Pedro López Aldana | Universidad de Sevilla (original) (raw)
Papers by Pedro López Aldana
In Andalusia such collective burial architecture is found as a model within the range of tombs fr... more In Andalusia such collective burial architecture is found
as a model within the range of tombs from the third
millennium BC. Its nature as underground structures gets
usually appearing by chance and isolated, although we
have knowledge of their organization like necropolis.
The dynamics of ritual that involves a successive use for
short periods of time, or even more extensive use in time
with reuse, not only in times of Bronze but also in
historical times, and practice particularly artificial
enclosure of them, has it difficult to interpret the ritual of
these funerary containers.
Indeed, interpreting their burial ritual is complex because
normally these spaces like ossuaries or secondary stools.
Skeletal remains have little anatomical relationships and
are affected by removal and fragmentation. To this must
be added the difficulty presented in the absence of
external signals, which generally causes inadvertent that
affects the scientific possibilities of access to proper
treatment and adequate study of their records.
Following the excavations conducted in the Artificial
Caves of Gilena within systematic research project "
Estudio del hábitat Calcolítico en el pie de sierra del Bajo
Valle del Guadalquivir", we had the opportunity to access
the study of some of these containers in where we
propose an archaeological methodology to help us in the
interpretation of the dynamics of these deposits. We
apply an intrasite spatial analysis through GIS tools, to
the genetics depositional behavior and allowed us to see
how certain ceramic objects and remains of individuals
migrated in the plane, in elevation, or both of them at a
time, and all had been produced by the human activities
of users and their rituals.
Centramos nuestra atencion sobre el estudio de la explotacion del marmol en epoca romana en el te... more Centramos nuestra atencion sobre el estudio de la explotacion del marmol en epoca romana en el termino municipal de Almaden de la Plata, emplazado en el sector septentrional de la actual provincia de Sevilla. Se identifica para este marco cronologico una problematica especifica y un interes especial dentro de una linea de investigacion mas amplia dedicada al estudio de los marmora regionales y de importacion en la Betica romana. La bibliografia historico arqueologica de las ultimas decadas incluye amplias referencias a las canteras de marmol de esta area fuente e identificaciones de sus productos en numerosas piezas arqueologicas de cronologia romana, y ha consolidado una serie de hipotesis muy influyentes sobre diversas caracteristicas de la explotacion, distribucion y uso de los marmoles de Almaden de la Plata. Sin embargo, estos trabajos no han incluido ningun analisis arqueologico detallado de la zona de estudio. Esta Tesis Doctoral ofrece, en primer lugar, una sintesis necesari...
Interdisciplinary studies on ancient stone: proceedings of the IX Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA) Conference (Tarragona 2009), 2012, ISBN 978-84-939033-8-1, págs. 407-418, 2012
The study of the Roman marble quarries of southern Iberian Peninsula is a necessary step for the ... more The study of the Roman marble quarries of southern Iberian Peninsula is a necessary step for the correct marble provenance of the archaeological materials used in the Hispanic-Roman towns. Determining whether they are local (from the Baetic province) or imported marbles, is a task which yield information on the scale and trade of the different quarry products. This line of research has been developed at the University of Seville by a first project that enabled the detailed study of the main Baetic quarries, including the district of Almadén de la Plata (Seville). This paper has been supported in the framework of a second ongoing project and presents the data obtained from the materials documented during the recent archaeological work carried out at the quarries of Almadén de la Plata. In particular, the aim is providing a petrographic characterisation and a preliminary geochemical composition of samples taken from the Roman quarry faces and extraction products of two areas in the Almadén de la Plata district (Loma de Los Castillejos and Cerro de Los Covachos)
Presentamos a continuación un " ídolo tipo tolva " hallado en el Llano de los C... more Presentamos a continuación un " ídolo tipo tolva " hallado en el Llano de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla). Esta representación idolátrica forma parte de la extensa variabilidad tipológica de los productos ideológicos de IV y III milenios a.n.e., muy relacionados con la plasmación física de la ideología predominante. El producto ideológico de Los Covachos destaca, en el SW peninsular, por el soporte material sobre el que está elaborado, siendo el único ejemplar en esta región manufacturado en alabastro, materia prima que se constata de forma recurrente en Andalucía Oriental, más concretamente en la necrópolis de Los Millares. We present a " bowling pin " found in the Llano de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevi-lla). This idolatrous representation is part of the extensive typological variability of ideological products IV and III millennia BC, closely related to the physical shape of the dominant ideology. The ideological product Los Covachos stresses in the SW peninsular, the material on which support is made, the only copy in this region manufactured in alabaster, raw material is found recurrently in eastern Andalusia, more specifically in the necropolis of Los Millares.
Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y ArqueologÃa Social, 2001
Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y ArqueologÃa Social, 2001
En la necrópolis de Valencina (III milenio a.n.e.) se han excavado hasta la fecha más de 120 ente... more En la necrópolis de Valencina (III milenio a.n.e.) se han excavado hasta la fecha más de 120 enterramientos de muy diversa índole: grandes tholoi con túmulo, tumbas de cámara y corredor de fábrica y tamaño variado, fosas simples y hasta reutilizaciones de estructuras no funerarias como silos, fosos, etc. Al margen de estos enterramientos conocidos, dos recientes trabajos de prospección geofísica en el entorno de los dólmenes de La Pastora y Montelirio han sacado a la luz lo que podrían ser más de cien posibles enterramientos, algunos de ellos de entidad considerable. Ante este panorama nos planteamos en esta ocasión profundizar sobre la existencia de un modelo de organización espacial de la necrópolis, que atiende a aspectos tipológicos, formales y de contenido, y que son el reflejo de una sociedad profundamente jerarquizada cuyo grado de complejidad es capaz de justificar y construir un espacio funerario donde su estructura socio-económica quede expresada. Para la consecución de este fin hemos diseñado una estrategia que pasa por la construcción de un Sistema de Información Geográfica en donde toda la información de las estructuras de enterramiento, tanto a nivel cartográfico como alfanumérico, se ha registrado para poder realizar consultas complejas a los datos y realizar geoprocesamiento con las geometrías de cara a dilucidar ciertos aspectos espaciales. El estudio incluye la elaboración de algunos Índices Geoestadísticos para corroborar los resultados obtenidos del análisis y explotación de los datos almacenados en la Base de Datos de nuestro Sistema.In Valencina's necropolis (IIIrd millenium B.C.) there have been excavated more than 120 burials of very diverse nature: big tholoi with tomb, tombs of chamber and corridor of varied factory and size, simple pits and reutilizations of “not funerary structures like silos, pits, ditches, etc. Also these known burials, two recent works of geophysical exploration in the environment of the dolmens of La Pastora and Montelirio and the revision of a few more, have extracted what they might be more than a hundred possible burials, some of them of considerable entity. Before this panorama we consider to show the existence of a model of spatial organization of the necropolis, who attends to typological, formal and content aspects, and that are the reflex of a deeply hierarchical society, whose degree of complexity is capable of justifying and constructing a funerary space where his socio-economic structure remains expressed. To achieve this goal we have designed a strategy that begins with the construction of a Geographical Information System where all the information of the burial structures, so much to cartographic as alphanumeric level, has been registered to be able to realize complex queries to the data and geoprocesing with the geometries in order to explain certain spatial aspects. The study includes the production of some geostatistical indexes to corroborate the results of the analysis and the exploitation of the information stored in our system database
El Asentamiento Prehistorico De Valencina De La Concepcion Investigacion Y Tutela En El 150 Aniversario Del Descubrimiento De La Pastora 2013 Isbn 978 84 472 1465 5 Pags 157 170, 2013
The results obtained in the rescue excavation of nº 14-18 Trabajadores street (Valencina de la Co... more The results obtained in the rescue excavation of nº 14-18 Trabajadores street (Valencina de la Concepción, Sevilla) are presented. An ample and varied record of structures and materials has been documented. They contribute to a greater knowledge of the occupational sequence during the III millennium BCE in this area of the site. Of particular importance are the interesting volume of bell-beaker pottery, the outstanding presence of metallurgical products, the abundance of lithic raw material and the existence of products belonging to the symbolic field of the social.
This paper will perform the analytical synthesis of the set of sites that have bell beaker cerami... more This paper will perform the analytical synthesis of the set of sites that have bell beaker ceramics (campaniforme) in northern Portugal and the Douro basin region, briefly discussing the bases on which the previous interpretative proposals rests. With particular emphasis on two contexts – Crasto de Palheiros and Pastoria – as well as others that have C14 dates, we will argue that the manufacture, circulation, and use of bell beaker ceramics corresponds not to a unitary temporally short phenomenon, but rather a mutifaceted one given its long duration of about eight centuries (between about 2700 and 2000/1900 BC). So, our discussion would focus on the interpretative implications that may stem from this long term use.
