Mari Skaalvik | University of Tromsø (original) (raw)

Papers by Mari Skaalvik

Research paper thumbnail of «Den gamle kroppen» - Sykepleierstudenters tanker om eldreomsorg som fremtidig arbeidsplass

Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Nursing homes as learning environments : a study of experiences and perceptions of nursing students and supervising nurses

Avhandlingen bygger på 12 sykepleiestudenters erfaringer og oppfatninger om sykehjem som læringsm... more Avhandlingen bygger på 12 sykepleiestudenters erfaringer og oppfatninger om sykehjem som læringsmiljø for praksisstudier i eldreomsorg, og hvordan et utvalg på 407 norske sykepleierstudenter evaluerer læringsmiljøet i sykehjem og sykehus. Videre har jeg intervjuet 11 sykepleiere om deres syn på læringsmiljøet i sykehjem. Levealderen i Norge ventes å øke, og man må regne med at fremtidens kommunale helsetjeneste vil stå overfor store utfordringer. Flere studier viser at få studenter ønsker eldreomsorg som fremtidig karrierevei, og det er dokumentert at sykepleierstudenter ofte vender tilbake til steder hvor de har hatt positive praksiserfaringer. Forskningen er gjennomført ved hjelp av kvalitative og kvantitative metoder. Artiklene I, II og III bygger på datamateriale fra feltobservasjoner, feltnotater og intervjuer med sykepleierstudenter og deres kontaktsykepleiere i 2006/2007. Dette datamaterialet er analysert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse og fokuserer på: læringsmiljø (I), læring ...

[Research paper thumbnail of [With a video as lecturer. Interview by Marit Fonn]](

Research paper thumbnail of Decentralized nursing education in Northern Norway: towards a sustainable recruitment and retention model in rural Arctic healthcare services

International journal of circumpolar health, 2013

Decentralized nursing education (DNE) was established at Tromsø University College in 1990 and ha... more Decentralized nursing education (DNE) was established at Tromsø University College in 1990 and has since become a part of the bachelor programme in nursing at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The objective of the study was to investigate whether and to what degree the first DNE programme established in Norway has contributed to recruitment and retention of registered nurses (RNs) in rural healthcare services. The quantitative survey took place in 2012. A questionnaire was distributed to 315 former students who had graduated from the DNE programme from 1994 to 2011. The primary finding of this study is that the DNE successfully recruits students from rural areas of Northern Norway. Nearly, 87.5% have their first employment in community healthcare services. They continued to work in the rural areas and 85% still worked as nurses in 2012. The DNE programme has been successful regarding recruitment and retention of RNs to community healthcare services. Fifty-six percent have attende...

Research paper thumbnail of How do people in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease see their future?

Dementia (London, England), Jan 4, 2015

Older people fear Alzheimer's disease. Central to the fear of the disease is the dread of the... more Older people fear Alzheimer's disease. Central to the fear of the disease is the dread of the loss of identity or self. The aim of this study is to investigate the thoughts people in an early stage of Alzheimer's disease have about their future selves, and the consequences these thoughts have for their temporary lives. The concepts of future and self are understood in terms of the concepts 'possible selves' and 'selfhood'. The participants in the study are two men in their early 60 s. The data consist of four individual interviews and 11 facilitated family conversations including two of their next of kin. The data were collected over a two-year period. The data were interpreted using a hermeneutic analysis inspired by Gadamer. The main findings were the efforts made by the participants to live in the present and their worries about a future as 'living dead'.

Research paper thumbnail of Commentaries

International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Bedre kvalitetssikring av praksis

Research paper thumbnail of Decentralized nursing education in northern Norway: a basis for continuing education to meet competence needs in rural Arctic healthcare services

International journal of circumpolar health, 2014

Ensuring a sufficient nursing workforce, with respect to both number and relevant professional co... more Ensuring a sufficient nursing workforce, with respect to both number and relevant professional competencies, is crucial in rural Arctic regions in Norway. This study examines the continuing education (CE) of nurses who graduated from a decentralized nursing programme between 1994 and 2011. This study aims to measure the extent to which the decentralized nursing education (DNE) in question has served as a basis for CE that is adapted to current and future community health care service needs in rural Arctic regions in northern Norway. More specifically, the study aims to investigate the frequency and scope of CE courses among the graduates of a DNE, the choice of study model and the degree of employment with respect to the relevant CE. This study is a quantitative survey providing descriptive statistics. The primary finding in this study is that 56% of the participants had engaged in CE and that they were employed in positions related to their education. The majority of students with ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development and testing of the Norwegian version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) evaluation scale

