Saâd Motahhir | University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Saâd Motahhir

Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced energy output from a PV system under partial shaded conditions through grey wolf optimizer

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the optimization of energy withdrawn from the PV panel using Software in the loop approach

Forum du pôle énergétique , 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Global MPPT of photovoltaic system based on scanning method under partial shading condition

SN Applied Science , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Conception d'un Système sur Puce (System-on-Chip) pour la Télémétrie des Courbes Photovoltaïques d'un Nanosatellite en Temps Réel

IMAT3E'18 International Meeting on Advanced Technologies in Energy and Electrical Engineering , 2018

Ce travail présente une conception d'un système sur puce (System-on-Chip) pour la télémétrie des ... more Ce travail présente une conception d'un système sur puce (System-on-Chip) pour la télémétrie des courbes photovoltaïques d'un Nanosatellite en temps réel, basé sur l'article "System-on-Chip for Real-Time Satellite Photovoltaic Curves Telemetry" [1]. Dans ce type des applications, la limitation de la mémoire et de la largeur de bande passante rend difficile le stockage et la transmission de toute la courbe caractéristique I-V de toute section solaire en temps réel. La solution proposée repose sur le calcul en temps réel du modèle équivalent à une seule diode de la section solaire. Le modèle à une seule diode s'adapte avec précision au comportement de tout panneau solaire [2]. Ainsi, une fois les paramètres calculés, enregistrés et transmis, quelles que soient les conditions de travail, cette courbe spécifique pourrait être reproduite ultérieurement. Le système est basé sur un coeur de microprocesseur LEON3 32 bits implémenté dans la FPGA. Les microprocesseurs LEON ont été conçus à l'origine par l'Agence spatiale européenne pour être utilisés dans des projets spatiaux exigeant une grande fiabilité. De plus, afin de concevoir le système aussi simple et fiable que possible, parmi toutes les méthodes disponibles dans la littérature pour extraire les cinq paramètres du modèle équivalent (Iph, Is, n, Rs, Rsh), la méthode Oblique Asymptote (OA) [3] a été choisie pour sa simplicité et sa précision. Dans les applications aérospatiales, les données de la télémétrie des courbes photovoltaïques sont cruciales puisque les panneaux solaires font l'objet d'une surveillance constante, afin de comparer les caractéristiques prédites avant le lancement avec les caractéristiques réelles en orbite et de surveiller la dégradation des cellules solaires au cours de la vie opérationnelle du satellite. Pour cela un moyen plus complet pour surveiller les performances du générateur solaire consiste à mesurer la courbe courant-tension (I-V) totale

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Research paper thumbnail of A low-cost PV Emulator for testing MPPT algorithm

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building low-cost sys... more The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building
low-cost system having similar behavior of PV panel. In this work, we present a low-cost
emulator using a variable DC supply with a series variable resistor; based the maximum power transfer theorem. On the other hands, a study of the behavior of this emulator is done. The results of experiments test are shown that our PV emulator can provide a simple, efficient and a lowcost way for researchers to test and verify their MPPT algorithms in a laboratory environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time virtual instrumentation of Arduino and LabVIEW based PV panel characteristics

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018

This paper describes a virtual instrument based on a low-cost embedded board to monitor and plot ... more This paper describes a virtual instrument based on a low-cost embedded board to monitor and plot the PV panel characteristics under real operation condition. The system design is based on a low-cost Arduino acquisition board in which the ATMega328 microcontroller is integrated. The acquisition is made through a low-cost current and voltage sensors and the data are transmitted in LabVIEW by using LIFA Interface for Arduino. Hence, the I-V (current-voltage) and P-V (power-voltage) characteristics for PV panel, which processed under actual conditions, can be obtained and plotted directly on a monitoring platform in LabVIEW. The proposed instrument can be used for educational or research purposes using a low-cost and easily hardware without having extensive knowledge about electronic engineering. The present instrumentation technique provides easy access to the collected data for further analysis. 1. Introduction The increasing demand for energy in line with the world's challenge to reduce the use of fossil fuels, which pollute the environment, has greatly increased interest in renewable energy sources (RES) [1], [2]. PV solar power is one of the RES for electricity generation and it is the most popular in the world because of the continuous evolution of PV technology and lower prices [3]. As a result of the popularity of PV solar power, many researchers around the world are working in this field of science to contribute to the current knowledge about this technology and improve its cost-effectiveness. Therefore, they must have scientific instruments to conduct the required experiments. Tracing of PV characteristics (current-voltage (I-V) and power-voltage (P-V) curves) of a PV device is the most important and basic experiment test, that should be performed by any researcher or anyone interested in PV technology, to obtain information about its behavior and performance [4]. Different traditional instruments are used in order to acquire the PV panel characteristics such as Multimeters. Nevertheless, by using this kind of instrument, there is a high probability that the characteristics obtained and traced manually do not give enough information about the PV device state because it can not be taken directly in real-time [5]. In addition, the experiments test are tiring and require a lot of time. On the other hand, different commercial data loggers are available for purchase on the internet for virtual instrumentation of PV panel characteristics [6], [7], such as the DAQPro 5300 [8] and the CAMPBELL Scientific CR800 [9]. Generally, the most data loggers are too expensive and demand to be coupled with special software, which increased cost and requiring additional specific skills. In addition, they have many disadvantages that make them customized for specific applications, limited in terms of the input voltage and the number of input/ output channels, inadequate input channels for the connection of some sensors. For these reasons, we must design and developed new data instruments that

