Automated detection and characterization of Antarctic basal units using radar sounding data: demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica (original) (raw)

2020, Annals of Glaciology

Basal units – visibly distinct englacial structures near the ice-bed interface – warrant investigation for a number of reasons. Many are of unknown composition and origin, characteristics that could provide substantial insight into subglacial processes and ice-sheet history. Their significance, moreover, is not limited to near-bed depths; these units appear to dramatically influence the flow of surrounding ice. In order to enable improved characterization of these features, we develop and apply an algorithm that allows for the automatic detection of basal units. We use a tunable layer-optimized SAR processor to distinguish these structures from the bed, isochronous englacial layers and the ice-sheet surface, presenting a conceptual framework for the use of radio-echo character in the identification of ice-sheet features. We also outline a method by which our processor could be used to place observational constraints on basal units’ configuration, composition and provenance.

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Deep Ice Stratigraphy and Basal Conditions in Central West Antarctica Revealed by Coherent Radar Cover Page

Multidecadal observations of the Antarctic ice sheet from restored analog radar records

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019

Airborne radar sounding can measure conditions within and beneath polar ice sheets. In Antarctica, most digital radar-sounding data have been collected in the last 2 decades, limiting our ability to understand processes that govern longer-term ice-sheet behavior. Here, we demonstrate how analog radar data collected over 40 y ago in Antarctica can be combined with modern records to quantify multidecadal changes. Specifically, we digitize over 400,000 line kilometers of exploratory Antarctic radar data originally recorded on 35-mm optical film between 1971 and 1979. We leverage the increased geometric and radiometric resolution of our digitization process to show how these data can be used to identify and investigate hydrologic, geologic, and topographic features beneath and within the ice sheet. To highlight their scientific potential, we compare the digitized data with contemporary radar measurements to reveal that the remnant eastern ice shelf of Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica...

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Multidecadal observations of the Antarctic ice sheet from restored analog radar records Cover Page

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Radio���echo layering in West Antarctica: a spreadsheet dataset Cover Page

Radar signatures beneath a surface topographic lineation near the outlet of Kamb Ice Stream and Engelhardt Ice Ridge, West Antarctica

Annals of Glaciology, 2009

Visible and infrared satellite images reveal numerous lineations on the Siple Coast region of West Antarctica. We used 5 MHz ice-penetrating radar to probe the interior and the bed of the ice sheet beneath a lineation at the boundary between Engelhardt Ice Ridge and flat-ice terrain to the south of the Kamb Ice Stream (KIS) outlet. Results show curved reflectors that emerge from the bed beneath 600 m thick ice. The tops of the reflectors extend about 100m into the ice above the bed, where they become almost horizontal. Apparent reflectivity of the horizontal section is about 20 dB less than that of the bed. We conclude that the likely cause of such strong reflection is sea water that was accreted into basal crevasses when the flat-ice terrain was floating. Internal layers are warped downward just downslope from the basal reflectors. It is thought that the downwarping was caused by localized basal melting in the past. The spatial pattern of downwarping suggests that localized basal m...

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Radar signatures beneath a surface topographic lineation near the outlet of Kamb Ice Stream and Engelhardt Ice Ridge, West Antarctica Cover Page

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Using radar-sounding data to identify the distribution and sources of subglacial water: application to Dome C, East Antarctica Cover Page

High-resolution radar mapping of internal layers of a subpolar ice cap, King George Island, Antarctica


A GPR survey was carried out to investigate the structure and hydrology of King George Island subpolar ice cap, Antarctica. This study was part of a larger investigation on the mass balance of Lange Glacier (62 ◦ 07’S, 58 ◦ 36’W), an outlet ice mass that is receding. The strongest signal in all reflection profiles is due to the presence of free water. Sections show strong near-surface reflectors sitting on weaker ones above the water table. Below the water table, reflectors become strong again, displaying many discrete events that reach the end of the sections. Varying antenna configuration causes an important distinction in radar response for the same subsurface. A nearby snow and ice core was used to calibrate the top section of the GPR images.

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High-resolution radar mapping of internal layers of a subpolar ice cap, King George Island, Antarctica Cover Page

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Ice‐flow reorganization in West Antarctica 2.5 kyr ago dated using radar‐derived englacial flow velocities Cover Page

Bed properties of Siple Dome and adjacent ice streams, West Antarctica, inferred from radio-echo sounding measurements

Journal of Glaciology, 2000

We have used ground-based radio-echo sounding (RES) profiles to reveal the spatial distribution of basal and internal ice properties across Siple Dome, West Antarctica, and under the dormant ice streams on its flanks. The RES-detected bed-reflection power, corrected for the effects of instrumentation and ice-thickness variation, is nearly constant across Siple Dome at a value suggesting spatially homogeneous basal properties of ice frozen to bedrock. Till, if present under the dome, must be thin (<0.1 m). The high basal reflectivity measured under now dormant “Siple Ice Stream” (SIS) and Ice Stream C suggests that they are underlain by either a thin (<0.05 m) water layer or a thick (>1 m) thawed or frozen till layer. The evidence that the dormant SIS is not frozen directly to underlying bedrock (but is separated by a water or till layer) is a further indication that it was once an active ice stream, and suggests that streaming motion may have ceased before the basal layer w...

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Bed properties of Siple Dome and adjacent ice streams, West Antarctica, inferred from radio-echo sounding measurements Cover Page

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High-resolution subglacial topography around Dome Fuji, Antarctica, based on ground-based radar surveys conducted over 30 years Cover Page

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Radar-based subglacial lake classification in Antarctica Cover Page


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