Analisis Performansi Mahasiswa Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fmeca DI Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Komputer Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Penelusuran kompetensi lulusan, khususnya pada program studi (prodi) Teknik Informatika, selama ini dapat ditelusuri melalui angket pada saat acara wisuda atau ketika alumni tersebut telah bekerja. Namun terkadang informasi tersebut dibutuhkan oleh calon wisudawan. Mereka membutuhkan informasi tersebut sebagai acuan posisi apa yang sebaiknya dipilih ketika melamar pekerjaan. Prodi Teknik Informatika Universitas Widyatama memiliki 5 (lima) konsentrasi, yaitu Database, Interfacing, Networking, Information Technology, Game Multimedia. Berdasarkan data nilai yang telah ditempuh, menggunakan data mining terutama metode association dengan algoritma FP-Growth, ditemukan informasi dengan minimum kepercayaan (min.confidence) dan minimum dukungan (min. support) tertentu hingga membentuk pola kompetensi mahasiswa. Dengan dikelompokkannya nilai akhir mahasiswa ke dalam 5 (lima) konsentrasi dan diambil nilai rata-rata maka akan dapat membentuk suatu pola kompetensi. Pencapaian kompetensi pada min. support 45% dan min. confidence 80% pada data adalah pada 4 konsentrasi: Database (DB), Interfacing (Inter), Networking (Net), dan Information Technology (IT). Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebanyak 70% lulusan program studi Teknik Informatika angkatan 2004 -2007 mempunyai kompetensi yang lebih pada database, networking, interfacing dan IT dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi lainnya. Sehingga pada penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ataupun algoritma lain sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang berbeda sebagai knowledge baru.
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AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 2019
The quality of a student can be demonstrated from academic success as reflected in the cumulative achievement index (GPA) achieved. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the academic success of students of the Mathematics Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah Metro University, examine the significance of the overall and individual model parameters, and form a binary logistic model of student success. The subjects of this study were students in Mathematics Education at Muhammadiyah University of Metro. While the sample used is students of the 2-6 semester Mathematics Education of Muhammadiyah Metro University 2017/2018 Academic Year as many as 108 students. Based on the results of the study and discussion, the conclusions are: 1) Based on the variables that have been included in this study, the factors that most influence the academic success of students as indicated by GPA acquisition with the "With Praise" category are the major factors taken students wh...
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Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Studi Mahasiswa di PTKIN Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, 2021
This study aims to determine the factors that influence academic achievement and student study period. The method used in this research is ex-post facto qualitative research, with a comparative model that compares several similar variables. The sample involved was 398 students from five State Islamic Universities in Central Java. Samples were selected using the random sampling method. Data collection techniques used are observation and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and multiple linear regression. The results showed that: (a) Only two of the six factors had a significant effect on student achievement, that was gender and the new student's admission way. (b) There were four of the seven factors that significantly affected the study period, that was gender, type of high school, GPA, and PMB wayway. (c) There was a significant difference in student achievement in terms of the new student's admission way. The highest academic achievement (GPA) was achieved by students who are accepted through the National Academic Achievement Selection Wayway of State Islamic Religious Colleges with an average of 3.61. d) There was a significant difference in the study period in terms of the wayway for new students. The fastest study period was reached by students who were accepted through the State Islamic Religious College Entrance Examination way with an average of 8.5 semesters. (e) There was a very significant negative correlation (sig. = 0,000) between the GPA and the study period, which means that the higher the student GPA, the faster the study period.
Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)
Selama mahasiswa berada di perguruan tinggi tentunya telah menghasilkan informasi yang sangat banyak berupa profil maupun data nilai mahasiswa. Informasi ini dapat dioptimalkan menggunakan algoritma dengan teknik data mining untuk dianalisis guna menemukan pola-pola yang berhubungan dengan kelulusan mahasiswa tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, data mining diterapkan pada model proses Cross Industry Standart Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) yang menyediakan proses standar penggunaan data mining pada berbagai bidang. Algoritma yang digunakan adalah Classification and Regression Trees (CART) untuk evaluasi kinerja akademik mahasiswa. Algoritma ini mengolah dataset profil beserta nilai mahasiswa yang berjumlah 158 data. Dataset telah memiliki label predikat kelulusan, yaitu tepat waktu dan terlambat. Adapun variabel yang digunakan yaitu jenis kelamin, umur mahasiswa saat mendaftar, asal daerah, status sekolah asal, jenis sekolah asal, serta indeks prestasi semester 1 hingga 4. Berdasarka...
Analisis Kinerja Dosen Jurusan Matematika Fmipa Unud Dengan Metode Chernoff Faces
E-Jurnal Matematika, 2012
This research aims at analyzing work performance of lectures in Math Department Faculty of Science UNUD by using Chernoff faces method. Chernoff faces method was initiated for the first time by Herman Chernoff in1973, that is visualization technique in the form of graphic method which presents data with many variables in cartoon face model. This method showsmultivariant data in the shape of human face with position of eyes, nose, ears and mouth which shows the value of variable in different shape, size, position and direction. Since it uses face as research object, in this research the writer combined Chernoff faces method with physiognomy method. Physiognomy method is science that studies about face characteristic which depicts someone's personal quality and character. Based on the combination of both methods, it is obtained the result of analysis taken from 80 questioners with 9 variables for students of Math Department Faculty of Science UNUD. It is concluded that work perfo...
President University, located in Cikarang, has 14 study programs. The institution concerns to do continuous improvement through the Self Evaluation. This research was done from September 2015 to January 2016 and the aim of this resesarch is to conduct the Industrial Engineering study program performance measurement using Malcolm Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBECfPE) 2013-2014. Based on the result, leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, knowledge measurement, analysis and management, worker focus, operasional focus, and result criteria get the percentage of 65.29%, 76.42%, 74.43%, 69.49%, 70.92%, 67.58%, and 67.28% respectively. The lowest result of sub criteria occurs on senior leadership with 59.93%. Meanwihle, strategy implementation sub criteria achieve the highest percentage of 77.15%. Total criteria measurement is 689.61 of 1000, which means the position of this study program in Industry Leader level
INOVTEK Polbeng - Seri Informatika
The Academic Information System (SIMAK) of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang is a service information system provided by PUSTIPD (Center for Information Technology and Databases) to help Students and Lecturers, one of which is to view personal data, value data, KRS data. In implementing this SIMAK, there can be risks due to errors in implementing its use, one of which is system connection errors, damaged hardware, failed network, failed data backup, power failure, misuse of access rights, cybercrime. To minimize the effects of these threats can apply risk management that aims to overcome risks by anticipating losses that occur and implementing procedures that are able to minimize the occurrence of losses. With the management risk management of this information system, the author uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method with a qualitative approach method. FMEA which is used to capture potential failures, risks and impacts is prioritized with a priority number called risk priority number (RPN). The results of this study show that there are 6 categories in the priority rpn value in SIMAK, namely, 1 very high category value, 3 high category values, 4 medium category values, 3 low category values, 6 very low category values and 1 category value with almost no failures.