Francesca Cantone | University of Naples "Federico II" / Università di Napoli Federico II (original) (raw)

Papers by Francesca Cantone

Research paper thumbnail of Ambienti multimediali per i beni culturali

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia e informatica di base: sperimentazione di approcci non trasmissivi in open source

This paper examines some methodological issues related to the implementation of open approaches i... more This paper examines some methodological issues related to the implementation of open approaches in teaching cultural heritage computing and archaeological informatics. The main results of experiments conducted at the Neapolitan Universities of Federico II and “L’Orientale” are presented, aimed at improving the overall quality of the learning experience by didactical innovation with an attempt at identifying and defining the main features, critical aspects and best practices for further case studies. The research on cultural heritage e-learning strategies, presented by the authors in the previous ArcheoFOSS workshops, lead inter alia to the proposal of a e-learning SCORM module for Archaeological Informatics didactics, a “MUVE” 3D model for the communication of an archaeological stratification, a whole Master Course on “Multimedia Environments for Cultural Heritage in Blended Learning”, and to the proposal and prototypal implementation of cultural heritage distributed and federated i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual reality for scientific communication

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D Standards for Scientific Communication

This paper aims at verifying some of 3D modeling and VR visualization techniques in archaeology a... more This paper aims at verifying some of 3D modeling and VR visualization techniques in archaeology and cultural heritage management and at testing their use for scientific communication. The monument chosen for this research is the eighteenth century great staircase ofSS. Niccolà and Cataldo Monastery in Lecce, that was modeled by means of CAD, VRML, X3D forthcoming standard. In this way, it was possible to examine every method's advantages, evaluating the economic and intuitive use q/"WYSYG tools versus the dimension of generated files, and the possibility of expansion and of updates. A particular focus was made on underdefinition X3D standard, and on its possibilities in archaeological applications, in particular to build up 3D-DBMS, Virtual Reality scenes and Augmented-Reality applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart cities e identità culturale: l’approccio integrato del progetto Or.C.He.S.T.R.A

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia virtuale in blended learning. Esperienze, metodologie e strumenti all’Università “Federico II” di Napoli

... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S... more ... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S., Pescarin S. (eds.) ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IV Workshop (Roma, 27-28 aprile 2009).

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Research paper thumbnail of The smart city as an evolutionary network promoting cultural commons: the Or.C.He.S.T.R.A. project and Naples antique center case study

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2014

The paper investigates the perspectives of applying the smart city paradigm in the Archaeology an... more The paper investigates the perspectives of applying the smart city paradigm in the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage field, thus outlining the emerging concept of Smart Cultural Heritage and Smart Archaeology and proposing an integrated approach, in which the fundamental value of the cultural framework is acknowledged in the complexity of the smart paradigm. The theory of Cultural Commons, moreover, is invoked as a basis for the study of the advantages of sharing common resources (such as cultural heritage and the related digital information) within the Communities, identified in their inclination to innovation by means of the Evolving Networks model. In this context, the Or.C.He.S.T.R.A. project proposes a participatory and cooperative complex system of heterogeneous information on the ancient center of Naples as a case study, ranging from mobility, to health, energy, and cultural heritage, to support the smart exploitation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, for citi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Legend and virtual reconstruction : Porsenna ’ s mausoleum in X 3 D

What remains of the funerary mausoleum of Porsenna, the legendary Etruscan king of Clusium, is on... more What remains of the funerary mausoleum of Porsenna, the legendary Etruscan king of Clusium, is only a passage in Plinius, reporting a detailed description of this impressive monument. Notwithstanding the absence of any archaeological evidence, for centuries architects, antiquarians, historians and archaeologists have attempted to draw a reasonable reconstruction of the monument, quoted as one of the wonders of past architecture. So the creation of a 3D model of the mausoleum, translating into images the literary description, appears as a perfect “laboratory” to test a number of rules, practices and tools that the authors claim to be indispensable for a correct use of virtual reality models in archaeology and a philological approach to virtual archaeology. On the contrary, they stress that the increasing use of VR for archaeological reconstruction is rarely accompanied by the necessary care for philology, reliability and in some cases even historical consistency. 1 Virtual Reality an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Shared Technologies in archeologia: nuove prospettive di gestione e condivisione di dati in rete

