Przemysław Dulęba | University of Wroclaw (original) (raw)

Papers by Przemysław Dulęba

Research paper thumbnail of The lords of the Amber Road: amber storage, distribution and processing in the early Iron Age and the La Tène period

Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 2023

In der Blütezeit der frühen Eisenzeit waren Gegenstände aus Bernstein entlang der gesamten Bernst... more In der Blütezeit der frühen Eisenzeit waren Gegenstände aus Bernstein entlang der gesamten Bernsteinstraße weit verbreitet. Menge, Art und Ablagerungsmuster des Bernsteinzubehörs variierten zwischen den jeweiligen Traditionen und erreichten in einigen Hallstattgräbern verschwenderischen Umfang. Als der Zerfall der Hallstatt-Gemeinden nördlich der Sudeten zu einer Unterbrechung der Verbindung zwischen den baltischen Küstengesellschaften und der La-Tène-Zivilisation im Süden führte, kam es in der frühen La-Tène-Zeit zu einem dramatischen Rückgang des Bernsteinaustauschs und einer signifikanten Abnahme der Bernsteinmenge in archäologischen Kontexten. Während im Norden das Interesse am Bernstein nachließ, hielt die Latène-Zivilisation weiterhin daran fest. Gleichzeitig scheinen sich Niederlegungskontexte, Verbreitungsbilder und Symbolismen im Laufe der Zeit verändert zu haben.

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Research paper thumbnail of Groby kultury lateńskiej z Wiązowa na Dolnym Śląsku

Archeologia Polski, 2021

W trakcie archeologicznych badań ratowniczych na rynku w Wiązowie, pow. strzeliński, dwukrotnie (... more W trakcie archeologicznych badań ratowniczych na rynku w Wiązowie, pow. strzeliński, dwukrotnie (w 1992 i 2018 r.) natrafiono na pozostałości niewielkiego cmentarzyska, składające się z co najmniej 3 pochówków szkieletowych. Cechy obrządku pogrzebowego wskazują, iż były to groby przedstawicieli lokalnej społeczności celtyckiej, które należy datować na wczesny okres lateński. Niektóre ozdoby stanowiące wyposażenie prezentowanych pochówków były zapewne wytwarzane w warsztatach działających ówcześnie w centralnej części Kotliny Czeskiej. Interesujące jest również położenie grobów, które znajdowały się na obrzeżu współczesnej im osady.

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Research paper thumbnail of Amber Processing and Exchange at the La Tène Culture Settlement in Samborowice (Pow. Racibórz / PL)

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2023

Bernsteinschmuck und Spuren der Rohbernsteinverarbeitung wurden bei Feldarbeiten in zwei Siedlung... more Bernsteinschmuck und Spuren der Rohbernsteinverarbeitung wurden bei Feldarbeiten in zwei Siedlungen in Samborowice, Oberschlesien, entdeckt. Anhand der Begleitfunde (Keramik, Glas, Metallschmuck und Teile von Kleidungsstücken) lassen sie sich in die frühe Phase der mittleren Latènezeit datieren. Die Funde stammen aus gut erhaltenen Gebäuderesten und deuten darauf hin, dass die dort lebenden Menschen sowohl nach Süden – mit den keltischen Nachbarn des Karpatenbeckens – als auch nach Norden – mit den Bewohnern des germanischen Kulturkreises – Handel trieben. Einige der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Bernsteinobjekte wurden mit Hilfe einer Drehbank hergestellt, was auf ein hohes Niveau der lokalen Bernsteinhandwerker hinweist.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nowe znaleziska monet rzymskich z dorzecza Psiny i Troi

Górnośląskie Raporty Archeologiczne, 2023

The paper discusses new finds of Roman coins yielded by regular surveys conducted in 2018. The re... more The paper discusses new finds of Roman coins yielded by regular surveys conducted in 2018. The research area was confined to the micro-region of the Rivers Psina and Troja basins within the Krzanowice and Pietrowice Wielkie Communes. In the Roman Period these territories were subject to intensive settlement of the Przeworsk Culture, to which an assemblage of seven denarii found at three sites must be related. Two of these coins are Republican denarii, while the remaining ones date to the Imperial Period. These finds are yet another premise for studies on the issue of inflow of Roman coins to the territory of the Central European Barbaricum and their use by local communities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Farming and stock-breeding in the La Tène culture communities in Poland

