Cristina Helena Almeida de Carvalho | Universidade de Brasília - UnB (original) (raw)

Papers by Cristina Helena Almeida de Carvalho

Research paper thumbnail of Reforma universitaria e os mecanismos de incentivo a expansão do ensino superior privado no Brasil (1964-1984)

Research paper thumbnail of O PROUNI no governo Lula e o jogo político em torno do acesso ao ensino superior

Educação & Sociedade, 2006

O objetivo deste texto é compreender a relação complexa e dinâmica da política pública para o ens... more O objetivo deste texto é compreender a relação complexa e dinâmica da política pública para o ensino superior no governo Lula, no que tange ao Projeto Universidade para Todos (PROUNI) e sua articulação com a política fiscal e o financiamento por meio da renúncia tributária. Pretende-se ainda analisar as condições de acesso aos estudantes pobres e questionar o programa como política pública de democratização. Neste contexto, o respaldo da sociedade civil em busca do diploma de graduação tem sido acompanhado da pressão de associações representativas do segmento privado. A tentativa de regular o sistema e obter retorno da renúncia fiscal concedida às filantrópicas foi restringida à medida que a evolução do texto legal foi na direção do afrouxamento do aparato estatal. Conclui-se que o empecilho à democratização está na escassez de vagas públicas e gratuitas. Nesse momento, as medidas voltadas à expansão do segmento federal ainda são insuficientes para reverter este quadro perverso.

Research paper thumbnail of Capital concentration and financialization in Brazilian private higher education

The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of th... more The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of the growth of for-profit higher education institutions in Brazil, whose trajectory has been the adoption of various market strategies aimed at financialization and market concentration. The movement of capital concentration can be observed through the number of mergers and acquisitions in the educational sector. Brazil is now credited with the largest higher education company in the world due to a merger between Kroton and Anhanguera groups. Together they have had more than 1 million students. It holds 16.5% of the market share. The financialization in Brazilian private higher education can be observed in two different movements: the acquisitions carried out by private equity funds and the opening of capital of educational companies (IPOs) on the Brazilian stock exchange, which has been taking place since 2007. The mechanisms of raising funds through the capital market allow the time-inte...

Research paper thumbnail of O PAR e o financiamento das redes estaduais de ensino à luz da meta 7 do PNE

FINEDUCA – Revista de Financiamento da Educação, 2020

O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públicas, po... more O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públicas, por meio do Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR), entre 2011 e 2015, as transferências complementares da União, no âmbito do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (Fundeb), e a evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb). Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, por intermédio de revisão bibliográfica e documental. A abordagem é quantitativa, utilizando os dados do Ministério da Educação (MEC), do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE) e do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep). Conclui-se que as transferências voluntárias do FNDE por meio do PAR, para realização de obras, não são realizadas, necessariamente, aos estados com maiores dificuldades financeiras e deficiências educacionais, prejudicando o alcance da meta 7 do PNE.

Research paper thumbnail of O Impacto da Expansão do Fies entre 2010 e 2017 no Cumprimento Estratégico 12.6 do PNE (2014-2024)

FINEDUCA – Revista de Financiamento da Educação

O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamento Estu... more O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamento Estudantil (Fies) na trajetória da educação superior privada entre 2010 e 2017 e na estratégia 12.6 do Plano Nacional de Educação entre 2014 e 2017, no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo/analítico amparado por pesquisa documental. Os dados quantitativos e financeiros foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva e obtidos nos Censos da Educação Superior do INEP e no Serviço de Informação ao cidadão (SIC) do FNDE. Os dados revelaram que houve priorização do programa como política de expansão da educação superior privada, até 2014, em congruência com a estratégia 12.6 do PNE. Os ajustes promovidos em 2015 refletiram na queda de novos contratos firmados, bem como na redução de ingressantes na educação superior privada, entre 2015 e 2017, fato que poderia ter sido ainda maior na ausência do programa de empréstimo estudantil. Conclui-se que o Fies perdeu o poder indutor como política pública. Palavras-chave: Plano Nacional de Educação. Fies. Educação Superior Privada. Financiamento.

