Mouloud Benammi | Université de Poitiers (original) (raw)


Papers by Mouloud Benammi

[Research paper thumbnail of Synthèses et tablaux de corrélations [Synthesis and correlation tables]](

by Oldřich Fejfar, Serge Legendre, Jan Van Der Made, Raymond Bernor, Thomas Mörs, Pierre Mein, Louis de Bonis, Lawrence Flynn, Sevket Sen, Mouloud Benammi, Jean Albert REMY, and Christiane Denys

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Research paper thumbnail of A new small pliopithecoid primate from the Middle Miocene of Thailand

Journal of Human Evolution, 2015

Pliopithecoids represent a monophyletic group of putative stem catarrhines whose evolutionary his... more Pliopithecoids represent a monophyletic group of putative stem catarrhines whose evolutionary history is incompletely known. They have been recorded from Europe and Asia, between the late Early Miocene and the Late Miocene. Asian pliopithecoids are less well documented than their European counterparts, often being represented by a fragmentary fossil record. New discoveries are therefore critical to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the whole group. Here, we describe two isolated molars from Ban San Klang, a late Middle Miocene locality in northern Thailand, which confirms the presence of pliopithecoids in Southeast Asia. The lower molar had originally been described as being that of a dendropithecoid, but it was later recognized as pertaining to a pliopithecoid. The discovery, in the same locality, of an additional upper molar attributed to the same species confirms the pliopithecoid status of this taxon and highlights its distinctiveness with respect to other known Asian pliopithecoids. However, the mosaic of primitive and autapomorphic features characterizing this Thai fossil, as well as its limited anatomical representation, preclude us from assigning it to either of the known pliopithecid subfamilies. Nevertheless, it represents the only pliopithecoid in Southeast Asia and displays a mosaic of unique characters which emphasizes the peculiarity of that province, as suggested previously with respect to its hominoid primate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon isotopic values of tooth enamel of Mammuthus columbi from Tocuila, State of Mexico, Mexico

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Research paper thumbnail of La dieta y el hábitat del mamut y los caballos del Pleistoceno tardío de El Cedral con base en isótopos estables (d13C, d18O)

Dieta, hábitat, isótopos estables, 13C, 18O, Mammuthus columbi, Equus, Pleistoceno tardío, San Lu... more Dieta, hábitat, isótopos estables, 13C, 18O, Mammuthus columbi, Equus, Pleistoceno tardío, San Luis Potosí, México.

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Research paper thumbnail of La dieta y el hábitat del mamut y los caballos del Pleistoceno tardío de El Cedral con base en isótopos estables (13C, 18O)

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Taphonomy of a Unique Upper Cretaceous Vertebrate-Bearing Locality (Velaux, Southeastern France)

PLOS ONE, 2015

The Velaux-La Bastide Neuve fossil-bearing site (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) has yielded a diverse ... more The Velaux-La Bastide Neuve fossil-bearing site (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) has yielded a diverse vertebrate assemblage dominated by dinosaurs, including the titanosaur Atsinganosaurus velauciensis. We here provide a complete inventory of vertebrate fossils collected during two large-scale field campaigns. Numerous crocodilian teeth occur together with complete skulls. Pterosaur, hybodont shark and fish elements are also represented but uncommon. Magnetostratigraphic analyses associated with biostratigraphic data from dinosaur eggshell and charophytes suggest a Late Campanian age for the locality. Lithologic and taphonomic studies, associated with microfacies and palynofacies analyses, indicate a fluvial setting of moderate energy with broad floodplain. Palynomorphs are quite rare; only three taxa of pollen grains occur: a bisaccate taxon, a second form probably belonging to the Normapolles complex, and another tricolporate taxon. Despite the good state of preservation, these taxa are generally difficult to identify, since they are scarce and have a very minute size. Most of the vertebrate remains are well preserved and suggest transport of the carcasses over short distances before accumulation in channel and overbank facies, together with reworked Aptian grains of glauconite, followed by a rapid burial. The bones accumulated in three thin layers that differ by their depositional modes and their taphonomic histories. Numerous calcareous and iron oxides-rich paleosols developed on the floodplain, suggesting an alternating dry and humid climate in the region during the Late Campanian.

