Valeska Bopp-Filimonov | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (original) (raw)

Books by Valeska Bopp-Filimonov

Research paper thumbnail of Content_Erinnerungen an die ‚Nicht-Zeit‘

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Cover_Erinnerungen an die ‚Nicht-Zeit‘

Viel ist in Rumänien seit 1990 über die sozialistische Epoche geschrieben und gestritten worden. ... more Viel ist in Rumänien seit 1990 über die sozialistische Epoche geschrieben und gestritten worden. Dabei beschreiben Historiker und Publizisten, Politiker und Literaten den Kommunismus in erster Linie als etwas Fremdes und Extremes, etwas Schlechtes und Anderes, wofür sich in der nationalen Geschichte kein Vorlauf finden lasse. Die sozialistische Epoche wird herausgeschrieben aus der (nationalen) Erzählung; die Jahre der kommunistischen Diktatur fallen – narrativ betrachtet – " aus der Zeit ". In einer Verknüpfung von Diskursanalyse und Oral History...

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Papers by Valeska Bopp-Filimonov

Research paper thumbnail of Fabrikruinen als Kulissen depressiven Übermuts. Ehemalige Fabrikarbeiter im postsozialistischen rumänischen Roman

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Research paper thumbnail of Saddening Encounters. Children and Animals in Romanian Fiction and Beyond

Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Jun 30, 2022

"The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literatur... more "The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literature by taking an approach inspired by Animal and Childhood Studies to larger questions of ideological currents and social cultural phenomena in the Romanian society. I chose four short texts by Ioan Alexandru Brătescu-Voinești, Elena Farago, and Ion Barbu that originate from the beginning of the 20th century and are currently considered as part of the Romanian literary canon. They are, at least partially, addressed to children and they all contain violent human-animal encounters. The fact that this element of violence has not prevented the texts from becoming and continuing to be canonical adds a new dimension to Animal Studies scholarship, which has so far mainly mirrored the increasingly “civilised” human-animal relation in countries with an early developing bourgeois social strata where animals became pets and thus friends and family members. The study also challenges the existing interpretations of Romanian literature: instead of applying aesthetic criteria, a thematic thread is followed with reflections on the social relevance of the recurring topos which seems to store a more deeply anchored cultural experience. A closer look at both the “disempowered and oppressed positions” (Feuerstein) that children and animals occupy in both literary texts and real-life society poses the practical question of how greater harmony can be created in the future. Keywords: animal studies, childhood studies, human-animal encounters, violence, Romanian literature, Barbu, Brătescu-Voinești, Farago "

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Research paper thumbnail of Die rumänische Revolution von 1989. Staatliche Inszenierung versus öffentlicher Diskurs

Gegenwart der Vergangenheit, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Shaping, Questioning, Contradicting “Bad Communism:” Aspects of Generational Memory in Romania after 1989

Journal of Romanian Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘A New Era’ is always Dawning. A Linguistic Biography of a Border Crosser and Doppelgänger from Bukovina in the Second Half of the 20th Century

History of Communism in Europe

This article argues that it was not only physical borders that challenged people’s biographies in... more This article argues that it was not only physical borders that challenged people’s biographies in the 20th century, but also shifts in ideology, discourse and predominant languages. I shall explore the biography of a man called Cornel, a native of Bukovina who was a communist cultural official in Romania’s capital Bucharest in the 1960s and who became a priest in the 1970s. I shall show that not only obvious breaks such as the beginning and end of communist rule, but ideological shifts too within Romanian communism prompted Cornel to thoroughly reassess himself. For Cornel, it was the ‘mini-cultural revolution’ of 1971 under the rule of Nicolae Ceaușescu that quickly convinced him to leave his job at the Romanian Ministry of Culture and reinvent himself as an Orthodox priest. But was his self-reinvention successful? A thorough analysis of his biography shows that his linguistic biography—oscillating between Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian—contains crucial elements of productive adap...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fabrikruinen als Kulissen depressiven Übermuts. Ehemalige Fabrikarbeiter im postsozialistischen rumänischen Roman

Forum: Rumänien, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Kaleidoskop Rumänien

Forum: Rumänien, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Saddening Encounters. Children and Animals in Romanian Fiction and Beyond

Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 2022

The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literature by t... more The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literature by taking an approach inspired by Animal and Childhood Studies to larger questions of ideological currents and social cultural phenomena in the Romanian society. I chose four short texts by Ioan Alexandru Brătescu-Voinești, Elena Farago, and Ion Barbu that originate from the beginning of the 20th century and are currently considered as part of the Romanian literary canon. They are, at least partially, addressed to children and they all contain violent human-animal encounters. The fact that this element of violence has not prevented the texts from becoming and continuing to be canonical adds a new dimension to Animal Studies scholarship, which has so far mainly mirrored the increasingly “civilised” human-animal relation in countries with an early developing bourgeois social strata where animals became pets and thus friends and family members. The study also challenges the existing interpretations of Romanian literature: instead of applying aesthetic criteria, a thematic thread is followed with reflections on the social relevance of the recurring topos which seems to store a more deeply anchored cultural experience. A closer look at both the “disempowered and oppressed positions” (Feuerstein) that children and animals occupy in both literary texts and real-life society poses the practical question of how greater harmony can be created in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Debating East Central Europe Again?German Academia and the Dilemma of Spatial Categories

Journal of Modern European History

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Research paper thumbnail of Männer, Macht und "Mörder" 30 Jahre nach der rumänischen Revolution. Über die letzten Monate des "Instituts der Rumänischen Revolution vom Dezember 1989"

Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 2020

The 30th anniversary of the 1989 Romanian Revolution was an occasion for a study trip with studen... more The 30th anniversary of the 1989 Romanian Revolution was an occasion for a study trip with students and colleagues from the University of Jena to Romania in September 2019. What impressed us most was a visit to the Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 (IRRD) in Bucharest. We had the chance to talk with two of the most important figures of the revolution, Gelu Voican Voiculescu and Petre Roman. Both are representatives of the highly controversial IRRD. At present, Iliescu and Voiculescu are accused of crimes
against humanity because they did not prevent the large number of deaths when they assumed power.
The essay reflects upon different levels of complicity in a network of power that fortunately – given the fact that the Romanian parliament voted for the dissolution of the IRRD on 30 December 2019 – finally seems to fade.

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Research paper thumbnail of Into the Grey Zone, Or: How to Track Fading Multiculturalism in Southeastern Europe On Language as a Dwelling and Inclusive Cultural Identities

Südosteuropa, 2020

The exhibition '"We Live from Word to Word." Banat-Transylvania-Bukovina. Ethnograffiti of Southe... more The exhibition '"We Live from Word to Word." Banat-Transylvania-Bukovina. Ethnograffiti of Southeastern Europe' resulted from an interdisciplinary project seminar at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, based on a team ethnographic journey to Romania and Ukraine. Participants in the seminar, initiated in 2018, investigated how communities and togetherness have been constructed in multiethnic societies. The purpose was to find out what has remained of the region's multicultural nature after the political changes of 1989. The team made their own observations, recorded interviews, and took notes, the resulting fragments of cultural diversity being later pieced together in the exhibition. Some contributions were colourful-even garish-while others were tender and withdrawn. Combined and linked, the final result seemed like a fleeting picture such as might have been sprayed from the aerosols of a street-artist-a sort of 'ethnograffito'. In this article, the authors reflect on how the exhibition was put together.

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Research paper thumbnail of Friederike Kind-Kovács and Valeska Bopp-Filimonov: Debating East Central Europe Again? German Academia and the Dilemma of Spatial Categories

Journal of Modern European History, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Re-enacting the Socialist Past: Reflections on intrafamilial memories in Romania after 1989

Families in Romania tend (still) not to elaborately address their socialist past. Still, young Ro... more Families in Romania tend (still) not to elaborately address their socialist past. Still, young Romanians are generally well informed and have a strong opinion about the recent past...

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Drafts by Valeska Bopp-Filimonov

Research paper thumbnail of CfP: Violent Child-Animal Encounters in Literature. Interdisciplinary Perspectives 09/23

The focus of this conference is on violent encounters between human and non-human animals in lite... more The focus of this conference is on violent encounters between human and non-human animals in literature and their meaning(s). We are particularly interested in the intersection of child and animal interactions and like to invite colleagues from different philologies, but also non-philological disciplines (such as anthropology, psychology and ethics) to compare texts, enhance text comprehension and better understand the phenomenon itself.