Iv Encuentro De Arqueologia Del Suroeste Peninsular Recurso Electronico 2010 Isbn 978 84 92679 59 1 Pag 17, 2010
FIGURE 1 Left cattle metacarpal from Beco de São Marçal (Lisbon, Portugal), 14 th-15 th-centuries... more FIGURE 1 Left cattle metacarpal from Beco de São Marçal (Lisbon, Portugal), 14 th-15 th-centuries. Anterior and posterior faces have been whittled down and fashioned as a bone anvil. Detail of the rows of indentations made by the point chisel. Photo: J.P. Ruas., 2001
Resumen: La zona intervenida se sitúa hipotéticamente en el límite entre las áreas funcionales in... more Resumen: La zona intervenida se sitúa hipotéticamente en el límite entre las áreas funcionales intermedia y de poblado. La excavación proporcionó una estructura habitacional con varios momentos de ocupación que abarcan desde el Calcolítico Pleno, ...
Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, Oct 31, 2012
"The archaeological survey developed in prehistoric settlement of Valencina de l... more "The archaeological survey developed in prehistoric settlement of Valencina de la Concepción allowed us to recognize an important archeological context where stands a large concentration of beaker pottery. The archaeometric study of common and beaker pottery and its comparation with the regional geology and sediments previously collected has identified the possible areas of clay raw material supply."
Journal of World Prehistory, 2020
Activity patterns at large prehistoric sites are often difficult to interpret, as they frequently... more Activity patterns at large prehistoric sites are often difficult to interpret, as they frequently combine productive, domestic and funerary components. Valencina, the largest of the Copper Age mega-sites in Iberia, has proved particularly challenging in this regard. Macrolithic tool assemblages have been generally neglected in these debates but can provide specific insight into the nature and patterning of activities. In this study, 185 grinding tools from seven separate excavations across this 450 ha mega-site were subjected to multiple lines of analysis including quantification, morphology, raw material, use-wear and depositional context. A surprising feature of this assemblage is the high degree of fragmentation, with more than half of the items representing less than 25% of the original artefact and only a small minority of them (< 10%) complete. The absence of intact quernstones is particularly striking. The results indicate a ritualization of deposition at Valencina, and throw new light on the interpretation of this complex site. Furthermore, they emphasize the central role that grinding technology should play in future discussion of European prehistoric mega-sites.
The settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain) is one of the most important sites ... more The settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain) is one of the most important sites in the Iberian Prehistory, not only for its great tombs, but also due to its magnitude. Unlike utilitarian vessels, frequent in the archaeological record, the presence of bell beaker ceramics is relatively scarce and is reduced to small fragments from superficial contexts or early archaeological excavations. However, recent archaeological work in the upper part of the settlement has provided new information and additional readings on these productions. The presence of a large number of bell beaker sherds found in association with prestige goods gave us the possibility to evaluate the manufacturing processes and explore their symbolic meaning, proposing alternative interpretations about the role of these items as vehicles for the legitimation of power. El asentamiento de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla, España) es un referente en la arqueología prehistórica peninsular, no sólo por sus grandes tumbas, sino también por su gran magnitud. A pesar de las innumerables evidencias sólo recientemente la componente cerámica ha sido objeto de un amplio estudio que ha permitido proponer un primer modelo de organización técnica y social de la producción alfarera. Por el contrario, la presencia de cerámica campaniforme es relativamente escasa y se reduce a pequeños fragmentos procedentes de contextos superficiales o de excavaciones arqueológicas antiguas. No obstante, trabajos arqueológicos recientes en el área habitacional del asentamiento ubicada en la parte más alta del asentamiento han aportado novedosas informaciones y una lectura adicional sobre estas producciones. La presencia de un gran número de registros campaniformes abría la posibilidad de evaluar las características de la materias primas utilizadas y de los procesos de manufactura, explorar su significado simbólico y plantear propuestas alternativas de interpretación sobre el papel de estas producciones cerámicas como vehículos de legitimación de poder.