Research paper thumbnail of A trajetória da política de diversificação institucional na educação superior brasileira: 1995 a 2012

Integracion Y Conocimiento, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Agenda Neoliberal e a Política Pública Para O Ensino Superior Nos Anos 90

Revista Dialogo Educacional, 2007

This text has as objective to argue the relation between the neoliberal agenda and the implementa... more This text has as objective to argue the relation between the neoliberal agenda and the implementation of the public politics for superior education in Brazil in years 90. The central hypothesis is that despite the constants of economic order and politics, this politics was not resulted exclusive of the external intervention. The World Bank is an actor who, although ample resources of being able, do not obtain to impose themselves for complete to the governmental agenda and the power to decide process. In the first part, the text intends to display the main ones estimated theoreticians of the neoliberal agenda. After that, it looks for to structuralize the environment, in which superior education if inserts, to understand which the options, the restrictions and the motivations of change or continuity of the public politics. In the last part, the inquiry follows for this politics, of form to trace a parallel between its constituent elements and the recommendations of the World Bank. The intention is to examine similarities and divergences between the governmental agenda and the neoliberal sistêmica agenda.

Research paper thumbnail of O PROUNI no governo Lula e o jogo pol�tico em torno do acesso ao ensino superior

Agradeço às sugestões, comentários e críticas do professor Luiz Antonio Cunha. 980 O PROUNI no go... more Agradeço às sugestões, comentários e críticas do professor Luiz Antonio Cunha. 980 O PROUNI no governo Lula e o jogo político em torno do acesso ao ensino superior

Research paper thumbnail of Necessidades e possibilidades para o financiamento da educação brasileira no plano nacional de educação

Educação & Sociedade, 2013

A agenda do novo Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) reflete a necessária ampliação do acesso à educ... more A agenda do novo Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) reflete a necessária ampliação do acesso à educação e melhoria da qualidade dos níveis e das modalidades de ensino. Esse desejo legítimo da sociedade brasileira demandará mudanças na estrutura de financiamento da educação, com inevitáveis impactos de longo prazo. Para isso, torna-se essencial identificar as necessidades e as possibilidades/limites no que diz respeito ao financiamento das ações educacionais. Este artigo pretende mapear as necessidades educacionais e elaborar algumas simulações sobre possíveis fontes adicionais de recursos que permitiriam o alcance das metas do novo PNE. Espera-se, com isso, auxiliar os formuladores e os implementadores de políticas educacionais na escolha das alternativas de maior efetividade e viabilidade.

Research paper thumbnail of O PAR e o financiamento das redes estaduais de ensino à luz da meta 7 do PNE

Fineduca, 2020

Resumo O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públi... more Resumo
O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públicas, por meio do Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR), entre 2011 e 2015, as transferências complementares da União, no âmbito do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (Fundeb), e a evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb). Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, por intermédio de revisão bibliográfica e documental. A abordagem é quantitativa, utilizando os dados do Ministério da Educação (MEC), do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE) e do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep). Conclui-se que as transferências voluntárias do FNDE por meio do PAR, para realização de obras, não são realizadas, necessariamente, aos estados com maiores dificuldades financeiras e deficiências educacionais, prejudicando o alcance da meta 7 do PNE.

The article presents a comparative analysis between the financing of works in public schools, through the Plan of Articulated Actions (PAR), between 2011 and 2015, the complementary transfers from the Federal Government within the scope of the Fund for Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb), and the evolution of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb). It is a descriptive and exploratory research, through a bibliographical and documentary review. The approach is
quantitative, using data from the Ministry of Education (MEC), the National Education Development Fund (FNDE) and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep). It is concluded that the voluntary transfers of the FNDE through the
PAR, to carry out the works, are not necessarily carried out to the states with greater financial difficulties and educational deficiencies, impairing the achievement of goal 7 of the PNE.