International journal of nursing education scholarship, 2012

Several instruments have been developed to monitor nursing students' subjective evaluation of... more Several instruments have been developed to monitor nursing students' subjective evaluation of clinical placement. The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) evaluation scale measures five dimensions. The purpose of this study was to translate and test the construct validity and internal consistency of the evaluation scale within a Norwegian context. The questionnaire was distributed to all students in four university colleges (n=1229) in 2009 with a response rate of 41.6 % (n=511). Only students from institutional practice settings (n=407) were included in the analysis. The instrument has properties suitable for evaluation also within a Norwegian context, despite some minor differences in factor structure, indicating common underlying properties regarding students' evaluation of the clinical learning environment and how they rate the premises of nursing on the ward.

Research paper thumbnail of Nursing homes as learning environments: The impact of professional dialogue

Nurse Education Today, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of To what extent does the oral shift report stimulate learning among nursing students? A qualitative study*

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Student experiences in learning person-centred care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease as perceived by nursing students and supervising nurses

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of The experience of self and threats to sense of self among relatives caring for people with Alzheimer's disease

Dementia, 2014

This study explored how the relatives of people with Alzheimer&am... more This study explored how the relatives of people with Alzheimer's disease expressed Self 2 and Self 3 according to Harré's social constructionist theory of selfhood. Having a relative with Alzheimer's disease affects one's life. In this study, we concentrated on how close relatives of people with Alzheimer's disease experienced their sense of self. This study was descriptive and qualitative. Interviews were conducted with 20 relatives of 10 people with Alzheimer's disease from 2009 to 2011. The data were analysed according to Harré's social constructionist theory of selfhood including Selves 2 and 3. Participants reported that Alzheimer's disease challenged their personal attributes, relations and positioning. Understanding how Alzheimer's disease affects the sense of self among close relatives is important, as this knowledge is pivotal for supporting these relatives who are often informal caregivers in ways that enable a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical learning environment and supervision: experiences of Norwegian nursing students - a questionnaire survey

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of «Den gamle kroppen» - Sykepleierstudenters tanker om eldreomsorg som fremtidig arbeidsplass

Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Nursing homes as learning environments : a study of experiences and perceptions of nursing students and supervising nurses

Avhandlingen bygger på 12 sykepleiestudenters erfaringer og oppfatninger om sykehjem som læringsm... more Avhandlingen bygger på 12 sykepleiestudenters erfaringer og oppfatninger om sykehjem som læringsmiljø for praksisstudier i eldreomsorg, og hvordan et utvalg på 407 norske sykepleierstudenter evaluerer læringsmiljøet i sykehjem og sykehus. Videre har jeg intervjuet 11 sykepleiere om deres syn på læringsmiljøet i sykehjem. Levealderen i Norge ventes å øke, og man må regne med at fremtidens kommunale helsetjeneste vil stå overfor store utfordringer. Flere studier viser at få studenter ønsker eldreomsorg som fremtidig karrierevei, og det er dokumentert at sykepleierstudenter ofte vender tilbake til steder hvor de har hatt positive praksiserfaringer. Forskningen er gjennomført ved hjelp av kvalitative og kvantitative metoder. Artiklene I, II og III bygger på datamateriale fra feltobservasjoner, feltnotater og intervjuer med sykepleierstudenter og deres kontaktsykepleiere i 2006/2007. Dette datamaterialet er analysert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse og fokuserer på: læringsmiljø (I), læring ...

[Research paper thumbnail of [With a video as lecturer. Interview by Marit Fonn]](

Research paper thumbnail of Decentralized nursing education in Northern Norway: towards a sustainable recruitment and retention model in rural Arctic healthcare services

International journal of circumpolar health, 2013

Decentralized nursing education (DNE) was established at Tromsø University College in 1990 and ha... more Decentralized nursing education (DNE) was established at Tromsø University College in 1990 and has since become a part of the bachelor programme in nursing at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The objective of the study was to investigate whether and to what degree the first DNE programme established in Norway has contributed to recruitment and retention of registered nurses (RNs) in rural healthcare services. The quantitative survey took place in 2012. A questionnaire was distributed to 315 former students who had graduated from the DNE programme from 1994 to 2011. The primary finding of this study is that the DNE successfully recruits students from rural areas of Northern Norway. Nearly, 87.5% have their first employment in community healthcare services. They continued to work in the rural areas and 85% still worked as nurses in 2012. The DNE programme has been successful regarding recruitment and retention of RNs to community healthcare services. Fifty-six percent have attende...

