Monica Baggio | Università degli Studi di Padova (original) (raw)


Papers by Monica Baggio

Research paper thumbnail of Journées doctorales ANHIMA 2010 et 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Objets féminins dans la céramique de Grèce et de Grande Grèce : rôles, statuts, identité

Objets féminins dans la céramique de Grèce et de Grande Grèce. Rôles, statuts, identité. Ce trava... more Objets féminins dans la céramique de Grèce et de Grande Grèce. Rôles, statuts, identité. Ce travail voudrait proposer une réflexion anthropologique sur l’interprétation des objets figurés dans des contextes liés au monde féminin. Depuis quelque temps, l'étude des images peintes sur les vases attiques et de l’Italie du Sud s'est révélée être un champ d'information extraordinaire pour définir les nombreux problèmes liés aux rôles, statuts et classes d'âge des femmes dans le monde grec. Partant de l'hypothèse que la construction du discours iconique est basée sur l'organisation des signes, des objets et des gestes, nous voudrions ici démontrer que les objets représentés dans les images peintes ne sont pas de simples détails qui jouent parfois un rôle banalement fonctionnel / primaire, mais ils sont plutôt des outils que certains peintres utilisent pour transmettre l'identité, les rôles et les statuts des femmes représentées. L'interaction étroite entre l...

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Research paper thumbnail of Il falso nelle collezioni archeologiche: dall’autenticazione alla promozione della legalità

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Research paper thumbnail of The "MemO" Project: the Study, Digitalisation and Value Enhancement of Greek and South-Italian Pottery in Veneto. The Issue of Forgery

In archaeology, the topic of fakes, copies, and imitations has been around since the 18th century... more In archaeology, the topic of fakes, copies, and imitations has been around since the 18th century. Recent studies have found that the phenomenon of counterfeit pottery worked in the ancient Greek world is very present in private and public collections, thus showing the extent of an issue that, in fact, pervades the history of archaeology. One of the MemO Project pillars, launched in March 2018 by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padova, stems from an awareness of this reality. The MemO Project is dedicated to enhancing the effectuation of archaeological artefacts (especially ceramics) within academic training and research. Accessing the technical, formal and iconographic universe of objects made thousands of years ago requires a wide-ranging apprenticeship: this is why the "Laboratory of Authentication of Archaeological Heritage" was created, an absolute novelty in the Italian academic panorama. Through the analysis of concrete cases, teachers and s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tessuti, velari e tende nella pittura parietale antica: alcune riflessioni

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Research paper thumbnail of La ceramica greca in Veneto: progetto di schedatura informatizzata KERAMOS

Il patrimonio ceramico conservato in un territorio \ue8 un\u2019importante risorsa che necessita ... more Il patrimonio ceramico conservato in un territorio \ue8 un\u2019importante risorsa che necessita di strumenti adeguati per la sua organizzazione e analisi. A questo proposito un ruolo significativo \ue8 giocato dallo strumento informatico come dimostra il progetto La Grecia in Veneto: censimento e catalogazione della ceramica greca e magno-greca in Veneto che ha creato un database (Keramos) di facile aggiornamento e consultazione. La schedatura informatizzata dei materiali garantisce un\u2019interrogazione rapida e semplice ed evidenzia dal complesso dei dati raccolti quelli pi\uf9 significativi per ogni richiesta

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Research paper thumbnail of Gesto-immagine : tra antico e moderno riflessioni sulla comunicazione non-verbale : giornata di studio, Isernia, 18 aprile 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Hoplon", "Hoplon dei". La "pelike" E363 al British Museum : alcune osservazioni sul comportamento non verbale

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Research paper thumbnail of Maschile-femminile nella pittura ellenistica: tra armi e ornamento. Per una dialettica spazio-oggetto

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Research paper thumbnail of The Anthropology of Forgery: New Themes for the Contemporary Archaeologist

