Reginaldo Palazzo | Universidade Estadual de Campinas (original) (raw)
Papers by Reginaldo Palazzo
GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec 4, 2022
Manufacturing Engineer, Apr 6, 2005
We construct a concatenated [(4, 1, 3)] quantum convolutional code from a (2, 1, 2) classical con... more We construct a concatenated [(4, 1, 3)] quantum convolutional code from a (2, 1, 2) classical convolutional code. This quantum convolutional code can correct one general error.
Anais do XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2005
Resumo-Neste artigo, propomos a construção de um código convolucional quântico (CCQ) concatenado ... more Resumo-Neste artigo, propomos a construção de um código convolucional quântico (CCQ) concatenado de taxa 1/9 a partir de um código convolucional clássico (CCC) de taxa 1/3. Este CCQ pode corrigir até dois erros quânticos gerais.
Several works have proposed the use of cyclic codes, to identify DNA and mRNA sequences as codewo... more Several works have proposed the use of cyclic codes, to identify DNA and mRNA sequences as codewords of BCH codes for explaining the ability of cells to preserve genetic information by tolerating errors that can affect the process of DNA transcription. In this way, BCH codes over the ringℤ4 have been used to identify these sequences. The current processes, used to carry out the identification, shows restrictions with respect to the size of the sequence. Therefore, in this work, it is proposed an algorithm that allows identifying odd-length biological sequences as codewords of BCH codes over ℤ4. As results, a total of 318 sequences of nine different sizes, which had not been previously considered by the previous algorithms, were identified as codewords of 64 BCH codes.
Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 1998
Resumo-Neste trabalho sao estabelecidas as condicoes necessarias e suficientes para a construcao ... more Resumo-Neste trabalho sao estabelecidas as condicoes necessarias e suficientes para a construcao de codificadores convolucionais abelianos. Mostramos que tais codificadores sao controlaveis, completos e minimos, esta ultima pro posicao via uma proposta de reducao de estados, e tendo como subclasse os codificadores convolucionais elementares. Como consequencia do fato de que os codificadores convo lucionais abelianos controlaveis, cuja secao de trelica e iso morfa a urn grupo ciclico, nao sao controlaveis, entao pro pomos urn algoritmo de construcao de codificadores convo lucionais abelianos tendo como grupo das entradas, de esta dos e de saidas, k-uplas, (n-k)-uplas e n-uplas binarias, respectivarnente. Exemplos de codificadores convolucionais elementares e abelianos sao apresentados.
Computational & Applied Mathematics, Apr 20, 2017
We consider the use of surfaces as topological spaces in order to provide an answer to the quanti... more We consider the use of surfaces as topological spaces in order to provide an answer to the quantization problem of a discrete memoryless channel (DMC). The aim is to identify the geometric and algebraic properties of the surface associated with the embedding of such a DMC. The procedure is based on the following steps: knowing the complete bipartite graph associated with a given DMC: (1) to determine the minimum and the maximum genus of the corresponding surfaces in which the given graph is embedded; (2) knowing the genus, to specify the roots as the elements of a Farey sequence of a planar algebraic curve; (3) to determine the solutions of a second-order Fuchsian differential equation as the generators of the corresponding Fuchsian group. We consider the cases of the hypergeometric and Heun equations, with three and four regular singular points, respectively. By means of this procedure, the fundamental region associated with the Fuchsian group is identified and this is the region where the planar algebraic curve is uniformized. A generalization of the quantization problem related to an m-ary input n-ary output symmetric channel viewed as a complete bipartite graph K m,n , by use of the embedding of this channel in compact surfaces is straightforward.