Research paper thumbnail of O Impacto da Expansão do Fies entre 2010 e 2017 no Cumprimento Estratégico 12.6 do PNE (2014-2024) The Impact of Expansion of the FIES between 2010 and 2017 in Strategic Compliance 12.6 of PNE (2014-2024

Fineduca, 2020

Resumo O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamen... more Resumo O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamento Estudantil (Fies) na trajetória da educação superior privada entre 2010 e 2017 e na estratégia 12.6 do Plano Nacional de Educação entre 2014 e 2017, no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo/analítico amparado por pesquisa documental. Os dados quantitativos e financeiros foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva e obtidos nos Censos da Educação Superior do INEP e no Serviço de Informação ao cidadão (SIC) do FNDE. Os dados revelaram que houve priorização do programa como política de expansão da educação superior privada, até 2014, em congruência com a estratégia 12.6 do PNE. Os ajustes promovidos em 2015 refletiram na queda de novos contratos firmados, bem como na redução de ingressantes na educação superior privada, entre 2015 e 2017, fato que poderia ter sido ainda maior na ausência do programa de empréstimo estudantil. Conclui-se que o Fies perdeu o poder indutor como política pública.

Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of the expansion of new Student Financing contracts (Fies) in the trajectory of private higher education between 2010 and 2017 and in strategy 12.6 of the National Education Plan between 2014 and 2017 in Brazil. This is a descriptive / analytical study supported by documentary research. The quantitative and financial data were treated through descriptive statistics and obtained from the Higher Education Census of INEP and the Citizen Information Service (SIC) of FNDE. The data revealed that the program was prioritized as a policy for the expansion of private higher education until 2014, in line with PNE strategy 12.6. The adjustments promoted in 2015 reflected in the fall of new contracts signed, as well as in the reduction of enrollments in private higher education between 2015 and 2017, which could have been even greater in the absence of the student loan program. It is concluded that the Fies lost the inductive power as public policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Capital concentration and financialization in brazilian private higher education

The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of th... more The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of the growth of for-profit higher education institutions in Brazil, whose trajectory has been the adoption of various market strategies aimed at financialization and market concentration. The movement of capital concentration can be observed through the number of mergers and acquisitions in the educational sector. Brazil is now credited with the largest higher education company in the world due to a merger between Kroton and Anhanguera groups. Together they have had more than 1 million students. It holds 16.5% of the market share. The financialization in Brazilian private higher education can be observed in two different movements: the acquisitions carried out by private equity funds and the opening of capital of educational companies (IPOs) on the Brazilian stock exchange, which has been taking place since 2007. The mechanisms of raising funds through the capital market allow the time-intensive capitalization of resources to subsidize the acquisitions and mergers, aiming at large-scale growth. There are more than 2,000 educational institutions, although, the four largest groups account for 34% of enrollments and 25% of net revenue. In conclusion, the process of financialization has fueled the concentration of capital in Brazilian private higher education.

L'objectif principal de cet article est de comprendre le phénomène récent de la croissance des établissements d'enseignement supérieur à but lucratif au Brésil, dont la trajectoire a été l'adoption de diverses stratégies de marché en matière de financiarisation et de concentration du marché.
Le mouvement de concentration du capital peut être observé par le nombre de fusions et acquisitions dans le secteur de l'éducation.
Le Brésil est désormais crédité de la plus grande société d'enseignement supérieur du monde en raison d'une fusion entre les groupes Kroton et Anhanguera. De nos jours, ensemble, ils ont plus de 1 million d'étudiants. Ils détiennent 16,5% de la part de marché.
La financiarisation de l'enseignement supérieur privé brésilien peut être observée dans deux mouvements différents: les acquisitions effectuées par les fonds de capital-investissement et l'ouverture du capital des sociétés d'éducation à la bourse brésilienne depuis 2007.
Les mécanismes de collecte de fonds à travers le marché des capitaux permettent une capitalisation de ressources à forte intensité pour subventionner les acquisitions et les fusions, visant une croissance à grande échelle.
Il existe plus de 2 000 établissements d'enseignement, mais les quatre plus grands groupes représentent 34% des effectifs et 25% des revenus nets.
En conclusion, le processus de financiarisation a alimenté la concentration du capital dans l'enseignement supérieur privé brésilien.


