Laszlo Zsolnai | Corvinus University of Budapest (original) (raw)

Papers by Laszlo Zsolnai

Research paper thumbnail of Fókuszban a változás avagy nemzetközi trendek a pénzügyi és a számviteli oktatásban és kutatásban

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem eBooks, Nov 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Buddhist Economics: An Enlightened Approach to the Dismal Science

Challenge, 2015

There are many critiques of neoclassical economics, and some proposals for an alternative way of ... more There are many critiques of neoclassical economics, and some proposals for an alternative way of looking at economics. Here is a brief summary by a well-trained conventional economist and Berkeley professor of her path toward Buddhist economics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Commentary on the identity and supererogatory actions of companies

Business and Society Review

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Research paper thumbnail of Albert Bandura: Moral Disengagement

Business Ethics Quarterly, 2016

Albert Bandura is the doyen of the psychology profession. He is well-known for his theory of soci... more Albert Bandura is the doyen of the psychology profession. He is well-known for his theory of social learning and self-efficacy. His new book on moral disengagement can be considered a breakthrough in moral psychology and ethics. It shows how the psychological mechanisms of moral disengagement work in business, politics and social life, and how these practices have implications for ethical conduct.

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Research paper thumbnail of Issues and Themes in Moral Economics

Virtues and Economics, 2017

This chapter summarizes the main issues and themes of the book and shows its contributions to the... more This chapter summarizes the main issues and themes of the book and shows its contributions to the development of moral economics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Actors and the Ultimate Goal of the Economy

Virtues and Economics, 2018

Mainstream economics employs a rather simplified picture of economic systems. Economic actors are... more Mainstream economics employs a rather simplified picture of economic systems. Economic actors are grouped into three categories, namely individuals/households, firms, and the state. Among these actors only monetized transactions are considered. The ultimate goal of the economy is defined as maximization of individual income or financial wealth. In the reality of the twenty-first century the working of the economy is far more complex. Economic actors represent diverse types and the monetized transactions are only one from of the interactions among them. The paper suggests that we should consider economic actors such as individuals, organizations, communities, networks, and robots (or algorithms). Among these actors four basic types of interactions can be identified: market exchange, bureaucratic coordination, ethical transaction, and aggressive action. Different types of interactions may be combined but “crowding in” and “crowding out” effects may happen among them. For example, market exchange may crowd out ethical coordination. The ultimate goal of the economic system is not to produce material gains but to provide livelihood for those who are involved. Just and sustainable prosperity can be considered as the ultimate goal of the economy against which the performance of any economic system should be measured.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Significance of Care in Dark Times

Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2019

The importance of care is gaining considerable significance in the harsh reality of the Anthropoc... more The importance of care is gaining considerable significance in the harsh reality of the Anthropocene, when climate collapse, ecological degradation, and social disruption are a non-distant possibility. The paper calls for responsibility and action that is aimed at making significant changes in the world of affairs at this dark time. In the darkest moments of the darkest hour of humanity some lights still shone, and the care, love, and courage of some saved a few others, who later saved many. There are thousands of stories of first-, second-, and third-generation survivors of the Holocaust who, with their humanity, love, and compassion, their inspiration, entrepreneurship, and science, changed the world for the better. Caring for others is basically a non-consequentialist form of behavior which may have cosmic significance. Helping human and nonhuman beings, especially in emergency situations like the Holocaust or climate collapse, is the final test of our own humanity. Business and management are no exception to this.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wellbeing‐oriented organizations: Connecting human flourishing with ecological regeneration

Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Caring Management in the New Economy

Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society

This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary... more This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary affairs in economics, business, and society. It is argued that the state of unethics is related to the overexpansion of market and market values in all spheres of social life and human activities. A correlate of this development is the emergence of an extremely individualistic, materialistic and narcissistic mind-set that dictates the decisions and behavior of people and organizations.The author argues that art can help to overcome the dominant market metaphysics of our age, as genuine art creates models of 'poetic dwelling,' which can generate non-linear, progressive change that opens up a larger playing field for ethics. Aesthetics and ethics go hand in hand. Ethical action is not just right for its own sake, but makes the world a richer, livable and more beautiful place.