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Research paper thumbnail of Presence of dinosaurs in the Barranca Los Bonetes, southern Mexico (Tiquicheo region, Michoacan State), and its chronostratigraphic implications

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Research paper thumbnail of Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

... El uso del muestreo probabilístico para la planeación del inventario de libros en la Bibliote... more ... El uso del muestreo probabilístico para la planeación del inventario de libros en la Biblioteca del Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas de la UNAM. Adriana Ducoing Watty / Patricia Romero Mares / Raúl Novelo Peña. ... Elsa Barberena Blásquez. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of New rodent localities in the continental middle Miocene of Ait Kandoula basin (Morocco)

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Research paper thumbnail of Pedogenic calcrete in the Late Creataceous of Michoacan, Mexico

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Research paper thumbnail of Variación de la dieta del mamut de las praderas de Laguna de las Cruces, San Luis Potosí, México

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Research paper thumbnail of Cronología y geología de una asociación de mamíferos del Mioceno Temprano en el Norte de América del Sur, cerro La Cruz (Formación Castillo), Estado Lara, Venezuela: implicaciones para las hipótesis del'cambio del curso del río Orinoco

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Magnetostratigraphic Study of the Upper Cretaceous Dinosaur Site from La Barranca Los Bonites, Tiquicheo (Michoacan State, Southern Mexico)

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Research paper thumbnail of Chronology and geology of an Early Miocene mammalian assemblage in North of South America, from Cerro La Cruz (Castillo Formation), Lara State, Venezuela: implications in the ‘changing course of Orinoco River’hypothesis

In general the geology of paleontological sites in Venezuela is poorly known. With the purpose of... more In general the geology of paleontological sites in Venezuela is poorly known. With the purpose of improving this knowledge we describe the geology of the Castillo Formation (Late Oligocene to Early Miocene) at Cerro La Cruz locality, in Lara state, Venezuela, that contains several records of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. Lithologically, the Cerro La Cruz sequence is composed by alternating packages of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments, with a predominance of mudstone. The paleoenvironment is inferred as a mainly near-shore marine complex that could be associated with regressive and transgressive phases. Nevertheless, into the middle part of the Cerro La Cruz outcrops two levels containing at least six mammalian remains were found, confirming the early continental mammal assemblage in Venezuela. The continental vertebrate assemblage includes Xenarthra, Notoungulata and Litopterna mammals, fresh water fishes, the turtle Chelus, wood and leaves, allows us to interpret the paleoenvironment of the continental episodes of this locality as a mosaic composed of an humid forest and lowland savanna. Four isotopic dates using Strontium (87Sr/86Sr), from the Cerro La Cruz locality were obtained, which bracket of the sediments to between 17.21 to 19.27 Ma, confirming an Early Miocene age for this locality. Biochronologically, the mammalian assemblage so far recovered does not permit to assign this fauna to any of the recognized South American Land Mammal Ages, however the isotopic ages suggest affinities with a Pansantacrucian mammalian sub-cycle. Our interpretation of the geology at Cerro La Cruz shows no evidence for the presence of a major river system crossing over that zone during the Early Miocene and does not support the hypothesis of the possible draining of a ‘Proto-Orinoco’ river into Maracaibo or Falcón basin during the Early Miocene.