8 paginas, 9 figuras.-- Edited by Alexandra Legrand-Pineau, Isabelle Sidera and Natacha Buc, Eva ... more 8 paginas, 9 figuras.-- Edited by Alexandra Legrand-Pineau, Isabelle Sidera and Natacha Buc, Eva David, Vivian Scheinsohn.
La excavación realizada en el Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla) ha... more La excavación realizada en el Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla) ha proporcionado interesante información sobre la ocupación humana del espacio exterior de la Cueva de los Covachos durante la transición entre el IV‑III milenio a.n.e. Aquí exponemos los resultados preliminares del estudio realizado a los materiales líticos desde una perspectiva tecnocultural. The excavation at the Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla) has provided interesting information about the human occupation of space outside the Cave of the Covachos during the transition between the IV‑III millennium BC Here we present the preliminary results of the study of lithic materials from a techno‑cultural.
The site of the third millennium a.n.e. of Valencina de la Concepcion in Sevilla has become in re... more The site of the third millennium a.n.e. of Valencina de la Concepcion in Sevilla has become in recent years a benchmark for archaeological research on the recent prehistory due to the significant increase of excavations and research and scientific literature that has been generated. A major turning point came with the Congress to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the discovery of La Cueva de la Pastora held in 2011 which helped to unify a large part of the information available and open new debates about the complexity of the site in different fields of scientific knowledge. Its categorization as a political entity on a wide territory, the variability of the burials, the ability to grab prestige goods, spatial organization, among others are reasons recently revived debates. Therefore, we believe that discussion of the sectoral division of deposit, initiated by Prof. Oswaldo Arteaga and Prof.. Rosario Cruz-Aunon in the 90s of last century, has great interest to understand the degr...
In Andalusia such collective burial architecture is found as a model within the range of tombs fr... more In Andalusia such collective burial architecture is found
as a model within the range of tombs from the third
millennium BC. Its nature as underground structures gets
usually appearing by chance and isolated, although we
have knowledge of their organization like necropolis.
The dynamics of ritual that involves a successive use for
short periods of time, or even more extensive use in time
with reuse, not only in times of Bronze but also in
historical times, and practice particularly artificial
enclosure of them, has it difficult to interpret the ritual of
these funerary containers.
Indeed, interpreting their burial ritual is complex because
normally these spaces like ossuaries or secondary stools.
Skeletal remains have little anatomical relationships and
are affected by removal and fragmentation. To this must
be added the difficulty presented in the absence of
external signals, which generally causes inadvertent that
affects the scientific possibilities of access to proper
treatment and adequate study of their records.
Following the excavations conducted in the Artificial
Caves of Gilena within systematic research project "
Estudio del hábitat Calcolítico en el pie de sierra del Bajo
Valle del Guadalquivir", we had the opportunity to access
the study of some of these containers in where we
propose an archaeological methodology to help us in the
interpretation of the dynamics of these deposits. We
apply an intrasite spatial analysis through GIS tools, to
the genetics depositional behavior and allowed us to see
how certain ceramic objects and remains of individuals
migrated in the plane, in elevation, or both of them at a
time, and all had been produced by the human activities
of users and their rituals.
Centramos nuestra atencion sobre el estudio de la explotacion del marmol en epoca romana en el te... more Centramos nuestra atencion sobre el estudio de la explotacion del marmol en epoca romana en el termino municipal de Almaden de la Plata, emplazado en el sector septentrional de la actual provincia de Sevilla. Se identifica para este marco cronologico una problematica especifica y un interes especial dentro de una linea de investigacion mas amplia dedicada al estudio de los marmora regionales y de importacion en la Betica romana. La bibliografia historico arqueologica de las ultimas decadas incluye amplias referencias a las canteras de marmol de esta area fuente e identificaciones de sus productos en numerosas piezas arqueologicas de cronologia romana, y ha consolidado una serie de hipotesis muy influyentes sobre diversas caracteristicas de la explotacion, distribucion y uso de los marmoles de Almaden de la Plata. Sin embargo, estos trabajos no han incluido ningun analisis arqueologico detallado de la zona de estudio. Esta Tesis Doctoral ofrece, en primer lugar, una sintesis necesari...