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Research paper thumbnail of Care, and Its Relevance to Today’s Economy

Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2019

Care is a central aspect of human existence. What we care about and who we care for largely deter... more Care is a central aspect of human existence. What we care about and who we care for largely determine our way of being. The subjects of care present a frame of reference for our human functioning. Within organizational settings, caring is usually thought of as pertaining either to leadership roles or to team and peer social ties. But from the organizational or management point of view, there are more stakeholders to care about. The imperative of responsibility implies that nature, human beings, and future generations should be accepted as primary subjects of care in business. Business actors must develop practices that incorporate genuine interest in and caring for the existence and well-being of these primordial “stakeholders.” We care for others not because they have rights that we should respect, or because we expect something in return from them. We care for others because of our humanity. However, this does not mean that care is always disinterested. Caring for others in many c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Thematic Section Editorial-Controvertial Industries and Tourism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives during Coronavirus Pandemia

Almatourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 2021

This Editorial has the objective to present the Thematic Section (TS), that derives from selected... more This Editorial has the objective to present the Thematic Section (TS), that derives from selected papers, that were presented during SIDREA International Workshop - May 19th 2020-2-5pm. It is structured in two sections. The first section is introducing the contents of the TS. The second section discusses the multifacted phenomenon of trust in business organizations with special reference to controversial industries including gambling and different trust profiles are (i.e., non-confidence, negative trust, and distrust, and the corresponding social categorizations).

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Research paper thumbnail of Emprendedorismo guiado por la espiritualidad

Mainstream business leadership practices often produce negative impacts on nature, future generat... more Mainstream business leadership practices often produce negative impacts on nature, future generations and society as a whole. Spiritual convictions may help entrepreneurial leaders to achieve their objectives in ecological, pro-social and future respecting ways. The paper presents cases of spiritually driven entrepreneurship from the USA, Europe and India and discusses the changes required for business organizations to become sustainable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transforming Sustainability Science to Generate Positive Social and Environmental Change Globally

One Earth, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A tudós felelőssége • The Scientist’s Responsibility

Magyar Tudomány, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Franciscan Spirituality and Economics

Religions, 2018

St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse ... more St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse of natural creatures and promoted voluntary poverty, sharing, and universal brotherhood. This paper examines the implications of St. Francis’s views for economics. It is argued that St. Francis’s views imply the substantive notion of the term “economic” and favor material sufficiency instead of financial efficiency. Pope Francis’s encyclical letter “Laudato si’” is consistent with and supports St. Francis’s views, which emphasize the frugality of consumption and acknowledging the intrinsic value of nature. The overall vision of St. Francis can be characterized as “The Commonwealth of Life” based on a God-centered, spiritual way of living and acting. The paper suggests that the models of a sufficiency-oriented community economy are relevant for realizing St. Francis’s legacy in today’s reality of climate change described by climate scientists as the “Hothouse Earth” pathway.

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Research paper thumbnail of Routledge international handbook of spirituality in society and the professions

Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics Education of Business Leaders: Emotional Intelligence, Virtues, and Contemplative Learning2014 2 Tom E. Culham Ethics Education of Business Leaders: Emotional Intelligence, Virtues, and Contemplative Learning Charlotte, NC Information Age Publishing 2013 184pp. 9781623963460 £45.99

Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Gazdasági etika az antropocén korban

Magyar Tudomány, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Responsible Decision Making