This paper aims at understanding the complex and dynamic relationships between the public policy ... more This paper aims at understanding the complex and
dynamic relationships between the public policy for higher education in Lula’s administration, in what regards the Project University for All (PROUNI), and its connection with fiscal policy and financing by way of tributary renouncement. It also intends to analyze the conditions of access of poor students and discuss the program as a democratizing public policy. In this context, the civil society approval in search of graduation certificate allied to the pressure of privaterepresentatives associations. The attempt to regulate the system and obtain return on the fiscal enouncement allowed to philanthropic
institutions was restricted by the legal text, which evolved
toward the slackening of the state framework. The author concludes that the obstacle to democratization is the lack of public and free places. To date, the measures aimed at increasing the federal sector are still insufficient to revert this perverse situation.

Research paper thumbnail of A política pública de expansão para a educação superior entre 1995 e 2010: uma abordagem neoinstitucionalista histórica

The aim of this paper is to understand the complex relationship of public policy for higher educa... more The aim of this paper is to understand the complex relationship of public
policy for higher education, through the historical aspect of the neo
institutionalism. Institutions are central to the study of politics, not only
because of the importance of the state as an actor and author of specific
actions, but by their ability to interfere in the political culture, the actors’
strategy and on the research agenda of historical neo institutionalism.
Through dimensional analysis of the policy (polity, politics and policy), the
research seeks to analyze in a comparative way the constitution of the public
agenda, the formulation and implementation of educational policy in the
governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
The common thread is the dynamic of Arena Decision of Higher Education,
in which public policy fomented by the Ministry of Education (MEC) has
influenced and been influenced by all the governmental and social actors.

Research paper thumbnail of Política para a educação superior no governo Lula: expansão e financiamento

The article analyzes the educational policy in regard to expansion and funding to higher educatio... more The article analyzes the educational policy in regard to expansion
and funding to higher education in the two mandates of the Lula
government. As a result, we intend to go the way of the formulation
and implementation of elements of the government agenda that
promote the expansion and funding of supply combined with grants
and scholarships to students. Importantly, these elements are present
in Prouni and Expansion Phase I program and its continuity at Reuni.
The educational policy embodied in the combination of intensive
and extensive growth with the addition of resources to the federal
sector. Given the loss of importance of the FIES, it is concluded that
the Lula government directed public policy on two fronts: initiated
the PNAES for the student body to the federal sector and provided
scholarships to students of IES through Prouni. Such innovations in
favor of the poorest social people were gestated under the logic of
not only allow entry, but also provide the conditions for students to
stay and conclude the high education. However, social and regional
inequalities remain on the horizon of educational policy as obstacles
to be overcome. These are the main challenges to be faced so that a
society can give to all real conditions, based on the democratic values
of meritocracy and equal opportunities.

Research paper thumbnail of A mercantilização da educação superior brasileira e as estratégias de mercado das instituições lucrativas

The article analyzes the recent phenomenon of commodification of Brazilian higher education, thro... more The article analyzes the recent phenomenon of commodification of Brazilian higher
education, through the growth of for-profit Higher Education Institutes and the adoption of
market strategies in the direction of financialization, oligopolization and internationalization.
Following the international trend, in addition to the tactics adopted to attract demand, there
have been changes within the business. Noteworthy are the professionalization of management
and the transfiguration of universities and university centers into conglomerates or holding companies. Another strategy involves the partial sale of domestic institutions to foreign capital,
both through acquisitions by private equity funds and through the IPO of education companies
on the stock market. We conclude that the process of commodification is the central element in
analyzing the limits and possibilities of public education policy and, at the same time, it is
incompatible with the principles that guide the educational process


The agenda of the new National Education Plan (PNE) refl ects the necessary expansion of access t... more The agenda of the new National Education Plan (PNE) refl ects
the necessary expansion of access to education and improvement in the quality
of the levels and types of education. This legitimate desire of the Brazilian
society will require changes in the structure of education funding, with inevitable
long-term impacts. To accomplish these changes it is essential to identify
the needs and possibilities/limitations with regard to the fi nancing of educational
actions. This article aims to map the educational needs and to elaborate
some simulations on possible sources of additional resources that would allow
achieving the goals of the new PNE. It is expected, therefore, to assist policymakers
and implementers of educational policies in choosing alternatives that
indicate greater eff ectiveness and feasibility.

