Alfyananda Kurnia Putra | Universitas Negeri Malang (original) (raw)
Papers by Alfyananda Kurnia Putra
Sustainability School adalah panduan lengkap yang mengajak sekolah untuk menerapkan prinsip hidup... more Sustainability School adalah panduan lengkap yang mengajak sekolah untuk menerapkan prinsip hidup tanpa sampah atau Zero Waste. Buku ini memberikan langkah-langkah praktis, mulai dari ari mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasan jenis sampah di sekolah hingga melibatkan proyek-proyek lingkungan. siswa dalam
Penyajian contoh nyata dan strategi pembelajaran yang menarik, buku ini menginspirasi sekolah untuk menjadi pionir dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan utama buku ini adalah mencetak generasi muda yang peduli lingkungan dan mampu menciptakan inovasi berkelanjutan.
Melalui kolaborasi dengan komunitas, sekolah dapat menjadi pusat pembelajaran dan aksi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Sustainability School tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan, tetapi juga keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk menerapkan konsep Zero Waste dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Singkatnya, buku ini adalah panduan komprehensif yang mengajak semua pihak untuk turut serta dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan.
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, Dec 29, 2022
Learning geography plays a role in developing creative thinking and science process skills in stu... more Learning geography plays a role in developing creative thinking and science process skills in students. Creative thinking and process science skills can be used in developing new methods and solutions to solve problems in geosphere phenomena using innovative perspectives. This study uses a quasi-experimental type with a Posttest Only Design. In this study, a purposive sample method was applied with two groups: the experimental group from science class 1 using SOLE and the control group from science class 3 using conventional methods. The instrument uses an essay test to measure the level of creative thinking ability and an observation sheet to measure the level of science process skills. The data analysis used was the Independent-Sample T Test and the Mann-Whitney U test with a significance level of 0.05. The SOLE model significantly affects watershed conservation materials' creative thinking and science process skills. The significance value of the Independent-Sample T-Test of creative thinking skills was 0.001 < 0.05, and the significance value of the Mann-Whitney U Test of science process skills was 0.000 <0.05. The internet's investigative process provides information and mindset in scientific concepts in predicting damage/problems and watershed conservation efforts. In addition, the internet investigation process helps students obtain various literacy and information.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
The religious approach has recently become an alternative in disaster mitigation. Religion is not... more The religious approach has recently become an alternative in disaster mitigation. Religion is not only a theological foundation, but also complements the scientific approach in preventing and dealing with disasters. One of them is in disaster literacy based on pesantren in Narmada, Lombok, which is a disaster-prone area. The theological approach is optimized in the environmental and disaster literacy movement through environmental education at the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School which is known as an environmentally friendly Islamic Boarding School. This article discusses the practice of green education in Islamic boarding schools as part of disaster literacy efforts in Lombok. The research was conducted with qualitative methods. Collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation studies. Research informants include pesantren administrators, Non-Governmental Organizations and the community which are determined by purposive sampling. Data analysis used interactive models, namely by data reduction, display and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the practice of green education in the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School was implemented through several programs including integrated farming, waste management, open-air schools, training of facilitators for students and the reforestation movement by planting trees. This activity is inseparable from the role of Tuan Guru Hasanain who applies an eco-theological approach through the internalization of religious interpretations that support disaster literacy. Tuan Guru has an important position for the people of Lombok, who are predominantly Muslim, so that the literacy program can be accepted by the community. This shows that religion plays a role as an effective alternative in disaster literacy in society.
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi, Jun 30, 2022
The problem of slum and squatter settlement is caused by improper environmental planning. This st... more The problem of slum and squatter settlement is caused by improper environmental planning. This study examines socioeconomic determinants of human health by adopting concepts of population morbidity from Mosley and Chen. The purpose of this study was to analyze various conditions behind the low environmental health behavior of fishermen's households in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. This study used a quantitative approach with a population from fishermen's households. The samples were selected purposively by considering economic and spatial conditions. Primary data collection was carried out through structured and in-depth interviews. The dependent variable in this study was individual disease control, particularly the standard health protocol during the COVID 19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the independent variable of the population health behavior was measured using a Likert scale. Those independent variables consisted of hand hygiene, the use of masks, and maintaining distance. The results showed that as many as 30 percent of fisherman households were classified as the population with good quality health behavior, 43.33 percent of the population presented moderate-quality health behavior, and 26.77 percent of the population had poor quality health behavior. Those behaviors might be caused by their relatively low perception and knowledge on the importance of maintaining health during the COVID 19 pandemic.