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Research paper thumbnail of New data from the continental Late Cretaceous faunas from northern México

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Research paper thumbnail of Ghoneimi, AE, 103 Graham, IT, 421

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Research paper thumbnail of Geographic variation of diet and habitat of the Mexican populations of Columbian Mammoth (Mammuthus columbi)

Quaternary International, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Biogeography of living and fossil Nitellopsis (Charophyta) in relationship to new finds from Morocco

Journal of Biogeography, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis , a new hadrosauroid dinosaur (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) of Michoacán, Mexico

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of New rodent continental Middle Miocene of Jebel Rhassoul (Middle Moulouya, Morocco)

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[Research paper thumbnail of Synthèses et tablaux de corrélations [Synthesis and correlation tables]](

by Oldřich Fejfar, Serge Legendre, Jan Van Der Made, Raymond Bernor, Thomas Mörs, Pierre Mein, Louis de Bonis, Lawrence Flynn, Sevket Sen, Mouloud Benammi, Jean Albert REMY, and Christiane Denys

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Research paper thumbnail of A new small pliopithecoid primate from the Middle Miocene of Thailand

Journal of Human Evolution, 2015

Pliopithecoids represent a monophyletic group of putative stem catarrhines whose evolutionary his... more Pliopithecoids represent a monophyletic group of putative stem catarrhines whose evolutionary history is incompletely known. They have been recorded from Europe and Asia, between the late Early Miocene and the Late Miocene. Asian pliopithecoids are less well documented than their European counterparts, often being represented by a fragmentary fossil record. New discoveries are therefore critical to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the whole group. Here, we describe two isolated molars from Ban San Klang, a late Middle Miocene locality in northern Thailand, which confirms the presence of pliopithecoids in Southeast Asia. The lower molar had originally been described as being that of a dendropithecoid, but it was later recognized as pertaining to a pliopithecoid. The discovery, in the same locality, of an additional upper molar attributed to the same species confirms the pliopithecoid status of this taxon and highlights its distinctiveness with respect to other known Asian pliopithecoids. However, the mosaic of primitive and autapomorphic features characterizing this Thai fossil, as well as its limited anatomical representation, preclude us from assigning it to either of the known pliopithecid subfamilies. Nevertheless, it represents the only pliopithecoid in Southeast Asia and displays a mosaic of unique characters which emphasizes the peculiarity of that province, as suggested previously with respect to its hominoid primate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon isotopic values of tooth enamel of Mammuthus columbi from Tocuila, State of Mexico, Mexico

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Research paper thumbnail of La dieta y el hábitat del mamut y los caballos del Pleistoceno tardío de El Cedral con base en isótopos estables (d13C, d18O)

Dieta, hábitat, isótopos estables, 13C, 18O, Mammuthus columbi, Equus, Pleistoceno tardío, San Lu... more Dieta, hábitat, isótopos estables, 13C, 18O, Mammuthus columbi, Equus, Pleistoceno tardío, San Luis Potosí, México.

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Research paper thumbnail of La dieta y el hábitat del mamut y los caballos del Pleistoceno tardío de El Cedral con base en isótopos estables (13C, 18O)

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Taphonomy of a Unique Upper Cretaceous Vertebrate-Bearing Locality (Velaux, Southeastern France)

PLOS ONE, 2015

The Velaux-La Bastide Neuve fossil-bearing site (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) has yielded a diverse ... more The Velaux-La Bastide Neuve fossil-bearing site (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) has yielded a diverse vertebrate assemblage dominated by dinosaurs, including the titanosaur Atsinganosaurus velauciensis. We here provide a complete inventory of vertebrate fossils collected during two large-scale field campaigns. Numerous crocodilian teeth occur together with complete skulls. Pterosaur, hybodont shark and fish elements are also represented but uncommon. Magnetostratigraphic analyses associated with biostratigraphic data from dinosaur eggshell and charophytes suggest a Late Campanian age for the locality. Lithologic and taphonomic studies, associated with microfacies and palynofacies analyses, indicate a fluvial setting of moderate energy with broad floodplain. Palynomorphs are quite rare; only three taxa of pollen grains occur: a bisaccate taxon, a second form probably belonging to the Normapolles complex, and another tricolporate taxon. Despite the good state of preservation, these taxa are generally difficult to identify, since they are scarce and have a very minute size. Most of the vertebrate remains are well preserved and suggest transport of the carcasses over short distances before accumulation in channel and overbank facies, together with reworked Aptian grains of glauconite, followed by a rapid burial. The bones accumulated in three thin layers that differ by their depositional modes and their taphonomic histories. Numerous calcareous and iron oxides-rich paleosols developed on the floodplain, suggesting an alternating dry and humid climate in the region during the Late Campanian.