Research paper thumbnail of Reforma universitaria e os mecanismos de incentivo a expansão do ensino superior privado no Brasil (1964-1984)

Research paper thumbnail of O PROUNI no governo Lula e o jogo político em torno do acesso ao ensino superior

Educação & Sociedade, 2006

O objetivo deste texto é compreender a relação complexa e dinâmica da política pública para o ens... more O objetivo deste texto é compreender a relação complexa e dinâmica da política pública para o ensino superior no governo Lula, no que tange ao Projeto Universidade para Todos (PROUNI) e sua articulação com a política fiscal e o financiamento por meio da renúncia tributária. Pretende-se ainda analisar as condições de acesso aos estudantes pobres e questionar o programa como política pública de democratização. Neste contexto, o respaldo da sociedade civil em busca do diploma de graduação tem sido acompanhado da pressão de associações representativas do segmento privado. A tentativa de regular o sistema e obter retorno da renúncia fiscal concedida às filantrópicas foi restringida à medida que a evolução do texto legal foi na direção do afrouxamento do aparato estatal. Conclui-se que o empecilho à democratização está na escassez de vagas públicas e gratuitas. Nesse momento, as medidas voltadas à expansão do segmento federal ainda são insuficientes para reverter este quadro perverso.

Research paper thumbnail of Capital concentration and financialization in Brazilian private higher education

The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of th... more The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of the growth of for-profit higher education institutions in Brazil, whose trajectory has been the adoption of various market strategies aimed at financialization and market concentration. The movement of capital concentration can be observed through the number of mergers and acquisitions in the educational sector. Brazil is now credited with the largest higher education company in the world due to a merger between Kroton and Anhanguera groups. Together they have had more than 1 million students. It holds 16.5% of the market share. The financialization in Brazilian private higher education can be observed in two different movements: the acquisitions carried out by private equity funds and the opening of capital of educational companies (IPOs) on the Brazilian stock exchange, which has been taking place since 2007. The mechanisms of raising funds through the capital market allow the time-inte...

Research paper thumbnail of O PAR e o financiamento das redes estaduais de ensino à luz da meta 7 do PNE

FINEDUCA – Revista de Financiamento da Educação, 2020

O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públicas, po... more O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públicas, por meio do Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR), entre 2011 e 2015, as transferências complementares da União, no âmbito do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (Fundeb), e a evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb). Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, por intermédio de revisão bibliográfica e documental. A abordagem é quantitativa, utilizando os dados do Ministério da Educação (MEC), do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE) e do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep). Conclui-se que as transferências voluntárias do FNDE por meio do PAR, para realização de obras, não são realizadas, necessariamente, aos estados com maiores dificuldades financeiras e deficiências educacionais, prejudicando o alcance da meta 7 do PNE.

Research paper thumbnail of O Impacto da Expansão do Fies entre 2010 e 2017 no Cumprimento Estratégico 12.6 do PNE (2014-2024)

FINEDUCA – Revista de Financiamento da Educação

O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamento Estu... more O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamento Estudantil (Fies) na trajetória da educação superior privada entre 2010 e 2017 e na estratégia 12.6 do Plano Nacional de Educação entre 2014 e 2017, no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo/analítico amparado por pesquisa documental. Os dados quantitativos e financeiros foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva e obtidos nos Censos da Educação Superior do INEP e no Serviço de Informação ao cidadão (SIC) do FNDE. Os dados revelaram que houve priorização do programa como política de expansão da educação superior privada, até 2014, em congruência com a estratégia 12.6 do PNE. Os ajustes promovidos em 2015 refletiram na queda de novos contratos firmados, bem como na redução de ingressantes na educação superior privada, entre 2015 e 2017, fato que poderia ter sido ainda maior na ausência do programa de empréstimo estudantil. Conclui-se que o Fies perdeu o poder indutor como política pública. Palavras-chave: Plano Nacional de Educação. Fies. Educação Superior Privada. Financiamento.

