dadi Rush | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung (original) (raw)
Papers by dadi Rush
AIP Conference Proceedings
The aim of this study is to see the effect of Flipped Classroom integrated ESD on students' susta... more The aim of this study is to see the effect of Flipped Classroom integrated ESD on students' sustainability awareness in pandemic situation especially particular mechanical wave in physics learning. The population in this study was eleventh-grade students in one of high schools in Karawang city. This study used Quasi-experimental design and convenience sampling as a sampling technique. The sampling technique which was used in this research was convenience sampling, where the determination of the class used as a group of subjects in this study was carried out in the possible class as the sample. The sample data consisted of 25 students which are 5 Males and 20 Female. The data was collected by giving a development questionnaire of sustainability awareness which was adapted from journal "The status on the level of environmental awareness in the concept of sustainable development amongst secondary school students". The questionnaire consists of 15 statement items. The result is aspect sustainability practice awareness having medium category and for aspect behavioral and attitude awareness and emotional awareness there, same have high categories. Based on the result, we can see that Flipped Classroom integrated ESD can help students get a higher proportion of sustainability awareness in all aspects in the current pandemic situation.
Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS 2016), 2017
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2022
Latar Belakang: Pembelajaran fisika pada hakikatnya mengusulkan tiga hal, yaitu sikap, produk, da... more Latar Belakang: Pembelajaran fisika pada hakikatnya mengusulkan tiga hal, yaitu sikap, produk, dan proses. Sikap mengacu pada pemikiran tentang tindakan dan tindakan orang sehingga pada akhirnya mereka dapat melakukan kegiatan ilmiah. Produk adalah kumpulan pengetahuan, fakta, konsep, prinsip, hukum, dan teori tentang fenomena alam. Proses adalah langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan atau mencari penjelasan atas fenomena alam. Tujuan: Mengembangkan LKPD interaktif yang dapat mendukung pembelajaran bebasis projek dalam kelas Hybrid Learning. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode R&D 4D yang dimodifikasi hanya dalam 3D (Define, Design, Develop). Setelah mendapatkan respon akademik dari ahli dan direvisi, LKPD diimplementasikan pada pembelajaran dengan 21 orang peserta didik. Hasil: Ketuntasan peserta didik dalam melakukan projek (81% peserta didik mendapatkan nilai di atas kriteria ketuntasan minimal) serta kepuasan peserta didik dalam menggunakan LKPD ...
Abstrak : Belajar sains pada hakekatnya merupakan kegiatan berpikir dan memerlukan proses penyeli... more Abstrak : Belajar sains pada hakekatnya merupakan kegiatan berpikir dan memerlukan proses penyelidikan. Namun pembelajaran dan pengajaran fisika terkait fenomena getaran-gelombang masih dirasa sulit dan tidak menarik bagi kebanyakan peserta didik. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi profil pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang diterapkan saat ini, mengidentifikasi penggunaan media ICT , dan menganalisis ketersediaan sarana-prasarana penunjang, serta nilai karakter yang dimiliki peserta didik. Jenis Penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif, sampel diambil secara Purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan angket tertutup yang diperkuat dengan wawancara, dan analisis data menggunakan kategori prosentase yang dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dan pengajaran konsep getaran-gelombang belum berfokus pada pengembangan keterampilan, kreatifitas dan aktivitas penyelidikan, literasi dan integrasi TIK masih sangat minim meski sarana-prasarana cukup tersedia. Nil...
