Growth of Baltic Sea young-of-the-year herring Clupea harengus is resource limited (original) (raw)

Population dynamics of calanoid copepods and the implications of their predation by clupeid fish in the Central Baltic Sea

Christian Möllmann

Journal of Plankton Research, 2002

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Population dynamics of calanoid copepods and the implications of their predation by clupeid fish in the Central Baltic Sea Cover Page

Temporal and spatial variation in the growth rates of Baltic herring ( Clupea harengus membras L.) larvae during summer

Ilppo Vuorinen

Marine Biology, 2003

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Temporal and spatial variation in the growth rates of Baltic herring ( Clupea harengus membras L.) larvae during summer Cover Page

Predation by herring () and sprat () on in a western Baltic Sea bay

elena gorokhova

Ices Journal of Marine Science, 2004

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Predation by herring () and sprat () on in a western Baltic Sea bay Cover Page

Inter-annual variation in herring, Clupea harengus , and sprat, Sprattus sprattus , condition in the central Baltic Sea: what gives the tune?

Michele Casini

Oikos, 2006

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Inter-annual variation in herring, Clupea harengus , and sprat, Sprattus sprattus , condition in the central Baltic Sea: what gives the tune? Cover Page

Diel spatial distribution and feeding activity of herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the Baltic Sea

Michele Casini

Aquatic Living Resources, 2003

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Diel spatial distribution and feeding activity of herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the Baltic Sea Cover Page

Studies on Baltic Sea mysids

Martin Ogonowski

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Studies on Baltic Sea mysids Cover Page

Human-induced Trophic Cascades and Ecological Regime Shifts in the Baltic Sea

Sture Hansson, Fredrik Wulff, Ragnar Elmgren, Ulf Larsson

Ecosystems, 2007

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Human-induced Trophic Cascades and Ecological Regime Shifts in the Baltic Sea Cover Page

A bioenergetics-based population dynamics model of Pacific herring ( Clupea harengus pallasi) coupled to a lower trophic level nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton model: Description, calibration, and sensitivity analysis

David Eslinger

Ecological Modelling, 2007

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A bioenergetics-based population dynamics model of Pacific herring ( Clupea harengus pallasi) coupled to a lower trophic level nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton model: Description, calibration, and sensitivity analysis Cover Page

Winter food utilisation by sympatric mysids in the Baltic Sea, studied by combined gut content and stable isotope analyses

M. Kiljunen

Marine Biology, 2009

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Winter food utilisation by sympatric mysids in the Baltic Sea, studied by combined gut content and stable isotope analyses Cover Page

Trophic dynamics of small pelagic fish

H. Tanaka, Luis A. Cubillos, Antonio Bode, Ruben Rodriguez-Sanchez

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Trophic dynamics of small pelagic fish Cover Page

Chapter 7. Trophic dynamics

Antonio Bode

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Chapter 7. Trophic dynamics Cover Page

A Combined Approach to Understand Trophic Interactions between "Cercopagis pengoi" (Cladocera: Onychopoda) and Mysids in the Gulf of Finland

elena gorokhova

Limnology and Oceanography, 2007

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A Combined Approach to Understand Trophic Interactions between "Cercopagis pengoi" (Cladocera: Onychopoda) and Mysids in the Gulf of Finland Cover Page

Trophic dynamics

Antonio Bode

Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish, 2001

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Trophic dynamics Cover Page

Multi-level trophic cascades in a heavily exploited open marine ecosystem

Michele Casini

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008

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Multi-level trophic cascades in a heavily exploited open marine ecosystem Cover Page

Benefits from fish stocking—experiences from stocking young-of-the-year pikeperch, Stizostedion lucioperca L. to a bay in the Baltic Sea

Sture Hansson

Fisheries Research, 1997

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Benefits from fish stocking—experiences from stocking young-of-the-year pikeperch, Stizostedion lucioperca L. to a bay in the Baltic Sea Cover Page

Ecosystem flow dynamics in the Baltic Proper—Using a multi-trophic dataset as a basis for food–web modelling

Thorsten Blenckner

Ecological Modelling, 2012

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Ecosystem flow dynamics in the Baltic Proper—Using a multi-trophic dataset as a basis for food–web modelling Cover Page

An ecosystem model of food web and fisheries interactions in the Baltic Sea

Sture Hansson

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2003

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An ecosystem model of food web and fisheries interactions in the Baltic Sea Cover Page

Impact of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus on zooplankton and chl a in shallow, eutrophic, brackish lakes

Martin Søndergaard

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2003

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Impact of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus on zooplankton and chl a in shallow, eutrophic, brackish lakes Cover Page

RNA:DNA ratios of Baltic Sea herring larvae and copepods in embayment and open sea habitats

Elena Gorokhova

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2008

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RNA:DNA ratios of Baltic Sea herring larvae and copepods in embayment and open sea habitats Cover Page

Feeding ecology of central Baltic Sea herring and sprat

Georgs Kornilovs

Journal of Fish Biology, 2004

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Feeding ecology of central Baltic Sea herring and sprat Cover Page

Spatial and temporal density dependence regulates the condition of central Baltic Sea clupeids: compelling evidence using an extensive international acoustic survey

Michele Casini

Population Ecology, 2011

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Spatial and temporal density dependence regulates the condition of central Baltic Sea clupeids: compelling evidence using an extensive international acoustic survey Cover Page

