dina weindl | University of Vienna (original) (raw)

Papers by dina weindl

Research paper thumbnail of Tageskliniken zentral und/oder disloziert. Ein Standardelement der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Versorgung


Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Tageskliniken als fachspezifische Versorgungseinheiten der kinder- un... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Tageskliniken als fachspezifische Versorgungseinheiten der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Versorgung in Österreich stellen einen wichtigen Behandlungsbaustein für personenorientierte Behandlungsangebote dar. Neben zahlreichen Vorteilen, stellen sie jedoch auch höhere Anforderungen an die jungen Patient:innen und deren Angehörige. Methodik In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die in Österreich etablierte tagesklinische Versorgungsstruktur, welche im Österreichischen Strukturplan Gesundheit festgehalten ist, dargestellt. Dabei wird ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Strukturqualitätskriterien, welche sich am Konzept der Leistungsorientierten Krankenhausfinanzierung orientieren, gelegt. Ergebnisse Es zeigt sich eine hohe Anforderung und Notwendigkeit zur Bereitschaft zu transdisziplinären, multimodalen Behandlungskonzepten und -formen, sowie ein großer räumlicher Ressourcenbedarf. Die Etablierung von mehreren tagesklinischen Gruppen an einem Standort finden sich...

Research paper thumbnail of Mental health professionals’ perspective on a brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees

European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Research paper thumbnail of Kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischer und therapeutischer Behandlungsbedarf bei fremduntergebrachten Kindern und Jugendlichen. Eine Erhebung der Bedarfslage in Einrichtungen im NÖ Industrieviertel


Zusammenfassung Ein steigender kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischer Versorgungsbedarf ist in den letz... more Zusammenfassung Ein steigender kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischer Versorgungsbedarf ist in den letzten Jahren deutlich zu beobachten. Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit 20 Kinder-und Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen im Industrieviertel (Niederösterreich) und dem kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischen Behandlungsbedarfs der 439 dort fremduntergebrachten Kinder und Jugendlichen. Es zeigen sich bei 270 (62 %) der Kinder und Jugendlichen psychiatrische Auffälligkeiten und bei 220 (50,1 %) ein oder mehrere psychiatrische Diagnosen. Davon sind 200 Kinder und Jugendlichen bereits in einer kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischen Behandlung. Bei elf Einrichtungen besteht ein Behandlungsbedarf von 80-100 % der fremduntergebrachten Kinder und Jugendlichen. Es ergibt sich daraus ein hochbelastetes Helfer:innensystem und eine große Versorgungsnotwendigkeit in den Einrichtungen. Eine intensivere Vernetzung und Zusammenarbeit der involvierten Institutionen bzw. Helfer:innensysteme und einer Weiterentwicklung des Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrischen Angebots wäre wünschenswert, um den steigenden psychiatrischen Behandlungsbedarf bei Kindern und Jugendlichen adäquat begegnen zu können. Schlüsselwörter Behandlungsbedarf • Industrieviertel • Kinder-und Jugendhilfe Zusatzmaterial online Zusätzliche Informationen sind in der Online-Version dieses Artikels (

Research paper thumbnail of The boundaries between complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters and post-migration living difficulties in traumatised Afghan refugees: a network analysis

Conflict and Health

Background Psychological distress due to the ongoing war, violence, and persecution is particular... more Background Psychological distress due to the ongoing war, violence, and persecution is particularly common among Afghan asylum seekers and refugees. In addition, individuals face a variety of post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs). Complex posttraumatic stress symptoms are among the most common mental health problems in this population, and were associated with the overall burden of PMLDs. The complex interplay of posttraumatic symptoms has been investigated from a network perspective in previous studies. However, individuals are embedded in and constantly react to the environment, which makes it important to include external factors in network models to better understand the etiology and maintaining factors of posttraumatic mental health problems. PMLDs are a major risk factor for posttraumatic distress and considering their impact in interventions might improve response rates. However, the interaction of these external factors with posttraumatic psychopathological distress is ...

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2: of Coming to terms with oneself: a mixed methods approach to perceived self-esteem of adult survivors of childhood maltreatment in foster care settings

Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ). (DOCX 22 kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1: of Coming to terms with oneself: a mixed methods approach to perceived self-esteem of adult survivors of childhood maltreatment in foster care settings

Semi-structured interview schedule. (DOCX 16 kb)

Research paper thumbnail of MOESM1 of A brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria: a randomized controlled trial

Additional file 1. SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) ch... more Additional file 1. SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) checklist.

