PennSound: Anthologies/Collections/Groups (original) (raw)
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Anthologies / Collections / Group Readings
- A 40th Anniversary Celebration of Technicians of the Sacred at the Bowery Poetry Club, 2008
- Advancing Feminist Poetics and Activism Conference (ADFEMPO), Belladonna*, September 24-25, 2009
- Alcheringa
- Will Alexander Benefits Readings in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco
- American Poetry: The Next Generation, KWH (2000)
- Audioei / OEI (Sweden) #26
- Auerhahn Press Readings
- Australian Poetry (2013-2016)
- Burmese Poetry
- Burning Deck 40th Anniversary Celebration
- Carnivocal
- Chax NYC Reading
- Chinese Poets
- 32 Ethnic Minority Poets of China
- Classics
- Collaboration & the Artist’s Book, Paris
- Convergence on Poetics -- University of Washinton, Boethels
- Hart Crane Celebration at KWH
- Crayon #3 Reading
- Dada Sounds
- Beverly Dahlen Tribute
- Deformance (PennSound feature)
- E no. 3/Slowscan Records Volume 48
- EPC@20
- EPC-Dance
- E-Poetry
- Euro-American Poetry of Hawai`i
- Exact Change Yearbook, ed. Peter Gizzi
- Emily Dickinson's Birthday Celebration at the Poetry Project
- Expanding the Repertoire: Continuity and Change in African-American Writing, Small Press Traffic, SF, 2000
- Factorial Archive of Japanese Poetry
- Finding the Words (on Marianne Moore at KWH)
- Flarf Poetry Festival at the Kelly Writers House, 2007
- Four Horsemen: tracks from Canadada & Live From the West
- Four Poets (Hile, Lilley, Armand, Brown) Read in Sydney, 2014
- Frank O'Hara: 10 Year Memorial, St Mark's Church, 1976
- Frequency Audio Journal: First Issue
- A Celebration of George Oppen's 100th Birthday at the Kelly Writers House
- Harry's House Vol. 2 CD from Naropa
- Hiding Place Reading (Philadelphia, 2014)
- I'll Drown My Book
- Impulsive Behavior at the Whitney Museum of American Art
- Italiana
- Jerome Rothenberg 80th Birthday Tribute
- Jospeh Ceravolo Celebration, Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, September 9, 2013
- Kenning CD - Part 1: 20 poets / Part 2: Scalapino's Way
- Kootenay School of Writing
- The Lee Anderson Papers, Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Library, Yale University
- The Lee Anderson Papers, Washington University Special Collections Department, Washington University in St. Louis
- LEGEND reading by Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Ray DiPalma & Ron Silliman, 1981
- Live at the Ear
- Logo Daedalus: Issue #6 (1993)
- MLA Offsite Readings
- Mouthpuller CD by Randolph Healey and Maurice Scully
- National Poetry Festival, "Objectivists and After, Thomas Jefferson College, Michagan, 1973
- New Coast Festival, Buffalo 1993
- A New Disability Poetics, October 18, 2018
- New Poetics Colloquium at the Kootenay School of Writing
- New York Talk at Segue, NY 1984
- Nine Contemporary Poets Read Themselves Through Modernism, KHW, 2000
- Night of New Translations KWH, 2003
- North of Invention: A Canadian Poetry Festival, KWH
- Orbita
- Oh! Sandy: A Remembrance, Industry City, Brooklyn, New York, 2013
- Paul Buck's Pressed Curtains Tape Project
- Penn Grad Students on LIVE at the Writers House
- PennSonido
- The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend
- Poems for the Millennium
- Poetry and Architecture
- Poetry and Cultural Studies: A Reader Launch Reading
- Poetry & Empire: Post-Invasion Poetics, KWH, 2003
- Poetry Communities and the Individual Talent, KWH
- Poetry in 1960 — A Symposium, KWH
- Poetry, Politics, Proximity
- PoetryPolitic Blog from Wave Books, 2008
- Poets Against The War Reading,Center for the Arts, March 5, 2003
- Professional Human Beings: a radio documentary about New Orleans' artistic resilience
- Public Access Poetry: 31 programs, 1977-78
- Public Access Poetry, Second Set of Recordings: 15 Programs, 1977-1978
- Queering Language, Bowery Poetry Club, NY, 2007
- Rachel Blau DuPlessis: A Celebration of the Poetry and Criticism of
- Race and Poetry, NY 2008
- Radical Jewish Poetry/Secular Jewish Practice, NY, 2004
- Reading and Launch of Barbaric Vast & Wild: Poems for the Millenium Vol. 5
- Restoration and 18th Century Verse performed by John Richetti
- Russian Poetry Index
- St. Mark's Talks 1984–1986
- Secular Jewish Culture / Radical Poetic Practice
- Six Poets Each Teach One Poem to High-School Students
- Six Fillious Reading at the Ear Inn, 1979
- Speech Lab at Columbia University, Recordings 1931–1942
- State of the Union: a Poetry Reading, CUNY, 2008
- Subterranean Poetry Festival, 2017
- Tango with Cows: Book Art of the Russian Avant-Garde, 1910-1917
- Tape Poems, ed. Eduardo Costa and John Perreault, 1969
- Ted Roeder Videos, 2013
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- Un-American Poetry, KWH, 2001
- Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University
- What Oozed Through the Staircase: A Winter Afternoon of Surrealist Writing and Music, 2014
- Woodberry Poetry Room Oral History Initiative: Denise Levertov (2010) | Charles Olson (2010)
- Woodland Pattern
- The World Record (1981): Recordings from The St. Mark's Poetry Project, 1969-1980
- Xing the Line: OUT OF EVERYWHERE 2, August 2, 2016
- Your Language My Ear
- Louis Zukofsky Centennial Conference (excerpts)