Yahaya KARAMOKO | Université Nangui Abrogoua (original) (raw)
Papers by Yahaya KARAMOKO
International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology, 2013
Grasscutter (Thryonomis swinderianus Temminck, 1827), breeding has to face with numerous affectio... more Grasscutter (Thryonomis swinderianus Temminck, 1827), breeding has to face with numerous affections among which feeding is one. Since there is a need to improve the knowledge on the physiology of grasscutter serum biochemical parameters and parasites of digestive tract were determined using 32 grasscutters of ten months old, submitted to two different diets. Except creatinine, cholesterol and urea, the level of other parameters as total protein, and total bilirubin was significantly higher with granulate diet (p 0.05). The proportion of Coccidia was significantly higher with grass cuter receiving forage (p<0.001), with the proportion of Trichuris for which no difference was observed.
European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2019
A survey was carried out from December 2015 to September 2016 among 120 dwarf goat farmers in Béo... more A survey was carried out from December 2015 to September 2016 among 120 dwarf goat farmers in Béoumi in central Côte d'Ivoire. It aimed to establish a link between the different symptoms encountered in dwarf goat farms and the symptoms of anaplasmosis. To do this, 120 breeders, including 60 living away from watercourses (Zone A) and 60 living near a watercourse (Zone B) were interviewed in the sub-prefecture of Béoumi. The results revealed that diarrhea and slimming were the most frequently mentioned diseases (85.83%) by all breeders. They were followed respiratory affections (79.16%), excretions (69.16%), affections of the skin (58.33%), affections of the feet (25%) and abortions (17.5%). Significant differences were observed between the two different areas A and B cited, for diarrhea (71.67% vs. 100%), skin disorders (41.67% versus 75%), and foot disorders (8.33% vs. 41.67%). However, these symptoms which have been mentioned are not specific only to the case of anaplasmosis; several diseases may be the causes of this in a differential diagnosis.
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, May 26, 2017
Une enquête a été menée dans les élevages de bétail des départements de la Région du Poro en Côte... more Une enquête a été menée dans les élevages de bétail des départements de la Région du Poro en Côte d'Ivoire. Le but était de caractériser les élevages et rechercher les moyens de lutte contre les infections transmises par les tiques. Un questionnaire a été administré à 120 éleveurs. Les enquêtes ont révélé que, la conduite mixte est observée dans tous les départements à des fréquences variant de 56,67% à 80%. En outre, les éleveurs confondent les maladies provoquées par les tiques à d'autres maladies du bétail. L'Oxytétracycline (41,39%) et l'Amitraz (82,88%) étaient les médicaments vétérinaires les plus utilisés dans la Région du Poro. Leur forte utilisation par les éleveurs est observée dans les élevages des départements de Sinématiali et Korhogo. Les doses d'antibiotiques et les dilutions des acaricides n'étaient pas appropriées. Les sous-dilutions et les surdosages des médicaments ont été plus observés. Une étude parasitologique dans la Région du Poro nous permettra d'inventorier les parasites transmis par les tiques afin de mieux proposer un plan de lutte efficace. L'identification de ces hémoparasites permettra aux éleveurs de mieux traiter le bétail et réduire les dépenses effectuées.
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, May 31, 2020
The study carried out from January to December 2019 in the North of Côte d'Ivoire aims to determi... more The study carried out from January to December 2019 in the North of Côte d'Ivoire aims to determine the prevalence of hemoparasites in cattle and sheep breeding. Blood smears were taken from the peripheral ears of 68 cattle and 64 sheep from the localities of Korhogo, Nafoun, Nagougaha, Mongaha and Lokoli. The results obtained from the study come from the laboratory register collected in 2019. Microscopic examination of blood smears has identified three types of hemoparasites: Anaplasma, Babesia and Theileria. Theileria is absent in sheep. At the level of hemoparasite species, sheep (71.88%) and cattle (70.59%) are more infected by Anaplasma marginale with a significant difference (p-value = 0.0001). In addition, cattle over one year are more infected with Anaplasma marginale. The prevalence of infection is 32.35% for one year to 3 years and 29.41% for over 3 years of age. Females (54.41%) are the most infected. Sheep over 3 months of age are more infected. Females (45.31%) are the most infected with a significant difference (p-value = 0.0261) for Anaplasma marginale. Cattle of Korhogo are more infected with Anaplasma marginale (36.76%) followed by Nagougaha (20.59%) with a significant difference (p-value = 0.0077). In addition, Anaplasma centrale (18.75%) more infects sheep in the locality of Lokoli followed by Korhogo (4.69%) with a significant difference (p-value = 0.00037).