Studies in Conservation, 2021

ABSTRACT The task of archaeologists is to study the material culture of the past to pass it on to... more ABSTRACT The task of archaeologists is to study the material culture of the past to pass it on to current and future generations. Each object preserves a memory, deriving from its production, its use, its breaking and deposition. This memory can also be reactivated in the modern and contemporary world through trade, collecting and exhibition of various artefacts. In order to preserve and safeguard this memory, synonymous with past civilizations and as an example for present and future ones, contemporary archaeologists are called upon to study the most current trends in society in order to prevent illegal activities (such as clandestine excavations, forgeries, trafficking, theft, etc.) and to preserve the original idea of history and culture. Through a multidisciplinary approach (historical, archaeological, anthropological, legal), this contribution presents some activities undertaken by the Paduan archaeological school, focusing on the analysis of the phenomenon of falsification, its positive and negative implications, leading to a proposal for the definition of a new branch of archaeology at the service of contemporary society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Universita' Degli Studi DI Padova

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology of Forgery. A Multidisciplinary Approach o the Study of Archaeological Fakes

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Research paper thumbnail of Linteum pictum. Alcune riflessioni sui velari d'arredo nella pittura parietale antica.pdf

BEYOND LIMITS STUDI IN ONORE DI GIOVANNI LEONARDI a cura di Michele Cupitò, Massimo Vidale, Anna Angelini con la collaborazione di Valentina Donadel, 2017

The essay offers some reflections on the role of the velarium in the ancient decorative wall pain... more The essay offers some reflections on the role of the velarium in the ancient decorative wall painting systems, in
a broad perspective, diachronic and semantic. Such an iconographic motif appears frequently dating from
the Etrurian archaic records until the Greek-Hellenistic ones, up to the Roman representations of the late Republican Age, both in a funerary context and in religious and domestic ones. Textiles, velaria and curtains belong to a category of polysemantic subjects, whose value can range from the concrete function meant to define the limits of an environment up to the expression of possible metaphoric values.

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Research paper thumbnail of Penelope e i doni della seduzione

I mille volti del passato Scritti in onore di Francesca Ghedini, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of M. SALVADORI -M. BAGGIO, Lo svelamento di Marte e Venere: fra repertorio iconografico e narrazione ovidiana, in Eidola, 8, pp. 84-95.  ridotto (media risoluz.).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Baggio M., Il sistema degli oggetti femminili nella ceramica tardoapula: segni di rango-segni di prestigio? in Eidola, 9, 2012, pp. 31-54

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Research paper thumbnail of La ceramica greca in Veneto: progetto di schedatura informatizzata KERAMOS

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Research paper thumbnail of Alcuni vasi della Collezione Merlin al Museo di Scienze archeologiche e d'arte di Padova

The paper presents preliminary considering Attic and South-Italian vases, today kept in the Museu... more The paper presents preliminary considering Attic and South-Italian vases, today kept in the Museum of Archaeological Science and art of Padova university. The focus of the article is concentrated on some pieces, interesting because of the iconographic solutions adopted for their decoration.

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Research paper thumbnail of I gesti della seduzione. Per un aggiornamento

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Research paper thumbnail of Giornate di Studio "Gli oggetti sulla scena teatrale ateniese" (Padova, 1-2 dicembre 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Journées doctorales ANHIMA 2010 et 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Objets féminins dans la céramique de Grèce et de Grande Grèce : rôles, statuts, identité

Objets féminins dans la céramique de Grèce et de Grande Grèce. Rôles, statuts, identité. Ce trava... more Objets féminins dans la céramique de Grèce et de Grande Grèce. Rôles, statuts, identité. Ce travail voudrait proposer une réflexion anthropologique sur l’interprétation des objets figurés dans des contextes liés au monde féminin. Depuis quelque temps, l'étude des images peintes sur les vases attiques et de l’Italie du Sud s'est révélée être un champ d'information extraordinaire pour définir les nombreux problèmes liés aux rôles, statuts et classes d'âge des femmes dans le monde grec. Partant de l'hypothèse que la construction du discours iconique est basée sur l'organisation des signes, des objets et des gestes, nous voudrions ici démontrer que les objets représentés dans les images peintes ne sont pas de simples détails qui jouent parfois un rôle banalement fonctionnel / primaire, mais ils sont plutôt des outils que certains peintres utilisent pour transmettre l'identité, les rôles et les statuts des femmes représentées. L'interaction étroite entre l...

