The Effect of Digital Technology on the Development of Halal Tourism in Southeast Asia (original) (raw)
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ICMIESS 2023 Conference Proceedings, 2023
The halal business is thought to be worth $2.1 trillion annually, making it one of the fastest expanding in recent years. When it comes to outbound and foreign travel in 2015, Muslim clients are among the top spenders, according to a MasterCard-Crescent rating survey. Similarly, Arab nations (such as Saudi Arabia) were cited by Olya and Gavilyan (2017) as being among the top source markets for high international tourism expenditure. Global interest in expanding the halal sector has recently increased. Through the efforts of several academics and business decisionmakers, the knowledge and relevance of this market have grown in recent years. This research aims to explore the role of social media, halal food, halal friendly tourism destination in halal tourism development. This study will be conducted Thailand. Mixed research approach will be adopted in this study, first qualitative data will be collected, and data will be analyzed with the help of NVivo software, in second stage the quantitative research technique will be used. A triangulation approach will be used to compare the findings of both methods to originate precise results.
Halal Tourism Promotion in Indonesia: An Analysis on Official Destination Websites
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies
Nowadays, Halal tourism has become a popular form of tourism which attracting many countries to capitalize on the Muslim market. However, because of the Islamic law, targeting this market segment may not be the same as targeting the mundane tourism segment. Hence, a cohort of studies suggests that the internet could be a solution to reach this specific tourism market. Furthermore, some studies also suggest that to influence Muslim tourism destination choice, tourism destination organizations should use Islamic Attributes of Destination in their promotion campaigns. This is also the case of Indonesia as the world's biggest Muslim country, which is trying to attract Muslim tourists visit. Nevertheless, the existing studies on halal tourism promotion in Indonesia are still scarce. Adopting the qualitative form of content analysis, this research tries to add to the scant studies on halal tourism destination promotion in Indonesia by examining the content in official websites of DMOs according to the Indonesia's national plan on Halal tourism.
Individual characteristics such as age, gender, education and worldview have specific impacts on consumption. In addition to these individual characteristics, religion and belief have an impact on consumption and consumption habits too. Human’s, at the same time as a consumer, religion and the belief guide them about how to live, how to consume, what to do or what not to do. For instance, in the context of Islam the notion of “halal” shows its reflections on the field of marketing. Covering many sectors such as food, textile, transport, finance and tourism “halal industry” has growed quickly. Muslims constitute 23% of the global population. Muslim consumers’ expectations of “halal food, halal finance, halal transportation and halal holiday” are one of the most important factors that lead to the growth of the halal market. Therefore, from corporate identity to corporate culture, spatial design to marketing policies, marketing tools and media the companies in the halal market segment give particular importance to religious indicators and sensitivity. Because of expectations such as Islamic lifestyle, hygiene, security and the services just for women the concept of “halal tourism” has become more demanded in the world and in Turkey. The main purpose of this study is to examine and define the concept of “halal tourism” with its elements such as “halal hotels, halal transportation (halal airlines), halal food, halal tour packages and halal finance.” In this study, various examples of hotels’, which offer services in the “halal tourism” sector, web sites and their differentiating aspects in the tourism marketing were visually and textually analysed.
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population, with a number reaching 87.18% of the population of 232.4 million in 2018. In 2015, Indonesia occupied the first warning about interactions with halal lifestyle, this has a good potential to increase the development of halal tourism in Indonesia. The digital age has become an important part in the development of halal tourism because it has now entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. In 2018, internet users in Indonesia are around 64.8% and the main reason for using the internet is to communicate. Social Media as the most chosen platform for communication. This study aims to determine the effect of social media marketing on Muslim tourist interest in halal tourist destinations. This research uses a quantitative approach with SEM analysis which is processed through Lisrel. The survey was conducted on 304 respondents. The exogenous variables used are Social Media Marketing, Sharia Compliance in Social Media Marketing, and Sharia Compliance in Destination, while the endogenous variables used are attitude towards destination and intention to visit. The results obtained, social media marketing and sharia compliance in the destination have a positive relationship on attitude, and attitude has a significant effect on intention, while sharia compliance in social media marketing has no significant effect on attitude.
