Ergonomics: Application in Industries (original) (raw)

A Case Study on Industrial Ergonomics

Iconic Research and Engineering Journals, 2022

Ergonomics is the study of how working conditions, machines and equipment can be arranged in order that people can work with them more efficiently. The general approach for designing the work place for the positive outcome of the worker and the corresponding factors. Industrial Ergonomics is a science on how to fit the task and working environment the worker using scientific data drawn from a variety of disciplines. In Industrial System, the science of ergonomics seeks to adapt the job and workplace to the worker by designing tasks within the workers capabilities and limitations. The term ergonomics is neutral, takes no sides, neither of employers nor of employees. The various applications of industrial ergonomics which indirectly plays a vital role in the output of the respective industry. When the ergonomic is set right there is increase in the worker efficiency as well as the output. There is drastic reduction in the injuries to workers when the ergonomics is set up in the right way

Work Place Ergonomics- A Review

Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy—An International Journal, 2020

Ergonomics is the study of the interaction between people and machines and the factors that affect the interaction. Its purpose is to improve the performance of systems by improving human machine interaction. This can be done by ‘designing-in’ a better interface or by ‘designing-out’ factors in the work environment, in the task or in the organization of work that degrade human–machine performance. Systems can be improved by • Designing the user-interface to make it more compatible with the task and the user. This makes it easier to use and more resistant to errors that people are known to make. • Changing the work environment to make it safer and more appropriate for the task. • Changing the task to make it more compatible with user characteristics. • Changing the way work is organized to accommodate people’s psychological and social needs. This article presents on overview on current knowledge on work place ergonomics.

Ergonomics in Industry a Review

Industrial Engineering Journal, 2018

The objective of ergonomics is not to fit an individual to the task rather it aims to fit endeavor to an individual. Human Factor Ergonomics [HFE] has sustainable prospective in designing of different kinds of complex structures with man and machines etc., but it faces issues in compatibility and adherence to meet the market needs. This paper aims to describe review of relevant literature to scrutinize human factor in preservation and to establish demand for quality HFE. Review applies a novel framework that has unique combination that ascertains HFE by following categories: fundamental system approach, design driven approach, workplace macro ergonomics, cynosure outcomes as performance & well-being [Human Resource Management]. In terms of preservation, paper yields key insights concerning impact of decision making and also focuses on the quality HFE by providing strategic and specialized research excellence in HFE. The prerequisites for the mentioned structure such as collaboration between group of HFE and IEA has also been discussed.

ANALYSIS OF ERGONOMICS (A Study Conducted in Puducherry State of Specific Industry

ABSTRACT In recent, industrial environment is extremely competitive, complex and dynamic. To sustain such environment the manufacturing system needs to be ergonomically designed so that it is responsive to changes. Ergonomics is the study of work. Ergonomics is the science of designing the work to fit the worker, rather than physically forcing the worker’s body to fit the job in the organisation. The work smart ergonomics is that to maximize productivity by minimizing the potential for work related injuries in both existing and new workspaces. The aim of this research undertakes studies to provide answers to some of the basic issues related to the use of leather manufacturing machine tools. The studies were conducted to investigate human performance on leather machine tools under the impact of machine panel height, panel angle and working distance. The chief aim of these studies involves suggesting framework and analyzing the result to provide important ergonomic information to future leather manufacturing industries. Keywords: Environment, Ergonomic, Machine, Work


3 3 D De ep pa ar rt tm me en nt t o of f P Pr ro od du uc ct ti io on n, , Abstract Today, both workers and management are concerned about the quality of work lives, ergonomics and occupational safety and health. New development such as information and communication technologies and specialized work requiring repetitive tasks add up to a need for Ergonomics. By examining, designing, testing and evaluating the work piece and how people interact in it, ergonomics can create productive, safe, and satisfying work environment. Ergonomics is concerns with the study of the relationship between people and work environment. The scope for the application of ergonomics in our working environment is tremendous. Ergonomics has the essential role to play in increasing work efficiency and productivity by making the tool or machine fit the users and the worker's efficiency. Ergonomics developed into a recognized field during the Second World War, when for the first time, technology and the human science s were systematically applied in a coordinated manner [1]. The application of Ergonomics is very much in Europe and northern America. Recently Southeast Asian countries including Bangladesh are applying the concept of ergonomics industrial workstation design. This paper focuses on the importance of ergonomics in product design, working environment, and its influence in industrial workstation design, the interdisciplinary nature of ergonomics and the implications of ergonomics in industrial engineering function. It also contains the importance of ergonomics for an industrial engineer to design product.