Les technologies de laboratoire, Jan 6, 2014
Biocatalyse et bioprocédés Résumé L'effet du granulé sur la croissance pondérale des aulacodes se... more Biocatalyse et bioprocédés Résumé L'effet du granulé sur la croissance pondérale des aulacodes sevrés s'est effectué sur 40 aulacodeaux (20 mâles et 20 femelles). Le lot1 composé de 10 mâles (lot1M avec 556,6 ± 3,27g de PM (Poids Moyen)) et de 10 femelles (lot1F avec 512,09 ± 5,07g de PM), a été alimenté à l'aliment standard composé de fourrage (Panicum maximum, Pennissetum purpureum, Brachiaria ruziziensis et des tiges de Manhiot esculenta) et de complément alimentaire (grains de maïs, folioles séchées de Leucaena leucocephala, cossettes de Manhiot esculenta, poudre de coquille calcinée et du sel de cuisine). Le lot 2 nourri au granulé est composé à l'identique du lot1avec un PM de 550,6 ± 2,46g pour le lot2M et 500,82 ± 2,91g pour le lot2F. Le lot2 a enregistré une croissance très significative (p< 0,05) à 5 mois d'âge, avec des PM respectifs de 2591,02 ± 64,49g et 2186,67 ± 128,51g pour le lot2M et le lot2F, contre respectivement 2023,48 ± 110,75g et 1860,26 ± 99,24g pour le lot1M et le lot1F. L'alimentation des aulacodes au granulé permet de réduire le temps d'engraissement et l'âge de mise en reproduction des femelles.
International journal of advanced research, Nov 30, 2018
geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated ... more geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated (Ohashi et al., 2005). They are often the cause of several weeks of inactivity, sometimes leading to considerable losses in production and fertility on farms (Sharff, 2010; Moses and Phillip, 2013). Material and methods:-Study zone This study is a cross-sectional study. It was conducted from December 2015 to September 2016 on goats from the Béoumi sub-prefecture in central Côte d'Ivoire, in humid West Africa, between the tropic of cancer and the equator (FAO, 2005). This sub-prefecture covers an area of 1780 km 2 for 73475 inhabitants (INS, 2014). It is limited to the north by the sub-prefecture of Bodokro, to the south by the department of Sakassou, to the east by the department of Bouaké, to the west by the sub-prefectures of Kounahiri and Gohitafla (Fig. 1). Relief consists of a set of trays. Climate is of Baoulean type, characterized by a dry season and a wet season, with rainfall between 1200 and 1600 mm / year (FAO, 2005). Two rivers irrigate the sub-prefecture namely the Bandama River and the Kan River which is its tributary. This site was chosen because of the presence of a large number of goat farmers. Samples collection Study was conducted on a total of 270 dwarf goats coming from two different zones (Zone A and Zone B). These animals were divided into two groups. The first group including 135 dwarf goats were come from all the localities located at more than 15 km of the rivers (Zone A). This area is characterized by savannah which is covered with grass and shrubs. This herbaceous carpet is abundant during the rainy seasons but is destroyed by the fires in the dry season. The second group including also 135 goats were come from all the zones located close to the rivers Bandama and Kan between 0.5 and 1 km (zone B). These two rivers do not dry during the dry season; their bank promotes the development of vegetation likely to host some vectors of Anaplasma. Two types of sample were collected. The first type (270 blood sample) was taken out on the level of the jugular vein for the realization of the serological examinations (ELISA). The second type (270 blood samples) was taken out on the level of auricular vein for the parasitological examinations (blood Smears).
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, May 4, 2017
A study on the characterization of the actors of guinea fowl sector in the North of the Côte d'Iv... more A study on the characterization of the actors of guinea fowl sector in the North of the Côte d'Ivoire was realized from November 2015 to October 2016. Thus, a man power of 130 guinea fowl stockbreeders was surveyed. This investigation touched 80 breeders of which 29 in Korhogo, 43 in Sinematiali, 32 in Dikodougou and 26 in Niakaramandougou (Niakara). According to this study, the breeding of guinea fowl is dominated by the Ivorian (72%) mainly made up of senoufo with 89.36%. The foreign community consists of peuls (83.33%), and Mossi (2.77%) of the Burkina on the one hand and Malian (13.88%) on the other hand. All the age brackets are implied in practice of the activity. Contrary to the foreigners, the number of breeder evolve with the age in the Ivorians community. At these first, the number of the breeders falls at more than 49.99% in the last age bracket. The activity is practised on a purely secondary basis and is dominated by the people married to 88.3% and 94.44% respectively at the Ivorians and the foreigners. The unit price of guinea fowl varies from 3500 at more than 5500 FCFA. According to these prices, the breeding of guinea fowl could in addition to its sociocultural importance, to constitute not only one source of income but also a significant source of protein for the rural populations and the residents of the large cities.