Research paper thumbnail of Complex post-traumatic stress disorder and post-migration living difficulties in traumatised refugees and asylum seekers: the role of language acquisition and barriers

European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2021

ABSTRACT Background Numerous traumatic experiences and post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs)... more ABSTRACT Background Numerous traumatic experiences and post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs) increase the risk of developing symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) among Afghan refugees and asylum seekers, living in Austria. Research has repeatedly associated higher levels of CPTSD with higher levels of PMLDs. Summarizing PMLDs into empirically derived factors might facilitate a further understanding of their interaction with symptom presentation within distinct clusters of CPTSD. Objective The current study aimed to investigate homogeneous subgroups of ICD-11 CPTSD and their association with demographic variables, traumatic experiences, and empirically derived factors of PMLDs. Method Within a randomized controlled trail (RCT) CPTSD, PMLDs, and traumatic experiences were assessed in a sample of 93 treatment-seeking Afghan refugees and asylum seekers through a fully structured face-to-face and interpreter-assisted interview using the ITQ, the PMLDC, and a trauma checklist. Underlying clusters of CPTSD, superior factors of PMLDs, and their associations were investigated. Results In total, 19.4% of the sample met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and 49.5% for CPTSD. We identified a 2-cluster solution consisting of two distinct subgroups as best fitting: (1) a CPTSD cluster and (2) a PTSD cluster. The multitude of PMLDs was summarized into four superior factors. CPTSD cluster membership was associated with childhood potentially traumatic experience types, and one of four PMLD factors, namely ‘language acquisition & barriers’. Conclusions The results suggest that not PMLDs in general, but rather specific types of PMLDs, are associated with CPTSD. An assumed bidirectional relationship between these PMLD factors and CPTSD symptoms might lead to a downward spiral of increasing distress, and could be considered in treatment strategies. HIGHLIGHTS Two homogeneous subgroups of CPTSD symptoms were identified (CPTSD, PTSD). Only the PMLD factor ‘language acquisition & barriers’, and childhood potentially traumatic experience types were associated with the CPTSD cluster.

Research paper thumbnail of Instytucjonalne krzywdzenie dzieci w ramach austriackiego Kościoła katolickiego: rodzaje krzywdzenia i jego wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne dorosłych ofiar krzywdzonych w dzieciństwie

Celem badania byla ocena charakteru i zakresu instytucjonalnego krzywdzenia dzieci przez austriac... more Celem badania byla ocena charakteru i zakresu instytucjonalnego krzywdzenia dzieci przez austriacki Kościol katolicki oraz rozpoznanie obecnego stanu zdrowia psychicznego doroslych, ktorzy w dziecinstwie padli ofiarą takiego krzywdzenia. Dane zbierano dwuetapowo. W pierwszej kolejności przeanalizowano dokumentacje 448 doroslych ofiar (M = 55,1 lat, 75,7% mezczyźni), ktore ujawnily doznane w dziecinstwie krzywdzenie, zeznając przed komisją ds. ochrony ofiar. Uwzgledniono rozne typy krzywdzenia, rozne rodzaje sprawcow i rodzinne czynniki ryzyka. W kolejnym etapie grupa 185 doroslych ofiar zostala poproszona o wypelnienie kwestionariusza PCL-C (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist) oraz skroconego inwentarza objawow BSI (Brief Symptom Inventory). Uczestnicy opisywali ogromną roznorodnośc aktow przemocy fizycznej, seksualnej i emocjonalnej, do ktorych doszlo w okresie ich dziecinstwa. Wiekszośc ofiar (83,3%) doświadczyla w dziecinstwie krzywdzenia emocjonalnego. Odsetki dotyczące krz...

Research paper thumbnail of A brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Background Asylum seekers and refugees are at great risk for developing mental disorders. Afghan ... more Background Asylum seekers and refugees are at great risk for developing mental disorders. Afghan refugees are a particularly vulnerable group with a low average educational and mental health literacy level. Traumatic experiences and hardship pre- and during migration are predictive of mental health problems. However, post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs) also account for a large proportion of mental distress in such populations, which critically are not sufficiently considered in treatment protocols and research investigations. Indeed, the evidence base for the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers is sparse and mainly limited to trauma-specific treatments, where refugees may likely suffer from other mental health problems such as depression or anxiety as well. Methods/design This trial is the first evaluation of the efficacy of a short-term, transdiagnostic treatment protocol adapted to address mental health problems and PMLDs for treatment seeking Afghan refugees using an ...

