Sadete Pllana | Universiteti I Prishtines (original) (raw)
Papers by Sadete Pllana
The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of ... more The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of comparison in both languages, in Albanian Language and English Language, provide an opportunity to better enlighten the terminological problems in the whole field of mechanics. The state and development of the terminology of this field presents with a clearer perspective, precisely by being compared with the terminology of one of the international languages, such as English today, which also serves as a standardization model for the terminology of every knowledge area.Keywords: Univocality, accuracy, mechanics terminology
The rapid development of science and technology and the economy make it necessary to create multi... more The rapid development of science and technology and the economy make it necessary to create multiple linguistic units which serve for their nomination. For this reason new linguistically enhanced units are formed, unsimplified, stable compound words, which, like words serve to mark objects, phenomena and countless new concepts. The wide expansion of stable compound words in the language, as a specific nominating lexico syntactic unit, especially in the economy, is creating a specific layer in the circuit of terminological vocabulary, which is characterized by certain specific features and attributes.Keywords: terms-phrase, the terminology of economics, sustainable compound words, expanded compound words
Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejn... more Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejnë vetë si elemente përbërëse të termave togfjalësh, del se një rrugë me interes të veçantë studimi është rruga semantike, meqë termat e krijuar shfaqen si lidhje të gjuhës së përgjithshme me leksikun terminologjik të fushës përkatëse. Për studimin e leksikut në fjalë si leksik bazë, por edhe i përbashkët për nënfushat e tjera të mekanikës, vlerë të veçantë merr veçimi dhe identifikimi i këtij leksiku me teknologjinë mekanike, automobilin etj. Një vend më vete zënë termat bazë, kur vështrohen si mjete për ndërtimet togfjalëshe, të cilat në terminologjinë e mekanikës zënë 70-80% të të gjitha njësive emërtuese terminologjike. Marrë në tërësinë e saj gjithë kjo shtresë leksikore speciale e mekanikës shërben si bazë edhe për mjaft terminologji të tjera teknike
Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për ... more Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për hartimin e fjalorëve terminologjikë qysh nga vitet ’50 të shek. XX, ndonëse kjo veprimtari ka fillesa më të hershme. Për hartimin e tyre ka ndikuar drejtpërdrejt zhvillimi i vetë terminologjisë shqipe, si nga ana e lëndës së krijuar, ashtu edhe nga ana e përpunimit të saj dhe e pasqyrimit në fjalorët përkatës. Rruga e krijimit të këtyre fjalorëve, duhet vështruar në lidhje me gjithë kohën, gjatë së cilës ka kaluar terminologjia shqipe, si në praktikën e saj, në krijimin e bazave teorike, në metodat e punës etj
In this paper, we will analyze the factual material of spoken and written language by students an... more In this paper, we will analyze the factual material of spoken and written language by students and teachers of economics at the Faculty of Economics in Pristina for antonyms with different roots of economics terminology, as well as record and explain the meaning of words in economics textbooks published in Albanian. In the early grammar of the Albanian language, only the words of different roots that are used as opposites have been taken as antonyms. This paper will analyze a number of words with different roots, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs, that are used in economics terminology.
For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, ... more For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, both in the context of the general problematic of the Albanian language and in regards to the problematic that the terminology itself encompasses. Albanian technical terminology is related to international terminological systems, as well as new arrivals conditioned by the opening of Albania and Kosovo and their path to integration into international organizations, such as NATO, EU, etc. It is also related to globalization and the powerful impact of English. The history of development motivates the current state of linguistic and technical terminology in close connection with the general lexicon of the Albanian language, with units that are specialized as standardized terms in various fields of technical-technological knowledge. This paper deals with an overview of the beginnings and developments of Albanian linguistic terminology and technical terminology in the Albanian language.
