Meri Frotscher | Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (original) (raw)
Papers by Meri Frotscher
Normal 0 21 Neste artigo exploramos memorias de emigrantes de origem rural do Oeste do Parana, Br... more Normal 0 21 Neste artigo exploramos memorias de emigrantes de origem rural do Oeste do Parana, Brasil, retornados da Suica, onde trabalharam em propriedades atraves de uma entidade que faz parte da Liga Suica de Agricultores. Procuramos perceber, em primeiro lugar, como a migracao influencia a afirmacao de identidades etnicas e nacionais; em segundo, em que situacoes expressam estas identidades e que elementos sao utilizados; em terceiro, que relacoes sao estabelecidas entre identidades individuais, familiares e locais.
Livro Narrativas sobre loucuras, sofrimentos e traumas, 2016
Capítulo de livro
Revista Tempo e Argumento , 2015
O artigo analisa a “escrita de si” em cartas-pedido (Bittbriefe) enviadas entre 1946 e 1948 da Al... more O artigo analisa a “escrita de si” em cartas-pedido
(Bittbriefe) enviadas entre 1946 e 1948 da Alemanha à
prefeitura municipal de Blumenau-SC, Brasil. Os pedidos de
donativos ou informações eram acompanhados de
justificativas fundamentadas nas condições de vida e/ou
histórias de vida dos remetentes e a situação do país. Analiso
as estratégias retóricas empregadas na interlocução com o
destinatário, o imaginário existente acerca da cidade, a
mobilização da identidade étnico-nacional e a configuração
de narrativas trágicas da guerra e do pós-guerra.
Revista Tempo e Argumento, 2017
O artigo apresenta uma análise de entrevistas produzidas com membros de três gerações de uma fa... more O artigo apresenta uma análise de entrevistas
produzidas com membros de três gerações de uma
família da Colônia Entre Rios, localizada no município de
Guarapuava, Paraná. A Colônia foi constituída no início
da década de 1950 com chegada de cerca de 500
famílias de refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial,
identificados como suábios do Danúbio
(Donauschwaben), oriundos, em sua maioria, de campos
de refugiados da Áustria. O foco da análise são as
formas como os entrevistados constituem suas histórias
de vida e a relação que estabelecem com o “lugar de
origem”, na antiga Iugoslávia, representada como
antiga pátria, e Entre Rios, a nova pátria construída no
Revista História , 2018
"Uma cinzenta falta de esperança paira sobre todos nós": uma análise de cartas de mulheres e home... more "Uma cinzenta falta de esperança paira sobre todos nós": uma análise de cartas de mulheres e homens com intenção de emigrar da Alemanha para o Brasil (1946-1950) rev. hist. (São Paulo), n.177, a07317, 2018 http://dx. Resumo O artigo é baseado em cartas enviadas da Alemanha entre 1946 e 1950 à Prefei-tura Municipal de Blumenau-SC, nas quais os remetentes pedem informações, ajuda e intermediação para poder imigrar. Discuto aqui os significados e funções de cartas em projetos migratórios, o imaginário, percepções e motivos que fun-damentam a vontade expressa de emigrar e como ela opera na construção da narrativa autobiográfica. Analiso também as relações que os remetentes estabele-cem entre o "espaço de experiência" na Alemanha e o "horizonte de expectativa".
Revista Topoi, 2019
RESUMO O artigo é baseado em cartas enviadas entre 1946 e 1950 da Alemanha à prefeitura municipal... more RESUMO O artigo é baseado em cartas enviadas entre 1946 e 1950 da Alemanha à prefeitura municipal de Blumenau (SC), nas quais os remetentes pedem mantimentos, vestuário e in-termediação para imigrar, localizar parentes e conhecidos ou iniciar correspondência com habitantes. Neste texto eu discuto a agência exercida por mulheres e homens por meio do envio e redação de cartas-pedido e os "jogos de gênero" presentes na interlocução com o destinatário. Palavras-chave: cartas; narrativa autobiográfica; agência; jogos de gênero; Alemanha "I will try to help my family by writing this letter": Gender games in letters sent from Germany to Brazil after World War II ABSTRACT This article is based on letters sent between 1946 and 1950 from Germany to the town hall of Blumenau-SC, Brazil. In these letters, senders ask for food, clothes and mediation in order to immigrate, to find relatives and acquaintances or to exchange correspondence with inhabitants. In this text, I discuss women and men's agency through writing and sending letters and the "gender games" present in the interlocution with the adressee./0000-0003-0172-4126. A pesquisa que resultou neste artigo contou com financiamento do CNPq (Bolsa de Produtividade). Agradeço aos historiadores Vanderlei Machado e Marcos Nestor Stein pela leitura crítica e sugestões para o aprimoramento do texto.