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Research paper thumbnail of Il falso nelle collezioni archeologiche: dall’autenticazione alla promozione della legalità

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Research paper thumbnail of The "MemO" Project: the Study, Digitalisation and Value Enhancement of Greek and South-Italian Pottery in Veneto. The Issue of Forgery

In archaeology, the topic of fakes, copies, and imitations has been around since the 18th century... more In archaeology, the topic of fakes, copies, and imitations has been around since the 18th century. Recent studies have found that the phenomenon of counterfeit pottery worked in the ancient Greek world is very present in private and public collections, thus showing the extent of an issue that, in fact, pervades the history of archaeology. One of the MemO Project pillars, launched in March 2018 by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padova, stems from an awareness of this reality. The MemO Project is dedicated to enhancing the effectuation of archaeological artefacts (especially ceramics) within academic training and research. Accessing the technical, formal and iconographic universe of objects made thousands of years ago requires a wide-ranging apprenticeship: this is why the "Laboratory of Authentication of Archaeological Heritage" was created, an absolute novelty in the Italian academic panorama. Through the analysis of concrete cases, teachers and s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tessuti, velari e tende nella pittura parietale antica: alcune riflessioni

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Research paper thumbnail of La ceramica greca in Veneto: progetto di schedatura informatizzata KERAMOS

Il patrimonio ceramico conservato in un territorio \ue8 un\u2019importante risorsa che necessita ... more Il patrimonio ceramico conservato in un territorio \ue8 un\u2019importante risorsa che necessita di strumenti adeguati per la sua organizzazione e analisi. A questo proposito un ruolo significativo \ue8 giocato dallo strumento informatico come dimostra il progetto La Grecia in Veneto: censimento e catalogazione della ceramica greca e magno-greca in Veneto che ha creato un database (Keramos) di facile aggiornamento e consultazione. La schedatura informatizzata dei materiali garantisce un\u2019interrogazione rapida e semplice ed evidenzia dal complesso dei dati raccolti quelli pi\uf9 significativi per ogni richiesta

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Research paper thumbnail of Gesto-immagine : tra antico e moderno riflessioni sulla comunicazione non-verbale : giornata di studio, Isernia, 18 aprile 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Hoplon", "Hoplon dei". La "pelike" E363 al British Museum : alcune osservazioni sul comportamento non verbale

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Research paper thumbnail of Maschile-femminile nella pittura ellenistica: tra armi e ornamento. Per una dialettica spazio-oggetto

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Research paper thumbnail of The Anthropology of Forgery: New Themes for the Contemporary Archaeologist

Studies in Conservation, 2021

ABSTRACT The task of archaeologists is to study the material culture of the past to pass it on to... more ABSTRACT The task of archaeologists is to study the material culture of the past to pass it on to current and future generations. Each object preserves a memory, deriving from its production, its use, its breaking and deposition. This memory can also be reactivated in the modern and contemporary world through trade, collecting and exhibition of various artefacts. In order to preserve and safeguard this memory, synonymous with past civilizations and as an example for present and future ones, contemporary archaeologists are called upon to study the most current trends in society in order to prevent illegal activities (such as clandestine excavations, forgeries, trafficking, theft, etc.) and to preserve the original idea of history and culture. Through a multidisciplinary approach (historical, archaeological, anthropological, legal), this contribution presents some activities undertaken by the Paduan archaeological school, focusing on the analysis of the phenomenon of falsification, its positive and negative implications, leading to a proposal for the definition of a new branch of archaeology at the service of contemporary society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Universita' Degli Studi DI Padova

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology of Forgery. A Multidisciplinary Approach o the Study of Archaeological Fakes

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Research paper thumbnail of Linteum pictum. Alcune riflessioni sui velari d'arredo nella pittura parietale antica.pdf

BEYOND LIMITS STUDI IN ONORE DI GIOVANNI LEONARDI a cura di Michele Cupitò, Massimo Vidale, Anna Angelini con la collaborazione di Valentina Donadel, 2017

The essay offers some reflections on the role of the velarium in the ancient decorative wall pain... more The essay offers some reflections on the role of the velarium in the ancient decorative wall painting systems, in
a broad perspective, diachronic and semantic. Such an iconographic motif appears frequently dating from
the Etrurian archaic records until the Greek-Hellenistic ones, up to the Roman representations of the late Republican Age, both in a funerary context and in religious and domestic ones. Textiles, velaria and curtains belong to a category of polysemantic subjects, whose value can range from the concrete function meant to define the limits of an environment up to the expression of possible metaphoric values.

