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As-Syifaa Jurnal Farmasi
Chronic exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun might result in oxidative stress, changes in the structure and composition of the skin. Sunscreen preparations are recommended to be used to prevent or minimize the harmful effects of UV rays on the skin. Sunscreen can be obtained from natural ingredients, one of which is the flower of cherry (Muntingia calabura L.). This study aims to identify the content of flavonoids and test the sunscreen activity of the ethanol extract of cherry flower (Muntingia calabura L.) in vitro using the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method based on the SPF value. Flavonoids are claimed to be capable to blocking ultraviolet (UV) light-induced radicals that have a protective effect against UV radiation, where the SPF value is a universal measure that describes the potency of a UV defense material. The findings of this study showed that the ethanol extract of cherry flowers positively contained flavonoid compounds including the flavonol, flavanone, and anthocyanidin groups. The results of the sunscreen activity test showed that the ethanol extract of cherry flowers had sunscreen activity at a concentration of 0.01% with an SPF value of 10.9 (moderate SPF), 0.05% with an SPF value of 41.6 (high SPF), 0,15% with an SPF value of 45.5 (high SPF). and 0.25% with an SPF value of 48.7 (high SPF). The higher the extract concentration, the higher the SPF value indicating the greater the activity as sunscreen.
Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan, 2019
Rumput laut mengandung banyak senyawa bahan alam yang bersifat bioaktif. Beberapa senyawa di antaranya memiliki efek pharmaceutical. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak rumput laut asal Pesisir Ujong Serangga Aceh Barat Daya. Manfaat penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menambah referensi tentang botani laut yang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan dan alga hijau Chaetomorpha antennina dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu antioksidan alami bagi tubuh. Sampel Chaetomorpha antennina diambil dari pesisir Ujong Serangga Aceh Barat Daya. Selanjutnya, dimaserasi menggunakan 3 pelarut meliputi pelarut etanol (polar), etil asetat (semi polar) dan n-heksana (non polar). Hasil maserasi disaring dengan kertas saring Wathman nomor 42. Filtrat dievaporasi dengan rotary evaporator pada suhu 36 oC dan tekanan rendah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan rataan berat sampel kering 30 gram diperoleh rataan rendemen sebesar 1,380% pada ekstrak etanol, 1,110...
Alotrop, 2019
This research was aimed to know the degree of Fenol compound, total acid and the activity of liquid smoke of Rubber (Hevea brassiliensis) Seed Shell also the application in obstructing the rancidity of beef. The Fenol compound was determined by using Reagen Follon-Ciocalteu. The total acid was determined by using the method of titrated acids.The ability as the antioxidant was tested by DPPH method and the ability of obstructing the rancidity of beef was done by measuring the alteration of TBA value in beef as long as saved. The result was shown the fenol compound in liquid smoke of Rubber Seed Shell as much as 0,84 % and the acetic acid content was 4.725%. The antioxidant test was produced IC50 value as much as 101.27 ppm. According to the IC50 value which got from the test that the liquid smoke of Rubber Seed Shell were included in moderate category. The increment of the liquid smoke of Rubber Seed Shell were able to suppress the rancidity of beef during the storage time. It was ma...
