Santiago Gala-Aguilera | University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras (original) (raw)

Papers by Santiago Gala-Aguilera

Research paper thumbnail of Boogie Down! Jaime Cobas, Between Times

Patrimonio, 2019

A candid yet in-depth interview with Puerto Rican architect and interior designer Jaime Cobas on ... more A candid yet in-depth interview with Puerto Rican architect and interior designer Jaime Cobas on the challenges and legacies of the island's late modernism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Edificio Comunidad de Orgullo Gay de Puerto Rico

National Register of Historic Places, 2016

The property known as Edificio Comunidad de Orgullo Gay de Puerto Rico (commonly known as Casa Or... more The property known as Edificio Comunidad de Orgullo Gay de Puerto Rico (commonly known as Casa Orgulllo) is statewide significant under Criterion A, in the area of Social History, as the building served as the meeting hall for the first gay/lesbian organization properly established in Puerto Rico. Founded in 1974, Comunidad de Orgullo Gay became the first gay/lesbian attempt to organize in order to confront the social, political and legal discrimination against the local LGBTQ community.
Inspired by the 1969’s Stonewall Revolt and its aftermath, Comunidad de Orgullo Gay pioneered the organized resistance against the heterosexual social dominance through political action, outreach educational programs, public exposition and confrontation and social support and assistance to the local LGBTQ community. Although short-lived (disbanded by 1976), and with less than fifty-years in achieving its significance, the Edificio Comunidad Orgullo Gay, evaluated under Criteria Consideration G, is exceptionally important as the home of the organization that spearheaded the gay liberation movement in Puerto Rico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Casa Marquez

National Register of Historic Places, 2015

Casa Márquez (also known, as Hacienda Valentina) is statewide significant under Criterion C in th... more Casa Márquez (also known, as Hacienda Valentina) is statewide significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture as the property is a unique example of a residential dwelling from early 19th century, allowing us to comprehend construction techniques and their historic evolution. The house is also significant as it is the only extant example of vernacular residential building representing the 19th century urban development in Hormigueros. As the property was founded by José Marciani in 1823, the period of significance of the resource extends from that date until 1965, the fifty-year cut-off date.

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Research paper thumbnail of Escuela Guillermo Esteves

National Register of Historic Places, 2012

The Guillermo Esteves school building is significant, at state level, under Criterion C for archi... more The Guillermo Esteves school building is significant, at state level, under Criterion C for architecture and Criterion A for education. The property embodies a method of construction used in early 20th century school buildings in Puerto Rico. This building reflected the island wide education program implemented by the Government of Puerto Rico during the second decade of the 20th century. In the area of education, the school, at the time of its construction, served as the largest institutional concrete building built locally and was the primary educational center for the municipality of Naranjito in the first three decades of the 20th century. The school’s plans were prepared by the Division of Public Buildings of the Department of the Interior of Puerto Rico and were revised by Architect Rafael Carmoega (1894-1968). The building’s contractor, José Moíses Colón Virella, started work at the site in 1924 and completed work in1926.

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Research paper thumbnail of SHPO and the Recent Past

Patrimonio, 2011

For decades, the Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office has fulfilled its mission of iden... more For decades, the Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office has fulfilled its mission of identifying, evaluating, surveying and nominating cultural resources to the National Register of Historic Places. But how exactly does the mid-century legacy in the island has received the same validation through recent efforts?

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[Research paper thumbnail of Suburban Bliss: An Unsuspected [Re]encounter with the Recent Past](

Patrimonio 2, 2011

The the lobby restoration of Edward Larrabee Barnes' El Monte Apartments in San Juan, Puerto Rico... more The the lobby restoration of Edward Larrabee Barnes' El Monte Apartments in San Juan, Puerto Rico entailed unprecedented efforts in identifying and validating a decorative feature of the recent past manufactured in France en the late 1950's.

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Research paper thumbnail of Phoenix in Ballajá: Rehabilitation of the Old Infantry Barracks

Patrimonio, 2010

The Ballajá Infantry Barracks was built in San Juan, Puerto Rico between 1853 and 1864 to house t... more The Ballajá Infantry Barracks was built in San Juan, Puerto Rico between 1853 and 1864 to house two thousand Spanish officers and soldiers. It has been regarded as the last and larges structure built by the Crown in the Americas. In 2011, major renovations were carried out in the property to turn it now into the first and largest sustainable, historic building in the island.