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et étude du comportement d’un champ photovoltaïque sur l’environnement PSIM

Ce papier présente la modélisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaïques (PV) en utilisant le... more Ce papier présente la modélisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaïques (PV) en utilisant le logiciel PSIM de Powersim. Le modèle élaboré est basé sur les valeurs nominales fournies par le fabricant, à savoir : tension à vide, courant de court- circuit, tension et courant correspondant au point à puissance maximale. Les résultats obtenus sont validés par simulation sur un champ photovoltaïque.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et commande d'un panneau photovoltaïque dans l'environnement PSIM

L'objectif de ce travail est de réaliser un modèle de cellules photovoltaïques (PV) dédié à l’en... more L'objectif de ce travail est de réaliser un modèle de cellules photovoltaïques (PV) dédié à l’enseignement des énergies renouvelables en utilisant le logiciel PSIM. Ce modèle est basé sur les valeurs nominales fournies par le fabricant, à savoir : tension à vide, courant de court-circuit, tension et courant correspondant au point de puissance maximale. Le modèle ainsi obtenu offre la possibilité de mieux rendre compte de l’influence des différentes grandeurs physiques notamment la température, l’irradiation, la résistance en série, la résistance shunt et le courant de saturation de la diode. Après une présentation générale de la chaîne de conversion photovoltaïque, l’article détaille, dans un premier temps, la modélisation d’un panneau photovoltaïque. Dans un deuxième, nous nous intéressons à l’implémentation d’un contrôleur afin de commander le convertisseur DC/DC pour permettre au générateur photovoltaïque de fonctionner à son maximum de puissance (MPP).

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of photovoltaic energy by a microcontroller: Arduino Solar Tracker

One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs ... more One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs for continued growth in Energy Term. The conversion of sunlight into electricity via photovoltaic solar cells is becoming a necessity in particular through the observation of a global evolution in clean energy that respects the environment. The main challenge is to optimize as much as possible the cost / energy ($/watt) ratio thus boosting both energy performance and at the same time take full advantage of the sun's rays throughout the day.In this context the sun trackers are such devices for efficiency improvement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Partial Shading and bypass diode on PV panel Output Power

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Research paper thumbnail of Une ressource pédagogique pour l'enseignement par simulation : cas des panneaux photovoltaïques

— L'objectif de cet article est de présenter une approche pédagogique dédiée à l'enseignement des... more — L'objectif de cet article est de présenter une approche pédagogique dédiée à l'enseignement des panneaux photovoltaïques (PV) aux différents niveaux d'études (lycée, bac+2, bac+3, bac+5), ça pour les écoles qui ont un problème de manque de matériels ou qui n'ont pas les moyens pour les acheter, ceci en utilisant des logiciels de prototypage et de modélisation/simulation à coût réduit (PSIM et MATLAB/SIMULINK), en plus cet article montre aussi comment utiliser ces logiciels afin d'atteindre approximativement l'objectif de la formation pour chaque niveau d'étude. Cet article pourra être aussi un tutoriel sur lequel les chercheurs débutants dans le domaine des panneaux photovoltaïques peuvent se baser pour simuler un panneau PV avec différentes façons.

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Papers by Saâd Motahhir

Research paper thumbnail of Google Test/Google Mock to Verify Critical Embedded Software

Cornell University - arXiv, Aug 9, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of MPPT implementation in Proteus: The optimization of the PV energy using a Costless and effective Embedded System

This is a presentation of the data used in the paper below:<br>Motahhir, S., Chalh, A., El ... more This is a presentation of the data used in the paper below:<br>Motahhir, S., Chalh, A., El Ghzizal, A., & Derouich, A. (2018). Development of a low-cost PV system using an improved INC algorithm and a PV panel Proteus model. <i>Journal of Cleaner production</i>, <i>204</i>, 355-365.<br>

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Research paper thumbnail of Proposed Design of Walk-Through Gate (WTG): Mitigating the Effect of COVID-19

Applied System Innovation, 2020

The world is facing a new challenge to overcome the pandemic disease of Coronavirus (COVID-19). A... more The world is facing a new challenge to overcome the pandemic disease of Coronavirus (COVID-19). An outbreak of COVID-19 to more than 213 countries and territories caused damage to the economy of every country. The proper vaccine to combat this pandemic disease is not invented yet. Due to the lockdown situation, there is a shortage of daily used products globally. To overcome the issue of food shortage and economic survival, the world has to ease the lockdown rules and become operational with the precautionary measures. COVID-19 has a fast transmission rate, therefore, while living with COVID-19, breaking the fast transmission chain of COVID-19 is the only vital solution. Furthermore, there is a dire need to disinfect every individual and his luggage at the entrance of every shopping mall, hospital, public and private institutions, bus stops, metro stations, and railway stations. Hence, the proposed walk-through gate (WTG) with different sensors, i.e., infrared thermal camera, UV dis...