The ICT revolution in archaeological studies is producing thousands of digital data: interaction ... more The ICT revolution in archaeological studies is producing thousands of digital data: interaction can be the key word to make more easy and efficient their access, communication, use, and analysis. It is well known that a lack of standardization is one of the most important limitations that prevent efficient interaction between different data sets. Interoperability and comparability of different archaeological data sets may increase interpretation and analysis. The paper outlines current developments in archaeological data standardization, and looks forward for an easier and more efficient process of integration of different kinds of data. The paper focuses in particular on the possibility of exploiting peer-to-peer and shared technologies to build archaeological data networks in an easy way, disseminating the standardization in a down-to-top way, avoiding technical and practical problems related to the hierarchical imposition of new formats. The paper addresses the possibility to re...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing Workflow Protocols : The “ Variable Transparency Image Stacker ” and DATARCH

The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a... more The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a shared 3D environment. As already published by our research group, study and analysis of workflow protocols are the basis for the development of software able to support and improve archaeological data management, by introducing new methods and tools to analyze archaeological excavations (e.g. the DATARCH “Variable Transparency Image Stacker”). The progress of Web 2.0 and shared technologies makes it possible to go deeper with this research into archaeological workflow protocols and data management, exploring 3D distributed environments and the possibility of their application to archaeology in particular. The case studies selected for this research are the recent excavations carried out by Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and in the Cuma Forum. 2 Layers of Perception – CAA 2007 DATARCH: Project, Methodology and Development Strategies As pointed o...

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Research paper thumbnail of The flower woman figurines from the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary: ancient coroplastic digital data management, analysis, and sharing

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2015

The paper focuses on the digital strategies developed in the study of the corpus of flower woman ... more The paper focuses on the digital strategies developed in the study of the corpus of flower woman terracotta figurines found in the excavations carried out by Paola Zancani Montuoro and Umberto Zanotti Bianco at the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and stored in the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum. The flower woman definition identifies the best known structure of the statuettes composed of a female bust supporting a flower orthogonal to the base. Actually, the scientific literature about these peculiar artifacts reveals a diffused vagueness and ambiguity in the definition, formalization, and functional exegesis, encouraging a new comprehensive study. The main results come from: digital management of the information; seriation analysis supported by a quantitative approach; visualization of occurrences in the Mediterranean Basin based on Fusion Tables; testing of multidisciplinary approaches to cooperative content building in archaeology. The study developed a whole technology-enhan...

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia e Calcolatori. Classificazione geografica e tematica per la condivisione della conoscenza

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2019

The 30th anniversary of ‘Archeologia e Calcolatori’ has offered the chance to focus on its rich r... more The 30th anniversary of ‘Archeologia e Calcolatori’ has offered the chance to focus on its rich repository of scientific contents and to envisage further strategies to better classify the journal’s papers. Mapping web resources is crucial in organizing and managing cultural information in the Semantic Web and Internet of Things (IoT) perspective. In this context, the editorial board has decided to adopt geographical and chronological annotation strategies and to implement established gazetteers of geographical and historical entities. The first step in this annotation project was to experiment with the ‘Recogito’ Pelagios tool, an international initiative aimed at facilitating better associations between online resources documenting the past. Furthermore, an analysis has been undertaken by means of Social Network Analysis techniques, which in the last years has been developed to cover a wide interdisciplinary field of study, including social and behavioral sciences, economics, psych...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sistemi di gestione informatizzata integrata dei dati archeologici. Protocolli operativi, Quality Management, processi di trasferimento tecnologico. Linee di intervento presso l’Heraion alla Foce del Sele e il sito di Cuma