Research paper thumbnail of A trajetória da política de diversificação institucional na educação superior brasileira: 1995 a 2012

Integracion Y Conocimiento, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Agenda Neoliberal e a Política Pública Para O Ensino Superior Nos Anos 90

Revista Dialogo Educacional, 2007

This text has as objective to argue the relation between the neoliberal agenda and the implementa... more This text has as objective to argue the relation between the neoliberal agenda and the implementation of the public politics for superior education in Brazil in years 90. The central hypothesis is that despite the constants of economic order and politics, this politics was not resulted exclusive of the external intervention. The World Bank is an actor who, although ample resources of being able, do not obtain to impose themselves for complete to the governmental agenda and the power to decide process. In the first part, the text intends to display the main ones estimated theoreticians of the neoliberal agenda. After that, it looks for to structuralize the environment, in which superior education if inserts, to understand which the options, the restrictions and the motivations of change or continuity of the public politics. In the last part, the inquiry follows for this politics, of form to trace a parallel between its constituent elements and the recommendations of the World Bank. The intention is to examine similarities and divergences between the governmental agenda and the neoliberal sistêmica agenda.

Research paper thumbnail of O PROUNI no governo Lula e o jogo pol�tico em torno do acesso ao ensino superior

Agradeço às sugestões, comentários e críticas do professor Luiz Antonio Cunha. 980 O PROUNI no go... more Agradeço às sugestões, comentários e críticas do professor Luiz Antonio Cunha. 980 O PROUNI no governo Lula e o jogo político em torno do acesso ao ensino superior

Research paper thumbnail of Necessidades e possibilidades para o financiamento da educação brasileira no plano nacional de educação

Educação & Sociedade, 2013

A agenda do novo Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) reflete a necessária ampliação do acesso à educ... more A agenda do novo Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) reflete a necessária ampliação do acesso à educação e melhoria da qualidade dos níveis e das modalidades de ensino. Esse desejo legítimo da sociedade brasileira demandará mudanças na estrutura de financiamento da educação, com inevitáveis impactos de longo prazo. Para isso, torna-se essencial identificar as necessidades e as possibilidades/limites no que diz respeito ao financiamento das ações educacionais. Este artigo pretende mapear as necessidades educacionais e elaborar algumas simulações sobre possíveis fontes adicionais de recursos que permitiriam o alcance das metas do novo PNE. Espera-se, com isso, auxiliar os formuladores e os implementadores de políticas educacionais na escolha das alternativas de maior efetividade e viabilidade.

Research paper thumbnail of O PAR e o financiamento das redes estaduais de ensino à luz da meta 7 do PNE

Fineduca, 2020

Resumo O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públi... more Resumo
O artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o financiamento de obras em escolas públicas, por meio do Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR), entre 2011 e 2015, as transferências complementares da União, no âmbito do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (Fundeb), e a evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb). Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, por intermédio de revisão bibliográfica e documental. A abordagem é quantitativa, utilizando os dados do Ministério da Educação (MEC), do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE) e do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep). Conclui-se que as transferências voluntárias do FNDE por meio do PAR, para realização de obras, não são realizadas, necessariamente, aos estados com maiores dificuldades financeiras e deficiências educacionais, prejudicando o alcance da meta 7 do PNE.

The article presents a comparative analysis between the financing of works in public schools, through the Plan of Articulated Actions (PAR), between 2011 and 2015, the complementary transfers from the Federal Government within the scope of the Fund for Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb), and the evolution of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb). It is a descriptive and exploratory research, through a bibliographical and documentary review. The approach is
quantitative, using data from the Ministry of Education (MEC), the National Education Development Fund (FNDE) and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep). It is concluded that the voluntary transfers of the FNDE through the
PAR, to carry out the works, are not necessarily carried out to the states with greater financial difficulties and educational deficiencies, impairing the achievement of goal 7 of the PNE.