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Research paper thumbnail of Capitolio de Puerto Rico - Office Buildings for the Legislators

National Register of Historic Places, 2009

The office buildings for the legislators, adjacent to the Capitolio de Puerto Rico, are significa... more The office buildings for the legislators, adjacent to the Capitolio de Puerto Rico, are significant under Criterion C on a statewide level as they represent an early introduction of the Modern Movement ideals within Puerto Rico’s architectural milieu. By integrating traditional and innovative concepts, materials and construction techniques, their design proves a unique concern towards the island’s tropical context and the preservation of an existing historic monument. Within Toro Ferrer Arquitectos’ body of work, its design stands out as one of their most representative examples of Commonwealth architecture. Despite interior alterations –specifically in the office space layout- and a rehabilitation project carried out in 2004, both buildings retain sufficient integrity to convey their significance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Such Is Life: On Patrimonies and Identities in our soon-to-be Cote d'Azur

Entorno 14, 2009

A succinct account on cultural heritage in the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rodolfo Fernández

Conserva / Conversa 3, 2008

In this interview, one of the youngest architects of our mid-century generation, looks back and, ... more In this interview, one of the youngest architects of our mid-century generation, looks back and, with even more vigour, forward. Here, he recalls his days with Barragan, shares the key to his achievements and anticipates the challenges of the near future.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Committee on Design of Public Works (1943-1948)

Entorno 7, 2007

Created in 1943 by one of Roosevelt's brain trust, Rexford Guy Tugwell, as an emergency agency in... more Created in 1943 by one of Roosevelt's brain trust, Rexford Guy Tugwell, as an emergency agency in during World War II, the Committee on Design of Public Works was not only in charge of preparing the plans and specifications for the vast construction projects to be carried out in Puerto Rico once the conflict ended. It would also become a paradigmatic and influential design laboratory on tropical modernism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gran Logia Espiritual Numero 1

National Register of Historic Places, 2006

The building known as Gran Logia Espiritual Numero 1 (Grand Spiritual Lodge No. 1) is widely reco... more The building known as Gran Logia Espiritual Numero 1 (Grand Spiritual Lodge No. 1) is widely recognized as the location of the most important center in the studies of the Spiritualist Doctrine in Puerto Rico. The "Gran Logia Espiritual" is consider the strictest follower in the island of the philosophical principles codified by Allan Kardec (1804-1869).

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Research paper thumbnail of Supreme Court Building

National Register of Historic Places, 2006

The Supreme Court Building is significant state wide under Criterion C in the area of architectur... more The Supreme Court Building is significant state wide under Criterion C in the area of architecture as an outstanding example of the Modern Movement and its application within the local context. It is also significant under Criterion A, as the building embodies the historical development of Puerto Rico's highest court of law.

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Research paper thumbnail of Edificio Del Valle

National Register of Historic Places, 2004

The Edificio Del Valle is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture as an... more The Edificio Del Valle is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture as an outstanding Spanish Renaissance Revival building in San Juan and also representative of the work of a master, renowned Puerto Rican architect Rafael Carmoega Morales (1894-1968).

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Research paper thumbnail of Edificio Victory Garden

National Register of Historic Places, 2004

Built in 1936, Victory Garden is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of architectur... more Built in 1936, Victory Garden is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of architecture as an outstanding Spanish Revival building of San Juan, representative of the apartment building type which resulted from the rise of urban development in the area of Santurce and an excellent example of the work of the renowned Puerto Rican architect Pedro de Castro y Besosa (1895-1936).

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Research paper thumbnail of Puerto Rico Island Penitentiary

National Register of Historic Places, 2002

The Puerto Rico Insular Penitentiary, is significant at State level for its importance in the are... more The Puerto Rico Insular Penitentiary, is significant at State level for its importance in the areas of architecture and social history. The building, inaugurated in 1933, was designed by architect Francisco Roldan (1890-1988) and constructed Antonio Higuera Peña (1921-1992) for the Puerto Rico Department of the Interior. The InsularPenitentiary was the crucial in the implementation of the Government of Puerto Rico's prisoner rehabilitation program on the Island. The property is eligible by criterion C under the area of Architecture as the first modem penitentiary built in Puerto Rico and for the unique way it combined traditional Hispanic references and novel outlines representing a progressive public image for Puerto Rico.

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Thesis Chapters by Santiago Gala-Aguilera

Research paper thumbnail of Remembrance of the Intangible: Interpretive Recovery of Old San Juan's Southeast Fortifications

The present research and design proposal departs from a pertinent - or gut - necessity of exhumin... more The present research and design proposal departs from a pertinent - or gut - necessity of exhuming, probably in the most literal sense of the term, the remnants of an urban component that, for centuries, defined and determined our ancestors' way of life. It implies the dual validation of a cultural resource whose relevance is defined, beyond its tangible value, by its conscious and deliberate eradication.