Research paper thumbnail of Motivational capacities after prolonged interpersonal childhood trauma in institutional settings in a sample of Austrian adult survivors

Child abuse & neglect, 2018

A considerable amount of research has been conducted on the aversive impact of prolonged interper... more A considerable amount of research has been conducted on the aversive impact of prolonged interpersonal childhood trauma, but data on possible associations with motivational concepts (self-efficacy, self-esteem and locus of control) in adult survivors is scarce. The purpose of this study is to investigate specific coherences between childhood abuse and adult life events with (a) motivational concepts (MC), (b) the emotion regulation strategy "goal-directed behavior" and (c) the possible mediation of emotion regulation (ER) on motivational concepts. We use data from a cross-sectional survey in Vienna (VIA-S) obtained from 220 adult survivors of prolonged interpersonal childhood trauma. In addition, we assess the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Life Events Checklist for DSM-5, the subscale "Goals" (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Questionnaire), the Short Scale for Measuring General Self-Efficacy Beliefs, the Multidimensional Self-Esteem Scale, and an extende...

Research paper thumbnail of 12th European Conference on Traumatic Stress - Human rights & psychotraumatology

European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2013

We would like to inform you about a few grammar and sentence structure corrections on the submitt... more We would like to inform you about a few grammar and sentence structure corrections on the submitted abstracts that we conducted for a better understanding of the content. We are sorry for any remaining misprints and any inconvenience caused.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspects of social support and disclosure in the context of institutional abuse – long-term impact on mental health

BMC Psychology, 2015

Background: The psychological sequelae of institutionalized abuse and its long-term consequences ... more Background: The psychological sequelae of institutionalized abuse and its long-term consequences has not been systematically documented in existing literature in regarding social support once disclosure has been made. Reporting abuse is crucial, in particular for adult victims of childhood IA within the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, there is ongoing controversy about the benefits of disclosure. Our study examines the interaction of disclosure and subsequent social support in relation to mental health. We look into the times of disclosure, the behaviour during the disclosure to a commission as adults, different level of perceived social support, and the effect on mental health. Methods: The data were collected in a sample of financially compensated adult survivors who experienced institutionalized abuse during their childhood, using instruments to measure perceived social support, reaction to disclosure, PTSD, and further symptoms. Results: High levels of perceived social support after early disclosure result in a higher level of mental health and contribute to less emotionally reactive behaviour during disclosure of past institutionalized abuse. Highly perceived levels of social support seem to play a crucial role in mental health, but this inference may be weakened by a possible interference of a lasting competence in looking for social support versus social influences. Conclusion: Future research should thus disentangle perceived social support into the competence of looking for social support versus socially influenced factors to provide more clarity about the positive association of perceived social support and mental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Resilience and Mental Health in Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Associated with the Institution of the Austrian Catholic Church

Journal of Traumatic Stress, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Institutional abuse of children in the Austrian Catholic Church: Types of abuse and impact on adult survivors’ current mental health

Child Abuse & Neglect, 2014

The aim of this study was to explore the nature and dimensions of institutional child abuse (IA) ... more The aim of this study was to explore the nature and dimensions of institutional child abuse (IA) by the Austrian Catholic Church and to investigate the current mental health of adult survivors. Data were collected in two steps. First, documents of 448 adult survivors of IA (M = 55.1 years, 75.7% men) who had disclosed their abuse history to a victim protection commission were collected. Different types of abuse, perpetrator characteristics, and family related risk factors were investigated. Second, a sample of 185 adult survivors completed the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-C) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Participants reported an enormous diversity of acts of violent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse that had occurred in their childhood. The majority of adult survivors (83.3%) experienced emotional abuse. Rates of sexual (68.8%) and physical abuse (68.3%) were almost equally high. The prevalence of PTSD was 48.6% and 84.9% showed clinically relevant symptoms in at least one 1 of 10 symptom dimensions (9 BSI subscales and PTSD). No specific pre-IA influence was found to influence the development of PTSD in later life (e.g. poverty, domestic violence). However, survivors with PTSD reported a significantly higher total number of family related risk factors (d = 0.33). We conclude that childhood IA includes a wide spectrum of violent acts, and has a massive negative impact on the current mental health of adult survivors. We address the long-term effects of these traumatic experiences in addition to trauma re-activation in adulthood as both bear great challenges for professionals working with survivors.