International Journal of Learning Technology
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S)
This study aims to describe the form of curriculum integration, the implementation of the environ... more This study aims to describe the form of curriculum integration, the implementation of the environmental care and cultured movement, and its obstacles. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 8 Malang with research subjects including: (1) Adiwiyata coordinator; (2) teachers with an interest in Adiwiyata; and (3) Adiwiyata cadres. Data was collected using three techniques, namely: participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques are carried out by reducing, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that SMA Negeri 8 Malang implemented an environment-based curriculum, three indicators that excel in the implementation of the environmental care and culture movement include the habit of planting and maintaining trees/plants, water management, and energy management. Constraints faced include teachers have difficulty in preparing learning tools and funding problems. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan wuju...
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S)
The development of technology and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has created many obstacles in the... more The development of technology and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has created many obstacles in the field of education, especially in the teaching, and learning process. Circumstances require that the teaching and learning process is not fully implemented face to face. This research was conducted with the aim of developing digital teaching materials based on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics or STEM. This research is development research using the ADDIE model. The product trial used student responses from SMA Negeri 2 Tuban and got a positive response. The results of the research are in the form of STEM-based digital teaching materials with STEM aspects, namely information in teaching materials (science), the form of digital teaching materials, additional content in them (technology), infographic creation, design (engineering), and the presence of mathematical formulas in digital teaching materials (mathematics). Berkembangnya teknologi serta adanya kondisi pandemi COV...
Jurnal Praksis dan Dedikasi Sosial (JPDS)
PROJECT-BASED STUDENTS WORKSHEET TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' PANCASILA PROFILE IN HYBRID LEARNINGThe... more PROJECT-BASED STUDENTS WORKSHEET TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' PANCASILA PROFILE IN HYBRID LEARNINGThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a changing impact on various aspects of life. One of them is the aspect of education which so far tends to be carried out in a conventional classical manner, which must develop towards digitalization. Therefore, this article discusses community service with the aim of improving the skills of teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java in making project-based worksheets with hybrid learning to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. The method adopted is empowerment through training and mentoring for teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java with three stages namely preparation, implementation and follow-up. Based on an analytical study, the results of community service activities showed a positive impact on improving the skills of teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java in making project-based worksheets with hybr...
Jurnal Praksis dan Dedikasi Sosial (JPDS)
LEARN EARTH ROTATION AND REVOLUTION: DEVELOPMENT OF GEOROTATION MEDIA FOR LEARNING DIGITAL GEOGRA... more LEARN EARTH ROTATION AND REVOLUTION: DEVELOPMENT OF GEOROTATION MEDIA FOR LEARNING DIGITAL GEOGRAPHYLearning media is an intermediary in the delivery of information through various channels. The information conveyed can provide stimulation to students both in terms of thoughts, to the will that can improve the learning process. The use of learning media in geography can help students describe, describe, or describe things that are abstract and difficult to understand. This development research aims to develop a learning media in the form of applications that can be accessed on smartphones. This development research method uses ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The types of data in this development research are qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained from criticism and suggestions from expert validators and trial respondents. Quantitative data in this development research is in the form of numerical scores in the question...
MEGA: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
This study aims to produce student activity sheets with a scientific approach to high school deri... more This study aims to produce student activity sheets with a scientific approach to high school derivative materials and to determine the quality of student activity sheets from the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This type of research is development research. The development model used is the ADDIE development model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instrument used in this study was the Student Activity Sheet assessment sheet to measure the validity, the response questionnaire to the use of learning devices to measure practicality, and the learning outcome test questions to measure effectiveness. The results showed that the Student Activity Sheet developed was valid because the results of the assessment met the minimum classification "Good". Assessment of Student Activity Sheet gets an average score of 4.1 with the classification "Very Good". Based on the results of data analysis of teacher re...