Narrativas sobre loucura, sofrimento e traumas, 2016
Capítulo da obra "Narrativas sobre loucura, sofrimento e traumas" organizada por Yonissa Marmitt ... more Capítulo da obra "Narrativas sobre loucura, sofrimento e traumas" organizada por Yonissa Marmitt Wadi, buscou analisar os relatos de experiências de dor e sofrimento narrados pelos seus protagonistas, historicizando a construção de sentidos e o trabalho com o trauma.
This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World War II refugees who live ... more This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World War II refugees who live in Guarapuava, Paraná State. They are descendants of members of a group of about 2,500 people who identify themselves as Danube Swabians, who immigrated at the beginning of the 1950s to Brazil as war refugees and settled in Guarapuava, where they founded the colony of Entre Rios. The analysis focuses on the narratives of three grandsons, born in the 1970s, in order to discuss how they construct their life and family stories in relation with narratives that construct a historical sense to the Danube Swabians in Europe and in Entre Rios. We also discuss how they connect their life stories with the experiences of their grandparents.
This article is on self representations written by a former Austrian citizen who lived in Brazil ... more This article is on self representations written by a former Austrian citizen who lived in Brazil and went to Germany because of the III Reich. These curricula were requested by the “Rückwandereramt” (RWA), a government office which was responsible for the returning German citizens. Based on this case study, the article discusses and analyses his curricula vitae written for two different occasions in their specific production`contexts. Therefore, notonly the personal file, but also other sources from the RWA collections, as well as primary and secondary sources from other archives were used.
This article focuses on memories of rural emigrants from western Parana who returned from Switze... more This article focuses on memories of rural
emigrants from western Parana who returned from
Switzerland, where they worked in agriculture, mediated
by a Swiss state organization. We'll try to perceive in first
place how the migration influences the affirmation of
ethnic and national identities; secondly in which
situations these migrants express these identities and
what elements they use for; thirdly which relations are
established between individual, familiarly and local
This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World War II refugees who live ... more This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World
War II refugees who live in Guarapuava, Paraná State. They are descendants of members of a group of about 2,500 people who identify themselves as Danube Swabians, who immigrated at the beginning of the 1950s to Brazil as war refugees and settled in Guarapuava, where they founded the colony of Entre Rios. The analysis focuses on the
narratives of three grandsons, born in the 1970s, in order to discuss how they construct their life and family stories in relation with narratives that construct a historical sense to the Danube Swabians in Europe and in Entre Rios. We also discuss how they connect their life stories with the experiences of their grandparents.
História Unisinos , 2013
Th is article is about the repatriation of Brazilian citizens, often with bi-national roots, from... more Th is article is about the repatriation of Brazilian citizens, often with bi-national roots, from post-WW II Germany back “home” by the Brazilian Military Mission. It is based on Brazilian, American and German sources and discusses this topic from a transnational perspective. Th e emphasis on the Brazilian nationality by the bi-nationals, as well as the problems and contradictions of these repatriation policies are analyzed in the context of the “denazifi cation” of Germany and the later confl ict between the Western occupation powers and the USSR.
Th is article discusses the use of diff erent languages and their switch in Oral History intervie... more Th is article discusses the use of diff erent languages and their switch in Oral History interviews of bilingual “Germans” in Brazil who remigrated to Nazi Germany in the context of Brazilian Nationalization Campaign and were repatriated aft er WW II. Conditions of production of these rich oral sources, questions of interpretation and translation are taken in
consideration. Th e author proposes an analysis in a transcultural manner, because these migrants lived between diff erent cultures and languages. Th e article refl ects on the infl uence of multiple
migration and war experiences on the construction of hybrid identities through language.