La genesi di questo lavoro si inserisce nel filone di ricerca e approfondimento dell’ampio ed art... more La genesi di questo lavoro si inserisce nel filone di ricerca e approfondimento dell’ampio ed articolato spettro di innovazioni metodologiche in archeologia che nella letteratura scientifica sono definite con denominazioni varie: Archeoinformatica, Informatica Archeologica, Archeologia Computazionale, Archeologia Digitale, Archeologia Virtuale. Tali espressioni fanno riferimento a linee di indagine che vanno assumendo una sempre maggiore specificita, pur nell’articolazione e ricchezza interna delle applicazioni. In particolare il piano di ricerca elaborato e stato finalizzato alla sperimentazione di protocolli operativi per la gestione di dati archeologici e per il controllo e miglioramento qualitativo del flusso di lavoro (workflow) della prassi archeologica. In tal senso le metodologie e le strumentazioni informatiche elaborate, testate, acquisite, messe a punto, personalizzate, sono state intese e finalizzate ad un arricchimento metodologico piuttosto che come un mero supporto strumentale. Partendo da tale cornice metodologica si e impostata una ricerca finalizzata alla elaborazione di protocolli di gestione di dati archeologici il piu possibile standardizzati, user-friendly, flessibili, efficienti, modulari, fruibili on line. Gli scavi archeologici condotti dal Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche E. Lepore dell’Universita degli Studi di Napoli hanno costituito l’oggetto principale delle sperimentazioni metodologiche affrontate. In particolare sono oggetto della ricerca le problematiche specifiche di gestione, archiviazione, interpretazione degli interventi presso i siti archeologici dell’Heraion alla Foce del Sele e di Cuma .

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Research paper thumbnail of Pushing the archaeological interpretation by analysing workflow protocols: the variable transparency image stacker and DATARCH© archaeological data management system

The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a... more The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a shared 3D environment. As already published by our research group, study and analysis of workflow protocols are the basis for the development of software able to support and improve archaeological data management, by introducing new methods and tools to analyze archaeological excavations (e.g. the DATARCH “Variable Transparency Image Stacker”). The progress of Web 2.0 and shared technologies makes it possible to go deeper with this research into archaeological workflow protocols and data management, exploring 3D distributed environments and the possibility of their application to archaeology in particular. The case studies selected for this research are the recent excavations carried out by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and in the Cuma Forum.

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Research paper thumbnail of Museo narrante: the Foce Sele Hera sanctuary virtual museum

The communication of one century of archaeological research at the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary has b... more The communication of one century of archaeological research at the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary has been the main reason for the creation of a new virtual museum, for which a name that represents a mu- seological approach, "Museo Narrante", i.e. the Museum that tells stories has been chosen. The museum is conceived as a museum without objects, interactive, multi-sensorial, and multi-medial. Its main issues are: i. minor sites valorization; ii. museums as territorial communication networks; iii. levels of reliability; iv. multiple interpretation. The overall intent is to give viewers evidence and argument instead of a pre- packaged explanation. This paper shows how this concept guided the whole exhibition, with the realization of different tools to present to the public the stories of the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and the archaeological investigation of the area in a new way.

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Research paper thumbnail of Shared Technologies in archeologia: nuove prospettive di gestione e condivisione di dati in rete

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Una IDEA per le biblioteche. Esperienze, strumenti e metodi per supportare, facilitare e diffondere la formazione continua e l'aggiornamento

E-learning e formazione continua e permanente sono un binomio che, nonostante tutte le annunciate... more E-learning e formazione continua e permanente sono un binomio che, nonostante tutte le annunciate previsioni degli ultimi tempi, non riesce ad affermarsi. Sono altresì rare le buone pratiche dell'e-learning nel contesto della pubblica amministrazione. Il presente contributo ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia virtuale in blended learning. Esperienze, metodologie e strumenti all’Università “Federico II” di Napoli

... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S... more ... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S., Pescarin S. (eds.) ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IV Workshop (Roma, 27-28 aprile 2009).

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Research paper thumbnail of Retrieval semantico di Learning Object e generazione automatica di corsi didattici in sistemi di eLearning

Atti del IV …, 2007

Uno dei problemi maggiormente sentiti nella comunità dell'e-learning è quello della ... more Uno dei problemi maggiormente sentiti nella comunità dell'e-learning è quello della “personalizzazione” dei percorsi di apprendimento che si ottiene assemblando dinamicamente il materiale didattico presente in ambienti dinamici ed eterogenei. A tale ...