Research paper thumbnail of CPTSD and PMLDs in Afghan refugees and asylum seekers (PIAAS-Study)

Data set from the baseline assessment of the PIAAS study including all participants which complet... more Data set from the baseline assessment of the PIAAS study including all participants which completed at least one of the questionnaires (ITQ, PMLDC). Complex PTSD and post-migration living difficutlies (PMLDs) were assessed through a fully structured face-to-face and interpreter-assisted interview in Afghan refugees and asylum seekers (N=93).

Research paper thumbnail of Spuren auf der Seele

In den letzten Jahren kam es zu einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Auswirkungen ... more In den letzten Jahren kam es zu einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Auswirkungen von erlebter Institutioneller Gewalt (IG), unter anderem in Einrichtungen der katholischen Kirche. Die Auswirkungen reichen weit uber psychopathologische Symptome hinaus und stellen fur die Betroffenen oftmals eine schwerwiegende Einschrankung in ihrer Lebensfuhrung dar. 46 Betroffene werden zu den subjektiv wahrgenommenen Folgen dieser Gewalterfahrungen befragt. Es wird von weitreichenden Auswirkungen auf die Fahigkeit, Beziehungen zu leben, von Angst, Misstrauen und einem globalen Vertrauensverlust berichtet. Fast die Halfte berichtet von Schwierigkeiten, berufliche Chancen und Moglichkeiten leben zu konnen. Ohne das Erleben von IG wurden sie uber einen hoheren Selbstwert verfugen und waren sich selbst naher. Diese Belastungen, verbunden mit zahlreichen psychopathologischen Symptomen, fuhren zu einem grosen Leidensdruck. Dies gilt es in zukunftiger Forschung als auch in der psychothera...

Research paper thumbnail of Coming to terms with oneself: a mixed methods approach to perceived self-esteem of adult survivors of childhood maltreatment in foster care settings

BMC psychology, Jan 17, 2018

A broad range of psychopathological sequelae was found in adult survivors of institutional childh... more A broad range of psychopathological sequelae was found in adult survivors of institutional childhood maltreatment (IM). Childhood maltreatment is also associated with lower self-esteem (SE). In previous qualitative research, adult survivors of IM reported feelings of worthlessness and self-doubts, but research on IM and its associations with SE is still scarce. To investigate the emotional facet of SE in 46 adult survivors of IM in foster care settings provided by the City of Vienna we used the Emotional SE subscale of the Multidimensional Self-Esteem Scale ('Multidimensionale Selbstwertskala', MSWS) and applied a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions. Qualitative data were analyzed with thematic analysis. Finally, qualitative and quantitative data were merged in a mixed method approach to detect similarities and differences between both assessment modalities. Findings showed a significantly lower emotional SE level (MSWS) in adult survivors compared to a norm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Child abuse and neglect in institutional settings, cumulative lifetime traumatization, and psychopathological long-term correlates in adult survivors: The Vienna Institutional Abuse Study

Child abuse & neglect, Jan 22, 2017

Child maltreatment (CM) in foster care settings (i.e., institutional abuse, IA) is known to have ... more Child maltreatment (CM) in foster care settings (i.e., institutional abuse, IA) is known to have negative effects on adult survivor's mental health. This study examines and compares the extent of CM (physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; physical and emotional neglect) and lifetime traumatization with regard to current adult mental health in a group of survivors of IA and a comparison group from the community. Participants in the foster care group (n = 220) were adult survivors of IA in Viennese foster care institutions, the comparison group (n = 234) consisted of persons from the Viennese population. The comparison group included persons who were exposed to CM within their families. Participants completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Life Events Checklist for DSM-5, the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5, the International Trauma Questionnaire for ICD-11, and the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 and completed a structured clinical interview. Participants in the foster care group sh...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychosoziale Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen im ersten Corona-Lock-Down unter Zuhilfenahme von Telefon und Online-Tools. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Psychotherapie Forum

ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Studie widmet sich der Analyse einer Befragung von 20 Fachkräften ... more ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Studie widmet sich der Analyse einer Befragung von 20 Fachkräften des Gesundheits- und Sozialbereichs, die während des ersten „Lock-Downs“ aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie zur Sicherstellung der psychosozialen Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen Telefon und Onlinemedien benutzten. Veränderte Rahmenbedingungen, das Fehlen des persönlichen Kontakts sowie Auswirkungen auf die Behandlung (u. a. Beziehung, Inhalt, Methodik) wurden als negative Aspekte der distanzierten Behandlung beschrieben. Eine Veränderung der Privatsphäre sowie des Settings wurden sowohl als Vor- als auch Nachteil betrachtet. Als positiv wurden insbesondere Kontinuität, Flexibilität und Anonymität hervorgehoben.