he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its un... more he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its units have usage not only in other fields of knowledge, up to the general language like sustë, bulon, vidhë, but these do come across even in the explanatory dictionaries. Therefore, from this viewpoint, their layout and place in both languages takes importance, and in a particular way also the reflection in explanatory dictionaries, where deficiencies become apparent in the level of their representation in these dictionaries, and the symmetric withholding of definitions, as it is seen in the terms kushinetë (bearing), sustë (spring) etc. Likewise the view of these terms in the system of word forming connections brings out on the first level the review of the terms not only in the conceptual aspect, but also on the true meaning of comprehension, by making the term an object of its appearance in other parts of speech as well, except the noun, as in the adjective, the verb, the adverb. This makes the representation of these forms in the terminological dictionaries necessary, particularly when those connect with the word forming system (term forming) and express the specificity of the field, like: mekanikë and mekanik-e-mekanikisht (përpunoj), lëvizje-lëviz-i lëvizshëm-lëvizëse, as in English: mechanics-mechanic-mechanically, (to) move-movement-moving-movable etc.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, Dec 19, 2019
A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, t... more A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, the observation of terminological lexicon in particular, broad, narrow and very narrow level of the knowledge fields. In general, these terminologies have been looked at the synchronous axis and in special cases, also have been dealt within the diachronic development line. Problems with the history of terminology development have been largely limited to partial cases, but rarely have been seen as separate issues. Up to nowadays, Albanian technical (technology) terminology generally has been studied in the form of specific terminologies, starting from the terminology of more or less extensive fields, such as economics, medicine, mechanics, agriculture and any other within them, such as agronomy or even narrower ones. From the broad-field terminologies it was able to make basic generalizations, but even narrow ones have been able to delve deeper into specific issues. Conducted generalizatio...
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2017
The terminology of economy has advanced steadily over these last two decades in Albanian language... more The terminology of economy has advanced steadily over these last two decades in Albanian languages. The terminological lexicon of economics as a special knowledge field is identified within an assigned scope in accordance with the conceptual system of such a field. For word-terms as a way of formation, the morphological way occurs, mainly with affixing and composing. With affixation, terms are formed with prefixes, with suffixes and with prefixes and suffixes simultaneously.
Anglisticum Journal, 2015
In this paper an analysis of the importance of Bio-products was carried out with a focus on Kosov... more In this paper an analysis of the importance of Bio-products was carried out with a focus on Kosovo, which are very healthy for human life, regardless of the age of the population. Kosovo has a real opportunity for the cultivation of Bio-products. Meeting the customer needs with fresh products is of significant importance. The cultivation of Bio-products in Kosovo will reduce unemployment, will affect the economic development and will be competing products on the EU market. Keywords: Bio-products, Kosovar products, management of Bio-products, healthy products.
In the conditions of the rapid development of technics and technology in recent years, the cooper... more In the conditions of the rapid development of technics and technology in recent years, the cooperation of the scientific-technical language with the standard Albanian language is continuing with an ever-higher intensity than before. We notice a vigor of enrichment in the vocabulary of technical terminology, due to the creation and formation of new fields and subfields of technics, technology, as computing, mechatronics, telemetry; a multitude of concepts, many of which on the one hand are marked with the designations of the languages they come from, mainly from English, but on the other hand, they meet their needs with the lexical mother tongue composition (by common words being raised to terms) and with the activation of other layers, such as compound word terms. Thus, for example, in the field of computing, we notice in it the inclusion of the ordinary vocabulary for reproductive reasons, like: mi, dritare, flamur, adrese, skedar (Engl.: mouse, window, flag, address, file), and al...
English has an impact in many European languages and Albanian language as well. English words hav... more English has an impact in many European languages and Albanian language as well. English words have flooded everywhere and even unnecessary words are borrowed, so it has conquered several languages of the world. This spread of English words in the Albanian language lexicon of economics and business administration is a consequence of political, economic, cultural, scientific influence, etc., in particular after 1990 (in Albania, on the occasion of opening up to the world) and in Kosovo after June 1999 (on the occasion of the entry of NATO ground forces into Kosovo). English words or of English descent have entered as terms in particular areas of social activity. In the field of business administration, economics, finance, trade and management, these are terms that primarily denote notions and phenomena of international economics, financial and trade relations, US and UK monetary units, such as: arbitrage, audit, assets, balance sheet, business, businessman, board, budget, check, econo...
