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Profile and Nature of Pedagogy as a Scientific Discipline

International Journal of Education and Teaching, 2023

The purpose of this work is to describe and explain the characteristics of pedagogy as a science of education, as an object, concepts and research method. The methodology assumed was the review of the history of pedagogy, especially the classics of pedagogy, those who built it with their experiences in laboratory schools. Here are listed the main concepts of pedagogy, its laws and principles; she establishes the opposition that exists between teaching-learning and education as formation of the personality; she also delimits the fields of the pedagogical method, of didactics or teaching-learning, and the methodology of educational labor that organizes the process and the educational context, the regime and the lifestyle, such as those experienced in the "colonies" or "communes" of children and adolescents, organized and directed by Neill and Makarenko. Since the present article does not derive from a primary source or from field work, as an empirical or experimental research, the results constitute the content of the article, as conclusions.

Studies in Pedagogy – Traces of the Past and Future Prospects


1986 is the year when the Academy of Pedagogy at the University of Maribor became the Faculty of Education. Parallelly, an ambition to establish an independent study programme of Pedagogy in Maribor began to grow. This ambition was achieved in 1997, when the first students of the double-subject programme of Pedagogy enrolled at the then Faculty of Education. When the former Faculty of Education split into three independent institutions in 2006, the Department of Pedagogy became part of the newly founded Faculty of Arts at the University of Maribor, and now, in 2017, the studies in Pedagogy in Maribor celebrate their 20th anniversary. At this occasion the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Arts in Maribor organized on 26th and 27th October 2017 a symposium titled Studies in Pedagogy – Traces of the Past and Future Prospects. The former and current PhD students as well as members of the Department and colleagues from the ex-Yugoslav countries were invited to participate. Their p...

Autorska Interdyscyplinarna Metoda Edukacji przez Sztukę jako odpowiedź na nowe trendy w pedagogice europejskiej i problemy na polu polskiej edukacji kulturalnej

Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk, 2018

Teza W nowoczesnej edukacji nauczanie przez sztukę i doświadczenie wypiera naukę przez zapamiętywanie. Autorska Interdyscyplinarna Metoda Edukacji przez Sztukę jest tego przykładem. Omówione koncepcje O istotnej roli sztuki w dzisiejszej edukacji, mówią naukowcy i opisują ją angielskim akronimem STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics), w ślad za tym pojawiła się nowa idea - konektywizm. Wyniki i wnioski Skoro kluczem do sukcesu, zamiast posiadania i produkowania, jest tworzenie idei i pomysłów, należy przebudować metody nauczania i przywrócić poczesne miejsce edukacji kulturalnej i przedmiotom emocjonalnym, które pielęgnują kreatywność i wrodzone postawy twórcze. Zalecenia Komisji Europejskiej ds. Edukacji, które mają wcielać te idee, nie znajdują miejsca w kolejnych reformach systemu polskiej edukacji, ewentualnie istnieją jako martwe zapisy. Na szczęście, takie zwiastuny edukacji przez sztukę zauważamy w oddolnych działaniach ludzi kultury i edukacji. Oryginalno...

Research Environment of the Institute of Pedagogy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


The aim of the paper is to describe the main stages of development of the Institute of Pedagogy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and to describe the key scientific achievements of the Institute's academic staff. The content is presented from both historical and theoretical perspective. The author indicated the main stages of development of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Catholic University of Lublin in the context of the development of pedagogy in Poland. The significance of the achievements of the staff of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Catholic University of Lublin was shown in relation to the specificity of personalistic upbringing, especially in the context of the Marxist model of pedagogy dominant in Poland after World War II.

Development of History of Education in the Context of Teacher Training in Universities: The Case of Latvia and Belgium

Tiltai, 2014

The aim of this study is to seek answers to the following questions: 1) How has the formation and development of the history of education interacted with teacher training in universities? 2) How did the Iron Curtain influence the development of the history of education in Latvia and how can the consequences of Soviet era in the history of education be overcome? 3) What kind of history of education is suitable for teacher training programmes today? These questions are researched based on the analysis of the history of pedagogy as a course in Latvian and Belgian universities. KEY WORDS: history of pedagogy, revisionism in the history of pedagogy, "new" history of education, teacher training, study process in universities, comparative approach, Iron Curtain. Anotacija Moksliniu tyrimu siekiama atsakyti į klausimus, kaip švietimo istorijos formavimasis ir raida sąveikavo su mokytojų rengimu universitetuose; kaip geležinė uždanga paveikė švietimo istorijos raidą Latvijoje ir kaip galima įveikti sovietinės eros pasekmes švietimo istorijoje. Švietimo istorija neturėtų tarnauti tik kai kurių pedagoginių teorijų ir sistemų įteisinimui. Esame įsitikinę, kad modernus, problema paremtas švietimo istorijos mokslinis tyrimas praturtina mokytojų rengimo mokymo programą pamąstymais ir pasvarstymais apie reikšmingus klausimus ir reiškinius visose švietimo bei visuomenės gyvenimo srityse. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: pedagogikos istorija, revizionizmas pedagogikos istorijoje, "nauja" švietimo istorija, mokytojų rengimas, studijų procesas universitetuose, lyginamasis požiūris, geležinė uždanga.

Innovative and Modern Foundations of Pedagogy


the publisher. The content and reliability of the articles are the responsibility of the authors. When using and borrowing materials reference to the publication is required. Collection of scientific articles published is the scientific and practical publication, which contains scientific articles of students, graduate students, Candidates and Doctors of Sciences, research workers and practitioners from Europe and Ukraine. The articles contain the study, reflecting the processes and changes in the structure of modern science.

Pedagogy as part of university education in Slovakia – historical and contemporary perspective

Historia Scholastica, 2017

This paper presents and analyses the process of constitution of Pedagogy as an independent academic discipline in Slovakia after formation of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. The first part of the paper deals with origination of the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava (1919); the second part pays attention to the origination of the Seminar of Education and beginnings of teaching of pedagogy at the given faculty, based on archival research findings; and the third part of the paper outlines a strife for the character of pedagogy after the sociopolitical changes in 1989. In the period of socialism, which lasted in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989, pedagogy lost its international character and was influenced exclusively by the Russian pedagogy based on the principles of Marxism-Leninism. A more complex reflection of pedagogy of this period has been missing so far, which represents a challenge for us, historians of education.


The paper looks at the education levels targeted by reform. These are dealt with as distinct constitutive education areas. Then an inferred level, which has not been explicitly described in the programmatic documents is discussed, the one managed exclusively by the course developer. The paper suggests several specific actional orientations for this area, and a few more specific ones for subject didactics.

Science of Pedagogy: Theory of Educational Discipline and Practice

Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability

The article addresses and provides an introduction to pedagogy in its capacity of science and a university discipline in the field of education sciences. Nowadays not only teacher education programmes are embedded in theories and follow transitions of pedagogy. These have become even more complex, therefore, challenge new discussions in the evolving importance of human relations and transition towards learning-centred science of pedagogy to underpin practice of competence-oriented education. Based on the main historical processes in Latvia and along with informative insight into the practices of European universities and research, the article traces the traditional background of pedagogy, the challenging role of philosophy to foster understanding of pedagogy as a unique, well-structured science with its object of investigation, which is not being explored by any other science. Alongside the discrete field of education and constantly evolving research, pedagogy develops its theories,...