Acta Archaeologica Carpathica

In this article, the basic information on the research on the economy of the La Tène culture comm... more In this article, the basic information on the research on the economy of the La Tène culture communities living in the southern part of Poland in the early and middle La Tène period is presented. The analysis of natural data shows that the local economy of the Celtic settlers from Silesia and Lesser Poland did not differ in quality from that of their countrymen from the area south of the Carpathians and the Sudetes. Agriculture was based on the cultivation of cereals, among which different varieties of wheat dominated with a relatively small share of barley and common millet. Contrary to earlier opinions, rye and oat cultivation was not widespread. In typical rural settlements, cattle farming was by far the dominant activity. Breeding swine and small ruminants were in the second position, but the proportion between these species varied from region to region. The very small proportion of wild animal bones known from the surveyed settlements indicates an advanced process of deforestat...

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Research paper thumbnail of New Finds of Roman Coins from the Przeworsk Culture Settlements in the Nidzica and Szreniawa River Basins

Notae numismaticae/ Zapiski Numizmatyczne, 2021

The article presents new discoveries of Roman coins made during regular surface surveys on Przewo... more The article presents new discoveries of Roman coins made during
regular surface surveys on Przeworsk culture settlements located in the northern part of the loess highlands of the Western Lesser Poland region. A total of ten Roman coins were found in five sites, most of them issued during the Antonine dynasty. In almost all cases, they were accompanied by artefacts illustrating the variety of settlement contexts related to monetary finds. The majority of such finds constitute accurate date stamps showing the chronology of the settlement development, which
may be an additional argument in the discussion on the influx of Roman coins into the Central European Barbaricum.

Artykuł prezentuje nowe znaleziska monet rzymskich dokonane podczas badań powierzchniowych na osadach kultury przeworskiej położonych w północnej części wyżyny lessowej w zachodniej Małopolsce. Na pięciu stanowiskach znaleziono dziesięć monet rzymskich, w większości bitych w czasach dynastii Antoninów.Prawie we wszystkich przypadkach monetom towarzyszyły artefakty bardzo dobrze ilustrujące różnorodne konteksty osadnictwa. Większość tych znalezisk stanowi dokładne datowniki pokazujące chronologię rozwoju osadnictwa, co może stanowić
dodatkowy argument w dyskusji na temat napływu monet rzymskich do środkowoeuropejskiego Barbaricum.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Finds from the La Tène Period from Western Lesser Poland

Archaeological Studies of the Late Iron Age in Central Europe, Brno, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Before the Celts Came. The Cultural Situation in Western Lesser Poland at the End of the Hallstatt Period and at the Beginning of the Early Pre-Roman Period

Archaeological Studies of the Late Iron Age in Central Europe, Brno, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Breslau-Hartlieb revisited: new light cast on the amber deposits from the Pre-Roman Iron Age site of Wrocław-Partynice 1 (woj. dolnośląskie/PL)

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2021

The three enormous amber deposits discovered in 1906 and 1936 in Wrocław-Partynice (Breslau-Hartl... more The three enormous amber deposits discovered in 1906 and 1936 in Wrocław-Partynice (Breslau-Hartlieb) have until now been dated to the 1st century BC, i.e. the time of the collapse of the La Tène culture settlement structures in this part of Europe. The deposits were first linked to the »Germanic« inhabitants of the site and later to the Przeworsk culture. The study of the pottery finds available in the Archaeological Museum of Wrocław, however, made us revise the site’s chronology and modify its cultural interpretation. We identified two settlement phases, which shall be dated to the time around the turn of the 3rd and 2nd century BC. The finds from the earlier phase displayed features typical of the late Jastorf horizon in the Polish Lowlands, the later phase was already early Przeworsk in character. Thus, the site seems to have been a major transportation hub on the Amber Road in the Middle La Tène period. It was chronologically contemporaneous with La Tène culture sites with amber finds, such as Nowa Cerekwia, Samborowice and the initial phase of Staré Hradisko.