Distribution, relative abundance, biomass and production of bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli in the Chesapeake Bay

Shyh-Bin Wang

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1995

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Distribution, relative abundance, biomass and production of bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli in the Chesapeake Bay Cover Page

Predicting Effects of Exploitation Rate on Weight-at-Age, Population Dynamics, and Bioaccumulation of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in Herring ( Clupea harengus L.) in the Northern Baltic Sea

Hannu Kiviranta

Environmental Science & Technology, 2007

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Predicting Effects of Exploitation Rate on Weight-at-Age, Population Dynamics, and Bioaccumulation of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in Herring ( Clupea harengus L.) in the Northern Baltic Sea Cover Page

Long-term changes and coastal eutrophication. Examples from the hand Islands and the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea

Johanna Mattila, Ea M Blomqvist


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Long-term changes and coastal eutrophication. Examples from the hand Islands and the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea Cover Page

Behavioral, Ecological and Genetic Differentiation in an Open Environment—A Study of a Mysid Population in the Baltic Sea

Martin Ogonowski, Elena Gorokhova

PLoS ONE, 2013

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Behavioral, Ecological and Genetic Differentiation in an Open Environment—A Study of a Mysid Population in the Baltic Sea Cover Page

Importance of light, temperature, zooplankton and fish in predicting the nighttime vertical distribution of Mysis diluviana

Brent Boscarino

Aquatic Biology, 2009

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Importance of light, temperature, zooplankton and fish in predicting the nighttime vertical distribution of Mysis diluviana Cover Page

The ecophysiology of Sprattus sprattus in the Baltic and North Seas

Philipp Kanstinger, Catriona Clemmesen

Progress in Oceanography, 2012

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The ecophysiology of Sprattus sprattus in the Baltic and North Seas Cover Page

Reprint of: The ecophysiology of Sprattus sprattus in the Baltic and North Seas

Christoph Petereit, Philipp Kanstinger, Catriona Clemmesen

Progress in Oceanography, 2012

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Reprint of: The ecophysiology of Sprattus sprattus in the Baltic and North Seas Cover Page

Managing Baltic Sea Fisheries under Contrasting Production and Predation Regimes: Ecosystem Model Analyses

Sture Hansson

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 2007

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Managing Baltic Sea Fisheries under Contrasting Production and Predation Regimes: Ecosystem Model Analyses Cover Page

Food-web and climate-related dynamics in the Baltic Sea: present and potential future applications in fish stock assessment and management

Michele Casini

An Evolving Perspective, 2011

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Food-web and climate-related dynamics in the Baltic Sea: present and potential future applications in fish stock assessment and management Cover Page

Elemental composition of Mysis mixta (Crustacea, Mysidacea) and energy costs of reproduction and embryogenesis under laboratory conditions

elena gorokhova

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2000

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Elemental composition of Mysis mixta (Crustacea, Mysidacea) and energy costs of reproduction and embryogenesis under laboratory conditions Cover Page

Ecology of mysid shrimps in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Sea)

Kristina Barz

Helgoland Marine Research, 2009

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Ecology of mysid shrimps in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Sea) Cover Page

Ecological commonalities among pelagic fishes: comparison of freshwater ciscoes and marine herring and sprat

Ingeborg P. Helland

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Ecological commonalities among pelagic fishes: comparison of freshwater ciscoes and marine herring and sprat Cover Page

Microsoft, Windows, Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT are reglsteretJ trademarks of Microsoft Corpor~­ tlon. Formula One and First Impression are registered trademarks of Visuai Components, Inc

Daniel Schindler

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Microsoft, Windows, Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT are reglsteretJ trademarks of Microsoft Corpor~­ tlon. Formula One and First Impression are registered trademarks of Visuai Components, Inc Cover Page

Comparison of Alewife Young-of-the-Year and Adult Respiration and Swimming Speed Bioenergetics Model Parameters: Implications of Extrapolation

Lars Rudstam

Transactions of The American Fisheries Society, 2003

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Comparison of Alewife Young-of-the-Year and Adult Respiration and Swimming Speed Bioenergetics Model Parameters: Implications of Extrapolation Cover Page

Processes and patterns of interactions in marine fish populations: an ecosystem perspective

Pierre Fréon

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Processes and patterns of interactions in marine fish populations: an ecosystem perspective Cover Page

Coupling stable isotopes with bioenergetics to evaluate sources of variation in organochlorine concentrations in Baltic salmon (Salmo salar)

Franck Courchamp

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2008

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Coupling stable isotopes with bioenergetics to evaluate sources of variation in organochlorine concentrations in Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) Cover Page

Fish and zooplankton interaction in the Central Baltic Sea

Georgs Kornilovs

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2001

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Fish and zooplankton interaction in the Central Baltic Sea Cover Page

Mysid and fish zooplanktivory in Lake Ontario: quantification of direct and indirect effects

C.h Greene, Lars Rudstam

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2006

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Mysid and fish zooplanktivory in Lake Ontario: quantification of direct and indirect effects Cover Page

Comparison of field-based and indirect estimates of daily food consumption in larval perch and zander

Susanne Worischka

Journal of Fish Biology, 1998

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Comparison of field-based and indirect estimates of daily food consumption in larval perch and zander Cover Page