Responsible Decision Making, 2017

What should I do?," "How should I deal with this?," "How should I behave?,&qu... more What should I do?," "How should I deal with this?," "How should I behave?," "How should I act?" we ask ourselves such questions daily. But, this is only the first part of the sentence. The full sentence is "What should I do achieve such and such?," for example to complete an assigned task, to do well before my boss or a client, to be pleased with myself, to carry out my plans, to make money in the stock market, to pass an exam, to complete an application, etc. These and similar questions that people ask, consciously or not, openly or not, call for decisions. What skills must we master, especially when there is a need to make not only elementary decisions, but also decisions that affect the existence, health, and even lives of people? That is the subject of this volume. Laszlo Zsolnai writes that we should acquire the skill of gaining knowledge. Only then will we stand a chance of reacting to things that are improbable today, but could become a fact tomorrow. Also essential is the skill of designing, i.e., preparing actions conceptually in order to make decisions before irreversible changes occur. Finally, it is essential to master the skill of multidimensional judgment within the space defined by effectiveness, efficiency, and ethics. This volume represents Zsolnai's attempt to build a model for making ethical decisions both effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the model is much broader than a purely analytical framework. It must tell us how to act rather than limit us to reflection on actions already performed; it must combine decision and praxiological analysis of human conduct. The proposed model enlarges the scope of the debate and suggests new avenues of both rational and responsible decision making. This is an original statement on the crossover of policy and morality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fókuszban a változás avagy nemzetközi trendek a pénzügyi és a számviteli oktatásban és kutatásban

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem eBooks, Nov 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Buddhist Economics: An Enlightened Approach to the Dismal Science

Challenge, 2015

There are many critiques of neoclassical economics, and some proposals for an alternative way of ... more There are many critiques of neoclassical economics, and some proposals for an alternative way of looking at economics. Here is a brief summary by a well-trained conventional economist and Berkeley professor of her path toward Buddhist economics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Commentary on the identity and supererogatory actions of companies

Business and Society Review

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Research paper thumbnail of Albert Bandura: Moral Disengagement

Business Ethics Quarterly, 2016

Albert Bandura is the doyen of the psychology profession. He is well-known for his theory of soci... more Albert Bandura is the doyen of the psychology profession. He is well-known for his theory of social learning and self-efficacy. His new book on moral disengagement can be considered a breakthrough in moral psychology and ethics. It shows how the psychological mechanisms of moral disengagement work in business, politics and social life, and how these practices have implications for ethical conduct.

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Research paper thumbnail of Issues and Themes in Moral Economics

Virtues and Economics, 2017

This chapter summarizes the main issues and themes of the book and shows its contributions to the... more This chapter summarizes the main issues and themes of the book and shows its contributions to the development of moral economics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Actors and the Ultimate Goal of the Economy

Virtues and Economics, 2018

Mainstream economics employs a rather simplified picture of economic systems. Economic actors are... more Mainstream economics employs a rather simplified picture of economic systems. Economic actors are grouped into three categories, namely individuals/households, firms, and the state. Among these actors only monetized transactions are considered. The ultimate goal of the economy is defined as maximization of individual income or financial wealth. In the reality of the twenty-first century the working of the economy is far more complex. Economic actors represent diverse types and the monetized transactions are only one from of the interactions among them. The paper suggests that we should consider economic actors such as individuals, organizations, communities, networks, and robots (or algorithms). Among these actors four basic types of interactions can be identified: market exchange, bureaucratic coordination, ethical transaction, and aggressive action. Different types of interactions may be combined but “crowding in” and “crowding out” effects may happen among them. For example, market exchange may crowd out ethical coordination. The ultimate goal of the economic system is not to produce material gains but to provide livelihood for those who are involved. Just and sustainable prosperity can be considered as the ultimate goal of the economy against which the performance of any economic system should be measured.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Significance of Care in Dark Times

Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2019

The importance of care is gaining considerable significance in the harsh reality of the Anthropoc... more The importance of care is gaining considerable significance in the harsh reality of the Anthropocene, when climate collapse, ecological degradation, and social disruption are a non-distant possibility. The paper calls for responsibility and action that is aimed at making significant changes in the world of affairs at this dark time. In the darkest moments of the darkest hour of humanity some lights still shone, and the care, love, and courage of some saved a few others, who later saved many. There are thousands of stories of first-, second-, and third-generation survivors of the Holocaust who, with their humanity, love, and compassion, their inspiration, entrepreneurship, and science, changed the world for the better. Caring for others is basically a non-consequentialist form of behavior which may have cosmic significance. Helping human and nonhuman beings, especially in emergency situations like the Holocaust or climate collapse, is the final test of our own humanity. Business and management are no exception to this.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wellbeing‐oriented organizations: Connecting human flourishing with ecological regeneration

Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Caring Management in the New Economy

Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society

This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary... more This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary affairs in economics, business, and society. It is argued that the state of unethics is related to the overexpansion of market and market values in all spheres of social life and human activities. A correlate of this development is the emergence of an extremely individualistic, materialistic and narcissistic mind-set that dictates the decisions and behavior of people and organizations.The author argues that art can help to overcome the dominant market metaphysics of our age, as genuine art creates models of 'poetic dwelling,' which can generate non-linear, progressive change that opens up a larger playing field for ethics. Aesthetics and ethics go hand in hand. Ethical action is not just right for its own sake, but makes the world a richer, livable and more beautiful place.

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Research paper thumbnail of Care, and Its Relevance to Today’s Economy

Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2019

Care is a central aspect of human existence. What we care about and who we care for largely deter... more Care is a central aspect of human existence. What we care about and who we care for largely determine our way of being. The subjects of care present a frame of reference for our human functioning. Within organizational settings, caring is usually thought of as pertaining either to leadership roles or to team and peer social ties. But from the organizational or management point of view, there are more stakeholders to care about. The imperative of responsibility implies that nature, human beings, and future generations should be accepted as primary subjects of care in business. Business actors must develop practices that incorporate genuine interest in and caring for the existence and well-being of these primordial “stakeholders.” We care for others not because they have rights that we should respect, or because we expect something in return from them. We care for others because of our humanity. However, this does not mean that care is always disinterested. Caring for others in many c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Thematic Section Editorial-Controvertial Industries and Tourism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives during Coronavirus Pandemia

Almatourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 2021

This Editorial has the objective to present the Thematic Section (TS), that derives from selected... more This Editorial has the objective to present the Thematic Section (TS), that derives from selected papers, that were presented during SIDREA International Workshop - May 19th 2020-2-5pm. It is structured in two sections. The first section is introducing the contents of the TS. The second section discusses the multifacted phenomenon of trust in business organizations with special reference to controversial industries including gambling and different trust profiles are (i.e., non-confidence, negative trust, and distrust, and the corresponding social categorizations).

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Research paper thumbnail of Emprendedorismo guiado por la espiritualidad

Mainstream business leadership practices often produce negative impacts on nature, future generat... more Mainstream business leadership practices often produce negative impacts on nature, future generations and society as a whole. Spiritual convictions may help entrepreneurial leaders to achieve their objectives in ecological, pro-social and future respecting ways. The paper presents cases of spiritually driven entrepreneurship from the USA, Europe and India and discusses the changes required for business organizations to become sustainable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transforming Sustainability Science to Generate Positive Social and Environmental Change Globally

One Earth, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A tudós felelőssége • The Scientist’s Responsibility

Magyar Tudomány, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Franciscan Spirituality and Economics

Religions, 2018

St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse ... more St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse of natural creatures and promoted voluntary poverty, sharing, and universal brotherhood. This paper examines the implications of St. Francis’s views for economics. It is argued that St. Francis’s views imply the substantive notion of the term “economic” and favor material sufficiency instead of financial efficiency. Pope Francis’s encyclical letter “Laudato si’” is consistent with and supports St. Francis’s views, which emphasize the frugality of consumption and acknowledging the intrinsic value of nature. The overall vision of St. Francis can be characterized as “The Commonwealth of Life” based on a God-centered, spiritual way of living and acting. The paper suggests that the models of a sufficiency-oriented community economy are relevant for realizing St. Francis’s legacy in today’s reality of climate change described by climate scientists as the “Hothouse Earth” pathway.

