Lukáš Arthur Švihura | University of Prešov (original) (raw)

Papers by Lukáš Arthur Švihura

[Research paper thumbnail of Filozofia v some [Philosophy in Soma]](

Život s filozofiou: Zborník príspevkov k jubileu profesora Františka Mihinu, 2024

Autor navrhuje integráciu filozofie do každodenného života prostredníctvom somatického sebapoznáv... more Autor navrhuje integráciu filozofie do každodenného života prostredníctvom somatického sebapoznávania. Príklady z jogy, ktoré autor používa, poukazujú nielen na možnosti sebapoznávania, ale aj poznávania externých situácií a transformácie mocenských vzťahov. Dôraz je kladený na spoločenský presah somatizovanej filozofie, kde sebapoznávanie prispieva k väčšej slobode a autonómii subjektov sociálnych interakcií a mocenských vzťahov. Text sa uzatvára uvažovaním o takých prístupoch k výučbe filozofie, ktoré by integrovali somatickú skúsenosť a umožnili študentom lepšie pochopiť spoločenské a kultúrne vplyvy na ich myslenie
a správanie, ako aj ich možnú transformáciu.

[Research paper thumbnail of Úvodník [Editorial]](

Ostium, 2024

On Wisdom and Folly

Research paper thumbnail of Philosophy of values and ethics in Ayn Rand's axiological objectivism

Ethics & Bioethics (in Central Europe), 2024

The paper presents an analysis and interpretation of axiology and ethics as seen by the writer an... more The paper presents an analysis and interpretation of axiology and ethics as seen by the writer and philosopher Ayn Rand. The author follows the assumption that, in a situation where indifference is observed with regard to values (cf. Simmel, Sloterdijk), a return of philosophical reasoning to the idea of objectivity of values could be worthwhile. Therefore, he examines a specific type of axiological objectivism that can be found in Rand's work. In the present paper, the suggested comparison with Baden neo-Kantism as well as phenomenological axiology serves to capture the specifics of Rand's axiological approach. These lie in placing emphasis on such a relationship between facts and values in which values result from the facts of reality, as well as in the very understanding of the objectivity of values that Rand identifies with long-term life goals and identifies them as an objective necessity for an individual's life. Following the analysis of Rand's axiology, the author focuses on her understanding of ethics, which he places in contrast to Kant's deontology, as well as morality, which he views through the prism of a business relationship based on the exchange of values. The aim of the paper is to, by means of an analysis and interpretation of Rand's ideas, show that objective values can be understood as a necessary prerequisite for consequential ethics and an individual living a happy life without being anchored in transcendence or social consensus.

Research paper thumbnail of Affective Goals in Teaching Philosophy in Higher Secondary Education: Reality, Criticism, Perspectives

Ruch Filozoficzny, 2024

The study has the character of a critical reflection of the assumed combination of cognitive and ... more The study has the character of a critical reflection of the assumed combination of cognitive and affective goals of teaching philosophy in the environment of higher secondary education. Official state documents work with this connection as unproblematic, but the author tries to problematize this link between cognitive and affective and focuses on the current deficits in achieving affective goals in the teaching of philosophy. The article finds its inspiration for a different approach to achieving them in the pragmatism of Richard Rorty and Richard Shusterman.

[Research paper thumbnail of Aštanga joga ako filozofická prax [Ashtanga Yoga as a Philosophical Practice]](

Ars vivendi a filozofická prax, 2023

Although yoga is now understood primarily as a physical exercise, in its ancient conception it ca... more Although yoga is now understood primarily as a physical exercise, in its ancient conception it can be understood as a philosophical practice – a practice of living a wisely guided life. This attribute is fulfilled by the so-called Ashtanga yoga, or yoga that is composed of eight limbs of the work on oneself, and the paper deals with their analysis. Its aim is to provide an interpretation of Ashtanga yoga that is grounded in the philosophical sources of contemporary Western philosophy. This method is intended to show where the potential benefits of the practice of Ashtanga yoga lie, not
only for the contemporary individual, but also for contemporary society as a whole. It focuses on those aspects of Ashtanga yoga that can also be described as philosophical in the Western tradition of thought.