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Research paper thumbnail of PV Energy Generation and IoT Power Consumption for Telecom Networks in Remote Areas

Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et étude du comportement d’un champ photovoltaïque sur l’environnement PSIM

Ce papier presente une modelisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaiques en utilisant le log... more Ce papier presente une modelisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaiques en utilisant le logiciel PSIM de Powersim. Le modele elabore est base sur les valeurs nominales fournies par le fabricant, a savoir: tension a vide, courant de court-circuit, tension et courant correspondant au point a puissance maximale. Les resultats obtenus sont valides par simulation pour un champ photovoltaique.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Partial Shading and bypass diode on PV panel Output Power

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Research paper thumbnail of Conception d’un Système sur Puce (System-on-Chip) pour la Télémétrie des Courbes Photovoltaïques d’un Nanosatellite en Temps Réel

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and construction of a test bench to investigate the potential of floating PV systems

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the optimization of energy withdrawn from a PV panel using an Embedded System

Considering the high initial capital cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels and their low conversion ef... more Considering the high initial capital cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels and their low conversion efficiency, it is imperative to operate the PV system at the maximum power point (MPP). In this context, our goal in this thesis is to develop and improve the PV system, by contributing to the optimization of energy withdrawn from PV panel using an embedded system. For this purpose, in order to simulate and test MPPT algorithm, the model of the PV panel should be first studied in accordance with the real behavior of the PV panel. Therefore, the single diode model of the PV panel is introduced in Matlab/Simulink and PSIM. Moreover, for the first time, the PV panel model is developed in Proteus; an experimental test bench was built to validate the developed model. On the other hand, this work proposes a modified incremental conductance (INC) algorithm to improve the MPP tracker (MPPT) capability for PV system when the irradiation is suddenly modified. Three modifications are made in the INC ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced energy output from a PV system under partial shaded conditions through grey wolf optimizer

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the optimization of energy withdrawn from the PV panel using Software in the loop approach

Forum du pôle énergétique , 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Global MPPT of photovoltaic system based on scanning method under partial shading condition

SN Applied Science , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Conception d'un Système sur Puce (System-on-Chip) pour la Télémétrie des Courbes Photovoltaïques d'un Nanosatellite en Temps Réel

IMAT3E'18 International Meeting on Advanced Technologies in Energy and Electrical Engineering , 2018

Ce travail présente une conception d'un système sur puce (System-on-Chip) pour la télémétrie des ... more Ce travail présente une conception d'un système sur puce (System-on-Chip) pour la télémétrie des courbes photovoltaïques d'un Nanosatellite en temps réel, basé sur l'article "System-on-Chip for Real-Time Satellite Photovoltaic Curves Telemetry" [1]. Dans ce type des applications, la limitation de la mémoire et de la largeur de bande passante rend difficile le stockage et la transmission de toute la courbe caractéristique I-V de toute section solaire en temps réel. La solution proposée repose sur le calcul en temps réel du modèle équivalent à une seule diode de la section solaire. Le modèle à une seule diode s'adapte avec précision au comportement de tout panneau solaire [2]. Ainsi, une fois les paramètres calculés, enregistrés et transmis, quelles que soient les conditions de travail, cette courbe spécifique pourrait être reproduite ultérieurement. Le système est basé sur un coeur de microprocesseur LEON3 32 bits implémenté dans la FPGA. Les microprocesseurs LEON ont été conçus à l'origine par l'Agence spatiale européenne pour être utilisés dans des projets spatiaux exigeant une grande fiabilité. De plus, afin de concevoir le système aussi simple et fiable que possible, parmi toutes les méthodes disponibles dans la littérature pour extraire les cinq paramètres du modèle équivalent (Iph, Is, n, Rs, Rsh), la méthode Oblique Asymptote (OA) [3] a été choisie pour sa simplicité et sa précision. Dans les applications aérospatiales, les données de la télémétrie des courbes photovoltaïques sont cruciales puisque les panneaux solaires font l'objet d'une surveillance constante, afin de comparer les caractéristiques prédites avant le lancement avec les caractéristiques réelles en orbite et de surveiller la dégradation des cellules solaires au cours de la vie opérationnelle du satellite. Pour cela un moyen plus complet pour surveiller les performances du générateur solaire consiste à mesurer la courbe courant-tension (I-V) totale

