Tobias Boos | University of Vienna (original) (raw)

Books by Tobias Boos

Research paper thumbnail of Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Dynamiken und Akteure im 21. Jahrhundert

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Research paper thumbnail of Populismus und Mittelklasse  Die Kirchner-Regierungen zwischen 2003 und 2015 in Argentinien

Populismus der Mitte? Was zunächst als Widerspruch erscheint, entpuppt sich im Falle Argentiniens... more Populismus der Mitte? Was zunächst als Widerspruch erscheint, entpuppt sich im Falle Argentiniens als fruchtbare Perspektive auf die gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen während der Kirchner-Regierungen (2003-2015). Tobias Boos zeigt, dass Populismus weit entfernt davon ist, ein Phänomen der randständigen Massen zu sein. Vielmehr offenbaren sich Teile der argentinischen Mittelklasse als gewichtige Säule des politischen Projekts der Kirchners. Die Studie geht den Verflechtungen von politischer Ökonomie und politischen Identitäten nach und wirft ein neues Licht auf die lateinamerikanischen Populismen des 21. Jahrhunderts.


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Research paper thumbnail of Mit Poulantzas arbeiten ... um aktuelle Macht-und Herrschaftsverhältnisse zu verstehen

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Articles by Tobias Boos

Research paper thumbnail of Zum Wechselverhältnis von Kontext und Wirkung populistischer Strategien. Institutionen, Ökonomie und Konflikte als Kontextfaktoren in Argentinien (2003–2015).

Wie weiter mit der Populismusforschung?, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of State Transformation

The Routledge handbook to the political economy and governance of the Americas, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Insurrektion und Protest Die Mobilisierungen in Ecuador, Chile, Bolivien und Kolumbien 2019

PROKLA, 2020

Ende 2019 erlebte Lateinamerika erneut einen Zyklus popularer Mobilisierungen, der zahlreiche Län... more Ende 2019 erlebte Lateinamerika erneut einen Zyklus popularer Mobilisierungen, der zahlreiche Länder erfasste und international für Aufsehen sorg-te. Wegen ihres Ausmaßes und ihrer regionalen Bedeutung liegt der Schwerpunkt des Artikels auf dem temporären Volksaufstand in Ecuador, den Protesten in Bolivien und Kolumbien sowie der Insurrektion in Chile. Dabei werden neben der Analyse des his-torischen Kontexts, der Forderungen und der beteiligten AkteurInnen vor allem die einzelnen Ländern sichtbar gemacht. Der Artikel schließt mit einer vergleichenden Einschätzung der Mobilisierungen, in der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der vier untersuchten Fälle herausgearbeitet werden. Abstract: At the end of 2019, Latin America experienced a new cycle of popular mobilizations that affected numerous countries and also drew international attention.-porary popular uprising in Ecuador, the protests in Bolivia and Colombia and the insurrection in Chile. In addition to the analysis of the historical context, the demand

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Research paper thumbnail of Rebelión, progresismo y economía moral La clase media argentina en las últimas dos décadas

Nueva Sociedad, 2020

Argentina se autopercibe desde hace décadas como un país de clases medias. Es parte del mito fund... more Argentina se autopercibe desde hace décadas como un país de clases medias. Es parte del mito fundacional que pervive hasta hoy. El kirchnerismo, como otros movimientos nacional-populares, ha tenido una relación ambivalente con estos sectores: aunque algunos vieron en él un «populismo de las clases medias», estas fueron a menudo consideradas como culturalmente «colonizadas». Y es de las clases medias de donde surge la fuerza del macrismo, recientemente derrotado en las urnas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein Hut, zu viele Köpfe. Zu Geschichte und Theorie des Populismusbegriffs - PROKLA 190, VOl. 48, Nr. 1

One hat, too many heads. On the history and theory of populism. In recent times, populism not o... more One hat, too many heads. On the history and theory of populism.