Research paper thumbnail of When Life is Art and Philosophy: The Case of Richard Shusterman

ESPES: The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics, 2023

This article is motivated by a reading of J.J. Abrams’ proceedings Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: F... more This article is motivated by a reading of J.J. Abrams’ proceedings Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: From Hip Hop Philosophy to Politics and Performance Art. Of the diverse range of essays in the proceedings, I concentrate my attention primarily on those aspects of the texts that highlight Richard Shusterman’s practical somaesthetics, and in which their authors focus on the more personal aspects of Shusterman’s
philosophical-artistic experimentation, as captured in The Adventures of the Man in Gold: Paths Between Art and Life, A Philosophical Tale. Through references to Foucault’s notion of care of the self and the aesthetics of existence, the article demonstrates that the individual level of Shusterman’s practical somaesthetics is not separable from the social-ethical level. This is matched by the conclusion of the text, which points out that Shusterman’s practical somaesthetics overcomes the dichotomy of private and public in Richard Rorty’s pragmatism.

[Research paper thumbnail of Let's Make Morality Great Again: Etika pragmatizmu v službách morálky [Let's Make Morality Great Again: Pragmatist Ethics in Service of Morality]](

Etické teórie - neetická prax, 2023

The article is conceived in the spirit of a pragmatist reflection on the relationship between eth... more The article is conceived in the spirit of a pragmatist reflection on the relationship between ethical theory and moral practice, whose real connection in philosophy is not always well imagined. It is precisely ethical theories reduced to abstract philosophical constructs with limited possibilities of their incorporation into everyday moral practices that pragmatists are critical of. By rejecting the traditional assumptions with which ethical theories work (e.g., the duality of reason and passions) pragmatism prepares the way for a different perception of the relationship between ethical theory and moral practice.

[Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: The Art of Life in the Context of Philosophical Practice  [Editoriál: Umenie života v kontexte filozofickej praxe]](

[Research paper thumbnail of Maják uprostred mora [A Lighthouse in the Middle of the Sea]](

Filozofické cesty z neistoty - podoby zodpovednosti [Philosophical Ways of Uncertainty - Forms of Responsibility], 2022

The author builds his concept on Giddens's understanding of "ontological security" to show that, ... more The author builds his concept on Giddens's understanding of "ontological security" to show that, unlike pre-modernity, in modern and postmodern societies man acquires this feeling in a much more complex way, although it is just as important to him as it was to people in traditional societies. The external factors that have the ambition to shape it in a (post)modern society turn out to be problematic in terms of their goal. To regain a sense of onto-logical security, postmodern man can reorient himself from exter-nal factors to himself and his own inner world. Based on the current return to Stoic ethics in the form of its growing popularity, it seems that philosophy can be very helpful in this process.

[Research paper thumbnail of Predslov [Foreword]](

Filozofické cesty z neistoty - podoby zodpovednosti [Philosophical Ways of Uncertainty - Forms of Responsibility], 2022

Sloboda ako spoločenská zodpovednosť (aj) v kontexte sociálneho liberalizmu Johna Stuarta Milla

[Research paper thumbnail of Svetová filozofia v Prešove [World Philosophy in Prešov]](

Na PUlze, 2022

Príspevky prešli jazykovou a redakčnou úpravou. Za obsah príspevkov nezodpovedá redakcia. Univerz... more Príspevky prešli jazykovou a redakčnou úpravou. Za obsah príspevkov nezodpovedá redakcia. Univerzitný časopis NA PULZE je pokračovaním Časopisu akademickej obce Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. Prispievatelia posielajú svoje príspevky e-mailom na adresu šéfredaktorky časopisu (ak ide o celouniverzitné témy) alebo na adresy členov redakčnej rady za jednotlivé fakulty, s tým, že téma príspevku by mala korešpondovať so zameraním a prácou danej fakulty, ktorú člen redakčnej rady zastupuje.

