The Satisfaction Index of Tourists Experience Quality: A Case Study in Bali Tourism Destination (original) (raw)

Perception of Tourism Satisfaction: A Study at Blimbingsari Tourism Village in Bali


Blimbingsari tourism village has decreased in the number of tourist visits, even though the potential of tourist attractions offered is increasingly diverse. This situation is a major concern for managers in an effort to increase visiting tourists. The purpose of this study was to analyze the service quality attributes considered important by tourists as well as the perceived performance they felt when visiting. The questionnaires collected amounted to 99 questionnaires and IPA analysis is used in order to identify service quality attributes. Result showed that there is a gap between the level of importance and performance of service quality attributes. Based on cartesian diagram, it is found that there is one attribute in concentrate here quadrant which is the main priority to be improved. These attribute is the experience of trekking, hiking, bird watching, and local activities. Based on the results obtained of customer satisfaction index, service qualities that have been given ar...

The Effects of Tourism Products, Service Quality and Destination Uniqueness to the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Tourist in South Sulawesi H i k m a h

This study aims to analyze the influence of tourism products, the service quality and the uniqueness of the destination toward tourist satisfaction and loyalty. This research was conducted in the five most visited areas of South Sulawesi; Makassar, Maros, Bantaeng, Bulukumba, and North Toraja and as many as 250 respondents have been set during the research. SEM analysis techniques with AMOS software were both applied. The results show that Tourism Products have a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of tourists as well as positive and significant relationship to the loyalty of tourists. On the contrary, Service Quality has a positive but not significant impact on the loyalty of tourists. The uniqueness of Destination however has positive and significant influences on the satisfaction of tourists and has a negative and insignificant influence on the loyalty of tourists. The satisfaction of tourists has a positive and significant influence on the loyalty of tourists.

Analysis of Service Quality and Tourism Destination Parts on Visitor Satisfaction at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

TRJ Tourism Research Journal

This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and part of tourist destinations on visitor satisfaction at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. The type of research is descriptive quantitative with multiple regression analysis methods. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires with a google form, a sampling technique using accidental sampling. The population in this study were tourists who had visited Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in the last five years, as many as 4,471,504 people. While the sample uses the Slovin formula, the results show a selection of 100 respondents. The results showed that the quality of service and the part of tourist destinations partially and simultaneously affect visitors' satisfaction with Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. The better the quality of service and the 4A tourism components provided by the manager of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah to visitors will increase visitor satisfaction. The manager of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is expected to provide tr...

Identifying Factors Affecting Domestic Tourist Satisfaction of Tourist Destinations in Indonesia

DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 2018

The objective of this study was to identify the factors affecting domestic tourist satisfaction of tourist destinations. The type of this study was a quantitative descriptive study using Cochran Q test and factor analysis of tourist satisfaction drivers factors. The result of this study showed that there were 38 attributes affecting domestic tourist satisfaction in Indonesia. The first rank was the beauty of natural attractions; the second rank was artificial tourism attractions; and, the third rank was the cost and cleanliness of facilities and environment of tourism destinations. Furthermore, all these attributes were clustered into several factors: attraction, amenities, accessibility, hospitality, and ancillary. The significance of this study is that the identified factors are beneficial for stakeholders as the indicators of customer satisfaction.Abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan wisatawa...

The Role of Customer Values in Increasing Tourist Satisfaction in Gianyar Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021

Customer value has long been believed to be a direct trigger for increased tourist satisfaction, but as a mediating variable, it still needs to be proven further. This paper aims to examine the causal relationship between research variables, as well as to examine the role of customer value as a mediating variable in the relationship between service quality, brand quality, tourism products, customer value, and tourist satisfaction with tourists’ objects. The population is tourists who visit tourist sites/destinations in the Gianyar Regency on the island of Bali, Indonesia, and the sample size is 270 respondents, selected through random sampling. Structural equation modeling (SEM), a multivariate statistical analysis technique, is used to analyze the causal relationships between variables. The results show that the model is accepted, and customer value is proven to be a positive mediating variable. The results also show that service quality, brand quality, and tourism products have an...