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Research paper thumbnail of A low-cost PV Emulator for testing MPPT algorithm

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building low-cost sys... more The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building
low-cost system having similar behavior of PV panel. In this work, we present a low-cost
emulator using a variable DC supply with a series variable resistor; based the maximum power transfer theorem. On the other hands, a study of the behavior of this emulator is done. The results of experiments test are shown that our PV emulator can provide a simple, efficient and a lowcost way for researchers to test and verify their MPPT algorithms in a laboratory environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time virtual instrumentation of Arduino and LabVIEW based PV panel characteristics

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018

This paper describes a virtual instrument based on a low-cost embedded board to monitor and plot ... more This paper describes a virtual instrument based on a low-cost embedded board to monitor and plot the PV panel characteristics under real operation condition. The system design is based on a low-cost Arduino acquisition board in which the ATMega328 microcontroller is integrated. The acquisition is made through a low-cost current and voltage sensors and the data are transmitted in LabVIEW by using LIFA Interface for Arduino. Hence, the I-V (current-voltage) and P-V (power-voltage) characteristics for PV panel, which processed under actual conditions, can be obtained and plotted directly on a monitoring platform in LabVIEW. The proposed instrument can be used for educational or research purposes using a low-cost and easily hardware without having extensive knowledge about electronic engineering. The present instrumentation technique provides easy access to the collected data for further analysis. 1. Introduction The increasing demand for energy in line with the world's challenge to reduce the use of fossil fuels, which pollute the environment, has greatly increased interest in renewable energy sources (RES) [1], [2]. PV solar power is one of the RES for electricity generation and it is the most popular in the world because of the continuous evolution of PV technology and lower prices [3]. As a result of the popularity of PV solar power, many researchers around the world are working in this field of science to contribute to the current knowledge about this technology and improve its cost-effectiveness. Therefore, they must have scientific instruments to conduct the required experiments. Tracing of PV characteristics (current-voltage (I-V) and power-voltage (P-V) curves) of a PV device is the most important and basic experiment test, that should be performed by any researcher or anyone interested in PV technology, to obtain information about its behavior and performance [4]. Different traditional instruments are used in order to acquire the PV panel characteristics such as Multimeters. Nevertheless, by using this kind of instrument, there is a high probability that the characteristics obtained and traced manually do not give enough information about the PV device state because it can not be taken directly in real-time [5]. In addition, the experiments test are tiring and require a lot of time. On the other hand, different commercial data loggers are available for purchase on the internet for virtual instrumentation of PV panel characteristics [6], [7], such as the DAQPro 5300 [8] and the CAMPBELL Scientific CR800 [9]. Generally, the most data loggers are too expensive and demand to be coupled with special software, which increased cost and requiring additional specific skills. In addition, they have many disadvantages that make them customized for specific applications, limited in terms of the input voltage and the number of input/ output channels, inadequate input channels for the connection of some sensors. For these reasons, we must design and developed new data instruments that

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et étude du comportement d’un champ photovoltaïque sur l’environnement PSIM

Ce papier présente la modélisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaïques (PV) en utilisant le... more Ce papier présente la modélisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaïques (PV) en utilisant le logiciel PSIM de Powersim. Le modèle élaboré est basé sur les valeurs nominales fournies par le fabricant, à savoir : tension à vide, courant de court- circuit, tension et courant correspondant au point à puissance maximale. Les résultats obtenus sont validés par simulation sur un champ photovoltaïque.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et commande d'un panneau photovoltaïque dans l'environnement PSIM

L'objectif de ce travail est de réaliser un modèle de cellules photovoltaïques (PV) dédié à l’en... more L'objectif de ce travail est de réaliser un modèle de cellules photovoltaïques (PV) dédié à l’enseignement des énergies renouvelables en utilisant le logiciel PSIM. Ce modèle est basé sur les valeurs nominales fournies par le fabricant, à savoir : tension à vide, courant de court-circuit, tension et courant correspondant au point de puissance maximale. Le modèle ainsi obtenu offre la possibilité de mieux rendre compte de l’influence des différentes grandeurs physiques notamment la température, l’irradiation, la résistance en série, la résistance shunt et le courant de saturation de la diode. Après une présentation générale de la chaîne de conversion photovoltaïque, l’article détaille, dans un premier temps, la modélisation d’un panneau photovoltaïque. Dans un deuxième, nous nous intéressons à l’implémentation d’un contrôleur afin de commander le convertisseur DC/DC pour permettre au générateur photovoltaïque de fonctionner à son maximum de puissance (MPP).