[Research paper thumbnail of Audire aude! Alúzia na Kantovu Odpoveď na otázku: Čo je osvietenstvo? [Audire aude! An allusion to Kant’s Answer to the question: What is Enlightenment?]](

Studia Philosophica Kantiana: Filozofický časopis pre kriticko-rekonštrukčné uvažovanie, 2022

The author reflects on the presuppositions of the Enlightenment indicated by Kant, which include ... more The author reflects on the presuppositions of the Enlightenment indicated by Kant, which include freedom and courage to use one’s own reason without the guidance of others and to use it publicly, and focuses on the changes that have taken place since publishing Kant’s essay An answer to the question: What is Enlightenment? in the growth of freedom, the transfer of the public into virtual space, and the new possibilities for the public use of reason. He suggests the difficulties of Enlightenment assumptions in the context of the present and points out that we are not yet able to deal with them adequately, from which he concludes that
we are not yet ready for the autonomous use of reason. Therefore, he proposes adding something to the presuppositions of the Enlightenment from which the present is moving away. This is the willingness to listen to the voices of those who know how to use reason autonomously in their own domains of competence.

[Research paper thumbnail of Postmoderná morálka a Kantova etika [Postmodern Morality and Kant’s Ethics]](

Studia Philosophica Kantiana: filozofický časopis pre kriticko-rekonštrukčné uvažovanie, 2021

The paper deals with the characteristic features of postmodern morality, which the author capture... more The paper deals with the characteristic features of postmodern morality, which the author captures through its observers from the ranks of postmodern philosophy, sociology, and aesthetics. He emphasizes the character of postmodern morality through the opposing aspects of morality found in The Critique of Practical Reason and in the Groundwork of the Metaphysis of Morals. The task of this study is to highlight the moral potential of selected postmodern phenomena against the background of this contrast, which, however, could have been seen as morally problematic from the point of view of Kant’s ethics. For the author, various forms of aestheticization of morality appear as a connecting link between these phenomena.

[Research paper thumbnail of Umenie života ako estetika inakosti [Art of Life as Aesthetics of Otherness]](

Myslieť inak - iné v myslení (zborník vedeckých príspevkov), 2021

The study is based od Foucault's analyzes of the ancient art of life. In it, the aesthetic form o... more The study is based od Foucault's analyzes of the ancient art of life. In it, the aesthetic form of one's existence becomes an element structuring the morality of the individual. The author follows up on the results of Foucault's research, according to which morality can exist without ethics but only as a consequence of the aesthetics of existence. However, the author comes up with a different understanding of the art of living based on otherness, as the individual aesthetic form can co-create the morality of society.

[Research paper thumbnail of Richard Rorty a umenie života [Richard Rorty and the Art of Life]](

Intuícia a imaginácia vo filozofii a vede, 2019

[Research paper thumbnail of Filozofia v prelomovom období [Philosophy in a Time of Change]](

NA PULZE: Časopis Prešovskej univerzity v Prešov, 2019

online vydanie) Evidenčné číslo: EV 2836/08 Periodicita vydávania: päťkrát ročne Vydavateľ: Prešo... more online vydanie) Evidenčné číslo: EV 2836/08 Periodicita vydávania: päťkrát ročne Vydavateľ: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Ul. 17. novembra 15 080 01 Prešov IČO 17 070775 Redakcia: Anna Polačková (šéfredaktorka) Peter Haľko (zástupca šéfredaktorky) Jazyková korekcia: Veronika Drábová Obálka a sadzba: Peter Szombathy Foto na obálke: Dr. hab. Peter KOCÁK PhD, akad. mal Tlač: Príspevky prešli jazykovou a redakčnou úpravou. Za obsah príspevkov nezodpovedá redakcia. Univerzitný časopis NA PULZE je pokračovaním Časopisu akademickej obce Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove.

[Research paper thumbnail of Musíš sa stať umeleckým dielom [You Have to Become a Work of Art]](