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Research paper thumbnail of The economy of the La Tène culture communities based on the example of research from Upper Silesia

Prähistorische Zeitschrift, 2021

Ausgrabungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Gemeinschaft der La Tène Kultur, die in der Eisenzeit... more Ausgrabungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Gemeinschaft der La Tène Kultur, die in der Eisenzeit in der Mikroregion des heutigen Dorfes Samborowice (Oberschlesien, Polen) lebte, nicht von anderen Gruppen Mährens und dem mittleren Becken der Donau unterschied. Ziel des Beitrages ist es, Merkmale der lokalen Wirtschaft anhand neu gewonnener archäobotanischer und archäozoologischer Quellen zu identifizieren. Die Ergebnisse bezüglich einer Reihe von Getreidesorten, die ansonsten für mitteleuropäische La Tène-Siedlungen charakteristisch sind, legen nahe, dass in der betrachteten Region noch kein Wechsel bei der Auswahl der Getreidesorten erfolgt war. Das Subsistenzmodell der hier nachgewiesenen Bevölkerung basierte auf Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht, wobei Rinder die wichtigsten Tiere waren, gefolgt von Schweinen und kleinen Wiederkäuern.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unikatowa zapinka z Rajszewa, pow. legionowski. Przyczynek do studiów nad sytuacją kulturową w okresie wędrówek ludów na Mazowszu/ A Unique brooch from Rajszew, Legionowo County. A contribution to studies on the cultural situation in the Migration Period in Mazovia

Wiadomości Archeologiczne LXXI, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sulimów burial: contribution to the research history of the Celtic settlement in Lower Silesia

Jantarová stezka v proměnách času, Brno, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A weaving loom from the La Tène settlement culture in Samborowice in Upper Silesia

Jantarová stezka v proměnách času, Brno, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of New Data for La Tène Culture Studies on the Settlement and Economy in Lower Silesia

Recherches Archéologiques – Nouvelle Serie, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of La Tène Culture in Silesia. Remarks on the State of Research and New Cognitive Perspectives

, Recherches Archéologiques – Nouvelle Serie 10, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Beginning of the Use of Quartz-sericite Schist Whetstones in Silesia in the Light of New Discoveries from La Tène Culture Settlements

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 49, 2019

During excavations at two sites of the La Tène culture in Samborowice, Upper Silesia, stone artef... more During excavations at two sites of the La Tène culture in Samborowice, Upper Silesia, stone artefacts made from quartz-sericite schist were found. Deposits of this mineral are located in one place only, a hill massif situated in the vicinity of Jegłowa in Lower Silesia. The discussed finds were discovered within a context of precisely dated artefacts of the La Tène culture, which confirm the beginning of use of quartz-sericite schists as early as the onset of the Middle La Tène period. The finds from Samborowice are evidence for the existence of contacts and an organised exchange network between two local communities of the La Tène culture. This has been difficult to prove until recently on the basis of known archaeological finds.

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Research paper thumbnail of The La Tène culture settlement in Samborowice (Upper Silesia)

XXI Śląskie Sympozjum Archeologiczne, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania nad osadnictwem kultury lateńskiej na Płaskowyżu Głubczyckim

XXI Śląskie Sympozjum Archeologiczne , 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Z wykrywaczem i magnetometrem na tropach Celtów. Badania nad osadnictwem kultury lateńskiej na Dolnym Śląsku.

XXI Śląskie Sympozjum Archeologiczne, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Origins of the La Tene Culture in Silesia

Die frühe Eisenzeit in Mitteleuropa / Early Iron Age in Central Europe, 2019

At the end of the Hallstatt and in the beginning of the La Tène period (Lt A), a gradual depopula... more At the end of the Hallstatt and in the beginning of the La Tène period (Lt A), a gradual depopulation of Silesia can be observed. In the mentioned time, the region was inhabited by local Lusatian and Pomeranian culture communities, which were in contact with the La Tène cultural zone. This is indicated by the presence of Celtic craft products in the area. The available archaeological sources do not allow any conclusions concerning the coexistence of indigenous societies and Celtic settlers. The earliest burial finds, which might reflect the influx of Celtic settlers to Silesia can be dated to the phase Lt B1a. However, they were only recorded in Lower Silesia, while graves of Lt B1b were found in the whole region. Settlement finds from the early La Tène period are scarce and might suggest that the population inhabiting the area at that time was not numerous.