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Research paper thumbnail of Penelope e i doni della seduzione

I mille volti del passato Scritti in onore di Francesca Ghedini, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of M. SALVADORI -M. BAGGIO, Lo svelamento di Marte e Venere: fra repertorio iconografico e narrazione ovidiana, in Eidola, 8, pp. 84-95.  ridotto (media risoluz.).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Baggio M., Il sistema degli oggetti femminili nella ceramica tardoapula: segni di rango-segni di prestigio? in Eidola, 9, 2012, pp. 31-54

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Research paper thumbnail of La ceramica greca in Veneto: progetto di schedatura informatizzata KERAMOS

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Research paper thumbnail of Alcuni vasi della Collezione Merlin al Museo di Scienze archeologiche e d'arte di Padova

The paper presents preliminary considering Attic and South-Italian vases, today kept in the Museu... more The paper presents preliminary considering Attic and South-Italian vases, today kept in the Museum of Archaeological Science and art of Padova university. The focus of the article is concentrated on some pieces, interesting because of the iconographic solutions adopted for their decoration.

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Research paper thumbnail of I gesti della seduzione. Per un aggiornamento

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Research paper thumbnail of Giornate di Studio "Gli oggetti sulla scena teatrale ateniese" (Padova, 1-2 dicembre 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Il Grand Mausolée di Polignano - Riscoperta di un contesto peuceta del IV secolo a.C. Presentazione del volume il 6 settembre 2019 - h 19.00 presso il Museo Pino Pascali, via Parco del Lauro 119, Polignano a Mare

il Grand Mausolée di Polignano - Riscoperta di un contesto peuceta del IV secolo a.C., 2019

il Grand Mausolée di Polignano - Riscoperta di un contesto peuceta del IV secolo a.C. Contributi... more il Grand Mausolée di Polignano - Riscoperta di un contesto peuceta del IV secolo a.C.

Contributi di:
Monica Baggio, Angela Ciancio, Adriana De Tullio, Mario De Tullio, Martine Denoyelle, Federica Giacobello, Giuseppe Maiellaro, Maria Emilia Masci, Stefania Montanaro, Maya Muratov, Claude Pouzadoux, Carmela Roscino, Clement Salviani, Aldo Siciliano

a cura di Giuseppe Maiellaro

Claudio Grenzi Editore

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The forgery of archaeological artefacts and works of art is an ancient and complex phenomenon, st... more The forgery of archaeological artefacts and works of art is an ancient and complex phenomenon, strictly connected to the history of discoveries and the history of collecting, to the development of the antiquities market, the progress in restoration techniques, and, lastly, to the history of archaeology and art criticism. What is the relationship between counterfeit, restoration, and reproduction of an object? How does this relationship change over time, and in relation to the place and the social and cultural context? What are the tools and methods for the authentication of an allegedly archaeological artefact? Can a fake become a historical tool useful to understand the history of taste and ideas? How may the currently rampant forgery be countered? Trying to answer these and other questions, this volume looks at the falsification of archaeological and art objects through the prism of several disciplines, with contributions of academics, administrators of the cultural heritage, and market professionals. It opens with a historical overview of restoration and reproduction methods between the 16th and 19th centuries, followed by a series of recent case studies that confirm the manifold nature of fakes and describe some authentication methods. The book continues with a collection of essays that aim to revaluate the fake object as a document for the history of culture, and it closes with some remarks on the legislation on counterfeiting and on the antiquities market. This volume is an interesting instrument to understand an extremely pressing, relevant phenomenon for cultural heritage, put in a historical perspective.