Teknologi film tebal merupakan salah satu teknik dalam fabrikasi komponen-komponen mikroelektrik.... more Teknologi film tebal merupakan salah satu teknik dalam fabrikasi komponen-komponen mikroelektrik. Dengan teknologi ini, ukuran komponen-komponen elektronik dapat dibuat menjadi lebih kecil tanpa mengurangi kemampuannya. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat sensor konduktivitas air yang berbasis teknologi film tebal dengan metode screen printing. Elektroda sensor konduktivitas dibuat dari bahan AgPd yang merupakan konduktor yang cukup baik. Elektroda dilapisi pada substrat Alumina 96% dengan konstanta sel desain sekitar 50 cm-1 . Agar pengukuran konduktivitas menjadi lebih valid, sensor temperatur yang elektrodanya terbuat dari campuran Ru-based dengan Polyethilene Glycol diintegrasikan dengan sensor konduktivitas dan ditempatkan pada sisi substrate yang lain. Jenis sensor temperatur yang dibuat merupakan jenis RTD (Resistance Temperatur Detector) dengan sensitivitas sebesar 0,0014 kΩ/°C. Sensitivitas sensor temperatur dengan elektroda campuran PEG denga Ru-based lebih besar dari pada sensor ...
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia, 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui capaian level berpikir reflektif mahasiswa yang menempu... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui capaian level berpikir reflektif mahasiswa yang menempuh program remidial perkuliahan Fisika Matematika 1(Fismat 1) berbasis Cognitive Apprenticeship Instruction (CAI). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan dari serangkaian penelitian mixed method dengan desain embedded experimental yang melibatkan 6 orang mahasiswa dan diamati dalam empat tatap muka. Perkuliahan berbasis CAI ini menggunakan sintaks perkuliahan yang terdiri atas tahapan modeling, coaching, articulation, reflection, dan exploration. Pada akhir penelitian mahasiswa diberi tes keterampilan berpikir reflektif, diminta mengisi angket, dan diwawancarai. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan ditriangulasi dari hasil analisis observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa perkuliahan Fismat 1 berbasis CAI membantu mahasiswa yang mengikuti remidial sehingga mampu berpikir reflektif pada level kedua dari empat level berpikir reflektif, yaitu un...
It has been studied products of prospective physics teacher in the implemention of physics multim... more It has been studied products of prospective physics teacher in the implemention of physics multimedia learning course that enriched with multirepresentation knowledge. This study aims to analyze the quality of multimedia products made by physics prospective teachers. This research involved 23 students prospective physic teachers in one of LPTK in Bandung. The analysis used by qualitative method through a rubric considered by the expert of multimedia and physics learning. In general, after participating in the program of multimedia physics learning course equipped with multirepresentation, multimedia-quality produced capability by physics prospective teachers has increased significantly. The quality of multimedia products that originally only categorized less and very less, shifted into enough and good. Some explanations of this improvement as well as some of the lack of this research is descripted Keyword : Multimedia of Physics Learning , Multiple Representation, Prospective Physic...
A study and an application of physics concepts in refining husk stove design have been done. The ... more A study and an application of physics concepts in refining husk stove design have been done. The examined physicsconcepts include the concept of combustion and heat transfer. Results of the study indicated that the concentration of air in the stove combustion chamber could control husk burning processes, heat transfer and release of exhaust gasses produced.The management of air concentration in the stovecombustion chamber was realized by installing the fin air inlets.This research was conducted to investigate the effect of the number of fins air inlets to stove efficiency.The research process was done by testing the use of rice husk stove in the cooking of 20 liters of water. Based on the data of husk mass, water mass, the specific energy of water, the energy needed to cook per unit time, and the energy content in the fuel ash, rice husk stove efficiency can be calculated.The result of this research indicated that efficiency of husk stove depended on the number of installed fins air...