Filozofia, 2019

The paper deals with the art of life, which, according to some authors (R. Veenhoven, J. Dohmen, ... more The paper deals with the art of life, which, according to some authors (R. Veenhoven, J. Dohmen, O. Sisáková), is connected with the skill of leading a good life. The author works with this conception of the art of life as well as with the view of Z. Bauman, according to which the art of life is a (social) fact, and on the basis of this he examines what the art of life means in the context of contemporary socio-cultural conditions, given by individualization as defined by U. Beck. The author points out that while at first sight the development of the art of life as an attempt to lead a good life in the context of an individualized society could be a mark of freedom, the opposite is true and it is concluded that the art of life as a social fact is a social necessity rather than an individual option. In this context, the focus is drawn to the problem that this necessity is not explicitly evident in our practices of a good life, and the article attempts to explain it through the concept of aestheticization. It denotes a strategy in which social demands are not explicitly articulated, yet we fulfill them by our art of living, since the means of achieving them seem to be a matter of individual pleasure. This leads to the conclusion that the art of life as a skill to live a good life does not serve our free self-creation but the functioning of the social system. Therefore, in the final section of the paper, it is considered whether what Bauman calls the art of life is not just a kitsch, and it is suggested that the emphasis should be put on the philosophical understanding of the art of life, which was already known in ancient philosophy and which was investigated by M. Foucault in the last period of his work.

[Research paper thumbnail of K tradícii kantovského filozofovania v Prešove: Etika Andreja Vandráka [On the Tradition of Kantian Philosophy in Prešov: Andrey Vandrák’s Ethics]](

Studia Philosophica Kantiana, 2018

The beginning of higher education in Prešov is associated with the Lutheran College of Prešov, wh... more The beginning of higher education in Prešov is associated with the Lutheran College of Prešov, which showed interested in Kantian philosophy already in late 18th century. This is also reflected in the book Elements of Philosophical Ethics, written by the rector of the College, Andrej Vandrák. The study presents a comparative analysis of Kant›s ethical works and Vandrák’s textbooks and concludes that although Vandrák’s ethics was strongly influenced by Kant, he had no ambition to become his passive epigon, but that he rather attempted to actively think along with him. As the author emphasized, it is merely an intellectual tradition, to which the current research of the Institute of Philosophy of the Prešov University in Prešov is a follow-up.

[Research paper thumbnail of Poznáte Andreja Vandráka? [Do You Know Andrej Vandrák?]](

My Prešovské noviny, 2018

[Research paper thumbnail of Intuícia a imaginácia vo filozofii a vede [Intuition and Imagiation in Philosophy and Science]](

NA PULZE: časopis Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 2018

[Research paper thumbnail of Filozofia v some [Philosophy in Soma]](

Život s filozofiou: Zborník príspevkov k jubileu profesora Františka Mihinu, 2024

Autor navrhuje integráciu filozofie do každodenného života prostredníctvom somatického sebapoznáv... more Autor navrhuje integráciu filozofie do každodenného života prostredníctvom somatického sebapoznávania. Príklady z jogy, ktoré autor používa, poukazujú nielen na možnosti sebapoznávania, ale aj poznávania externých situácií a transformácie mocenských vzťahov. Dôraz je kladený na spoločenský presah somatizovanej filozofie, kde sebapoznávanie prispieva k väčšej slobode a autonómii subjektov sociálnych interakcií a mocenských vzťahov. Text sa uzatvára uvažovaním o takých prístupoch k výučbe filozofie, ktoré by integrovali somatickú skúsenosť a umožnili študentom lepšie pochopiť spoločenské a kultúrne vplyvy na ich myslenie
a správanie, ako aj ich možnú transformáciu.

[Research paper thumbnail of Úvodník [Editorial]](

Ostium, 2024

On Wisdom and Folly

Research paper thumbnail of Philosophy of values and ethics in Ayn Rand's axiological objectivism

Ethics & Bioethics (in Central Europe), 2024

The paper presents an analysis and interpretation of axiology and ethics as seen by the writer an... more The paper presents an analysis and interpretation of axiology and ethics as seen by the writer and philosopher Ayn Rand. The author follows the assumption that, in a situation where indifference is observed with regard to values (cf. Simmel, Sloterdijk), a return of philosophical reasoning to the idea of objectivity of values could be worthwhile. Therefore, he examines a specific type of axiological objectivism that can be found in Rand's work. In the present paper, the suggested comparison with Baden neo-Kantism as well as phenomenological axiology serves to capture the specifics of Rand's axiological approach. These lie in placing emphasis on such a relationship between facts and values in which values result from the facts of reality, as well as in the very understanding of the objectivity of values that Rand identifies with long-term life goals and identifies them as an objective necessity for an individual's life. Following the analysis of Rand's axiology, the author focuses on her understanding of ethics, which he places in contrast to Kant's deontology, as well as morality, which he views through the prism of a business relationship based on the exchange of values. The aim of the paper is to, by means of an analysis and interpretation of Rand's ideas, show that objective values can be understood as a necessary prerequisite for consequential ethics and an individual living a happy life without being anchored in transcendence or social consensus.