TEM Journal
This study aimed to develop products and test the utility of the natural laboratory based on eco-... more This study aimed to develop products and test the utility of the natural laboratory based on eco-spatial edutourism. This research was developed in three stages: 1) product development using five steps in the ADDIE model: Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, 2) conducting validation tests from learning experts, and 3) conducting limited trials in small groups. The research subjects were students of Geography Education study program, State University of Malang, in the environmental course in the academic year 2019/2020. The data were analyzed using the percentage table. The results showed: 1) the digital natural laboratory based on eco-spatial edutourism was valid by the expert validators, 2) the digital natural laboratory based on eco-spatial edutourism qualified for use in higher education learning.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Knowledge Sciences and Education (ICSKSE 2022), 2022
Scientific creativity skills (SCS) and problem-solving abilities (PSA) are benchmarks in assessin... more Scientific creativity skills (SCS) and problem-solving abilities (PSA) are benchmarks in assessing a person's quality in learning 21. SCS and PSA need to be possessed by every student. They can be developed by implementing a model of collaborative creativity learning (CCL) because it can train students in exploring ideas related to problems of geographical phenomena and encourage the active role of students in mastering concepts and analyzing a problem. CCL learning needs to be explored regarding its influence on Scientific Creativity and Problem Solving which is closely related to collaborative learning. This study aimed to determine the effect of the CCL model on the SCS and PSA of high school geography students. The research design in this study used a quasi-experimental study with a post-test only control group and Man Whitney U test, and an Independent-sample T test as data analysis. The research subjects used were class X Social Science-1 and X Social Science-2 as an experimental group using the CCL model, while class X Social Science-3 as a control group using a conventional learning model. The results showed a significant effect from applying the CCL Model on SCS and PSA with a significant score of 0.001 < 0.05. This study proves that applying the CCL Model can develop SCS and PSA.
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volcano tourism is a part of ecotourism or geotourism in developed and developing countries. The ... more Volcano tourism is a part of ecotourism or geotourism in developed and developing countries. The visitors or tourists in this kind of tourism immerse themselves in the bodily enjoyment of feeling and sensing the volcano's high elevation instead of viewing its beauty. The present article aims to explore tourists' subjective experiences of being at a high altitude by taking the case of Mount Semeru tourists. The tourist attraction of Mount Semeru as a volcanic mountain has a selling point and appeal for climbing but with threats and risks. This research explores and reveals the meaning of hiking trips and the manifestation of fear during trips in risky areas. The existential-phenomenological approach examines multifaceted phenomena from an individual’s point of view. Informants were determined by using a purposive sampling technique. In this phenomenological study, researchers look for information (individuals) who have the capability so they can articulate their life experien...
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan
ABSTRAKPerkembangan teknologi menuntut guru dalam menghadirkan proses pembelajaran yang inovatif ... more ABSTRAKPerkembangan teknologi menuntut guru dalam menghadirkan proses pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif. Media pembelajaran yang terintegrasi dengan teknologi dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi siswa dalam meningkatkan kompetensi abad 21. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan Gamification berbasis Game Based Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) terhadap kemampuan Guru dalam memahami basic gamification element. Metode kegiatan berupa pelatihan dengan menggunakan pretest dan posttest untuk mengukur kompetensi Guru dalam memahami basic gamification element. Tahapan pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan empat tahap yang terdiri dari: : 1) tahap assessment, 2) tahap persiapan, dan 3) tahap implementasi program dan 4) tahap evaluasi program. Subjek penelitian adalah Guru terutama Guru Geografi. Analisis data menggunakan Uji paired sample test dengan nilai N-Gain Score. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa Guru dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memahami basic gamification elemen...
International journal of interactive mobile technologies, Nov 29, 2022
The concept of concrete lithosphere material has limitations in being verbally stimulated by the ... more The concept of concrete lithosphere material has limitations in being verbally stimulated by the teacher, so students have difficulty understanding the material. During the learning process, lithosphere material is rarely carried out in practicum activities due to the lack of media that can involve students directly. This study aims to produce, measure feasibility, and determine the effectiveness of mobile geography virtual laboratory learning media. This research was included in R&D research by adopting a 4-D development model. The results obtained, namely the Mobile Geography Virtual Laboratory media, are feasible and effectively used in rock and soil practicum activities. The results of this research can be an innovative solution for geography learning, especially in adequately supporting the implementation of practicum activities so that students can become more active and independent.
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)
This study aims to determine the effect of M-VGFT media on students' Complex Problem Solving ... more This study aims to determine the effect of M-VGFT media on students' Complex Problem Solving and Spatial Intelligence abilities. Quasi-experimental research with post-test-only group design method. The design used two experimental groups with a purposive or judgment sampling method considering the average class value. X.2 Social Science group (14 boys and 20 girls), X.3 Social Science group (17 boys and 17 girls), and X.4 Social Science (17 boys and 17 girls). The subjects of this study were first-year high school students in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Hypothesis testing using independent sample t-test to determine the effect of M-VGFT media on the ability of students' Complex Problem Solving and Spatial Intelligence in the subject of Geography on Volcanism. The results showed a significant influence between M-VGFT media on students' Complex Problem Solving Ability and Spatial Intelligence in Madrasah Aliah Negeri Baru. However, there are differenc...