Halal Tourism Promotion Using E-Commerce Social Media on Tourist Visit: “Study in Bengkulu Province”
JELAJAH: Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 2020
The concept of tourism today is divided into two, namely conventional tourism and halal tourism. Halal Tourism is a form of cultural-based tourism that promotes the values and norms of Islamic Sharia as its basic foundation. In this digital age millennials access all information through cyberspace. So as to be able to spread information and capture market share in tourism we can utilize electronic marketing or e-marketing. E-marketing or electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques through electronic media and more specifically the internet. E-commerce is a sales system that developed after the discovery of the Internet. This marketing system can be felt to reach the entire world simultaneously without the need for representative branches in all countries. Besides marketing like this can be done 24 hours without stopping in marketing the products. Bengkulu Province Tourism Office data recorded the number of domestic and foreign tourist arri...
JEBIS: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2023
This study aims to identify the factors influencing consumer behavioral intentions in using digital applications to visit halal tourist attractions using the UTAUT2 model approach. PLS-SEM was employed as the quantitative research method's evaluation model. 300 respondents, ranging in age from 17 to 65, were utilized as the sample. Using a Likert scale from 1 to 5, a scale generated from earlier research is used to measure each variable. The study's findings revealed that five UTAUT2 indicators-performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, pricing value, and habit-positively influenced consumers' inclinations to use digital applications to visit halal tourism locations. Based on the IPMA test, the performance expectancy variable is the variable that has the highest level of importance. The results of this study can be used by halal tourism business actors and the government as a digital application strategy development to support the growth of halal tourism in East Java.
Society, 2020
The disruption era creates great opportunities for halal tourism development by using technology to market halal tourism products. As a pilot project for the halal tourism development, Penyengat Island in Riau Island Province faces the challenges in building its image as a leading halal tourism destination. This study aims to analyze the halal tourism marketing, in this case, digital marketing, on Penyengat Island in the disruption era. This research used descriptive qualitative methods through a literature study with data sources derived from related journal articles and other literature. The efforts of halal tourism marketing for Penyengat Island are not implemented digitally. To market tourism of Penyengat Island, the local government and stakeholders use mass media advertising, billboards, annual festivals, and digital channels such as social media, online booking sites, and e-book guides at Yet, the media does not inform tourism events or indicate Penyengat Islan...
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology
This study aims to discuss the effect of travel intention in Indonesia halal tourism destination. The object research is halal tourism destination in Indonesia. The independent variables obtained from the preliminary survey results are destination image, electronic word of mouth, and muslim-friendly amenities. This study uses SEM data analysis techniques and data processing using SmartPLS. Data has collected from regional residents live in DKI Jakarta with a sample 162 respondents via survey questionnaire developed from related literature. Research has found that destination image, electronic word of mouth, and muslim-friendly amenities have positive significant impact on travel intention to halal tourism destination in Indonesia.
A Qualitative Review on Halal Tourism
Halal Tourism and Pilgrimage
According to the Global Muslim Travel Index report, the market share of Muslim travelers is increasing. It is expected to increase to USD 220 billion by 2020 and is expected to increase by USD 80 billion to USD 300 billion by 2026. The Muslim consumer market has been recognized as another important segment for cross-sectoral businesses. With this increasing interest, researchers are starting to focus on halal tourism. This study aims to identify and map research related to the development of halal tourism in the world of research for the last 14 years, from 2009 to 2022. The method used is a qualitative analysis of secondary data in the form of metadata from 287 Scopus-indexed publications, then processed using NVivo software. 12 Plus. The results of the study show that the number of publications on the development of halal tourism continues to increase. From the results of the exploration and visualization review of the halal tourism pattern, it was found that there are 4 research ...
Halal Tourism Development Strategy in Indonesia
Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi dan Perubahan Sosial, 2022
The tourism industry has several goals, including to meet the physical, spiritual and intellectual needs of every tourist with recreation and travel and can improve the community's economy in order to realize the welfare of the community. Development StrategyHalal tourism is an alternative for the tourism industry in Indonesia along with the development of halal tourism which is part of the global Islamic economy industry. The rapid development of tourism has given rise to a new trend of developing halal tourism. However, its development still faces several obstacles and becomes a challenge in various parts of Indonesia. This study aims to describe the obstacles and challenges in the development of halal tourism in Indonesia and propose strategies that can be used to overcome these obstacles and challenges. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach for data collection and uses content analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the obstacles to the development of halal tourism are the unprepared human resources and the lack of in-depth understanding of stakeholders and the community regarding the concept of developing halal tourism, community participation, which lacks innovation in promotional programs and inadequate facilities. Meanwhile, the challenges are the absence of regulations regarding the development of halal tourism in Indonesia and the lack of halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council.