Multirepresentasi dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis kesukaran mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan masa... more Multirepresentasi dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis kesukaran mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah fisika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendiagnosis kesukaran-kesukaran mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan fisika. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan soal pilihan ganda yang valid dan reliabel terhadap 401 mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika yang telah menempuh mata kuliah Fiska Dasar I. Soal terdiri dari enam pernyataan, dengan masing-masing pernyataan dibuat empat representasi yang berbeda, sehingga total terdapat 24 soal pilihan ganda. Mahasiswa diminta untuk memulih option dari jawaban yang tersedia. Analisis didasarkan pada jawaban mahasiswa yang salah dan mempunyai fungsi pengecoh yang besar. Hasil diperoleh adalah terdapat variasi kesukaran yang berhubungan dengan jenis representasi. Kata kunci : berisi maksimal 5 kata penting dalam penelitian.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The aim of study was to obtain an overview of the effects of application of conceptual constructi... more The aim of study was to obtain an overview of the effects of application of conceptual construction-reconstruction oriented instruction (CCROI) using the Tetrahedral-ZPD (T-ZPD) strategy on the concept progression of high school students related to the concept of parallel electric circuits. The categories of concept progression reviewed included: consistent with scientific conceptions, progress well, not progress and degradation. A pre-experiment method with one group two conceptual test design was used in this research. The number of research subjects was 38 students consisting of 20 females and 18 males, in one of high schools in the West Bandung district of West Java province. Data were collected by conception test in the four-tier test format related to the concept of parallel electric circuits. The results showed that at the first conceptual test, the state of conception of the students are: scientific conception (8%), misconception (62%), and no conception (30%), whereas at th...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Technology is created to facilitate human performance. Technology develops every time so it becom... more Technology is created to facilitate human performance. Technology develops every time so it becomes a major need in life. Industry era 4.0 is one example where the existence of technology is the main key in life. In this article we develop the use of technology in learning systems. The Smart Edu program was used as the main project in the development of this research. The research was conducted in lectures on the deepening of science materials with research and development (R & D) methods of the programs developed. The development of this program adapts the transparency of smart cities that can connect the existence of a factual environment into the lecture system. Students, lecturers and even teachers in the field can access this program with a predetermined portion. With the nature of Transparency, this program can build collaboration from these three things so that full learning can be created covering the theoretical and factual sources from the field.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The purpose of this study is to see how the conception of high school teachers and to see how the... more The purpose of this study is to see how the conception of high school teachers and to see how the professionalism of teachers relates to the conceptions held in one of the high schools in the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi. The method used is to conduct a survey of 3 teachers. The instrument used in this study was 23 tier test diagnostic as many as 23 about static fluid. The results of the analysis show that the three teachers who were given the test did not experience misconceptions on the main topics of hydrostatic law, Pascal’s law and Archimedes law but experienced doubts in answering questions on the main hydrostatic legal material with the scientific knowledge category of 95.3% and the category of 4.7%. Based on data analysis, conclusions can also be drawn both teachers who have been certified and have not experienced misconceptions, the difference is seen where teachers who have not been certified hesitate to answer some of the questions given.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The 21st century demands high quality human resources that can compete in global competition. The... more The 21st century demands high quality human resources that can compete in global competition. The good quality human resources come from the good quality education process which train learner with skills to solve problems, to find alternative solutions in problem solving, and to think reflectively. These skills are included in creative thinking skills which is important to be developed for prospective physics teacher. This study aimed to identify the creative thinking skills of prospective physics teacher who have attended lectures of general physics, basic physics, and physics for school. By using the creative thinking skills test and interview, the researcher tried to explore four aspects of creative thinking consisting of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The results of this study indicated the creative thinking skills of prospective physics teacher were in the low category with mean was 43.75 from a maximum scale of 100. The details of the means of each aspect ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Apply model of teaching Levels of Inquiry in middle school level can identify experiment skills u... more Apply model of teaching Levels of Inquiry in middle school level can identify experiment skills use the similarity from every stage in Levels of Inquiry process according to ten aspect of experimental skills that is adopted from Brotosiswojo and Richard J. Rezba. There are observation, making prediction, knowing variable, formulating hypotheses, operating variable, designing experimental procedure, collecting data, analyzing data, and making conclusion. This research is applied in the one of the middle school in Lembang, West Java with solar system as the matter. The research design used one group pretest-posttest design to 30 seventh-grade students. The learning process used semi-experimental phenomena because solar system matter in the middle school does not deliver much mathematic analyze. Collecting data from three meetings with different sub matter (time zone, moon phase, and solar eclipse). Supported instrument is student worksheet assessed using Lati criteria (very poor, poor...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