Ergonomics is the study of people while they use equipment in specific environments to perform certain tasks. Ergonomics seeks to minimize adverse effects of the environment upon people and thus to enable each person to maximize his or her contribution to a given job. This industry guide: Explains generally how measurements of human traits can be used to further workplace safety, health, comfort and productivity, discusses how to enhance worker safety by combining principles that govern the action of forces with knowledge of the human body, analyzes properties of illumination and explains how proper illumination makes for a safer workplace by reducing worker fatigue, shows how hand tools can be designed to reduce injuries to employees and to lessen trauma to their body members, illustrates ways to recognize proper sitting positions and to construct seating arrangements to minimize stress to the lumbar region, demonstrates how workspaces can be designed to decrease psychological stress and to increase employee motivation, directs attention to the benefits of proper selection and strategic arrangement of controls and displays for the machinery operation, offers general information about ways to reduce back injuries that result from manual lifting and offers more specialized guidelines for evaluating physical stresses imposed by lifting, refines the concept of the worker with a disability and suggests ways of meeting the special needs of people with disabilities, and stimulates new thinking about problems such as those from the sustained operation of computers) brought about by technological advancements. This industry guide demonstrates how benefits are derived from applying the principles of ergonomics to workplace safety and health. It gives the reader a solid

Ergonomics Study and Analysis of Workstations of a Garment Manufacturing Factory in Tunisia

Springer Proceedings in Materials, 2022

The workers' performance in the mechanical manufacturing sector is the main factor for the improvement of productivity and quality. At present, it seems that the available information on the ergonomics and the working environment of the mechanical manufacturing actors is scarce. This study deals with the relationship between the working method and the workstation in injection mold manufacturing. An original methodology, based on the survey of operators using participatory ergonomic tools, is proposed in order to evaluate the ergonomic performance of 3 workstations: milling, turning, and drilling. The surveys concerned 3 operators. Obtained results showed that ergonomics play a key role in improving mechanical manufacturing. The results obtained from the analysis showed that ergonomics has a key role in the quality of the various tasks performed by operators. Using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (RULA) and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) investigation tools, the examination of the workstations revealed 4 machining operations and 12 operator postures that have a direct influence on the performance of all machining stations. In addition, data from the analysis conducted on injection mold manufacturing revealed that neither the workstations were ergonomic nor the operators complied with the ergonomic rules. Based on the results obtained, a new standardized score is proposed for the RULA and REBA calculations. This score was applied and validated through another study conducted in a leaf spring manufacturing plant. The results of these studies were concretized by proposing the digital factory where CATIA software was used for the virtual design of the ergonomic workstations and their environments.


Production ergonomics – the science and practice of designing industrial workplaces to optimize human well-being and system performance – is a complex challenge for a designer. Humans are a valuable and flexible resource in any system of creation, and as long as they stay healthy, alert and motivated, they perform well and also become more competent over time, which increases their value as a resource. However, if a system designer is not mindful or aware of the many threats to health and system performance that may emerge, the end result may include inefficiency, productivity losses, low working morale, injuries and sick-leave. To help budding system designers and production engineers tackle these design challenges holistically, this book offers a multi-faceted orientation in the prerequisites for healthy and effective human work. We will cover physical, cognitive and organizational aspects of ergonomics, and provide both the individual human perspective and that of groups and populations, ending up with a look at global challenges that require workplaces to become more socially and economically sustainable. This book is written to give you a warm welcome to the subject, and to provide a solid foundation for improving industrial workplaces to attract and retain healthy and productive staff in the long run.

Ergonomics in the Office Environment: A Review


The evolution of "office ergonomics" has been largely due to rapid growth of information technology. Nowadays most of the offices are based on the concept of non-territorial or free address offices in which a given desk, office or workstation is intended to be used by different people at different times. Ergonomics in the office environment ranges from business process analysis to workplace design including furniture, equipment, computer systems and environmental factors. Recently in the office, there has been a significant increase in the number of injuries due to overexertion and repetitive strain. In this paper an attempt has been made to give deep insight of office environment ergonomics and workstation design issues applicable to flexible office work. With the passage of time flexible office design, has improved to eliminate as far as possible the undesirable effects without compromising the benefits and furthermore, to extend the range of potential benefits afforded by the presence of flexibility in the office. The paper gives the readers a broad overview of the different aspects of ergonomic issues applicable to office work and discuses worker health and safety relating to work performed using a computer as a workstation. However, most requirements are applicable to any office environment, which is considered prudent practice for the avoidance of ergonomic related injuries and losses. These advances will create a new era of office ergonomics that will provide considerable health and cost benefits to computer users. Ergonomics work design is best done by assisting users in making informed decisions to enhance efficiency at work, safety, health, physical and psychological well being of people at work or using facilities or equipment. Intensive use of computer and information technology for long periods of time in the office workplace calls for an examination of employee performance and possible work-related health and stress problems. It also provides an overview of a systems analysis tool using a macroergonomic approach to understand and identify problems and probable casual factors related to such office environments. Flexible office also provides a process for developing strategic and systematic solutions for solving problems arising in a computer intensive office environment. Reductions in weight and size of computer display equipment, along with advances in lift technology will allow creation of optimized office computer work environments that are substantially lower in cost and easier to set up in the future. The paper contains useful information for workplace practices and may be referred to by inspectors with the Ministry of Labor in performing their duties in enforcing the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Ergonomics of the physical environment

Applied Ergonomics, 1995

This paper considers standards relevant to environmental ergonomics, and includes those that have been, or are likely to be, produced by the International Organization for Standardization