In recent times, populism not only is on everyone’s lips, but it has also been contested as scientific term. While some consider recent political developments as a repolitization and response to postdemocracy, others interpret populism as authoritarian and antipluralistic form of politics. However, a closer look reveals that the common term is very often rather obscuring. Scrutinizing the three mayor historic references of the debates on Populism — the Russian Narodniki, the US People 's Party, and the national-popular governments in the 1930-505 in Latin America-, the article reveals that quite contrasting movements have been labeled as populists. Furthermore, different theoretical strands, which described them as such discerned very different aspects as their populist core. Alter laying out these differences, the articles asks for the
l explanatory potential of these approaches and discusses the question if there is an intrinsic authoritarianism to populism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Linkspopulismus: Oxymoron oder Alternative? Ein Blick über den politiktheoretischen Tellerrand. Fallbeispiel: Argentinien

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Research paper thumbnail of Lenín in Zugzwang

Ecuadors Präsident steht trotz Sieg beim Referendum unter Druck von vielen politischen Akteuren

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Research paper thumbnail of Pact of Consumption – Kirchnerism and the Argentinian Middle Class

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, 2017

The debate about an adequate characterisation of the pink tide governments in Latin America has g... more The debate about an adequate characterisation of the pink tide governments in Latin America has gained new momentum since the so-called progressive cycle seems to have come to an end. One of the most recent debates is inspired by the term pacto de consumo (pact of consumption). The main argument here is that the progressive governments have been able to raise the level of consumption of the popular classes and the (lower) middle classes. This article examines the hypothesis of a pact of consumption in the case of the Argentinian middle class and the Kirchnerist governments. The article argues, firstly, for a historic-relational concept of class, linking it through the regulationist term of mode of consumption to an intermediate level. Based on this notion of class, the article, secondly, explores the government´s strategies regarding expanding the consumption capacities of the middle class. Thirdly, it takes up the example of energy subsidies to show how the pact of consumption fostered by Kirchnerism should rather be understood as a reciprocal process of hegemonic integration than a unidirectional strategy from above.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rise of the Latin American Middle Class – or (Statistical) Storm in a Teapot?

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik , 2017

Fewer people living in poverty than in the ‘golden mean’ of society – Latin America has finally t... more Fewer people living in poverty than in the ‘golden mean’ of society – Latin America has finally transformed itself into a middle class region. At least that is the opinion held by some World Bank officials. But how does this resonate with the still persisting and high inequality in Latin America? In which way does such an assessment relate to the Latin American left turn during the last decades? Furthermore, what are we actually referring to with middle class? And more generally, what ideas of society lurk behind the term?
This special issue tries to address some of these topics, attempting to interrogate this analysis of international development organisations as well as discourses and policies predominant during the pink tide in Latin America. The authors of this issue seek to put the spotlight on more meaningful concepts of the middle class and associated accounts of social realities in Latin America.

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Research paper thumbnail of Degrowth and post-extractivism: two debates with suggestions for the inclusive development framework

Two thrilling academic debates are taking place in different parts of the world. In Europe, the c... more Two thrilling academic debates are taking place in different parts of the world. In Europe, the concept of degrowth is gaining in importance as a strategy to reorient societies and create well-being against the imperatives of capitalist growth. In Latin America, there is a post-extractivism or good living critique of the currently dominant development model of neo-extractivism. Only recently a dialogue between these two debates has started. This is surprising, because the chances to realize degrowth and post-extractivist strategies depend on global social–ecological transformations. Moreover, the debates are not linked to the inclusive development framework. This review article assesses both debates and discusses their strengths and shortcomings and makes suggestions for the concept of inclusive development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die populistische Herausforderung: Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen

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Research paper thumbnail of Die populistische Herausforderung: Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen - SWP 4/2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Lateinamerikanisiert Europa!? Einige vorläufige Schlussfolgerungen zur Frage eines linken Populismus in Europa

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Research paper thumbnail of Argentinien oder Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit - Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 1/2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Argentinien - Das Ende des Kirchnerismus? - Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 4/2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Raus aus den Schulden - neue Unabhängigkeit? Das Wachstumsmantra und die Crux mit dem Extraktivismus - ila, Juni 2016

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Papers by Tobias Boos

Research paper thumbnail of The political economy of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. Temporary bandages to permanent wounds?


This paper provides a contextual analysis of the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvad... more This paper provides a contextual analysis of the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. First, we outline the historical context and the political situation of the period 2019–24 that serve as context for the passage and implementation of the Bitcoin law (Decree No. 57). We identify the institutional and political context and the main areas of contention. Next, we delve into the macroeconomic context of El Salvador, outlining the fundamental features of its economy and highlighting how they relate to currency issues. Our analysis reveals that the adoption of Bitcoin cannot be understood without factoring in the mounting strains surrounding dollarization, remittances, and foreign debt. We conclude by putting forth a set of hypotheses regarding the potential

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Research paper thumbnail of Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Dynamiken und Akteure im 21. Jahrhundert

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Research paper thumbnail of Populismus und Mittelklasse  Die Kirchner-Regierungen zwischen 2003 und 2015 in Argentinien