The purpose of this study is to define a description of the various conceptions and misconception... more The purpose of this study is to define a description of the various conceptions and misconceptions of pre-service teacher about the concept of light in basic physics courses. This research was conducted on 96 students of basic physics teacher candidate in one of state universities (PTN) in Makassar. The mixed method was used in this study. Data collection in this research is through observation, test, analysis of test results, limited interviews, and analysis of data by quantitative and qualitative. The result of this research is found the misconception of physics pre-service teacher about the physics concepts, especially about the light concept. This shows that the low understanding of the concept of pre-service teacher to the basic concepts of physics, causing misconception. Therefore, that misconceptions are define an information to develop a continuous research that can contribute to improving the quality of teachers’ candidates, especially physics teachers who will give a posit...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
One of the efforts that can be done in designing classroom assessment is to mapping a number of v... more One of the efforts that can be done in designing classroom assessment is to mapping a number of variables that affect the physics learning process, especially on electricity and magnetism. In this research, mapping of cognitive style, logical thinking ability, and conceptual knowledge of electrical and magnetism topics aimed to know the pattern of change of three variables owned by prospective physics teachers based on grade level. This study is descriptive research with 95 respondents taken from one class for each level by random sampling. The results showed that cognitive style, logical thinking ability, and conceptual knowledge variables changed with linear pattern. This finding becomes one of the next considerations to design electricity and magnetism learning assessment in universities.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
The course of astronomy as a new course in the curriculum that must be taken by physics teacher c... more The course of astronomy as a new course in the curriculum that must be taken by physics teacher candidate at PGRI University of Semarang. Astronomy in front of students is known as part of science-based science that gives curiosity about the science of religion and technology. Mastery of Astronomy concept of teacher candidate is analysis with the aim to take a picture of mastery of concept and process of astronomy lecture which is a new course as the base of development of astronomy learning device based on KKNI. This research method is descriptive quantitative and qualitative. Technique of collecting data is done by triangulation through analysis of test result, astronomy lecture observation, and questionnaire response of physics teacher candidate. Data analysis technique is done descriptively. The results obtained that the results of the test document analysis obtained the test instrument subjects more dominant astronomy on aspects of concept understanding, no test items that measure the realm of analysis and creation. Analysis of test results obtained that the ability of the most dominant students in the realm of knowledge and the lowest ability in the realm of application. The results of observation suggest that astronomical learning is applied by lecture, discussion and assignment methods. Lecturers give lectures related to content, student discussions to discuss more in-depth Astronomy content and assignment to students to make logbook about celestial phenomena. The results of the student questionnaires give a positive response to astronomical learning that provides contextual knowledge in life.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Critical thinking skills is one of the high-level thinking skills that students must have in this... more Critical thinking skills is one of the high-level thinking skills that students must have in this era of technology and information. Critical thinking is needed for students who are preparing to enter a complex working field.This study aims to determine the profile of critical thinking skills of pre-service physics teachers at the University of Flores. The method used is descriptive survey method. The result of the study shows that: 1) The students' critical thinking skills are spread in 5 categories, namely "very high" by 10%, "high" by 22.5%, "medium" by 32.5%, "low" by 10 % and "very low" 25%; 2) Students need to be familiarized with questions that stimulate critical thinking skills; 3) A physics-based thinking test tool is needed for critical students of pre-service physics teacher.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
We have already probed students' critical thinking skills toward analyzing argumentation on heat ... more We have already probed students' critical thinking skills toward analyzing argumentation on heat conductivity concept. Analyzing argumentation is needed to investigated because students require to obtain it in order to become a better thinker and making the right decisions. The heat conductivity problem has been given to 20 preservice physics students who have been enrolled in the Introductory Physics I. The test has precisely analyzed in qualitative way. An analysis of collected data has mainly focused on student conclusion in heat conductivity problem. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that students' critical thinking skills toward analyzing argumentation on heat conductivity concept is still poor category.
