Referential Symbolism and Semiotic Aspect of works of Art and Design (original) (raw)

Redukcija U Fenomenologiji I Slikarstvu

Gff, 2017

The article establishes a premise that the artist differs from a philosopher in that he is by the very nature of his work already in the plain of experience of the phenomenological reduction. Starting with the methodological assumptions of phenomenology, which value above all the departure from the boundaries of mundane philosophy, the author points out that modern art finds the notions of holding onto in any form the reproduction of existing reality very foreign. The second part of the article analyses the philosophical insights which interpret modern painting as the spontaneous negation of the natural attitude. The representation of the transformation of the term of abstraction additionally illuminates the relationship between of phenomenology and modern art. Departing from the expressly negative and the affirmation of the positive meanings of abstraction come from the fundamental change in the relation towards the existing world. If for phenomenology abstracting means practicing ...

Hegel I Livije: Reflektujuća Istoriografija I Etika Pamćenja


Rad razvija Hegelovu tezu o pisanju reflektujuće istorije kao pisanju o sadašnjosti kroz medijum prošlosti. Kroz čitanje Livijevog Praefatia, sa posebnim akcentom na praksu pisanja kao moralno-političkog čina koji podrazumeva artikulaciju odnosa između prošlog i sadašnjeg, ispituje se hipoteza o reflektujućem pisanju istorije kao narativnoj praksi. Čitanje je sprovedeno s obzirom na temeljne Hegelove stavove o istoriografiji, skrećući pažnju na problem uklopivosti Hegelove specifične karakterizacije Livija kao kompilatora i preglednog istoričara sa 1) stavom o među-uslovljenosti između političko-etičke zajednice i istoriografije i 2) stavom o reflektujućoj istoriografiji kao naraciji o sadašnjem u životu duha.

Utjecaj Bauhausa I Elemenata Arhitekture Na Modu


Bauhaus school (from 1919 to 1933) and its design will be an inspiration for creating artwork in the experimental part of this research. The schools history, its way of creating works of art and designs, led by Walter Gropius, leads to a conclusion of importance of knowing art theory and its link to crafsmanship. Research of several Bauhaus representatives, and their work on fields of design and architecture, led to a conclusion about a universal connection between knowledge and technique and its connection to 20th and 21st century fashion.

Derviš-pasha Bajezidagić and his work “Zubdetu’l Es’ar’’


In this short work we shall try, by using the autobiographical poetry of Dervis-pasha Bajazidagic, to point out on Dervis-pasha as a poet and Bosnian beglerbey. Further we will turn attention to one of Bajazidagic’s works, which is now unknown in bosnian-herzegovinia literary history. The work is entitled “Zubdetu’l-Es’ar’’ (manuscript: Topkapi Saray Muzesim Kpt. REVAN – No. 824), which was presented to the public by Karatay, in his Catalogue, wrongly attributed to Saddedin, while correction on this was given by Zehra Toska. She showed that it was instead, the work of Dervis-pasha Bajazidagic from town of Mostar, who was in 1582 at the time of writing this work, a scholar at the Court, and fifteen years later become a bosnian beglerbey.

About concepts analogous and digital


U radu se uocava da živimo u doba digitalnih tehnika i digitalnih sprava, a da ipak cesto nismo u stanju bez razmisljanja reci sto neki pojam iz tog podrucja zapravo znaci. Ponekad se neki novi pojmovi razlicito tumace. Stoga se u ovome radu predlaže niz definicija pojmova u ciji sastav ulaze rijeci analogno ili digitalno.

Pragmatic Values of Lexemes Marking Names Of Animals and Plants in Orhan Pamuk’s Novel Kafamda Bi̇r Tuhaflik and Translation in Bosnian Language

Društvene i humanističke studije (Online), 2021

The primary goal is to analyze the pragmatic value of lexemes marking names of animals and plants in Orhan Pamuk’s novel Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık. Besides, contrastive analysis was used to answer the question of whether lexemes marking names of animals and plants can have an identical pragmatic illocution in Turkish and Bosnian language. The initial language of the analysis is Turkish, which implies the fact that pragmatic functions of lexemes marking names of animals and plants in the Turkish language are compared to the translational equivalents in Bosnian. This is used to try to determine similarities and differences between the pragmatic values of names of animals and plants in two genetically and typologically different languages.