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Learning and teaching archaeology, particularly in the field of academic education, involves ICT ... more Learning and teaching archaeology, particularly in the field of academic education, involves ICT with regard to two main activities: ICT as a key issue applied both in teaching strategies and in the learning process, and ICT as a topic in itself, that is as an aspect of the development of the methods pertaining to the archaeological discipline. This kind of dual relationship affects different methodological aspects and theoretical backgrounds, but, as a matter of fact, scientific research on computational methods in archaeology is more often related to the use of ICT as an educational support.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambienti multimediali per i beni culturali

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia e informatica di base: sperimentazione di approcci non trasmissivi in open source

This paper examines some methodological issues related to the implementation of open approaches i... more This paper examines some methodological issues related to the implementation of open approaches in teaching cultural heritage computing and archaeological informatics. The main results of experiments conducted at the Neapolitan Universities of Federico II and “L’Orientale” are presented, aimed at improving the overall quality of the learning experience by didactical innovation with an attempt at identifying and defining the main features, critical aspects and best practices for further case studies. The research on cultural heritage e-learning strategies, presented by the authors in the previous ArcheoFOSS workshops, lead inter alia to the proposal of a e-learning SCORM module for Archaeological Informatics didactics, a “MUVE” 3D model for the communication of an archaeological stratification, a whole Master Course on “Multimedia Environments for Cultural Heritage in Blended Learning”, and to the proposal and prototypal implementation of cultural heritage distributed and federated i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual reality for scientific communication

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D Standards for Scientific Communication

This paper aims at verifying some of 3D modeling and VR visualization techniques in archaeology a... more This paper aims at verifying some of 3D modeling and VR visualization techniques in archaeology and cultural heritage management and at testing their use for scientific communication. The monument chosen for this research is the eighteenth century great staircase ofSS. Niccolà and Cataldo Monastery in Lecce, that was modeled by means of CAD, VRML, X3D forthcoming standard. In this way, it was possible to examine every method's advantages, evaluating the economic and intuitive use q/"WYSYG tools versus the dimension of generated files, and the possibility of expansion and of updates. A particular focus was made on underdefinition X3D standard, and on its possibilities in archaeological applications, in particular to build up 3D-DBMS, Virtual Reality scenes and Augmented-Reality applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart cities e identità culturale: l’approccio integrato del progetto Or.C.He.S.T.R.A

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia virtuale in blended learning. Esperienze, metodologie e strumenti all’Università “Federico II” di Napoli

... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S... more ... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S., Pescarin S. (eds.) ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IV Workshop (Roma, 27-28 aprile 2009).

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Research paper thumbnail of The smart city as an evolutionary network promoting cultural commons: the Or.C.He.S.T.R.A. project and Naples antique center case study

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2014

The paper investigates the perspectives of applying the smart city paradigm in the Archaeology an... more The paper investigates the perspectives of applying the smart city paradigm in the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage field, thus outlining the emerging concept of Smart Cultural Heritage and Smart Archaeology and proposing an integrated approach, in which the fundamental value of the cultural framework is acknowledged in the complexity of the smart paradigm. The theory of Cultural Commons, moreover, is invoked as a basis for the study of the advantages of sharing common resources (such as cultural heritage and the related digital information) within the Communities, identified in their inclination to innovation by means of the Evolving Networks model. In this context, the Or.C.He.S.T.R.A. project proposes a participatory and cooperative complex system of heterogeneous information on the ancient center of Naples as a case study, ranging from mobility, to health, energy, and cultural heritage, to support the smart exploitation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, for citi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Legend and virtual reconstruction : Porsenna ’ s mausoleum in X 3 D