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Research paper thumbnail of The lords of the Amber Road: amber storage, distribution and processing in the early Iron Age and the La Tène period

Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 2023

In der Blütezeit der frühen Eisenzeit waren Gegenstände aus Bernstein entlang der gesamten Bernst... more In der Blütezeit der frühen Eisenzeit waren Gegenstände aus Bernstein entlang der gesamten Bernsteinstraße weit verbreitet. Menge, Art und Ablagerungsmuster des Bernsteinzubehörs variierten zwischen den jeweiligen Traditionen und erreichten in einigen Hallstattgräbern verschwenderischen Umfang. Als der Zerfall der Hallstatt-Gemeinden nördlich der Sudeten zu einer Unterbrechung der Verbindung zwischen den baltischen Küstengesellschaften und der La-Tène-Zivilisation im Süden führte, kam es in der frühen La-Tène-Zeit zu einem dramatischen Rückgang des Bernsteinaustauschs und einer signifikanten Abnahme der Bernsteinmenge in archäologischen Kontexten. Während im Norden das Interesse am Bernstein nachließ, hielt die Latène-Zivilisation weiterhin daran fest. Gleichzeitig scheinen sich Niederlegungskontexte, Verbreitungsbilder und Symbolismen im Laufe der Zeit verändert zu haben.

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Research paper thumbnail of Groby kultury lateńskiej z Wiązowa na Dolnym Śląsku

Archeologia Polski, 2021

W trakcie archeologicznych badań ratowniczych na rynku w Wiązowie, pow. strzeliński, dwukrotnie (... more W trakcie archeologicznych badań ratowniczych na rynku w Wiązowie, pow. strzeliński, dwukrotnie (w 1992 i 2018 r.) natrafiono na pozostałości niewielkiego cmentarzyska, składające się z co najmniej 3 pochówków szkieletowych. Cechy obrządku pogrzebowego wskazują, iż były to groby przedstawicieli lokalnej społeczności celtyckiej, które należy datować na wczesny okres lateński. Niektóre ozdoby stanowiące wyposażenie prezentowanych pochówków były zapewne wytwarzane w warsztatach działających ówcześnie w centralnej części Kotliny Czeskiej. Interesujące jest również położenie grobów, które znajdowały się na obrzeżu współczesnej im osady.

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Research paper thumbnail of Amber Processing and Exchange at the La Tène Culture Settlement in Samborowice (Pow. Racibórz / PL)

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2023

Bernsteinschmuck und Spuren der Rohbernsteinverarbeitung wurden bei Feldarbeiten in zwei Siedlung... more Bernsteinschmuck und Spuren der Rohbernsteinverarbeitung wurden bei Feldarbeiten in zwei Siedlungen in Samborowice, Oberschlesien, entdeckt. Anhand der Begleitfunde (Keramik, Glas, Metallschmuck und Teile von Kleidungsstücken) lassen sie sich in die frühe Phase der mittleren Latènezeit datieren. Die Funde stammen aus gut erhaltenen Gebäuderesten und deuten darauf hin, dass die dort lebenden Menschen sowohl nach Süden – mit den keltischen Nachbarn des Karpatenbeckens – als auch nach Norden – mit den Bewohnern des germanischen Kulturkreises – Handel trieben. Einige der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Bernsteinobjekte wurden mit Hilfe einer Drehbank hergestellt, was auf ein hohes Niveau der lokalen Bernsteinhandwerker hinweist.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nowe znaleziska monet rzymskich z dorzecza Psiny i Troi

Górnośląskie Raporty Archeologiczne, 2023

The paper discusses new finds of Roman coins yielded by regular surveys conducted in 2018. The re... more The paper discusses new finds of Roman coins yielded by regular surveys conducted in 2018. The research area was confined to the micro-region of the Rivers Psina and Troja basins within the Krzanowice and Pietrowice Wielkie Communes. In the Roman Period these territories were subject to intensive settlement of the Przeworsk Culture, to which an assemblage of seven denarii found at three sites must be related. Two of these coins are Republican denarii, while the remaining ones date to the Imperial Period. These finds are yet another premise for studies on the issue of inflow of Roman coins to the territory of the Central European Barbaricum and their use by local communities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Farming and stock-breeding in the La Tène culture communities in Poland

Acta Archaeologica Carpathica

In this article, the basic information on the research on the economy of the La Tène culture comm... more In this article, the basic information on the research on the economy of the La Tène culture communities living in the southern part of Poland in the early and middle La Tène period is presented. The analysis of natural data shows that the local economy of the Celtic settlers from Silesia and Lesser Poland did not differ in quality from that of their countrymen from the area south of the Carpathians and the Sudetes. Agriculture was based on the cultivation of cereals, among which different varieties of wheat dominated with a relatively small share of barley and common millet. Contrary to earlier opinions, rye and oat cultivation was not widespread. In typical rural settlements, cattle farming was by far the dominant activity. Breeding swine and small ruminants were in the second position, but the proportion between these species varied from region to region. The very small proportion of wild animal bones known from the surveyed settlements indicates an advanced process of deforestat...