Research paper thumbnail of Tageskliniken zentral und/oder disloziert. Ein Standardelement der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Versorgung


Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Tageskliniken als fachspezifische Versorgungseinheiten der kinder- un... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Tageskliniken als fachspezifische Versorgungseinheiten der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Versorgung in Österreich stellen einen wichtigen Behandlungsbaustein für personenorientierte Behandlungsangebote dar. Neben zahlreichen Vorteilen, stellen sie jedoch auch höhere Anforderungen an die jungen Patient:innen und deren Angehörige. Methodik In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die in Österreich etablierte tagesklinische Versorgungsstruktur, welche im Österreichischen Strukturplan Gesundheit festgehalten ist, dargestellt. Dabei wird ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Strukturqualitätskriterien, welche sich am Konzept der Leistungsorientierten Krankenhausfinanzierung orientieren, gelegt. Ergebnisse Es zeigt sich eine hohe Anforderung und Notwendigkeit zur Bereitschaft zu transdisziplinären, multimodalen Behandlungskonzepten und -formen, sowie ein großer räumlicher Ressourcenbedarf. Die Etablierung von mehreren tagesklinischen Gruppen an einem Standort finden sich...

Research paper thumbnail of Mental health professionals’ perspective on a brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees

European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Research paper thumbnail of Kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischer und therapeutischer Behandlungsbedarf bei fremduntergebrachten Kindern und Jugendlichen. Eine Erhebung der Bedarfslage in Einrichtungen im NÖ Industrieviertel


Zusammenfassung Ein steigender kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischer Versorgungsbedarf ist in den letz... more Zusammenfassung Ein steigender kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischer Versorgungsbedarf ist in den letzten Jahren deutlich zu beobachten. Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit 20 Kinder-und Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen im Industrieviertel (Niederösterreich) und dem kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischen Behandlungsbedarfs der 439 dort fremduntergebrachten Kinder und Jugendlichen. Es zeigen sich bei 270 (62 %) der Kinder und Jugendlichen psychiatrische Auffälligkeiten und bei 220 (50,1 %) ein oder mehrere psychiatrische Diagnosen. Davon sind 200 Kinder und Jugendlichen bereits in einer kinder-und jugendpsychiatrischen Behandlung. Bei elf Einrichtungen besteht ein Behandlungsbedarf von 80-100 % der fremduntergebrachten Kinder und Jugendlichen. Es ergibt sich daraus ein hochbelastetes Helfer:innensystem und eine große Versorgungsnotwendigkeit in den Einrichtungen. Eine intensivere Vernetzung und Zusammenarbeit der involvierten Institutionen bzw. Helfer:innensysteme und einer Weiterentwicklung des Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrischen Angebots wäre wünschenswert, um den steigenden psychiatrischen Behandlungsbedarf bei Kindern und Jugendlichen adäquat begegnen zu können. Schlüsselwörter Behandlungsbedarf • Industrieviertel • Kinder-und Jugendhilfe Zusatzmaterial online Zusätzliche Informationen sind in der Online-Version dieses Artikels (

Research paper thumbnail of The boundaries between complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters and post-migration living difficulties in traumatised Afghan refugees: a network analysis

Conflict and Health

Background Psychological distress due to the ongoing war, violence, and persecution is particular... more Background Psychological distress due to the ongoing war, violence, and persecution is particularly common among Afghan asylum seekers and refugees. In addition, individuals face a variety of post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs). Complex posttraumatic stress symptoms are among the most common mental health problems in this population, and were associated with the overall burden of PMLDs. The complex interplay of posttraumatic symptoms has been investigated from a network perspective in previous studies. However, individuals are embedded in and constantly react to the environment, which makes it important to include external factors in network models to better understand the etiology and maintaining factors of posttraumatic mental health problems. PMLDs are a major risk factor for posttraumatic distress and considering their impact in interventions might improve response rates. However, the interaction of these external factors with posttraumatic psychopathological distress is ...

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2: of Coming to terms with oneself: a mixed methods approach to perceived self-esteem of adult survivors of childhood maltreatment in foster care settings

Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ). (DOCX 22 kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1: of Coming to terms with oneself: a mixed methods approach to perceived self-esteem of adult survivors of childhood maltreatment in foster care settings

Semi-structured interview schedule. (DOCX 16 kb)

Research paper thumbnail of MOESM1 of A brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria: a randomized controlled trial

Additional file 1. SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) ch... more Additional file 1. SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) checklist.