Resumo. O artigo aborda narrativas orais de moradores do distrito de Entre Rios, localizado no mu... more Resumo. O artigo aborda narrativas orais de moradores do distrito de Entre Rios, localizado no município de Guarapuava, Paraná. No início da década de 1950, ali surgiu a colônia de Entre Rios, a partir da fixação de aproximadamente 2.500 pessoas, que se identificam como suábios do Danúbio, que imigraram para o Brasil na condição de refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Além dos imigrantes e seus descendentes, o distrito é habitado por não suábios. O foco central da análise é as formas como moradores, imigrantes e não imigrantes narram suas vidas, bem como as sociabilidades entre os moradores do distrito e as identificações presentes em suas narrativas.
Abstract. In this article, oral narratives by the inhabitants of the district of Entre Rios in the municipality of Guarapuava PR Brazil, are provided and discussed. The Entre Rios settlement, with approximately 2500 people, was formed in the 1950s. The inhabitants identified themselves as Suabians of the Danube who migrated to Brazil as refugees after World War II. Besides immigrants and their offspring, the district is also inhabited by non-Suabians. Current analysis focuses on the life-narratives of migrants or non-migrants, the social events celebrated among the inhabitants and the identifications in the narratives.
This article addresses narratives about the Second World War published in Deutsches Wort, the sup... more This article addresses narratives about the Second World War published in Deutsches Wort, the supplement in German language of the Jornal de Entre Rios (Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil). The article focuses on an interview produced in 1984 with an immigrant of the Entre Rios colony, Guarapuava, deported to Ukraine during the war. This interview was carried out in 1984, although edited and published by this journal only in 1994, when the 50 years of the expulsion of the " Danube Swabians " from Romania, Hungary and ex-Yugoslavia were remembered. The construction of an overcoming sense and of a collective memory about these events, by editing and standardizing the traumatic memories of the witnesses, was assessed.
This essay details the emergence of an idea of Danube Swabians as eternal colonizers, created by ... more This essay details the emergence of an idea of Danube Swabians as eternal colonizers, created by and
about one group that settled Entre Rios, in the state of Paraná in postwar southern Brazil. This essay traces
the wanderings of these Danube Swabians from south-eastern Europe to Brazil, and it explores how the
intersection of their memories of multiple expulsions and survival were coupled with their characterizations
as Germans in both Europe and Brazil. In turn, it shows how the colonists and others used those couplings
to construct the basis of their trans-Atlantic identity as Germans/Swabians/Brazilians.
Keywords: ethnicity, immigration, diaspora, identity, memory, Brazil
Normal 0 21 Neste artigo exploramos memorias de emigrantes de origem rural do Oeste do Parana, Br... more Normal 0 21 Neste artigo exploramos memorias de emigrantes de origem rural do Oeste do Parana, Brasil, retornados da Suica, onde trabalharam em propriedades atraves de uma entidade que faz parte da Liga Suica de Agricultores. Procuramos perceber, em primeiro lugar, como a migracao influencia a afirmacao de identidades etnicas e nacionais; em segundo, em que situacoes expressam estas identidades e que elementos sao utilizados; em terceiro, que relacoes sao estabelecidas entre identidades individuais, familiares e locais.
Livro Narrativas sobre loucuras, sofrimentos e traumas, 2016
Capítulo de livro
Revista Tempo e Argumento , 2015
O artigo analisa a “escrita de si” em cartas-pedido (Bittbriefe) enviadas entre 1946 e 1948 da Al... more O artigo analisa a “escrita de si” em cartas-pedido
(Bittbriefe) enviadas entre 1946 e 1948 da Alemanha à
prefeitura municipal de Blumenau-SC, Brasil. Os pedidos de
donativos ou informações eram acompanhados de
justificativas fundamentadas nas condições de vida e/ou
histórias de vida dos remetentes e a situação do país. Analiso
as estratégias retóricas empregadas na interlocução com o
destinatário, o imaginário existente acerca da cidade, a
mobilização da identidade étnico-nacional e a configuração
de narrativas trágicas da guerra e do pós-guerra.