Olvwd gh Wdehodv 6 4 I r u p dq r u p d og d vs d o d y u d vg d vv x s h u i ð f l h ve ä v l f ... more Olvwd gh Wdehodv 6 4 I r u p dq r u p d og d vs d o d y u d vg d vv x s h u i ð f l h ve ä v l f d v 5 < 615 Fdudfwhuðvwlfd gh Hxohu gdv vxshuiðflhv gr frqmxqwr e 7 4 616 Vxefrqmxqwrv gdv vxshuiðflhv jhudgdv shorv sroðjrqrv frp h{dwdphqwh ? o d g r v 8 4 617 Fduglqdolgdgh grv vxefrqmxqwrv gh vxshuiðflhv hp ? hh p ? 8 6 714 Pdwul} E7 o gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 7 o gh M E7 o : 3 715 Pdwul} E6 gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6 gh M E6 : 3 716 Pdwul} E6A gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6A gh M E6A : 4 717 Pdwul} E6A o gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6A o gh M E6A o : 4 718 Pdwul} E6 o gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6o gh M E6 o : 5 7 1 9 S u l p h l u rj u x s rg hk r p r o r j l dg hx p dv x s h u i ð f l h : 9 814 Vlvwhpdv gh urwdêøhv h prghorv grv phujxokrv grv judirv g 2c2 cg c h g ece ;6 815 Vlvwhpdv gh urwdêøhv h prghorv grv phujxokrv qaer0rulhqwdgr grv judirv g 2c2 cg c h g ece < 5
Exemplo de construção de códigos Reed-Solomon sobre anéis locais. 5 Aplicações das extensões Galo... more Exemplo de construção de códigos Reed-Solomon sobre anéis locais. 5 Aplicações das extensões Galoisianas sobre anéis locais 5.1 Determinação do Grupo das Unidades de certos Anéis Locais. .. .. .. .. 5.2 Construção de Geradores de Seqüências através de Polinômios Geradores. . 5.2.1 Circuitos lineares com seqüências pertencentes a um corpo finito. . .
A todos os meus familiares; Em especial: Ao meu filho, Gustavo, que com a sua coragem e vontade d... more A todos os meus familiares; Em especial: Ao meu filho, Gustavo, que com a sua coragem e vontade de viver me deu uma lição de força e esperança. Ao meu marido, Misael, que sempre me apoiou com muito amor, dedicação e compreensão. As minhas tias, Marlete, Ivani e Alcione, que com ensinamentos de amor, carinho, afeto, lealdade, honestidade e sinceridade me ajudaram a crescer. Meus grandes exemplos de vida. A minha sogra, dona Nair, muito amável, sábia e prudente. A minha amiga, Andréa, uma amizade sólida construída em um alicerce de afeto e sinceridade, que sempre esteve presente em vários momentos difíceis me dando força e me apoiando. Aos meus irmãos, Ana Cláudia, Lucélia e Samuel, meu enorme carinho. Aos meus pais Anna e Adhemar: Vocês deixaram seus sonhos para que eu sonhasse. Derramaram lágrimas para que eu fosse feliz. Vocês perderam noites de sono para que eu dormisse tranqüila. Acreditaram em mim apesar dos meus erros. Jamais se esqueçam que eu levarei para sempre um pedaço do ser de cada um dentro do meu ser. Dedico iii. 1 Este trabalho foi financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-CNPq v. Resumo Nesta dissertação apresentamos um procedimento para a determinação rigorosa das estruturas topológica, geométrica e algébrica das moléculas de DNA formando Nós e Catenanes, que surgem como produtos de recombinação, e com isso indicando a estrutura das moléculas relacionadas. Este procedimento faz uso dos conceitos da classificação de tangles e Nós racionais. A partir destas aplicações, apresentamos uma proposta de modelos matemáticos, o modelo tangle e a descrição algébrica via frações contínuas, capazes de prever os produtos da recombinação com sítios repetidos inversamente, baseando-se nas experiências realizadas por Cozzarelli et. ali. com as enzimas resolvase Tn3 e integrase.
Springer eBooks, 2015
Hyperbolic lattices \(\mathcal{O}\) are the basic entities used in the design of signal constella... more Hyperbolic lattices \(\mathcal{O}\) are the basic entities used in the design of signal constellations in the hyperbolic plane. Once the identification of the arithmetic Fuchsian group in a quaternion order is made, the next step is to present the codewords of a code over a graph, or a signal constellation (quotient of an order by a proper ideal). However, in order for the algebraic labeling to be complete, it is necessary that the corresponding order be maximal. An order \(\mathcal{M}\) in a quaternion algebra \(\mathcal{A}\) is called maximal if \(\mathcal{M}\) is not contained in any other order in \(\mathcal{A}\) (Reiner, Maximal Orders. Academic, London, 1975). The main objective of this work is to describe the maximal orders derived from {4g, 4g} tessellations, for which we have hyperbolic lattices with complete labeling.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Oct 1, 2014
New mathematical model of an intra-cellular transmission system of genetic information. Use of ge... more New mathematical model of an intra-cellular transmission system of genetic information. Use of geometrically uniform codes in the identification and classification of DNA sequences. Accuracy of the proposed model is fully verified by the DNA sequence generation algorithm. Technique for analyzing biosystems, mutations and polymorphisms, production of new drugs, etc.