Customer satisfaction in tourist destination: The case of tourism offer in the city of Naples

This paper investigates the main elements that can influence customer satisfaction in tourist services, with specific reference to tourism industry. The importance of this topic resides in the fact that tourists’ positive experiences of service, products, and other resources provided by tourism destinations can produce customer retention as well as positive word-of-mouth. Indeed, satisfaction with travel experiences contributes to destination loyalty. The degree of tourists’ loyalty to a destination is reflected in their intentions to revisit the destination and in their recommendations to others. Thus, information about tourists’ loyalty is important to destination marketers and managers in order to sustain destination attractiveness. Although predominant literature has adopted a demand-side perspective, this paper analyses tourist satisfaction according to an overlapping perspective that contemplates both the demand and the offer side where this latter, in the wider meaning, also includes the systemic perspective. More precisely, this paper aims to identify the principle competitive strategies that the variety of stakeholders, cooperating together in a destination, has to implement in order to increase tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Indeed, the point of view of this paper is to understand how destination attributes and services affect the tourist satisfaction. In order to study the link between destination attributes and tourist satisfaction, the paper collects cross-sectional data via questionnaire, from May 2012 to May 2013. The adopted approach allows to individuate the factors that can influence tourist satisfaction, their (positive or negative) direction and their magnitude. This paper uses 14 tourist satisfaction indicators in order to measure the global satisfaction. Furthermore, this study allows to identify the current strengths and weaknesses of the tourist offer. In particular, the study paid attention to the phase of service delivery since it is the time when customer satisfaction is generated. From this study, it comes out that tourist satisfaction depends on a complex process where the role of each actor is fundamental and it must be in tune with all the other ones. Findings show that tourists visiting Naples are not completely satisfied, supporting that Naples has not a clear destination image.

The significance of tourists' satisfaction at the destinations


Contemporary forms of business in tourism impose new trends conditioned by an ever-increasing number of tourists travelling in the world today. It is an undeniable fact that tourists are increasingly demanding and that it is not a simple task to satisfy all their needs and expectations. Tourist satisfaction is an important strategic weapon on which success of a tourist destination is dependent. Customer satisfaction often results in prolonged stay in a tourist place, which is certainly dependent on a fair relationship between the service user and provider, but also on the way in which that service has been delivered. Meeting the expected level of satisfaction should be a common attitude, as the emotional reaction of the visitor is based on the difference between the expected and the delivered service. A basic indicator of customer satisfaction in tourism are revisits of a tourist destination. Guests visit many destinations several times during their lifetimes, which clearly indicate...

Customer Satisfaction in Tourism Service Quality

American Scientific Publishers, 2011

This study attempts to investigate customer satisfaction associated with Malaysia’s tourist service quality, overall satisfaction, and intention to revisit and recommend to others. Two research methods were used in this study. Firstly, review existing literature study on tourist satisfaction, tourist service quality, and customer loyalty. Second, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire, among a total number of 166 guests in which data was collected from tourists who visited Malaysia’s various tourist destinations. Regression analysis indicated that customer satisfaction, tourism service quality, customer loyalty, and overall satisfaction. This study uses 17 variables to measure customer satisfaction in tourism service quality. The findings of this study concluded that the most influential factors are food and beverage, accommodation, tourism facilities, hygiene, and security. Results of this study can be used as a guideline for government agencies, tourism industries, and service providers to review and improve their service quality.

Tourism Satisfaction Analysis of Tourism Packages as Tourism Products in Paksebali Village, Klungkung, Bali

Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism

The purpose of this study was to determine the level of satisfaction of tourists who visit and enjoy tour packages as a product of the tourism village of Paksebali, Klungkung, Bali. Data were collected by interviewing, observing, and distributing questionnaires to 100 tourists (incidental sampling). Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques through Index Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The result of the study is the tourists are satisfied. The indicators considered important by tourists are the friendliness of tour guides and the performance that exceeds their expectations. Indicator considered less important by tourists are the procedures for serving food and beverages, and the price suitability for tour packages. An indicator considered less important by tourists and felt too excessive is the cleanliness of the village environment. The tourists also hope that the tour time will be extended so they can be...

Factors That Influences Tourist’s Satisfaction and Its Consequences

European Journal of Business and Management, 2017

The concept of satisfaction is being practiced worldwide at very large scale and became a topic to be learned from academics and researchers, because plays an important role in company marketing strategies and it was recognized as driving force of loyalty. In the field of tourism industry, satisfaction will lead to the positive word of mouth and intention to return. This provides positive benefit for a tourism industry to gain competitive advantage in the future. Although the antecedent of satisfaction was widely learned, the antecedent of satisfaction is still debate by researchers. The aim of this article is to develop more integrative constructs of satisfaction and its consequences and how the correlations among constructs that form satisfaction. By understanding the factors that form satisfaction and its consequences, it is expected to be composed of a marketing strategy that can be implemented in an effort to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of tourist destinations. This a...