Research paper thumbnail of Affective Goals in Teaching Philosophy in Higher Secondary Education: Reality, Criticism, Perspectives

Ruch Filozoficzny, 2024

The study has the character of a critical reflection of the assumed combination of cognitive and ... more The study has the character of a critical reflection of the assumed combination of cognitive and affective goals of teaching philosophy in the environment of higher secondary education. Official state documents work with this connection as unproblematic, but the author tries to problematize this link between cognitive and affective and focuses on the current deficits in achieving affective goals in the teaching of philosophy. The article finds its inspiration for a different approach to achieving them in the pragmatism of Richard Rorty and Richard Shusterman.

[Research paper thumbnail of Aštanga joga ako filozofická prax [Ashtanga Yoga as a Philosophical Practice]](

Ars vivendi a filozofická prax, 2023

Although yoga is now understood primarily as a physical exercise, in its ancient conception it ca... more Although yoga is now understood primarily as a physical exercise, in its ancient conception it can be understood as a philosophical practice – a practice of living a wisely guided life. This attribute is fulfilled by the so-called Ashtanga yoga, or yoga that is composed of eight limbs of the work on oneself, and the paper deals with their analysis. Its aim is to provide an interpretation of Ashtanga yoga that is grounded in the philosophical sources of contemporary Western philosophy. This method is intended to show where the potential benefits of the practice of Ashtanga yoga lie, not
only for the contemporary individual, but also for contemporary society as a whole. It focuses on those aspects of Ashtanga yoga that can also be described as philosophical in the Western tradition of thought.

Research paper thumbnail of When Life is Art and Philosophy: The Case of Richard Shusterman

ESPES: The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics, 2023

This article is motivated by a reading of J.J. Abrams’ proceedings Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: F... more This article is motivated by a reading of J.J. Abrams’ proceedings Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: From Hip Hop Philosophy to Politics and Performance Art. Of the diverse range of essays in the proceedings, I concentrate my attention primarily on those aspects of the texts that highlight Richard Shusterman’s practical somaesthetics, and in which their authors focus on the more personal aspects of Shusterman’s
philosophical-artistic experimentation, as captured in The Adventures of the Man in Gold: Paths Between Art and Life, A Philosophical Tale. Through references to Foucault’s notion of care of the self and the aesthetics of existence, the article demonstrates that the individual level of Shusterman’s practical somaesthetics is not separable from the social-ethical level. This is matched by the conclusion of the text, which points out that Shusterman’s practical somaesthetics overcomes the dichotomy of private and public in Richard Rorty’s pragmatism.

[Research paper thumbnail of Let's Make Morality Great Again: Etika pragmatizmu v službách morálky [Let's Make Morality Great Again: Pragmatist Ethics in Service of Morality]](

Etické teórie - neetická prax, 2023

The article is conceived in the spirit of a pragmatist reflection on the relationship between eth... more The article is conceived in the spirit of a pragmatist reflection on the relationship between ethical theory and moral practice, whose real connection in philosophy is not always well imagined. It is precisely ethical theories reduced to abstract philosophical constructs with limited possibilities of their incorporation into everyday moral practices that pragmatists are critical of. By rejecting the traditional assumptions with which ethical theories work (e.g., the duality of reason and passions) pragmatism prepares the way for a different perception of the relationship between ethical theory and moral practice.

[Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: The Art of Life in the Context of Philosophical Practice  [Editoriál: Umenie života v kontexte filozofickej praxe]](

[Research paper thumbnail of Maják uprostred mora [A Lighthouse in the Middle of the Sea]](

Filozofické cesty z neistoty - podoby zodpovednosti [Philosophical Ways of Uncertainty - Forms of Responsibility], 2022

The author builds his concept on Giddens's understanding of "ontological security" to show that, ... more The author builds his concept on Giddens's understanding of "ontological security" to show that, unlike pre-modernity, in modern and postmodern societies man acquires this feeling in a much more complex way, although it is just as important to him as it was to people in traditional societies. The external factors that have the ambition to shape it in a (post)modern society turn out to be problematic in terms of their goal. To regain a sense of onto-logical security, postmodern man can reorient himself from exter-nal factors to himself and his own inner world. Based on the current return to Stoic ethics in the form of its growing popularity, it seems that philosophy can be very helpful in this process.

