Односічний меч із кургану біля с. Мирне на Херсонщині (Single-blade sword from the Scythian burial near Myrne village in Kherson Oblast.) (original) (raw)

Скіфський меч зі Слов'янська (Scythian sword from Sloviansk)


Recently new chance find of the Scythian long sword was presented in the Sloviansk regional museum. Thanks to attention of activists and officials, it was restored in a proper manner. The sword has zoomorphic antenna pommel, triangular crossguard and long blade with grooves. Due to analogies from the burials, this sword dates by the middle — late 5th century BC. Similar finds are known from Beresniahy, barrow 4, Aktash, barrow 48 and others. This period was time of permanent conflicts and in-stability in Northern Black Sea region. For example, such prominent sites as Motronyn and Western Bilsk hillforts became desolate. It is interesting that range of 5th century BC bladed weapon was very wide. At the same time, Sloviansk region was sparsely populated frontier of the Scythian culture. However, there are known some individual weapon chance finds and separated burials. They are located near the watershed rout that later was named Muravskii way. We can assume that they mark area of nomad’s strategic interests and points of clashes for the salt lakes and fertile floodplains in the Siverskii Dinets basin. In addition, it should be noted that hypothesis about chance finds of swords as remains of Ares’s altar has no reliable evidences

Стеклянные бусы из раскопок одиночного кургана у деревни Холмы

Археология Подмосковья. Материалы научного семинара. Выпуск 7, 2011

Статья посвящена исследованию 878 стеклянных бус, найденных при раскопках погребения 2 одиночного кургана у д. Холмы Солнечногорского района Московской области. Химический состав стекол изучен методом оптико-эмиссионной спектрографии. В результате бусы датированы XVII – первой половиной XVIII века и отнесены к продукции венецианской и голландской стеклоделательных школ. Место бус в погребении позволили предположить их использование для украшения косы погребенной женщины.

Новая находка перекрестья и навершия рукояти византийского меча с территории Черкасского района Черкасской области Украины / A new find of a Byzantine sword-guard and a pommel in Cherkasy Raion, Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine

Баранов Г.В. Новая находка перекрестья и навершия рукояти византийского меча с территории Черкасского района Черкасской области Украины // Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма. Вып. 7. – Симферополь-Тюмень, 2015. – С. 87-105.

The article describes for the first time a new find of a Byzantine sword-guard and a pommel in Cherkasy Raion, Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. The items are in a good state of preservation and are made of a non-ferrous metal (bronze?). The sword-guard belongs to the Garabonc type of swords proposed by the Bulgarian researcher Valery Yotov. As was found out, the sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast is almost identical to sword-guards that are pictured on drawings in the Paris manuscript of Homilies of St. Gregory of Nazianzus (BNF, Grec 510). This allows to date the sword-guard to the last quarter of the 9th century. The sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast that has almost exact analogies on Byzantine drawings is an important link between monuments of Byzantine visual arts and archeological materials which proves the Byzantine origin of this type of artifacts.

Скіфська клинкова зброя у працях археологів Київської школи (Scythian blade weapon in the studies of archaeologists of Kyiv scientific school )

Scythian blade weapon in the studies of archaeologists of Kyiv scientific school The article discusses the history of studies of Scythian swords and daggers by the researchers of Kyiv scientific school. The author critically analyzes the main theories referring to the general and particular questions of blade weapon research. The paper considers the questions of the origin and distribution and examines the problems of their usage in battles and in rituals. The question of the Scythian sword origin there are three main hypothesis outlined Near East theory (by M. Rostovtsev and A. Meliukova), Central Asia theory (A. Terenozhkin, V. Murzin, V. Klochko), and North Caucasus theory (O. Lieskov, Ye. Chernenko, S. Skoryi, S. Makhortykh, Yu. Boltryk). The third version is considered as most common and scientifically grounded. The ritual function of swords an daggers was analyzed by S. Bessonova in the context of research of the Scythian religion. A philosophical search has a prominent place in the articles by Yu. Boltryk. Theoretical studies of military affairs were conducted by E. Chernenko and S. Skoryi. Since the beginning of the 21st century, researchers pay more attention to the interpretation of chance finds. S. Skoryi joins the debate about the Scythian routs to the Central Europe. Distribution of swords and daggers in the Black Sea region were analyzed by Yu. Boltryk. The general perspective shows the concept of studying weapon as a social and ethnic marker. Recently, researchers are increasingly paying attention to the possible ethno-cultural specifics of the Scythian weapon. The issue of social and ethnic interpretation were examined by S. Skoryi, D. Grechko and S. Makhortykh. Today most investigators assume that the Scythian nomads were the main carriers of blade weapon in the area of Eastern Europe Forest-Steppe.

