Classroom Interaction in the English Department Speaking Class at State University of Malang (original) (raw)

Analysis Of Classroom Interaction In Speaking Class At A Senior High School In Bandar Lampung


This study compares patterns of interactions among teachers and students in all English speaking class by using three different newspaper topics: political, economy and entertainment. The subject of the research was 31 students of a senior high school in Bandar Lampung.The result shows that three were differences in the patterns of interaction when learners were given three different newspaper article topics. The differences were found in terms of the patterns of interactions among teacher-students, and students- students as well at kinds of interactional contribution categories.This suggests that using various topics from various sources of materials provided good stimulus for learners to practice their English in the classroom. The closer the topic to the learners daily interest the more they will likely to actively involve in the interactions.

Teacher Talk and Learner Talk in The Classroom Interaction (An Interaction Analysis to an English Language Class at SMP N 2 Sindang

The purpose of this research was to know what teacher talk constitute in classroom interaction, what learner talk constitute in classroom interaction and what percentages of the teacher and learner talk in classroom interaction. The methodology of research used in this research is interaction analysis. An English teacher and whole learners of VII A grade class at SMP N 2 Sindang were chosen as the sample in this research. The class is in the second semester in academic year 2009-2010. In this research the writer applied interview questions for teacher and learners and FIAC (Flanders Interaction Analysis Category). The result of this research showed that teacher more active than learner in the interaction. The teacher generally did most of talking during the lesson. In the available data showed that the teacher used more in indirect influence of FIAC category, they are; accepting feeling, encouragement, accepting or using idea of the learner, and asking question) rather than direct influence (lecturing, giving direction, and criticizing). It is about 49.6% / 16.4 %. Thus the total of teacher talk is 56.4% of the class time. Meanwhile the learners did more response rather than initiation with percentage 30.4% / 12.4% from the total learner talk is 42.8%. INTRODUCTION Teaching and learning process is an essential communication process between teacher and learner. For the massage, like information or material to be accepted well by learner, the use of effective approach is suggested. The approach must involving teacher and learner interaction. Based on the principle of teaching a language, the main objective of all language learning is the ability of using the target language (Azie and Alwasilah: 1996). This objective can be achieved by means of following various teaching methods among others by using different kinds of learning approach and technique. In English foreign Language (EFL) class, learners are still not familiar with English in daily conversation, except several learners who have background in using English in their home or environments. Because of that reason, teacher has some rule as facilitator to introduce them into new language especially as a model. To implement those functions teacher need to create an interactive climate in language classroom. Interaction is key word for language teachers.

A Descriptive Study on Interaction in Speaking Classroom at the Eleventh Year of SMK Bina Patria 1 Sukoharjo in 2008/2009 Academic Year


The researcher organizes her research into five chapters. Chapter I is introduction, which includes background of the study, problem statements, limitation of the study, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and research paper organization. Chapter II is review of related literature, which consists of previous study, teacher and students interaction in speaking classroom, aspect of interaction, roles of the teacher, roles of the students, and Flander's Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC). Chapter III is research method, which deals with type of research, subject of the study, object of the study, data and data source, method of collecting data, and technique for analyzing data. Chapter IV is the research result and discussion. Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion.

Classroom Interaction In English Speaking Class: A Naturalistic Study At Speaking Class In SMP N 2 Mojolaban


This research aims to describe the types of classroom interaction, the roles of classroom interaction, and the dominant type of classroom interaction in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research especially naturalistic study. The methods of collecting data in this research are observation, recording, and document. The observation conducted in teaching learning process in classroom and the writer noted it as the document. The writer used theory by Mozkowitz (1971, 1976) about Foreign Language Interaction Analysis System. The result of this research showed that there were three types of classroom interaction in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang, such as: teacher-student interaction (TS), student-teacher interaction (ST), and student-student interaction (SS). There were several roles of classroom interaction in speaking class, based on the types of interaction. The roles of teacher-student for giving information, praising, giving explanation, request, displaying question, translation in L1, correct mistakes, repeating words, giving instruction and laughter. The roles of student-teacher interaction were student initiated, students' response, and asking for students' confusion. The roles of student-student interaction include work in pairs and group. The dominant type of classroom interaction in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang was teacher-student interaction. The writer concluded that the dominant type of classroom interaction in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang was teacher-student interaction.