Scientific Journal of Animal Science, Dec 29, 2013
Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulos... more Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulose and hemicellulose found into the plant. They thus influence soilproperties and contribute to the emission of methane gas. The ability of theseIsoptera to digest complexes molecules may associated to the enzymatic activityof intestinal microorganisms. The overall aim of this study was to isolate andmake a presumptive identification of cultivable microorganisms in the digestivetract of termites Macrotermes subhyalynus and Macrotermes bellicosus harvested.And search for glycosidase activities produced by the microflora. To achievethis goal 120 insects belonging to two castes (Macrotermes subhyalynus andMacrotermes bellicosus) were collected on termite mounds located at the FelixHouphouet Boigny University of Cocody (Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire). The intestinesof these Isoptera were collected under aseptic conditions and seeded on agarPCA, VRBL, MRS and Sabouraud chloramphenicol. Moreover, the enzymaticactivities were investigated in bacteria obtained according to the method ofBernfeld (1955). The results show that in both species of termites, Gram +bacilli had the majority. On nutrient agar, genera Bacillus, Streptococcus andEnterococcus were identified. On MRS agar, the genera Lactobacillus,Bifidobacterium and Lactococcus have been identified. On agar VRBL, generaEnterobacter, Yersinia, Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Serratia, Escherichia andYersinia were isolated. Finally, amylasic activities were observed in yeaststrains and Lactobacillus. The xylanasic activity was produced by yeast strainsof Bacillus and two unidentified strains.
GSC biological and pharmaceutical sciences, Feb 28, 2019
This study was conducted in four departments of the North of Côte d'Ivoire from November 2016 to ... more This study was conducted in four departments of the North of Côte d'Ivoire from November 2016 to October 2017. The aim of the survey was to identify the gastrointestinal parasites responsible for the numerous mortalities and economic losses observed among guinea fowl breeders in the north of Ivory Coast. Thus, a coprological study of 448 feces emitted from animals or taken directly from the small intestine and caeca of dead animals was conducted in (LANADA). The results reveal the presence of five parasites Eimeria spp; Ascaris spp; strongle spp; Trichurus spp and Taenia spp. Coccidia is most represented with an overall prevalence of 42.85%, followed by Ascaris spp (16.07%), strongle spp (14.06%), Trichuris spp (5.35%) and Taenia spp (1.33%). The department of Korhogo has the most rate of coccidia with a prevalence of 77.68%. However, the department of Sinématiali hosts the highest diversity of parasite overall with the presence of the five parasites. Subjects infected are more pronounced during the wet season with the highest prevalence rates in animals over 21 days of age. To increase productivity in Guinea fowl breeding in the north of the country, it would be interesting to offer to breeders, a prophylaxis program adapted to this method of breeding.
GSC biological and pharmaceutical sciences, Nov 30, 2018
The aim of the current study was to identify the prevalence of rotavirus infection in newborn cal... more The aim of the current study was to identify the prevalence of rotavirus infection in newborn calves aged from 1 day to 3 months old in Abidjan region. A total of 145 fecal samples were collected from both diarrheic (n=135) and nondiarrheic (n=10) neonatal calves. Neonatal calves' fecal samples were collected in dry seasons and in rainy seasons in Abidjan and suburbs from 2015 to 2017. Investigated calves were divided into 4 age groups (1-10 days old, 10-25 days old, 25-60 days old and ≤90 days old). All samples were screened for the presence of rotavirus antigen by ELISA kit. Among the 145 feces samples examined by ELISA, 19 were identified positive (13.10%). Infection prevalence peaked have been obtained at 10-25 days of age and in the rainy season. The prevalence was higher in suburbs and during the rainy season. The present study showed that rotaviruses are involved in the neonatal calves' diarrhea in Abidjan area.
International journal of advanced research, Aug 31, 2017
Une enquete a ete realisee sur les pratiques biosecuritaires dans des fermes piscicoles de 3 regi... more Une enquete a ete realisee sur les pratiques biosecuritaires dans des fermes piscicoles de 3 regions de la Cote d'Ivoire (Regions des lagunes, Agneby et Sud comoe). Le but est de decrire les pratiques reelles des pisciculteurs en matiere de biosecurite et de donner une typologie des fermes piscicoles de ces regions. Vingt quatre variables biosecuritaires ont ete retenues et la methode de "boule de neige" a ete utilisee. Les travaux ont ete realises de mars a aout 2011. Les mesures de la biosecurite ont ete appliquees dans les fermes piscicoles, enquetees de differentes manieres avec de fortes proportions de pratiques non recommandees. Les analyses multivariees (Analyses Factorielles des Correspondances Multiples et la Classification Ascendante Hierarchique) realisees ont indique deux grandes categories de ferme piscicole dont chacune se subdivise en deux sous-groupes, avec des groupes composes d'au moins une ferme issue de chacune des 3 regions. Mots cles : Piscicu...
