Morphological evaluation of rentgenendovaskular interventions for cervical cancer (original) (raw)
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Three-Dimensional Planning of Brachytherapy for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer by CT/Mri Images
Problems in oncology, 2018
We present our results of 3D CT/MRI brachytherapy (BT) planning in 115 patients with locally advanced cervical cancer T2b-3bN0-1M0. The aim of this study was to assess the differences in the visualization of tumor target volumes and risk organs during the 3D CT/MRI BT. The results of the study revealed that the use of MRI imaging for dosimetric planning of dose distribution for a given volume of a cervical tumor target was the best method of visualization of the soft tissue component of the tumor process in comparison with CT images, it allowed to differentially visualize the cervix and uterine body, directly the tumor volume. Mean D90 HR-CTV for MRI was 32.9 cm3 versus 45.9 cm3 for CT at the time of first BT, p = 0.0002, which is important for local control of the tumor process. The contouring of the organs of risk (bladder and rectum) through MRI images allows for more clearly visualizing the contours, which statistically significantly reduces the dose load for individual dosimetr...
Modern ultrasound diagnostics for locally advanced cervical cancer
Modern Oncology, 2019
Р ак шейки матки (РШМ) является одним из частых заболеваний, с которым приходится сталкиваться практикующему онкогинекологу [1]. Диагноз заболевания устанавливается с использованием комплекса клинических и морфологических методов исследования-осмотра, кольпоскопии, цитологического исследования мазков с шейки матки, гистологического исследования биоптата шейки матки и соскоба цервикального канала. Основным фактором, определяющим тактику лечения пациенток, является стадия заболевания. Злокачественные новообразования шейки матки являются единственными в онкологии, при которых стадирование Оригинальная статья Современная ультразвуковая диагностика при местно-распространенном раке шейки матки
Epidemiological characteristics of cervical cancer
Zdravstvena zastita, 2013
Сажетак Рак грлића материце (карцином грлића материце, цервикални карцином) је трећи по учесталости малигни тумор у свету и са више од пола милиона нових случајева сваке године. Већина случајева рака грлића материце (око 80%) открива се у мање развијеним регионима света, где је просечна станда рди зована стопа инциденције 17,7 на 100.000 жена, што је скоро двоструко више него у развијенијим регионима, где она износи 9,1 на 100.000 жена. Слично оболевању, највећи број смртних случајева од рака грлића материце дешава се у мање развијеним регионима, у којима су узрасно стандардизоване стопе морталитета 2,8 пута више (9,7 на 100.000) него у развијеним деловима света (2,7 на 100.000). Широм Европе, око 60.000 жена добије рак грлића материце, 30.000 умре сваке године, а број жена који живи са овим обољењем (лечено или не) у било ком тренутку већи је од 225.000. У Србији је рак грлића материце, после карцинома дојке, на другом месту. Старосна дистрибуција рака грлића материце раније је показивала типичан пораст после 30 година, са врхом учесталости у жена старосних група од 45 до 49 и 70 до 74 године. Последњих година врх у оболевању од рака грлића материце помера се према млађим старосним групама.
Problems in oncology, 2019
Purpose: to estimate the efficiency of the concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and radiotherapy (RT) alone for patients with the locally advanced cervical cancer (CC) taking into account prognostic factors. Material and methods: The research included 335 patients with morphologically verified CC of the П-Ш stage on FIGO: 150 patients underwent RT (group 1): 185 patients - CRT with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (group 2). Patients in the group 1 were significantly older than patients of the group 2. The disease of the Stage III, parametric variant of the spread of the tumor, as well as metastatic lesions of the pelvic lymph nodes occurred more frequently in the group 2. Results: In the group 1 complete response to treatment occurred in 98 cases (52.9%), while in the group 2 demonstrated - 64 (42.7%) patients (p < 0.01). Radioepithelitis of Grade 1 and 2 occurred more frequently in patients underwent CRT in this group haematologic and gastrointestinal toxicity was moderate and severe...
Kazan medical journal, 2018
Aim. The study of the results of chemoradiotherapy for cervical cancer with the use of two-fraction brachytherapy. Methods. The article presents analysis of the examination and treatment results of 17 patients with IIB-IIIB stage cervical cancer. The average age was 51±4.6 years (44 to 62 years). External beam radiotherapy was performed with single boost dose of 1.8 Gy to total dose of 45 Gy. Also the patients received 40 mg/m2 of weekly cisplatin. Intracavitary/interstitial high dose-rate brachytherapy with insertion of parametrial needles consisted of two weekly fractions of 10.0 Gy. Results. Due to the use of interstitial needles the average dose was 82.2 Gy when recalculated to classical 2 Gy fractions. The median follow up was 16±3,2 months. The used radiotherapy modality for cervical cancer allowed achieving complete tumor involution in 16 (94.1%) patients and partial involution only in 1 (5.9%) case. All females had favorable tolerance and received the entire regimen of plann...
[Remodeling of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in cervical cancer development]
Biomeditsinskaia khimiia, 2015
Ability to stimulate angiogenesis/lymphangiogenesis is recognized as an inherent feature of cancer cells providing necessary conditions for their growth and dissemination. "Angiogenic switch" is one of the earliest consequences of malignant transformation that encompasses a great number of genes and triggers a complex set of signaling cascades in endothelial cells. The processes of tumor microvasculature development are closely connected to the steps of carcinogenesis (from benign lesions to invasive forms) and occur through multiple deviations from the norm. Analysis of expression of proangiogenic factors at successive steps of cervical cancer development (intraepithelial neoplasia, cancer in situ, microinvasive, and invasive cancer) enables to reconstruct the regulatory mechanisms of (lymph-)angiogenesis and to discriminate the most important components. This review presents detailed analysis of literature data on expression of the key regulators of angiogenesis in cervi...
Comparison of digital and visual methods for Ki-67 assessment in invasive breast carcinomas
Arkhiv patologii, 2018
Для оценки пролиферативной активности опухоли в клинической практике наиболее изученным считается митотический индекс, оцениваемый по гистологическому препарату, и индекс Ki-67-по иммуногистохимически окрашенному препарату. Эти методы имеют определенные ограничения и если оценка митотического индекса Кушнарев Владимир Андреевич-врач патолого-анатомического отд-ния;
The role of HPV DNA testing in the prevention of cervical cancer
Glasnik javnog zdravlja
The well-established etiological association between cervical cancer development and the infection with high risk genotypes of Human papilloma viruses (hr-HPV) signify the role of HPV testing in both primary and secondary cervical cancer prevention. HPV testing methods are grouped into diagnostic and prognostic tests with the use of various techniques of molecular biology. Diagnostic tests enable detection the presence of HPV DNA (screening) and identification of HPV genotypes (genotyping). Prognostic or triage tests are used for the determination of HPV infected women who are at high risk for the development and/or progression to cervical cancer. hr-HPV testing in cervical cancer screening protocols can be implemented as primary testing or co-testing with cytology and as testing in a triage of women with high risk. The inclusion of hr-HPV testing as primary testing or co-testing is based on higher sensitivity and negative predictive value for the detection of CIN3 lesions compared ...