Jurnal Farmamedika (Pharmamedica Journal), 2017
Tanaman Psidium guajava Linn. yang dikenal dengan nama daun jambu biji merupakan tanaman obat yang telah digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit, termasuk obat luka bakar. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ekstrak etanol daun jambu biji dapat menyembuhkan luka bakar. Untuk memudahkan penggunaannya,maka dibuat sediaan salep ekstrak etanol daun jambu biji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat formula salep ekstrak etanol daun jambu biji yang memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan pada luka bakar derajat II. Ekstraksi daun jambu biji dilakukan dengan proses maserasi, kemudian ekstrak cair dipekatkan menggunakan rotary evaporator sehingga diperoleh ekstrak pekat daun jambu biji. Formulasi salep ekstrak etanol daun jambu biji dibuat dengan konsentrasi masing masing 30%, 35% dan 40%. Uji aktivitas penyembuhan luka bakar derajat II ini menggunakan 5 kelompok, yaitu kontrol negatif (basis salep), kontrol positif , salep ekstrak etanol daun jambu biji konsentrasi 30%, 35%, dan 40%. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap tikus putih jantan dengan berat antara 200-400 gram. Pengamatan dilakukan sampai hari ke-21. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan Uji Tukey menunjukkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi ekstrak daun jambu biji memberikan efek penyembuhan yang tidak berbeda secara nyata terhadap penyembuhan luka bakar derajat II pada tikus putih jantan. Kata kunci : salep, Psidium guajava Linn., etanol, daun jambu biji, luka bakar ABSTRACT Psidium guajava Linn. known as guava leaves is a medicinal plant that has been used to treat diseases, including burns medicine. From the results of the study note that the extract of guava leaves ethanol can heal burns. To facilitate its use, then made ointment preparations of guava ethanol extracts. The purpose of this research is to make an ointment formula ethanol extract of guava leaves which has a healing effectiveness on a second degree burns. Extraction of guava leaf made by the process of maceration, then the liquid extract was concentrated by rotary evaporator to obtain a concentrated extract of guava leaf. An ointment formulations ethanol extract of guava leaf are made with concentrations respectively 30%, 35%, and 40. The effectiveness test of the healing of burns grade II using 5 groups: negative control (ointment base), positive control (Bioplacenton ®), ointments ethanol extract of guava leaves 30%, 35%, and 40%. The study was conducted. of male white rats with severe between 200-400 grams. Observations up to 21 st day. These result by using Tukey Test indicate that the concentration of guava leaf extract 35% , The results of this study indicate that the variation concentration of guava leaf extract gives a healing effect that does not differ significantly to healing second degree burns in male white rats.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian
Pengolahan kopi (Coffea sp.) melalui penggilingan akan menghasilkan limbah kulit kopi yang tidak termanfaatkan dan hanya ditumpuk di sekitar lokasi pengolahan. Kulit kopi (Coffea sp.) mengandung lignin dan selulosa yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pembuatan asap cair. Asap cair memiliki beberapa kegunaan diantaranya dapat diaplikasikan sebagai koagulan karet alam (lateks). Asap cair dihasilkan melalui proses pirolisis selama 6 jam dengan suhu ± 350◦C. Rendemen asap cair yang dihasilkan dari proses pirolisis kulit kopi sebesar 19,6% dengan karakteristik berbau asap, berwarna coklat kemerahan dengan berat jenis sebesar 1,007 ± 0,003 gr/mL, pH 3,62 ± 0,021, dan kadar asam total 9,75 ± 0,025%. Analisis menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR menunjukkan adanya vibrasi gugus –OH, C=O dan C-O yang diduga berasal dari gugus karboksilat. Asap cair diaplikasikan sebagai koagulan lateks dengan konsentrasi (dalam v/v) yaitu 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% serta lateks murni tanpa perlakuan sebagai kontro...