The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds l... more The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds light on the relationships they have entered into with social factors indicating what kinds of factors have prevailed in their appearance and development. Thus, for instance, at the end of the 19th century, a number of knowledge fields were stipulated by political factors, cultural and linguistic factors that are inextricably linked to our nation's efforts to arouse national consciousness through the growth of educational and cultural level of the people. Some sciences, through their fundamental special fields probably would be one of those factors that would accomplish this objective. Other factors were the opening of schools and the drafting of relevant textbooks thereby their accomplishment is to be achieved by means of written language. Therefore the first fundamental knowledge fields were embodied with them, such as mathematics, linguistics, geography. So the conceptual systems o...
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2020
При изучении лексики языка тот факт, что содержание (концепт) имеет преимущество над формой имеет... more При изучении лексики языка тот факт, что содержание (концепт) имеет преимущество над формой имеет особое значение для разграничения таких типов лексики, как общеупотребительные слова (нетермины) и специализированные слова (термины), так как часто одна и та же лексическая единица в зависимости от ситуации переходит с одного уровня на другой (таким образом, границы значений смешиваются) или занимает промежуточное положение между двумя уровнями, что затрудняет ее идентификацию как общеупотребительного слова или термина, например, kembe, dere, makine (англ. foot (нога), door (дверь), machine (машина)) и т.д. В данной работе будут рассмотрены группы терминов, образованные на основе значений общеупотребительных слов, присутствующих в словарях албанского языка 1980 и 2006 годов, и относящиеся к различным элементам повседневной жизни, таким как предметы, явления и процессы.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2020
Реализация цели исследования в этой статье стала возможной благодаря поддержке прочной, обоснован... more Реализация цели исследования в этой статье стала возможной благодаря поддержке прочной, обоснованной и современной теоретической основы, которая имеет отправную точку для рассмотрения терминологии как системы идентифицированной и автономной области знаний, которая соответствует системе, концептуальной в соответствующей области. Опора на эту идею, которая основана на связи между концепциями, породила ряд проблем, связанных с экономической терминологией. Первый шаг в решении задачи систематизации рассматриваемой терминологии состоит в том, чтобы изучить ее как положение дел, и в контексте этого положения дел необходимо увидеть ряд недостатков в построении терминов и их функционировании в акте коммуникации. В частности, здесь могут быть решены две важные проблемы: во-первых, проблема перегрузки терминологии дублирующимися терминами (два термина о каждом термине -дублетами), то есть при работе с избыточными единицами, и во-вторых, проблема неполноты системы, то есть когда мы имеем дело ...
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2019
История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, кот... more История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, которые были созданы с социальными факторами, показывая, какие факторы доминировали над их появлением и развитием. Так, например, в конце 19-го века ряд областей знаний были предвидены политическими, культурными и языковыми факторами, которые неразрывно связаны с усилиями нашей страны по повышению национальной осведомленности посредством роста образовательного и культурного уровня людей. Некоторые науки, по их основным специальностям, вероятно, были одним из тех факторов, которые позволят достичь этой цели. Другими факторами были открытие школ и разработка соответствующих учебников, для достижения этий целей посредством письменного языка. Поэтому первые области базовых знаний были воплощены в них, такие как математика, лингвистика, география.
The view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its u... more The view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its units have usage not only in other fields of knowledge, up to the general language like suste, bulon, vidhe, but these do come across even in the explanatory dictionaries. Therefore, from this viewpoint, their layout and place in both languages takes importance, and in a particular way also the reflection in explanatory dictionaries, where deficiencies become apparent in the level of their representation in these dictionaries, and the symmetric withholding of definitions, as it is seen in the terms kushinete (bearing), suste (spring) etc. Likewise the view of these terms in the system of word forming connections brings out on the first level the review of the terms not only in the conceptual aspect, but also on the true meaning of comprehension, by making the term an object of its appearance in other parts of speech as well, except the noun, as in the adjective, the verb, the adverb. This...