AIP Conference Proceedings
The aim of this study is to see the effect of Flipped Classroom integrated ESD on students' susta... more The aim of this study is to see the effect of Flipped Classroom integrated ESD on students' sustainability awareness in pandemic situation especially particular mechanical wave in physics learning. The population in this study was eleventh-grade students in one of high schools in Karawang city. This study used Quasi-experimental design and convenience sampling as a sampling technique. The sampling technique which was used in this research was convenience sampling, where the determination of the class used as a group of subjects in this study was carried out in the possible class as the sample. The sample data consisted of 25 students which are 5 Males and 20 Female. The data was collected by giving a development questionnaire of sustainability awareness which was adapted from journal "The status on the level of environmental awareness in the concept of sustainable development amongst secondary school students". The questionnaire consists of 15 statement items. The result is aspect sustainability practice awareness having medium category and for aspect behavioral and attitude awareness and emotional awareness there, same have high categories. Based on the result, we can see that Flipped Classroom integrated ESD can help students get a higher proportion of sustainability awareness in all aspects in the current pandemic situation.
Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS 2016), 2017
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2022
Latar Belakang: Pembelajaran fisika pada hakikatnya mengusulkan tiga hal, yaitu sikap, produk, da... more Latar Belakang: Pembelajaran fisika pada hakikatnya mengusulkan tiga hal, yaitu sikap, produk, dan proses. Sikap mengacu pada pemikiran tentang tindakan dan tindakan orang sehingga pada akhirnya mereka dapat melakukan kegiatan ilmiah. Produk adalah kumpulan pengetahuan, fakta, konsep, prinsip, hukum, dan teori tentang fenomena alam. Proses adalah langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan atau mencari penjelasan atas fenomena alam. Tujuan: Mengembangkan LKPD interaktif yang dapat mendukung pembelajaran bebasis projek dalam kelas Hybrid Learning. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode R&D 4D yang dimodifikasi hanya dalam 3D (Define, Design, Develop). Setelah mendapatkan respon akademik dari ahli dan direvisi, LKPD diimplementasikan pada pembelajaran dengan 21 orang peserta didik. Hasil: Ketuntasan peserta didik dalam melakukan projek (81% peserta didik mendapatkan nilai di atas kriteria ketuntasan minimal) serta kepuasan peserta didik dalam menggunakan LKPD ...
Abstrak : Belajar sains pada hakekatnya merupakan kegiatan berpikir dan memerlukan proses penyeli... more Abstrak : Belajar sains pada hakekatnya merupakan kegiatan berpikir dan memerlukan proses penyelidikan. Namun pembelajaran dan pengajaran fisika terkait fenomena getaran-gelombang masih dirasa sulit dan tidak menarik bagi kebanyakan peserta didik. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi profil pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang diterapkan saat ini, mengidentifikasi penggunaan media ICT , dan menganalisis ketersediaan sarana-prasarana penunjang, serta nilai karakter yang dimiliki peserta didik. Jenis Penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif, sampel diambil secara Purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan angket tertutup yang diperkuat dengan wawancara, dan analisis data menggunakan kategori prosentase yang dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dan pengajaran konsep getaran-gelombang belum berfokus pada pengembangan keterampilan, kreatifitas dan aktivitas penyelidikan, literasi dan integrasi TIK masih sangat minim meski sarana-prasarana cukup tersedia. Nil...