[Research paper thumbnail of Predslov [Foreword]](

Filozofické cesty z neistoty - podoby zodpovednosti [Philosophical Ways of Uncertainty - Forms of Responsibility], 2022

Sloboda ako spoločenská zodpovednosť (aj) v kontexte sociálneho liberalizmu Johna Stuarta Milla

[Research paper thumbnail of Svetová filozofia v Prešove [World Philosophy in Prešov]](

Na PUlze, 2022

Príspevky prešli jazykovou a redakčnou úpravou. Za obsah príspevkov nezodpovedá redakcia. Univerz... more Príspevky prešli jazykovou a redakčnou úpravou. Za obsah príspevkov nezodpovedá redakcia. Univerzitný časopis NA PULZE je pokračovaním Časopisu akademickej obce Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. Prispievatelia posielajú svoje príspevky e-mailom na adresu šéfredaktorky časopisu (ak ide o celouniverzitné témy) alebo na adresy členov redakčnej rady za jednotlivé fakulty, s tým, že téma príspevku by mala korešpondovať so zameraním a prácou danej fakulty, ktorú člen redakčnej rady zastupuje.

[Research paper thumbnail of Audire aude! Alúzia na Kantovu Odpoveď na otázku: Čo je osvietenstvo? [Audire aude! An allusion to Kant’s Answer to the question: What is Enlightenment?]](

Studia Philosophica Kantiana: Filozofický časopis pre kriticko-rekonštrukčné uvažovanie, 2022

The author reflects on the presuppositions of the Enlightenment indicated by Kant, which include ... more The author reflects on the presuppositions of the Enlightenment indicated by Kant, which include freedom and courage to use one’s own reason without the guidance of others and to use it publicly, and focuses on the changes that have taken place since publishing Kant’s essay An answer to the question: What is Enlightenment? in the growth of freedom, the transfer of the public into virtual space, and the new possibilities for the public use of reason. He suggests the difficulties of Enlightenment assumptions in the context of the present and points out that we are not yet able to deal with them adequately, from which he concludes that
we are not yet ready for the autonomous use of reason. Therefore, he proposes adding something to the presuppositions of the Enlightenment from which the present is moving away. This is the willingness to listen to the voices of those who know how to use reason autonomously in their own domains of competence.

[Research paper thumbnail of Postmoderná morálka a Kantova etika [Postmodern Morality and Kant’s Ethics]](

Studia Philosophica Kantiana: filozofický časopis pre kriticko-rekonštrukčné uvažovanie, 2021

The paper deals with the characteristic features of postmodern morality, which the author capture... more The paper deals with the characteristic features of postmodern morality, which the author captures through its observers from the ranks of postmodern philosophy, sociology, and aesthetics. He emphasizes the character of postmodern morality through the opposing aspects of morality found in The Critique of Practical Reason and in the Groundwork of the Metaphysis of Morals. The task of this study is to highlight the moral potential of selected postmodern phenomena against the background of this contrast, which, however, could have been seen as morally problematic from the point of view of Kant’s ethics. For the author, various forms of aestheticization of morality appear as a connecting link between these phenomena.

[Research paper thumbnail of Umenie života ako estetika inakosti [Art of Life as Aesthetics of Otherness]](

Myslieť inak - iné v myslení (zborník vedeckých príspevkov), 2021

The study is based od Foucault's analyzes of the ancient art of life. In it, the aesthetic form o... more The study is based od Foucault's analyzes of the ancient art of life. In it, the aesthetic form of one's existence becomes an element structuring the morality of the individual. The author follows up on the results of Foucault's research, according to which morality can exist without ethics but only as a consequence of the aesthetics of existence. However, the author comes up with a different understanding of the art of living based on otherness, as the individual aesthetic form can co-create the morality of society.