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Research paper thumbnail of Boogie Down! Jaime Cobas, Between Times

Patrimonio, 2019

A candid yet in-depth interview with Puerto Rican architect and interior designer Jaime Cobas on ... more A candid yet in-depth interview with Puerto Rican architect and interior designer Jaime Cobas on the challenges and legacies of the island's late modernism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Edificio Comunidad de Orgullo Gay de Puerto Rico

National Register of Historic Places, 2016

The property known as Edificio Comunidad de Orgullo Gay de Puerto Rico (commonly known as Casa Or... more The property known as Edificio Comunidad de Orgullo Gay de Puerto Rico (commonly known as Casa Orgulllo) is statewide significant under Criterion A, in the area of Social History, as the building served as the meeting hall for the first gay/lesbian organization properly established in Puerto Rico. Founded in 1974, Comunidad de Orgullo Gay became the first gay/lesbian attempt to organize in order to confront the social, political and legal discrimination against the local LGBTQ community.
Inspired by the 1969’s Stonewall Revolt and its aftermath, Comunidad de Orgullo Gay pioneered the organized resistance against the heterosexual social dominance through political action, outreach educational programs, public exposition and confrontation and social support and assistance to the local LGBTQ community. Although short-lived (disbanded by 1976), and with less than fifty-years in achieving its significance, the Edificio Comunidad Orgullo Gay, evaluated under Criteria Consideration G, is exceptionally important as the home of the organization that spearheaded the gay liberation movement in Puerto Rico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Casa Marquez

National Register of Historic Places, 2015

Casa Márquez (also known, as Hacienda Valentina) is statewide significant under Criterion C in th... more Casa Márquez (also known, as Hacienda Valentina) is statewide significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture as the property is a unique example of a residential dwelling from early 19th century, allowing us to comprehend construction techniques and their historic evolution. The house is also significant as it is the only extant example of vernacular residential building representing the 19th century urban development in Hormigueros. As the property was founded by José Marciani in 1823, the period of significance of the resource extends from that date until 1965, the fifty-year cut-off date.

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Research paper thumbnail of Escuela Guillermo Esteves

National Register of Historic Places, 2012

The Guillermo Esteves school building is significant, at state level, under Criterion C for archi... more The Guillermo Esteves school building is significant, at state level, under Criterion C for architecture and Criterion A for education. The property embodies a method of construction used in early 20th century school buildings in Puerto Rico. This building reflected the island wide education program implemented by the Government of Puerto Rico during the second decade of the 20th century. In the area of education, the school, at the time of its construction, served as the largest institutional concrete building built locally and was the primary educational center for the municipality of Naranjito in the first three decades of the 20th century. The school’s plans were prepared by the Division of Public Buildings of the Department of the Interior of Puerto Rico and were revised by Architect Rafael Carmoega (1894-1968). The building’s contractor, José Moíses Colón Virella, started work at the site in 1924 and completed work in1926.

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Research paper thumbnail of SHPO and the Recent Past

Patrimonio, 2011

For decades, the Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office has fulfilled its mission of iden... more For decades, the Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office has fulfilled its mission of identifying, evaluating, surveying and nominating cultural resources to the National Register of Historic Places. But how exactly does the mid-century legacy in the island has received the same validation through recent efforts?

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[Research paper thumbnail of Suburban Bliss: An Unsuspected [Re]encounter with the Recent Past](

Patrimonio 2, 2011

The the lobby restoration of Edward Larrabee Barnes' El Monte Apartments in San Juan, Puerto Rico... more The the lobby restoration of Edward Larrabee Barnes' El Monte Apartments in San Juan, Puerto Rico entailed unprecedented efforts in identifying and validating a decorative feature of the recent past manufactured in France en the late 1950's.

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Research paper thumbnail of Phoenix in Ballajá: Rehabilitation of the Old Infantry Barracks

Patrimonio, 2010

The Ballajá Infantry Barracks was built in San Juan, Puerto Rico between 1853 and 1864 to house t... more The Ballajá Infantry Barracks was built in San Juan, Puerto Rico between 1853 and 1864 to house two thousand Spanish officers and soldiers. It has been regarded as the last and larges structure built by the Crown in the Americas. In 2011, major renovations were carried out in the property to turn it now into the first and largest sustainable, historic building in the island.