Electronics Letters, 2010
ABSTRACT The question raised by researchers in the field of mathematical biology regarding the ex... more ABSTRACT The question raised by researchers in the field of mathematical biology regarding the existence of error-correcting codes in the structure of the DNA sequences is answered positively. It is shown, for the first time, that DNA sequences such as proteins, targeting sequences and internal sequences are identified as codewords of BCH codes over Galois fields.
Anais do 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium, 2002
The aim of this paper is to identify the algebraic and geometric structures associated to discret... more The aim of this paper is to identify the algebraic and geometric structures associated to discrete memoryless channels. The procedure employed to achieve this goal is based on the following steps: knowing the graph associated to discrete memoryless channel, 1) to determine the set of surfaces in which the graph is embedded; 2) to establish the set of algebraic structures inherited by the surfaces through the first homology group; and 3) to identify the regular tessellations which may be used in the design of modulators and quantizers.
Quotients of R2 by translation groups are metric spaces known as flat tori. We start from codes w... more Quotients of R2 by translation groups are metric spaces known as flat tori. We start from codes which are vertices of closed graphs on a flat torus and, through an identification of these with a 2-D surface in a 3-D sphere in R4, we show such graph signal sets generate [M,4] Slepian-type cyclic codes for M=a2+b2; a,b∈Z, gcd (a,b)=1. The
... Celso de Almeida 'and Reginald0 Palazzo Jr. Dept. de ComunicqCies, Univ. Est. ... Wh... more ... Celso de Almeida 'and Reginald0 Palazzo Jr. Dept. de ComunicqCies, Univ. Est. ... When the de-interleaving process is applied it restores the 5 x 5 square army shown in the leftmost part of figure 1. Note that the bits b,aS,b,, 614, bia occur3 in only one row or col-umn. ...
Jose Carmelo Interlando and Reginald0 Palazzo, Jr. Dept. of Communications (DECOM)/FEE/UNICAMP, C... more Jose Carmelo Interlando and Reginald0 Palazzo, Jr. Dept. of Communications (DECOM)/FEE/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 13081-970, Brazil e-mail:,
GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec 4, 2022
Manufacturing Engineer, Apr 6, 2005
We construct a concatenated [(4, 1, 3)] quantum convolutional code from a (2, 1, 2) classical con... more We construct a concatenated [(4, 1, 3)] quantum convolutional code from a (2, 1, 2) classical convolutional code. This quantum convolutional code can correct one general error.
Anais do XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2005
Resumo-Neste artigo, propomos a construção de um código convolucional quântico (CCQ) concatenado ... more Resumo-Neste artigo, propomos a construção de um código convolucional quântico (CCQ) concatenado de taxa 1/9 a partir de um código convolucional clássico (CCC) de taxa 1/3. Este CCQ pode corrigir até dois erros quânticos gerais.
Several works have proposed the use of cyclic codes, to identify DNA and mRNA sequences as codewo... more Several works have proposed the use of cyclic codes, to identify DNA and mRNA sequences as codewords of BCH codes for explaining the ability of cells to preserve genetic information by tolerating errors that can affect the process of DNA transcription. In this way, BCH codes over the ringℤ4 have been used to identify these sequences. The current processes, used to carry out the identification, shows restrictions with respect to the size of the sequence. Therefore, in this work, it is proposed an algorithm that allows identifying odd-length biological sequences as codewords of BCH codes over ℤ4. As results, a total of 318 sequences of nine different sizes, which had not been previously considered by the previous algorithms, were identified as codewords of 64 BCH codes.
Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 1998
Resumo-Neste trabalho sao estabelecidas as condicoes necessarias e suficientes para a construcao ... more Resumo-Neste trabalho sao estabelecidas as condicoes necessarias e suficientes para a construcao de codificadores convolucionais abelianos. Mostramos que tais codificadores sao controlaveis, completos e minimos, esta ultima pro posicao via uma proposta de reducao de estados, e tendo como subclasse os codificadores convolucionais elementares. Como consequencia do fato de que os codificadores convo lucionais abelianos controlaveis, cuja secao de trelica e iso morfa a urn grupo ciclico, nao sao controlaveis, entao pro pomos urn algoritmo de construcao de codificadores convo lucionais abelianos tendo como grupo das entradas, de esta dos e de saidas, k-uplas, (n-k)-uplas e n-uplas binarias, respectivarnente. Exemplos de codificadores convolucionais elementares e abelianos sao apresentados.