[Research paper thumbnail of Richard Rorty a umenie života [Richard Rorty and the Art of Life]](

Intuícia a imaginácia vo filozofii a vede, 2019

[Research paper thumbnail of Filozofia v prelomovom období [Philosophy in a Time of Change]](

NA PULZE: Časopis Prešovskej univerzity v Prešov, 2019

online vydanie) Evidenčné číslo: EV 2836/08 Periodicita vydávania: päťkrát ročne Vydavateľ: Prešo... more online vydanie) Evidenčné číslo: EV 2836/08 Periodicita vydávania: päťkrát ročne Vydavateľ: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Ul. 17. novembra 15 080 01 Prešov IČO 17 070775 Redakcia: Anna Polačková (šéfredaktorka) Peter Haľko (zástupca šéfredaktorky) Jazyková korekcia: Veronika Drábová Obálka a sadzba: Peter Szombathy Foto na obálke: Dr. hab. Peter KOCÁK PhD, akad. mal Tlač: Príspevky prešli jazykovou a redakčnou úpravou. Za obsah príspevkov nezodpovedá redakcia. Univerzitný časopis NA PULZE je pokračovaním Časopisu akademickej obce Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove.

[Research paper thumbnail of Musíš sa stať umeleckým dielom [You Have to Become a Work of Art]](

Filozofia, 2019

The paper deals with the art of life, which, according to some authors (R. Veenhoven, J. Dohmen, ... more The paper deals with the art of life, which, according to some authors (R. Veenhoven, J. Dohmen, O. Sisáková), is connected with the skill of leading a good life. The author works with this conception of the art of life as well as with the view of Z. Bauman, according to which the art of life is a (social) fact, and on the basis of this he examines what the art of life means in the context of contemporary socio-cultural conditions, given by individualization as defined by U. Beck. The author points out that while at first sight the development of the art of life as an attempt to lead a good life in the context of an individualized society could be a mark of freedom, the opposite is true and it is concluded that the art of life as a social fact is a social necessity rather than an individual option. In this context, the focus is drawn to the problem that this necessity is not explicitly evident in our practices of a good life, and the article attempts to explain it through the concept of aestheticization. It denotes a strategy in which social demands are not explicitly articulated, yet we fulfill them by our art of living, since the means of achieving them seem to be a matter of individual pleasure. This leads to the conclusion that the art of life as a skill to live a good life does not serve our free self-creation but the functioning of the social system. Therefore, in the final section of the paper, it is considered whether what Bauman calls the art of life is not just a kitsch, and it is suggested that the emphasis should be put on the philosophical understanding of the art of life, which was already known in ancient philosophy and which was investigated by M. Foucault in the last period of his work.

[Research paper thumbnail of K tradícii kantovského filozofovania v Prešove: Etika Andreja Vandráka [On the Tradition of Kantian Philosophy in Prešov: Andrey Vandrák’s Ethics]](

Studia Philosophica Kantiana, 2018

The beginning of higher education in Prešov is associated with the Lutheran College of Prešov, wh... more The beginning of higher education in Prešov is associated with the Lutheran College of Prešov, which showed interested in Kantian philosophy already in late 18th century. This is also reflected in the book Elements of Philosophical Ethics, written by the rector of the College, Andrej Vandrák. The study presents a comparative analysis of Kant›s ethical works and Vandrák’s textbooks and concludes that although Vandrák’s ethics was strongly influenced by Kant, he had no ambition to become his passive epigon, but that he rather attempted to actively think along with him. As the author emphasized, it is merely an intellectual tradition, to which the current research of the Institute of Philosophy of the Prešov University in Prešov is a follow-up.

[Research paper thumbnail of Poznáte Andreja Vandráka? [Do You Know Andrej Vandrák?]](

My Prešovské noviny, 2018

[Research paper thumbnail of Intuícia a imaginácia vo filozofii a vede [Intuition and Imagiation in Philosophy and Science]](

NA PULZE: časopis Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Bradley Murray: The Possibility of Culture: Pleasure and Moral Development in Kant’s Aesthetics

Studia Philosophica Kantiana: Filozofický časopis pre kriticko-rekonštrukčné uvažovanie, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Lívia Flachbartová, Oľga Sisáková, Vladislav Suvák: Starosť o seba. Antické problematizácie života a súčasné myslenie

Filosofický časopis, 2018

Prešov, Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity 2016. 180 s.