Jurnal Mahasiswa Pspd Fk Universitas Tanjungpura, 2014
Background. Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is a very dangerous virus disease because it can cause people die quickly (a few days). One of the efforts to overcome the disease is using larvacide. Cassava's leaves (Manihot utilissima Pohl) contain saponins and flavonoids that have larvacide activity. Objective. The purpose of this research is to know the activity of cassava's leaves ethanol extract as larvacide of Aedes aegypti, to know the compounds that contained in cassava's leaves, to determine concentration of cassava's leaves ethanol extract which has larvacide activity with LC 90, and to analyze larvacide activity comparison between cassava's leaves ethanol extract and temephos. Methodology. 1125 instar III/IV Aedes aegypti larvae were used for this experiment which divided into nine groups. The groups were one negative control group (aquades), one positif control group (temephos) and seven experimental groups with concentration of 0,
Coconut shell liquid smoke contains active substances such as 3,4 trimethydroxy-N-methyl, acetone, formic acid, acetic acid. Destilate liquid smoke coconut shell contains active substances such as Benzaldehyde, ethanol, acetone, methyl ester, acetic acid. The compounds contained in coconut shell liquid smoke have antibacterial activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of antibacterial activity in Coconut shell liquid smoke a leaves to Staphylococcus aureus. Liquid coconut shell smoke is extracted using distillation method. The extraction result was done by antibacterial activity with 100%, 50%, and 25% concentration, while the dilution method with concentration series 100%, 50%, 25%, 12,5%, 6,25%, 3,125%, 1,56%, 0.78%, 0.39% and 0.19% respectively. Positive controls used were 2.5% amoxicillin and 1% negative DMSO control. Anova analysis results prove that coconut shell liquid smoke and its distillate have different mean inhibitory power (F = 0,00> 0,05). A...
ABSTRACTAlgae or seaweed is the dominant part of marine plants. Morphological-ly, it is categorized as non-vascular plants (Thallophyta) because it has no specific structural configuration such as roots, stems and leaves. This marine algae is found abundantly in the waters of Pulau Nain. Algae from these waters was tested in the laboratory to obtain pharmaceutical preparations to be used as antibacterial active ingredients. This study was carried out to determine the antibacterial activity of the Caulerpa racemosa algae. Antibacterial activity test showed that the test solution of C. racemosa algae has antibacterial activity on all five test bacteria. The size of inhibition zones formed was relatively smaller, when compared to the size of inhibition zone formed by the comparative antibiotic compounds.Keywords: Caulerpa racemosa, seaweed, antibiotic.ABSTRAKAlga atau ganggang laut (seaweed) adalah bagian terbesar dari tumbuhan laut, dimana secara morfologi dapat dikelompokkan kedalam ...
The antibacterial activity of ethanol, chloroform and n-hexane crude extract of brown algae S. vulgare from Kapong beach Pamekasan has been conducted against S. aureus and E. coli. The purpose of this research was to know the crude solvent extract showing antibacterial activities against S. aureus and E. coli and to identifity active compound groups content. The extraction of brown algae was performed by maseration ethanol, chloroform and n-hexane solvent. The crude extract were assayed an actibacterial activity by disk diffusion methode. The extract showing the best antibacterial activities were tested phytochemicals assay and TLC to identifity active compound groups. This result showed that chloroform crude extract of brown algae inhibited S. aureus in concentration of 1 % and E. coli in concentration of 5%. Phytochemical assay showed that chloroform crude extract was containing flavonoids and steroid groups. For the separation using TLC chloroform-methanol (99:1) yielded 9 spots with Rf 0,017−0,46 while chloroform-methanol (9:1) was generated 7 spots with Rf 0,17−0,91. Keywords: Brown algae S. vulgare, antibacterial test, phytochemical test, TLC
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Asap rokok dapat mempengaruhi kerja makrofag alveolar sebagai sistem imun nonspesifik. Metode: Penelitian bersifat eksperimental dengan model post test only. Subjek penelitian studi in vitro adalah kelompok yang diinduksi asap rokok. Makrofag dari bilasan paru dikultur dan dilakukan uji bakterisidal terhadap bakteri Klebsiella pneumonia. Subjek penelitian studi in vivo adalah kelompok yang diinduksi asap rokok, diinjeksikan Escherichia coli di paru, hasil suspensi paru dikultur, dan dihitung koloni bakteri yang terbentuk. Hasil: Studi in vitro menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kemampuan bakterisidal makrofag yang bermakna (P=0,030), sedangkan melalui studi in vivo menunjukkan terjadi penurunan fungsi proteksi terhadap infeksi bakteri yang tidak bermakna (P=0,796).