TIBERIUS IN ILLYRICUM Contributions to the history of the Danubian provinces under Tiberius’ reign (14–37 AD) (original) (raw)
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Atti Soc. Preist. Protost. Friuli-V.G., Trieste, 2008-2009
(UKRAINE) RIASSUNTO -L'Epigravettiano Orientale nella regione settentrionale del Mar d'Azov (Ucraina). Il presente lavoro riguarda uno degli aspetti dell'Epigravettiano dell'Ucraina, quello della regione settentrionale del Mar d'Azov. L'autore ritiene che l'Epigravettiano dell'Europa Orientale si suddivida in Epigravettiano Classico, che presenta un'origine comune a quello dell'Europa Centrale, e Epigravettiano Orientale, che invece presenta una sua propria identità storica. Una delle varietà dell'Epigravettiano Orientale riguarda gli elementi dell'industria di tipo Kamennaja Balka. In Ucraina a questo aspetto dell'Epigravettiano Orientale sono attribuibili tre diverse culture: 1) quella del Mar d'Azov settentrionale (che si distribuisce nella regione orientale del Dnieper meridionale e sulla costa del Mar d'Azov), 2) quella di Siuren', in Crimea, e 3) quelle di Rogalyk e Peredelska nell'Ucraina orientale. L'autore fornisce l'elenco delle stazioni del Cultura del Mar d'Azov settentrionale e le caratteristiche tipologiche dei complessi; analizza inoltre la cronologia e periodizzazione di questi aspetti culturali.
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th Aguntum Workshop Roman Settlements and the "Crisis" of the 3 rd Century 1 Karl Strobel, Das sogenannte 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. im Spiegel historischer, regionaler und lokaler Diversität: Grundlagen einer historisch-archäologischen Quellenkritik In der Rückschau zeigt sich die Epoche zwischen der Regierung Marc Aurels und der Ausbildung des tetrarchischen Herrschaftssystems und der daraus hervorgehenden constantinischen Dynastie als jene Übergangsphase, in der sich der seit den 260er Jahren beschleunigte Wandel in die Welt des spätantiken Imperium Romanum vollzog. Sie kann weder unter dem Begriff der "Krise des 3. Jahrhunderts" noch einer allgemeinen Krise des Reiches zutreffend erfasst werden. Eine derartig schematisierende Etikettierung, die zugleich ein ganz bestimmtes Geschichtsbild konnotiert, und zwar selbst dann, wenn nur formelhaft verwendet, wird der notwendigen zeitlichen und räumlichen Differenzierung nicht gerecht. Als geschichtstheoretisches wie methodisches Konzept besagt "Krise" eben nicht Niedergang, Zerfall, beschleunigten Prozess, negativ bewertete bzw. bewertbare Veränderung oder Auflösung. Krise kann nicht ein andauernder Zustand sein, muss zeitlich konkret abgrenzbar sein, substantielle Störungen eines Systems bzw. objektiv wirksame Brüche markieren und mit der existentiellen historischen Entscheidung über bestehende Strukturen und Systeme verbunden sein. Zentrales Phänomen war die Destabilisierung des monarchischen Herrschaftssystems durch die auf das Ende dynastischer Legitimation mit der Ermordung des Commodus folgende Wiederkehr des Bürgerkrieges 193-197 nach mehr als 120 Jahren und das Scheitern einer Dynastiebildung nach der Ermordung des Severus Alexander 235 n. Chr. Dabei war Rom sehr wohl in der Lage durch raumgreifende Offensiven jenseits der Grenzzonen des Imperium populi Romani aktiv zu handeln, wie die Feldzüge unter Severus Alexander, Maximinus Thrax, Gordian III., Iulius Philippus, Odaenath, Aurelian und Carus zeigen. Die offensiven Aktionen der neuen sassanidischen Dynastie im Osten konnten sowohl unter Severus Alexander wie unter Gallienus zurückgeschlagen und der Krieg ins gegnerische Reichsgebiet getragen werden, von dem Angriffskrieg des Carus und der vernichtenden sassanidischen Niederlage 297/298 ganz zu schweigen. Auch ging der niedergermanische Limes 275 nicht unter. Selbst der Gotenkrieg unter Decius sah den Sieg des untermoesischen Heeres unter Trebonianus Gallus und die Vernichtung des gotischen Königsheeres unter Ostrogota durch Decius, der dann aber dem wohl vor allem aus ehemaligen Föderateneinheiten des römischen Heeres bestehenden Verband des Kniva unterlag. Auch die Invasionen von militärischen Verbänden aus den Räumen jenseits der Grenzen an Rhein und Donau standen jeweils in direktem Zusammenhang mit den innenpolitischen Krisen der Bürgerkriege und dem Handeln der verschiedenen Usurpatoren. Auch von einem Niedergang des Städtewesens ist nicht zu sprechen. Der entscheidende Bruch in weiten Teilen des östlichen Mittelmeerraumes war die Erdbebenserie der 360er Jahre. Krisenhafte Phasen des politischen Systems finden sich 238, 253, 260-261, 268, 270, 275-276 und 284/285; die wiederkehrende Instabilität des monarchischen Herrschaftssystems war Kennzeichen. Krisen im eigentlichen Sinne lassen sich im Politisch-Militärischen wie in Massengesundheit und Versorgung überregional wie regional und lokal sowie auch zeitlich stark differenziert als relativ kurz eingrenzbare Teilphänomene der historischen Gesamtentwicklung aufzeigen. Die Analyse ist auf die weiter gegebene hohe Stabilität des Gesamtsystems, die regionalen, räumlich begrenzten Krisen, den regional differenzierten Wandel und die Akzentuierung von Brüchen auszurichten. Der irreführende und zudem weithin ohne viel Überlegung konventionell verwendete Begriff der "Krise des 3. Jahrhundert" oder "Crisis of the 3rd Century" sollte aus dem wissenschaftlich Sprachgebrauch heute verschwunden sein, wobei auf die ausführliche Begründung in Verf., Das Imperium Romanum im ‚3. Jahrhundert' -Modell einer historischen Krise? (1993) zu verweisen ist. th Aguntum Workshop Roman Settlements and the "Crisis" of the 3 rd Century Noviomagus Batavorum (now Nijmegen in Netherlands) we find the stele, made by his wife, of L. Cornelius Cinna, of Mutina (Modena in Italy), veteran of the XX legion, who died at the age of 65; in Mogontiacum (Mainz in Germany) the legionary of Mutina, P. Flavoleius Cordus, died at the age of 43, in the first century AD, whose funerary monument was made by his friend and comrade-in-arms Gaius Vibennius, son of Lucius, for testamentary execution. We find Marcus Terentius in Carnuntum (near Vienna), son of Marcus, of Vicetia (Vicenza in Italy), enlisted in the Menenia Tribus, soldier of the XV legion, who died at the age of 32 after twelve years of service, or also the funerary stele of Quintus Cerfonius Celer, son of Quintus, of Florentia (Florence), in the Scapita Tribus, soldier of the X legion in the centuria of Elius Saturninus, died at the age of 47 years. th Aguntum Workshop Roman Settlements and the "Crisis" of the 3 rd Century th Aguntum Workshop Roman Settlements and the "Crisis" of the 3 rd Century