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2020
Понятие синонимии в любом языке, включая албанский язык, рассматривается как позитивное явление, ... more Понятие синонимии в любом языке, включая албанский язык, рассматривается как позитивное явление, как выражение разнообразия и богатства языка. Синонимы основываются на семантической общности, семантической близости, а также на семантической эквивалентности. Последняя является основой для абсолютных синонимов (алб. Dysoret – англ. Doublet (дублет)), и в общеупотребительной лексике они находятся в ограниченном количестве. В терминологии, в отличие от общеупотребительных слов и выражений, особенно при рассмотрении проблем экономической терминологии, синонимия рассматривается как вредное явление. Синонимия в терминологии позволяет рассматривать ее в рамках такой области знания, как полисемия и омонимия. С этой точки зрения дублеты изучаются как вредное явление и в процессе стандартизации терминологии их устраняют, заменяя одним стандартным термином. В данной статье будут рассмотрены некоторые проблемы, касающиеся теории синонимии и терминологической дихотомии в экономической терминологи...
Today's Albanian lexicon is significantly getting richer. Also, the terminology of economy in... more Today's Albanian lexicon is significantly getting richer. Also, the terminology of economy in the Albanian language has come a long way in the past two decades. Word-formation is based on the inherited elements that have served as a model, but the internal development of language has become enriched with new tools. The Albanian language during its development has created quite a few prefixes and suffixes from its dough, and borrowed some others from the languages with which it had contacts. Perpetually, the most productive forms and types of word-formation were used in today's Albanian language. Thus, the suffixes: -esi, -im, -je, -or, -shem, -tor etc ., which, in today's Albanian language are very productive and active are used to a considerable extent, as well as the prefixes : bashke-, mbi, mos, nen-, para-, per-, ri- etc, for word-formation even for the terminology of the economy. This paper will look at the most productive pre- and suffixes in the terminology of ...
The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of ... more The basic terms of mechanics become the object of the work, which, being treated on the level of comparison in both languages, in Albanian Language and English Language, provide an opportunity to better enlighten the terminological problems in the whole field of mechanics. The state and development of the terminology of this field presents with a clearer perspective, precisely by being compared with the terminology of one of the international languages, such as English today, which also serves as a standardization model for the terminology of every knowledge area.Keywords: Univocality, accuracy, mechanics terminology
The rapid development of science and technology and the economy make it necessary to create multi... more The rapid development of science and technology and the economy make it necessary to create multiple linguistic units which serve for their nomination. For this reason new linguistically enhanced units are formed, unsimplified, stable compound words, which, like words serve to mark objects, phenomena and countless new concepts. The wide expansion of stable compound words in the language, as a specific nominating lexico syntactic unit, especially in the economy, is creating a specific layer in the circuit of terminological vocabulary, which is characterized by certain specific features and attributes.Keywords: terms-phrase, the terminology of economics, sustainable compound words, expanded compound words
Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejn... more Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejnë vetë si elemente përbërëse të termave togfjalësh, del se një rrugë me interes të veçantë studimi është rruga semantike, meqë termat e krijuar shfaqen si lidhje të gjuhës së përgjithshme me leksikun terminologjik të fushës përkatëse. Për studimin e leksikut në fjalë si leksik bazë, por edhe i përbashkët për nënfushat e tjera të mekanikës, vlerë të veçantë merr veçimi dhe identifikimi i këtij leksiku me teknologjinë mekanike, automobilin etj. Një vend më vete zënë termat bazë, kur vështrohen si mjete për ndërtimet togfjalëshe, të cilat në terminologjinë e mekanikës zënë 70-80% të të gjitha njësive emërtuese terminologjike. Marrë në tërësinë e saj gjithë kjo shtresë leksikore speciale e mekanikës shërben si bazë edhe për mjaft terminologji të tjera teknike
Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për ... more Lënda e gjerë dhe e pasur nga fushat e terminologjive të ndryshme teknike ka krijuar kushtet për hartimin e fjalorëve terminologjikë qysh nga vitet ’50 të shek. XX, ndonëse kjo veprimtari ka fillesa më të hershme. Për hartimin e tyre ka ndikuar drejtpërdrejt zhvillimi i vetë terminologjisë shqipe, si nga ana e lëndës së krijuar, ashtu edhe nga ana e përpunimit të saj dhe e pasqyrimit në fjalorët përkatës. Rruga e krijimit të këtyre fjalorëve, duhet vështruar në lidhje me gjithë kohën, gjatë së cilës ka kaluar terminologjia shqipe, si në praktikën e saj, në krijimin e bazave teorike, në metodat e punës etj
In this paper, we will analyze the factual material of spoken and written language by students an... more In this paper, we will analyze the factual material of spoken and written language by students and teachers of economics at the Faculty of Economics in Pristina for antonyms with different roots of economics terminology, as well as record and explain the meaning of words in economics textbooks published in Albanian. In the early grammar of the Albanian language, only the words of different roots that are used as opposites have been taken as antonyms. This paper will analyze a number of words with different roots, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs, that are used in economics terminology.
