Aplikasi Penetapan Diskon Dalam Pelunasan Murabahah DI Perbankan Syariah (original) (raw)
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Dinamika Penerapan Murabahah Dalam Sistem Perbankan Syariah
Sistem operasional bank syariah pada awalnya lebih didasarkan pada instrumen Profit and loss sharing (PLS). Namun saat ini, model pendanaan yang paling populer dan banyak dimanfaatkan, baik oleh bank maupun nasabah, justru transaksi-transaksi berdasarkan mark-upyang memberikan tingkat kepastian pembayaran. Di sisi lain, sebagian masyarakat masih menganggap perbankan syariahdengan akad murabahah sebagai produk utamanya, tak ubahnya/tidak lebih baik dari perbankan konvensional yang menerapkan prinsip bunga. Berangkat dari alasan di atas, tulisan ini mencoba menguraikan/mengidentifikasi beberapa hal mengenai dinamika penerapan produk murabahah di perbankan syariah
Konsep Murabahah Dan Aplikasinya Dalam Perbankan Syariah
At Taajir : Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Keuangan Syariah
In practice more Islamic banks use murabahah contracts than other contracts. Endemic characteristics that are certain in the amount of installments and margins also give rise to the perception that the use of murabahah contracts can reduce the level of risk of financing. In fiqh there is indeed no portfolio arrangement in Islamic financial institutions. Then institutionally, the choice of murabahah contract compared to other contracts is the most attractive, profitable and least risky option so that the bank is basically allowed to prioritize murabahah in its product contract. Keyword: Murabahah, Islamic Bank, Financing.
Konsep dan Aplikasi Akad Murabahah pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia
Murabahah yang merupakan salah jenis jual beli yang bersifat amânat dalam hukum Islam merupakan skema akad yang paling dominan digunakan dalam praktik perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Namun dalam praktiknya, murabahah telah mengalami banyak modifikasi di bandingkan konsep dasarnya yang ada dalam fikih muamalat klasik. Modifikasi ini ada yang tidak menimbulkan persoalan dari sisi prinsip-prinsip dasar hukum Islam sehingga para ulama tidak merasa keberatan, tetapi tidak sedikit model modifikasi yang menimbulkan perdebatan karena dilakukan semata-mata untuk memenuhi ketentuan formal yuridis demi pertimbangan efektifitas dan efisiensi administrasi perbankan. Tulisan berikut akan mengulas berbagai model dan latar belakang serta motif perubahan skema murabahah dalam fikih klasik ketika dipraktikan di perbankan syariah, di samping menjelaskan penggunaan skema murabahah untuk berbagai model pembiayaan di perbankan syariah Kata Kunci: murabahah, murâbahah li al-âmir bi al-syirâ', dan PPN
Dominasi Akad Murabahah Pada Praktik Penyaluran Dana DI Bank Syariah
Dominated murabahah contract phenomena in bank of sharia is really easy to see. This thing becomes an evidence that in doing its function of distributing funds, bank of sharia just tend to product which is not sharing benefit base. Further searching related on motivation of sharia bank in distributing its funds to murabahah product shows that murabahah product for bank has level of risk that relatively low. But, for the customers on that product has no different with credit which is given by conventional bank that commanded in giving a fixed margin. That margin calculation in fact still refer to level of interest in BI. The phenomena shows that the orientation of sharia bank still limited in profit and obedience of islamic principle. While in social orientation, to increase the welfare of society is still not performing well.
Implementasi Jual Beli Murabahah Pada Pembiayaan Bank Syariah
The implementation of Murabahah concept on syaria bank financing has differences with the concept of murabahah in Fiqh. This happens to adapt or adapt to the functioning of the bank as the intermediary party rather than as the seller who already has the goods available. Therefore, Murabahah on syaria banking is called Murabahah KPP (Murabahah to purchase buyer) or bay'ul muraabahah lil amir bisy-Syiraa'. The name is more appropriate if in the context of the bank as the party selling by first buying goods from the supplier by the bank itself. For the purchase of goods represented by the customer, the financing is called Murabahah. This naming is not a standard thing, but to identify the transformation of the development of Murabahah concept on syaria bank financing.
