Bouncing loop quantum cosmology fromF(T)gravity (original) (raw)
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Nonsingular bouncing universes in loop quantum cosmology
Physical Review D, 2006
Non-perturbative quantum geometric effects in Loop Quantum Cosmology predict a rho2\rho^2rho2 modification to the Friedmann equation at high energies. The quadratic term is negative definite and can lead to generic bounces when the matter energy density becomes equal to a critical value of the order of the Planck density. The non-singular bounce is achieved for arbitrary matter without violation of positive energy conditions. By performing a qualitative analysis we explore the nature of the bounce for inflationary and Cyclic model potentials. For the former we show that inflationary trajectories are attractors of the dynamics after the bounce implying that inflation can be harmoniously embedded in LQC. For the latter difficulties associated with singularities in cyclic models can be overcome. We show that non-singular cyclic models can be constructed with a small variation in the original Cyclic model potential by making it slightly positive in the regime where scalar field is negative.
Loop Quantum Cosmology: Effective theories and oscillating universes
Despite its great successes in accounting for the current observations, the so called `standard' model of cosmology faces a number of fundamental unresolved questions. Paramount among these are those relating to the nature of the origin of the universe and its early evolution. Regarding the question of origin, the main difficulty has been the fact that within the classical general relativistic framework, the `origin' is almost always a singular event at which the laws of physics break down, thus making it impossible for such an event, or epochs prior to it, to be studied. Recent studies have shown that Loop Quantum Cosmology may provide a non-singular framework where these questions can be addressed. The crucial role here is played by quantum effects, i.e.\ corrections to the classical equations of motion, which are incorporated in effective equations employed to develop cosmological scenarios. In this chapter we shall consider the three main types of quantum effects expected to be present within such a framework and discuss some of their consequences for the effective equations. In particular we discuss how such corrections can allow the construction of non-singular emergent scenarios for the origin of the universe, which are past-eternal, oscillating and naturally emerge into an inflationary phase. These scenarios provide a physically plausible picture for the origin and early phases of the universe, which is in principle testable. We pay special attention to the interplay between these different types of correction terms. Given the absence, so far, of a complete derivation of such corrections in general settings, it is important to bear in mind the questions of consistency and robustness of scenarios based on partial inclusion of such effects.
Loop quantum cosmology: a status report
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011
Loop quantum cosmology (LQC) is the result of applying principles of loop quantum gravity (LQG) to cosmological settings. The distinguishing feature of LQC is the prominent role played by the quantum geometry effects of LQG. In particular, quantum geometry creates a brand new repulsive force which is totally negligible at low space-time curvature but rises very rapidly in the Planck regime, overwhelming the classical gravitational attraction. In cosmological models, while Einstein's equations hold to an excellent degree of approximation at low curvature, they undergo major modifications in the Planck regime: For matter satisfying the usual energy conditions any time a curvature invariant grows to the Planck scale, quantum geometry effects dilute it, thereby resolving singularities of general relativity. Quantum geometry corrections become more sophisticated as the models become richer. In particular, in anisotropic models there are significant changes in the dynamics of shear potentials which tame their singular behavior in striking contrast to older results on anisotropies in bouncing models. Once singularities are resolved, the conceptual paradigm of cosmology changes and one has to revisit many of the standard issues-e.g., the 'horizon problem'-from a new perspective. Such conceptual issues as well as potential observational consequences of the new Planck scale physics are being explored, especially within the inflationary paradigm. These considerations have given rise to a burst of activity in LQC in recent years, with contributions from quantum gravity experts, mathematical physicists and cosmologists. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in LQC for three sets of audiences: young researchers interested in entering this area; the quantum gravity community in general; and, cosmologists who wish to apply LQC to probe modifications in the standard paradigm of the early universe. An effort has been made to streamline the material so that each of these communities can read only the sections they are most interested in, without a loss of continuity.
Universal features of quantum bounce in loop quantum cosmology
Loop quantum cosmology (LQC) provides an elegant resolution of the classical big bang singu-larity by a quantum bounce in the deep Planck era. The evolutions of the flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) background and its linear scalar and tensor perturbations are universal during the pre-inflationary phase. In this period the potentials of the perturbations can be well approximated by a Pöschl-Teller (PT) potential, from which we find analytically the mode functions and then calculate the Bogoliubov coefficients at the onset of the slow-roll inflation, valid for any inflationary models with a single scalar field. Matching them to those given in the slow-roll inflationary phase, we investigate the effects of the quantum bounce on the power spectra and find unique features that can be tested by current and forthcoming observations. In particular, fitting the power spectra to the Planck 2015 data, we find that the universe must have expanded at least 132 e-folds from the bounce until now.
Loop quantum cosmology: from pre-inflationary dynamics to observations
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015
The Planck collaboration has provided us rich information about the early universe, and a host of new observational missions will soon shed further light on the 'anomalies' that appear to exist on the largest angular scales. From a quantum gravity perspective, it is natural to inquire if one can trace back the origin of such puzzling features to Planck scale physics. Loop quantum cosmology provides a promising avenue to explore this issue because of its natural resolution of the big bang singularity. Thanks to advances over the last decade, the theory has matured sufficiently to allow concrete calculations of the phenomenological consequences of its pre-inflationary dynamics. In this article we summarize the current status of the ensuing two-way dialog between quantum gravity and observations.
Loop quantum cosmology and singularities
Scientific reports, 2017
Loop quantum gravity is believed to eliminate singularities such as the big bang and big crunch singularity. This belief is based on studies of so-called loop quantum cosmology which concerns symmetry-reduced models of quantum gravity. In this paper, the problem of singularities is analysed in the context of the Bohmian formulation of loop quantum cosmology. In this formulation there is an actual metric in addition to the wave function, which evolves stochastically (rather than deterministically as the case of the particle evolution in non-relativistic Bohmian mechanics). Thus a singularity occurs whenever this actual metric is singular. It is shown that in the loop quantum cosmology for a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker space-time with arbitrary constant spatial curvature and cosmological constant, coupled to a massless homogeneous scalar field, a big bang or big crunch singularity is never obtained. This should be contrasted with the fact that in the ...
Loop Quantum Cosmology corrections to inflationary models
In the recent years the quantization methods of Loop Quantum Gravity have been successfully applied to the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-times. The resulting theory, called Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), resolves the Big Bang singularity by replacing it with the Big Bounce. We argue that LQC generates also certain corrections to field theoretical inflationary scenarios. These corrections imply that in the LQC the effective sonic horizon becomes infinite at some point after the bounce and that the scale of the inflationary potential implied by the COBE normalisation increases. The evolution of scalar fields immediately after the Bounce becomes modified in an interesting way. We point out that one can use COBE normalisation to establish an upper bound on the quantum of length of LQG.
Generalized effective description of loop quantum cosmology
Physical Review D, 2015
The effective description of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) has proved to be a convenient platform to study phenomenological implications of the quantum bounce that resolves the classical big-bang singularity. Originally, this description was derived using Gaussian quantum states with small dispersions. In this paper we present a generalization to incorporate states with large dispersions. Specifically, we derive the generalized effective Friedmann and Raychaudhuri equations and propose a generalized effective Hamiltonian which are being used in an ongoing study of the phenomenological consequences of a broad class of quantum geometries. We also discuss an interesting interplay between the physics of states with larger dispersions in standard LQC, and of sharply peaked states in (hypothetical) LQC theories with larger area gap.