For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, ... more For a long time, terminology as a linguistic field has been the subject of research by scholars, both in the context of the general problematic of the Albanian language and in regards to the problematic that the terminology itself encompasses. Albanian technical terminology is related to international terminological systems, as well as new arrivals conditioned by the opening of Albania and Kosovo and their path to integration into international organizations, such as NATO, EU, etc. It is also related to globalization and the powerful impact of English. The history of development motivates the current state of linguistic and technical terminology in close connection with the general lexicon of the Albanian language, with units that are specialized as standardized terms in various fields of technical-technological knowledge. This paper deals with an overview of the beginnings and developments of Albanian linguistic terminology and technical terminology in the Albanian language.
he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its un... more he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its units have usage not only in other fields of knowledge, up to the general language like sustë, bulon, vidhë, but these do come across even in the explanatory dictionaries. Therefore, from this viewpoint, their layout and place in both languages takes importance, and in a particular way also the reflection in explanatory dictionaries, where deficiencies become apparent in the level of their representation in these dictionaries, and the symmetric withholding of definitions, as it is seen in the terms kushinetë (bearing), sustë (spring) etc. Likewise the view of these terms in the system of word forming connections brings out on the first level the review of the terms not only in the conceptual aspect, but also on the true meaning of comprehension, by making the term an object of its appearance in other parts of speech as well, except the noun, as in the adjective, the verb, the adverb. This makes the representation of these forms in the terminological dictionaries necessary, particularly when those connect with the word forming system (term forming) and express the specificity of the field, like: mekanikë and mekanik-e-mekanikisht (përpunoj), lëvizje-lëviz-i lëvizshëm-lëvizëse, as in English: mechanics-mechanic-mechanically, (to) move-movement-moving-movable etc.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, Dec 19, 2019
A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, t... more A special attention in Albanian linguistics is given to studies about the terminology problems, the observation of terminological lexicon in particular, broad, narrow and very narrow level of the knowledge fields. In general, these terminologies have been looked at the synchronous axis and in special cases, also have been dealt within the diachronic development line. Problems with the history of terminology development have been largely limited to partial cases, but rarely have been seen as separate issues. Up to nowadays, Albanian technical (technology) terminology generally has been studied in the form of specific terminologies, starting from the terminology of more or less extensive fields, such as economics, medicine, mechanics, agriculture and any other within them, such as agronomy or even narrower ones. From the broad-field terminologies it was able to make basic generalizations, but even narrow ones have been able to delve deeper into specific issues. Conducted generalizatio...
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2017
The terminology of economy has advanced steadily over these last two decades in Albanian language... more The terminology of economy has advanced steadily over these last two decades in Albanian languages. The terminological lexicon of economics as a special knowledge field is identified within an assigned scope in accordance with the conceptual system of such a field. For word-terms as a way of formation, the morphological way occurs, mainly with affixing and composing. With affixation, terms are formed with prefixes, with suffixes and with prefixes and suffixes simultaneously.