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2018
geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated ... more geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated (Ohashi et al., 2005). They are often the cause of several weeks of inactivity, sometimes leading to considerable losses in production and fertility on farms (Sharff, 2010; Moses and Phillip, 2013). Material and methods:-Study zone This study is a cross-sectional study. It was conducted from December 2015 to September 2016 on goats from the Béoumi sub-prefecture in central Côte d'Ivoire, in humid West Africa, between the tropic of cancer and the equator (FAO, 2005). This sub-prefecture covers an area of 1780 km 2 for 73475 inhabitants (INS, 2014). It is limited to the north by the sub-prefecture of Bodokro, to the south by the department of Sakassou, to the east by the department of Bouaké, to the west by the sub-prefectures of Kounahiri and Gohitafla (Fig. 1). Relief consists of a set of trays. Climate is of Baoulean type, characterized by a dry season and a wet season, with rainfall between 1200 and 1600 mm / year (FAO, 2005). Two rivers irrigate the sub-prefecture namely the Bandama River and the Kan River which is its tributary. This site was chosen because of the presence of a large number of goat farmers. Samples collection Study was conducted on a total of 270 dwarf goats coming from two different zones (Zone A and Zone B). These animals were divided into two groups. The first group including 135 dwarf goats were come from all the localities located at more than 15 km of the rivers (Zone A). This area is characterized by savannah which is covered with grass and shrubs. This herbaceous carpet is abundant during the rainy seasons but is destroyed by the fires in the dry season. The second group including also 135 goats were come from all the zones located close to the rivers Bandama and Kan between 0.5 and 1 km (zone B). These two rivers do not dry during the dry season; their bank promotes the development of vegetation likely to host some vectors of Anaplasma. Two types of sample were collected. The first type (270 blood sample) was taken out on the level of the jugular vein for the realization of the serological examinations (ELISA). The second type (270 blood samples) was taken out on the level of auricular vein for the parasitological examinations (blood Smears).
Human enteric viruses are transmitted through water and food. It's therefore necessary to include... more Human enteric viruses are transmitted through water and food. It's therefore necessary to include the research of these agents in the food and water sanitary quality analysis. Most of these viruses are not culturable. Gene amplification methods such as NASBA and RT-PCR are used for routine analysis. These methods of detection are possible only if there is an adapted procedure for extracting nucleic acids especially RNA. We proposed here to
Agronomie Africaine, 2020
Pathologies virales et bactériènnes chez le poulet traditionnel dans le Département de Korhogo.
Babesia spp is an emergent pathogenic which constitute a major constraint in bovine breedings in ... more Babesia spp is an emergent pathogenic which constitute a major constraint in bovine breedings in Côte d'Ivoire. Little information on Babesia exists in Poro area. A study was carried out on 120 bovine blood samples, with an aim to evaluate Babesia prevalence. Microscopic technique was used to determine prevalence of Babesia (19.17%). Hematocrit values varied from 20 ± 0.00% to 41.44 ± 7.47%. Babesia was observed in male calves (27.27%), female calves (12%), heifer (25%) and cows (24.49%). Bovines from department of Korhogo were the most infected (30%). The prevalences were 26.67%; 16.67% and 3.33% respectively for departments of Sinematiali, Dikodougou and M'Bengue. Two Babesia species: which are Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina were met. Babesia bovis was the most encountered on bovines of Sinematiali and Korhogo departments (13.33 %), while, Babesia bigemina was the most present on ones of Sinematiali department (26.67%). In addition, mixed infections were observed in bo...
Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias, 2020
Diarrhea is the most important disease of neonatal calves, and it results in the greatest economi... more Diarrhea is the most important disease of neonatal calves, and it results in the greatest economic losses. A longitudinal observational study was conducted from September 2015 to October 2017. This study proposes to investigate the incidence of diarrhea in calves and their mortality rate so as to identify potential risk factors related to the occurrence of calf diarrhea on 372 farms in the regions of Abidjan, Bouake, Bondoukou, and Korhogo in Ivory Coast. Information on potential risk factors was collected based on personal observations from regular visits to the farms and from a survey conducted during the period of the study. A total of 2020 calves under the age of three months were selected. Only 347 (17.17%) of the 2020 calves showed signs of diarrhea. The overall mortality rate was 0.39%. Based on the survey, colostrum feeding, the calf’s age and sex, calf housing, seasonal variation, the calving period, environment conditions, the ignorance of herdsmen, and management systems ...
Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2013
Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulos... more Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulose and hemicellulose found into the plant. They thus influence soilproperties and contribute to the emission of methane gas. The ability of theseIsoptera to digest complexes molecules may associated to the enzymatic activityof intestinal microorganisms. The overall aim of this study was to isolate andmake a presumptive identification of cultivable microorganisms in the digestivetract of termites Macrotermes subhyalynus and Macrotermes bellicosus harvested.And search for glycosidase activities produced by the microflora. To achievethis goal 120 insects belonging to two castes (Macrotermes subhyalynus andMacrotermes bellicosus) were collected on termite mounds located at the FelixHouphouet Boigny University of Cocody (Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire). The intestinesof these Isoptera were collected under aseptic conditions and seeded on agarPCA, VRBL, MRS and Sabouraud chloramphenicol. Moreover, ...