Revista Tempo e Argumento, 2017
O artigo apresenta uma análise de entrevistas produzidas com membros de três gerações de uma fa... more O artigo apresenta uma análise de entrevistas
produzidas com membros de três gerações de uma
família da Colônia Entre Rios, localizada no município de
Guarapuava, Paraná. A Colônia foi constituída no início
da década de 1950 com chegada de cerca de 500
famílias de refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial,
identificados como suábios do Danúbio
(Donauschwaben), oriundos, em sua maioria, de campos
de refugiados da Áustria. O foco da análise são as
formas como os entrevistados constituem suas histórias
de vida e a relação que estabelecem com o “lugar de
origem”, na antiga Iugoslávia, representada como
antiga pátria, e Entre Rios, a nova pátria construída no
Revista História , 2018
"Uma cinzenta falta de esperança paira sobre todos nós": uma análise de cartas de mulheres e home... more "Uma cinzenta falta de esperança paira sobre todos nós": uma análise de cartas de mulheres e homens com intenção de emigrar da Alemanha para o Brasil (1946-1950) rev. hist. (São Paulo), n.177, a07317, 2018 http://dx. Resumo O artigo é baseado em cartas enviadas da Alemanha entre 1946 e 1950 à Prefei-tura Municipal de Blumenau-SC, nas quais os remetentes pedem informações, ajuda e intermediação para poder imigrar. Discuto aqui os significados e funções de cartas em projetos migratórios, o imaginário, percepções e motivos que fun-damentam a vontade expressa de emigrar e como ela opera na construção da narrativa autobiográfica. Analiso também as relações que os remetentes estabele-cem entre o "espaço de experiência" na Alemanha e o "horizonte de expectativa".
Revista Topoi, 2019
RESUMO O artigo é baseado em cartas enviadas entre 1946 e 1950 da Alemanha à prefeitura municipal... more RESUMO O artigo é baseado em cartas enviadas entre 1946 e 1950 da Alemanha à prefeitura municipal de Blumenau (SC), nas quais os remetentes pedem mantimentos, vestuário e in-termediação para imigrar, localizar parentes e conhecidos ou iniciar correspondência com habitantes. Neste texto eu discuto a agência exercida por mulheres e homens por meio do envio e redação de cartas-pedido e os "jogos de gênero" presentes na interlocução com o destinatário. Palavras-chave: cartas; narrativa autobiográfica; agência; jogos de gênero; Alemanha "I will try to help my family by writing this letter": Gender games in letters sent from Germany to Brazil after World War II ABSTRACT This article is based on letters sent between 1946 and 1950 from Germany to the town hall of Blumenau-SC, Brazil. In these letters, senders ask for food, clothes and mediation in order to immigrate, to find relatives and acquaintances or to exchange correspondence with inhabitants. In this text, I discuss women and men's agency through writing and sending letters and the "gender games" present in the interlocution with the adressee./0000-0003-0172-4126. A pesquisa que resultou neste artigo contou com financiamento do CNPq (Bolsa de Produtividade). Agradeço aos historiadores Vanderlei Machado e Marcos Nestor Stein pela leitura crítica e sugestões para o aprimoramento do texto.
Narrativas sobre loucura, sofrimento e traumas, 2016
Capítulo da obra "Narrativas sobre loucura, sofrimento e traumas" organizada por Yonissa Marmitt ... more Capítulo da obra "Narrativas sobre loucura, sofrimento e traumas" organizada por Yonissa Marmitt Wadi, buscou analisar os relatos de experiências de dor e sofrimento narrados pelos seus protagonistas, historicizando a construção de sentidos e o trabalho com o trauma.
This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World War II refugees who live ... more This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World War II refugees who live in Guarapuava, Paraná State. They are descendants of members of a group of about 2,500 people who identify themselves as Danube Swabians, who immigrated at the beginning of the 1950s to Brazil as war refugees and settled in Guarapuava, where they founded the colony of Entre Rios. The analysis focuses on the narratives of three grandsons, born in the 1970s, in order to discuss how they construct their life and family stories in relation with narratives that construct a historical sense to the Danube Swabians in Europe and in Entre Rios. We also discuss how they connect their life stories with the experiences of their grandparents.
This article is on self representations written by a former Austrian citizen who lived in Brazil ... more This article is on self representations written by a former Austrian citizen who lived in Brazil and went to Germany because of the III Reich. These curricula were requested by the “Rückwandereramt” (RWA), a government office which was responsible for the returning German citizens. Based on this case study, the article discusses and analyses his curricula vitae written for two different occasions in their specific production`contexts. Therefore, notonly the personal file, but also other sources from the RWA collections, as well as primary and secondary sources from other archives were used.