Anglisticum Journal, 2015
In this paper an analysis of the importance of Bio-products was carried out with a focus on Kosov... more In this paper an analysis of the importance of Bio-products was carried out with a focus on Kosovo, which are very healthy for human life, regardless of the age of the population. Kosovo has a real opportunity for the cultivation of Bio-products. Meeting the customer needs with fresh products is of significant importance. The cultivation of Bio-products in Kosovo will reduce unemployment, will affect the economic development and will be competing products on the EU market. Keywords: Bio-products, Kosovar products, management of Bio-products, healthy products.
In the conditions of the rapid development of technics and technology in recent years, the cooper... more In the conditions of the rapid development of technics and technology in recent years, the cooperation of the scientific-technical language with the standard Albanian language is continuing with an ever-higher intensity than before. We notice a vigor of enrichment in the vocabulary of technical terminology, due to the creation and formation of new fields and subfields of technics, technology, as computing, mechatronics, telemetry; a multitude of concepts, many of which on the one hand are marked with the designations of the languages they come from, mainly from English, but on the other hand, they meet their needs with the lexical mother tongue composition (by common words being raised to terms) and with the activation of other layers, such as compound word terms. Thus, for example, in the field of computing, we notice in it the inclusion of the ordinary vocabulary for reproductive reasons, like: mi, dritare, flamur, adrese, skedar (Engl.: mouse, window, flag, address, file), and al...
English has an impact in many European languages and Albanian language as well. English words hav... more English has an impact in many European languages and Albanian language as well. English words have flooded everywhere and even unnecessary words are borrowed, so it has conquered several languages of the world. This spread of English words in the Albanian language lexicon of economics and business administration is a consequence of political, economic, cultural, scientific influence, etc., in particular after 1990 (in Albania, on the occasion of opening up to the world) and in Kosovo after June 1999 (on the occasion of the entry of NATO ground forces into Kosovo). English words or of English descent have entered as terms in particular areas of social activity. In the field of business administration, economics, finance, trade and management, these are terms that primarily denote notions and phenomena of international economics, financial and trade relations, US and UK monetary units, such as: arbitrage, audit, assets, balance sheet, business, businessman, board, budget, check, econo...
The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds l... more The history of appearance and development of technical terminologies in the Albanian area sheds light on the relationships they have entered into with social factors indicating what kinds of factors have prevailed in their appearance and development. Thus, for instance, at the end of the 19th century, a number of knowledge fields were stipulated by political factors, cultural and linguistic factors that are inextricably linked to our nation's efforts to arouse national consciousness through the growth of educational and cultural level of the people. Some sciences, through their fundamental special fields probably would be one of those factors that would accomplish this objective. Other factors were the opening of schools and the drafting of relevant textbooks thereby their accomplishment is to be achieved by means of written language. Therefore the first fundamental knowledge fields were embodied with them, such as mathematics, linguistics, geography. So the conceptual systems o...
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2020
При изучении лексики языка тот факт, что содержание (концепт) имеет преимущество над формой имеет... more При изучении лексики языка тот факт, что содержание (концепт) имеет преимущество над формой имеет особое значение для разграничения таких типов лексики, как общеупотребительные слова (нетермины) и специализированные слова (термины), так как часто одна и та же лексическая единица в зависимости от ситуации переходит с одного уровня на другой (таким образом, границы значений смешиваются) или занимает промежуточное положение между двумя уровнями, что затрудняет ее идентификацию как общеупотребительного слова или термина, например, kembe, dere, makine (англ. foot (нога), door (дверь), machine (машина)) и т.д. В данной работе будут рассмотрены группы терминов, образованные на основе значений общеупотребительных слов, присутствующих в словарях албанского языка 1980 и 2006 годов, и относящиеся к различным элементам повседневной жизни, таким как предметы, явления и процессы.