International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology, 2013
Grasscutter (Thryonomis swinderianus Temminck, 1827), breeding has to face with numerous affectio... more Grasscutter (Thryonomis swinderianus Temminck, 1827), breeding has to face with numerous affections among which feeding is one. Since there is a need to improve the knowledge on the physiology of grasscutter serum biochemical parameters and parasites of digestive tract were determined using 32 grasscutters of ten months old, submitted to two different diets. Except creatinine, cholesterol and urea, the level of other parameters as total protein, and total bilirubin was significantly higher with granulate diet (p 0.05). The proportion of Coccidia was significantly higher with grass cuter receiving forage (p<0.001), with the proportion of Trichuris for which no difference was observed.
European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2019
A survey was carried out from December 2015 to September 2016 among 120 dwarf goat farmers in Béo... more A survey was carried out from December 2015 to September 2016 among 120 dwarf goat farmers in Béoumi in central Côte d'Ivoire. It aimed to establish a link between the different symptoms encountered in dwarf goat farms and the symptoms of anaplasmosis. To do this, 120 breeders, including 60 living away from watercourses (Zone A) and 60 living near a watercourse (Zone B) were interviewed in the sub-prefecture of Béoumi. The results revealed that diarrhea and slimming were the most frequently mentioned diseases (85.83%) by all breeders. They were followed respiratory affections (79.16%), excretions (69.16%), affections of the skin (58.33%), affections of the feet (25%) and abortions (17.5%). Significant differences were observed between the two different areas A and B cited, for diarrhea (71.67% vs. 100%), skin disorders (41.67% versus 75%), and foot disorders (8.33% vs. 41.67%). However, these symptoms which have been mentioned are not specific only to the case of anaplasmosis; several diseases may be the causes of this in a differential diagnosis.
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, May 26, 2017
Une enquête a été menée dans les élevages de bétail des départements de la Région du Poro en Côte... more Une enquête a été menée dans les élevages de bétail des départements de la Région du Poro en Côte d'Ivoire. Le but était de caractériser les élevages et rechercher les moyens de lutte contre les infections transmises par les tiques. Un questionnaire a été administré à 120 éleveurs. Les enquêtes ont révélé que, la conduite mixte est observée dans tous les départements à des fréquences variant de 56,67% à 80%. En outre, les éleveurs confondent les maladies provoquées par les tiques à d'autres maladies du bétail. L'Oxytétracycline (41,39%) et l'Amitraz (82,88%) étaient les médicaments vétérinaires les plus utilisés dans la Région du Poro. Leur forte utilisation par les éleveurs est observée dans les élevages des départements de Sinématiali et Korhogo. Les doses d'antibiotiques et les dilutions des acaricides n'étaient pas appropriées. Les sous-dilutions et les surdosages des médicaments ont été plus observés. Une étude parasitologique dans la Région du Poro nous permettra d'inventorier les parasites transmis par les tiques afin de mieux proposer un plan de lutte efficace. L'identification de ces hémoparasites permettra aux éleveurs de mieux traiter le bétail et réduire les dépenses effectuées.
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, May 31, 2020
The study carried out from January to December 2019 in the North of Côte d'Ivoire aims to determi... more The study carried out from January to December 2019 in the North of Côte d'Ivoire aims to determine the prevalence of hemoparasites in cattle and sheep breeding. Blood smears were taken from the peripheral ears of 68 cattle and 64 sheep from the localities of Korhogo, Nafoun, Nagougaha, Mongaha and Lokoli. The results obtained from the study come from the laboratory register collected in 2019. Microscopic examination of blood smears has identified three types of hemoparasites: Anaplasma, Babesia and Theileria. Theileria is absent in sheep. At the level of hemoparasite species, sheep (71.88%) and cattle (70.59%) are more infected by Anaplasma marginale with a significant difference (p-value = 0.0001). In addition, cattle over one year are more infected with Anaplasma marginale. The prevalence of infection is 32.35% for one year to 3 years and 29.41% for over 3 years of age. Females (54.41%) are the most infected. Sheep over 3 months of age are more infected. Females (45.31%) are the most infected with a significant difference (p-value = 0.0261) for Anaplasma marginale. Cattle of Korhogo are more infected with Anaplasma marginale (36.76%) followed by Nagougaha (20.59%) with a significant difference (p-value = 0.0077). In addition, Anaplasma centrale (18.75%) more infects sheep in the locality of Lokoli followed by Korhogo (4.69%) with a significant difference (p-value = 0.00037).