Populismus der Mitte? Was zunächst als Widerspruch erscheint, entpuppt sich im Falle Argentiniens... more Populismus der Mitte? Was zunächst als Widerspruch erscheint, entpuppt sich im Falle Argentiniens als fruchtbare Perspektive auf die gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen während der Kirchner-Regierungen (2003-2015). Tobias Boos zeigt, dass Populismus weit entfernt davon ist, ein Phänomen der randständigen Massen zu sein. Vielmehr offenbaren sich Teile der argentinischen Mittelklasse als gewichtige Säule des politischen Projekts der Kirchners. Die Studie geht den Verflechtungen von politischer Ökonomie und politischen Identitäten nach und wirft ein neues Licht auf die lateinamerikanischen Populismen des 21. Jahrhunderts.


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Research paper thumbnail of Mit Poulantzas arbeiten ... um aktuelle Macht-und Herrschaftsverhältnisse zu verstehen

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Research paper thumbnail of Zum Wechselverhältnis von Kontext und Wirkung populistischer Strategien. Institutionen, Ökonomie und Konflikte als Kontextfaktoren in Argentinien (2003–2015).

Wie weiter mit der Populismusforschung?, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of State Transformation

The Routledge handbook to the political economy and governance of the Americas, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Insurrektion und Protest Die Mobilisierungen in Ecuador, Chile, Bolivien und Kolumbien 2019

PROKLA, 2020

Ende 2019 erlebte Lateinamerika erneut einen Zyklus popularer Mobilisierungen, der zahlreiche Län... more Ende 2019 erlebte Lateinamerika erneut einen Zyklus popularer Mobilisierungen, der zahlreiche Länder erfasste und international für Aufsehen sorg-te. Wegen ihres Ausmaßes und ihrer regionalen Bedeutung liegt der Schwerpunkt des Artikels auf dem temporären Volksaufstand in Ecuador, den Protesten in Bolivien und Kolumbien sowie der Insurrektion in Chile. Dabei werden neben der Analyse des his-torischen Kontexts, der Forderungen und der beteiligten AkteurInnen vor allem die einzelnen Ländern sichtbar gemacht. Der Artikel schließt mit einer vergleichenden Einschätzung der Mobilisierungen, in der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der vier untersuchten Fälle herausgearbeitet werden. Abstract: At the end of 2019, Latin America experienced a new cycle of popular mobilizations that affected numerous countries and also drew international attention.-porary popular uprising in Ecuador, the protests in Bolivia and Colombia and the insurrection in Chile. In addition to the analysis of the historical context, the demand

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Research paper thumbnail of Rebelión, progresismo y economía moral La clase media argentina en las últimas dos décadas

Nueva Sociedad, 2020

Argentina se autopercibe desde hace décadas como un país de clases medias. Es parte del mito fund... more Argentina se autopercibe desde hace décadas como un país de clases medias. Es parte del mito fundacional que pervive hasta hoy. El kirchnerismo, como otros movimientos nacional-populares, ha tenido una relación ambivalente con estos sectores: aunque algunos vieron en él un «populismo de las clases medias», estas fueron a menudo consideradas como culturalmente «colonizadas». Y es de las clases medias de donde surge la fuerza del macrismo, recientemente derrotado en las urnas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein Hut, zu viele Köpfe. Zu Geschichte und Theorie des Populismusbegriffs - PROKLA 190, VOl. 48, Nr. 1

One hat, too many heads. On the history and theory of populism. In recent times, populism not o... more One hat, too many heads. On the history and theory of populism.

In recent times, populism not only is on everyone’s lips, but it has also been contested as scientific term. While some consider recent political developments as a repolitization and response to postdemocracy, others interpret populism as authoritarian and antipluralistic form of politics. However, a closer look reveals that the common term is very often rather obscuring. Scrutinizing the three mayor historic references of the debates on Populism — the Russian Narodniki, the US People 's Party, and the national-popular governments in the 1930-505 in Latin America-, the article reveals that quite contrasting movements have been labeled as populists. Furthermore, different theoretical strands, which described them as such discerned very different aspects as their populist core. Alter laying out these differences, the articles asks for the
l explanatory potential of these approaches and discusses the question if there is an intrinsic authoritarianism to populism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Linkspopulismus: Oxymoron oder Alternative? Ein Blick über den politiktheoretischen Tellerrand. Fallbeispiel: Argentinien

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Research paper thumbnail of Lenín in Zugzwang

Ecuadors Präsident steht trotz Sieg beim Referendum unter Druck von vielen politischen Akteuren