Teknologi film tebal merupakan salah satu teknik dalam fabrikasi komponen-komponen mikroelektrik.... more Teknologi film tebal merupakan salah satu teknik dalam fabrikasi komponen-komponen mikroelektrik. Dengan teknologi ini, ukuran komponen-komponen elektronik dapat dibuat menjadi lebih kecil tanpa mengurangi kemampuannya. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat sensor konduktivitas air yang berbasis teknologi film tebal dengan metode screen printing. Elektroda sensor konduktivitas dibuat dari bahan AgPd yang merupakan konduktor yang cukup baik. Elektroda dilapisi pada substrat Alumina 96% dengan konstanta sel desain sekitar 50 cm-1 . Agar pengukuran konduktivitas menjadi lebih valid, sensor temperatur yang elektrodanya terbuat dari campuran Ru-based dengan Polyethilene Glycol diintegrasikan dengan sensor konduktivitas dan ditempatkan pada sisi substrate yang lain. Jenis sensor temperatur yang dibuat merupakan jenis RTD (Resistance Temperatur Detector) dengan sensitivitas sebesar 0,0014 kΩ/°C. Sensitivitas sensor temperatur dengan elektroda campuran PEG denga Ru-based lebih besar dari pada sensor ...
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia, 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui capaian level berpikir reflektif mahasiswa yang menempu... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui capaian level berpikir reflektif mahasiswa yang menempuh program remidial perkuliahan Fisika Matematika 1(Fismat 1) berbasis Cognitive Apprenticeship Instruction (CAI). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan dari serangkaian penelitian mixed method dengan desain embedded experimental yang melibatkan 6 orang mahasiswa dan diamati dalam empat tatap muka. Perkuliahan berbasis CAI ini menggunakan sintaks perkuliahan yang terdiri atas tahapan modeling, coaching, articulation, reflection, dan exploration. Pada akhir penelitian mahasiswa diberi tes keterampilan berpikir reflektif, diminta mengisi angket, dan diwawancarai. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan ditriangulasi dari hasil analisis observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa perkuliahan Fismat 1 berbasis CAI membantu mahasiswa yang mengikuti remidial sehingga mampu berpikir reflektif pada level kedua dari empat level berpikir reflektif, yaitu un...
It has been studied products of prospective physics teacher in the implemention of physics multim... more It has been studied products of prospective physics teacher in the implemention of physics multimedia learning course that enriched with multirepresentation knowledge. This study aims to analyze the quality of multimedia products made by physics prospective teachers. This research involved 23 students prospective physic teachers in one of LPTK in Bandung. The analysis used by qualitative method through a rubric considered by the expert of multimedia and physics learning. In general, after participating in the program of multimedia physics learning course equipped with multirepresentation, multimedia-quality produced capability by physics prospective teachers has increased significantly. The quality of multimedia products that originally only categorized less and very less, shifted into enough and good. Some explanations of this improvement as well as some of the lack of this research is descripted Keyword : Multimedia of Physics Learning , Multiple Representation, Prospective Physic...
A study and an application of physics concepts in refining husk stove design have been done. The ... more A study and an application of physics concepts in refining husk stove design have been done. The examined physicsconcepts include the concept of combustion and heat transfer. Results of the study indicated that the concentration of air in the stove combustion chamber could control husk burning processes, heat transfer and release of exhaust gasses produced.The management of air concentration in the stovecombustion chamber was realized by installing the fin air inlets.This research was conducted to investigate the effect of the number of fins air inlets to stove efficiency.The research process was done by testing the use of rice husk stove in the cooking of 20 liters of water. Based on the data of husk mass, water mass, the specific energy of water, the energy needed to cook per unit time, and the energy content in the fuel ash, rice husk stove efficiency can be calculated.The result of this research indicated that efficiency of husk stove depended on the number of installed fins air...