Каинов С.Ю., Олейников О.М. Перекрестие меча из раскопа на ул. Большая Московская в Великом Новгороде // Российская археология, 2020, № 2. С. 167-176.

Sergey Yu. Kainov, Oleg M. Oleynikov A SWORD GUARD FROM THE EXCAVATION SITE IN BOLSHAYA MOSKOVSKAYA STREET IN VELIKY NOVGOROD In 2014, thousands of various objects of the 11th–19th centuries were found in Veliky Novgorod at the excavation site (Bolshaya Moskovskaya St., 30). On the estate area, an underground pit of rectangular shape was revealed with dimensions of 200 × 120 cm and deepened 150 cm into the layer. The pit walls were lined with wide half-beams inserted into the grooves in logs located at the corners of the pit. According to the data of dendrochronological analysis, this structure was built in 1188 and lasted until the early 13th century. Filling of this basement among other objects, including those manufactured in Western Europe, produced a sword guard. It fits into a representative series of weapons decorated with a silver inlay in the form of spirals and palmettes, found mostly in Finland and Karelia. A narrow dating of the archaeological context of the find is essential to determine the chronology of the existence of swords decorated in this way.

Клинковое оружие из п огребения 33 м огильника К ичмалка II в К абардино-Балкарии/Bladed Weapons from Grave 33 of the Kichmalka II cemetery in Kabardino -Balkaria/КСИА 244, 2016.

The paper explores a set of weapons from grave 33 of the Kichmalka II cemetery located in the Zolsky District of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, the Russian Federation. The set consisted of a long sword and a short sword of the Mediterranean origin that had ferrules extended on to the shafts (Fig. 1). The X-ray examination has shown that the ferrules were made when the blades with broken shafts were repaired (Fig. 2). Stylistically similar items have been so far found only among the artifacts of the Tsebelda culture (Fig. 3). The authors assume that such weapons were exported from the Tsebelda area and reached the North Caucasus population in the 5th – early 6th centuries. A component of the sword-belt (a large amber pendant bead with a plaque made in the cloisonné style) and parts of the short sword scabbard also find stylistic parallels among the weapons associated with Mediterranean or Early Byzantine military traditions that absorbed Late Roman, Sasanid and nomadic elements.

Поховання скіфських воїнів із сокирами з Любимівського могильника (за матеріалами Каховської експедиції) (Burials of Scythian warriors with battle axes from Liubymivka necropolis (on the materials of Kakhovka expedition))

Burials of Scythian warriors with battle axes from Liubymivka necropolis (on the materials of Kakhovka expedition) In the article, Scythian burials under mounds № 6 and 28 are published. They are disposed near Liubymivka Village of Kakhovka Region in Kherson Oblast. These burials are notable for the finds of battle-axes, which are fare from a widespread category of Scythian armament. The analyzed burials are dated by the 5-4th century BC according to the characteristics of Ancient Greek pottery, horse bridle, and arrowheads. Due to the features of the burial ceremony and grave goods, buried men belonged to a single social group of ordinary warriors or free commoners. They are similar to the allied «axemen» buried at the burial 108 in Mamay-Hora, the barrow 62 in Shyroke, and the burial 13 in Skelky. The published materials confirm the author’s hypothesis about the difference between battle-axes of the Early and the Late Scythian time. In addition, the difference appears not only in the morphology. While the further samples are found first of all in the tombs of aristocracy and bodyguards, the latter specimens are used also by ordinary warriors.