Research paper thumbnail of How do people in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease see their future?

Dementia (London, England), Jan 4, 2015

Older people fear Alzheimer's disease. Central to the fear of the disease is the dread of the... more Older people fear Alzheimer's disease. Central to the fear of the disease is the dread of the loss of identity or self. The aim of this study is to investigate the thoughts people in an early stage of Alzheimer's disease have about their future selves, and the consequences these thoughts have for their temporary lives. The concepts of future and self are understood in terms of the concepts 'possible selves' and 'selfhood'. The participants in the study are two men in their early 60 s. The data consist of four individual interviews and 11 facilitated family conversations including two of their next of kin. The data were collected over a two-year period. The data were interpreted using a hermeneutic analysis inspired by Gadamer. The main findings were the efforts made by the participants to live in the present and their worries about a future as 'living dead'.

Research paper thumbnail of Commentaries

International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Bedre kvalitetssikring av praksis

Research paper thumbnail of Decentralized nursing education in northern Norway: a basis for continuing education to meet competence needs in rural Arctic healthcare services

International journal of circumpolar health, 2014

Ensuring a sufficient nursing workforce, with respect to both number and relevant professional co... more Ensuring a sufficient nursing workforce, with respect to both number and relevant professional competencies, is crucial in rural Arctic regions in Norway. This study examines the continuing education (CE) of nurses who graduated from a decentralized nursing programme between 1994 and 2011. This study aims to measure the extent to which the decentralized nursing education (DNE) in question has served as a basis for CE that is adapted to current and future community health care service needs in rural Arctic regions in northern Norway. More specifically, the study aims to investigate the frequency and scope of CE courses among the graduates of a DNE, the choice of study model and the degree of employment with respect to the relevant CE. This study is a quantitative survey providing descriptive statistics. The primary finding in this study is that 56% of the participants had engaged in CE and that they were employed in positions related to their education. The majority of students with ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development and testing of the Norwegian version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) evaluation scale

International journal of nursing education scholarship, 2012

Several instruments have been developed to monitor nursing students' subjective evaluation of... more Several instruments have been developed to monitor nursing students' subjective evaluation of clinical placement. The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) evaluation scale measures five dimensions. The purpose of this study was to translate and test the construct validity and internal consistency of the evaluation scale within a Norwegian context. The questionnaire was distributed to all students in four university colleges (n=1229) in 2009 with a response rate of 41.6 % (n=511). Only students from institutional practice settings (n=407) were included in the analysis. The instrument has properties suitable for evaluation also within a Norwegian context, despite some minor differences in factor structure, indicating common underlying properties regarding students' evaluation of the clinical learning environment and how they rate the premises of nursing on the ward.

Research paper thumbnail of Nursing homes as learning environments: The impact of professional dialogue

Nurse Education Today, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of To what extent does the oral shift report stimulate learning among nursing students? A qualitative study*

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Student experiences in learning person-centred care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease as perceived by nursing students and supervising nurses

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of The experience of self and threats to sense of self among relatives caring for people with Alzheimer's disease

Dementia, 2014

This study explored how the relatives of people with Alzheimer&am... more This study explored how the relatives of people with Alzheimer's disease expressed Self 2 and Self 3 according to Harré's social constructionist theory of selfhood. Having a relative with Alzheimer's disease affects one's life. In this study, we concentrated on how close relatives of people with Alzheimer's disease experienced their sense of self. This study was descriptive and qualitative. Interviews were conducted with 20 relatives of 10 people with Alzheimer's disease from 2009 to 2011. The data were analysed according to Harré's social constructionist theory of selfhood including Selves 2 and 3. Participants reported that Alzheimer's disease challenged their personal attributes, relations and positioning. Understanding how Alzheimer's disease affects the sense of self among close relatives is important, as this knowledge is pivotal for supporting these relatives who are often informal caregivers in ways that enable a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical learning environment and supervision: experiences of Norwegian nursing students - a questionnaire survey

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2011