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Research paper thumbnail of Presence of dinosaurs in the Barranca Los Bonetes, southern Mexico (Tiquicheo region, Michoacan State), and its chronostratigraphic implications

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Research paper thumbnail of Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

... El uso del muestreo probabilístico para la planeación del inventario de libros en la Bibliote... more ... El uso del muestreo probabilístico para la planeación del inventario de libros en la Biblioteca del Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas de la UNAM. Adriana Ducoing Watty / Patricia Romero Mares / Raúl Novelo Peña. ... Elsa Barberena Blásquez. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of New rodent localities in the continental middle Miocene of Ait Kandoula basin (Morocco)

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Research paper thumbnail of Pedogenic calcrete in the Late Creataceous of Michoacan, Mexico

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Research paper thumbnail of Variación de la dieta del mamut de las praderas de Laguna de las Cruces, San Luis Potosí, México

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Research paper thumbnail of Cronología y geología de una asociación de mamíferos del Mioceno Temprano en el Norte de América del Sur, cerro La Cruz (Formación Castillo), Estado Lara, Venezuela: implicaciones para las hipótesis del'cambio del curso del río Orinoco

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Magnetostratigraphic Study of the Upper Cretaceous Dinosaur Site from La Barranca Los Bonites, Tiquicheo (Michoacan State, Southern Mexico)

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Research paper thumbnail of Chronology and geology of an Early Miocene mammalian assemblage in North of South America, from Cerro La Cruz (Castillo Formation), Lara State, Venezuela: implications in the ‘changing course of Orinoco River’hypothesis

In general the geology of paleontological sites in Venezuela is poorly known. With the purpose of... more In general the geology of paleontological sites in Venezuela is poorly known. With the purpose of improving this knowledge we describe the geology of the Castillo Formation (Late Oligocene to Early Miocene) at Cerro La Cruz locality, in Lara state, Venezuela, that contains several records of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. Lithologically, the Cerro La Cruz sequence is composed by alternating packages of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments, with a predominance of mudstone. The paleoenvironment is inferred as a mainly near-shore marine complex that could be associated with regressive and transgressive phases. Nevertheless, into the middle part of the Cerro La Cruz outcrops two levels containing at least six mammalian remains were found, confirming the early continental mammal assemblage in Venezuela. The continental vertebrate assemblage includes Xenarthra, Notoungulata and Litopterna mammals, fresh water fishes, the turtle Chelus, wood and leaves, allows us to interpret the paleoenvironment of the continental episodes of this locality as a mosaic composed of an humid forest and lowland savanna. Four isotopic dates using Strontium (87Sr/86Sr), from the Cerro La Cruz locality were obtained, which bracket of the sediments to between 17.21 to 19.27 Ma, confirming an Early Miocene age for this locality. Biochronologically, the mammalian assemblage so far recovered does not permit to assign this fauna to any of the recognized South American Land Mammal Ages, however the isotopic ages suggest affinities with a Pansantacrucian mammalian sub-cycle. Our interpretation of the geology at Cerro La Cruz shows no evidence for the presence of a major river system crossing over that zone during the Early Miocene and does not support the hypothesis of the possible draining of a ‘Proto-Orinoco’ river into Maracaibo or Falcón basin during the Early Miocene.

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Research paper thumbnail of New data from the continental Late Cretaceous faunas from northern México

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Research paper thumbnail of Ghoneimi, AE, 103 Graham, IT, 421

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Research paper thumbnail of Geographic variation of diet and habitat of the Mexican populations of Columbian Mammoth (Mammuthus columbi)

Quaternary International, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Biogeography of living and fossil Nitellopsis (Charophyta) in relationship to new finds from Morocco

Journal of Biogeography, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis , a new hadrosauroid dinosaur (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) of Michoacán, Mexico

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of New rodent continental Middle Miocene of Jebel Rhassoul (Middle Moulouya, Morocco)

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