What remains of the funerary mausoleum of Porsenna, the legendary Etruscan king of Clusium, is on... more What remains of the funerary mausoleum of Porsenna, the legendary Etruscan king of Clusium, is only a passage in Plinius, reporting a detailed description of this impressive monument. Notwithstanding the absence of any archaeological evidence, for centuries architects, antiquarians, historians and archaeologists have attempted to draw a reasonable reconstruction of the monument, quoted as one of the wonders of past architecture. So the creation of a 3D model of the mausoleum, translating into images the literary description, appears as a perfect “laboratory” to test a number of rules, practices and tools that the authors claim to be indispensable for a correct use of virtual reality models in archaeology and a philological approach to virtual archaeology. On the contrary, they stress that the increasing use of VR for archaeological reconstruction is rarely accompanied by the necessary care for philology, reliability and in some cases even historical consistency. 1 Virtual Reality an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Shared Technologies in archeologia: nuove prospettive di gestione e condivisione di dati in rete

The ICT revolution in archaeological studies is producing thousands of digital data: interaction ... more The ICT revolution in archaeological studies is producing thousands of digital data: interaction can be the key word to make more easy and efficient their access, communication, use, and analysis. It is well known that a lack of standardization is one of the most important limitations that prevent efficient interaction between different data sets. Interoperability and comparability of different archaeological data sets may increase interpretation and analysis. The paper outlines current developments in archaeological data standardization, and looks forward for an easier and more efficient process of integration of different kinds of data. The paper focuses in particular on the possibility of exploiting peer-to-peer and shared technologies to build archaeological data networks in an easy way, disseminating the standardization in a down-to-top way, avoiding technical and practical problems related to the hierarchical imposition of new formats. The paper addresses the possibility to re...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing Workflow Protocols : The “ Variable Transparency Image Stacker ” and DATARCH

The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a... more The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a shared 3D environment. As already published by our research group, study and analysis of workflow protocols are the basis for the development of software able to support and improve archaeological data management, by introducing new methods and tools to analyze archaeological excavations (e.g. the DATARCH “Variable Transparency Image Stacker”). The progress of Web 2.0 and shared technologies makes it possible to go deeper with this research into archaeological workflow protocols and data management, exploring 3D distributed environments and the possibility of their application to archaeology in particular. The case studies selected for this research are the recent excavations carried out by Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and in the Cuma Forum. 2 Layers of Perception – CAA 2007 DATARCH: Project, Methodology and Development Strategies As pointed o...

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Research paper thumbnail of The flower woman figurines from the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary: ancient coroplastic digital data management, analysis, and sharing

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2015

The paper focuses on the digital strategies developed in the study of the corpus of flower woman ... more The paper focuses on the digital strategies developed in the study of the corpus of flower woman terracotta figurines found in the excavations carried out by Paola Zancani Montuoro and Umberto Zanotti Bianco at the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and stored in the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum. The flower woman definition identifies the best known structure of the statuettes composed of a female bust supporting a flower orthogonal to the base. Actually, the scientific literature about these peculiar artifacts reveals a diffused vagueness and ambiguity in the definition, formalization, and functional exegesis, encouraging a new comprehensive study. The main results come from: digital management of the information; seriation analysis supported by a quantitative approach; visualization of occurrences in the Mediterranean Basin based on Fusion Tables; testing of multidisciplinary approaches to cooperative content building in archaeology. The study developed a whole technology-enhan...

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia e Calcolatori. Classificazione geografica e tematica per la condivisione della conoscenza

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2019

The 30th anniversary of ‘Archeologia e Calcolatori’ has offered the chance to focus on its rich r... more The 30th anniversary of ‘Archeologia e Calcolatori’ has offered the chance to focus on its rich repository of scientific contents and to envisage further strategies to better classify the journal’s papers. Mapping web resources is crucial in organizing and managing cultural information in the Semantic Web and Internet of Things (IoT) perspective. In this context, the editorial board has decided to adopt geographical and chronological annotation strategies and to implement established gazetteers of geographical and historical entities. The first step in this annotation project was to experiment with the ‘Recogito’ Pelagios tool, an international initiative aimed at facilitating better associations between online resources documenting the past. Furthermore, an analysis has been undertaken by means of Social Network Analysis techniques, which in the last years has been developed to cover a wide interdisciplinary field of study, including social and behavioral sciences, economics, psych...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sistemi di gestione informatizzata integrata dei dati archeologici. Protocolli operativi, Quality Management, processi di trasferimento tecnologico. Linee di intervento presso l’Heraion alla Foce del Sele e il sito di Cuma