La falsificazione dei reperti archeologici e delle opere d’arte è un fenomeno antico e complesso, strettamente connesso alla storia delle scoperte e del collezionismo, allo sviluppo del mercato antiquario, al progresso delle tecniche di restauro e alla storia dell’archeologia e della critica d’arte. Qual è il rapporto tra contraffazione, restauro e riproduzione di un oggetto? Come cambia questo rapporto in funzione del tempo, del luogo e del contesto sociale e culturale? Quali sono gli strumenti e i metodi dell’autenticazione di un presunto reperto archeologico? Un falso può diventare uno strumento ermeneutico per la storia del gusto e delle idee? Com’è possibile combattere l’attuale dilagante falsificazione? Per tentare di rispondere a queste e altre domande, il volume scompone il fenomeno della falsificazione degli oggetti archeologici e artistici nel prisma di varie discipline, raccogliendo contributi di accademici, amministratori del patrimonio culturale e professionisti del mercato. Si apre con un panorama storico delle pratiche di restauro e riproduzione tra XVI e XIX secolo, seguito da una serie di casi di studio recenti che confermano la multiforme natura del falso e illustrano alcuni metodi di autenticazione. Si prosegue con una raccolta di saggi che propongono di rivalutare l’oggetto falso come documento per la storia della cultura e si conclude con alcune note sulla legislazione in materia di contraffazione e sul mercato antiquario. Il libro offre dunque un interessante strumento per comprendere un fenomeno urgente e di grande rilevanza e attualità per il patrimonio culturale, in prospettiva storica.

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Research paper thumbnail of I gesti della seduzione. Tracce di comunicazione non-verbale nella ceramica greca tra VI e IV secolo a.C.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tra lavoro e seduzione

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Research paper thumbnail of Locandina_ArchaeologicalMaterials Authentication2019.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Vivere con i miti. 'iconografia dei sarcofagi romani

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Research paper thumbnail of Le loutrophoroi del Pittore di Capodimonte

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Research paper thumbnail of Tra testo e immagine: il sistema degli oggetti  nella Medea di Euripide

In Euripides' Medea, in particular in the episode of the death of Creusa, the new bride of Jason,... more In Euripides' Medea, in particular in the episode of the death of Creusa, the new bride of Jason, the objects - a tunic and a golden crown - are the driving force of the action drama. These gifts in the tragedy convey a plurality of meanings, closely related to their own divine heritage and to the role of gifts in creating and transferring identity. The literary episode spawned a new series iconographic, particularly in the production ceramic Magna Grecia, which we analyze just from the point of view of the role played by the objects in the construction of figurative language.

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Research paper thumbnail of Livio come fonte per la storia dell'arte antica: linee di ricerca

Il contributo intende proporre alcuni brevi riflessioni sulla possibilità di indagare il testo di... more Il contributo intende proporre alcuni brevi riflessioni sulla possibilità di indagare il testo di Livio dalla prospettiva dello storico dell’arte, in linea con un importante filone di ricerca, da tempo maturato dalle autrici, che studia il repertorio figurativo anche attraverso la documentazione letteraria (Tale approccio alle fonti classiche è già stato adottato ne: Le Immagini di Filostrato Minore e nel Progetto MArS. Mito Arte e Società nelle Metamorfosi di Ovidio).
Se, infatti, l’opera di Livio ha dimostrato di rivestire crescente importanza nel campo degli studi archeologici, spesso alla luce della verifica archeologica della fonte letteraria, l’analisi delle possibili suggestioni iconografiche offerte da Livio allo storico dell’arte costituisce un aspetto decisamente meno noto all’interno dell’opera dello storico patavino, tenuto conto di quelle che sono le finalità della sua produzione letteraria.
Tuttavia un qualche margine di intervento per lo storico dell’arte potrebbe aprirsi in particolare nei contesti in cui si fa riferimento ai bottini di guerra, passi che ci sembra meritino una qualche attenzione, nel tentativo di recuperare echi sia di un patrimonio figurativo antico per noi perduto sia criteri dei selezione tipologica di manufatti che rispecchiano il gusto della società coeva .

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Research paper thumbnail of Conservation and Philosophy Symposium: Intersection and Interactions

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Research paper thumbnail of Brochure FormaeImmagine 46dicembre

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Research paper thumbnail of Storie ritrovate di uomini ed eroi a cura di

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Research paper thumbnail of III Colloquio AIRPA Pavia 2019 Programma

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Research paper thumbnail of »Individuum und exemplum. Aspekte des Gegensätzlichen am Beispiel weiblicher Bildnisse«

Perspektiven der römischen Ikonographie – Ambivalenz von Bildern, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Brochure_ArchaeologicalMaterials Authentication2019-2.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Università degli Studi di Padova

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Research paper thumbnail of Program Winter School Anthropology of forgery 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Baggio, Le origini di Roma: mito-narrazione-iconografia

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Baggio, Iconografie del tardo-antico

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