Effects of overshoots on electron distributions upstream and downstream of quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks (original) (raw)

Profile image of Zdenka KuncicZdenka KuncicProfile image of Iver CairnsIver Cairns

2007, Journal of Geophysical Research

Demagnetization of transmitted electrons through a quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock

P. Savoini

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003

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Electron dynamics in the front of the quasi-perpendicular shocks

Michael Gedalin

Advances in Space Research, 1995

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Simulations of Electron Acceleration at Collisionless Shocks: The Effects of Surface Fluctuations

David Burgess

The Astrophysical Journal, 2006

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Formation of reflected electron bursts by the nonstationarity and nonuniformity of a collisionless shock front

P. Savoini

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002

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Electron heating and the potential jump across fast mode shocks

steven schwartz

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Masahiro Hoshino

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Non adiabatic electron behavior through a supercritical perpendicular collisionless shock: Impact of the shock front turbulence

P. Savoini

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Electron dynamics and whistler waves at quasi-perpendicular shocks

David Burgess

Geophysical Research Letters, 1995

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Simulation of Energetic Electron Bursts Upstream of Re‐Forming Shocks

Iver Cairns

The Astrophysical Journal, 2007

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On the injection of electrons in oblique shocks

Amir Levinson

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1996

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Waves generated by reflected and accelerated electrons at a nearly perpendicular shock

M. Karlický

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2006

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Electromagnetic Structure and Electron Acceleration in Shock–Shock Interaction

Tohru Hada

The Astrophysical Journal, 2017

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Electron Injection at High Mach Number Quasi‐perpendicular Shocks: Surfing and Drift Acceleration

Masahiro Hoshino

The Astrophysical Journal, 2007

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Electron Injection into Fermi Acceleration in Quasiparallel Collisionless Shocks: Combining Hybrid Simulations with Test Particle Acceleration

Mikhail Malkov

Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2019), 2019

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The mechanism of efficient electron acceleration at parallel non-relativistic shocks

Mohamad Shalaby


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Particle-in-cell simulation of a fast nonrelativistic oblique shock: Extreme electron acceleration and magnetic field amplification

Gareth Murphy


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Electron acceleration to relativistic energies at a strong quasi-parallel shock wave

Gethyn Lewis

Nature Physics, 2013

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Simulations of relativistic collisionless shocks: shock structure and particle acceleration

J. Arons

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Connecting Shock Velocities to Electron-Injection Mechanisms

Andreas Stathopoulos

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Kinetic simulations of strongly magnetized parallel shocks: deviations from MHD jump conditions

Antoine Bret

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021

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A self-consistent analytical model for the upstream magnetic-field and ion-beam properties in Weibel-mediated collisionless shocks

C. Riconda

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The impact of kinetic effects on the properties of relativistic electron–positron shocks

Ricardo Fonseca

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Theory of Electron Injection at Oblique Shock of Finite Thickness

Masahiro Hoshino

The Astrophysical Journal, 2022

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Electron energization in quasi-parallel shocks

Mikhail Malkov

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Strong Electron Acceleration at High Mach Number Shock Waves: Simulation Study of Electron Dynamics

Masahiro Hoshino

The Astrophysical Journal, 2000

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Electron heating in quasiperpendicular shocks

Michael Gedalin

Advances in Space Research, 1995

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A Critical Mach Number for Electron Injection in Collisionless Shocks

Masahiro Hoshino

Physical Review Letters, 2010

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Collisionless Shocks -- Magnetic Field Generation and Particle Acceleration

Jacob Frederiksen


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Ion and electron heating at the low‐Mach‐number, quasi‐parallel bow shock

C. Russell

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Electron heating mechanisms at quasi-perpendicular shocks – revisited with magnetospheric multiscale measurements

Krzysztof Stasiewicz

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Nonthermal Electrons at High Mach Number Shocks: Electron Shock Surfing Acceleration

Masahiro Hoshino

The Astrophysical Journal, 2002

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Cross-Shock Potential in Rippled vs. Planar Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by MMS

L. Avanov

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Pickup protons at quasi-perpendicular shocks: full particle electrodynamic simulations

David Burgess

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Overtaking Collisions of Ion Acoustic N-Shocks in a Collisionless Plasma with Pair-Ion and (α, q) Distribution Function for Electrons

Parvin Akter


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Understanding Electron Dropout Echoes Induced by Interplanetary Shocks: Test Particle Simulations

Yixin Hao

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