La genesi di questo lavoro si inserisce nel filone di ricerca e approfondimento dell’ampio ed art... more La genesi di questo lavoro si inserisce nel filone di ricerca e approfondimento dell’ampio ed articolato spettro di innovazioni metodologiche in archeologia che nella letteratura scientifica sono definite con denominazioni varie: Archeoinformatica, Informatica Archeologica, Archeologia Computazionale, Archeologia Digitale, Archeologia Virtuale. Tali espressioni fanno riferimento a linee di indagine che vanno assumendo una sempre maggiore specificita, pur nell’articolazione e ricchezza interna delle applicazioni. In particolare il piano di ricerca elaborato e stato finalizzato alla sperimentazione di protocolli operativi per la gestione di dati archeologici e per il controllo e miglioramento qualitativo del flusso di lavoro (workflow) della prassi archeologica. In tal senso le metodologie e le strumentazioni informatiche elaborate, testate, acquisite, messe a punto, personalizzate, sono state intese e finalizzate ad un arricchimento metodologico piuttosto che come un mero supporto strumentale. Partendo da tale cornice metodologica si e impostata una ricerca finalizzata alla elaborazione di protocolli di gestione di dati archeologici il piu possibile standardizzati, user-friendly, flessibili, efficienti, modulari, fruibili on line. Gli scavi archeologici condotti dal Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche E. Lepore dell’Universita degli Studi di Napoli hanno costituito l’oggetto principale delle sperimentazioni metodologiche affrontate. In particolare sono oggetto della ricerca le problematiche specifiche di gestione, archiviazione, interpretazione degli interventi presso i siti archeologici dell’Heraion alla Foce del Sele e di Cuma .

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Research paper thumbnail of Pushing the archaeological interpretation by analysing workflow protocols: the variable transparency image stacker and DATARCH© archaeological data management system

The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a... more The main aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of managing archaeological data in a shared 3D environment. As already published by our research group, study and analysis of workflow protocols are the basis for the development of software able to support and improve archaeological data management, by introducing new methods and tools to analyze archaeological excavations (e.g. the DATARCH “Variable Transparency Image Stacker”). The progress of Web 2.0 and shared technologies makes it possible to go deeper with this research into archaeological workflow protocols and data management, exploring 3D distributed environments and the possibility of their application to archaeology in particular. The case studies selected for this research are the recent excavations carried out by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and in the Cuma Forum.

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Research paper thumbnail of Museo narrante: the Foce Sele Hera sanctuary virtual museum

The communication of one century of archaeological research at the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary has b... more The communication of one century of archaeological research at the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary has been the main reason for the creation of a new virtual museum, for which a name that represents a mu- seological approach, "Museo Narrante", i.e. the Museum that tells stories has been chosen. The museum is conceived as a museum without objects, interactive, multi-sensorial, and multi-medial. Its main issues are: i. minor sites valorization; ii. museums as territorial communication networks; iii. levels of reliability; iv. multiple interpretation. The overall intent is to give viewers evidence and argument instead of a pre- packaged explanation. This paper shows how this concept guided the whole exhibition, with the realization of different tools to present to the public the stories of the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and the archaeological investigation of the area in a new way.

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Research paper thumbnail of Shared Technologies in archeologia: nuove prospettive di gestione e condivisione di dati in rete

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Una IDEA per le biblioteche. Esperienze, strumenti e metodi per supportare, facilitare e diffondere la formazione continua e l'aggiornamento

E-learning e formazione continua e permanente sono un binomio che, nonostante tutte le annunciate... more E-learning e formazione continua e permanente sono un binomio che, nonostante tutte le annunciate previsioni degli ultimi tempi, non riesce ad affermarsi. Sono altresì rare le buone pratiche dell'e-learning nel contesto della pubblica amministrazione. Il presente contributo ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia virtuale in blended learning. Esperienze, metodologie e strumenti all’Università “Federico II” di Napoli

... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S... more ... Description, pp. 309-319. Language, IT, Format, pdf, Type, text. Rif. Cignoni P., Palombini S., Pescarin S. (eds.) ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IV Workshop (Roma, 27-28 aprile 2009).

