2014 - Industries lithiques du Néolithique moyen en moyenne Moselle : étude comparée de trois ensembles provenant de la région de Metz (original) (raw)

AUGEREAU (A.) et RENARD (C. M.). — 2004, Les industries lithiques de la fin du Néolithique en Centre‐ Nord de la France, état documentaire et pistes d’étude, in M. Vander Linden, L. Salanova dir.

In M. Vander Linden et L. Salanova (dir.), Anthropologica et Praehistorica n° 115 / Mémoire XXXV de la Société Préhistorique Française, p. 83-89. , 2004

Anthr op olo gic a et P r aehist or ica, I15, 2004, 83-89 Les industries lithiques de la fin du Néolithique en Centre-Nord de la France Etat documentaire et pistes d'études Anne AucenEAU, Caroline RrNaRr> Avec la collaboration de Jérémie CoupgRC, Arnaud GourgLARD, Ewen lnugr, Fabien LeNcny-FnaNçots, Pierre MAGNE, Laure-Anne MttLEr-Rrcuanp Résumé Dans l'objectif de déboucher, à terme, sur une révision des groupes culturels de la fin du Néolithique dans le Centre-Nord de la France, les séries lithiques de six régions (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Picardie, Ile-de-France, Champagne-Ardenne, Bourgogne et Centre) ont fait lbbjet d'un recensement bibliographique et d'un inventaire raisonné. A partir de cette documentation, diverses pistes de recherche ont été engagées et des perspectives scientifiques émergen! concernant notamment l'étude des armatures de flèches, des mobiliers lithiques des sépultures de la Marne et des modes dâpprovisionnement en matières premières lithiques.

L'apport de l'industrie lithique taillée dans la séquence chrono-culturelle du Néolithique moyen suisse

Contributions des matériaux lithiques dans la chronologie du Néolithique ancien et moyen en France et dans les régions limitrophes, 2006

The knapped lithic industry contributes significantly to the construction and definition of the chrono-cultural framework of the Swiss middle Neolithic. In particular, it provides an approach independent from traditional typologies which are dominated by ceramic studies, as well as supplying valuable information on the diffusion of objects, techniques and styles within the various cultural groups occupying the Plateau and the Alps. After a general discussion on raw material procurement, debitage products and tools used during the Neolithic, the example of Chasséen expansion around 4200-3800 B.C. is presented.

Les niveaux mésolithiques de l'abri Saint-Joseph de Lutter (Haut-Rhin, France). Étude préliminaire des industries lithiques.

Discovered in 1983, as part of a survey program dedicated to the archaeological potential of shelters on the northern edge of the Jura, “L’Abri Saint Joseph” in Lutter (Haut-Rhin, France) was the subject of several planned excavation campaigns between 2005 and 2011. This research was carried out by researchers from UMR 7044 “ARCHIMEDE” of the CNRS and the University of Strasbourg with specialists in archaeobiology from the Institute of Prehistory and Sciences in Archaeology (IPSA) from the University of Basel (Switzerland). The research revealed a sequence of occupations that ranges from Early Mesolithic to the end of the Roman period. This paper studies the siliceous rock industry and offers the opportunity to evaluate the changes and/or the enduring strategies of the lithic acquisition, economy and transformation, during several millennia, within a specific geographical area where the most of the Mesolithic and Neolithic lithic series remain unpublished. For the period stretching from Early Mesolithic to Early Neolithic, the lithic series discovered in “L’Abri Saint Joseph” complete a still very lacunary regional documentation. New data concerning the evolution of the styles of debitage and of the tools and particularily the microliths and the arrow heads, together with the study of the lithic industries show important changes in the quality and the intensity of the occupations between the First and the Second Mesolithic. It also emphasizes an “epimesolithic” indigenous component that, for a certain period, obviously evolved concomitantly with the Linear Ceramics and Grossgartach communities.