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Research paper thumbnail of Pact of Consumption – Kirchnerism and the Argentinian Middle Class

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, 2017

The debate about an adequate characterisation of the pink tide governments in Latin America has g... more The debate about an adequate characterisation of the pink tide governments in Latin America has gained new momentum since the so-called progressive cycle seems to have come to an end. One of the most recent debates is inspired by the term pacto de consumo (pact of consumption). The main argument here is that the progressive governments have been able to raise the level of consumption of the popular classes and the (lower) middle classes. This article examines the hypothesis of a pact of consumption in the case of the Argentinian middle class and the Kirchnerist governments. The article argues, firstly, for a historic-relational concept of class, linking it through the regulationist term of mode of consumption to an intermediate level. Based on this notion of class, the article, secondly, explores the government´s strategies regarding expanding the consumption capacities of the middle class. Thirdly, it takes up the example of energy subsidies to show how the pact of consumption fostered by Kirchnerism should rather be understood as a reciprocal process of hegemonic integration than a unidirectional strategy from above.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rise of the Latin American Middle Class – or (Statistical) Storm in a Teapot?

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik , 2017

Fewer people living in poverty than in the ‘golden mean’ of society – Latin America has finally t... more Fewer people living in poverty than in the ‘golden mean’ of society – Latin America has finally transformed itself into a middle class region. At least that is the opinion held by some World Bank officials. But how does this resonate with the still persisting and high inequality in Latin America? In which way does such an assessment relate to the Latin American left turn during the last decades? Furthermore, what are we actually referring to with middle class? And more generally, what ideas of society lurk behind the term?
This special issue tries to address some of these topics, attempting to interrogate this analysis of international development organisations as well as discourses and policies predominant during the pink tide in Latin America. The authors of this issue seek to put the spotlight on more meaningful concepts of the middle class and associated accounts of social realities in Latin America.

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Research paper thumbnail of Degrowth and post-extractivism: two debates with suggestions for the inclusive development framework

Two thrilling academic debates are taking place in different parts of the world. In Europe, the c... more Two thrilling academic debates are taking place in different parts of the world. In Europe, the concept of degrowth is gaining in importance as a strategy to reorient societies and create well-being against the imperatives of capitalist growth. In Latin America, there is a post-extractivism or good living critique of the currently dominant development model of neo-extractivism. Only recently a dialogue between these two debates has started. This is surprising, because the chances to realize degrowth and post-extractivist strategies depend on global social–ecological transformations. Moreover, the debates are not linked to the inclusive development framework. This review article assesses both debates and discusses their strengths and shortcomings and makes suggestions for the concept of inclusive development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die populistische Herausforderung: Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen

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Research paper thumbnail of Die populistische Herausforderung: Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen - SWP 4/2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Lateinamerikanisiert Europa!? Einige vorläufige Schlussfolgerungen zur Frage eines linken Populismus in Europa

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Research paper thumbnail of Argentinien oder Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit - Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 1/2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Argentinien - Das Ende des Kirchnerismus? - Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 4/2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Raus aus den Schulden - neue Unabhängigkeit? Das Wachstumsmantra und die Crux mit dem Extraktivismus - ila, Juni 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The political economy of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. Temporary bandages to permanent wounds?


This paper provides a contextual analysis of the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvad... more This paper provides a contextual analysis of the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. First, we outline the historical context and the political situation of the period 2019–24 that serve as context for the passage and implementation of the Bitcoin law (Decree No. 57). We identify the institutional and political context and the main areas of contention. Next, we delve into the macroeconomic context of El Salvador, outlining the fundamental features of its economy and highlighting how they relate to currency issues. Our analysis reveals that the adoption of Bitcoin cannot be understood without factoring in the mounting strains surrounding dollarization, remittances, and foreign debt. We conclude by putting forth a set of hypotheses regarding the potential

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[Research paper thumbnail of Rebelión, progresismo y economía moral La clase media argentina en las últimas dos décadas. [Autor: Tobias Boos]](

Este artículo es copia fiel del publicado en la revista Nueva Sociedad No 285, enero-febrero de 2020, 2020

Argentina se autopercibe desde hace décadas como un país de clases medias. Es parte del mito fund... more Argentina se autopercibe desde hace décadas como un país de clases medias. Es parte del mito fundacional que pervive hasta hoy. El kirchnerismo, como otros movimientos nacional-populares, ha tenido una relación ambivalente con estos sectores: aunque algunos vieron en él un «populismo de las clases medias», estas fueron a menudo consideradas como culturalmente «colonizadas». Y es de las clases medias de donde surge la fuerza del macrismo, recientemente derrotado en las urnas.