Research paper thumbnail of Complex post-traumatic stress disorder and post-migration living difficulties in traumatised refugees and asylum seekers: the role of language acquisition and barriers

European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2021

ABSTRACT Background Numerous traumatic experiences and post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs)... more ABSTRACT Background Numerous traumatic experiences and post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs) increase the risk of developing symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) among Afghan refugees and asylum seekers, living in Austria. Research has repeatedly associated higher levels of CPTSD with higher levels of PMLDs. Summarizing PMLDs into empirically derived factors might facilitate a further understanding of their interaction with symptom presentation within distinct clusters of CPTSD. Objective The current study aimed to investigate homogeneous subgroups of ICD-11 CPTSD and their association with demographic variables, traumatic experiences, and empirically derived factors of PMLDs. Method Within a randomized controlled trail (RCT) CPTSD, PMLDs, and traumatic experiences were assessed in a sample of 93 treatment-seeking Afghan refugees and asylum seekers through a fully structured face-to-face and interpreter-assisted interview using the ITQ, the PMLDC, and a trauma checklist. Underlying clusters of CPTSD, superior factors of PMLDs, and their associations were investigated. Results In total, 19.4% of the sample met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and 49.5% for CPTSD. We identified a 2-cluster solution consisting of two distinct subgroups as best fitting: (1) a CPTSD cluster and (2) a PTSD cluster. The multitude of PMLDs was summarized into four superior factors. CPTSD cluster membership was associated with childhood potentially traumatic experience types, and one of four PMLD factors, namely ‘language acquisition & barriers’. Conclusions The results suggest that not PMLDs in general, but rather specific types of PMLDs, are associated with CPTSD. An assumed bidirectional relationship between these PMLD factors and CPTSD symptoms might lead to a downward spiral of increasing distress, and could be considered in treatment strategies. HIGHLIGHTS Two homogeneous subgroups of CPTSD symptoms were identified (CPTSD, PTSD). Only the PMLD factor ‘language acquisition & barriers’, and childhood potentially traumatic experience types were associated with the CPTSD cluster.

Research paper thumbnail of Instytucjonalne krzywdzenie dzieci w ramach austriackiego Kościoła katolickiego: rodzaje krzywdzenia i jego wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne dorosłych ofiar krzywdzonych w dzieciństwie

Celem badania byla ocena charakteru i zakresu instytucjonalnego krzywdzenia dzieci przez austriac... more Celem badania byla ocena charakteru i zakresu instytucjonalnego krzywdzenia dzieci przez austriacki Kościol katolicki oraz rozpoznanie obecnego stanu zdrowia psychicznego doroslych, ktorzy w dziecinstwie padli ofiarą takiego krzywdzenia. Dane zbierano dwuetapowo. W pierwszej kolejności przeanalizowano dokumentacje 448 doroslych ofiar (M = 55,1 lat, 75,7% mezczyźni), ktore ujawnily doznane w dziecinstwie krzywdzenie, zeznając przed komisją ds. ochrony ofiar. Uwzgledniono rozne typy krzywdzenia, rozne rodzaje sprawcow i rodzinne czynniki ryzyka. W kolejnym etapie grupa 185 doroslych ofiar zostala poproszona o wypelnienie kwestionariusza PCL-C (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist) oraz skroconego inwentarza objawow BSI (Brief Symptom Inventory). Uczestnicy opisywali ogromną roznorodnośc aktow przemocy fizycznej, seksualnej i emocjonalnej, do ktorych doszlo w okresie ich dziecinstwa. Wiekszośc ofiar (83,3%) doświadczyla w dziecinstwie krzywdzenia emocjonalnego. Odsetki dotyczące krz...

Research paper thumbnail of A brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Background Asylum seekers and refugees are at great risk for developing mental disorders. Afghan ... more Background Asylum seekers and refugees are at great risk for developing mental disorders. Afghan refugees are a particularly vulnerable group with a low average educational and mental health literacy level. Traumatic experiences and hardship pre- and during migration are predictive of mental health problems. However, post-migration living difficulties (PMLDs) also account for a large proportion of mental distress in such populations, which critically are not sufficiently considered in treatment protocols and research investigations. Indeed, the evidence base for the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers is sparse and mainly limited to trauma-specific treatments, where refugees may likely suffer from other mental health problems such as depression or anxiety as well. Methods/design This trial is the first evaluation of the efficacy of a short-term, transdiagnostic treatment protocol adapted to address mental health problems and PMLDs for treatment seeking Afghan refugees using an ...