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Research paper thumbnail of Retrieval semantico di Learning Object e generazione automatica di corsi didattici in sistemi di eLearning

Atti del IV …, 2007

Uno dei problemi maggiormente sentiti nella comunità dell'e-learning è quello della ... more Uno dei problemi maggiormente sentiti nella comunità dell'e-learning è quello della “personalizzazione” dei percorsi di apprendimento che si ottiene assemblando dinamicamente il materiale didattico presente in ambienti dinamici ed eterogenei. A tale ...

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Learning and teaching archaeology, particularly in the field of academic education, involves ICT ... more Learning and teaching archaeology, particularly in the field of academic education, involves ICT with regard to two main activities: ICT as a key issue applied both in teaching strategies and in the learning process, and ICT as a topic in itself, that is as an aspect of the development of the methods pertaining to the archaeological discipline. This kind of dual relationship affects different methodological aspects and theoretical backgrounds, but, as a matter of fact, scientific research on computational methods in archaeology is more often related to the use of ICT as an educational support.

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Research paper thumbnail of F. Cantone, 2007, Archeobis. Archeologia e nuovi media. Napoli 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica Atti del VI Workshop (Napoli, 9-10 giugno 2011) a cura di Francesca Cantone

by Francesca Cantone, Alessandro Bezzi, Alessio Paonessa, Piro Fabio, luca bianconi, Pietro Citarella, Progetto SITAR, Andrea Ciapetti, Luca d'Altilia, Davide Debernardi, and Davide Merlitti

ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti de... more ARCHEOFOSS
Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del VI Workshop (Napoli, 9-10 giugno 2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Cantone, F. Ambienti multimediali per i Beni Culturali, Napoli 2012

L’opera affronta con una serie di saggi monografici l’interazione tra le Discipline del Patrimoni... more L’opera affronta con una serie di saggi monografici l’interazione tra le Discipline del Patrimonio Culturale e quelle della Multimedialità, enucleando alcuni dei percorsi tematici di maggiore complessità ed interesse: l’evoluzione degli scenari per la comunicazione e la didattica dei beni culturali; l’archeologia e il suo rapporto con i nuovi media e i nuovi metodi; le possibilità determinate dall’uso dei prodotti digitali e della multimedialità per lo sviluppo territoriale; le forme innovative digitali di divulgazione culturale. Presentazione di Giovanna Greco, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; contributi di Giuseppe Tortora, Istituto Italiano di Cultura München, Giuliano De Felice, Università degli Studi di Foggia – Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Francesco Escalona, già Presidente del Parco Regionale Campi Flegrei, Luigi Scarpa, L.U.P.T. Laboratorio di Urbanistica e Progettazione Territoriale, Mauro Sciarelli, Direttore del C.I.R.T. Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sul Turismo, Angela Tecce, direttrice del Complesso di Castel Sant’Elmo, Mario Franco, Accademia di Belle Arti.

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Research paper thumbnail of Atti del VI Workshop ArcheoFOSS, Napoli 9-11 giugno 2011

Gli Atti del workshop sono pubblicati in un numero dedicato della collana del Centro Interdiparti... more Gli Atti del workshop sono pubblicati in un numero dedicato della collana del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, i Quaderni del Centro Studi Magna Grecia (ISBN 978-88-7478-031-0).

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Research paper thumbnail of La “donna-fiore” nel santuario di Hera alla foce del Sele. Un progetto per l’informatizzazione dei dati. Napoli 2014.

The so-called “Donna-fiore” in the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary. A project for data digitization. Thi... more The so-called “Donna-fiore” in the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary. A project for data digitization. This study focuses on a peculiar corpus of terracotta figurines, the “Donna-fiore”, found in the excavations carried on by Paola Zancani and Umberto Zanotti Bianco at the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary and stored in the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum,
in the South of Italy.

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established by: Mauro …, Jan 1, 2009

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