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COLLASE (Creative of Learning Students Elementary Education)
Certification means to improve the quality of teacher competence. Certification allowances still raise questions about low teacher competency and student learning achievement. Based on this, a study was conducted on the effect of certification (x) benefits on teacher competency (y) and their implications for student learning achievement (z). The research aims: 1) Effect of certification benefits on teacher competence. 2) Effect of teacher competence on student learning achievement. 3) Efforts need to be made to improve teacher competency and student learning achievement. Research uses descriptive methods with quantitative approache. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling technique. The sample consisted of 33 teachers. Samples were selected with nonprobability sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires, interviews, and student test results. Validity test using product moment formula, and reliability testing using the alpha coefficient formula. Data analysis t...
Impact of Teacher Certification Toward Learning Quality: A Case Study in Elementary School
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Economic, Social Science, and Humanities – Economics, Business and Management Track (ICOBEST-EBM 2019), 2020
The purpose of this research was to obtain an overview of the impact of teacher certification on improving the quality of learning. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with the research instrument used was a questionnaire and interview. The respondents in this study were 50 certified elementary school teachers in northern Bandung and central Bandung. The results of the study showed that teacher certification has not had a significant effect on improving the quality of learning, this can be seen from: a lack of teacher understanding of learning models; teachers lack mastery in thematic learning material; communication between teachers and parents is still not good, and; coordination between teachers and schools to get support for facilities is still not good. Therefore it is necessary to improve the quality of teacher competencies such as pedagogic competence, professional competence, competence, social competence and personality competence.
Teacher Certification Systems. Policy Brief
Pacific Resources For Education and Learning, 2006
T he relationship between good teaching and student achievement elevates the importance of teacher quality in the eyes of parents, educators, and policy makers. According to 55% of American parents surveyed in 1998 by Louis Harris and Associates (NEA, 1999), the quality of teachers is "the greatest influence on student learning." We know from research that good teaching does not happen by accident. While some teachers may have a special gift to help students learn, good teaching encompasses critical elements, such as knowledge of the learning process, child development, teacher experiences, academic ability, and content knowledge. Knowing about these critical elements and having the ability to contextualize them to the learner makes learning a much more meaningful and relevant pursuit, as well as that teacher ideal. The notion of "highly qualified teachers" is the backbone of recently enacted U.S. federal legislations such as No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004), and the Higher Education Act (HEA). The message in all three legislations is loud and clear: all students must progress; special education and general education are interrelated and interdependent; and personnel preparation, particularly teacher preparation, is instrumental in improving performance of all students. These federal policies have far reaching influence and impact beyond the 50 states.
The Influence of Teacher’s Certification on Teacher’s Performance
The results of the analysis on the impact of teacher’s certification affect the teacher performance. That can be shown that there is a positive relationship and significant result between the impact of teacher’s certification, teacher’s competence, work motivation, and work commitment with the teacher’s performance. The result of relationship between the independent variables simultaneously toward the dependent variable. The impacts of certification, teacher’s competence, work motivation, work commitment simultaneously have significant impact on the teacher’s performance which is equal to Y = -3450 + 0.822X1 + 0.642X2 + 0.606X3 + - 0.021X4. Keywords: the impact of teacher’ certification, teacher’s competence, motivation, commitment, teacher’s performance.
A review of Teacher qualifications
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Abstract The paper reviewed the controversy surrounding the teachers' qualifications and its influence on students' academic achievement. The paper measured teachers' qualification using seven indicators which are: formal education, experience, subject matter knowledge, pedagogy studies, duration of training, certificate/licensing and professional development. The paper reviewed different opinions on the relationship between these indicators and students' academic achievement. Though, it seems there is no consensus among the authors as regard the subject. However, there is a common opinion that subject matter knowledge, pedagogy studies, professional development and years of experience are imperative and positively correlated with students' academic achievement. As a new dimension to the argument, this paper conceptualized teacher qualification into two categories. The article posits that one of the categories, teacher's personal quality is more important than certification. The paper suggested some recommendations.
Analysis of Impact from Teacher Certification
This research applies qualitative research and study case as its method. The aim of this research is to describe professional competence and learning process improvement after teacher certification program in Bojongrangkas 02 Elementary School, Bogor. Triangulation is employed during the data collection, which is the combination of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis consecutively consists of data reductions process, presentation, and conclusion. The data then is examined through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability test. The subjects taken are three teachers who have been certified in Bojongrangkas 02 Elementary School. The result of the professional competence reveals that the teachers are able to master the fundamental notions of learning, handle the various students’ ability, prepare the learning program, cope with stake holders at the school, understand the learning subject well, prepare the lessons based on the curriculum an...
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2007
In this paper, we describe the results a study assessing the relationship between the certification of teachers by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and elementaryleve l student achievement. We examine whether NBPTS assesses the most effective applicants, whether certification by NBPTS serves as a signal of teacher quality, and whether completing the NBPTS assessment process serves as catalyst for increasing teacher effectiveness. We find consistent evidence that NBPTS is identifying the more effective teacher applicants and that National Board Certified Teachers are generally more effective than teachers who never applied to the program. The statistical significance and magnitude of the "NBPTS effect," however, differs significantly by grade level and student type. We do not find evidence that the NBPTS certification process itself does anything to increase teacher effectiveness.
Carol O. Ezeugbor
The study investigated the assessment of teaching quality through the perceptions of University undergraduate students. It was a survey design carried out in the two government owned Universities in Anambra State of Nigeria. The participants were made up of 610 students drawn through convenient sampling. The study was guided by three research questions. A 21-item questionnaire, validated by experts in education was used to collect relevant data for the study. Out of 1,000 copies of questionnaire distributed, 894 (89%) were returned. Data analysis was done using mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that, though teachers maintained good communication link with the students, their academic support to the students and effective handling of the studying process was low. Based on these findings, the researcher recommended among other, that university management should adopt a more effective monitoring process of lecturers during teaching periods.
Evaluation of Certified Teachers
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This evaluation research intends to define the achievement of certified teachers in Senior High Schools (HS). The first variable is compiling lesson plans, the second is performing learning in class, the third is attending evaluations, the fourth is student guidance. The research found that the instrument model measures the evaluation of certified teachers, teacher performance meets the standards, low, medium, or high categories. This study used qualitative and quantitative methods, a sample of 86 certified teachers. The instrument consisted of 80 items designed from the previous prototype, namely the teacher performance evaluation instrument; interview guide, and questionnaire. Data analysis by arranging data through patterns, basic descriptions, and data categories was tested using Mardaphi statistical analysis techniques. Furthermore, the preparation of the instrument refers to the Borg & Gall application, namely the stages of preliminary study, formulating requirements, formulating model formulation, and implementation. This study found an evaluation instrument capable of measuring teacher performance accurately in carrying out learning. The conclusion from the first research variable is that the teacher's performance in compiling the lesson plans is category as good. Second, the implementation of learning in the classroom is a category as good, the third evaluations are in a good category, the fourth is guiding students in the medium category because the teacher's performance is not optimal, and the opportunity to get scholarships to continue studies is however inadequate.