Les technologies de laboratoire, Jan 6, 2014
Biocatalyse et bioprocédés Résumé L'effet du granulé sur la croissance pondérale des aulacodes se... more Biocatalyse et bioprocédés Résumé L'effet du granulé sur la croissance pondérale des aulacodes sevrés s'est effectué sur 40 aulacodeaux (20 mâles et 20 femelles). Le lot1 composé de 10 mâles (lot1M avec 556,6 ± 3,27g de PM (Poids Moyen)) et de 10 femelles (lot1F avec 512,09 ± 5,07g de PM), a été alimenté à l'aliment standard composé de fourrage (Panicum maximum, Pennissetum purpureum, Brachiaria ruziziensis et des tiges de Manhiot esculenta) et de complément alimentaire (grains de maïs, folioles séchées de Leucaena leucocephala, cossettes de Manhiot esculenta, poudre de coquille calcinée et du sel de cuisine). Le lot 2 nourri au granulé est composé à l'identique du lot1avec un PM de 550,6 ± 2,46g pour le lot2M et 500,82 ± 2,91g pour le lot2F. Le lot2 a enregistré une croissance très significative (p< 0,05) à 5 mois d'âge, avec des PM respectifs de 2591,02 ± 64,49g et 2186,67 ± 128,51g pour le lot2M et le lot2F, contre respectivement 2023,48 ± 110,75g et 1860,26 ± 99,24g pour le lot1M et le lot1F. L'alimentation des aulacodes au granulé permet de réduire le temps d'engraissement et l'âge de mise en reproduction des femelles.
International journal of advanced research, Nov 30, 2018
geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated ... more geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated (Ohashi et al., 2005). They are often the cause of several weeks of inactivity, sometimes leading to considerable losses in production and fertility on farms (Sharff, 2010; Moses and Phillip, 2013). Material and methods:-Study zone This study is a cross-sectional study. It was conducted from December 2015 to September 2016 on goats from the Béoumi sub-prefecture in central Côte d'Ivoire, in humid West Africa, between the tropic of cancer and the equator (FAO, 2005). This sub-prefecture covers an area of 1780 km 2 for 73475 inhabitants (INS, 2014). It is limited to the north by the sub-prefecture of Bodokro, to the south by the department of Sakassou, to the east by the department of Bouaké, to the west by the sub-prefectures of Kounahiri and Gohitafla (Fig. 1). Relief consists of a set of trays. Climate is of Baoulean type, characterized by a dry season and a wet season, with rainfall between 1200 and 1600 mm / year (FAO, 2005). Two rivers irrigate the sub-prefecture namely the Bandama River and the Kan River which is its tributary. This site was chosen because of the presence of a large number of goat farmers. Samples collection Study was conducted on a total of 270 dwarf goats coming from two different zones (Zone A and Zone B). These animals were divided into two groups. The first group including 135 dwarf goats were come from all the localities located at more than 15 km of the rivers (Zone A). This area is characterized by savannah which is covered with grass and shrubs. This herbaceous carpet is abundant during the rainy seasons but is destroyed by the fires in the dry season. The second group including also 135 goats were come from all the zones located close to the rivers Bandama and Kan between 0.5 and 1 km (zone B). These two rivers do not dry during the dry season; their bank promotes the development of vegetation likely to host some vectors of Anaplasma. Two types of sample were collected. The first type (270 blood sample) was taken out on the level of the jugular vein for the realization of the serological examinations (ELISA). The second type (270 blood samples) was taken out on the level of auricular vein for the parasitological examinations (blood Smears).
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, May 4, 2017
A study on the characterization of the actors of guinea fowl sector in the North of the Côte d'Iv... more A study on the characterization of the actors of guinea fowl sector in the North of the Côte d'Ivoire was realized from November 2015 to October 2016. Thus, a man power of 130 guinea fowl stockbreeders was surveyed. This investigation touched 80 breeders of which 29 in Korhogo, 43 in Sinematiali, 32 in Dikodougou and 26 in Niakaramandougou (Niakara). According to this study, the breeding of guinea fowl is dominated by the Ivorian (72%) mainly made up of senoufo with 89.36%. The foreign community consists of peuls (83.33%), and Mossi (2.77%) of the Burkina on the one hand and Malian (13.88%) on the other hand. All the age brackets are implied in practice of the activity. Contrary to the foreigners, the number of breeder evolve with the age in the Ivorians community. At these first, the number of the breeders falls at more than 49.99% in the last age bracket. The activity is practised on a purely secondary basis and is dominated by the people married to 88.3% and 94.44% respectively at the Ivorians and the foreigners. The unit price of guinea fowl varies from 3500 at more than 5500 FCFA. According to these prices, the breeding of guinea fowl could in addition to its sociocultural importance, to constitute not only one source of income but also a significant source of protein for the rural populations and the residents of the large cities.