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Research paper thumbnail of Routledge international handbook of spirituality in society and the professions

Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics Education of Business Leaders: Emotional Intelligence, Virtues, and Contemplative Learning2014 2 Tom E. Culham Ethics Education of Business Leaders: Emotional Intelligence, Virtues, and Contemplative Learning Charlotte, NC Information Age Publishing 2013 184pp. 9781623963460 £45.99

Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Gazdasági etika az antropocén korban

Magyar Tudomány, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Responsible Decision Making

Responsible Decision Making, 2017

What should I do?," "How should I deal with this?," "How should I behave?,&qu... more What should I do?," "How should I deal with this?," "How should I behave?," "How should I act?" we ask ourselves such questions daily. But, this is only the first part of the sentence. The full sentence is "What should I do achieve such and such?," for example to complete an assigned task, to do well before my boss or a client, to be pleased with myself, to carry out my plans, to make money in the stock market, to pass an exam, to complete an application, etc. These and similar questions that people ask, consciously or not, openly or not, call for decisions. What skills must we master, especially when there is a need to make not only elementary decisions, but also decisions that affect the existence, health, and even lives of people? That is the subject of this volume. Laszlo Zsolnai writes that we should acquire the skill of gaining knowledge. Only then will we stand a chance of reacting to things that are improbable today, but could become a fact tomorrow. Also essential is the skill of designing, i.e., preparing actions conceptually in order to make decisions before irreversible changes occur. Finally, it is essential to master the skill of multidimensional judgment within the space defined by effectiveness, efficiency, and ethics. This volume represents Zsolnai's attempt to build a model for making ethical decisions both effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the model is much broader than a purely analytical framework. It must tell us how to act rather than limit us to reflection on actions already performed; it must combine decision and praxiological analysis of human conduct. The proposed model enlarges the scope of the debate and suggests new avenues of both rational and responsible decision making. This is an original statement on the crossover of policy and morality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics & Business

Our Ethics & Business Newsletter covers our projects, publications, and presentations in 2022 inc... more Our Ethics & Business Newsletter covers our projects, publications, and presentations in 2022 including the Awakened Campus Global with Columbia University, the Economy of Francesco workshop in Assisi, the Sustainable Value Creation Models with Penn State and Concordia University, Montreal, and the Friends of Bhutan Conference in Budapest.

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Research paper thumbnail of Caring Management in the New Economy

Palgrave, 2019

This edited book frames a new ethos of management that cares for society, future generations and ... more This edited book frames a new ethos of management that cares for society, future generations and nature whilst also serving the interests of business and the wider community. Employing the practical wisdom of faith traditions, the chapters develop the use of spirituality as a resource for creating business models that take pressing social problems – such as quality of life at work, over-consumption, environmental degradation and climate change – into account. Spanning entrepreneurship, leadership, management education and business models, the chapters in this book aim to develop a spiritually-based caring model of management to face the challenges and reality of the 21st century.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions edited by

Routledge, 2019

Increasingly, it is being recognized that spirituality, defined here as "a multiform search for a... more Increasingly, it is being recognized that spirituality, defined here as "a multiform search for a transcendent meaning of life that connects them to all living beings and brings them in touch with God or ‘Ultimate Reality,’" is an aspect of almost every sphere and aspect of social life. It appears in humanity’s dealings with nature, home and community, healing, economics and business, knowledge, and education. The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions is a stimulating collection that summarizes the most important issues, frameworks, discussions, and problems relating to spiritually inspired activities in different fields of social life.

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Research paper thumbnail of For Genuine Business Ethics

Business Ethics Center, Corvinus University of Budapest, 2018

The book “For Genuine Business Ethics” summarizes the 25 years of research work of the Business E... more The book “For Genuine Business Ethics” summarizes the 25 years of research work of the Business Ethics Center of the Corvinus University of Budapest.