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Research paper thumbnail of Germany and Romania 30 Years After -a Few Comparisons

Paper read on the occasion of the Rector´s Seminar “Universities in a Changing Europe: 30 years s... more Paper read on the occasion of the Rector´s Seminar “Universities in a Changing Europe: 30 years since the Fall of the Iron Curtain”, Iași, Romania, Oct. 24-26, 2019

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Book Reviews by Valeska Bopp-Filimonov

Research paper thumbnail of Rumänien - "so" oder doch ganz "anders"? Dokumentation einer rumänischen Identitätsdebatte

Literature Review zu Boia, Lucian. 2014. Warum ist Rumanien anders? Aus dem Rumanischen von Georg... more Literature Review zu Boia, Lucian. 2014. Warum ist Rumanien anders? Aus dem Rumanischen von Georg Aescht. Bonn/Hermannstadt: Schillerverlag. Mihăilescu, Vintilă (ed.). 2019. Warum Rumanien so ist. Die Avatare des rumanischen Exzeptionalismus. Reihe „Blickpunkt Rumanien: 6“. Wien/ Hamburg: new academic press.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recenzie: Péter, Laszlo. 2018. Forbidden Football in Ceausescu’s Romania. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (Global Culture and Sport Series)

apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania], 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Péter, Laszlo. 2018. Forbidden Football in Ceausescu’s Romania. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (Global Culture and Sport Series)

apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania], 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Content_Erinnerungen an die ‚Nicht-Zeit‘

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Cover_Erinnerungen an die ‚Nicht-Zeit‘

Viel ist in Rumänien seit 1990 über die sozialistische Epoche geschrieben und gestritten worden. ... more Viel ist in Rumänien seit 1990 über die sozialistische Epoche geschrieben und gestritten worden. Dabei beschreiben Historiker und Publizisten, Politiker und Literaten den Kommunismus in erster Linie als etwas Fremdes und Extremes, etwas Schlechtes und Anderes, wofür sich in der nationalen Geschichte kein Vorlauf finden lasse. Die sozialistische Epoche wird herausgeschrieben aus der (nationalen) Erzählung; die Jahre der kommunistischen Diktatur fallen – narrativ betrachtet – " aus der Zeit ". In einer Verknüpfung von Diskursanalyse und Oral History...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fabrikruinen als Kulissen depressiven Übermuts. Ehemalige Fabrikarbeiter im postsozialistischen rumänischen Roman

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Research paper thumbnail of Saddening Encounters. Children and Animals in Romanian Fiction and Beyond

Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Jun 30, 2022

"The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literatur... more "The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literature by taking an approach inspired by Animal and Childhood Studies to larger questions of ideological currents and social cultural phenomena in the Romanian society. I chose four short texts by Ioan Alexandru Brătescu-Voinești, Elena Farago, and Ion Barbu that originate from the beginning of the 20th century and are currently considered as part of the Romanian literary canon. They are, at least partially, addressed to children and they all contain violent human-animal encounters. The fact that this element of violence has not prevented the texts from becoming and continuing to be canonical adds a new dimension to Animal Studies scholarship, which has so far mainly mirrored the increasingly “civilised” human-animal relation in countries with an early developing bourgeois social strata where animals became pets and thus friends and family members. The study also challenges the existing interpretations of Romanian literature: instead of applying aesthetic criteria, a thematic thread is followed with reflections on the social relevance of the recurring topos which seems to store a more deeply anchored cultural experience. A closer look at both the “disempowered and oppressed positions” (Feuerstein) that children and animals occupy in both literary texts and real-life society poses the practical question of how greater harmony can be created in the future. Keywords: animal studies, childhood studies, human-animal encounters, violence, Romanian literature, Barbu, Brătescu-Voinești, Farago "

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Research paper thumbnail of Die rumänische Revolution von 1989. Staatliche Inszenierung versus öffentlicher Diskurs

Gegenwart der Vergangenheit, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Shaping, Questioning, Contradicting “Bad Communism:” Aspects of Generational Memory in Romania after 1989

Journal of Romanian Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘A New Era’ is always Dawning. A Linguistic Biography of a Border Crosser and Doppelgänger from Bukovina in the Second Half of the 20th Century

History of Communism in Europe

This article argues that it was not only physical borders that challenged people’s biographies in... more This article argues that it was not only physical borders that challenged people’s biographies in the 20th century, but also shifts in ideology, discourse and predominant languages. I shall explore the biography of a man called Cornel, a native of Bukovina who was a communist cultural official in Romania’s capital Bucharest in the 1960s and who became a priest in the 1970s. I shall show that not only obvious breaks such as the beginning and end of communist rule, but ideological shifts too within Romanian communism prompted Cornel to thoroughly reassess himself. For Cornel, it was the ‘mini-cultural revolution’ of 1971 under the rule of Nicolae Ceaușescu that quickly convinced him to leave his job at the Romanian Ministry of Culture and reinvent himself as an Orthodox priest. But was his self-reinvention successful? A thorough analysis of his biography shows that his linguistic biography—oscillating between Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian—contains crucial elements of productive adap...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fabrikruinen als Kulissen depressiven Übermuts. Ehemalige Fabrikarbeiter im postsozialistischen rumänischen Roman