KnE Social Sciences, Oct 12, 2022
It is important in 21st-century learning to develop learning materials in digital form and teachi... more It is important in 21st-century learning to develop learning materials in digital form and teaching activities that require students to develop critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration skills. 21st-century learning involves student-centered learning, where students are required to be more independent. Analysis of the needs of grade XII IPS 2 students at SMAN 2 BATU showed that the students needed interactive digital-based learning materials to support them, especially materials on the population, human development index (HDI), and demographics. This research therefore aimed to produce these digital learning materials using STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) approaches. The ADDIE model was used, and qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Data were analyzed using percentage analysis techniques. The digital learning material products prepared were tested on 20 students of grade XII IPS 2 at SMA Negeri 2 Batu. Their validation was tested by material experts and media experts, obtaining validity values of 96% and 98%, respectively, which could both be classified as 'very valid'. Furthermore, an eligibility test was carried out with geography teachers and students, and a result of 91% was obtained, which could be classified as 'very feasible/very interesting'. Based on the results, it is feasible to use the STEM-based digital learning materials of population, HDI, and demographics effectively in geography learning.
Routledge eBooks, May 3, 2022
Sampang floods are caused because of urban floods, flash floods, and tidal floods. In addition to... more Sampang floods are caused because of urban floods, flash floods, and tidal floods. In addition to morphology, the Kemoning River flow pattern triggers flooding. Sampang floods cause losses in the educational, economic, and social aspects. Efforts to reduce disaster risk can be made through education. Education has a role in sensitizing geography students to disaster response. One way is to provide students disaster knowledge and disaster mitigation techniques. Therefore, it is essential to examine how high the level of knowledge and perception of geography students is in reducing the risk of floods in Sampang. The method used is a descriptive cross-sectional survey. This research was conducted in high school in Sampang. More precisely, researchers choose schools that the majority of students are affected by the flood in Sampang. Using descriptive data analysis, data were used for histogram analysis, bivariate correlation analysis, distribution analysis, and independent sample testing. Although students learned about the disaster flood in Sampang, many students do not have complete knowledge about it.
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S)
The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges in the teaching-learning process. Teacher competencies ... more The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges in the teaching-learning process. Teacher competencies and skills need to be applied to learning in optimizing learning, one of which is through the actualization of Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge (TPACK). However, teachers experience problems in implementing TPACK with the emergence of negative perceptions of technology integration, and Geography teachers are no exception. Geography teachers are constrained in integrating learning technology. The characteristics of the material with pedagogical practices, effective content management, and the integration of complex technology are obstacles for Geography teachers. This service aims to improve the knowledge and skills of Geography teachers towards increasing TPACK in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of this service is Geography teacher with a total of 86 people. The method in this service uses socialization and training which includes lecture, discussion and q...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Jan 2, 2020
Lack of sanitation access is among characteristics of urban slums; therefore strategies to improv... more Lack of sanitation access is among characteristics of urban slums; therefore strategies to improve sanitation are needed. One possible strategy is to improve visual appearance of slum buildings by painting walls with colours. Other than improving community awareness to maintain cleanliness, this approach can provide economic benefit for the residents, as it creates tourism activities. This paper observes visual improvement of slum areas; besides ability to accelerate access to domestic wastewater treatment is compared. This study observe domestic wastewater treatment facilities after visual improvement carried out in three different slum locations in Indonesia. They are Kampung Code in Yogyakarta, Kampung Wonosari in Semarang and Kampung Sindulang in Manado. Initiation of coloring project of the three urban area is different. Community and private sector initiated Kampung Code painting project, while the local government initiated similar project of Kampung Wonosari and Kampung Sindulang. Observation was performed by distributing questionnaires to residents of the slum areas and path analysis executed afterward. A sample size of 64, 270 and 102 were taken from Kampung Code, Kampung Wonosari and Kampung Sindulang respectively, with 5% margin of error. Wastewater management behaviour was measured based on level of community intention to manage sanitation. Intention is derived from three different independent variables: attitude, subjective norms and perceived behaviour control. Significant effects of the colouring project to improve community awareness towards the importance of domestic wastewater treatment facilities was observed in all slums.