Scientific Journal of Animal Science, Dec 29, 2013
Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulos... more Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulose and hemicellulose found into the plant. They thus influence soilproperties and contribute to the emission of methane gas. The ability of theseIsoptera to digest complexes molecules may associated to the enzymatic activityof intestinal microorganisms. The overall aim of this study was to isolate andmake a presumptive identification of cultivable microorganisms in the digestivetract of termites Macrotermes subhyalynus and Macrotermes bellicosus harvested.And search for glycosidase activities produced by the microflora. To achievethis goal 120 insects belonging to two castes (Macrotermes subhyalynus andMacrotermes bellicosus) were collected on termite mounds located at the FelixHouphouet Boigny University of Cocody (Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire). The intestinesof these Isoptera were collected under aseptic conditions and seeded on agarPCA, VRBL, MRS and Sabouraud chloramphenicol. Moreover, the enzymaticactivities were investigated in bacteria obtained according to the method ofBernfeld (1955). The results show that in both species of termites, Gram +bacilli had the majority. On nutrient agar, genera Bacillus, Streptococcus andEnterococcus were identified. On MRS agar, the genera Lactobacillus,Bifidobacterium and Lactococcus have been identified. On agar VRBL, generaEnterobacter, Yersinia, Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Serratia, Escherichia andYersinia were isolated. Finally, amylasic activities were observed in yeaststrains and Lactobacillus. The xylanasic activity was produced by yeast strainsof Bacillus and two unidentified strains.
GSC biological and pharmaceutical sciences, Feb 28, 2019
This study was conducted in four departments of the North of Côte d'Ivoire from November 2016 to ... more This study was conducted in four departments of the North of Côte d'Ivoire from November 2016 to October 2017. The aim of the survey was to identify the gastrointestinal parasites responsible for the numerous mortalities and economic losses observed among guinea fowl breeders in the north of Ivory Coast. Thus, a coprological study of 448 feces emitted from animals or taken directly from the small intestine and caeca of dead animals was conducted in (LANADA). The results reveal the presence of five parasites Eimeria spp; Ascaris spp; strongle spp; Trichurus spp and Taenia spp. Coccidia is most represented with an overall prevalence of 42.85%, followed by Ascaris spp (16.07%), strongle spp (14.06%), Trichuris spp (5.35%) and Taenia spp (1.33%). The department of Korhogo has the most rate of coccidia with a prevalence of 77.68%. However, the department of Sinématiali hosts the highest diversity of parasite overall with the presence of the five parasites. Subjects infected are more pronounced during the wet season with the highest prevalence rates in animals over 21 days of age. To increase productivity in Guinea fowl breeding in the north of the country, it would be interesting to offer to breeders, a prophylaxis program adapted to this method of breeding.
GSC biological and pharmaceutical sciences, Nov 30, 2018
The aim of the current study was to identify the prevalence of rotavirus infection in newborn cal... more The aim of the current study was to identify the prevalence of rotavirus infection in newborn calves aged from 1 day to 3 months old in Abidjan region. A total of 145 fecal samples were collected from both diarrheic (n=135) and nondiarrheic (n=10) neonatal calves. Neonatal calves' fecal samples were collected in dry seasons and in rainy seasons in Abidjan and suburbs from 2015 to 2017. Investigated calves were divided into 4 age groups (1-10 days old, 10-25 days old, 25-60 days old and ≤90 days old). All samples were screened for the presence of rotavirus antigen by ELISA kit. Among the 145 feces samples examined by ELISA, 19 were identified positive (13.10%). Infection prevalence peaked have been obtained at 10-25 days of age and in the rainy season. The prevalence was higher in suburbs and during the rainy season. The present study showed that rotaviruses are involved in the neonatal calves' diarrhea in Abidjan area.
International journal of advanced research, Aug 31, 2017
Une enquete a ete realisee sur les pratiques biosecuritaires dans des fermes piscicoles de 3 regi... more Une enquete a ete realisee sur les pratiques biosecuritaires dans des fermes piscicoles de 3 regions de la Cote d'Ivoire (Regions des lagunes, Agneby et Sud comoe). Le but est de decrire les pratiques reelles des pisciculteurs en matiere de biosecurite et de donner une typologie des fermes piscicoles de ces regions. Vingt quatre variables biosecuritaires ont ete retenues et la methode de "boule de neige" a ete utilisee. Les travaux ont ete realises de mars a aout 2011. Les mesures de la biosecurite ont ete appliquees dans les fermes piscicoles, enquetees de differentes manieres avec de fortes proportions de pratiques non recommandees. Les analyses multivariees (Analyses Factorielles des Correspondances Multiples et la Classification Ascendante Hierarchique) realisees ont indique deux grandes categories de ferme piscicole dont chacune se subdivise en deux sous-groupes, avec des groupes composes d'au moins une ferme issue de chacune des 3 regions. Mots cles : Piscicu...