Forum: Rumänien, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Kaleidoskop Rumänien

Forum: Rumänien, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Saddening Encounters. Children and Animals in Romanian Fiction and Beyond

Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 2022

The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literature by t... more The aim of this essay is to give some impetus to a re-reading of classic Romanian literature by taking an approach inspired by Animal and Childhood Studies to larger questions of ideological currents and social cultural phenomena in the Romanian society. I chose four short texts by Ioan Alexandru Brătescu-Voinești, Elena Farago, and Ion Barbu that originate from the beginning of the 20th century and are currently considered as part of the Romanian literary canon. They are, at least partially, addressed to children and they all contain violent human-animal encounters. The fact that this element of violence has not prevented the texts from becoming and continuing to be canonical adds a new dimension to Animal Studies scholarship, which has so far mainly mirrored the increasingly “civilised” human-animal relation in countries with an early developing bourgeois social strata where animals became pets and thus friends and family members. The study also challenges the existing interpretations of Romanian literature: instead of applying aesthetic criteria, a thematic thread is followed with reflections on the social relevance of the recurring topos which seems to store a more deeply anchored cultural experience. A closer look at both the “disempowered and oppressed positions” (Feuerstein) that children and animals occupy in both literary texts and real-life society poses the practical question of how greater harmony can be created in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Debating East Central Europe Again?German Academia and the Dilemma of Spatial Categories

Journal of Modern European History

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Research paper thumbnail of Männer, Macht und "Mörder" 30 Jahre nach der rumänischen Revolution. Über die letzten Monate des "Instituts der Rumänischen Revolution vom Dezember 1989"

Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 2020

The 30th anniversary of the 1989 Romanian Revolution was an occasion for a study trip with studen... more The 30th anniversary of the 1989 Romanian Revolution was an occasion for a study trip with students and colleagues from the University of Jena to Romania in September 2019. What impressed us most was a visit to the Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 (IRRD) in Bucharest. We had the chance to talk with two of the most important figures of the revolution, Gelu Voican Voiculescu and Petre Roman. Both are representatives of the highly controversial IRRD. At present, Iliescu and Voiculescu are accused of crimes
against humanity because they did not prevent the large number of deaths when they assumed power.
The essay reflects upon different levels of complicity in a network of power that fortunately – given the fact that the Romanian parliament voted for the dissolution of the IRRD on 30 December 2019 – finally seems to fade.

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Research paper thumbnail of Into the Grey Zone, Or: How to Track Fading Multiculturalism in Southeastern Europe On Language as a Dwelling and Inclusive Cultural Identities

Südosteuropa, 2020

The exhibition '"We Live from Word to Word." Banat-Transylvania-Bukovina. Ethnograffiti of Southe... more The exhibition '"We Live from Word to Word." Banat-Transylvania-Bukovina. Ethnograffiti of Southeastern Europe' resulted from an interdisciplinary project seminar at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, based on a team ethnographic journey to Romania and Ukraine. Participants in the seminar, initiated in 2018, investigated how communities and togetherness have been constructed in multiethnic societies. The purpose was to find out what has remained of the region's multicultural nature after the political changes of 1989. The team made their own observations, recorded interviews, and took notes, the resulting fragments of cultural diversity being later pieced together in the exhibition. Some contributions were colourful-even garish-while others were tender and withdrawn. Combined and linked, the final result seemed like a fleeting picture such as might have been sprayed from the aerosols of a street-artist-a sort of 'ethnograffito'. In this article, the authors reflect on how the exhibition was put together.

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Research paper thumbnail of Friederike Kind-Kovács and Valeska Bopp-Filimonov: Debating East Central Europe Again? German Academia and the Dilemma of Spatial Categories

Journal of Modern European History, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Re-enacting the Socialist Past: Reflections on intrafamilial memories in Romania after 1989

Families in Romania tend (still) not to elaborately address their socialist past. Still, young Ro... more Families in Romania tend (still) not to elaborately address their socialist past. Still, young Romanians are generally well informed and have a strong opinion about the recent past...

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Research paper thumbnail of CfP: Violent Child-Animal Encounters in Literature. Interdisciplinary Perspectives 09/23

The focus of this conference is on violent encounters between human and non-human animals in lite... more The focus of this conference is on violent encounters between human and non-human animals in literature and their meaning(s). We are particularly interested in the intersection of child and animal interactions and like to invite colleagues from different philologies, but also non-philological disciplines (such as anthropology, psychology and ethics) to compare texts, enhance text comprehension and better understand the phenomenon itself.