Sustainability School adalah panduan lengkap yang mengajak sekolah untuk menerapkan prinsip hidup... more Sustainability School adalah panduan lengkap yang mengajak sekolah untuk menerapkan prinsip hidup tanpa sampah atau Zero Waste. Buku ini memberikan langkah-langkah praktis, mulai dari ari mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasan jenis sampah di sekolah hingga melibatkan proyek-proyek lingkungan. siswa dalam
Penyajian contoh nyata dan strategi pembelajaran yang menarik, buku ini menginspirasi sekolah untuk menjadi pionir dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan utama buku ini adalah mencetak generasi muda yang peduli lingkungan dan mampu menciptakan inovasi berkelanjutan.
Melalui kolaborasi dengan komunitas, sekolah dapat menjadi pusat pembelajaran dan aksi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Sustainability School tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan, tetapi juga keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk menerapkan konsep Zero Waste dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Singkatnya, buku ini adalah panduan komprehensif yang mengajak semua pihak untuk turut serta dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan.
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, Dec 29, 2022
Learning geography plays a role in developing creative thinking and science process skills in stu... more Learning geography plays a role in developing creative thinking and science process skills in students. Creative thinking and process science skills can be used in developing new methods and solutions to solve problems in geosphere phenomena using innovative perspectives. This study uses a quasi-experimental type with a Posttest Only Design. In this study, a purposive sample method was applied with two groups: the experimental group from science class 1 using SOLE and the control group from science class 3 using conventional methods. The instrument uses an essay test to measure the level of creative thinking ability and an observation sheet to measure the level of science process skills. The data analysis used was the Independent-Sample T Test and the Mann-Whitney U test with a significance level of 0.05. The SOLE model significantly affects watershed conservation materials' creative thinking and science process skills. The significance value of the Independent-Sample T-Test of creative thinking skills was 0.001 < 0.05, and the significance value of the Mann-Whitney U Test of science process skills was 0.000 <0.05. The internet's investigative process provides information and mindset in scientific concepts in predicting damage/problems and watershed conservation efforts. In addition, the internet investigation process helps students obtain various literacy and information.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
The religious approach has recently become an alternative in disaster mitigation. Religion is not... more The religious approach has recently become an alternative in disaster mitigation. Religion is not only a theological foundation, but also complements the scientific approach in preventing and dealing with disasters. One of them is in disaster literacy based on pesantren in Narmada, Lombok, which is a disaster-prone area. The theological approach is optimized in the environmental and disaster literacy movement through environmental education at the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School which is known as an environmentally friendly Islamic Boarding School. This article discusses the practice of green education in Islamic boarding schools as part of disaster literacy efforts in Lombok. The research was conducted with qualitative methods. Collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation studies. Research informants include pesantren administrators, Non-Governmental Organizations and the community which are determined by purposive sampling. Data analysis used interactive models, namely by data reduction, display and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the practice of green education in the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School was implemented through several programs including integrated farming, waste management, open-air schools, training of facilitators for students and the reforestation movement by planting trees. This activity is inseparable from the role of Tuan Guru Hasanain who applies an eco-theological approach through the internalization of religious interpretations that support disaster literacy. Tuan Guru has an important position for the people of Lombok, who are predominantly Muslim, so that the literacy program can be accepted by the community. This shows that religion plays a role as an effective alternative in disaster literacy in society.
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi, Jun 30, 2022
The problem of slum and squatter settlement is caused by improper environmental planning. This st... more The problem of slum and squatter settlement is caused by improper environmental planning. This study examines socioeconomic determinants of human health by adopting concepts of population morbidity from Mosley and Chen. The purpose of this study was to analyze various conditions behind the low environmental health behavior of fishermen's households in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. This study used a quantitative approach with a population from fishermen's households. The samples were selected purposively by considering economic and spatial conditions. Primary data collection was carried out through structured and in-depth interviews. The dependent variable in this study was individual disease control, particularly the standard health protocol during the COVID 19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the independent variable of the population health behavior was measured using a Likert scale. Those independent variables consisted of hand hygiene, the use of masks, and maintaining distance. The results showed that as many as 30 percent of fisherman households were classified as the population with good quality health behavior, 43.33 percent of the population presented moderate-quality health behavior, and 26.77 percent of the population had poor quality health behavior. Those behaviors might be caused by their relatively low perception and knowledge on the importance of maintaining health during the COVID 19 pandemic.