Main findings are the following:

(1) Economic behavior is multifaceted and context-dependent. Two major factors determine the ethicality of economic behavior: the moral character of the actor and the relative cost of ethical behavior.
(2) The fairness of procedures is a major determinant of the willingness of cooperation of economic actors.
(3) Actors who are intrinsically committed to the common good and define success in multi-dimensional terms are inclined to serve nature, society and future generations.
(4) Spirituality can play a major creative role in the deliberation of economic decisions and actions.
(5) Sufficiency-oriented, community-based economic models are crucial for achieving a stable Earth-Human system.
(6) Only non-materialistic value orientation can produce real material wellbeing for people.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society

Routledge, 2018

This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary... more This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary affairs in economics, business, and society. It is argued that the state of unethics is related to the overexpansion of market and market values in all spheres of social life and human activities. A correlate of this development is the emergence of an extremely individualistic, materialistic and narcissistic mind-set that dictates the decisions and behavior of people and organizations.The author argues that art can help to overcome the dominant market metaphysics of our age, as genuine art creates models of 'poetic dwelling,' which can generate non-linear, progressive change that opens up a larger playing field for ethics. Aesthetics and ethics go hand in hand. Ethical action is not just right for its own sake, but makes the world a richer, livable and more beautiful place.

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Research paper thumbnail of Frugality: Rebalancing Material and Spiritual Values in Economic Life

Peter Lang Academic Publishers, Oxford, 2008

The book examines frugality as an ideal and an ‘art de vivre’ which implies a low level of materi... more The book examines frugality as an ideal and an ‘art de vivre’ which implies a low level of material consumption and a simple lifestyle, to open the mind for spiritual goods as inner freedom, social peace and justice or the quest for God or ‘ultimate reality’. By rational choice we can develop a more frugal and sufficient way of life, but material temptations can always overwrite our ecological, social and ethical considerations. But the spiritual case for frugality is strong enough. Spiritually based frugal practices may lead to rational outcomes such as reducing ecological destruction, social disintegration and the exploitation of future generations

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethical Leadership. Indian and European Spiritual Approaches

Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016

Addressing issues of human values, ethics, spirituality and leadership in business the authors of... more Addressing issues of human values, ethics, spirituality and leadership in business the authors of this volume create a dialogue and interchange between Indian and European cultural traditions. Topics include spiritual orientations to business in Hindu, Buddhist and Christian traditions; the effect of spirituality upon contemporary leadership theories; sustainable business models in India and Europe and a comparison between Indian and European philosophies of leadership. In exploring what India and Europe can offer to one another in the development of ethical business leadership, the book aims to demonstrate ways to achieve sustainability, peace and well-being.

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Research paper thumbnail of Responsible Decision Making

This book presents a model for making ethical decisions both effectively and efficiently. Theref... more This book presents a model for making ethical decisions both effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the model is much broader than a purely analytical framework. It must tell us how to act rather than limit us to reflection on actions already performed; it must combine decision and praxiological analysis of human conduct. The proposed model enlarges the scope of the debate and suggests new avenues of both rational and responsible decision making

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Research paper thumbnail of Economics as a Moral Science

Springer, 2017

The book is reclaiming economics as a moral science. It argues that ethics is a relevant and inse... more The book is reclaiming economics as a moral science. It argues that ethics is a relevant and inseparable aspect of all levels of economic activity, from individual and organizational to societal and global. Taking ethical considerations into account is needed in explaining and predicting the behavior of economic agents as well as in evaluating and designing economic policies and mechanisms.

The unique feature of the book is that it not only analyzes ethics and economics on an abstract level, but puts behavioral, institutional and systemic issues together for a robust and human view of economic functioning. It sees economic “facts” as interwoven with human intentionality and ethical content, a domain where utility calculations and moral considerations co-determine the behavior of economic agents and the outcomes of their activities.

