Deneyimli Kimya Öğretmenlerinin "Yanlış Kavrama" ile İlgili Alan Eğitimi Bilgilerinin İncelenmesi 12 Examination of Experienced Chemistry Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Terms of "Misconception" (original) (raw)
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Öz: Öğrencilerin öğrenme güçlükleri ve yanlış kavramaları ile ilgili bilgi birikimleri, alan eğitimi bilgisi (AEB)'nin bileşenlerinden biri olan öğrencilerin feni anlamalarına ilişkin bilginin bir alt boyutudur ve bir öğretmenin sahip olması gereken önemli bir bilgi türüdür. Bu nedenle çalışmada deneyimli kimya öğretmenlerinin yanlış kavramalar konusundaki AEB'leri incelenmiştir. Durum çalışması modeline göre tasarlanmış bu çalışmada veriler gözlem, görüşme ve ders planı yolu ile toplanmıştır. Çalışmada yirmi beş yıldan daha fazla öğretim deneyimine sahip üç kimya öğretmeni yer almıştır. Çalışma sonunda deneyimli kimya öğretmenlerinin yanlış kavramaların doğası, kaynakları ve nasıl önlenmesi gerektiği konusunda sahip oldukları AEB'lerinin kısmen gelişmiş olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca deneyimli kimya öğretmenlerinin tamamının lisans eğitimleri sırasında yanlış kavramalara yönelik eğitim almamaları nedeniyle AEB'leri arasındaki farklılığın lisansüstü eğitim yapmaları ve farklı hizmet içi eğitim aktivitilerine katılmalarına bağlı olabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu sonuçlara bağlı olarak, çalışmada sınırlı sayıda öğretmenle çalışılmış olması nedeniyle daha sonraki çalışmalarda daha fazla sayıda öğretmen ile çalışılarak kimya öğretmenlerinin yanlış kavramalara yönelik AEB'lerine katkı sağlayan etmenlerin daha detaylı incelenmesi önerilmiştir. Abstract: Teachers' knowledge about with students' learning difficulties and misconceptions is a subdimension of knowledge of students' understanding of science, which is one of the component of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and is a kind of knowledge that a teacher should be fulfilled. Thus, the aim of this study is examination of the experienced chemistry teachers' PCK about misconceptions. The study was designed according to the case study model, and the data were collected through interview, observation and lesson plan. Three chemistry teachers who had teaching experience more than twenty five years took part. At the end of the study, it was found that the experienced chemistry teachers have partial knowledge about the nature and sources of misconception and how to overcome the misconception. Additionally it was concluded that since all the experienced chemistry teachers have not been educated about misconception during their undergraduate education, the differences among their PCK can be related to the postgraduate education and participation to different in-service training activities. According to these results, since the limited number of experienced chemistry teachers participated in this study, it was suggested that the study should be widened by working with more experienced chemistry teachers and by examining the factors contributing to experienced chemistry teachers' PCK about misconception.
Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section C Chemical Education, 2016
eachers' knowledge about with students' learning difficulties and misconceptions is a subdimension of knowledge of students' understanding of science, which is one of the component of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and is a kind of knowledge that a teacher should be fulfilled. Thus, the aim of this study is examination of the experienced chemistry teachers' PCK about misconceptions. The study was designed according to the case study model, and the data were collected through interview, observation and lesson plan. Three chemistry teachers who had teaching experience more than twenty five years took part. At the end of the study, it was found that the experienced chemistry teachers have partial knowledge about the nature and sources of misconception and how to overcome the misconception. Additionally it was concluded that since all the experienced chemistry teachers have not been educated about misconception during their undergraduate education, the differences ...
ÖZET Bu çalışma, lise öğrencilerinin radyoaktivite konusundaki yanlış kavramalarının tespit edilmesi ve bu yanlış kavramaların oluşmasında ve pekiştirilmesinde ders kitaplarının etkinliğinin araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yanlış kavramaları belirlemek için radyoaktivite kavram testi uygulanmış ve seçilen öğrencilerle mülakatlar yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda, belirlenen yanlış kavramaların bazılarının aynen ders kitaplarında da yer aldığı ve kitaplardaki bazı ifade, resim ve şekillerin öğrencilerin yanlış kavramalarına neden olabilecek şekilde düzenlendiği görülmüştür. ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to determine the misconceptions of the high school students related to radioactivity and examine the effects of textbooks in such misconceptions. Radioactivity conceptual test has been applied to define the misconceptions. The study revealed some of the misconceptions were already present in the textbooks and some of the statements, pictures and diagrams were arranged in a way which may cause these misconceptions.
Trakya Journal of Education,, 2021
The focus of this research is on how well pre-service chemistry teachers know about misconceptions, determination, and then clarification of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) related to misconceptions. Participants are nineteen prospective chemistry teachers. The research was carried out in the light of the case study model and data were collected by lesson plans and observing their forty-minute lectures. At the end of the study, it was seen that the participants were able to identify the misconceptions of the subject in a way that was compatible, partially compatible, and incompatible with the literature. It was determined that they frequently preferred open-ended questions to detect possible misconceptions and then used the question-answer technique to correct misconceptions. It was concluded that the participants' completing a course on misconceptions in the previous period may have shaped their PCKs about misconception.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2012
In the literature, it has been reported that primary school teachers have not grasped enough knowledge of basic science concepts, and have held misconceptions about them. The purpose of this study is to determine prospective science teachers' levels of understanding and misconceptions about some basic chemical concepts. 200 student teachers enrolled in the primary teacher-training program, 100 of them were at the first year; the others were at the final year, participated in this study. Data was collected from a test consisting of 25 items and individual interviews conducted with 12 students to support the findings. The test scores obtained from both ffrsiyear students and final-year students were compared by using a t-test tech nique. The results from this study showed that the prospective science teachers have not got sufficient understanding and have held a number of misconceptions related to the concepts. Also, it was found that the prospec tive science teachers at the first year are more successful than those at the final year. Based on the results, some suggestions were made.
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Öğrencilerin Bazı Temel Kimya Kavramlarını Anlama Seviyeleri ve Kavram Yanılgıları
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