International Journal of Learning Technology
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S)
This study aims to describe the form of curriculum integration, the implementation of the environ... more This study aims to describe the form of curriculum integration, the implementation of the environmental care and cultured movement, and its obstacles. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 8 Malang with research subjects including: (1) Adiwiyata coordinator; (2) teachers with an interest in Adiwiyata; and (3) Adiwiyata cadres. Data was collected using three techniques, namely: participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques are carried out by reducing, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that SMA Negeri 8 Malang implemented an environment-based curriculum, three indicators that excel in the implementation of the environmental care and culture movement include the habit of planting and maintaining trees/plants, water management, and energy management. Constraints faced include teachers have difficulty in preparing learning tools and funding problems. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan wuju...
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S)
The development of technology and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has created many obstacles in the... more The development of technology and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has created many obstacles in the field of education, especially in the teaching, and learning process. Circumstances require that the teaching and learning process is not fully implemented face to face. This research was conducted with the aim of developing digital teaching materials based on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics or STEM. This research is development research using the ADDIE model. The product trial used student responses from SMA Negeri 2 Tuban and got a positive response. The results of the research are in the form of STEM-based digital teaching materials with STEM aspects, namely information in teaching materials (science), the form of digital teaching materials, additional content in them (technology), infographic creation, design (engineering), and the presence of mathematical formulas in digital teaching materials (mathematics). Berkembangnya teknologi serta adanya kondisi pandemi COV...
Jurnal Praksis dan Dedikasi Sosial (JPDS)
PROJECT-BASED STUDENTS WORKSHEET TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' PANCASILA PROFILE IN HYBRID LEARNINGThe... more PROJECT-BASED STUDENTS WORKSHEET TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' PANCASILA PROFILE IN HYBRID LEARNINGThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a changing impact on various aspects of life. One of them is the aspect of education which so far tends to be carried out in a conventional classical manner, which must develop towards digitalization. Therefore, this article discusses community service with the aim of improving the skills of teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java in making project-based worksheets with hybrid learning to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. The method adopted is empowerment through training and mentoring for teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java with three stages namely preparation, implementation and follow-up. Based on an analytical study, the results of community service activities showed a positive impact on improving the skills of teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java in making project-based worksheets with hybr...
Jurnal Praksis dan Dedikasi Sosial (JPDS)
LEARN EARTH ROTATION AND REVOLUTION: DEVELOPMENT OF GEOROTATION MEDIA FOR LEARNING DIGITAL GEOGRA... more LEARN EARTH ROTATION AND REVOLUTION: DEVELOPMENT OF GEOROTATION MEDIA FOR LEARNING DIGITAL GEOGRAPHYLearning media is an intermediary in the delivery of information through various channels. The information conveyed can provide stimulation to students both in terms of thoughts, to the will that can improve the learning process. The use of learning media in geography can help students describe, describe, or describe things that are abstract and difficult to understand. This development research aims to develop a learning media in the form of applications that can be accessed on smartphones. This development research method uses ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The types of data in this development research are qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained from criticism and suggestions from expert validators and trial respondents. Quantitative data in this development research is in the form of numerical scores in the question...
MEGA: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
This study aims to produce student activity sheets with a scientific approach to high school deri... more This study aims to produce student activity sheets with a scientific approach to high school derivative materials and to determine the quality of student activity sheets from the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This type of research is development research. The development model used is the ADDIE development model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instrument used in this study was the Student Activity Sheet assessment sheet to measure the validity, the response questionnaire to the use of learning devices to measure practicality, and the learning outcome test questions to measure effectiveness. The results showed that the Student Activity Sheet developed was valid because the results of the assessment met the minimum classification "Good". Assessment of Student Activity Sheet gets an average score of 4.1 with the classification "Very Good". Based on the results of data analysis of teacher re...