Multirepresentasi dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis kesukaran mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan masa... more Multirepresentasi dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis kesukaran mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah fisika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendiagnosis kesukaran-kesukaran mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan fisika. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan soal pilihan ganda yang valid dan reliabel terhadap 401 mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika yang telah menempuh mata kuliah Fiska Dasar I. Soal terdiri dari enam pernyataan, dengan masing-masing pernyataan dibuat empat representasi yang berbeda, sehingga total terdapat 24 soal pilihan ganda. Mahasiswa diminta untuk memulih option dari jawaban yang tersedia. Analisis didasarkan pada jawaban mahasiswa yang salah dan mempunyai fungsi pengecoh yang besar. Hasil diperoleh adalah terdapat variasi kesukaran yang berhubungan dengan jenis representasi. Kata kunci : berisi maksimal 5 kata penting dalam penelitian.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The aim of study was to obtain an overview of the effects of application of conceptual constructi... more The aim of study was to obtain an overview of the effects of application of conceptual construction-reconstruction oriented instruction (CCROI) using the Tetrahedral-ZPD (T-ZPD) strategy on the concept progression of high school students related to the concept of parallel electric circuits. The categories of concept progression reviewed included: consistent with scientific conceptions, progress well, not progress and degradation. A pre-experiment method with one group two conceptual test design was used in this research. The number of research subjects was 38 students consisting of 20 females and 18 males, in one of high schools in the West Bandung district of West Java province. Data were collected by conception test in the four-tier test format related to the concept of parallel electric circuits. The results showed that at the first conceptual test, the state of conception of the students are: scientific conception (8%), misconception (62%), and no conception (30%), whereas at th...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Technology is created to facilitate human performance. Technology develops every time so it becom... more Technology is created to facilitate human performance. Technology develops every time so it becomes a major need in life. Industry era 4.0 is one example where the existence of technology is the main key in life. In this article we develop the use of technology in learning systems. The Smart Edu program was used as the main project in the development of this research. The research was conducted in lectures on the deepening of science materials with research and development (R & D) methods of the programs developed. The development of this program adapts the transparency of smart cities that can connect the existence of a factual environment into the lecture system. Students, lecturers and even teachers in the field can access this program with a predetermined portion. With the nature of Transparency, this program can build collaboration from these three things so that full learning can be created covering the theoretical and factual sources from the field.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The purpose of this study is to see how the conception of high school teachers and to see how the... more The purpose of this study is to see how the conception of high school teachers and to see how the professionalism of teachers relates to the conceptions held in one of the high schools in the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi. The method used is to conduct a survey of 3 teachers. The instrument used in this study was 23 tier test diagnostic as many as 23 about static fluid. The results of the analysis show that the three teachers who were given the test did not experience misconceptions on the main topics of hydrostatic law, Pascal’s law and Archimedes law but experienced doubts in answering questions on the main hydrostatic legal material with the scientific knowledge category of 95.3% and the category of 4.7%. Based on data analysis, conclusions can also be drawn both teachers who have been certified and have not experienced misconceptions, the difference is seen where teachers who have not been certified hesitate to answer some of the questions given.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The 21st century demands high quality human resources that can compete in global competition. The... more The 21st century demands high quality human resources that can compete in global competition. The good quality human resources come from the good quality education process which train learner with skills to solve problems, to find alternative solutions in problem solving, and to think reflectively. These skills are included in creative thinking skills which is important to be developed for prospective physics teacher. This study aimed to identify the creative thinking skills of prospective physics teacher who have attended lectures of general physics, basic physics, and physics for school. By using the creative thinking skills test and interview, the researcher tried to explore four aspects of creative thinking consisting of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The results of this study indicated the creative thinking skills of prospective physics teacher were in the low category with mean was 43.75 from a maximum scale of 100. The details of the means of each aspect ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Apply model of teaching Levels of Inquiry in middle school level can identify experiment skills u... more Apply model of teaching Levels of Inquiry in middle school level can identify experiment skills use the similarity from every stage in Levels of Inquiry process according to ten aspect of experimental skills that is adopted from Brotosiswojo and Richard J. Rezba. There are observation, making prediction, knowing variable, formulating hypotheses, operating variable, designing experimental procedure, collecting data, analyzing data, and making conclusion. This research is applied in the one of the middle school in Lembang, West Java with solar system as the matter. The research design used one group pretest-posttest design to 30 seventh-grade students. The learning process used semi-experimental phenomena because solar system matter in the middle school does not deliver much mathematic analyze. Collecting data from three meetings with different sub matter (time zone, moon phase, and solar eclipse). Supported instrument is student worksheet assessed using Lati criteria (very poor, poor...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