Classroom Interaction in Communicative Language Teaching of Secondary School


This research aimed to describe the dynamics of classroom interaction and examine the factors influencing it. The researcher utilized qualitative methods, including classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires. The findings revealed that the teacher predominantly led and controlled the interaction. Good interaction only occurs at the beginning of the lesson, so for the most part, the teacher initiates and the students only responded to the teacher by giving answers in the form of phrases or words. For interaction between students they are interacted with their friends most of the time. But, mostly, it was not related to the English topic discussed. The researcher also found several factors affecting classroom interaction, such as students' lack of motivation, hesitancy to speak and engage in class discussions due to limited vocabulary, embarrassment, and fear of making mistakes.

The Patterns of Classroom Interaction in English Speaking Course


This research was carried out to explore the patterns of interaction that occurred in the classroom process of English speaking class and teachers educator’s reason in using that pattern in English speaking class in Department of English Language Education UIN Ar-Raniry. Two English speaking teachers educator took part in the study. Classroom observation and reflective interview were used to collect data. The data were analyzed by transcribing and analyzing by using Miles and Huberman’s (1994) framework. The classroom processes carried out by the lecturers were video and audio-recorded. The findings show that the patterns of classroom process the teacher educators did fall into IRF, IRE, Individual work, group work, choral response, teacher talk, open-ended teacher questioning, student initiates - teacher responds, gives challenge, teacher  students interaction. However, the most common pattern from the first lecturer is individual work and from the second lecturer are IRF and grou...

Classroom Interaction Strategies Employed by English Teachers at Lower Secondary Schools

TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English, 2015

This article reports a study on teachers' use of interaction strategies in English Language Teaching (ELT) in lower secondary level of education. The study involved eighteen teachers from Lower Secondary Schools in Malang, East Java. Classroom observation was selected as a method in this study by utilizing Self Evaluation Teacher Talk (SETT) as the instrument. SETT, developed by Walsh (2006), was adopted as the observation protocol as it characterises teacher-student interaction. Thirty lessons taught by 18 teachers were observed. The findings revealed that much of the teacherstudent interaction in Lower Secondary Schools centred on the material mode, skill and system mode. The most frequent strategies were initiation response feedback (IRF) patterns, display questions, teacher echo, and extended teacher turns, while students' extended turns were rare. It is argued that in order to improve the Indonesian ELT, there is a need to provide an alternative to ELT classroom interaction. The article concludes by highlighting the importance of adopting some classroom interaction strategies that are more facilitative to students' oral communicative competence.

Classroom Interaction and Developing Speaking Skill

The idea that interaction could and should take place in the classroom became more and more popular especially in second or foreign language classroom. Today, many researchers claim that through classroom interaction knowledge can be constructed and skills can be developed.


This study entitles " Classroom Interaction Analysis in the EFL Speaking Class " aimed at analyzing the categories of teacher talk, student talk and classroom interaction types used during EFL speaking class. The research employed a qualitative design and applied a case study. Subjects of the research were an English teacher and 25 students at the second semester of English Education Department of the University of Kuningan. The data were gained through naturalistic observation and document analysis. The data were analyzed by using FLINT (Foreign Language Interaction) system as developed by Moskowitz (1971) and types of classroom interaction of Malamah-Thomas' (1987) frameworks. The findings revealed that both teacher and students applied all categories of talk as mentioned in FLINT system and classroom interaction types. It is recommended for the teacher to apply more categories of 'praises and encourages' to build students' confidence in speaking, 'asks questions' to promote their communicative skill and to encourage students to use English during speaking activities, particularly in group work activities.