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Research paper thumbnail of New Finds of Roman Coins from the Przeworsk Culture Settlements in the Nidzica and Szreniawa River Basins

Notae numismaticae/ Zapiski Numizmatyczne, 2021

The article presents new discoveries of Roman coins made during regular surface surveys on Przewo... more The article presents new discoveries of Roman coins made during
regular surface surveys on Przeworsk culture settlements located in the northern part of the loess highlands of the Western Lesser Poland region. A total of ten Roman coins were found in five sites, most of them issued during the Antonine dynasty. In almost all cases, they were accompanied by artefacts illustrating the variety of settlement contexts related to monetary finds. The majority of such finds constitute accurate date stamps showing the chronology of the settlement development, which
may be an additional argument in the discussion on the influx of Roman coins into the Central European Barbaricum.

Artykuł prezentuje nowe znaleziska monet rzymskich dokonane podczas badań powierzchniowych na osadach kultury przeworskiej położonych w północnej części wyżyny lessowej w zachodniej Małopolsce. Na pięciu stanowiskach znaleziono dziesięć monet rzymskich, w większości bitych w czasach dynastii Antoninów.Prawie we wszystkich przypadkach monetom towarzyszyły artefakty bardzo dobrze ilustrujące różnorodne konteksty osadnictwa. Większość tych znalezisk stanowi dokładne datowniki pokazujące chronologię rozwoju osadnictwa, co może stanowić
dodatkowy argument w dyskusji na temat napływu monet rzymskich do środkowoeuropejskiego Barbaricum.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Finds from the La Tène Period from Western Lesser Poland

Archaeological Studies of the Late Iron Age in Central Europe, Brno, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Before the Celts Came. The Cultural Situation in Western Lesser Poland at the End of the Hallstatt Period and at the Beginning of the Early Pre-Roman Period

Archaeological Studies of the Late Iron Age in Central Europe, Brno, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Breslau-Hartlieb revisited: new light cast on the amber deposits from the Pre-Roman Iron Age site of Wrocław-Partynice 1 (woj. dolnośląskie/PL)

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2021

The three enormous amber deposits discovered in 1906 and 1936 in Wrocław-Partynice (Breslau-Hartl... more The three enormous amber deposits discovered in 1906 and 1936 in Wrocław-Partynice (Breslau-Hartlieb) have until now been dated to the 1st century BC, i.e. the time of the collapse of the La Tène culture settlement structures in this part of Europe. The deposits were first linked to the »Germanic« inhabitants of the site and later to the Przeworsk culture. The study of the pottery finds available in the Archaeological Museum of Wrocław, however, made us revise the site’s chronology and modify its cultural interpretation. We identified two settlement phases, which shall be dated to the time around the turn of the 3rd and 2nd century BC. The finds from the earlier phase displayed features typical of the late Jastorf horizon in the Polish Lowlands, the later phase was already early Przeworsk in character. Thus, the site seems to have been a major transportation hub on the Amber Road in the Middle La Tène period. It was chronologically contemporaneous with La Tène culture sites with amber finds, such as Nowa Cerekwia, Samborowice and the initial phase of Staré Hradisko.

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Research paper thumbnail of The economy of the La Tène culture communities based on the example of research from Upper Silesia