Computational & Applied Mathematics, Apr 20, 2017
We consider the use of surfaces as topological spaces in order to provide an answer to the quanti... more We consider the use of surfaces as topological spaces in order to provide an answer to the quantization problem of a discrete memoryless channel (DMC). The aim is to identify the geometric and algebraic properties of the surface associated with the embedding of such a DMC. The procedure is based on the following steps: knowing the complete bipartite graph associated with a given DMC: (1) to determine the minimum and the maximum genus of the corresponding surfaces in which the given graph is embedded; (2) knowing the genus, to specify the roots as the elements of a Farey sequence of a planar algebraic curve; (3) to determine the solutions of a second-order Fuchsian differential equation as the generators of the corresponding Fuchsian group. We consider the cases of the hypergeometric and Heun equations, with three and four regular singular points, respectively. By means of this procedure, the fundamental region associated with the Fuchsian group is identified and this is the region where the planar algebraic curve is uniformized. A generalization of the quantization problem related to an m-ary input n-ary output symmetric channel viewed as a complete bipartite graph K m,n , by use of the embedding of this channel in compact surfaces is straightforward.
Olvwd gh Wdehodv 6 4 I r u p dq r u p d og d vs d o d y u d vg d vv x s h u i ð f l h ve ä v l f ... more Olvwd gh Wdehodv 6 4 I r u p dq r u p d og d vs d o d y u d vg d vv x s h u i ð f l h ve ä v l f d v 5 < 615 Fdudfwhuðvwlfd gh Hxohu gdv vxshuiðflhv gr frqmxqwr e 7 4 616 Vxefrqmxqwrv gdv vxshuiðflhv jhudgdv shorv sroðjrqrv frp h{dwdphqwh ? o d g r v 8 4 617 Fduglqdolgdgh grv vxefrqmxqwrv gh vxshuiðflhv hp ? hh p ? 8 6 714 Pdwul} E7 o gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 7 o gh M E7 o : 3 715 Pdwul} E6 gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6 gh M E6 : 3 716 Pdwul} E6A gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6A gh M E6A : 4 717 Pdwul} E6A o gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6A o gh M E6A o : 4 718 Pdwul} E6 o gd suhvhqwdêaer 5 6o gh M E6 o : 5 7 1 9 S u l p h l u rj u x s rg hk r p r o r j l dg hx p dv x s h u i ð f l h : 9 814 Vlvwhpdv gh urwdêøhv h prghorv grv phujxokrv grv judirv g 2c2 cg c h g ece ;6 815 Vlvwhpdv gh urwdêøhv h prghorv grv phujxokrv qaer0rulhqwdgr grv judirv g 2c2 cg c h g ece < 5
Exemplo de construção de códigos Reed-Solomon sobre anéis locais. 5 Aplicações das extensões Galo... more Exemplo de construção de códigos Reed-Solomon sobre anéis locais. 5 Aplicações das extensões Galoisianas sobre anéis locais 5.1 Determinação do Grupo das Unidades de certos Anéis Locais. .. .. .. .. 5.2 Construção de Geradores de Seqüências através de Polinômios Geradores. . 5.2.1 Circuitos lineares com seqüências pertencentes a um corpo finito. . .