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Research paper thumbnail of Germany and Romania 30 Years After -a Few Comparisons

Paper read on the occasion of the Rector´s Seminar “Universities in a Changing Europe: 30 years s... more Paper read on the occasion of the Rector´s Seminar “Universities in a Changing Europe: 30 years since the Fall of the Iron Curtain”, Iași, Romania, Oct. 24-26, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Rumänien - "so" oder doch ganz "anders"? Dokumentation einer rumänischen Identitätsdebatte

Literature Review zu Boia, Lucian. 2014. Warum ist Rumanien anders? Aus dem Rumanischen von Georg... more Literature Review zu Boia, Lucian. 2014. Warum ist Rumanien anders? Aus dem Rumanischen von Georg Aescht. Bonn/Hermannstadt: Schillerverlag. Mihăilescu, Vintilă (ed.). 2019. Warum Rumanien so ist. Die Avatare des rumanischen Exzeptionalismus. Reihe „Blickpunkt Rumanien: 6“. Wien/ Hamburg: new academic press.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recenzie: Péter, Laszlo. 2018. Forbidden Football in Ceausescu’s Romania. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (Global Culture and Sport Series)

apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania], 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Péter, Laszlo. 2018. Forbidden Football in Ceausescu’s Romania. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (Global Culture and Sport Series)

apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania], 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Alois Mosser (Hg.): Politische Kultur in Südosteuropa. Identitäten, Loyalitäten, Solidaritäten

Zeitschrift Fur Balkanologie, Oct 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual exhibition "'Wir wohnen Wort an Wort'. Banat, Siebenbürgen, Bukowina: ein Ethnograffiti Südosteuropas"

Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. Kultur und Wissen online, 2020

Anne Dippel , Oliver Wurzbacher and me are happy to present our exhibition "'Wir wohnen Wort an ... more Anne Dippel , Oliver Wurzbacher and me are happy to present our exhibition "'Wir wohnen Wort an Wort'. Banat, Siebenbürgen, Bukowina: ein Ethnograffiti Südosteuropas" - now - online on the server of "Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. Kultur und Wissen online". Feel free to visit the exhibition at any time. The objects, videos and audios from the show room at Jena University (2019/20) were carefully revised and subsequently rearranged with the great support of graphic designer Britta Kussin from Hamburg ( The whole project was creatively supported by a great team of students from FSU Jena. See the result at .

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Research paper thumbnail of "Wir wohnen Wort an Wort". Banat, Siebenbürgen, Bukowina: ein Ethnograffiti Südosteuropas (Online-Description Exhibition Jena 04-05/2019)

Ausstellungsprojekt, entstanden aus einem Kooperationsseminar mit Dr. Anne Dippel vom Seminar für... more Ausstellungsprojekt, entstanden aus einem Kooperationsseminar mit Dr. Anne Dippel vom Seminar für Volkskunde/Kulturgeschichte der Universität Jena

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Research paper thumbnail of Exkursion: Deutschsprachige Minderheiten in Rumänien und der Ukraine

Die Feldforschung zu deutschen Minderheiten in Rumänien und der südlichen Ukraine (Czernowitz) fa... more Die Feldforschung zu deutschen Minderheiten in Rumänien und der südlichen Ukraine (Czernowitz) fand vom 30. September bis zum 13. Oktober 2018 statt. Mit dem Zug reisten die TeilnehmerInnen von Jena über Budapest nach Timișoara/Temeswar im westlichen Rumänien. Mit Mietwagen wurden anschließend verschiedene Stationen und Orte besucht: - Nițchidorf/Nitzkydorf, - Sibiu/Hermannstadt, - Brașov/Kronstadt, - Alțâna/Alzen, - Sighișoara/Schäßburg, - Biertan/Birthälm, - Mediaș/Mediasch und schließlich - Cluj/Klausenburg. Von dort ging es mit einem Nachtzug nach Suceava in der rumänischen Region Moldau. Nach einem halbtägigen Aufenthalt wurde die Reise mit dem Omnibus nach Czernowitz in die Ukraine fortgesetzt, wo die Gruppe am zweiten Tag des Aufenthaltes von Mitarbeitern der Universität Jassy mit dem Bus abgeholt wurde, um wieder nach Rumänien in die moldauische Regionshauptstadt Jassy/Iași zu reisen. Die Rückreise erfolgte von dort per Flugzeug zurück nach Deutschland. Ziel der Reise war es...

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Research paper thumbnail of Rumänisch studieren in Jena (Poster)

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