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2018
geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated ... more geographical areas. This makes the diagnosis difficult and their prevalence often underestimated (Ohashi et al., 2005). They are often the cause of several weeks of inactivity, sometimes leading to considerable losses in production and fertility on farms (Sharff, 2010; Moses and Phillip, 2013). Material and methods:-Study zone This study is a cross-sectional study. It was conducted from December 2015 to September 2016 on goats from the Béoumi sub-prefecture in central Côte d'Ivoire, in humid West Africa, between the tropic of cancer and the equator (FAO, 2005). This sub-prefecture covers an area of 1780 km 2 for 73475 inhabitants (INS, 2014). It is limited to the north by the sub-prefecture of Bodokro, to the south by the department of Sakassou, to the east by the department of Bouaké, to the west by the sub-prefectures of Kounahiri and Gohitafla (Fig. 1). Relief consists of a set of trays. Climate is of Baoulean type, characterized by a dry season and a wet season, with rainfall between 1200 and 1600 mm / year (FAO, 2005). Two rivers irrigate the sub-prefecture namely the Bandama River and the Kan River which is its tributary. This site was chosen because of the presence of a large number of goat farmers. Samples collection Study was conducted on a total of 270 dwarf goats coming from two different zones (Zone A and Zone B). These animals were divided into two groups. The first group including 135 dwarf goats were come from all the localities located at more than 15 km of the rivers (Zone A). This area is characterized by savannah which is covered with grass and shrubs. This herbaceous carpet is abundant during the rainy seasons but is destroyed by the fires in the dry season. The second group including also 135 goats were come from all the zones located close to the rivers Bandama and Kan between 0.5 and 1 km (zone B). These two rivers do not dry during the dry season; their bank promotes the development of vegetation likely to host some vectors of Anaplasma. Two types of sample were collected. The first type (270 blood sample) was taken out on the level of the jugular vein for the realization of the serological examinations (ELISA). The second type (270 blood samples) was taken out on the level of auricular vein for the parasitological examinations (blood Smears).
Human enteric viruses are transmitted through water and food. It's therefore necessary to include... more Human enteric viruses are transmitted through water and food. It's therefore necessary to include the research of these agents in the food and water sanitary quality analysis. Most of these viruses are not culturable. Gene amplification methods such as NASBA and RT-PCR are used for routine analysis. These methods of detection are possible only if there is an adapted procedure for extracting nucleic acids especially RNA. We proposed here to
Agronomie Africaine, 2020
Pathologies virales et bactériènnes chez le poulet traditionnel dans le Département de Korhogo.
Babesia spp is an emergent pathogenic which constitute a major constraint in bovine breedings in ... more Babesia spp is an emergent pathogenic which constitute a major constraint in bovine breedings in Côte d'Ivoire. Little information on Babesia exists in Poro area. A study was carried out on 120 bovine blood samples, with an aim to evaluate Babesia prevalence. Microscopic technique was used to determine prevalence of Babesia (19.17%). Hematocrit values varied from 20 ± 0.00% to 41.44 ± 7.47%. Babesia was observed in male calves (27.27%), female calves (12%), heifer (25%) and cows (24.49%). Bovines from department of Korhogo were the most infected (30%). The prevalences were 26.67%; 16.67% and 3.33% respectively for departments of Sinematiali, Dikodougou and M'Bengue. Two Babesia species: which are Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina were met. Babesia bovis was the most encountered on bovines of Sinematiali and Korhogo departments (13.33 %), while, Babesia bigemina was the most present on ones of Sinematiali department (26.67%). In addition, mixed infections were observed in bo...
Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias, 2020
Diarrhea is the most important disease of neonatal calves, and it results in the greatest economi... more Diarrhea is the most important disease of neonatal calves, and it results in the greatest economic losses. A longitudinal observational study was conducted from September 2015 to October 2017. This study proposes to investigate the incidence of diarrhea in calves and their mortality rate so as to identify potential risk factors related to the occurrence of calf diarrhea on 372 farms in the regions of Abidjan, Bouake, Bondoukou, and Korhogo in Ivory Coast. Information on potential risk factors was collected based on personal observations from regular visits to the farms and from a survey conducted during the period of the study. A total of 2020 calves under the age of three months were selected. Only 347 (17.17%) of the 2020 calves showed signs of diarrhea. The overall mortality rate was 0.39%. Based on the survey, colostrum feeding, the calf’s age and sex, calf housing, seasonal variation, the calving period, environment conditions, the ignorance of herdsmen, and management systems ...
Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2013
Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulos... more Termites areterrestrial insects involved in the degradation of complex substances such ascellulose and hemicellulose found into the plant. They thus influence soilproperties and contribute to the emission of methane gas. The ability of theseIsoptera to digest complexes molecules may associated to the enzymatic activityof intestinal microorganisms. The overall aim of this study was to isolate andmake a presumptive identification of cultivable microorganisms in the digestivetract of termites Macrotermes subhyalynus and Macrotermes bellicosus harvested.And search for glycosidase activities produced by the microflora. To achievethis goal 120 insects belonging to two castes (Macrotermes subhyalynus andMacrotermes bellicosus) were collected on termite mounds located at the FelixHouphouet Boigny University of Cocody (Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire). The intestinesof these Isoptera were collected under aseptic conditions and seeded on agarPCA, VRBL, MRS and Sabouraud chloramphenicol. Moreover, ...