Research paper thumbnail of O Impacto da Expansão do Fies entre 2010 e 2017 no Cumprimento Estratégico 12.6 do PNE (2014-2024) The Impact of Expansion of the FIES between 2010 and 2017 in Strategic Compliance 12.6 of PNE (2014-2024

Fineduca, 2020

Resumo O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamen... more Resumo O artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da expansão de novos contratos de Financiamento Estudantil (Fies) na trajetória da educação superior privada entre 2010 e 2017 e na estratégia 12.6 do Plano Nacional de Educação entre 2014 e 2017, no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo/analítico amparado por pesquisa documental. Os dados quantitativos e financeiros foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva e obtidos nos Censos da Educação Superior do INEP e no Serviço de Informação ao cidadão (SIC) do FNDE. Os dados revelaram que houve priorização do programa como política de expansão da educação superior privada, até 2014, em congruência com a estratégia 12.6 do PNE. Os ajustes promovidos em 2015 refletiram na queda de novos contratos firmados, bem como na redução de ingressantes na educação superior privada, entre 2015 e 2017, fato que poderia ter sido ainda maior na ausência do programa de empréstimo estudantil. Conclui-se que o Fies perdeu o poder indutor como política pública.

Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of the expansion of new Student Financing contracts (Fies) in the trajectory of private higher education between 2010 and 2017 and in strategy 12.6 of the National Education Plan between 2014 and 2017 in Brazil. This is a descriptive / analytical study supported by documentary research. The quantitative and financial data were treated through descriptive statistics and obtained from the Higher Education Census of INEP and the Citizen Information Service (SIC) of FNDE. The data revealed that the program was prioritized as a policy for the expansion of private higher education until 2014, in line with PNE strategy 12.6. The adjustments promoted in 2015 reflected in the fall of new contracts signed, as well as in the reduction of enrollments in private higher education between 2015 and 2017, which could have been even greater in the absence of the student loan program. It is concluded that the Fies lost the inductive power as public policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Capital concentration and financialization in brazilian private higher education

The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of th... more The main objective of this paper is to facilitate an understanding of the recent phenomenon of the growth of for-profit higher education institutions in Brazil, whose trajectory has been the adoption of various market strategies aimed at financialization and market concentration. The movement of capital concentration can be observed through the number of mergers and acquisitions in the educational sector. Brazil is now credited with the largest higher education company in the world due to a merger between Kroton and Anhanguera groups. Together they have had more than 1 million students. It holds 16.5% of the market share. The financialization in Brazilian private higher education can be observed in two different movements: the acquisitions carried out by private equity funds and the opening of capital of educational companies (IPOs) on the Brazilian stock exchange, which has been taking place since 2007. The mechanisms of raising funds through the capital market allow the time-intensive capitalization of resources to subsidize the acquisitions and mergers, aiming at large-scale growth. There are more than 2,000 educational institutions, although, the four largest groups account for 34% of enrollments and 25% of net revenue. In conclusion, the process of financialization has fueled the concentration of capital in Brazilian private higher education.

L'objectif principal de cet article est de comprendre le phénomène récent de la croissance des établissements d'enseignement supérieur à but lucratif au Brésil, dont la trajectoire a été l'adoption de diverses stratégies de marché en matière de financiarisation et de concentration du marché.
Le mouvement de concentration du capital peut être observé par le nombre de fusions et acquisitions dans le secteur de l'éducation.
Le Brésil est désormais crédité de la plus grande société d'enseignement supérieur du monde en raison d'une fusion entre les groupes Kroton et Anhanguera. De nos jours, ensemble, ils ont plus de 1 million d'étudiants. Ils détiennent 16,5% de la part de marché.
La financiarisation de l'enseignement supérieur privé brésilien peut être observée dans deux mouvements différents: les acquisitions effectuées par les fonds de capital-investissement et l'ouverture du capital des sociétés d'éducation à la bourse brésilienne depuis 2007.
Les mécanismes de collecte de fonds à travers le marché des capitaux permettent une capitalisation de ressources à forte intensité pour subventionner les acquisitions et les fusions, visant une croissance à grande échelle.
Il existe plus de 2 000 établissements d'enseignement, mais les quatre plus grands groupes représentent 34% des effectifs et 25% des revenus nets.
En conclusion, le processus de financiarisation a alimenté la concentration du capital dans l'enseignement supérieur privé brésilien.