A todos os meus familiares; Em especial: Ao meu filho, Gustavo, que com a sua coragem e vontade d... more A todos os meus familiares; Em especial: Ao meu filho, Gustavo, que com a sua coragem e vontade de viver me deu uma lição de força e esperança. Ao meu marido, Misael, que sempre me apoiou com muito amor, dedicação e compreensão. As minhas tias, Marlete, Ivani e Alcione, que com ensinamentos de amor, carinho, afeto, lealdade, honestidade e sinceridade me ajudaram a crescer. Meus grandes exemplos de vida. A minha sogra, dona Nair, muito amável, sábia e prudente. A minha amiga, Andréa, uma amizade sólida construída em um alicerce de afeto e sinceridade, que sempre esteve presente em vários momentos difíceis me dando força e me apoiando. Aos meus irmãos, Ana Cláudia, Lucélia e Samuel, meu enorme carinho. Aos meus pais Anna e Adhemar: Vocês deixaram seus sonhos para que eu sonhasse. Derramaram lágrimas para que eu fosse feliz. Vocês perderam noites de sono para que eu dormisse tranqüila. Acreditaram em mim apesar dos meus erros. Jamais se esqueçam que eu levarei para sempre um pedaço do ser de cada um dentro do meu ser. Dedico iii. 1 Este trabalho foi financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-CNPq v. Resumo Nesta dissertação apresentamos um procedimento para a determinação rigorosa das estruturas topológica, geométrica e algébrica das moléculas de DNA formando Nós e Catenanes, que surgem como produtos de recombinação, e com isso indicando a estrutura das moléculas relacionadas. Este procedimento faz uso dos conceitos da classificação de tangles e Nós racionais. A partir destas aplicações, apresentamos uma proposta de modelos matemáticos, o modelo tangle e a descrição algébrica via frações contínuas, capazes de prever os produtos da recombinação com sítios repetidos inversamente, baseando-se nas experiências realizadas por Cozzarelli et. ali. com as enzimas resolvase Tn3 e integrase.
Springer eBooks, 2015
Hyperbolic lattices \(\mathcal{O}\) are the basic entities used in the design of signal constella... more Hyperbolic lattices \(\mathcal{O}\) are the basic entities used in the design of signal constellations in the hyperbolic plane. Once the identification of the arithmetic Fuchsian group in a quaternion order is made, the next step is to present the codewords of a code over a graph, or a signal constellation (quotient of an order by a proper ideal). However, in order for the algebraic labeling to be complete, it is necessary that the corresponding order be maximal. An order \(\mathcal{M}\) in a quaternion algebra \(\mathcal{A}\) is called maximal if \(\mathcal{M}\) is not contained in any other order in \(\mathcal{A}\) (Reiner, Maximal Orders. Academic, London, 1975). The main objective of this work is to describe the maximal orders derived from {4g, 4g} tessellations, for which we have hyperbolic lattices with complete labeling.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Oct 1, 2014
New mathematical model of an intra-cellular transmission system of genetic information. Use of ge... more New mathematical model of an intra-cellular transmission system of genetic information. Use of geometrically uniform codes in the identification and classification of DNA sequences. Accuracy of the proposed model is fully verified by the DNA sequence generation algorithm. Technique for analyzing biosystems, mutations and polymorphisms, production of new drugs, etc.
Electronics Letters, 2010
ABSTRACT The question raised by researchers in the field of mathematical biology regarding the ex... more ABSTRACT The question raised by researchers in the field of mathematical biology regarding the existence of error-correcting codes in the structure of the DNA sequences is answered positively. It is shown, for the first time, that DNA sequences such as proteins, targeting sequences and internal sequences are identified as codewords of BCH codes over Galois fields.
Anais do 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium, 2002
The aim of this paper is to identify the algebraic and geometric structures associated to discret... more The aim of this paper is to identify the algebraic and geometric structures associated to discrete memoryless channels. The procedure employed to achieve this goal is based on the following steps: knowing the graph associated to discrete memoryless channel, 1) to determine the set of surfaces in which the graph is embedded; 2) to establish the set of algebraic structures inherited by the surfaces through the first homology group; and 3) to identify the regular tessellations which may be used in the design of modulators and quantizers.
Quotients of R2 by translation groups are metric spaces known as flat tori. We start from codes w... more Quotients of R2 by translation groups are metric spaces known as flat tori. We start from codes which are vertices of closed graphs on a flat torus and, through an identification of these with a 2-D surface in a 3-D sphere in R4, we show such graph signal sets generate [M,4] Slepian-type cyclic codes for M=a2+b2; a,b∈Z, gcd (a,b)=1. The
... Celso de Almeida 'and Reginald0 Palazzo Jr. Dept. de ComunicqCies, Univ. Est. ... Wh... more ... Celso de Almeida 'and Reginald0 Palazzo Jr. Dept. de ComunicqCies, Univ. Est. ... When the de-interleaving process is applied it restores the 5 x 5 square army shown in the leftmost part of figure 1. Note that the bits b,aS,b,, 614, bia occur3 in only one row or col-umn. ...
Jose Carmelo Interlando and Reginald0 Palazzo, Jr. Dept. of Communications (DECOM)/FEE/UNICAMP, C... more Jose Carmelo Interlando and Reginald0 Palazzo, Jr. Dept. of Communications (DECOM)/FEE/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 13081-970, Brazil e-mail:,