Research paper thumbnail of Motivational capacities after prolonged interpersonal childhood trauma in institutional settings in a sample of Austrian adult survivors

Child abuse & neglect, 2018

A considerable amount of research has been conducted on the aversive impact of prolonged interper... more A considerable amount of research has been conducted on the aversive impact of prolonged interpersonal childhood trauma, but data on possible associations with motivational concepts (self-efficacy, self-esteem and locus of control) in adult survivors is scarce. The purpose of this study is to investigate specific coherences between childhood abuse and adult life events with (a) motivational concepts (MC), (b) the emotion regulation strategy "goal-directed behavior" and (c) the possible mediation of emotion regulation (ER) on motivational concepts. We use data from a cross-sectional survey in Vienna (VIA-S) obtained from 220 adult survivors of prolonged interpersonal childhood trauma. In addition, we assess the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Life Events Checklist for DSM-5, the subscale "Goals" (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Questionnaire), the Short Scale for Measuring General Self-Efficacy Beliefs, the Multidimensional Self-Esteem Scale, and an extende...

Research paper thumbnail of 12th European Conference on Traumatic Stress - Human rights & psychotraumatology

European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2013

We would like to inform you about a few grammar and sentence structure corrections on the submitt... more We would like to inform you about a few grammar and sentence structure corrections on the submitted abstracts that we conducted for a better understanding of the content. We are sorry for any remaining misprints and any inconvenience caused.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspects of social support and disclosure in the context of institutional abuse – long-term impact on mental health

BMC Psychology, 2015

Background: The psychological sequelae of institutionalized abuse and its long-term consequences ... more Background: The psychological sequelae of institutionalized abuse and its long-term consequences has not been systematically documented in existing literature in regarding social support once disclosure has been made. Reporting abuse is crucial, in particular for adult victims of childhood IA within the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, there is ongoing controversy about the benefits of disclosure. Our study examines the interaction of disclosure and subsequent social support in relation to mental health. We look into the times of disclosure, the behaviour during the disclosure to a commission as adults, different level of perceived social support, and the effect on mental health. Methods: The data were collected in a sample of financially compensated adult survivors who experienced institutionalized abuse during their childhood, using instruments to measure perceived social support, reaction to disclosure, PTSD, and further symptoms. Results: High levels of perceived social support after early disclosure result in a higher level of mental health and contribute to less emotionally reactive behaviour during disclosure of past institutionalized abuse. Highly perceived levels of social support seem to play a crucial role in mental health, but this inference may be weakened by a possible interference of a lasting competence in looking for social support versus social influences. Conclusion: Future research should thus disentangle perceived social support into the competence of looking for social support versus socially influenced factors to provide more clarity about the positive association of perceived social support and mental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Resilience and Mental Health in Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Associated with the Institution of the Austrian Catholic Church

Journal of Traumatic Stress, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Institutional abuse of children in the Austrian Catholic Church: Types of abuse and impact on adult survivors’ current mental health

Child Abuse & Neglect, 2014

The aim of this study was to explore the nature and dimensions of institutional child abuse (IA) ... more The aim of this study was to explore the nature and dimensions of institutional child abuse (IA) by the Austrian Catholic Church and to investigate the current mental health of adult survivors. Data were collected in two steps. First, documents of 448 adult survivors of IA (M = 55.1 years, 75.7% men) who had disclosed their abuse history to a victim protection commission were collected. Different types of abuse, perpetrator characteristics, and family related risk factors were investigated. Second, a sample of 185 adult survivors completed the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-C) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Participants reported an enormous diversity of acts of violent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse that had occurred in their childhood. The majority of adult survivors (83.3%) experienced emotional abuse. Rates of sexual (68.8%) and physical abuse (68.3%) were almost equally high. The prevalence of PTSD was 48.6% and 84.9% showed clinically relevant symptoms in at least one 1 of 10 symptom dimensions (9 BSI subscales and PTSD). No specific pre-IA influence was found to influence the development of PTSD in later life (e.g. poverty, domestic violence). However, survivors with PTSD reported a significantly higher total number of family related risk factors (d = 0.33). We conclude that childhood IA includes a wide spectrum of violent acts, and has a massive negative impact on the current mental health of adult survivors. We address the long-term effects of these traumatic experiences in addition to trauma re-activation in adulthood as both bear great challenges for professionals working with survivors.