Este trabajo fue publicado durante el transcurso de Fellowship en el CALAS. Fue publicado en la Revista Nueva Sociedad.

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Research paper thumbnail of Insurrektion und Protest: Die Mobilisierungen in Ecuador, Chile, Bolivien und Kolumbien 2019

Prokla, 2020

Ende 2019 erlebte Lateinamerika erneut einen Zyklus popularer Mobilisierungen, der zahlreiche Län... more Ende 2019 erlebte Lateinamerika erneut einen Zyklus popularer Mobilisierungen, der zahlreiche Länder erfasste und international für Aufsehen sorg-te. Wegen ihres Ausmaßes und ihrer regionalen Bedeutung liegt der Schwerpunkt des Artikels auf dem temporären Volksaufstand in Ecuador, den Protesten in Bolivien und Kolumbien sowie der Insurrektion in Chile. Dabei werden neben der Analyse des his-torischen Kontexts, der Forderungen und der beteiligten AkteurInnen vor allem die einzelnen Ländern sichtbar gemacht. Der Artikel schließt mit einer vergleichenden Einschätzung der Mobilisierungen, in der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der vier untersuchten Fälle herausgearbeitet werden. Abstract: At the end of 2019, Latin America experienced a new cycle of popular mobilizations that affected numerous countries and also drew international attention.-porary popular uprising in Ecuador, the protests in Bolivia and Colombia and the insurrection in Chile. In addition to the analysis of the historical context, the demands

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Research paper thumbnail of Lateinamerika: Nach dem Ressourcenboom und progressiven Politiken zurück auf Los?

Ifo Schnelldienst, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Degrowth and Post-Extractivism: Two Debates with Suggestions for the Inclusive Development Framework. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of Hegemonía y prácticas cotidianas: la relación entre kirchnerismo y la clase media - FLACSO 2015, Quito

El surgimiento de los llamados gobiernos progresistas incentivó tanto nuevas discusiones como un ... more El surgimiento de los llamados gobiernos progresistas incentivó tanto nuevas discusiones como un redescubrimiento de debates en torno al populismo en América Latina. Especialmente los enfoques teóricos que se inscriben en una línea de abordaje que parte del concepto de hegemonía de Antonio Gramsci cobraron, nuevamente, mayor importancia. En el caso de Argentina, la relación de la clase media con los distintos gobiernos populistas atrajo mucho interés ya desde el primer gobierno peronista. En este contexto, muchas investigaciones hicieron hincapié en la postura históricamente anti-peronista de ella. Contrariamente a eso, algunos autores señalan que la relación entre el actual gobierno kirchnerista y la clase media está marcada por un carácter aún más ambiguo, ya que sectores importantes han apoyado en distintos períodos los gobiernos de Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Fernández.
El presente paper destaca la importancia que Gramsci adscribió al sentido común y las prácticas cotidianas para establecer un orden hegemónico. Se dirige a argumentar que tomar en cuenta la vida cotidiana es indispensable para abordar la relación entre la clase media y el kirchnerismo. La clave para la definición del vínculo entre el gobierno kirchnerista y la clase media reside en poder llevar a cabo cierto modo de vida o bien en los problemas y trabas que lo imposibilitan y se interponen en prácticas cotidianas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ontische Leere, strategische Schwäche? Die Doppelperspektive in Laclaus Populismustheorie - Kassel 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of From ¡Que se vayan todos! to a binarising state perspective - Historical Materialism Conference 2014, London

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Research paper thumbnail of "Populism and organicist hegemony. Kirchnerists´ representations about politics." - ECPR General Conference 2014, Glasgow

The Latin-American discussion about populism has a long a rich tradition. Since the election of t... more The Latin-American discussion about populism has a long a rich tradition. Since the election of the so called progressive governments in the region there have been numerous contributions to the debate, especially with regard to Ernesto Laclau´s concept of populism. However, one of the earliest critics to his approach was already formulated by Portantiero and de Ìpola in 1981, in which they observe a kind of organicist hegemony that characterizes existing populist governments.
The paper investigates this aspect of populism in the case of the kirchnerist government in Argentine. Using Antonio Gramsci´s concept of common sense it explores the representations of kirchnerist militants and sympathizers about the government through 18 problem-centered interviews. The paper argues that their representations contain a very specific idea of the state, which structures their vision about politics.

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