This article focuses on memories of rural emigrants from western Parana who returned from Switze... more This article focuses on memories of rural
emigrants from western Parana who returned from
Switzerland, where they worked in agriculture, mediated
by a Swiss state organization. We'll try to perceive in first
place how the migration influences the affirmation of
ethnic and national identities; secondly in which
situations these migrants express these identities and
what elements they use for; thirdly which relations are
established between individual, familiarly and local
This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World War II refugees who live ... more This article is based on oral interviews made with descendants of World
War II refugees who live in Guarapuava, Paraná State. They are descendants of members of a group of about 2,500 people who identify themselves as Danube Swabians, who immigrated at the beginning of the 1950s to Brazil as war refugees and settled in Guarapuava, where they founded the colony of Entre Rios. The analysis focuses on the
narratives of three grandsons, born in the 1970s, in order to discuss how they construct their life and family stories in relation with narratives that construct a historical sense to the Danube Swabians in Europe and in Entre Rios. We also discuss how they connect their life stories with the experiences of their grandparents.
História Unisinos , 2013
Th is article is about the repatriation of Brazilian citizens, often with bi-national roots, from... more Th is article is about the repatriation of Brazilian citizens, often with bi-national roots, from post-WW II Germany back “home” by the Brazilian Military Mission. It is based on Brazilian, American and German sources and discusses this topic from a transnational perspective. Th e emphasis on the Brazilian nationality by the bi-nationals, as well as the problems and contradictions of these repatriation policies are analyzed in the context of the “denazifi cation” of Germany and the later confl ict between the Western occupation powers and the USSR.
Th is article discusses the use of diff erent languages and their switch in Oral History intervie... more Th is article discusses the use of diff erent languages and their switch in Oral History interviews of bilingual “Germans” in Brazil who remigrated to Nazi Germany in the context of Brazilian Nationalization Campaign and were repatriated aft er WW II. Conditions of production of these rich oral sources, questions of interpretation and translation are taken in
consideration. Th e author proposes an analysis in a transcultural manner, because these migrants lived between diff erent cultures and languages. Th e article refl ects on the infl uence of multiple
migration and war experiences on the construction of hybrid identities through language.
Resumo. O artigo aborda narrativas orais de moradores do distrito de Entre Rios, localizado no mu... more Resumo. O artigo aborda narrativas orais de moradores do distrito de Entre Rios, localizado no município de Guarapuava, Paraná. No início da década de 1950, ali surgiu a colônia de Entre Rios, a partir da fixação de aproximadamente 2.500 pessoas, que se identificam como suábios do Danúbio, que imigraram para o Brasil na condição de refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Além dos imigrantes e seus descendentes, o distrito é habitado por não suábios. O foco central da análise é as formas como moradores, imigrantes e não imigrantes narram suas vidas, bem como as sociabilidades entre os moradores do distrito e as identificações presentes em suas narrativas.
Abstract. In this article, oral narratives by the inhabitants of the district of Entre Rios in the municipality of Guarapuava PR Brazil, are provided and discussed. The Entre Rios settlement, with approximately 2500 people, was formed in the 1950s. The inhabitants identified themselves as Suabians of the Danube who migrated to Brazil as refugees after World War II. Besides immigrants and their offspring, the district is also inhabited by non-Suabians. Current analysis focuses on the life-narratives of migrants or non-migrants, the social events celebrated among the inhabitants and the identifications in the narratives.
This article addresses narratives about the Second World War published in Deutsches Wort, the sup... more This article addresses narratives about the Second World War published in Deutsches Wort, the supplement in German language of the Jornal de Entre Rios (Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil). The article focuses on an interview produced in 1984 with an immigrant of the Entre Rios colony, Guarapuava, deported to Ukraine during the war. This interview was carried out in 1984, although edited and published by this journal only in 1994, when the 50 years of the expulsion of the " Danube Swabians " from Romania, Hungary and ex-Yugoslavia were remembered. The construction of an overcoming sense and of a collective memory about these events, by editing and standardizing the traumatic memories of the witnesses, was assessed.
This essay details the emergence of an idea of Danube Swabians as eternal colonizers, created by ... more This essay details the emergence of an idea of Danube Swabians as eternal colonizers, created by and
about one group that settled Entre Rios, in the state of Paraná in postwar southern Brazil. This essay traces
the wanderings of these Danube Swabians from south-eastern Europe to Brazil, and it explores how the
intersection of their memories of multiple expulsions and survival were coupled with their characterizations
as Germans in both Europe and Brazil. In turn, it shows how the colonists and others used those couplings
to construct the basis of their trans-Atlantic identity as Germans/Swabians/Brazilians.
Keywords: ethnicity, immigration, diaspora, identity, memory, Brazil