TEM Journal
This study aimed to develop products and test the utility of the natural laboratory based on eco-... more This study aimed to develop products and test the utility of the natural laboratory based on eco-spatial edutourism. This research was developed in three stages: 1) product development using five steps in the ADDIE model: Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, 2) conducting validation tests from learning experts, and 3) conducting limited trials in small groups. The research subjects were students of Geography Education study program, State University of Malang, in the environmental course in the academic year 2019/2020. The data were analyzed using the percentage table. The results showed: 1) the digital natural laboratory based on eco-spatial edutourism was valid by the expert validators, 2) the digital natural laboratory based on eco-spatial edutourism qualified for use in higher education learning.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Knowledge Sciences and Education (ICSKSE 2022), 2022
Scientific creativity skills (SCS) and problem-solving abilities (PSA) are benchmarks in assessin... more Scientific creativity skills (SCS) and problem-solving abilities (PSA) are benchmarks in assessing a person's quality in learning 21. SCS and PSA need to be possessed by every student. They can be developed by implementing a model of collaborative creativity learning (CCL) because it can train students in exploring ideas related to problems of geographical phenomena and encourage the active role of students in mastering concepts and analyzing a problem. CCL learning needs to be explored regarding its influence on Scientific Creativity and Problem Solving which is closely related to collaborative learning. This study aimed to determine the effect of the CCL model on the SCS and PSA of high school geography students. The research design in this study used a quasi-experimental study with a post-test only control group and Man Whitney U test, and an Independent-sample T test as data analysis. The research subjects used were class X Social Science-1 and X Social Science-2 as an experimental group using the CCL model, while class X Social Science-3 as a control group using a conventional learning model. The results showed a significant effect from applying the CCL Model on SCS and PSA with a significant score of 0.001 < 0.05. This study proves that applying the CCL Model can develop SCS and PSA.
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volcano tourism is a part of ecotourism or geotourism in developed and developing countries. The ... more Volcano tourism is a part of ecotourism or geotourism in developed and developing countries. The visitors or tourists in this kind of tourism immerse themselves in the bodily enjoyment of feeling and sensing the volcano's high elevation instead of viewing its beauty. The present article aims to explore tourists' subjective experiences of being at a high altitude by taking the case of Mount Semeru tourists. The tourist attraction of Mount Semeru as a volcanic mountain has a selling point and appeal for climbing but with threats and risks. This research explores and reveals the meaning of hiking trips and the manifestation of fear during trips in risky areas. The existential-phenomenological approach examines multifaceted phenomena from an individual’s point of view. Informants were determined by using a purposive sampling technique. In this phenomenological study, researchers look for information (individuals) who have the capability so they can articulate their life experien...
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan
ABSTRAKPerkembangan teknologi menuntut guru dalam menghadirkan proses pembelajaran yang inovatif ... more ABSTRAKPerkembangan teknologi menuntut guru dalam menghadirkan proses pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif. Media pembelajaran yang terintegrasi dengan teknologi dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi siswa dalam meningkatkan kompetensi abad 21. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan Gamification berbasis Game Based Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) terhadap kemampuan Guru dalam memahami basic gamification element. Metode kegiatan berupa pelatihan dengan menggunakan pretest dan posttest untuk mengukur kompetensi Guru dalam memahami basic gamification element. Tahapan pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan empat tahap yang terdiri dari: : 1) tahap assessment, 2) tahap persiapan, dan 3) tahap implementasi program dan 4) tahap evaluasi program. Subjek penelitian adalah Guru terutama Guru Geografi. Analisis data menggunakan Uji paired sample test dengan nilai N-Gain Score. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa Guru dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memahami basic gamification elemen...
International journal of interactive mobile technologies, Nov 29, 2022
The concept of concrete lithosphere material has limitations in being verbally stimulated by the ... more The concept of concrete lithosphere material has limitations in being verbally stimulated by the teacher, so students have difficulty understanding the material. During the learning process, lithosphere material is rarely carried out in practicum activities due to the lack of media that can involve students directly. This study aims to produce, measure feasibility, and determine the effectiveness of mobile geography virtual laboratory learning media. This research was included in R&D research by adopting a 4-D development model. The results obtained, namely the Mobile Geography Virtual Laboratory media, are feasible and effectively used in rock and soil practicum activities. The results of this research can be an innovative solution for geography learning, especially in adequately supporting the implementation of practicum activities so that students can become more active and independent.
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)
This study aims to determine the effect of M-VGFT media on students' Complex Problem Solving ... more This study aims to determine the effect of M-VGFT media on students' Complex Problem Solving and Spatial Intelligence abilities. Quasi-experimental research with post-test-only group design method. The design used two experimental groups with a purposive or judgment sampling method considering the average class value. X.2 Social Science group (14 boys and 20 girls), X.3 Social Science group (17 boys and 17 girls), and X.4 Social Science (17 boys and 17 girls). The subjects of this study were first-year high school students in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Hypothesis testing using independent sample t-test to determine the effect of M-VGFT media on the ability of students' Complex Problem Solving and Spatial Intelligence in the subject of Geography on Volcanism. The results showed a significant influence between M-VGFT media on students' Complex Problem Solving Ability and Spatial Intelligence in Madrasah Aliah Negeri Baru. However, there are differenc...