Research paper thumbnail of GROS, Frédéric: Filozofia chôdze

Studia Aloisiana, 2018

Recenzia | 77 GROS, Frédéric: Filozofi a chôdze. Bratislava : Hronka, 2018. 246 s. ISBN 978-80-89... more Recenzia | 77 GROS, Frédéric: Filozofi a chôdze. Bratislava : Hronka, 2018. 246 s. ISBN 978-80-89875-09-2 Začiatkom leta 2018 vyšla vo vydavateľstve Hronka kniha Filozofi a chôdze. Ide o dvadsaťpäť esejí francúzskeho fi lozofa Frédérica Grosa. Pôvodne bola táto kniha publikovaná v Paríži v roku 2009. A hoci sa s ňou slovenskí čitatelia oboznamujú takmer až o dekádu neskôr, na jej slovenský preklad sa našincom oplatilo čakať. Stojí za ním práca fi lozofa Pavla Suchareka, pôsobiaceho na Inštitúte fi lozofi e Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove.

[Research paper thumbnail of Ars vivendi a filozofická prax [Ars Vivendi and Philosophical Practice]](

The collection of scientific papers Ars Vivendi and Philosophical Practice is an outcome of the V... more The collection of scientific papers Ars Vivendi and Philosophical Practice is an outcome of the VEGA research project 1/0537/21 The Art of Life in the Context of Philosophical Practice, which was implemented at the Institute of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov in 2021 – 2023. The papers in the book Ars Vivendi and Philosophical Practice are as diverse as the term ars vivendi, encompassing a range of attitudes or approaches that contribute to a fulfilled and meaningful life. The term is associated with a variety of philosophical perspectives that reflect on how to live a good life and this collection of papers attempts to contribute to reflections on the art of life and philosophical practice.

[Research paper thumbnail of Filozofické cesty z neistoty - podoby zodpovednosti [Philosophical Ways of Uncertainty - Forms of Responsibility]](

Filozofické cesty z neistoty - podoby zodpovednosti, 2022

[Research paper thumbnail of Umenie života a liberálna kultúra [The Art of Life and Liberal Culture]](

Umenie života a liberálna kultúra [The Art of Life and Liberal Culture], 2019

The Art of Life and Liberal Culture monograph addresses the traditional philosophical topic of th... more The Art of Life and Liberal Culture monograph addresses the traditional philosophical topic of the art of life and raises the question of what life has to do with art. The monograph focuses on one of the most essential functions of works of art, namely its potential to moralize its recipients and on exploring whether we could, by analogy with the art, see human life as a kind of art that could manifest itself in shaping the morality of those who come into contact with it. To answer this question, the monograph analyses three models of the art of life – kitsch, ethical, and aesthetic. The analysis of the first model is based on representative concepts of contemporary sociologists (U. Beck, Z. Bauman and others), the analysis of the second model is based on the philosophical stance of late M. Foucault and his return to the ancient philosophy of the art of life, and the analysis of the third model is based on the ideas of contemporary pragmatism represented by R. Rorty and R. Shusterman as well as postmodern philosophy (W. Welsch). The analysis of these three models shows that the kitsch art of life present in contemporary Western society as well as the ethical art of life, which has become the dominant model of the art of life in contemporary philosophy, is fundamentally different from the model of the aesthetic art of life, which involves ways of leading contextually unconventional life. The monograph introduces arguments in favour of a claim that contextually unconventional way of leading life can be described as such an art of life that shares with other types of art their moral function by developing the ethos of a liberal culture based on the values of freedom, otherness, tolerance, and plurality. The aim of this monograph is to philosophically justify unconventional ways of leading life that can morally lift the society by drawing attention to the inherent values of the liberal culture. Thus, the monograph thematises the relationship between individual human lives and a certain culture in an unconventional sense. From the practical point of view, the obvious impact of culture on an individual’s life becomes less significant than the potential impact of an individual on a particular culture. The monograph therefore has the ambition to enrich the philosophical discourse with a new perspective on the socio-cultural significance of unconventional ways of leading life, which, by their nature, problematize the idea of universality, potentially resulting in totalitarianism, and thereby participate in maintaining the free character of our culture.