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of photovoltaic energy by a microcontroller: Arduino Solar Tracker

One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs ... more One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs for continued growth in Energy Term. The conversion of sunlight into electricity via photovoltaic solar cells is becoming a necessity in particular through the observation of a global evolution in clean energy that respects the environment. The main challenge is to optimize as much as possible the cost / energy ($/watt) ratio thus boosting both energy performance and at the same time take full advantage of the sun's rays throughout the day.In this context the sun trackers are such devices for efficiency improvement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Partial Shading and bypass diode on PV panel Output Power

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Research paper thumbnail of Une ressource pédagogique pour l'enseignement par simulation : cas des panneaux photovoltaïques

— L'objectif de cet article est de présenter une approche pédagogique dédiée à l'enseignement des... more — L'objectif de cet article est de présenter une approche pédagogique dédiée à l'enseignement des panneaux photovoltaïques (PV) aux différents niveaux d'études (lycée, bac+2, bac+3, bac+5), ça pour les écoles qui ont un problème de manque de matériels ou qui n'ont pas les moyens pour les acheter, ceci en utilisant des logiciels de prototypage et de modélisation/simulation à coût réduit (PSIM et MATLAB/SIMULINK), en plus cet article montre aussi comment utiliser ces logiciels afin d'atteindre approximativement l'objectif de la formation pour chaque niveau d'étude. Cet article pourra être aussi un tutoriel sur lequel les chercheurs débutants dans le domaine des panneaux photovoltaïques peuvent se baser pour simuler un panneau PV avec différentes façons.

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Research paper thumbnail of Google Test/Google Mock to Verify Critical Embedded Software

Cornell University - arXiv, Aug 9, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of MPPT implementation in Proteus: The optimization of the PV energy using a Costless and effective Embedded System

This is a presentation of the data used in the paper below:<br>Motahhir, S., Chalh, A., El ... more This is a presentation of the data used in the paper below:<br>Motahhir, S., Chalh, A., El Ghzizal, A., & Derouich, A. (2018). Development of a low-cost PV system using an improved INC algorithm and a PV panel Proteus model. <i>Journal of Cleaner production</i>, <i>204</i>, 355-365.<br>

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Research paper thumbnail of Proposed Design of Walk-Through Gate (WTG): Mitigating the Effect of COVID-19

Applied System Innovation, 2020

The world is facing a new challenge to overcome the pandemic disease of Coronavirus (COVID-19). A... more The world is facing a new challenge to overcome the pandemic disease of Coronavirus (COVID-19). An outbreak of COVID-19 to more than 213 countries and territories caused damage to the economy of every country. The proper vaccine to combat this pandemic disease is not invented yet. Due to the lockdown situation, there is a shortage of daily used products globally. To overcome the issue of food shortage and economic survival, the world has to ease the lockdown rules and become operational with the precautionary measures. COVID-19 has a fast transmission rate, therefore, while living with COVID-19, breaking the fast transmission chain of COVID-19 is the only vital solution. Furthermore, there is a dire need to disinfect every individual and his luggage at the entrance of every shopping mall, hospital, public and private institutions, bus stops, metro stations, and railway stations. Hence, the proposed walk-through gate (WTG) with different sensors, i.e., infrared thermal camera, UV dis...

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Research paper thumbnail of PV Energy Generation and IoT Power Consumption for Telecom Networks in Remote Areas

Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et étude du comportement d’un champ photovoltaïque sur l’environnement PSIM

Ce papier presente une modelisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaiques en utilisant le log... more Ce papier presente une modelisation d’un ensemble de panneaux photovoltaiques en utilisant le logiciel PSIM de Powersim. Le modele elabore est base sur les valeurs nominales fournies par le fabricant, a savoir: tension a vide, courant de court-circuit, tension et courant correspondant au point a puissance maximale. Les resultats obtenus sont valides par simulation pour un champ photovoltaique.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Partial Shading and bypass diode on PV panel Output Power

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Research paper thumbnail of Conception d’un Système sur Puce (System-on-Chip) pour la Télémétrie des Courbes Photovoltaïques d’un Nanosatellite en Temps Réel

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and construction of a test bench to investigate the potential of floating PV systems

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the optimization of energy withdrawn from a PV panel using an Embedded System

Considering the high initial capital cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels and their low conversion ef... more Considering the high initial capital cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels and their low conversion efficiency, it is imperative to operate the PV system at the maximum power point (MPP). In this context, our goal in this thesis is to develop and improve the PV system, by contributing to the optimization of energy withdrawn from PV panel using an embedded system. For this purpose, in order to simulate and test MPPT algorithm, the model of the PV panel should be first studied in accordance with the real behavior of the PV panel. Therefore, the single diode model of the PV panel is introduced in Matlab/Simulink and PSIM. Moreover, for the first time, the PV panel model is developed in Proteus; an experimental test bench was built to validate the developed model. On the other hand, this work proposes a modified incremental conductance (INC) algorithm to improve the MPP tracker (MPPT) capability for PV system when the irradiation is suddenly modified. Three modifications are made in the INC ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced energy output from a PV system under partial shaded conditions through grey wolf optimizer

Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2022

Due to its several powerful characteristics, the Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm has recen... more Due to its several powerful characteristics, the Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm has recently become widely used in numerous optimization problems. In photovoltaic (PV) systems, power-voltage (P-V) curves present multiple maxima in case of partial shadow or modules mismatch which can be viewed as an optimization problem. In this paper, a GWO-based maximum power tracking (MPPT) algorithm for PV systems operating under partial shading conditions (PSCs) is proposed. With a direct control method, the proposed GWO-based MPPT allows successfully catching the global maximum power point (GMPP) of the PV array in case of uniform and non-uniform solar irradiation. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed MPPT scheme, a cosimulation combining Matlab/Simulink™ and Cadence/Pspice™ software environments is carried out and tested under various static and dynamic shading conditions. Furthermore, the tracking performance is compared with that of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and classical perturb and observe (P&O) based MPPT methods under transient PSCs and also under inhomogeneous real conditions of Algerian sky. The simulation results have demonstrated the satisfactory performances of the proposed approach in terms of tracking efficiency and tracking speed over the other MPPT methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Blockchain Technology for a Safe and Transparent Covid-19 Vaccination

Journal of ICT Standardization

In late 2019, we witnessed the apparition of the covid-19 virus. The virus appeared first in Wuha... more In late 2019, we witnessed the apparition of the covid-19 virus. The virus appeared first in Wuhan, and due to people travel was spread worldwide. Exponential spread as well as high mortality rates, the two characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that pushed the entire world into a global lock-down. Health and economic crisis, along with social distancing have put the globe in a highly challenging situation. Unprecedented pressure on the health care system exposed many loopholes not only in this industry but many other sectors, which resulted in a set of new challenges that researchers and scientists among others must face. In all these circumstances, we could attend, in a surprisingly short amount of time, the creation of multiple vaccine candidates. The vaccines were clinically tested and approved, which brought us to the phase of vaccination. Safety, security, transparency, and traceability are highly required in this context. As a contribution to assure an efficient vaccination ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Design of a Smart Wristband Disinfectant to Help in Covid-19 Fight

Inventions, 2020

This concept paper describes a device consisting of a disinfectant wristband for the hands of the... more This concept paper describes a device consisting of a disinfectant wristband for the hands of the wearer and objects that the wearer intends to touch. This wristband can be powered automatically by the movement of the user’s hand or by solar cells or, if necessary, by a power outlet. It disinfects the surface of the hands and the objects in front of them using an ultraviolet (UV) lamp. Control and monitoring can be carried out automatically or manually, which guarantees complete and effective disinfection. The electronic control system, which is fully integrated into the UV emitter head, regulates the intensity and duration of the UV radiation and also manages the electrical energy. In addition, the wristband can be fitted with an optional watch to improve its decoration and ergonomics. The device in question has a compact, elegant, and practical shape. This hand sanitizing wristband can be an effective tool in the fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic and, in general, help to...

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Research paper thumbnail of Une ressource pédagogique pour l'enseignement par simulation : cas des panneaux photovoltaïques

L'objectif de cet article est de presenter une approche pedagogique dediee a l'enseigneme... more L'objectif de cet article est de presenter une approche pedagogique dediee a l'enseignement des panneaux photovoltaiques (PV) aux differents niveaux d'etudes (lycee, bac+2, bac+3, bac+5), ca pour les ecoles qui ont un probleme de manque de materiels ou qui n'ont pas les moyens pour les acheter, ceci en utilisant des logiciels de prototypage et de modelisation/simulation a cout reduit (PSIM et MATLAB/SIMULINK), en plus cet article montre aussi comment utiliser ces logiciels afin d'atteindre approximativement l'objectif de la formation pour chaque niveau d'etude. Cet article pourra etre aussi un tutorial sur lequel les chercheurs debutants dans le domaine des panneaux photovoltaiques peuvent se baser pour simuler un panneau PV avec differentes facons. Mots-cles—Approche pedagogique; tutoriel; Panneaux PV; Psim; Matlab/Simulink

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of photovoltaic energy by a microcontroller

One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs ... more One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs for continued growth in Energy Term. The conversion of sunlight into electricity via photovoltaic solar cells is becoming a necessity in particular through the observation of a global evolution in clean energy that respects the environment. The main challenge is to optimize as much as possible the cost / energy ($/watt) ratio thus boosting both energy performance and at the same time take full advantage of the sun's rays throughout the day.In this context the sun trackers are such devices for efficiency improvement

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between autosar platforms with functional safety for automotive software architectures

In the next Vehicle generations, connected and highly developed driving cars will have an importa... more In the next Vehicle generations, connected and highly developed driving cars will have an important impact on the networking architecture and the interconnection between ECUs(Electronic Control Unit). The automotive industry begins to develop new and efficient strategies to improve the performance of the global system. AUTOSAR organization as part of this industry tries to present plenary solutions especially software architectures for new technologies in this field. Thus, in this paper, we present the aspects of new E/E architectures with upcoming technologies. We discuss a new solution presented by AUTOSAR organization to implement new software requirements for next generation cars. This solution aims to provide a safe environment for the features that require complex data processing and to communicate with AUTOSAR and non AUTOSAR Platforms. We summarize a comprehensive comparison between AUTOSAR adaptive and AUTOSAR classic in terms of functionality and application area. We provi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Purely mechanically driven door-controlled disinfection device for automatic COVID-19

Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Rooted Tree Optimization for the Backstepping Power Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Turbine: dSPACE Implementation

IEEE Access, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A low-cost PV Emulator for testing MPPT algorithm

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018

The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building low-cost sys... more The high cost of commercial PV emulators requires finding new solutions for building low-cost system having similar behavior of PV panel. In this work, we present a low-cost emulator using a variable DC supply with a series variable resistor; based the maximum power transfer theorem. On the other hands, a study of the behavior of this emulator is done. The results of experiments test are shown that our PV emulator can provide a simple, efficient and a lowcost way for researchers to test and verify their MPPT algorithms in a laboratory environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Global MPPT of photovoltaic system based on scanning method under partial shading condition

SN Applied Sciences, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Trusted Simulation Using Proteus Model for a PV System: Test Case of an Improved HC MPPT Algorithm

Energies, 2020

The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovolta... more The real implementation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers for the photovoltaic (PV) systems is still a big challenge for researchers working in this field. Often, they use simulation tools to assess the performance of their MPPT algorithms before actual implementation. In this context, this paper aims to propose a trusted simulation of a PV system designed under Proteus software. The proposed PV simulator can be used to verify and evaluate the performance of MPPT algorithms with a closer approximation to the real implementation. The main advantage of this model that it contains a real microcontroller, as can be found in reality, so that same code for the MPPT algorithm used in the simulation will be used in real implementation. In contrast, when using (Powersim Software) PSIM or Matlab/Simulink, the code of the algorithm must be rewritten once the real experiment begins, because these tools don’t provide a microcontroller or an electronic board in which our algo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the optimization of energy withdrawn from a PV panel using an Embedded System

Considering the high initial capital cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels and their low conversion ef... more Considering the high initial capital cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels and their low conversion efficiency, it is imperative to operate the PV system at the maximum power point (MPP). In this context, our goal in this thesis is to develop and improve the PV system, by contributing to the optimization of energy withdrawn from PV panel using an embedded system. For this purpose, in order to simulate and test MPPT algorithm, the model of the PV panel should be first studied in accordance with the real behavior of the PV panel. Therefore, the single diode model of the PV panel is introduced in Matlab/Simulink and PSIM. Moreover, for the first time, the PV panel model is developed in Proteus; an experimental test bench was built to validate the developed model. On the other hand, this work proposes a modified incremental conductance (INC) algorithm to improve the MPP tracker (MPPT) capability for PV system when the irradiation is suddenly modified. Three modifications are made in the INC algorithm, which are described as follows: (1) A check to identify the increase in irradiation and make a correct decision. (2) Eliminate the all-division computations in the INC algorithm and make the algorithm structure simpler allowing the algorithm to be easily implemented by a low-cost embedded system. (3) A modified variable step INC algorithm is used, which can reduce the steady-state oscillations and improve the tracking speed under sudden irradiance variation. The first modification is simulated using PSIM through “Software in the Loop” test and the results show that the modified algorithm provides an accurate response to a sudden variation of solar irradiation with an efficiency of 98.8 %. The second modification is simulated using the PV panel model proposed in Proteus. For verification, a hardware test bench is implemented by using Arduino Uno board in which the low-cost Atmega328 microcontroller is integrated. This has led to a low-cost PV system with an efficiency of 98.5 %. The third modification is developed following the techniques employed in the automotive and aeronautical embedded system. This is done by following the V-cycle development process, which means that our controller will be validated using “Model in the Loop/Software in the Loop/Processor in the Loop” tests. In this sense, integrating the MPPT embedded system in the automotive or the aeronautical area will be possible. It should be mentioned that Matlab/Simulink is used for MIL/SIL/PIL tests, thus STM32F4 board is used for PIL test. On the other side, if minimizing the cost of the PV system is not important than guarantying a very high level of robustness and efficiency, it is required to use a more powerful method. Therefore in this thesis, we design and implement MPPT based on Kalman Filter. The expected outcome of this proposal is an efficient MPPT method which presents a very high level of robustness, reliability and accuracy. The obtained results clearly highlight the superiority of the proposed method; it yields an efficiency of 99.38 %, which is almost 3 % higher than the conventional INC method. In a nutshell, this thesis proposed two solutions, the first one is for low-cost applications with a good performance using the modified INC, and the second is for higher performance and critical applications by using Kalman filter.