KnE Social Sciences, Oct 12, 2022
It is important in 21st-century learning to develop learning materials in digital form and teachi... more It is important in 21st-century learning to develop learning materials in digital form and teaching activities that require students to develop critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration skills. 21st-century learning involves student-centered learning, where students are required to be more independent. Analysis of the needs of grade XII IPS 2 students at SMAN 2 BATU showed that the students needed interactive digital-based learning materials to support them, especially materials on the population, human development index (HDI), and demographics. This research therefore aimed to produce these digital learning materials using STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) approaches. The ADDIE model was used, and qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Data were analyzed using percentage analysis techniques. The digital learning material products prepared were tested on 20 students of grade XII IPS 2 at SMA Negeri 2 Batu. Their validation was tested by material experts and media experts, obtaining validity values of 96% and 98%, respectively, which could both be classified as 'very valid'. Furthermore, an eligibility test was carried out with geography teachers and students, and a result of 91% was obtained, which could be classified as 'very feasible/very interesting'. Based on the results, it is feasible to use the STEM-based digital learning materials of population, HDI, and demographics effectively in geography learning.
Routledge eBooks, May 3, 2022
Sampang floods are caused because of urban floods, flash floods, and tidal floods. In addition to... more Sampang floods are caused because of urban floods, flash floods, and tidal floods. In addition to morphology, the Kemoning River flow pattern triggers flooding. Sampang floods cause losses in the educational, economic, and social aspects. Efforts to reduce disaster risk can be made through education. Education has a role in sensitizing geography students to disaster response. One way is to provide students disaster knowledge and disaster mitigation techniques. Therefore, it is essential to examine how high the level of knowledge and perception of geography students is in reducing the risk of floods in Sampang. The method used is a descriptive cross-sectional survey. This research was conducted in high school in Sampang. More precisely, researchers choose schools that the majority of students are affected by the flood in Sampang. Using descriptive data analysis, data were used for histogram analysis, bivariate correlation analysis, distribution analysis, and independent sample testing. Although students learned about the disaster flood in Sampang, many students do not have complete knowledge about it.
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S)
The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges in the teaching-learning process. Teacher competencies ... more The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges in the teaching-learning process. Teacher competencies and skills need to be applied to learning in optimizing learning, one of which is through the actualization of Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge (TPACK). However, teachers experience problems in implementing TPACK with the emergence of negative perceptions of technology integration, and Geography teachers are no exception. Geography teachers are constrained in integrating learning technology. The characteristics of the material with pedagogical practices, effective content management, and the integration of complex technology are obstacles for Geography teachers. This service aims to improve the knowledge and skills of Geography teachers towards increasing TPACK in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of this service is Geography teacher with a total of 86 people. The method in this service uses socialization and training which includes lecture, discussion and q...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Jan 2, 2020
Lack of sanitation access is among characteristics of urban slums; therefore strategies to improv... more Lack of sanitation access is among characteristics of urban slums; therefore strategies to improve sanitation are needed. One possible strategy is to improve visual appearance of slum buildings by painting walls with colours. Other than improving community awareness to maintain cleanliness, this approach can provide economic benefit for the residents, as it creates tourism activities. This paper observes visual improvement of slum areas; besides ability to accelerate access to domestic wastewater treatment is compared. This study observe domestic wastewater treatment facilities after visual improvement carried out in three different slum locations in Indonesia. They are Kampung Code in Yogyakarta, Kampung Wonosari in Semarang and Kampung Sindulang in Manado. Initiation of coloring project of the three urban area is different. Community and private sector initiated Kampung Code painting project, while the local government initiated similar project of Kampung Wonosari and Kampung Sindulang. Observation was performed by distributing questionnaires to residents of the slum areas and path analysis executed afterward. A sample size of 64, 270 and 102 were taken from Kampung Code, Kampung Wonosari and Kampung Sindulang respectively, with 5% margin of error. Wastewater management behaviour was measured based on level of community intention to manage sanitation. Intention is derived from three different independent variables: attitude, subjective norms and perceived behaviour control. Significant effects of the colouring project to improve community awareness towards the importance of domestic wastewater treatment facilities was observed in all slums.