Research paper thumbnail of CPTSD and PMLDs in Afghan refugees and asylum seekers (PIAAS-Study)

Data set from the baseline assessment of the PIAAS study including all participants which complet... more Data set from the baseline assessment of the PIAAS study including all participants which completed at least one of the questionnaires (ITQ, PMLDC). Complex PTSD and post-migration living difficutlies (PMLDs) were assessed through a fully structured face-to-face and interpreter-assisted interview in Afghan refugees and asylum seekers (N=93).

Research paper thumbnail of Spuren auf der Seele

In den letzten Jahren kam es zu einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Auswirkungen ... more In den letzten Jahren kam es zu einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Auswirkungen von erlebter Institutioneller Gewalt (IG), unter anderem in Einrichtungen der katholischen Kirche. Die Auswirkungen reichen weit uber psychopathologische Symptome hinaus und stellen fur die Betroffenen oftmals eine schwerwiegende Einschrankung in ihrer Lebensfuhrung dar. 46 Betroffene werden zu den subjektiv wahrgenommenen Folgen dieser Gewalterfahrungen befragt. Es wird von weitreichenden Auswirkungen auf die Fahigkeit, Beziehungen zu leben, von Angst, Misstrauen und einem globalen Vertrauensverlust berichtet. Fast die Halfte berichtet von Schwierigkeiten, berufliche Chancen und Moglichkeiten leben zu konnen. Ohne das Erleben von IG wurden sie uber einen hoheren Selbstwert verfugen und waren sich selbst naher. Diese Belastungen, verbunden mit zahlreichen psychopathologischen Symptomen, fuhren zu einem grosen Leidensdruck. Dies gilt es in zukunftiger Forschung als auch in der psychothera...

Research paper thumbnail of Coming to terms with oneself: a mixed methods approach to perceived self-esteem of adult survivors of childhood maltreatment in foster care settings

BMC psychology, Jan 17, 2018

A broad range of psychopathological sequelae was found in adult survivors of institutional childh... more A broad range of psychopathological sequelae was found in adult survivors of institutional childhood maltreatment (IM). Childhood maltreatment is also associated with lower self-esteem (SE). In previous qualitative research, adult survivors of IM reported feelings of worthlessness and self-doubts, but research on IM and its associations with SE is still scarce. To investigate the emotional facet of SE in 46 adult survivors of IM in foster care settings provided by the City of Vienna we used the Emotional SE subscale of the Multidimensional Self-Esteem Scale ('Multidimensionale Selbstwertskala', MSWS) and applied a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions. Qualitative data were analyzed with thematic analysis. Finally, qualitative and quantitative data were merged in a mixed method approach to detect similarities and differences between both assessment modalities. Findings showed a significantly lower emotional SE level (MSWS) in adult survivors compared to a norm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Child abuse and neglect in institutional settings, cumulative lifetime traumatization, and psychopathological long-term correlates in adult survivors: The Vienna Institutional Abuse Study

Child abuse & neglect, Jan 22, 2017

Child maltreatment (CM) in foster care settings (i.e., institutional abuse, IA) is known to have ... more Child maltreatment (CM) in foster care settings (i.e., institutional abuse, IA) is known to have negative effects on adult survivor's mental health. This study examines and compares the extent of CM (physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; physical and emotional neglect) and lifetime traumatization with regard to current adult mental health in a group of survivors of IA and a comparison group from the community. Participants in the foster care group (n = 220) were adult survivors of IA in Viennese foster care institutions, the comparison group (n = 234) consisted of persons from the Viennese population. The comparison group included persons who were exposed to CM within their families. Participants completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Life Events Checklist for DSM-5, the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5, the International Trauma Questionnaire for ICD-11, and the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 and completed a structured clinical interview. Participants in the foster care group sh...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychosoziale Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen im ersten Corona-Lock-Down unter Zuhilfenahme von Telefon und Online-Tools. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Psychotherapie Forum

ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Studie widmet sich der Analyse einer Befragung von 20 Fachkräften ... more ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Studie widmet sich der Analyse einer Befragung von 20 Fachkräften des Gesundheits- und Sozialbereichs, die während des ersten „Lock-Downs“ aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie zur Sicherstellung der psychosozialen Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen Telefon und Onlinemedien benutzten. Veränderte Rahmenbedingungen, das Fehlen des persönlichen Kontakts sowie Auswirkungen auf die Behandlung (u. a. Beziehung, Inhalt, Methodik) wurden als negative Aspekte der distanzierten Behandlung beschrieben. Eine Veränderung der Privatsphäre sowie des Settings wurden sowohl als Vor- als auch Nachteil betrachtet. Als positiv wurden insbesondere Kontinuität, Flexibilität und Anonymität hervorgehoben.