HPTLC finger printing profile of flower extract of Punica granatum (original) (raw)

HPTLC Fingerprint Use, an Important Step in Plant-Derived Products Quality Control


Romanian flora comprises a significant number of vegetal species, some of these already established in terms of chemical composition and pharmacological potential. Also, currently on the national profile market there are many plant-derived products for internal or external use that contain standardized extracts or herbal powders. So, it is very important for the plant-derived products production process to have quality control methods for raw materials and for finished products. In the context of complex chemical composition of vegetal raw material, depending on the cultivating region, the climate (temperature, humidity, light and wind), the harvest time and plants part used, the chromatographic fingerprint can certify the species, chromatographic fingerprint of vegetal products being one of the most simple and feasible method of quality control. Accordingly, High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) has become one of the most important tool for quality control of plant-der...

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HPTLC Fingerprint Use, an Important Step in Plant-Derived Products Quality Control Cover Page

HPTLC Fingerprint Analysis of Herbs with Nutraceutical Potentials: Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis

Background: Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis have wide distribution in India as well as South Africa, also used as pseudo-cereals in Europe and America due to their nutraceutical potentials. These herbs were used in preparation of Indian traditional medicines for treatment of wide spectrum of diseases and disorders. Objectives: To establish HPTLC Fingerprint analysis of chloroform extract of Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis herbs. Materials and Methods: The chloroform extracts of A. viridis (AVC) and A. Tricolor (ATC) were selected for HPTLC analysis. The best resolutions were obtained with solvent system of toluene: ethyl acetate in ratio of 7:3. CAMAG Linomat 5 applicator was used for sample application in volume of 5 and 10 micro litres for both plant extracts AVC and ATC in the form of band on precoated plates. The plates were developed in CAMAG glass Twin Trough Chamber 20x10cm in linear ascending direction. The total numbers of tracks were four. The detection of spots were carried out by using CAMAG TLC Scanner-3 with mercury remission florescence lamps at wavelength of 366 nm. The retention factor (Rf) values and finger print data were recorded by WIN CATS planer chromatography manager software. Results: The result revealed presence of thirteen components in A. viridis extract (AVC) and fourteen in A. Tricolor extract (ATC). Conclusion: The main finding of present study was that HPTLC finger printing of A. viridis and A. Tricolor chloroform extracts were first time established. In future these finding could be helpful for herbal drug standardization.

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HPTLC Fingerprint Analysis of Herbs with Nutraceutical Potentials: Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis Cover Page


The analysis and quality control of herbal medicines are going a step ahead towards an integrative and comprehensive direction, in order to equipment the complex nature of herbal medicines. High-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is one of the sophisticated instrumental techniques for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the herbs and herbal drugs. The reported HPTLC method was found to be rapid, simple, and accurate for substantiation of the herbal plant materials. Multidimensional chromatography is often a good choice in case of very multiplex samples, offering many advantageous features in the analysis of medicinal plants. First of all, multidimensional TLC is the only real multidimensional method in which, after the first separation in the first direction, all compounds can be passed to a second direction. A Quality Control for Authentication 107 fingerprint analysis methods to control the quality of herbal drugs have gradually come into being, such as GC, TLC, HPLC, etc. chromatographic fingerprint analysis of herbal drugs represents a comprehensive qualitative approach for the purpose of species authentication, evaluation of quality, and ensuring the consistency and stability of herbal drugs and their related products. For example, Ginseng and American ginseng, the HPTLC is difficult to distinguish them by only selecting single ginsenosides, but the HPTLC images with digital scanning profiles can easily be differentiated between them. KEYWORDS: Herbal drugs, High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC), Analytical methods

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Macroscopical and microscopical analysis of selected Indian medicinal plants and HPTLC method for quantification of chemical markers in a polyherbal formulation

Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research, 2022

Context: Pharmacognostical standardization of crude drugs is essential before carrying out its scientific validation as it furnishes the identity and authenticity of the plant. The present work was undertaken to establish the macroscopic, microscopical evaluation and HPTLC densitometric analysis of selected Indian medicinal plants and polyherbal mixture. Aims: To explore the pharmacognostical and quantitative estimation of chemical markers lupeol, rutin and shatavarin IV in polyherbal formulation using HPTLC analysis. Methods: Pharmacognostical features were studied by the macroscopic and microscopical analysis were done. High-performance thin-layer chromatography was performed to evaluate the presence of lupeol, rutin and shatavarin IV in n-hexane:ethyl acetate (6:4 v/v), ethyl acetate:acetic acid:formic acid; methanol (10:1.1:1.1:2.6 v/v) and chloroform:acetic acid:water:methanol (5:3.5:1.5:1 v/v) for lupeol, rutin and shatavarin IV, respectively. Results: The Rf values for lupeol (0.90), rutin (0.36) and shatavarin IV (0.89) in samples and reference standard were found comparable under UV light at 550, 254 and 429 nm, respectively. The quantified values of lupeol, rutin and shatavarin IV (0.067, 0.053 and 0.048 ng/g, respectively) in the polyherbal formulation were detected using HPTLC analysis. The high-performance thin-layer chromatography method developed for quantization was simple, accurate and specific. Conclusions: The present study provides useful information about plant characters and standardization of specific and accurate tools to develop quantifications for identity, transparency and reproducibility of chemical markers in polyherbal formulation.

