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Hey! [Dec. 4th, 2005|06:22 pm]Planning Parenthood
Previous Entry Flag Next EntryWow boy do I look like an ass! Somehow it slipped right by me that other people had joined the group and were even posting! I want to apologize, thats definitely bad community leadership.I should find out where my emails are going when you guys comment!I guess I should introduce myself!My name is Crystal, i'm 24 from Washington state and am currently pregnant with baby #,1 it's a boy named Casper Rayne and he's due March 15th! Yay! My husband and I were TTC for 1.5 years with PCOS and had one miscarriage in June of last year (2004) so we're very excited about our little man on his way. Amazingly enough we got pregnant while we were on a break from all the fertility drugs, charting and just plain trying so hard. I hope to see all of you on your pregnancy journeys soon, believe me it's an interesting road to go down.I look forward to getting to know you all and apologize again for not paying attention to our growing group!
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Congrats on your little guy! :) I haven't actually posted anything but my introduction here because it didn't seem very active at all, but I do listen for new posts! Congrats on your baby! I just found out I'm pregnant too, though only about 4weeks or so... not QUITE so far along as you.