Interdisciplinary studies on ancient stone: proceedings of the IX Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA) Conference (Tarragona 2009), 2012, ISBN 978-84-939033-8-1, págs. 407-418, 2012
The study of the Roman marble quarries of southern Iberian Peninsula is a necessary step for the ... more The study of the Roman marble quarries of southern Iberian Peninsula is a necessary step for the correct marble provenance of the archaeological materials used in the Hispanic-Roman towns. Determining whether they are local (from the Baetic province) or imported marbles, is a task which yield information on the scale and trade of the different quarry products. This line of research has been developed at the University of Seville by a first project that enabled the detailed study of the main Baetic quarries, including the district of Almadén de la Plata (Seville). This paper has been supported in the framework of a second ongoing project and presents the data obtained from the materials documented during the recent archaeological work carried out at the quarries of Almadén de la Plata. In particular, the aim is providing a petrographic characterisation and a preliminary geochemical composition of samples taken from the Roman quarry faces and extraction products of two areas in the Almadén de la Plata district (Loma de Los Castillejos and Cerro de Los Covachos)
Presentamos a continuación un " ídolo tipo tolva " hallado en el Llano de los C... more Presentamos a continuación un " ídolo tipo tolva " hallado en el Llano de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla). Esta representación idolátrica forma parte de la extensa variabilidad tipológica de los productos ideológicos de IV y III milenios a.n.e., muy relacionados con la plasmación física de la ideología predominante. El producto ideológico de Los Covachos destaca, en el SW peninsular, por el soporte material sobre el que está elaborado, siendo el único ejemplar en esta región manufacturado en alabastro, materia prima que se constata de forma recurrente en Andalucía Oriental, más concretamente en la necrópolis de Los Millares. We present a " bowling pin " found in the Llano de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevi-lla). This idolatrous representation is part of the extensive typological variability of ideological products IV and III millennia BC, closely related to the physical shape of the dominant ideology. The ideological product Los Covachos stresses in the SW peninsular, the material on which support is made, the only copy in this region manufactured in alabaster, raw material is found recurrently in eastern Andalusia, more specifically in the necropolis of Los Millares.
Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y ArqueologÃa Social, 2001
Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y ArqueologÃa Social, 2001
En la necrópolis de Valencina (III milenio a.n.e.) se han excavado hasta la fecha más de 120 ente... more En la necrópolis de Valencina (III milenio a.n.e.) se han excavado hasta la fecha más de 120 enterramientos de muy diversa índole: grandes tholoi con túmulo, tumbas de cámara y corredor de fábrica y tamaño variado, fosas simples y hasta reutilizaciones de estructuras no funerarias como silos, fosos, etc. Al margen de estos enterramientos conocidos, dos recientes trabajos de prospección geofísica en el entorno de los dólmenes de La Pastora y Montelirio han sacado a la luz lo que podrían ser más de cien posibles enterramientos, algunos de ellos de entidad considerable. Ante este panorama nos planteamos en esta ocasión profundizar sobre la existencia de un modelo de organización espacial de la necrópolis, que atiende a aspectos tipológicos, formales y de contenido, y que son el reflejo de una sociedad profundamente jerarquizada cuyo grado de complejidad es capaz de justificar y construir un espacio funerario donde su estructura socio-económica quede expresada. Para la consecución de este fin hemos diseñado una estrategia que pasa por la construcción de un Sistema de Información Geográfica en donde toda la información de las estructuras de enterramiento, tanto a nivel cartográfico como alfanumérico, se ha registrado para poder realizar consultas complejas a los datos y realizar geoprocesamiento con las geometrías de cara a dilucidar ciertos aspectos espaciales. El estudio incluye la elaboración de algunos Índices Geoestadísticos para corroborar los resultados obtenidos del análisis y explotación de los datos almacenados en la Base de Datos de nuestro Sistema.In Valencina's necropolis (IIIrd millenium B.C.) there have been excavated more than 120 burials of very diverse nature: big tholoi with tomb, tombs of chamber and corridor of varied factory and size, simple pits and reutilizations of “not funerary structures like silos, pits, ditches, etc. Also these known burials, two recent works of geophysical exploration in the environment of the dolmens of La Pastora and Montelirio and the revision of a few more, have extracted what they might be more than a hundred possible burials, some of them of considerable entity. Before this panorama we consider to show the existence of a model of spatial organization of the necropolis, who attends to typological, formal and content aspects, and that are the reflex of a deeply hierarchical society, whose degree of complexity is capable of justifying and constructing a funerary space where his socio-economic structure remains expressed. To achieve this goal we have designed a strategy that begins with the construction of a Geographical Information System where all the information of the burial structures, so much to cartographic as alphanumeric level, has been registered to be able to realize complex queries to the data and geoprocesing with the geometries in order to explain certain spatial aspects. The study includes the production of some geostatistical indexes to corroborate the results of the analysis and the exploitation of the information stored in our system database
El Asentamiento Prehistorico De Valencina De La Concepcion Investigacion Y Tutela En El 150 Aniversario Del Descubrimiento De La Pastora 2013 Isbn 978 84 472 1465 5 Pags 157 170, 2013
The results obtained in the rescue excavation of nº 14-18 Trabajadores street (Valencina de la Co... more The results obtained in the rescue excavation of nº 14-18 Trabajadores street (Valencina de la Concepción, Sevilla) are presented. An ample and varied record of structures and materials has been documented. They contribute to a greater knowledge of the occupational sequence during the III millennium BCE in this area of the site. Of particular importance are the interesting volume of bell-beaker pottery, the outstanding presence of metallurgical products, the abundance of lithic raw material and the existence of products belonging to the symbolic field of the social.