Analisis Konsep Penerapan Akad Murabahah Pada Perbankan Syariah
Muhammad Said Ramadhan, 2022
Konsep Akad Murâbahah pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia. Murâbahah yang merupakan salah jenis jual beli yang bersifat amanah dalam hukum Islam merupakan skema akad yang paling dominan digunakan dalam praktik perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Namun dalam praktiknya, murabahah telah mengalami banyak modifikasi di bandingkan konsep dasarnya yang ada dalam fikih muamalat klasik. Modifikasi ini ada yang tidak menimbulkan persoalan dari sisi prinsip-prinsip dasar hukum Islam sehingga para ulama tidak merasa keberatan, tetapi tidak sedikit model modifikasi yang menimbulkan perdebatan karena dilakukan semata-mata untuk memenuhi ketentuan formal yuridis demi pertimbangan efektivitas dan efisiensi administrasi perbankan. Tulisan berikut akan mengulas berbagai model dan latar belakang serta motif perubahan skema murâbahah dalam fikih klasik ketika dipraktikan di perbankan syariah, di samping menjelaskan penggunaan skema murâbahah untuk pelbagai model pembiayaan di perbankansyariah
Penerapan Mudharabah DI Perbankan Syari’Ah
Berbagai fenomena tentang ekonomi syari’ah berseliweran dalam pikiran kita. Satu fenomena itu adalah Mudharabah, dimana suatu konsep bagi hasil atau profit sharing yang menjadi ciri dari mudharabah. Banyak perbankan yang mulai mempertimbangkan ditiadakannya konsep mudharabah ini, karena kurangnya peminat atau tidak profitablenya bagi perbankan itu sendiri. Sampai sejauhmana mudharabah ini menjanjikan keuntungan bagi para pelaku, mulai dari definisi, jenis sampai rukun dan syarat serta hal-hal yang membatalkan mudharabah. Inilah yang ingin penulis kaji dalam tulisan kali ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah library research, yaitu serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka. Hasil pembahasannya berupa bagaimana penerapan mudharabah ini di perbankan syari’ah.
Implementasi Akad Murabahah Dalam Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia
The term "Murabahah" refers to contracts in which a financial institution purchases goods upon the request of a client, who makes deferred payments that cover costs and agreed-upon profit margin for the financial institution. The financial institution handles payment to a supplier and the incidental expenses of delivery (against a deferred payment made by the buyer to cover delivery costs and agreed-upon share of the buyer's markup). Murabahah is the most widely used instrument of Islamic banking with seventy-five percent of total contract being murabahah based. It is widely used in consumer and corporate financing as well as in subordinated or term financing. The aim of this article is to review and analyze the murabahah contract, the most important investment mechanism in Islamic banking today both in its theoretical and practical aspects.
Abstrak : Bay’ al-murabahah includes selling and buying mandate, theoritically selling and buying mandate is done by seller and buger, based on the price of the goods, and price of seller; then add with profit. Application bay’ al-murabahah in bank syari’ah often get critics, because additional (profit) to the price of goods is no different with the system interest of conventional bank. This financing transaction artificially applied to the sale and purchase transaction of goods and additional (profit) to the price of good, the relation to the period known as the credit, by payment delays. It clearly that postpone of payment is not essential characteristics from bay’ al-murabahah , this characteristic is a credit provided by the bank to the customer. There, it needs to further discussion and evaluation of the application of purchase murabahah by the main problem is how the application bay’ al murabahah in bank muamalat branch Padang that. Keyword : bay c al-murabahah, margin . Abstr...
Analisis Determinan Yang Mempengaruhi Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Bank Umum Syariah DI Indonesia
Human Falah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2021
This study aims to analyze the determinants of murabahah financing as seen from microeconomic factors such as Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Return On Assets (ROA), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and BOPO as well as from macroeconomic factors such as BI rate and Inflation that are seen as having an effect in the short and long term. Analysis in this study uses secondary time series data taken from monthly data of OJK and BPS, namely from January 2015 to July 2020. Observation used as many as 67 observations and analysis methods used is Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) with Eviews 9 application. The results obtained from this study are in the short term variables that do not affect Murabahah Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks including CAR, ROA, NPF, BOPO, and Inflation. Meanwhile, Third Party Funds and FDR have a positive relationship and have a significant influence on Murabahah Financing. Then, the BI Rate affects Murabahah Financing but the relationship is negative. In the long term, the variable that has a positive and significant influence on Murabahah Financing is CAR. On the other hand, the NPF and BI Rate have a negative and significant effect on Murabahah Financing. While the rest, DPK, ROA, FDR, BOPO, and Inflation had no effect Murabahah Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks significantly in the long term.