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Research paper thumbnail of الاختراع جهاز لتنظيف اللوحة الشمسية المستقل

تعتبر الطاقة الشمسية من أهم وسائل توليد الطاقة المتجددة في العالم، وتعد لوحات الطاقة الشمسية من أ... more تعتبر الطاقة الشمسية من أهم وسائل توليد الطاقة المتجددة في العالم، وتعد لوحات الطاقة الشمسية من أهم الأجزاء التي تساعد على توليد هذه الطاقة. ولكن من أجل ضمان استمرارية توليد الطاقة الشمسية، يجب الحفاظ على نظافة لوحات الطاقة الشمسية والتأكد من عدم تراكم الأتربة والأوساخ عليها. ومع ذلك، فإن تنظيف اللوحة الشمسية يمكن أن يكون مهمة صعبة، وخاصةً إذا كانت اللوحة تقع في منطقة صحراوية أو على سطح مرتفع. لذلك، فإن استخدام جهاز لتنظيف اللوحة الشمسية المستقلة هو حلاً فعالاً لهذه المشكلة.

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Research paper thumbnail of Google Test/ Google Mock to Verify Critical Embedded Software

Critical embedded systems (CES) have become ubiquitous in whether medical, automotive, or industr... more Critical embedded systems (CES) have become ubiquitous in whether medical, automotive, or industrial. Software failures in such systems are potentially disastrous and could lead to serious consequences not only financially but also life-threatening. However, besides their omnipresence, CES complexity have grown to extreme measures, faced with this increase, manufacturers and suppliers are increasingly interested in effective methods of testing logical correctness and verifying that software parts are error-free. Software testing is a collection of methods used to detect and correct bugs and faults found in software code. The first stage of software testing is unit testing, a widely used technique where individual units of source code are isolated, often divided up into classes and functions, and tested separately to aid in the verification of the behavior and functionality of the system. In this chapter, an overview of GoogleTest (GTest), a xUnit C++ testing framework will be performed, and a comparison of different available unit test frameworks for use in the C++ language. On account of the complexity provided by critical embedded systems, it is difficult to isolate and test the system's behavior, mocking techniques were considered to enable a real implementation to be replaced with a fake implementation, the replacement allowed to overcome the challenges related to hardware dependencies and external factors. Further, this chapter describes GoogleMock, a part of GoogleTest C++ testing framework that makes the tests run in isolation.

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In the next Vehicle generations, connected and highly developed driving cars will have an importa... more In the next Vehicle generations, connected and highly developed driving cars will have an important impact on the networking architecture and the interconnection between ECUs(Electronic Control Unit). The automotive industry begins to develop new and efficient strategies to improve the performance of the global system. AUTOSAR organization as part of this industry tries to present plenary solutions especially software architectures for new technologies in this field. Thus, in this paper, we present the aspects of new E/E architectures with upcoming technologies. We discuss a new solution presented by AUTOSAR organization to implement new software requirements for next generation cars. This solution aims to provide a safe environment for the features that require complex data processing and to communicate with AUTOSAR and non AUTOSAR Platforms. We summarize a comprehensive comparison between AUTOSAR adaptive and AUTOSAR classic in terms of functionality and application area. We provide functional Safety preliminaries for the global E/E architectures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Blockchain technology for a Safe and Transparent Covid-19 Vaccination

In late 2019, we witnessed the apparition of the covid-19 virus. The virus appeared first in Wuha... more In late 2019, we witnessed the apparition of the covid-19 virus. The virus appeared first in Wuhan, and due to people travel was spread worldwide. Exponential spread as well as high mortality rates, the two characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that pushed the entire world into a global lockdown. Health and economic crisis, along with social distancing have put the globe in a highly challenging situation. Unprecedented pressure on the health care system exposed many loopholes not only in this industry but many other sectors, which resulted in a set of new challenges that researchers and scientists among others must face. In all these circumstances, we could attend, in a surprisingly short amount of time, the creation of multiple vaccine candidates. The vaccines were clinically tested and approved, which brought us to the phase of vaccination. Safety, security, transparency, and traceability are highly required in this context. As a contribution to assure an efficient vaccination campaign, in this paper we suggest a Blockchain-based system to manage the registration, storage, and distribution of the vaccines.

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Research paper thumbnail of الوقایة ضد فیروس كورونا:  تصمیم قنینة صابون ذكیة باستعمال أردوینو

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Research paper thumbnail of (FPGA) تقریر الأعمال التطبیقیة المدمجة

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Research paper thumbnail of (FreeRTOS) تقریر الأعمال التطبیقیة المدمجة

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Research paper thumbnail of تقریر الأعمال اﻟﺘﻄﺒﯿﻘﯿﺔ‬ حول الاردوينو

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Research paper thumbnail of Conception et réalisation d’un logiciel embarqué pour la gestion et l’inertage du système carburant de l’aéronef en utilisant le noyau temps réel µC/OS II. (Cible MPC5566)

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Research paper thumbnail of MPPT implementation in Proteus: The optimization of the PV energy using a Costless and effective Embedded System

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Research paper thumbnail of أشغال تطبيقية حول الاردوينو

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