The book employs the personalist approach that sees human persons – endowed with free will and conscience – as the basic agents of economic life and defines human flourishing as the final end of economic activities. The book demonstrates that economics can gain a lot in meaning and also in analytical power by reuniting itself with ethics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethical Principles and Economic Transformation-A Buddhist Approach

Springer, 2011

Buddhism points out that emphasizing individuality and promoting the greatest fulfillment of the ... more Buddhism points out that emphasizing individuality and promoting the greatest fulfillment of the desires of the individual conjointly lead to destruction. The book promotes the basic value-choices of Buddhism, namely happiness, peace and permanence. Happiness research convincingly shows that not material wealth but the richness of personal relationships determines happiness. Not things, but people make people happy. Western economics tries to provide people with happiness by supplying enormous quantities of things and today’s dominating business models are based on and cultivates narrow self-centeredness. But what people need are caring relationships and generosity. Buddhist economics makes these values accessible by direct provision. Peace can be achieved in nonviolent ways. Wanting less can substantially contribute to this endeavor and make it happen more easily. Permanence, or ecological sustainability, requires a drastic cutback in the present level of consumption and production globally. This reduction should not be an inconvenient exercise of self-sacrifice. In the noble ethos of reducing suffering it can be a positive development path for humanity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Buddhist economics an enlightened approach to the dismal science.pdf

Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 2019

Clair Brown is a well-established economics professor at UC Berkeley. Her new book provides a fre... more Clair Brown is a well-established economics professor at UC Berkeley. Her new book provides a fresh, new insight into the field of Buddhist economics. What is the real novelty of Clair Brown’s book is that it connects Buddhist economic thought with the latest results of Western economics and presents a coherent and robust vision of a Buddhist economy. The book is endorsed by eminent scholars including Nobel Prize winning economists Amartya Sen and George Akerlof.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics Education of Business Leaders: Emotional Intelligence, Virtues, and Contemplative Learning

Journal of Management Spirituality & Religion, 2016

The book concerns one big issue: How can business schools educate future business leaders to make... more The book concerns one big issue: How can business schools educate future business leaders to make ethical decisions? This is really a challenge as business schools focus on one-dimensional rationality and cognitive intelligence. They teach the ’Homo oeconomicus’ model and related theories (agency theory, profit or shareholder maximization) which promote individual, self-interested behavior. Not unsurprisingly business schools produce graduates who are more selfish and morally disengaged than non-business graduates. (Grant 2013) Today there is a strong imbalance in business education between teaching abstract, rational concepts and providing opportunities for personal, moral growth. The whole person education is only a dream in business school settings. (Illes and Zsolnai 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecological Economics for the Athropocene.

Ecological Economics , 2017

The book describes an ambitious vision for reorienting ecological economics as we know it. Peter ... more The book describes an ambitious vision for reorienting ecological economics as we know it. Peter G. Brown (McGill University Montreal), Peter Timmerman (York University Toronto) and their team put forward a new ethical foundation for redirecting and reformulating ecological economics in response to the rapid decline of the richness of life processes on Earth. They believe that the original premise of ecological economics is valid; namely, that the human economy should be considered as embedded in and part of natural ecology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Albert Bandura: Moral Disengagement

Business Ethics Quarterly, 2016

Albert Bandura is the doyen of the psychology profession. He is well-known for his theory of soci... more Albert Bandura is the doyen of the psychology profession. He is well-known for his theory of social learning and self-efficacy. His new book on moral disengagement can be considered a breakthrough in moral psychology and ethics. It shows how the psychological mechanisms of moral disengagement work in business, politics and social life, and how these practices have implications for ethical conduct.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zsolnai Beyond Materialism and Reductionism

Laszlo Zsolnai gave a keynote presentation entitled “Beyond Materialism and Reductionism” at The ... more Laszlo Zsolnai gave a keynote presentation entitled “Beyond Materialism and Reductionism” at The Awakened Campus Global Initiative Conference from November 29-30, 2022 at Columbia University. He argued that today’s mainstream social practices and professions are based on strong materialist and reductionist assumptions. He showed that spiritually informed social practices can lead to better and more satisfying results than the materialist and reductionist models associated with current mainstream practices. Zsolnai called for whole-person education – that is, educating the spirit, the minds, and the bodies of students in higher education to go beyond materialism and reductionism in their futureprofessional lives.

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