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Macroscopical and microscopical analysis of selected Indian medicinal plants and HPTLC method for quantification of chemical markers in a polyherbal formulation Cover Page

Review on Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines

Review on Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines. Future Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Health Sciences, 2023

The concept of biological chromatographic fingerprinting for quality control of herbal samples is still relatively new. It was initially developed using HPLC, and more recently, thin-layer chromatography was used to extract the botanical profiles of herbal samples (TLC). This study provides an overview of the use of liquid chromatographic methods for the botanical fingerprint analysis (BFA) of sophisticated herbal specimens. The prospects for biological TLC fingerprint development are discussed in more detail since it is a relatively novel option. Along with previous research, some novel findings are presented and recognized. The objective of the paper is to awaken scientists to the peculiar solutions provided by biological fingerprint construction.

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Review on Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines Cover Page

Phytochemical Fingerprinting through Computerized HPTLC System for Quality Control of Herbal Drugs

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2018

High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is a sophisticated instrumental technique based on the full capabilities of thin layer chromatography. The advantages of automation, scanning, full optimization, selective detection principle, minimum sample preparation, hyphenation, etc. enable it to be a powerful analytical tool for chromatographic information of complex mixtures of inorganic, organic, and bio-molecules. Development of chemical fingerprints using HPTLC is an effective tool for linking the chemical constituent's profile of the plant with botanical identity as well as qualitative and quantitative estimation of chemical and biochemical markers. It has the potential to determine authenticity and reliability of chemical constituent of herbal drugs and formulations.

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Phytochemical Fingerprinting through Computerized HPTLC System for Quality Control of Herbal Drugs Cover Page

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Discrimination and classification techniques applied on Mallotus and Phyllanthus high performance liquid chromatography fingerprints Cover Page

A new method for the authentication of plant samples by analyzing fingerprint chromatograms

Phytochemical Analysis, 2007

Chemical analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis of plant pulverized samples, juices or extracts is an excellent method for the authentication of medicinal plant species and their products, particularly when morphological authentication is not possible. In the conventional procedure, chromatograms are integrated and the heights or areas of several peaks are used in a supervised pattern recognition method to confirm the authenticity of the product. We propose a new section approach in analysing chromatograms, where chromatograms are split into sections, which are described by four variables (number of peaks in the section, average retention time of peaks in the section, total area of peaks in the section and average area of peaks in the section), and these variables are then used in statistical analysis. The method is especially useful when the peaks on the chromatogram are not well separated and it is not easy to link individual peaks on one chromatogram with corresponding peaks on other chromatograms. In comparison with the standard procedure, our approach in analyzing chromatographic data of willow-herb (Epilobium and Chamaenerion spp.) extracts was more objective, gave better results and was also easier to perform. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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A new method for the authentication of plant samples by analyzing fingerprint chromatograms Cover Page

HPLC-MS and HPTLC Finger printing of fractions of Asteracantha longifolia Leaf extract


Chromatographic techniques can be used to investigate the molecular fingerprinting of the herbal compounds. In the present study, we explore the HPLC-MS and HPTLC finger printing pattern of three fractions (methanol soluble, water soluble, and residual fraction) of hot water leaf extract of Astercantha longifolia (AL) Linn. Nees. Methanolic and residual fractions were fractionated into two peaks each by HPLC with retention times of 1.07, 4.72 min and 0.95, 1.15 min, respectively. On the contrary, only one peak was observed in the aqueous fraction with a retention time of 0.91 min using a NovaPak ® C-18 column. Considering the m/z values it could be attributed that methanolic and aqueous fraction may contain a relatively high percentage of a compound having m/z value of 118. Methanolic and residual fraction has an unique m/z value of 114 which was absent in the aqueous fraction. Methanolic fraction has distinct m/z values of 132, 142 and 261 which makes it separate from the other two...

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HPLC-MS and HPTLC Finger printing of fractions of Asteracantha longifolia Leaf extract Cover Page

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Comparative Fingerprint and Extraction Yield of Medicinal Herb Cover Page