This paper aims at understanding the complex and dynamic relationships between the public policy ... more This paper aims at understanding the complex and
dynamic relationships between the public policy for higher education in Lula’s administration, in what regards the Project University for All (PROUNI), and its connection with fiscal policy and financing by way of tributary renouncement. It also intends to analyze the conditions of access of poor students and discuss the program as a democratizing public policy. In this context, the civil society approval in search of graduation certificate allied to the pressure of privaterepresentatives associations. The attempt to regulate the system and obtain return on the fiscal enouncement allowed to philanthropic
institutions was restricted by the legal text, which evolved
toward the slackening of the state framework. The author concludes that the obstacle to democratization is the lack of public and free places. To date, the measures aimed at increasing the federal sector are still insufficient to revert this perverse situation.

Research paper thumbnail of A política pública de expansão para a educação superior entre 1995 e 2010: uma abordagem neoinstitucionalista histórica

The aim of this paper is to understand the complex relationship of public policy for higher educa... more The aim of this paper is to understand the complex relationship of public
policy for higher education, through the historical aspect of the neo
institutionalism. Institutions are central to the study of politics, not only
because of the importance of the state as an actor and author of specific
actions, but by their ability to interfere in the political culture, the actors’
strategy and on the research agenda of historical neo institutionalism.
Through dimensional analysis of the policy (polity, politics and policy), the
research seeks to analyze in a comparative way the constitution of the public
agenda, the formulation and implementation of educational policy in the
governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
The common thread is the dynamic of Arena Decision of Higher Education,
in which public policy fomented by the Ministry of Education (MEC) has
influenced and been influenced by all the governmental and social actors.

Research paper thumbnail of Política para a educação superior no governo Lula: expansão e financiamento

The article analyzes the educational policy in regard to expansion and funding to higher educatio... more The article analyzes the educational policy in regard to expansion
and funding to higher education in the two mandates of the Lula
government. As a result, we intend to go the way of the formulation
and implementation of elements of the government agenda that
promote the expansion and funding of supply combined with grants
and scholarships to students. Importantly, these elements are present
in Prouni and Expansion Phase I program and its continuity at Reuni.
The educational policy embodied in the combination of intensive
and extensive growth with the addition of resources to the federal
sector. Given the loss of importance of the FIES, it is concluded that
the Lula government directed public policy on two fronts: initiated
the PNAES for the student body to the federal sector and provided
scholarships to students of IES through Prouni. Such innovations in
favor of the poorest social people were gestated under the logic of
not only allow entry, but also provide the conditions for students to
stay and conclude the high education. However, social and regional
inequalities remain on the horizon of educational policy as obstacles
to be overcome. These are the main challenges to be faced so that a
society can give to all real conditions, based on the democratic values
of meritocracy and equal opportunities.

Research paper thumbnail of A mercantilização da educação superior brasileira e as estratégias de mercado das instituições lucrativas

The article analyzes the recent phenomenon of commodification of Brazilian higher education, thro... more The article analyzes the recent phenomenon of commodification of Brazilian higher
education, through the growth of for-profit Higher Education Institutes and the adoption of
market strategies in the direction of financialization, oligopolization and internationalization.
Following the international trend, in addition to the tactics adopted to attract demand, there
have been changes within the business. Noteworthy are the professionalization of management
and the transfiguration of universities and university centers into conglomerates or holding companies. Another strategy involves the partial sale of domestic institutions to foreign capital,
both through acquisitions by private equity funds and through the IPO of education companies
on the stock market. We conclude that the process of commodification is the central element in
analyzing the limits and possibilities of public education policy and, at the same time, it is
incompatible with the principles that guide the educational process


The agenda of the new National Education Plan (PNE) refl ects the necessary expansion of access t... more The agenda of the new National Education Plan (PNE) refl ects
the necessary expansion of access to education and improvement in the quality
of the levels and types of education. This legitimate desire of the Brazilian
society will require changes in the structure of education funding, with inevitable
long-term impacts. To accomplish these changes it is essential to identify
the needs and possibilities/limitations with regard to the fi nancing of educational
actions. This article aims to map the educational needs and to elaborate
some simulations on possible sources of additional resources that would allow
achieving the goals of the new PNE. It is expected, therefore, to assist policymakers
and implementers of educational policies in choosing alternatives that
indicate greater eff ectiveness and feasibility.