Original Paper Ethical Considerations on Human Cloning-ŞTEFANIA ENESCU (4

Cloning is the process by which a genetically identical copy of a certain bacteria, plant or animal is produced by asexual reproduction. There are two types discussed human cloning: therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning, more likely to achieve a therapeutic cloning is more accessible in terms of technique, but also less morally problematic. Ethics of human cloning has become an important issue in recent years. Legalize human cloning is in the heart of the debate world, was proposed legalizing therapeutic cloning as the only way to investigate, with chances of success, the basic criterion for funding such programs as the main objective being to find treatments for incurable diseases. The cloning of human organs and their use for transplantation or cloning human beings must be taken into account technical and economic barriers.

Ethical Aspects and Laws of Reproduction Cloning in Humans


The original clone that was naturally further evolved into artificial cloning since the end of the 20th century continues to grow rapidly and became a hot issue as ' Dolly the sheep ' sticking up the surface. There are many obstacles, misperceptible and controversies especially for biomolecular researchers and biotechnology. The topic of cloning is very interesting and challenging and is believed to bring benefits to the advancement of humanity, on the other hand cloning directly related to humanity's values, ethics, and the full laws of controversies. Cloning can be utilized as a therapist, reproductively, and a replacement. This article is the result of normative legal research that is based on secondary data. Cloning reproductions produce multicell organisms that are genetically idientic without fertilization to form a human clone that removes the unique nature and becomes a burden of immense expectation and environmental acceptance issues also lose Growth period experience. Cloning can be abused as a commodity of goods that can be traded for the benefit of organ transparency, labor, similarity of figures as well as other exploitative acts rather than as a whole person who is feared to be Destroying human dignity so that it is necessary to immediately create strict rules about human cloning.

The Ethical Issues of Human Cloning

Currently there are two types of cloning under debate – cloning to produce children, and cloning for biomedical research. The main issues that lie at the heart of this ethical debate are: the morally relevant status of an embryo, procreation vs. manufacture, and the implications it may have on the family and the wider society. This essay describes the main purposes of both types of cloning, and discusses the moral issues involved.

Ethical issues in human cloning

International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI)

Cloning, which for years has remained a fiction, has finally become a reality today. Genetic engineers can now clone animals to achieve a desired type of product with unique or specific genetic make-ups. Presently, actors in this field have produced cloned sheep, mice, monkeys, pigs and cows. This paper may not exhaust the list if it continues to outline the achievements of genetic engineers today. What is discussed in this research are not only the achievements of genetic engineers, rather the ethical problems surrounding them. How moral is it to clone a cow that will grow up abnormally and die in the shortest time? Also, human beings developed through cloning will experience identity problems, authenticity, freedom, autonomy, and the problem of uniqueness. These problems and more are what this research seeks to address using the methods of analysis, evaluation, and deduction.

Ethics and cloning

British Medical Bulletin, 2018

Background: Scientists have cloned animals since the late 19th century, but the crucial step for ethics was the cloning of the first mammal by somatic cell nuclear transfer in 1997. This suggested that scientists could also clone, and possibly enhance, human beings. Sources of data: This survey examines ethical literature on cloning since the 1960s. Areas of agreement: The one ethical area of agreement in this issue is that we should not try to create new human beings by somatic cell nuclear transfer now. Areas of controversy: Ethicists disagree, however, on what justifies this norm. Some appeal to preference satisfaction and freedom from external constraints, others question this approach by more profound religious and moral considerations. Growing points: The discussion is currently not progressing, as the same arguments have been in use since the 1970s. Areas timely for developing research: Philosophers should prepare deeper analyses of the presuppositions of the ethical arguments used in the discussion before the issue surfaces again.

Ethical dimensions of therapeutic human cloning


Therapeutic human cloning has the potential significantly to reduce human suffering and enhance human happiness. This is the main ethical argument in its favour. The main ethical arguments against it centre on questions to do with the moral status of the human embryo. A subsidiary set of arguments arises from the connections between therapeutic human cloning and reproductive cloning.

Ethical Aspects within Human Cloning

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

The fast evolution of the society and the various economic and social sectors requires an ethical approach of how the information is used. This aspect does not only have legal implications, but also appeals to the moral conscience of the individual. Since the artificial cloning of Dolly the sheep, scientists have launched the question whether in a not so distant future a human being will also be created artificially. According to the legislation in force, human reproduction is forbidden; yet, in some countries, therapeutic cloning is no longer illegal.

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Human Reproductive Cloning


The aim of the essay is to explore the legal aspects of human reproductive cloning. Firstly, it gives a short introduction to the biological background of cloning, where special emphasis is laid upon the method of “somatic cell nuclear transfer” in connection with the existing forms of assisted reproductive technologies. The essay analyses the legal regulation in Hungary, Germany, England and the United States, and argues that the statutory prohibition of reproductive cloning often does not correspond to the biological facts, and this terminological ambiguity may lead to legal obscurity. Beyond that, the study also examines the factual and moral arguments against human reproductive cloning and the well-debated questions relating to reproductive rights, and fi nally, it attempts to search answers to what justifi es the intervention and the rigid statutory ban on this field.

A Prudential Personalist Ethical Appraisal of Human Cloning

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, Institute for Research and European Studies - Bitola, 2021

Numerous uncertainties are hanging over the biotechnology of human cloning which has prompted medical ethicists and religious organizations to ask questions that bordered on its ethical and religious considerations. In cloning humans, ethical and religious issues arise both in its clinical and laboratory settings hence, the morality of manipulating human genes is the foremost ethical issue among scientists and religious scholars. Therefore, this paper evaluated the human cloning technology using the personalism and prudential personalism ethical-religious models to arrive at a workable moral paradigm. To achieve this objective, the paper employed the phenomenological and critical-literary literature review methods. The paper argued that previous ethical and religious researches have not adequately employed the "ideal" ethical models to appraise the morality of human cloning hence; using the personalism and prudential personalism ethical-religious models were appropriate to reveal that every human life has worth and its commodification is an aberration. The paper concluded that based on the paradigm of prudential personalist ethics, cloning humans (especially, human reproductive cloning) negates respect for human life, human dignity, and communal goods hence it should not be practiced.