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Research paper thumbnail of Capitolio de Puerto Rico - Office Buildings for the Legislators

National Register of Historic Places, 2009

The office buildings for the legislators, adjacent to the Capitolio de Puerto Rico, are significa... more The office buildings for the legislators, adjacent to the Capitolio de Puerto Rico, are significant under Criterion C on a statewide level as they represent an early introduction of the Modern Movement ideals within Puerto Rico’s architectural milieu. By integrating traditional and innovative concepts, materials and construction techniques, their design proves a unique concern towards the island’s tropical context and the preservation of an existing historic monument. Within Toro Ferrer Arquitectos’ body of work, its design stands out as one of their most representative examples of Commonwealth architecture. Despite interior alterations –specifically in the office space layout- and a rehabilitation project carried out in 2004, both buildings retain sufficient integrity to convey their significance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Such Is Life: On Patrimonies and Identities in our soon-to-be Cote d'Azur

Entorno 14, 2009

A succinct account on cultural heritage in the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rodolfo Fernández

Conserva / Conversa 3, 2008

In this interview, one of the youngest architects of our mid-century generation, looks back and, ... more In this interview, one of the youngest architects of our mid-century generation, looks back and, with even more vigour, forward. Here, he recalls his days with Barragan, shares the key to his achievements and anticipates the challenges of the near future.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Committee on Design of Public Works (1943-1948)

Entorno 7, 2007

Created in 1943 by one of Roosevelt's brain trust, Rexford Guy Tugwell, as an emergency agency in... more Created in 1943 by one of Roosevelt's brain trust, Rexford Guy Tugwell, as an emergency agency in during World War II, the Committee on Design of Public Works was not only in charge of preparing the plans and specifications for the vast construction projects to be carried out in Puerto Rico once the conflict ended. It would also become a paradigmatic and influential design laboratory on tropical modernism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gran Logia Espiritual Numero 1

National Register of Historic Places, 2006

The building known as Gran Logia Espiritual Numero 1 (Grand Spiritual Lodge No. 1) is widely reco... more The building known as Gran Logia Espiritual Numero 1 (Grand Spiritual Lodge No. 1) is widely recognized as the location of the most important center in the studies of the Spiritualist Doctrine in Puerto Rico. The "Gran Logia Espiritual" is consider the strictest follower in the island of the philosophical principles codified by Allan Kardec (1804-1869).

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Research paper thumbnail of Supreme Court Building

National Register of Historic Places, 2006

The Supreme Court Building is significant state wide under Criterion C in the area of architectur... more The Supreme Court Building is significant state wide under Criterion C in the area of architecture as an outstanding example of the Modern Movement and its application within the local context. It is also significant under Criterion A, as the building embodies the historical development of Puerto Rico's highest court of law.

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Research paper thumbnail of Edificio Del Valle

National Register of Historic Places, 2004

The Edificio Del Valle is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture as an... more The Edificio Del Valle is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture as an outstanding Spanish Renaissance Revival building in San Juan and also representative of the work of a master, renowned Puerto Rican architect Rafael Carmoega Morales (1894-1968).

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Research paper thumbnail of Edificio Victory Garden

National Register of Historic Places, 2004

Built in 1936, Victory Garden is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of architectur... more Built in 1936, Victory Garden is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of architecture as an outstanding Spanish Revival building of San Juan, representative of the apartment building type which resulted from the rise of urban development in the area of Santurce and an excellent example of the work of the renowned Puerto Rican architect Pedro de Castro y Besosa (1895-1936).

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Research paper thumbnail of Puerto Rico Island Penitentiary

National Register of Historic Places, 2002

The Puerto Rico Insular Penitentiary, is significant at State level for its importance in the are... more The Puerto Rico Insular Penitentiary, is significant at State level for its importance in the areas of architecture and social history. The building, inaugurated in 1933, was designed by architect Francisco Roldan (1890-1988) and constructed Antonio Higuera Peña (1921-1992) for the Puerto Rico Department of the Interior. The InsularPenitentiary was the crucial in the implementation of the Government of Puerto Rico's prisoner rehabilitation program on the Island. The property is eligible by criterion C under the area of Architecture as the first modem penitentiary built in Puerto Rico and for the unique way it combined traditional Hispanic references and novel outlines representing a progressive public image for Puerto Rico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Remembrance of the Intangible: Interpretive Recovery of Old San Juan's Southeast Fortifications

The present research and design proposal departs from a pertinent - or gut - necessity of exhumin... more The present research and design proposal departs from a pertinent - or gut - necessity of exhuming, probably in the most literal sense of the term, the remnants of an urban component that, for centuries, defined and determined our ancestors' way of life. It implies the dual validation of a cultural resource whose relevance is defined, beyond its tangible value, by its conscious and deliberate eradication.

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