Prähistorische Zeitschrift, 2021

Ausgrabungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Gemeinschaft der La Tène Kultur, die in der Eisenzeit... more Ausgrabungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Gemeinschaft der La Tène Kultur, die in der Eisenzeit in der Mikroregion des heutigen Dorfes Samborowice (Oberschlesien, Polen) lebte, nicht von anderen Gruppen Mährens und dem mittleren Becken der Donau unterschied. Ziel des Beitrages ist es, Merkmale der lokalen Wirtschaft anhand neu gewonnener archäobotanischer und archäozoologischer Quellen zu identifizieren. Die Ergebnisse bezüglich einer Reihe von Getreidesorten, die ansonsten für mitteleuropäische La Tène-Siedlungen charakteristisch sind, legen nahe, dass in der betrachteten Region noch kein Wechsel bei der Auswahl der Getreidesorten erfolgt war. Das Subsistenzmodell der hier nachgewiesenen Bevölkerung basierte auf Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht, wobei Rinder die wichtigsten Tiere waren, gefolgt von Schweinen und kleinen Wiederkäuern.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unikatowa zapinka z Rajszewa, pow. legionowski. Przyczynek do studiów nad sytuacją kulturową w okresie wędrówek ludów na Mazowszu/ A Unique brooch from Rajszew, Legionowo County. A contribution to studies on the cultural situation in the Migration Period in Mazovia

Wiadomości Archeologiczne LXXI, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sulimów burial: contribution to the research history of the Celtic settlement in Lower Silesia

Jantarová stezka v proměnách času, Brno, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A weaving loom from the La Tène settlement culture in Samborowice in Upper Silesia

Jantarová stezka v proměnách času, Brno, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of New Data for La Tène Culture Studies on the Settlement and Economy in Lower Silesia

Recherches Archéologiques – Nouvelle Serie, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of La Tène Culture in Silesia. Remarks on the State of Research and New Cognitive Perspectives

, Recherches Archéologiques – Nouvelle Serie 10, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Beginning of the Use of Quartz-sericite Schist Whetstones in Silesia in the Light of New Discoveries from La Tène Culture Settlements

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 49, 2019

During excavations at two sites of the La Tène culture in Samborowice, Upper Silesia, stone artef... more During excavations at two sites of the La Tène culture in Samborowice, Upper Silesia, stone artefacts made from quartz-sericite schist were found. Deposits of this mineral are located in one place only, a hill massif situated in the vicinity of Jegłowa in Lower Silesia. The discussed finds were discovered within a context of precisely dated artefacts of the La Tène culture, which confirm the beginning of use of quartz-sericite schists as early as the onset of the Middle La Tène period. The finds from Samborowice are evidence for the existence of contacts and an organised exchange network between two local communities of the La Tène culture. This has been difficult to prove until recently on the basis of known archaeological finds.

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Research paper thumbnail of The La Tène culture settlement in Samborowice (Upper Silesia)

XXI Śląskie Sympozjum Archeologiczne, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania nad osadnictwem kultury lateńskiej na Płaskowyżu Głubczyckim

XXI Śląskie Sympozjum Archeologiczne , 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Z wykrywaczem i magnetometrem na tropach Celtów. Badania nad osadnictwem kultury lateńskiej na Dolnym Śląsku.

XXI Śląskie Sympozjum Archeologiczne, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Origins of the La Tene Culture in Silesia

Die frühe Eisenzeit in Mitteleuropa / Early Iron Age in Central Europe, 2019

At the end of the Hallstatt and in the beginning of the La Tène period (Lt A), a gradual depopula... more At the end of the Hallstatt and in the beginning of the La Tène period (Lt A), a gradual depopulation of Silesia can be observed. In the mentioned time, the region was inhabited by local Lusatian and Pomeranian culture communities, which were in contact with the La Tène cultural zone. This is indicated by the presence of Celtic craft products in the area. The available archaeological sources do not allow any conclusions concerning the coexistence of indigenous societies and Celtic settlers. The earliest burial finds, which might reflect the influx of Celtic settlers to Silesia can be dated to the phase Lt B1a. However, they were only recorded in Lower Silesia, while graves of Lt B1b were found in the whole region. Settlement finds from the early La Tène period are scarce and might suggest that the population inhabiting the area at that time was not numerous.

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Research paper thumbnail of Weaving in the La Tène culture on the example of finds from the territory of modern Poland, (2nd International Conference DYNAMICS AND ORGANISATION OF TEXTILE PRODUCTION IN PAST SOCIETIES IN EUROPE, THE MEDITERRANEAN AND THE MIDDLE EAST - 24-25.06.2019 Toruń) BOOK OF ABSTRACT

During the development of the conference material, some of the loom weights were reconstructed. A... more During the development of the conference material, some of the loom weights were reconstructed. As a result, their number has changed from 14 to 12. This is a change from content of the abstract.

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