This paper will perform the analytical synthesis of the set of sites that have bell beaker cerami... more This paper will perform the analytical synthesis of the set of sites that have bell beaker ceramics (campaniforme) in northern Portugal and the Douro basin region, briefly discussing the bases on which the previous interpretative proposals rests. With particular emphasis on two contexts – Crasto de Palheiros and Pastoria – as well as others that have C14 dates, we will argue that the manufacture, circulation, and use of bell beaker ceramics corresponds not to a unitary temporally short phenomenon, but rather a mutifaceted one given its long duration of about eight centuries (between about 2700 and 2000/1900 BC). So, our discussion would focus on the interpretative implications that may stem from this long term use.
Iv Encuentro De Arqueologia Del Suroeste Peninsular Recurso Electronico 2010 Isbn 978 84 92679 59 1 Pag 17, 2010
FIGURE 1 Left cattle metacarpal from Beco de São Marçal (Lisbon, Portugal), 14 th-15 th-centuries... more FIGURE 1 Left cattle metacarpal from Beco de São Marçal (Lisbon, Portugal), 14 th-15 th-centuries. Anterior and posterior faces have been whittled down and fashioned as a bone anvil. Detail of the rows of indentations made by the point chisel. Photo: J.P. Ruas., 2001
Resumen: La zona intervenida se sitúa hipotéticamente en el límite entre las áreas funcionales in... more Resumen: La zona intervenida se sitúa hipotéticamente en el límite entre las áreas funcionales intermedia y de poblado. La excavación proporcionó una estructura habitacional con varios momentos de ocupación que abarcan desde el Calcolítico Pleno, ...
Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, Oct 31, 2012
&amp;quot;The archaeological survey developed in prehistoric settlement of Valencina de l... more &amp;quot;The archaeological survey developed in prehistoric settlement of Valencina de la Concepción allowed us to recognize an important archeological context where stands a large concentration of beaker pottery. The archaeometric study of common and beaker pottery and its comparation with the regional geology and sediments previously collected has identified the possible areas of clay raw material supply.&amp;quot;
Journal of World Prehistory, 2020
Activity patterns at large prehistoric sites are often difficult to interpret, as they frequently... more Activity patterns at large prehistoric sites are often difficult to interpret, as they frequently combine productive, domestic and funerary components. Valencina, the largest of the Copper Age mega-sites in Iberia, has proved particularly challenging in this regard. Macrolithic tool assemblages have been generally neglected in these debates but can provide specific insight into the nature and patterning of activities. In this study, 185 grinding tools from seven separate excavations across this 450 ha mega-site were subjected to multiple lines of analysis including quantification, morphology, raw material, use-wear and depositional context. A surprising feature of this assemblage is the high degree of fragmentation, with more than half of the items representing less than 25% of the original artefact and only a small minority of them (< 10%) complete. The absence of intact quernstones is particularly striking. The results indicate a ritualization of deposition at Valencina, and throw new light on the interpretation of this complex site. Furthermore, they emphasize the central role that grinding technology should play in future discussion of European prehistoric mega-sites.
The settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain) is one of the most important sites ... more The settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain) is one of the most important sites in the Iberian Prehistory, not only for its great tombs, but also due to its magnitude. Unlike utilitarian vessels, frequent in the archaeological record, the presence of bell beaker ceramics is relatively scarce and is reduced to small fragments from superficial contexts or early archaeological excavations. However, recent archaeological work in the upper part of the settlement has provided new information and additional readings on these productions. The presence of a large number of bell beaker sherds found in association with prestige goods gave us the possibility to evaluate the manufacturing processes and explore their symbolic meaning, proposing alternative interpretations about the role of these items as vehicles for the legitimation of power. El asentamiento de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla, España) es un referente en la arqueología prehistórica peninsular, no sólo por sus grandes tumbas, sino también por su gran magnitud. A pesar de las innumerables evidencias sólo recientemente la componente cerámica ha sido objeto de un amplio estudio que ha permitido proponer un primer modelo de organización técnica y social de la producción alfarera. Por el contrario, la presencia de cerámica campaniforme es relativamente escasa y se reduce a pequeños fragmentos procedentes de contextos superficiales o de excavaciones arqueológicas antiguas. No obstante, trabajos arqueológicos recientes en el área habitacional del asentamiento ubicada en la parte más alta del asentamiento han aportado novedosas informaciones y una lectura adicional sobre estas producciones. La presencia de un gran número de registros campaniformes abría la posibilidad de evaluar las características de la materias primas utilizadas y de los procesos de manufactura, explorar su significado simbólico y plantear propuestas alternativas de interpretación sobre el papel de estas producciones cerámicas como vehículos de legitimación de poder.
8 paginas, 9 figuras.-- Edited by Alexandra Legrand-Pineau, Isabelle Sidera and Natacha Buc, Eva ... more 8 paginas, 9 figuras.-- Edited by Alexandra Legrand-Pineau, Isabelle Sidera and Natacha Buc, Eva David, Vivian Scheinsohn.
La excavación realizada en el Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla) ha... more La excavación realizada en el Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla) ha proporcionado interesante información sobre la ocupación humana del espacio exterior de la Cueva de los Covachos durante la transición entre el IV‑III milenio a.n.e. Aquí exponemos los resultados preliminares del estudio realizado a los materiales líticos desde una perspectiva tecnocultural. The excavation at the Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla) has provided interesting information about the human occupation of space outside the Cave of the Covachos during the transition between the IV‑III millennium BC Here we present the preliminary results of the study of lithic materials from a techno‑cultural.
The site of the third millennium a.n.e. of Valencina de la Concepcion in Sevilla has become in re... more The site of the third millennium a.n.e. of Valencina de la Concepcion in Sevilla has become in recent years a benchmark for archaeological research on the recent prehistory due to the significant increase of excavations and research and scientific literature that has been generated. A major turning point came with the Congress to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the discovery of La Cueva de la Pastora held in 2011 which helped to unify a large part of the information available and open new debates about the complexity of the site in different fields of scientific knowledge. Its categorization as a political entity on a wide territory, the variability of the burials, the ability to grab prestige goods, spatial organization, among others are reasons recently revived debates. Therefore, we believe that discussion of the sectoral division of deposit, initiated by Prof. Oswaldo Arteaga and Prof.. Rosario Cruz-Aunon in the 90s of last century, has great interest to understand the degr...
Journal of World Prehistory 33 (4), 2020
Activity patterns at large prehistoric sites are often difficult to interpret, as they frequently... more Activity patterns at large prehistoric sites are often difficult to interpret, as they frequently combine productive, domestic and funerary components. Valencina, the largest of the Copper Age mega-sites in Iberia, has proved particularly challenging in this regard. Macrolithic tool assemblages have been generally neglected in these debates but can provide specific insight into the nature and patterning of activities. In this study, 185 grinding tools from seven separate excavations across this 450 ha mega-site were subjected to multiple lines of analysis including quantification, morphology, raw material, use-wear and depositional context. A surprising feature of this assemblage is the high degree of fragmentation, with more than half of the items representing less than 25% of the original artefact and only a small minority of them (< 10%) complete. The absence of intact quernstones is particularly striking. The results indicate a ritualization of deposition at Valencina, and throw new light on the interpretation of this complex site. Furthermore, they emphasize the central role that grinding technology should play in future discussion of European prehistoric mega-sites.