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2020
Реализация цели исследования в этой статье стала возможной благодаря поддержке прочной, обоснован... more Реализация цели исследования в этой статье стала возможной благодаря поддержке прочной, обоснованной и современной теоретической основы, которая имеет отправную точку для рассмотрения терминологии как системы идентифицированной и автономной области знаний, которая соответствует системе, концептуальной в соответствующей области. Опора на эту идею, которая основана на связи между концепциями, породила ряд проблем, связанных с экономической терминологией. Первый шаг в решении задачи систематизации рассматриваемой терминологии состоит в том, чтобы изучить ее как положение дел, и в контексте этого положения дел необходимо увидеть ряд недостатков в построении терминов и их функционировании в акте коммуникации. В частности, здесь могут быть решены две важные проблемы: во-первых, проблема перегрузки терминологии дублирующимися терминами (два термина о каждом термине -дублетами), то есть при работе с избыточными единицами, и во-вторых, проблема неполноты системы, то есть когда мы имеем дело ...
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2019
История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, кот... more История появления и развития технических областей в нашей стране проливает свет на отношения, которые были созданы с социальными факторами, показывая, какие факторы доминировали над их появлением и развитием. Так, например, в конце 19-го века ряд областей знаний были предвидены политическими, культурными и языковыми факторами, которые неразрывно связаны с усилиями нашей страны по повышению национальной осведомленности посредством роста образовательного и культурного уровня людей. Некоторые науки, по их основным специальностям, вероятно, были одним из тех факторов, которые позволят достичь этой цели. Другими факторами были открытие школ и разработка соответствующих учебников, для достижения этий целей посредством письменного языка. Поэтому первые области базовых знаний были воплощены в них, такие как математика, лингвистика, география.
The view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its u... more The view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its units have usage not only in other fields of knowledge, up to the general language like suste, bulon, vidhe, but these do come across even in the explanatory dictionaries. Therefore, from this viewpoint, their layout and place in both languages takes importance, and in a particular way also the reflection in explanatory dictionaries, where deficiencies become apparent in the level of their representation in these dictionaries, and the symmetric withholding of definitions, as it is seen in the terms kushinete (bearing), suste (spring) etc. Likewise the view of these terms in the system of word forming connections brings out on the first level the review of the terms not only in the conceptual aspect, but also on the true meaning of comprehension, by making the term an object of its appearance in other parts of speech as well, except the noun, as in the adjective, the verb, the adverb. This...
Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2020
Понятие синонимии в любом языке, включая албанский язык, рассматривается как позитивное явление, ... more Понятие синонимии в любом языке, включая албанский язык, рассматривается как позитивное явление, как выражение разнообразия и богатства языка. Синонимы основываются на семантической общности, семантической близости, а также на семантической эквивалентности. Последняя является основой для абсолютных синонимов (алб. Dysoret – англ. Doublet (дублет)), и в общеупотребительной лексике они находятся в ограниченном количестве. В терминологии, в отличие от общеупотребительных слов и выражений, особенно при рассмотрении проблем экономической терминологии, синонимия рассматривается как вредное явление. Синонимия в терминологии позволяет рассматривать ее в рамках такой области знания, как полисемия и омонимия. С этой точки зрения дублеты изучаются как вредное явление и в процессе стандартизации терминологии их устраняют, заменяя одним стандартным термином. В данной статье будут рассмотрены некоторые проблемы, касающиеся теории синонимии и терминологической дихотомии в экономической терминологи...
Today's Albanian lexicon is significantly getting richer. Also, the terminology of economy in... more Today's Albanian lexicon is significantly getting richer. Also, the terminology of economy in the Albanian language has come a long way in the past two decades. Word-formation is based on the inherited elements that have served as a model, but the internal development of language has become enriched with new tools. The Albanian language during its development has created quite a few prefixes and suffixes from its dough, and borrowed some others from the languages with which it had contacts. Perpetually, the most productive forms and types of word-formation were used in today's Albanian language. Thus, the suffixes: -esi, -im, -je, -or, -shem, -tor etc ., which, in today's Albanian language are very productive and active are used to a considerable extent, as well as the prefixes : bashke-, mbi, mos, nen-, para-, per-, ri- etc, for word-formation even for the terminology of the economy. This paper will look at the most productive pre- and suffixes in the terminology of ...