriculum development process that took place at the Medical School of the University of Tromsoe during a period of seven years. We applied the literature on organizational change in order to understand the curriculum development process. Our findings show that this process can be seen as a strategic organizational change, in which strategic actors act as sense makers for the rest of the organization. Our study contributes to the literature on the curriculum development process by emphasizing the role of organizational actors and strategies used in order to bring about the desired curriculum change. One important implication of our study is the strategic dimension of curricular change, which emphasizes an important but poorly understood aspect of the curriculum development process. One limitation of this study is that we focused mainly on the initial stages in the process.

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting professional development in medical education: perspectives from the Norwegian medical school in Tromsoe

Society, Health & Vulnerability, 2018

In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional d... more In international research on medical education the concepts of professionalism and professional development have been increasingly focused. The article problematizes and discusses these concepts in relation to the Aristotelian concepts of episteme, techne and phronesis. Phronesis as a form of knowledge is of fundamental importance regarding professionalism and professional development, and can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalist understanding of medical education. The article reports from an ongoing qualitative study following the revision of the study programme in medicine at the

Research paper thumbnail of Fronesis som kunnskapsform i legeutdanningen

Uniped, 2016

of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be reg... more of phronesis are mentioned and cited in the paper, showing that this form of knowledge can be regarded as a response to an instrumentalised approach in medical education. Its use can be understood as seeking to fill a void in understanding professional work. Professional practice is more than technical application. Another important aspect is how phronesis can be expressed in medical education, and in this respect data from an ongoing study at the University of Tromsoe, The Arctic University of Norway, is presented. The study program is being revised, and some of the students' perspectives on phronesis in medical education are reported and analysed. Future opportunities and challenges when including the concept of phronesis in designing education are discussed.