The purpose of this study is to define a description of the various conceptions and misconception... more The purpose of this study is to define a description of the various conceptions and misconceptions of pre-service teacher about the concept of light in basic physics courses. This research was conducted on 96 students of basic physics teacher candidate in one of state universities (PTN) in Makassar. The mixed method was used in this study. Data collection in this research is through observation, test, analysis of test results, limited interviews, and analysis of data by quantitative and qualitative. The result of this research is found the misconception of physics pre-service teacher about the physics concepts, especially about the light concept. This shows that the low understanding of the concept of pre-service teacher to the basic concepts of physics, causing misconception. Therefore, that misconceptions are define an information to develop a continuous research that can contribute to improving the quality of teachers’ candidates, especially physics teachers who will give a posit...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
One of the efforts that can be done in designing classroom assessment is to mapping a number of v... more One of the efforts that can be done in designing classroom assessment is to mapping a number of variables that affect the physics learning process, especially on electricity and magnetism. In this research, mapping of cognitive style, logical thinking ability, and conceptual knowledge of electrical and magnetism topics aimed to know the pattern of change of three variables owned by prospective physics teachers based on grade level. This study is descriptive research with 95 respondents taken from one class for each level by random sampling. The results showed that cognitive style, logical thinking ability, and conceptual knowledge variables changed with linear pattern. This finding becomes one of the next considerations to design electricity and magnetism learning assessment in universities.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
The course of astronomy as a new course in the curriculum that must be taken by physics teacher c... more The course of astronomy as a new course in the curriculum that must be taken by physics teacher candidate at PGRI University of Semarang. Astronomy in front of students is known as part of science-based science that gives curiosity about the science of religion and technology. Mastery of Astronomy concept of teacher candidate is analysis with the aim to take a picture of mastery of concept and process of astronomy lecture which is a new course as the base of development of astronomy learning device based on KKNI. This research method is descriptive quantitative and qualitative. Technique of collecting data is done by triangulation through analysis of test result, astronomy lecture observation, and questionnaire response of physics teacher candidate. Data analysis technique is done descriptively. The results obtained that the results of the test document analysis obtained the test instrument subjects more dominant astronomy on aspects of concept understanding, no test items that measure the realm of analysis and creation. Analysis of test results obtained that the ability of the most dominant students in the realm of knowledge and the lowest ability in the realm of application. The results of observation suggest that astronomical learning is applied by lecture, discussion and assignment methods. Lecturers give lectures related to content, student discussions to discuss more in-depth Astronomy content and assignment to students to make logbook about celestial phenomena. The results of the student questionnaires give a positive response to astronomical learning that provides contextual knowledge in life.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Critical thinking skills is one of the high-level thinking skills that students must have in this... more Critical thinking skills is one of the high-level thinking skills that students must have in this era of technology and information. Critical thinking is needed for students who are preparing to enter a complex working field.This study aims to determine the profile of critical thinking skills of pre-service physics teachers at the University of Flores. The method used is descriptive survey method. The result of the study shows that: 1) The students' critical thinking skills are spread in 5 categories, namely "very high" by 10%, "high" by 22.5%, "medium" by 32.5%, "low" by 10 % and "very low" 25%; 2) Students need to be familiarized with questions that stimulate critical thinking skills; 3) A physics-based thinking test tool is needed for critical students of pre-service physics teacher.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
We have already probed students' critical thinking skills toward analyzing argumentation on heat ... more We have already probed students' critical thinking skills toward analyzing argumentation on heat conductivity concept. Analyzing argumentation is needed to investigated because students require to obtain it in order to become a better thinker and making the right decisions. The heat conductivity problem has been given to 20 preservice physics students who have been enrolled in the Introductory Physics I. The test has precisely analyzed in qualitative way. An analysis of collected data has mainly focused on student conclusion in heat conductivity problem. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that students' critical thinking skills toward analyzing argumentation on heat conductivity concept is still poor category.