The research of the frontiers of the Roman Empire goes back to centuries, but the importance of its research on international level and broad collaboration emerged in the fifties of the 20th century. The initiator of this process was Professor Eric Birley who organized the first International Limes Congress in 1949. The long row of these conferences has brought together the scholars of many nations, and now it is evident that the only possible and effective way to gain more precise results about the military history of Rome and the immense organisation of its frontier defence can be achieved only through international cooperation in the fields of ancient history and archaeology. This activity has got a strong impetus from new research methods like aerial archaeology, geophysics, GPS and LIDAR technology, but first of all by the computer technology and internet in the last decades of the 20th century. It is then the time to apply all old and new methods in an international system to provide a common platform to support the international research, and to facilitate the access to the enormous quantity of different data. This device is an international scientific database – the CLIR database – that comprises all possible features and data of the Roman Frontiers. Following the first steps have been made since the seventies of the previous century the idea got its form in the Corpus limitum imperii Romani program that has been adopted by the International Union of Academies in 2011 as the 79th – now 80th– international scientific research program of IUA for the Danube provinces. I owe to express my gratitude towards the International Union of Academies, the Pécs Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the University of Pécs for their strong and permanent support to create and activate the CLIR program. My special thank is due to Professor Miklós Maróth who has been supporting the program since the beginnings. This conference could not have been organized without the financial support of UAI and Professor Jean-Luc de Paepe, the Pécs Regional Committee of HAS as hosting institute, and the University of Pécs that ensures the research possibilities to the CLIR International Academic Research Centre. Let me express my gratitude to all these institutions and their representants! Pécs, September 2021 Zsolt Visy
Participant Fourth Colloquia Ceranea International Conference (12-14 May 2022, Łódź)
Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Suspected Residues of Ancient Perfumes Perfumers today and in the past employ a variety of organic and inorganic materials to produce predictable effects in the sense of smell. The organic materials, specifically what today are known as 'essential oils', also play an important role in the archeology of perfume. Essential oils are types of fats known terpenoids, and they can be used as a botanical 'fingerprint', helping archaeologists to narrow in on a possible range of botanical origins for a particular archaeological find. One of the main problems, however, is that these methods are often destructive. To prevent this drawback, we used a micro-destructive technique, namely Raman spectroscopy. Natural polymers from residues were studied with respect to the interference between them (degraded and complex polymers) and elucidated using thermally-aged materials meant to mimic natural degradation of the samples. Raman spectroscopy gave valuable results concerning the behavior of aged samples and the interactions between the perfume materials used. The method promises to advance our study not only of residues, but of replications, by modeling their decomposition. Angelovska-Panova Maja Marxist and religious dichotomy in Kosta Racin's publicism: The case of Bogomilism Kosta Racin (1908-1943) was a Macedonian revolutionary, publicist and poet, who in his publicist activity especially referred to the phenomena of Bogomilism. Namely, he is the author of several articles in which the Bogomil issue is treated, as follows: "Dragovit Bogomils", "Rural movement of the Bogomils in the Middle Ages "and" Bogomils "created in the period between 1938 and 1940. Despite the dominant influence of Marxist ideology, Racin is quite objective in defining the essence of Bogomilism as a "religious and oppositional sect" that later will grow into a real social and reform movement. Actually, the purpose of the paper is to reconstruct the Bogomilism in terms of Racin's methodology, based on the dichotomous interpretation in sense of Marxist dialectics and religious predisposition. Atanassov Vladislav The Bogomils and the Cross The cross is one of the most significant features of Christianity and plays a central role in theology. Unlike other topics of Christian teaching, it is hardly the subject of controversy in the ancient church. Therefore, it is noteworthy that the Bogomils reject his veneration. This paper compares and analyzes the motives of the heretics, designated as Bogomils in bulgarian and byzantine sources, in order to identify the differences and similarities between them. Another main goal is to make a comparison with other medieval heretical movements that reject the veneration of the cross: especially with the Paulicians and the Patarens. Identifying